Foodsphere V Mauricio
Foodsphere V Mauricio
Foodsphere V Mauricio
Yes. Atty. Mauricio has violated the code of professional responsibility. His
recourse to the Media, even after being told to desist from such was a clear
violation of Rule 13.03 of Canon 13, ―A lawyer shall not make public
statements in the media regarding a pending case tending to arouse public
opinion for or against a party‖. His action has put not only the company
Foodsphere and CDO in a bad light, but has also degraded the dignity and
authority of the legal system. Besides the above, he has also violated Canon
1.01 by engaging in deceitful conduct taking advantage of the complaint against
CDO to advance his own interests, and Canon 8, when he used abusive and
offensive language in his dealings.