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Week 1: Traditional Dance Components of Body Movements

Dance ● Locomotor Movements

➢ It is a form of expression of oneself through ○ are those that move the body in
rhythmic movements. space in any direction with the feet
➢ is an expression of the body, following as the moving base.
rhythmic patterns and is accompanied by ○ Non-stationary movement
music. From the primitive man expressing Walking
emotions in such events as birth, death, Running
marriage, war among other things, dance Hopping - spring movement using one foot
has evolved to modern forms of social
Leaping - spring movement, one foot
landing into another foot
Folk Dance
Sliding - glide and quick close movement
➢ are the indifenous dances of any specific
Galloping - series of stepping and cutting
“folk” or common people.
Ethnic Dance
Jumping - spring movement, both feet
➢ It is classified into two: Non-Christian and
Skipping - fast step hop
Christian Dance.
● Non-locomotor Movement
○ are movements done in place, with
Health Benefits of Dancing
one part of the body serving as an
● Improved condition of your heart and lungs
axis or based around which other
● Increased muscular strength, endurance
parts move.
and motor fitness
○ Stationary movements
● Increased aerobic fitness
● Improved muscle tone and strength Bend or Flex - moving round joints

● Weight management Twist - rotation of some body parts

● Stronger bones and reduced risk of Stretch - extension movement
osteoporosis Swing
● Better coordination, agility and flexibility
● Improved balance and spatial awareness Traditional Dance
● Increased physical confidence ➔ Folk dance or ceremonial dance
● Improved mental functioning ➔ Used more often when emphasis is placed
● Improved general and psychological well on the dance’s cultural roots.
being Greater self-confidence and
self-esteem 2 Types of Traditional Dance
● Better social skills ● ETHNIC DANCE → is simply a dance which
is typical of a particular cultural group.
General Tips for Dancing Under this definition, as it begins in a
1. See your doctor for a check-up. culturally distinct region of Europe, even
2. Always do warm-up and cool down. polka, which is almost always a social
3. Drink water. dance, can be called ethnic.
4. Rest. ● FOLK DANCE → As tribal cultures in
5. Do not push yourself too much. Europe gave way to more formal cultures,
the old forms of dance slowly developed
Things to Remember into what is now called folk or peasant
● Dancing is a way to stay fit. dance. These preserved much of their
● There is no such age, shape or size. original significance for a long time, and
● A great way to meet new people. may therefore have provided the current
"racial" designation.
b. Examples: Singkil and Pangalay
Philippine Folk Dance 4. TRIBAL DANCE
● Francisca Reyes-Aquino a. The large regions of Mindanao are
○ Mother of the Philippine Folk Dance populated by the T'boli, Bilaan,
because of her invaluable work as Manobo, Bagobo, and others. Like
the first researcher in Philippine Folk their counterparts in Northern Luzon,
dancing. such groups honor pagan Gods for
● It is Traditional the daily fruits and trials. What sets
● Has an expressive behavior them apart from other Philippine
● Simple, basic rhythm dominates the folk tribes is their exquisite
dance and establishes the pattern of craftsmanship in tools, clothes, and
movement. jewelry.
● It is created by an unknown choreographer b. Example: Madal Tahaw Manobo –
or through communal efforts. Bangkakaw
● It performs a function in the like of the 5. RURAL DANCE
people. a. There are dances that have
● Social rather than competitive managed to steer clear of Western
influences and have no obvious
Five Major Classification of Philippine Folk foreign features to this day. Such as
Dance a tagalog war dance like the
1. CORDILLERA DANCE "Maglalatik". The topic of this dance
a. Cordillera, a name given by the is open war between Christian and
Spanish conquistadors when the Muslim soldiers over "Latik" or the
mountain ranges were first seen. residue of coconuts.
The Spanish word refers to the b. Examples: Maglalatik, Saut sa
jumbled rolls and dips of this long Rarug, Oasioas
range across the northern part of
Luzon Island, meaning "knotted Fundamentals Position of Arms and Feet
b. Showcasing their clothes. Week 2: Ethnic Dance
c. Example: Pattong, Banga Dance
2. SPANISH INFLUENCES DANCE Ritual - a religious or solemn ceremony consisting
a. Almost 400 years of Spanish rule left of a series of actions performed according to a
an inescapable mark on the prescribed order.
Philippines. Spain brought all facets
of its society to the Islands with Ethnic - actions performed according to a
them. This includes the Catholic prescribed order. Used to distinguish religious
faith, music, and clothes. dances, and designed as hymns of praise to God.
b. Example: Jota Habanera
3. MUSLIM DANCE Traditional Dance (Ethnic Dance)
a. They are known for their beauty, This is a dance that is indigenous to a certain race
royalty and mysticism that are or country. The term “ethnic” is used to distinguish
evident in their music and dances. religious dances, and designed as hymns of praise
Accompanied by the agong ang to a god, or to bring on good fortune in peace and
kumintang, Filipino Muslim dance is war. They are symbolic in meaning that can’t be
characterized by intricate movement understood easily by persons who don’t belong to
of the hand and arm along with the ethnic group.
shimmering costumes.
Types of Ethnic Dance 3. Occupational Dance - depicts the lifestyle
1. Ritual Dance - combined improvisational and daily work of the people living in various
movement, music and ritual for a specific, topographies.
shared purpose. a. Mananagat (Cebu) - occupational
a. Dugso (Bukidnon) - shows the dance which originated from Bogo,
Higaonon (people of the living Cebu. This dance imitates the work
mountains) performing the ritual of of a fisherman and his companions.
hinaklaran (offering) wherein the b. Tudak (Bukidnon) - is an acts out of
men and women hold hands while a whole sequence of the rice cycle
moving around in the measured into dance.
steps named after a peculiar body
movement. The women are also HIPHOP
dressed in colorful dresses and
Hip-hop Dance - Refers to street dance styles
panikas or feathered combs full of primarily performed to hip-hop music or that have
evolved as part of hip-hop culture.
colorful yarns, mirrors, beads and
gold spangles. Locking - Based on the concept of locking which
means freezing from a fast movement.
b. Pagdidiwata (Palawan) - is a dance
originating from the Tagbanua tribe Popping - The style demands continuous
contraction of the muscles to the beat to give a
of Palawan which depicts rituals
jerky/snapping effect – a bouncy style.
after a rice harvest. These rites are
held as part thanksgiving and part
Breakdance/B-Boying - Breaking or b-boying,
an appeal for continued protection. commonly called breakdancing, is a style of
dance that evolved as part of hip-hop culture
2. Life Cycle Dance - dances which celebrate
an individual's birth, baptism, courtship,
Hip-hop Dance
wedding and demise.
- Performed to hip hop music or that have
a. Salip (Apayao) - celebrate
evolved as part of hip hop culture.
important events in life such as
- Influenced by Americans
weddings. A Kalinga wedding dance
- “Jazz funk”
is an important celebration. The
- Performed on the street
bridegroom offers the bride the
- Introduced in 1980’s films, television shows,
protection and comfort of his
and Internet
blanket. He simulates the
- “Freestyle’ (improvisational) in nature
movements of a rooster at love play,
aspiring to attract and seize his love.
Early History of Hip hop
The bride's friends are ready to help
● First introduced in New York City, late
prepare the bride by offering
1960’s and early 70’s aside from the United
“bangas” (earthen pots) filled with
fresh water from the mountain
● First performed in The Jacksons Five’s
music and performance is the ‘60s and ‘70s.
b. Manmanok (Bago Tribe) - a
● Flash Mob
courtship dance which is an imitation
of two mating fowls. That dramatizes
three roosters from the Bago Tribe
- Known as the father of hip hop dance
who compete against one another to
- Started an informal performance career
be able to get the attention of a hen,
Lady Lien. They try to attract her by
making use of blankets that depict
their feathers and wings.
● Invented popping ➔ The best way to describe the movement of
● Electric Boogaloo popping would be to imagine a force of
energy going through the body causing it to
DON CAMPBELLOCK (Don Campbell) move like a wave. This style is difficult to
- Invented locking manage at the technical level as it requires
- The lockers command of isolations, a perfect knowledge
of the body, and a good sense of the rhythm
Four Elements of Hip-hop culture are: with major use of counter-tempo. The style
1. MCing - MC are initials for “master of demands continuous contraction of the
ceremonies.” MCs originally hosted parties muscles to the beat to give a jerky/snapping
and introduced tracks to the dancing affect – a bouncy style.
audience. Eventually the term was used to C. BREAKDANCE/B-BOYING
describe rappers. Rapping is the art of ➔ commonly called breakdancing, is a style of
saying rhymes to the beat of music. dance that evolved as part of hip-hop
2. Graffiti - Visual art, an expression of youth culture among Black and Latino American
culture and rebellion in public spaces. The youths in the South Bronx during the 1970s.
first forms of subway graffiti were tags, or It is danced to both hip-hop and other
signatures of someone’s nickname or crew genres of music that are often remixed to
(group of artists that work together). It has prolong the musical breaks.
evolved into elaborate scripts, color effects, D. STREETDANCE
and shading. ➔ very physical and incorporates dance
3. DJing - The art of spinning records at a moves from all over the world. Various
dance party, picking out songs in a dance styles are mixed with a multi-cultural
crowd-pleasing sequence. influence and funky tunes. Generally a
4. Breakdancing - A style of dancing that Streetdance routine can include locking and
includes gymnastic moves, head spins, and popping, street style and funk. Streetdance
backspins. is a FUSION of styles from the Hip Hop
A. LOCKING ➔ is a dance style that mimics the angular
➔ Locking (originally Campbellocking) can be poses common to ancient Egyptian art.
traced back to the late 1960’s and was Whoever coined the term probably imagined
created by Don Campbell. It is a style of that this was how King Tut danced. The
funk and street dance and originally danced style is rapidly evolving but there are some
to traditional funk music such as James constant rules that define it.
➔ The name is based on the concept of ➔ (or liquiding) is a form of gestural dance that
locking which means freezing from a fast sometimes involves pantomime. The term
movement and "locking" in a certain invokes the word liquid to describe the
position, holding that position for a short fluid-like motion of the dancers’ body and
while and then continuing in the same limbs. It is primarily the dancers’ arms and
speed as before. It relies on fast and distinct hands which are the focus, though more
arm and hand Hip Hop Manual movement advanced dancers work in a full range of
combined with more relaxed hips and legs. body movements. Liquid dancing is similar
The movements are generally large and to the styles of popping or locking.
exaggerated, and often very rhythmic and
tightly synced with the music.
G. BOOGALOO more, often in arrangements that resemble
➔ A fluid style that uses every part of the body military formations.
and involves using angles and smooth L. FREE RUNNING
movements to make everything flow ➔ is a form of urban acrobatics in which
together. It often uses rolling of the hips, participants, known as free runners, use the
knees, and the head and is often used as a city and rural landscape to perform
transition. movements through its structures. It
H. RAGGA incorporates efficient movements from
➔ This is a dance style originating (in the late parkour, adds aesthetic vaults and other
70’s) from street dance by Afrojamaïcans, acrobatics, such as tricking and street
Afro Caribbeans, which uses music which stunts, creating an athletic and aesthetically
evolved from classical Reggae with a hip pleasing way of moving. It is commonly
hop influence. The style used is a practiced at gymnasiums and in urban
combination between hip hop moves, afro areas (such as cities or towns) that are
moves with latin influences with sensuality. cluttered with obstacles.
It requires very good physical condition, as
many muscles are involved in the Ragga FAQs on the Hip Hop Dance Style
Jam, particularly in the lower part of the 1. How did hip-hop get its name?
body. Correct execution requires good ● There are various explanations for the
technique. source of the term hip-hop. However, the
I. HOUSE DANCE most popular one involves Keith (”Keef
➔ House is a group of dance styles primarily Cowboy”) Wiggins, a member of the rap
danced to house music that have roots in group Grandmaster Flash and the Furious
the clubs of Chicago in the late 70’s and Five. The rapper used the words
early 80’s. The main styles include hip/hop/hip/hop, imitating the sound of
Footwork, Jacking and Lifting. Like hip hop soldiers marching, in reference to a friend
dance it was created by black and latino who had joined the army. According to
Americans and is often improvisational in some accounts, Kevin (”Lovebug Starski”)
nature. It emphasizes fast and complex foot Smith was with Wiggins and helped create
oriented steps combined with fluid the phrase. Hip-hop was subsequently
movements in the torso. popularized in songs, notably the Sugarhill
J. LYRICAL Gang's “Rapper's Delight.”
➔ is a fluid and more interpretive version of
new style hip-hop most often danced to 2. What is hip-hop mostly about?
downtempo rap music or R&B music. Lyrical ● As with any art form, hip hop carries
is "hip-hop with emotion". It focuses more different meanings for each person. One of
on choreography and performance and less the early hip hop influencers, MC Kid Lucky,
on freestyles and battles. mentioned that breakdancing, a popular
K. STEPPING aspect of hip hop, was used to combat each
➔ Stepping or step-dancing is a form of other without fighting. Afrika Bambaataa, a
percussive dance in which the participant's man inspired by DJ Kool Herc, used hip hop
entire body is used as an instrument to in his organization to help teenagers get out
produce complex rhythms and sounds of a lifestyle of gangs, drugs, and violence,
through a mixture of footsteps, spoken and use the culture to create art.
word, and hand claps. Though stepping
may be performed by an individual, it is 3. What kind of shoes do you wear for hip
generally performed by groups of three or hop?
● sneakers or skate shoes.
4. What clothes to wear for hip-hop dance?
● Hip hop requires a lot of different moves, CHEERLEADING
just like ballet, however, hip hop carries a Cheerleading was related to the rise of
culture with it. That’s why many dancers gridiron football in the mid1800 at ivy
choose to wear baggy pants instead of League colleges and universities in the
spandex pants. Shows like So You Think United States, and the development and
You Can Dance are a great place to find out formalization of cheerleading was similar to
what professional hip hop dancers wear, that of soccer
and it can help get your child inspired to By the 1920s cheerleading had become a
dance. formal extracurricular activity for boys at
high schools, universities, and communities
5. What was the first hip hop song ever around the country, similar to but separate
made? from other spirit activities including
● a 1979 single by The Sugarhill Gang called marching bands, drum corps, and drill
“Rapper’s Delight.” teams.

6. What are the main instruments used in Cheerdance Basics (Gymnastic Side)
hip-hop music? Jumps
● Original hip hop from the 1970s used 1. TUCK JUMP - A jump in which the
instruments like turntables and a DJ mixer. cheerleader uses their stomach muscles to
Later on, technology allowed for instruments pull the legs up with their thighs as close to
like digital samplers, sequencers, drum the chest as possible, knees facing upward
machines, and sound synthetizes to be as if in a tucked position.
implemented. Sometimes hip hop producers 2. STAR/SPREAD EAGLE - This jump is
would bring in traditional instruments such generally used to practice group timing who
as electric guitars and bass. and snapping legs down from a jump. You
simply prep, swing, and jump with your
CHEERDANCE arms pin a high V and your legs spread
Cheer - This is to shout out words or phrases apart. Just jump off the ground and it will
that may help motivate and boost the morale of a look like an X.
playing team and perform better during a game.
3. PIKE JUMP - This jump is among the most
Acrobatics - Actions or procedures difficult of jumps. Both legs are straight out,
characterized by considerable flair or mental
agility. knees locked. Arms are in a touchdown
motion out in front to create a folded
Hurdle - One of a series of upright frames over
which athletes in a race must jump. position in the air, this motion is also called
“candlesticks”. This is often performed at a
CHEERDANCE ninety-degree angle to the audience in order
● Is coined from the words CHEER and to show off the air position.
DANCE 4. SPLIT JUMP - In cheerleading, perhaps the
● Cheer to shout out words or phrases that most common jump you’ll perform is the toe
may help motivate and boost the morale of touch, which is also sometimes called the
a playing team and perform better during a split jump or straddle jump.
game. 5. HURDLE JUMP - this jump is similar to a
● Dance is a physical activity where one side-hurdler, except that instead of both
expresses emotions or gestures while arms being in a "T" shaped motion, both
performing bodily movements usually in arms are opposite of what the leg beneath
time with rhythm. them is doing. Named for Lawrence R.
Herkimer, the founder of the National 2. Non-religious Festival - a festival that has
Cheerleaders Association . no relation to any church or religion.

6. TOE TOUCH JUMP - The most

recognizable cheerleading jump, very A. Luzon Festival Dance

similar to what is known in gymnastics as a 1. PANAGBENGA OR FLOWER FESTIVAL

“straddle” jump. ● prominent features are the grand display of

floats that are adorned with lovely flowers,
and the vibrant street dancing with dancers
dressed in elaborate costumes that are
inspired by the shapes and colors of
● Place: Baguio
● Date: whole month of February
● Themes: a celebration to pay homage to
the beautiful flowers that bloom in Baguio.
● Costumes and Mask Designs: repeated
loops and curves and floral designs and
geometric designs.
● Non-religious Festival
● is a harvest festival in honor of San Isidro
Labrador, the patron saint of farmers here in
the Philippines. The houses are decorated
with colorful displays of vegetables, fruits,
rice stalks, leaves and rice wafers called
kiping. The annual competition of the most
decorated house, culminates with a
Lesson 5: Philippine Festivals
procession and sharing of food among the
Percussion - a musical instrument played by people in Lucban.
striking with the hand or with a handheld or ● Place: Lucban Quezon
pedal-operated stick or beater, or by shaking, ● Date: every 15th of May
including drums, cymbals, xylophones, gongs, ● Themes: asking for intercession when
bells, and rattles. praying to Saint Isidore for bountiful harvest.
● Costumes and Masks Design: repeated
Recurring - occuring again periodically or loops and curves floral designs.
● Religious Dance

Festival Dance - is a cultural dance performed to

B. Visayas Festival Dance
the strong beats of percussion instruments by a
community of people sharing the same culture
● The main highlight of the festival are the
usually done in honor of a Patron Saint or in
masks worn by the participants who join the
thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest.
energetic and vibrant street dances. The
attractive masks are decorated with
Philippine Festivals
captivating smiling faces.
Nature of Festival Dance
● Place: Bacolod City
1. Religious Festival - commonly celebrated
● Date: every third weekend of October
on recurring cycles in a calendar year or
● Themes: a celebration of positivity or
lunar calendar.
optimism. This started in the early 1980’s
when the prices of sugar went down. ● Themes: The Tuna Festivalis an annual
Images of colorful and cheerful masks help festival celebrated in the first week of
the Negrenses established their city as the September in General Santos, known as the
‘City of Smiles’ tuna capital of the Philippines due to the
● Costumes and Mask Design: curvilinear abundance of the fish in the waters of
motifs, grass/ floral and geometric design. Sarangani Bay.
Decorations for masks; native beads, ● Costume: the costume showcases the
flowers, feathers, sequins and artificial colorful grandeur and treasure that describe
beads. the most incredibly intricate, delicate perfect
● Non-religious Festival world under the sea.
● is a religious festival honoring Sto. Nino, ● this festival is held in honor of the
and it is considered as the most spectacular miraculous image of Our Lady of the Pillar
festival for lovers of Carnival-or Mardi (Spanish and Chavacano: Nuestra Señora
Gras-like activities. The festive events del Pilar).
include traditional dances, flamboyant ● Place: Zamboanga City
costumes, and vibrant music. Marked by ● Date: held in every 12 October
feasting and eating of the best regional ● Themes: The Zamboanga Hermosa
delicacies and foods. Festival or Fiesta Pilar is an annual
● Place: Kalibo, Aklan celebration in honor of the patroness of the
● Date: every third Sunday of January City of Zamboanga—Our Lady of the Pillar.
● Themes: the march of the early Aetas of The Zamboangueños are known for their
Aklan while performing the upbeat tune of fervent devotion to Our Lady of the Pillar or
traditional dances and music. better known to them as “Nuestra Señora
● Costume and Masks Design: La Virgen del Pilar”.
Crisscrossing of linear lines; repeated curve ● Costume: colorful costumes; ladies wearing
and streamlines; and, floral and geometric crown and wide grin were paraded on
designs intricately-decorated float.
● Religious Festival

C. Mindanao Festival Dance

● The colorful festival is traditionally held in
the first week of September, and it’s the
time when everything tuna is celebrated.
Which makes perfect sense, for the largest
producer of sashimi-grade tuna in the
country. The Whale Shark Festival in
Donsol was the first non-religious festival
the Philippines ever had. I’ll bet the Tuna
Festival is the second and aptly scheduled
within the 40 days of Lent or Kuwaresma –
when religious Catholics abstain from meat
and eat only vegetables and fish on Lenten
● Place: General Santos City
● Date: first week of September

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