P.E Reviewer
P.E Reviewer
P.E Reviewer
6. What are the main instruments used in Cheerdance Basics (Gymnastic Side)
hip-hop music? Jumps
● Original hip hop from the 1970s used 1. TUCK JUMP - A jump in which the
instruments like turntables and a DJ mixer. cheerleader uses their stomach muscles to
Later on, technology allowed for instruments pull the legs up with their thighs as close to
like digital samplers, sequencers, drum the chest as possible, knees facing upward
machines, and sound synthetizes to be as if in a tucked position.
implemented. Sometimes hip hop producers 2. STAR/SPREAD EAGLE - This jump is
would bring in traditional instruments such generally used to practice group timing who
as electric guitars and bass. and snapping legs down from a jump. You
simply prep, swing, and jump with your
CHEERDANCE arms pin a high V and your legs spread
Cheer - This is to shout out words or phrases apart. Just jump off the ground and it will
that may help motivate and boost the morale of a look like an X.
playing team and perform better during a game.
3. PIKE JUMP - This jump is among the most
Acrobatics - Actions or procedures difficult of jumps. Both legs are straight out,
characterized by considerable flair or mental
agility. knees locked. Arms are in a touchdown
motion out in front to create a folded
Hurdle - One of a series of upright frames over
which athletes in a race must jump. position in the air, this motion is also called
“candlesticks”. This is often performed at a
CHEERDANCE ninety-degree angle to the audience in order
● Is coined from the words CHEER and to show off the air position.
DANCE 4. SPLIT JUMP - In cheerleading, perhaps the
● Cheer to shout out words or phrases that most common jump you’ll perform is the toe
may help motivate and boost the morale of touch, which is also sometimes called the
a playing team and perform better during a split jump or straddle jump.
game. 5. HURDLE JUMP - this jump is similar to a
● Dance is a physical activity where one side-hurdler, except that instead of both
expresses emotions or gestures while arms being in a "T" shaped motion, both
performing bodily movements usually in arms are opposite of what the leg beneath
time with rhythm. them is doing. Named for Lawrence R.
Herkimer, the founder of the National 2. Non-religious Festival - a festival that has
Cheerleaders Association . no relation to any church or religion.