2 HDP About Us Brochure
2 HDP About Us Brochure
2 HDP About Us Brochure
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We help organisations develop leadership capabilities that ultimately translate into sustainable business results
Who are we?
We are an international consultancy firm specialising in leadership development. Our mission is to develop leadership within individuals, in teams, in organisations and in society in general. Thanks to our global network built over years of practice, we can access a wide array of seasoned consultants, coaches and facilitators, and quickly build teams of experts with specific expertise and experience to provide the best service to our clients. We ranked as the leadership development vendor with the highest impact on long term ROI (out of a bench of 28 global providers). These are the following criteria that distinguishes us from the rest: A Great Business Model. The effectiveness of our approach depends greatly on our consultants. We have designed all aspects of our business to optimise our overhead structure. This is a guarantee for our clients that they can afford the best consultants and the most pragmatic and effective solutions at a very competitive price. 3-D Experts. Our experts combine 3 types of experience that are normally not very often found in one single individual. Business background. Coaching expertise. Group dynamics experience. We even founded an academy to teach the art of facilitating. Holistic View On Leadership. We strongly believe that effective leadership development results from three dimensions. Cultural. Defining and aligning leadership culture and behaviours. Individual or top down. Developing leadership skills with individuals. Team or horizontal. Matching team practices and culture with leadership expectations. Ignoring or underestimating one of the dimensions will inevitably hamper efforts. Cultural Insights. Our consultants have a multinational background. They are used to consider all national cultures as relative and respectful. We operate globally and often use English with a diverse population of natives and non-natives. Culture also refers to organisational culture. We have a lot of experience in many different industries.
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Leadership Behaviours
We design, customise and deliver state-of-the art leadership programmes that have a longterm impact. Our objective is to produce lasting behavioural transformation with high impact on your business. Using a blend of the most recent tools and approaches combined with a sharp business understanding, we are able to bring together high impact experiences for leaders. We challenge. We coach. We inspire, and most of all we listen very carefully. After many years of experience and facilitating numerous leadership programmes, we have built up a unique point of view regarding leadership capabilities. The Hamilton Davenport Leadership Capability Index is the translation of all that experience into 8 capabilities that we believe make a leadership difference. The index is an excellent platform for self-reflection and to assist in personal development both at an individual and team level.
Leadership Culture
Whelp you to define the right winning attitudes and behaviours that will enable you to execute the organisations strategy. Simply put, organisation culture is; the way we do things around here. During a cultural transformation when new structures and process are being launched, not aligning the cultural dimension will ultimately lead to failure. What type of attitudes and behaviours do you need to encourage? What are the winning attitudes? How do you create a learning organisation and breed the right leadership capabilities at all levels. We help you in anticipating the type of transformational behaviours that are needed to support your new strategy. We work together with you to define the present culture, construct the future winning attitudes and embed them in the organisation.
Management is about doing things right, leadership is about doing the right things. Peter Drucker
Team Dynamics
We help to define new levels of team performance by removing barriers. Whether you are an executive team, project team, a virtual team, or a remote team, you share similar challenges. Expectations from various key stakeholders, power games, personality clashes, cultural differences, unclear territories, lack of alignment and focus can hinder high performance. Efficient team dynamics is key to enable managers unleash their full leadership potential.
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After many years of experience facilitating numerous leadership programmes, we have built up a unique point of view regarding leadership capabilities.
The Hamilton Davenport Leadership Capability Index is the translation of all that experience into 8 capabilities that we believe make a leadership difference. The index is an excellent platform for selfreflection and to assist in personal development both at an individual and team level. We have developed a self-evaluation questionnaire so you can better understand your leadership capabilities. This questionnaire is available by contacting us directly.
Managing Transitions Your ability to inspire with a compelling vision, to respond to individual and team needs in changing times, and to implement effective strategies to transform your business. Building Bridges Across Boundaries Your ability to identify your key stakeholders and to manage their expectations, to foster collaborative habits beyond boundaries, and to brand your teamwork. Dealing With Challenging Situations Your ability to keep good spirits and instill enthusiasm in difficult times, to tackle performance or behavioural issues timely and effectively, and to deal adequately with conflict. Fostering a Coaching Culture Your ability to foster a coaching culture within your team, department, organisation. Encouraging people to learn by doing and share their successes and failures with the purpose of accelerating development.