Science Sat Words - Vocabulary List
Science Sat Words - Vocabulary List
Science Sat Words - Vocabulary List
1. overwinter
spend the winter
5 Lincoln Brower wrote of his feeling on a warm March morning as he watched tens of thousands of these
butterflies explode from their resting places on the trees at an overwintering site in Mexico: "Flying 10
against the azure sky and past the green boughs of the oyamels, this myriad of dancing embers
reinforced my earlier conclusion that this spectacle is a treasure comparable to the finest works of art
that 15 our world culture has produced over the past 4000 years."
2. Lazzaro Spallanzani
Italian physiologist who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation (1729-1799)
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I first confirmed the experiments of the Italian abbe, 25 Lazzaro Spallanzani, known also for his studies
in gastric digestion.
3. clone
a genetically identical organism derived from a single cell
Cloning” is the creation of a new individual from the
4. genotype
the particular alleles present in an organism
The cloned person may experience concerns about his 1/52
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5. lymphocyte
an agranulocytic leukocyte that normally makes up a quarter of the white blood cell
count but increases in the presence of infection
Another theory suggests that tonsils and the appendix might manufacture the antibody-producing white
10 blood cells called B lymphocytes; however, B lymphocytes could also be produced by bone marrow.
6. light-year
the distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1 year
From a few light-years away, it announced, the Sun appears as a bright star, and the planets are not
7. orangutan
large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits
But Anne Line Russon, a psychologist, says she has found only about 20 5 recorded cases of possible
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free-ranging orangutans,, culledoffrom
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All of hours
Rights of observation.
8. spontaneous generation
a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from
nonliving matter
By spontaneous generation,* as some believe?
9. urbanize
make more industrial or city-like
The author's primary purpose in the Passage is to 2/52
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10. tangency
the state of being tangent
These places have interesting frictions and incongruities,
see both sides better than if you were in the middle of either
(40) one.
12. herbivore
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13. chimp
intelligent somewhat arboreal ape of equatorial African forests
Scientists generally believe the reasoning abilities of chimps to be considerably greater 25 than that of
14. Spallanzani
Italian physiologist who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation (1729-1799)
I first confirmed the experiments of the Italian abbe, 25 Lazzaro Spallanzani, known also for his studies in
gastric digestion. 3/52
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(A) this theory is the one with which the author most nearly agrees
(B) this theory is less scientifically valid than the other theories in the passage
19. meteorite
a stony or metallic object from space that hits the earth
For meteorites are more than just stars of science-fiction movies. 4/52
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20. chive
perennial having hollow cylindrical leaves used for seasoning
Nobody could stand to do it because the panels mirror your own face as well as the Line view behind your
back: acres of chive grass edging the 5 sparkly beach, a movie-screen sky, and an ocean that wants you
more than anything.
75 hay wagon ahead cannot be gotten around; you are forced to reduce your own speed to the local
Copyright and so you
© 2022 see the marsh, Inc., hawk circling
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24. sterilize
make free from bacteria
I opened flasks of sterilized broth in the cellar of the Paris observatory, where the air was still.
25. convolute
rolled longitudinally upon itself
The authors of both passages would most likely agree that recycling rules are 5/52
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The authors of both passages would most likely agree that recycling rules are
(A) convoluted
(B) commendable
(C) unethical
(D) antiquated
(E) unenforceable
26. goldilocks
early-flowering perennial of southern and southeastern Europe with flower heads
resembling those of goldenrod
Yet, even though we have no picture of what they look like, enough information has been deduced about
55 their atmospheric conditions to grant the nickname Goldilocks to a planet attending the star 70
Virginis, an appellation suggesting that the cloud-top temperature is "just right," as the storybook
Goldilocks would say, for the presence of liquid water.
27. extraterrestrial
originating, located, or occurring outside Earth
On the morning of June 13, 1998, a 4.6-billion-year-old extraterrestrial object streaked into Earth's
atmosphere and blew
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29. centric
having or situated at or near a center
The fact is, crossing the Atlantic was probably not as big a deal as Columbus-
centric historians thought.
31. circuitry
electronic equipment consisting of a system of circuits
But learning is impossible without innately organized circuitry to do the 105 learning, and these errors
give us hints of how it works.
32. biologist
a scientist who studies living organisms
(C) A biologist studies large areas of forest but fails to examine in depth the nesting site of a specific bird
34. microbe
a minute life form, especially one that causes disease
In this part of the lecture, Pasteur has just described his discovery of the effect of heating certain
microbes that infect bottled beverages (the process later named pasteurization).
36 chimpanzee 7/52
36. chimpanzee
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(A) Having the ability to pretend has enabled apes, such as chimpanzees, to be trained as performers.
37. scientist
a person with advanced knowledge of empirical fields
This Passage 1s adapted from a series in which a college professor dramatizes the lectures of famous
scientists from the past.
38. genetic
relating to the study of heredity and variation in organisms
By “fingerprints of learning” (lines 96-97) the author primarily means
39. interconnection
a state of being connected reciprocally
When divisions are made according to country, the interconnections among events occurring in two or
more countries may go unnoticed or remain unexplored.
40. recyclable
capable of being used again
Collecting a ton of
at each stop. 8/52
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41. recycle
use again after processing
Who hasn’t experienced the
42. tonsil
either of two masses of lymphatic tissue one on each side of the oral pharynx
Another theory suggests that tonsils and the appendix might manufacture the antibody-producing white
10 blood cells called B lymphocytes; however, B lymphocytes could also be produced by bone marrow.
45. pager
an electronic device that generates a series of beeps when the person carrying it is
being paged
They are filled
46. pothole
a pit or cavity in a road produced by wear or weathering 9/52
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a pit or cavity in a road produced by wear or weathering
75 hay wagon ahead cannot be gotten around; you are forced to reduce your own speed to the local
standard, and so you see the marsh hawk circling above a pothole.
47. meadowlark
North American songbirds having a yellow breast
A stray cow might cross in front of you and you will be obliged to stop to let it pass, and so you will chance
to hear the song of the meadowlark on the fence post.
48. replicate
reproduce or make an exact copy of
In context, the reference to the Academy of Sciences (line 35) serves to suggest why
(C) spontaneous generation had already begun to be discredited when Pasteur began his
(D) Pasteur believed he needed to design experiments that were more persuasive
49. localize
concentrate on a particular place or spot
The third theory is that the appendix may “attract” body infections in order to localize the 15 infection in
one spot that is not critical to body functioning.
50. hazelnut
any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Corylus bearing edible nuts enclosed in
a leafy husk
In between school days, we gathered hazelnuts, fished, had long deer-hunting weekends, went to
powwows, beaded on looms, and made quilts.
51. kick-start 10/52
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52. snapshot
an informal photograph
Emulating other 35 Impressionists, Cassatt composed the picture as a kind of photographic snapshot, or
slice of life, but she employed the Impressionist emphasis on the act of seeing to assert the principle of 40
sexual equality with men.
53. triplet
one of three siblings born at the same time
“You should treat all clones
54. interaction
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mutual or reciprocal dealings or influence
But many researchers believe 10 that interaction with humans —and the encouragement to pretend that
comes with it—may play a major role in why domesticated apes playact more.
55. humans
all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
Apes raised by humans seem to pretend more frequently than do apes in the wild.
56. planetarium
an apparatus or model for representing the solar systems
The narrator suggests that the "echo-chamber effects, the music, the solemnity" (lines 59-60) are evidence
that 11/52
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(C) contemporary scientists have an inflated view of the importance of their work
(D) the show's promoters do not fully appreciate the true nature of the universe
(E) the show's promoters understand that children are entranced by special effects
57. space-time
the four-dimensional coordinate system (3 dimensions of space and 1 of time) in which
physical events are located
15 To Newton, it was a mystery why all particles fell at the same rate and followed identical orbits, but
Einstein showed that
these phenomena were a natural consequence of all bodies taking the same 20 "straightest" path in a
space-time curved by mass and energy.
58. biological
pertaining to life and living things
It is a biological edge.
(A) defied scientists' doubts that such an object could reach Earth
(B) occurred after her party had given up any hope of success
(A) drawn
(... 12/52
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62. retriever
a dog with heavy water-resistant coat that can be trained to retrieve game
The emblems of this are the golden retriever rolling in the grass, the horse with his nose deep in the
oats, kitty by the fire.
63. myopia
eyesight abnormality in which distant objects appear blurred
It occurs to me that perhaps what we have here is one of those debates in which the opposing sides,
unbeknownst to themselves, share a myopia that will turn out to be the most interesting and important
feature of the whole discussion, a debate, for instance, like that of the Founding Fathers over the nature
of the franchise.
65. complicate
make less simple
Given Chaplin's statement in lines 22-25 ("I ... laugh"), he would most likely view Passage 1's portrayal of
the "famous Tramp" (line 5) as
(C) implying that the Tramp was derived from a comic strip
(D) asserting that the Tramp was the only character he portrayed 13/52
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66. bacteria
single-celled organisms that can cause disease
I argued in vain—even before our 35 Academy of Sciences—that the putrefaction was caused by
admission of bacteria.
67. claustrophobic
abnormally afraid of closed-in places
Their primary action took place at night on rainswept city streets, in narrow ash-can 20 alleys, in
claustrophobic diners, and in dingy, shadowy hotel rooms with neon signs flashing outside the windows,
rooms in which, as hard-boiled author Nelson Algren once put it, "every bed you rent 25 makes you an
accessory to somebody else's shady past."
68. Einstein
physicist born in Germany who formulated the special theory of relativity and the
general theory of relativity; Einstein also proposed that light consists of discrete
quantized bundles of energy (later called photons) (1879-1955)
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It is commonly claimed that Einstein "overthrew" Newtonian physics, but this claim is misleading.
69. segregate
divide from the main body or mass and collect
Children have countless experiences communicating with people of both sexes: they do not learn to
communicate in gender-
segregated worlds. 14/52
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71. imago
an adult insect produced after metamorphosis
The Passage is narrated from the point of view of
72. planet
a celestial body that revolves around the sun
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I cannot resist comparing this new intimacy with our solar system to the shoebox diorama of the planets
I designed for 30 my grade-school science fair.
73. Mars
Roman god of war and agriculture
What did amaze me about the potato-size rock that fell from Mars was that it had traveled millions of
miles across space to land here, blasted from world to world by a planetary collision of the sort that
purportedly killed off our dinosaurs, and had lain waiting 10 for millennia upon an Antarctic ice field, until
an observant young woman traveling in an expedition party picked it up, because she figured that it had
come from another world.
75. theory
a belief that can guide behavior
In defense of nonapplied science I have repeatedly told my students that without theory, practice is but
76. Martian
of or relating to the planet Mars
The rock that sprang to Martian "life" late last summer did not shock me by offering up apparent fossils
of an extinct alien form of life.
77. antibody
a protein that produces an immune response
Another theory suggests that tonsils and the appendix might manufacture the antibody-producing white
10 blood cells called B lymphocytes; however, B lymphocytes could also be produced by bone marrow.
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78. catfish
any of numerous mostly freshwater bottom-living fishes of Eurasia and North America
with barbels like whiskers around the mouth
The Blackfeet, the lords of 35 the Great Plains and the prairie's most serious students, would no sooner
have dined on catfish than we would on a dish of fricasseed sewer rat.
79. quagmire
a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
Many a scientist has floundered and perished in the quagmire of spontaneous generation."
80. Newtonian
of or relating to or inspired by Sir Isaac Newton or his science 16/52
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It is commonly claimed that Einstein "overthrew" Newtonian physics, but this claim is misleading.
81. mockingbird
long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs
of other birds
Or they may write only one 15 book, which ends up being a masterpiece, as Harper Lee did with To Kill a
82. dinosaur
an extinct terrestrial reptile of the Mesozoic era
What did amaze me about the potato-size rock that fell from Mars was that it had traveled millions of
miles across space to land here, blasted from world to world by a planetary collision of the sort that
purportedly killed off our dinosaurs, and had lain waiting 10 for millennia upon an Antarctic ice field, until
an observant young woman traveling in an expedition party picked it up, because she figured that it had
come from another world.
83. galaxy
a collection
Copyright © 2022 of star systems, Inc., a division of IXL Learning •
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Similarly, our solar system, once considered unique, now stands as merely the first known example of a
45 planetary system in our galaxy.
84. putrefaction
the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action
I argued in vain—even before our 35 Academy of Sciences—that the putrefaction was caused by
admission of bacteria.
85. ecological
characterized by the interdependence of living organisms
35 In August of 1986, the Mexican government issued a proclamation designating these sites as
ecological preserves.
86 antisocial 17/52
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86. antisocial
shunning contact with others
In many American suburbs such as the one where I grew20 up, a fence or a hedge along the street meant
one thing: the family who lived behind it was antisocial, perhaps even had something to hide.
87. analyze
break down into components or essential features
(B) Passage 1 explores how Chaplin expanded the Tramp's character; Passage 2 analyzes the Tramp's
impact on audiences.
90. rotate
turn on or around an axis or a center
Moonless Mercury rotating three times while circling the Sun twice; an odd arrangement, not as
satisfying as what they used to tell us -that it rotated once as it circled the Sun.
91. astronomer
a physicist who studies celestial bodies and the universe
Experts Line had stubbornly and rigorously analyzed readers' modest 5 capacity to dedicate their
attention to the printed page and had established once and for all, apparently with the mathematical
precision of astronomers, the order of readers' natural preferences.
92 calorie 18/52
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92. calorie
unit of heat raising 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade
Even a dry butterfly loses precious calories as its body heat radiates out to the cold night sky through
holes in the canopy.
93. documentation
confirmation that some fact or statement is true
The author of Passage 2 asserts that the Nees’ book is inferior to Strangers from a Different Shore in
terms of its
(A) purpose
(B) readability
(C) documentation
(D) accuracy
(E) range
94. differentiate
acquire a distinct character
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(line 28) most divisionmeans
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(A) mark
(B) differentiate
(C) analyze
(D) judge
(E) discover
95. apposition
the act of placing close together or side by side
This is especially true when the apposition is cultural.
96. spate
a sudden forceful flow
Th hi h b d di d i 45 l h bli ' i d h 19/52
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These high-budget studio productions most 45 commonly come to the public's mind when
the word noir is mentioned because they are cited most often in the spate of contemporary books
97. underline
draw a line or lines underneath to call attention to
Neither his theory of evolution nor any 5 general understanding of biology demanded that he
preferentially underline our similarity to dogs over other species.
98. emergence
the act of coming out into view
13.The author's discussion of Mozart in lines 25-28 primarily emphasizes the
(C) observation that genius was more common in the past than it is today
(D) belief that the harpsichord was the ideal musical instrument for Mozart's early talent
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99. evolve
undergo development
"There's been a lot said about how I evolved the little tramp character who made my name," said Chaplin.
100. Pluto
the god of the underworld in ancient mythology
She'd want rings around Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, too, not to mention a moon for Pluto.
101. buffer
protect from impact
40 Logging and agricultural development were to be prohibited in their core areas, a total area of only 17
il d l li i d l i b i d i b ff di h l
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square miles, and only limited logging was to be permitted in buffer zones surrounding the cores, a total
45 of another 43 miles.
102. gene
part of DNA controlling physical characteristics and growth
If 65 the clock is partly under the control of genes, then identical twins should develop language in tighter
synchrony than fraternal twins, who share only half their genes.
103. cassette
a flat case holding magnetic tape for playing sound or video
Under my desk I keep a large carton of cassette tapes.
105. veterinarian
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(B) A cat owner who believes his cat misses its siblings
(C) A dog owner who is unwilling to punish her dog for misbehaving
(D) A zoologist who places the interests of people before those of animals
(E) A horse trainer who fails to recognize that his horse is hungry
106. solar
relating to the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun
I cannot resist comparing this new intimacy with our solar system to the shoebox diorama of the planets I
designed for 30 my grade-school science fair. 21/52
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107. planetary
of or relating to a celestial body that orbits around a star
What did amaze me about the potato-size rock that fell from Mars was that it had traveled millions of
miles across space to land here, blasted from world to world by a planetary collision of the sort that
purportedly killed off our dinosaurs, and had lain waiting 10 for millennia upon an Antarctic ice field, until
an observant young woman traveling in an expedition party picked it up, because she figured that it had
come from another world.
108. fraternal
like or characteristic of or befitting a brother
If 65 the clock is partly under the control of genes, then identical twins should develop language in tighter
synchrony than fraternal twins, who share only half their genes.
109. microscopic
so small as to be invisible without a magnifying device
Families crammed their activities 30 into microscopic back-yards, the one place where the usefulness of
fences and hedges seemed to outweigh their undemocratic connotations.
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110. convoluted
highly complex or intricate
The authors of both passages would most likely agree that recycling rules are
(A) convoluted
(B) commendable
(C) unethical
(D) antiquated
(E) unenforceable
111. scientifically
with respect to science; in a scientific way
In lines 36-41 ("Little girls ... relationships"), the author of Passage 1 assumes that for girls, a primary 22/52
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function of communication is to
112. coma
a state of deep and often prolonged unconsciousness
It is because, while we have been arguing so fiercely about which books make the best medicine, the
patient has been slipping deeper and deeper into a coma.
113. wildlife
all living things in an area that aren't tamed
Colorado"), the author implies that viewing the plains from the prospect of a river might lead one to
conclude that the plains are
114. hands-on
involving active participation
16.In lines 5-12, the author suggests that the expeditionist's discovery of the meteorite was surprising
primarily because it
(A) defied scientists' doubts that such an object could reach Earth
(B) occurred after her party had given up any hope of success 23/52
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(A) drawn
(B) call...
115. penicillin
antibiotic used in the treatment of infections and diseases
(D) Penicillin, like many other discoveries, was stumbled on by accident.
117. sputter
spit up in an explosive manner
Now, what are we to make of this sputtering debate, in which charges of imperialism are met by equally
passionate accusations of vandalism, in which each side hates the other, and yet each seems to have its
share of reason?
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118. scalpel
a thin straight surgical knife
There Samuel sat each day, 20 painfully tallying his data, his pencil poised like a scalpel in his hand,
frowning at the gruesome but inevitable task ahead of him.
119. divergent
tending to move apart in different directions
With greatly divergent experiences,
120. inhibit
limit the range or extent of 24/52
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Rivers carry water, for instance, but the region of the Great Plains is by its nature arid-not so arid as the
deserts, although for a long time the Great Plains were regarded as a desert, but arid enough to inhibit
the growth of trees, 30 except along rivers.
121. nurture
provide with nourishment
90 Children's speech errors, which make such engaging anecdotes in poetry, novels, television features
and Web sites for parents, may help us untangle one of the thickest knots in science, nature and 95
122. splice
join the ends of
Now, when I play the tapes late at night, I imagine
(50) what they would sound like if I could splice them together,
common language.
123. overt
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124. psychoanalysis
a method for exploring mental phenomena and disorders
95 Equally, don't forget that from the forties onward, Los Angeles was much beset by psychoanalysis,
and the growing intellectual interest in guilt, depression, and nightmare.
125. fissure
a long narrow depression in a surface
The bold precision of this assessment is for me the most 25 stunning surprise dealt by the rock from
Mars-even more mind-boggling than the suggestive traces of something that might once have lived and
died in its microscopic fissures. 25/52
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126. collie
a silky-coated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland
Yet as a dog trainer, I find myself siding more with the Meeks than I do with the learning theorists: nobody
could believe dispassionately in the totality of positive and negative 65 reinforcement after seeing the
pure intelligence shining in the face of a border collie intent upon helping a shepherd herd sheep.
128. searcher
someone making a search or inquiry
Scientists covet them, private dealers scoop them up for resale at 10 spiraling prices, and professional
searchers travel the world to hunt them down.
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129. cachet
an indication of approved or superior status
It might even add to a writer's cachet not to be on the list, to be in one way or another too heady, too
daring, too exciting to be ground up into institutional fodder for teenagers.
130. ecology
the environment as it relates to living organisms
Colorado"), the author implies that viewing the plains from the prospect of a river might lead one to
conclude that the plains are
(C) rising more rapidly toward the mountains than they actually do 26/52
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131. nutrient
any substance that can be metabolized to give energy
In the context of the passage as a whole, the "vital force" (line 60) is best described as
132. eyeglasses
optical instrument consisting of a frame that holds a pair of lenses for correcting
defective vision
Eyeglasses on the end of a short handle.
35 ago about the nine planets: Mars was red and had two moons; Jupiter dwarfed the other planets (I
should have used a basketball but it wouldn't fit in the box); Saturn had rings.
134. emulate
strive to equal or match, especially by imitating
* A Latin phrase that means "confined garden"
(A) caressed
(B) adopted
(C) enfolded
(D) included
(E) encircled 27/52
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(E) encircled
135. shoreline
a boundary line between land and water
I like shorelines, weather fronts, international borders.
136. paranoia
a mental disorder characterized by delusions of persecution
The well-lit, singing and tap-dancing, happy-ending world of the 1930's had in ten short years become a
hostile, orderless place in which alienation, obsession, and paranoia ruled.
137. gravitational
or relating
or caused by Inc.,gravitation
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As yet, not one of these large planets -some of which
50 are many times the mass of Jupiter-has actually been seen through a telescope; we know about them
indirectly through the gravitational effects they exert on their parent stars.
138. mucus
protective secretion of membranes lining internal organs
The mucus-covered creatures of the muddy river bottoms, the Blackfeet thought, were simply not the
best the plains had to offer; far from being
139. sinus
an abnormal passage leading from a suppurating cavity to the body surface
Researchers think they have pinpointed its former resting place to just two possible sites-a region called
Sinus Sabaeus, fourteen degrees south of the Martian equator, or a crater east of the Hesperia Planitia 28/52
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140. ecosystem
organisms interacting with their physical environment
(B) Which ecosystems of the Great Plains are most exciting for visitors?
141. atmospheric
relating to or located in the mass of air surrounding Earth
Yet, even though we have no picture of what they look like, enough information has been deduced about
55 their atmospheric conditions to grant the nickname Goldilocks to a planet attending the star 70
Virginis, an appellation suggesting that the cloud-top temperature is "just right," as the storybook
Goldilocks would say, for the presence of liquid water.
142. human
a person; a hominid with a large brain and articulate speech
Though it deals with the most desperate effects of rage, jealousy, and Line revenge, it rarely touches the
heights and depths of 5 human passion.
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143. empathy
understanding and entering into another's feelings
The “sensations” (line 7) might best be described as feelings of
144. neon
a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the
six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts
Their primary action took place at night on rainswept city streets in narrow ash can 20 alleys in 29/52
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Their primary action took place at night on rainswept city streets, in narrow ash-can 20 alleys, in
claustrophobic diners, and in dingy, shadowy hotel rooms with neon signs flashing outside the windows,
rooms in which, as hard-boiled author Nelson Algren once put it, "every bed you rent 25 makes you an
accessory to somebody else's shady past."
145. monstrosity
a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed
The phrase "horrible immensities" (line 54) primarily indicates
146. environment
the totality of surrounding conditions
The author's primary purpose in the Passage is to
147. Uranus
god of the heavens
She'd want rings around Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, too, not to mention a moon for Pluto.
148. altruism
the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others 30/52
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16.By using Sophie's name (line 65) instead of "you," Joseph is attempting to
149. counterbalance
a weight that balances another weight
In line 11, "competing" portrays the members of the author's family as
8.The third paragraph (lines 15-27) presents the author's third-grade teacher as being primarily
(A) critical of
Copyright the author's
© 2022 grandiose, Inc.,ambitions
150. residue
matter that remains after something has been removed
Residues of this idea persist, of course; we still regard and write about nature 50 with high moral purpose
(an approach that still produces a great deal of pious prose).
151. genetics
the study of heredity and variation in organisms
In paragraph 6 (lines 90 to 102), the author suggests that children’s speech errors
152. popcorn
corn having small ears and kernels that burst when exposed to dry heat
Words that jump out of New York Creole1 conversations, like the last kernel in a cooling popcorn
153. simulate
reproduce someone's behavior or looks
As for the adults who would deplore it, the ones who promoted this show, weren't they immune
themselves to the extent that they could put in the echo-chamber effects, 60 the music, the solemnity,
simulating the awe that they supposed they ought to feel?
154. feedback
the process in which output of a system is returned to input
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They must have a built-in tendency to block the rule when a competing form (like bled) is found in
memory, because there is no way they could learn the blocking principle in the 120 absence of usable
feedback from their parents.
155. cellulose
a polysaccharide that is the chief constituent of all plant tissues and fibers
It may have had the same purpose it has in present day 5 herbivores, where it harbors colonies of
bacteria that help in the digestion of cellulose.
156. Darwin
English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection
Passage 1
It was no accident that nineteenth-century naturalist Charles Darwin strove to connect the mentality and
emotionality of people with that of dogs rather than say Line doves or horses 32/52
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emotionality of people with that of dogs, rather than, say, Line doves or horses.
157. poacher
someone who hunts or fishes illegally
Nelda Wallace's town was about to be invaded by meteorite dealers, meteorite fans, meteorite poachers,
and other alien life-forms.
Based on lines 63-67 ("nobody ... sheep"), the author of Passage 2 would most likely appear to the author
of Passage 1 as
(C) having a deep fondness for border collies and therefore overestimating them
159. radiate
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160. gastric
relating to or involving the stomach
I first confirmed the experiments of the Italian abbe, 25 Lazzaro Spallanzani, known also for his studies in
gastric digestion.
161. infect
contaminate with a disease
In this part of the lecture, Pasteur has just described his discovery of the effect of heating certain
microbes that infect bottled beverages (the process later named pasteurization) 33/52
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microbes that infect bottled beverages (the process later named pasteurization).
162. mediate
act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
It was no accident that nineteenth-century naturalist Charles Darwin strove to connect the mentality and
emotionality of people with that of dogs, rather than, say, Line doves or horses.
165. orbit
the path of a celestial body in its revolution about another
Since October of 1995, astronomers at ground-based observatories in Europe and the United States have
announced that they've found evidence of at least seven alien planets orbiting other stars.
166. symmetry
balance among the parts of something 34/52
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Undaunted by my response, Herd demanded that I connect (thankfully without perfect symmetry) my
biology and autobiography, my race and gender, my being a Black 40 woman, to my skill as a historian,
and write for her and for the local chapter members of the National Council a history of Black women in
167. auditory
of or relating to the process of hearing
The Passage is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
(C) contrast
169. biology
the science that studies living organisms
Undaunted by my response, Herd demanded that I connect (thankfully without perfect symmetry) my
biology and autobiography, my race and gender, my being a Black 40 woman, to my skill as a historian,
and write for her and for the local chapter members of the National Council a history of Black women in
170. high-level
at an elevated level in rank or importance
The intensity of our 35 relationship with dogs causes us, quite naturally, to imbue them with high-level
mental abilities, whether they have earned those extra intelligence points or not.
171. trackless 35/52
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having no tracks
The plains, 50 on the other hand, open out, unfold, beg the long and trackless view.
172. evanescent
short-lived; tending to vanish or disappear
They dichotomize time into past and nonpast, and correlate half the timeline with the 115 evanescent
word ending.
173. loon
large somewhat primitive fish-eating diving bird of the northern hemisphere having
webbed feet placed far back; related to the grebes
I’m thankful for those experiences of my Anishinaabe heritage, because now I know by heart not only the
national anthem, but the ancient song of the loon.
174. Saturn
god of agriculture
Copyright and vegetation
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This crude assortment of materials allowed a reasonable representation of what was known 40 years
35 ago about the nine planets: Mars was red and had two moons; Jupiter dwarfed the other planets (I
should have used a basketball but it wouldn't fit in the box); Saturn had rings.
175. medical
relating to the study or practice of medicine
Sophie’s response in line 56 reveals that she
(D) has apparently decided that she should hide her heritage from Joseph
(E) has rarely questioned the decisions others have made for her
176. intrusive 36/52
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177. appendix
a small sac attached to the large intestines of some animals
What was most likely the original purpose of the human appendix?
178. isolate
place or set apart
But who had lived at this isolated
site and for what purpose?
179. precursor
something indicating the approach of something or someone
InCopyright © 2022
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snapshot" Learning •
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to suggest that Cassatt
(D) made the woman appear as though she were posing for a photograph
(E) depicted the woman as caught off guard by the man in the painting
180. spacecraft
a craft capable of traveling in outer space
8.The author places the word "straightest" (line 20) in quotation marks most probably in order to
(D) suggest that the word's meaning may change at some point in the future
9.In the author's view, an advantage of "Einstein's theory" over "Newton's law" is that it deals with 37/52
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9.In the author s view, an advantage of Einstein s theory over Newton s law is that it deals with
181. conserve
keep in safety and protect from harm, loss, or destruction
So desperate is the situation that the Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources has
recognized the monarch migration as an endangered biological phenomenon and 30 has designated it
the first priority in their effort to conserve the butterflies of the world.
182. cereal
grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat
At around eighteen months children start to utter two word microsentences like "See baby" and "More
183. formula
a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
Passage 2
I think what was really gnawing at Dorothy Sayers in 15 her critique of the detective story was the
Copyright ©that her
2022 kind of detective, Inc., story wasofanIXLarid
a division formula
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All unable to satisfy its own implications.
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184. observatory
a building equipped to view astronomical phenomena
I opened flasks of sterilized broth in the cellar of the Paris observatory, where the air was still.
185. analysis
abstract separation of something into its various parts
The reasoning process presented in lines 49-53 (“As ... stars”) is best described as
23.In lines 53-59 the author refers to the Goldilocks fairy tale ("Yet ... water") in order to make which point 38/52
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y ( ) p
about a particular planet?
186. frontal
belonging to the front part
As it turned out, the encounters were messy but rarely
187. baffle
be a mystery or bewildering to
It can be inferred from lines 27-33 that “collisions” was NOT an apt description because the
(A) clash between Hmong patients and medical staff was indirect and baffling
(B) Hmong patients and the medical staff were not significantly affected by the encounters
(C) medical staff was not responsible for the dissatisfaction of the Hmong patients
(D) misunderstandings between the Hmong patients and the medical staff were easy to resolve
188. transcribe
write out,
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Though they have all been transcribed, I still like to listen
189. Moon
the natural satellite of the Earth
Newton's law still Line describes motions in the Solar System 5 with good precision and is adequate for
programming the trajectories of space probes to the Moon and planets.
190. linear
involving a single dimension
But after getting to know the Lees family and their
191. science
a branch of study or knowledge involving the observation, investigation, and discovery
of general laws or truths that can be tested systematically
In defense of nonapplied science I have repeatedly told my students that without theory, practice is but
192. primate
any mammal of the group including monkeys, apes, and humans
But 20 while all dog owners should rightly appreciate these and other endearing traits in their pets,
nothing says that the cleverness of a highly intelligent primate such as a chimpanzee is part of the
193. buoyancy
the tendency to float in water or other liquid
30 This was a simple buoyancy experiment where I weighed each object in the air and then in water, to
prove they weighed less in water.
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194. canine
a dog or related mammal
In the preface to one of his many dog stories, S. P. Meek a bit shamefacedly remarked that in writing of
dogs "I endeavored to hold these heroes down to the level of canine intelligence, and to make them,
above all, believable.
195. digestion
the process by which the body breaks down food
I first confirmed the experiments of the Italian abbe, 25 Lazzaro Spallanzani, known also for his studies in
gastric digestion.
196. intolerant
unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion 40/52
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unwilling to tolerate difference of opinion
French word for “yes,” pronounced “we”
(A) she resented how hard her mother had to work to send her there
197. particle
(nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
15 To Newton, it was a mystery why all particles fell at the same rate and followed identical orbits, but
Einstein showed that
these phenomena were a natural consequence of all bodies taking the same 20 "straightest" path in a
space-time curved by mass and energy.
198. precision
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the quality of being exact
Experts Line had stubbornly and rigorously analyzed readers' modest 5 capacity to dedicate their
attention to the printed page and had established once and for all, apparently with the mathematical
precision of astronomers, the order of readers' natural preferences.
199. telegraphic
of or relating to or transmitted by telegraph
Some are simply telegraphic renditions of their 45 parents' speech, but many are original productions.
200. geologist
a specialist in the history of the Earth recorded in rocks
16.In lines 5-12, the author suggests that the expeditionist's discovery of the meteorite was surprising
primarily because it
(A) d fi d i ti t ' d bt th t
h bj t ld h E th 41/52
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(A) defied scientists' doubts that such an object could reach Earth
(B) occurred after her party had given up any hope of success
(A) drawn
(B) call...
201. fluid
continuous amorphous matter that tends to flow
The fluid remained sterile so long as the flask was maintained in the vertical position.
202. universe
203. friction
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16.By using Sophie's name (line 65) instead of "you," Joseph is attempting to 42/52
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( ) pose as a a ato o a sto y
205. evolutionary
relating to the development of a species
But politically and emotionally, the choice was inevitable for an English gentleman who had set himself
the task of making the idea of evolutionary continuity 10 palatable.
206. retrieve
get or find back; recover the use of
The Passage is narrated from the point of view of
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(B) a refusal to speak to anyone who is not wealthy
207. static
not in physical motion
(E) The author of Passage 1 considers intelligence to be developed over time, whereas the author of
Passage 2 shows that it is largely static.
208. liquid
fluid matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume
In his conclusive experiment, Pasteur kept the flasks vertical (line 64) in order to 43/52
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g pp science sat words - Vocabulary List |
(D) avoid disturbing the solution inside
209. stimulant
any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action
13.In lines 1 through 4 of Passage 1, the author suggests that "films now called film noir by critics"
14.It can be inferred that the films listed in lines 9 through 12 were similar in each of the following ways
210. diffusion
the act of dispersing something
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Diffusion theory" is an umbrella idea encompassing various alternative theories of America's discovery
by explorers from other parts of the world.
211. reflex
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
The primary purpose of the Passage is to
212. evolution
sequence of events involved in the development of a species 44/52
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(A) Passage 1 explains the evolution of a genre, while Passage 2 challenges the notion of a distinct genre.
213. reproduction
the act of making copies
Passage 1
Any wildlife biologist can tell you how many deer a given area can support-how much browse there is for
the deer to eat before they begin to suppress the Line reproduction of trees, before they begin to starve
in 5 the winter.
214. crater
a bowl-shaped geological formation at the top of a volcano
Researchers think they have pinpointed its former resting place to just two possible sites-a region called
Sinus Sabaeus, fourteen degrees south of the Martian equator, or a crater east of the Hesperia Planitia
215. dominance
the power or right to give orders or make decisions
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same child,
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younger playmate but show deference and
follow orders from an older friend.
216. infusion
the act of introducing a modifying element or quality
I boiled a nutri¬tious infusion in a flask with a long curved neck like this one.
217. mentality
a habitual or characteristic attitude of the mind
Passage 1
It was no accident that nineteenth-century naturalist Charles Darwin strove to connect the mentality and
emotionality of people with that of dogs, rather than, say, Line doves or horses.
218. competence 45/52
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* tenure: a permanent position, often granted to a teacher after a specified number of years of
demonstrated competence
219. data
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
(A) Examining data from observations of pretending behavior in apes other than orangutans
(E) Reviewing existing data on free-ranging orangutans to determine the earliest record of pretending
220. kernel
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a single whole grain of a cereal
Words that jump out of New York Creole1 conversations, like the last kernel in a cooling popcorn
221. mimic
imitate, especially for satirical effect
“More outside” and “Allgone sticky” (lines 46 and 47-48) are examples of
222. browse 46/52
222. browse
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223. reflective
capable of physically throwing back light or sound
Colorado"), the author implies that viewing the plains from the prospect of a river might lead one to
conclude that the plains are
(C) rising more rapidly toward the mountains than they actually do
224. terrier
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225. intensive
characterized by a heightened level or degree
The word "extended" in line 2 most nearly means
(A) prolonged
(B) expanded
(C) removed
(D) allocated
(E) intensive
11. 47/52
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226. compatible
able to exist and perform in harmonious combination
The author invokes "the Founding Fathers" (lines 9-10) chiefly in order to
227. dolphin
any of various small toothed whales with a beaklike snout
To compare intelligence
80 in creatures that have evolved differently is a bit like deciding which has hit upon the best mode of
travel: the dolphin or the horse."
228. rudimentary
being ©in2022
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earliest stages Inc.,of development
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In lines 35-39 ("In college ... cultures"), the education illustrated is best described as
(A) elitist
(B) philanthropic
(C) eclectic
(D) methodical
(E) rudimentary
229. elevate
raise from a lower to a higher position
The word "lift" in line 5 most closely means
(A) raise
(B) elevate
(C) make better
(D) boost up
(E) take 48/52
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230. alcoholic
characteristic of or containing volatile hydroxyl compounds
*The period from 1920 to 1933 during which alcoholic beverages were prohibited by law in the United
231. activate
put in motion
The phrase “attend to” in lines 106-107 most closely means
(B) notice
(C) activate
(D) be present to
233. psychologist
a specialist in the science of mental life
But Anne Line Russon, a psychologist, says she has found only about 20 5 recorded cases of possible
pretending in free-ranging orangutans, culled from thousands of hours of observation. 49/52
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234. immune
of the condition in which an organism can resist disease
As for the adults who would deplore it, the ones who promoted this show, weren't they immune
themselves to the extent that they could put in the echo-chamber effects, 60 the music, the solemnity,
simulating the awe that they supposed they ought to feel?
235. Mercury
messenger of Jupiter and god of commerce
Moonless Mercury rotating three times while circling the Sun twice; an odd arrangement, not as
satisfying as what they used to tell us -that it rotated once as it circled the Sun.
236. programming
setting an order and time for planned events
Newton's law still Line describes motions in the Solar System 5 with good precision and is adequate for
programming the trajectories of space probes to the Moon and planets.
237. human
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© 2022,
238. mania
an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
Her curiosity was a disease, almost a mania.
239. DNA
material that carries genetic information in a cell
“Cloning” is the creation of a new individual from the 50/52
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240. falcon
a diurnal bird of prey
Among the films shown were Laura; 10 The Maltese Falcon; Murder, My Sweet; Double Indemnity; and
The Woman in the Window.
241. component
one of the individual parts making up a larger entity
The author of Passage 1 mentions two sports stars (lines 31-33) in order to
(A) argue against genetic analysis of any sports star’s physical abilities
(D) highlight the need for greater understanding of the athletes’ genetic data
242. equator
243. obstruction
any structure that makes progress difficult
Colorado"), the author implies that viewing the plains from the prospect of a river might lead one to
conclude that the plains are
(C) rising more rapidly toward the mountains than they actually do 51/52
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244. marrow
network of connective tissue filling the cavities of bones
Another theory suggests that tonsils and the appendix might manufacture the antibody-producing white
10 blood cells called B lymphocytes; however, B lymphocytes could also be produced by bone marrow.
245. repressed
characterized by the suppression of impulses or emotions
A central purpose of the Passage is to
(B) portray the admissions process for boarding schools at that time
246. immunity
the condition
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Children have a natural immunity, most of them, and it shouldn't be tampered with.
247. diagnosis
identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon
(E) A doctor diagnoses one ailment but overlooks elements of the patient's overall health.
248. procedure
a particular course of action intended to achieve a result
Perhaps they were not careful to follow my procedures.
249 sterile 52/52