SWIFT Translator Mapping Libraries: Enabling ISO 20022 Migrations
SWIFT Translator Mapping Libraries: Enabling ISO 20022 Migrations
SWIFT Translator Mapping Libraries: Enabling ISO 20022 Migrations
MT counterparty
Prop ISO MI guidelines
MT MI guidelines
SWIFT Translator Designer SWIFT Translator Runtime SWIFT Translator is flexible and can be deployed :
Define / maintain formats Java-based component As a standalone component in the back-office application or
Define / maintain mappings exposing message middleware layer
validation, translation,
Test and validate in U2A As part of a SWIFT messaging interface (SIL, IPLA, AMH)
enrichment operations
Define Runtime component Or in multiple places for different translation purposes
Component is configured
(business payload vs. technical header, multiple channels…)
based on where its deployed
(JAR / WAR / …)
Risk Reduction
Timely preparation for the ISO
migrations leveraging SWIFT
* Validation libraries contain message formats and business rules to validate ISO 20022 messages against the defined usage guidelines for the given market
** Mapping libraries contain message formats and translation rules to convert the main messages to/from MT/ISO 20022 for the given market infrastructure.
Calling application JAR library (API) Import and fine-tune Build (JAR, WAR…)
Input (Envelope / MT) and deploy
• Call the library directly from your application • Import a single* library within SWIFT
using predefined APIs Translator Designer to customise, add flows
• Quick set-up or mappings as required
• No customisation needed • Build your services and operations or use
coarse API / project JAR / WAR method
• More flexibility
* Intended as a pre-built single library or compatible mapping and validation library pair
1.3.2 (2.1)
Major version: Each major version is a new product, new commercial price/contract and requires a new quote & order etc.
Minor version: Will change when the scope of the mapping library changes, i.e. to reflect new business version/UGs (such as CBPR+ 2.0 to 2.1) or if additional
mappings are added/removed.
Increment version: Will change for every release under each minor version. Usually reflecting incremental changes to existing mapping such as improvement or
defect fix. This may not be sequential as releases intended for internal use may have occurred.
* This usually named after the business version of the collection published on MyStandards.
Note: Bahtnet (Thailand) and Philpass (Philippines) may be available through SWIFT Professional Service engagement.
MT SR 2023 Updates
MT 2022
1.2.1 1.3.0 (2.2) 1.3.1 1.4.0 (2.2 Apr 22) 1.5.x
2.0 (2.3) 2.1 (2.3)
ISO Accelerator
MT 2022
Pack 1.0.0
SWIFTNet MT 2022
1.0 1.1.0 1.2.x
• Versioning legend – 1.3.1 (2.0): technical version (MI business version)
• * Included in CBPR+ library
1. Availability dates on SWIFT Translator Standalone, IPLA & SIL deployment models. For availability dates on AMH, please contact your account manager.
2. Black outlined diamonds indicate tentative, placeholder defect fixes if required and as priorities permit.
Financial Institutions can opt for Mapping Libraries which come as a one-off price and a 20% yearly maintenance fee. A
mapping library will usually include the corresponding validation library.
Important Notes:
1. Mapping libraries require a SWIFT Translator licence (bundle or runtime) or appropriate SWIFT interface product licence. They cannot be
used with 3rd party software translators.
2. The scope of each mapping library is carefully considered to cover the main use cases and high priority or high-volume messages. A
library will not contain full coverage of mappings for all messages in use by the market infrastructure.
3. These are core product libraries and will not contain mappings for messages that are not used by the given market infrastructure.
4. Try & Buy option for mapping libraries is not available. A limited, sample mapping library is available for demonstration purposes.
1. V1.3.1 includes mapping from previous release unless stated.
2. Mappings remain subject to review with the introduction of the Transaction Management Platform.
3. This Mapping library is a commercial “on-premises” library which may differ in scope from the CBPR+ in-flow or TM translation products.
Mapping Libraries - Restricted 20
Mapping Library for CBPR+ - Messages in Scope
including Business Application Header
MT ISO 20022 CBPR+ Direction Notes Version Availability Date
CRs, defect fixes, MT SR 2022 1.4.0 (Business version 2.1) August 2022
1. V1.3.2 includes mapping from previous release unless stated.
2. Mappings remain subject to review with the introduction of the Transaction Management Platform.
Note: SWIFT GO mappings are included in the CBPR+ library and not in a separate library. Validation library is separate from CBPR+.
1. The introduction of ISO 20022 brings some new workflows / use cases which did not exist for MT use cases and are therefore not in scope for mappings to/from MT.
2. T2 CLM is a new, ISO native system therefore no mapping library is available for this.
Mapping Libraries - Restricted 25
EBA Clearing EURO1/STEP1
− MEPS+ Like-For-Like
1. MAS is renaming MEPS+ to SCRIPS for this enhanced go live in July 2023.
2. SCRIPS will be a major release for MEPS+ Enhanced and therefore a new product. Pricing aligned with MEPS+.
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Mapping Libraries - Restricted 32
1. As of 17 Jan 2022 – BoE announced change to RTGS migration, cancelling L4L phase and now a single, big bang (enhanced) go live in Apr 2023
2. V1.1.4 removed or renamed L4L mappings.