Technology Enhanced Assessment

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Technology Enhanced Assessment Tools

Dr Fotis Lazarinis, Dr Anthi Karatrantou and Dr Theodor Panagiotakopoulos

Hellenic Open University
RE-EDUCO | 2020-KA201-0354A5AF | Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Assessing learning Improves student understanding &

● Student learning requires
assessment and the feedback that ● Feedback should be provided in
comes with it. every assessment activity, to help
students understand their real
● Provides a measure of students' knowledge.
● Well-designed evaluation can also
be used to engage pupils.
Main Types of Assessment

Summative Formative

Summative assessment is used to Formative assessment is defined as

assess student learning at the end of "the process used by teachers and
a unit of instruction by comparing it students to recognize and respond to
to a standard or benchmark. student learning in order to enhance
that learning, during the learning“.
Emerging Types of Assessment (1)

Self-assessment Peer assessment

A formative assessment process in The process by which groups or

which students think and evaluate individuals rate their peers.
the quality of their work to identify
the strengths and weaknesses of Students are involved in one of the
their work. processes that in traditional teaching
are carried out exclusively by the
Emerging Types of Assessment (2)

Adaptive assessment Collaborative assessment

The testing process is adapted to the Two or more learners attempt to

abilities or goals of learners. assess some aspect or aspects of
their own learning together.
Technology Enhanced Assessment

Innovative assessment procedures and

systems that use technology to support
the management and delivery of
What is Different?

It uses a variety of technologies to deliver questions (e.g.,

via computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones), to
allow students to interact with questions (e.g., by watching
videos, taking digital notes, viewing closed captions, and
highlighting and zooming in on text), and to provide
prompt feedback and score reporting (e.g., automated
essay scoring).
New Pedagogical Opportunities

● Focus is on the learner

● Learning could be tailored to the individual

● Learning becomes a social activity

● High-level skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and linguistic and verbal thinking are emphasized
More Possibilities (1)

● Peer assessment, self-assessment, etc . and methodologies to evaluate learning processes based on
participation, cooperation, and output.

● Evaluation within communities of practice

More Possibilities (2)

● New sorts of questions and adaptive delivery mechanisms are used in more sophisticated evaluation

methods and instruments.

● Using Web 2.0 tools to assess high-level skills and competencies.

Quizzes, tests, and exams

Tools which support classical

types of questions like true/false,
multiple choice, fill-in-the gaps,
Concept Maps

Diagrams with nodes which are

connected by directional lines.
They can be used to assess how
well students see the "big

Long-term, individualized records

of a student's mastery of course
material and student own
reflection on their progress are
included in the portfolio.

Written criteria that specify what

students must know and be able
to do in order to obtain a specific

They assist instructors in

developing learning objectives
for their students
Oral or Poster Presentations

Presentations are often used to

assess student learning from
student individual and group
research projects.
Oral or Poster Presentations

Presentations are often used to

assess student learning from
student individual and group
research projects.
Tools For Assessment
Hot Potatoes

It includes six applications, for

creating interactive multiple-
choice, short-answer, jumbled-
sentence, crossword,
matching/ordering and gap-fill
exercises for the World Wide Web.
Hot Potatoes is freeware.
Quizzes with Google Forms

Google forms support automatic

summaries for all quiz responses
and provides frequently missed
questions, graphs marked with
correct answers and average,
median, and range of scores.

It supports game-based
approaches to learning and

Students can plan the assessment

games by themselves or as a

Creation of interactive content by

providing a range of content types
for various needs.

e.g. Interactive videos, Drag and

Drop exercises, Drag the Words
assignments, and other types of
Rubric Maker

Easy to use tool to create rubrics.

It does not require registration and
is totally web based
Easy Test Maker

Online test generator to help

teachers create and manage
Easy Test Maker provides the
tools to format multiple question
types, print alternate versions
More Tools
SurveyMonkey MindMup Peerstudio

Hundreds of tools support student assessment.

Even teleconferencing tools have some support for testing.

Technology enhanced assessment
differs from pen and pencil
assessment as more types of
content and techniques are
available and increased interaction
and real time support and feedback
are possible.

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