Guide To Safety Edge

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Guide to Safety Edges

All new automatic gates & door systems installed in the UK should comply to BS-EN13241-1 & EN-138491-1
safety standards (See page 8). ASO safety solutions are Europe’s market leading manufacturer of resistive safety
edges and inductive transmitting systems for gates & door systems.

We supply the full ASO package, from design & training through to on-site installation and technical
support. This guide describes the functionality of ASO safety systems and how they comply to the law with ex-
amples of where and how to fit them to automatic gates & doors.

(This document is designed as an introductary guide only. Each individual gate or door installation is unique and a full risk assessment should
always be carried out first before any work is undertaken. For full training and expertise please contact us to arrange a visit from one
of our safety experts).

Safety Edge System Explained

The ingenius design of an ASO Safety Edge comprises Mounting rail
of a fully extruded rubber profile with an integrated
Molded wiring plug
switching chamber. The switching chamber consists of
two conductive rubber surfaces separated by a 4mm
void, each surface has a connection wire extruded
through its entire length.

A pre-formed plug containing an 8.2kΩ resistor is glued

in to one end of the switching chamber penetrating
both wires. At the other end a pre-formed wiring plug
is glued in to place, again penetrating the chamber
wires. This enable monitoring of the entire safety edge.
Terminal Resistor

Finally an end cap is applied at each side to finish the

construction of the safety edge. When mounted ver- Rubber Extrusion with integrated safety contact
tically, the lower end cap has a water drainage seal
which needs to be removed to prevent moisture build End cap with cable entry and water drain

up. When mounted horizontally, it is recommended

that both of the end cap’s seals are removed to ensure them, this cuts the 8.2kΩ signal being monitored by
no moisture build up. the control electronics.

When the safety edge is connected to its control elec- The control electronics then output a N/C contact or
tronics the system reads the 8.2kΩ resistance. When voltage signal (depending on model) to the door or
the safety edge is pressed the two conductive rubber gate control panel.
surfaces come together and create a short between

Features and Benefits
• S afety edge continuously monitored and tested by electronics.
• Very fast switching time due to fully sealed chamber design.
• One piece construction, no additional chambers or micro switches to install.
• Safety edge sensitive along its entire length.
• EPDM material, highly resistive to environmental corrosion and physical damage.
• Pre-assembled or self-assembly options available.
• Quick assembly time & can be made to exact length required.
• Safety edge’s certified by a notified body (TUV Nord) to EN1760-2.
• Wide selection of profile sizes to suit any application.

Safety Edge Profiles

The below ASO profiles are most suited to sliding gates, rolls, along with aluminium backing in 6 Meter lengths.
swing gates, barriers and roller shutter installations. Endcaps, resisitors & connecting cables are supplied
Pre-assembled safety edges are available in the profiles individually. Full assembly training is offered free of
shown below and can be made to your exact specifi- charge at your premesis by one of our safety experts.
cations. Self-assmebly material is supplied in 25 Meter Contact us today for free advice & training.

GE 225 TK GE 245 TK GE 365 TK

Low profile T-Foot 25mm Medium profile T-Foot 45mm Large profile T-Foot 65mm
W: 25mm H: 25mm W: 25mm H: 45mm W: 35.2mm H: 66mm
Material: EPDM Material: EPDM Material: EPDM

Aluminium Backing Exposed Aluminium Backing Exposed Aluminium Backing Exposed

Pre-Assesmbled/Self Assembly (25m roll) Pre-Assesmbled/Self Assembly (25m roll) Pre-Assesmbled/Self Assembly (25m roll)


Low Profile Clip Foot 45mm Low Profile Clip Foot (With Flap) 65mm Large Profile Clip Foot 65mm
W: 34mm H: 45mm W: 34mm H: 65mm W: 65mm W: 66mm
Material: EPDM Material: EPDM Material: EPDM

Aluminium Backing Hidden Aluminium Backing Hidden Aluminium Backing Hidden

Pre-Assesmbled/Self Assembly (25m roll) Pre-Assesmbled/Self Assembly (25m roll) Pre-Assesmbled/Self Assembly (25m roll)

Swing Gate, Barrier and Shutter Transmission System

ASO’s safety electronics are designed and produced to When a safety edge is pressed, damaged or the con-
comply with and exceed BS-EN13241-1 requirements necting cable is cut - the controller outputs a contact-
for automatic gates & doors and also comply with the signal. The SK series of controllers has multiple input
future EN13849-1 regulations. The electronic control- voltage options and a choice of relay dry contact, N/C
ler range (SK series) is used to continuously monitor or voltage outputs.
the 8.2kΩ signal from safety edge’s providing a full fail
safe system.

SK 32 - 24 SK 38 - 72 SK 32 - 31
Input Voltage: 24V AC/DC Input Voltage: 24V DC Input Voltage: 230V, 24V AC/DC
Safety Category: CAT3 Safety Category: CAT3 Safety Category: CAT3
Housing: 35mm DIN Base Housing: 22.5mm DIN Base Housing: External IP rated IP65

Output: 2 x N/C dry contact relay Output: 2 x Transistor outputs (12V) Output: 2 x N/C dry contact relay

Dimensions: W: 38mm H: 82mm Dimensions: W: 22.5mm H: 99mm Dimensions: W: 122mm H: 56mm

Contact Mats (Machine Industry)

Contact mat
The ASO-Safety contact mats consist Fixation rail BS 14 Corner connector EVA

of a surface area which has been en-

cased in a polyurethane to ensure
impermeability to water. This process
gives the mat a very high resistance
against water, dust and any other
damaging factors.
Different factors are decisive when it
comes to the layout of different facili-
ties. The ASO contact mat adapts to
any given situation. Built in ramp rail Ramp rail RS 14
can be installed directly in front of the
machine. Larger areas may be safe-
guarded by using several safety mats.
For this reason they are connected in
series, the last contact mat has a re-
sistance of 8.2kΩ.

INDUS Sliding Gate System
The INDUS compact mounting unit for sliding gates is the latest evolution of ASO’s tried and tested inductive
transmission system. The system complies to BS-EN13241-1 & EN13849-1 standards and is certified by a notified
body (TUV Nord).
The inductive transmission system allows for continuous monitoring of the safety edges installed on the moving
part of the gate through a specially coated transmission wire. This wire is attached via the mounting coil SPK54
at one end of the gate, then passes through the pick-up coil SPK55 in the centre and is finally tensioned and ter-
minated at the far end of the gate.
The inductive system allows the 8.2kΩ signals from both safety edges to be monitored separately through the
SPK55 coil. The SPK55 coil then connects to a suitable electronic controller which in turn monitors the transmis-
sion system and safety edges and gives an output signal when either an edge is pressed or the system is faulty.

SPK54 –
This compact & robust mounting
coil is attached to the gate via a
single screw and provides a con-
nection point for safety edges at
both ends of the moving gate.
The clever design allows sim-
ple connection of the provided
transmission wire. A gland and
weather resistant cover (IP65
rated) are provided to protect
against corrosion. (Size: 88mm x
43mm x 36mm including cap.)

Tensioning Unit – SPK55 –

This unit is mounted to the gate at the opposite This is the pick-up coil that transmits the inductive
end to the SPK55 coil and provides the completion signal to the controller electronics, providing full
of the inductive circuit. The unit again is mounted monitoring for both the edges and transmission sys-
with a single screw to reduce installation time and tem. The pick-up coil is provided with a custom made
has an integrated tensioning system to keep the stainless steel bracket and is designed to allow some
transmission wire taught. The tension is adjust- free movement of the coil to prevent wear and snag-
able via 2 screws and a black plastic cover is pro- ging should the gate become damaged. (Size: 39mm x
vided to conceal the unit. (Size: 89mm x 15mm x 27mm x 40mm)
48mm including housing)

Electronic Control Units –

The following control unit options
ISK 71-24 ISK 74-31
are available for connection to the
sliding gate’s control board unit or Input Voltage: 24V AC/DC Input Voltage: 230V, 24V AC/DC

inverter. These are included with Safety Category: CAT3 Safety Category: CAT3
the INDUS kit, when ordering please Housing: 35mm DIN Base Housing: External IP rated IP65
state which controller is required. Output: 2 x N/C dry contact relay Output: 2 x N/C dry contact relay
Both controllers have the input for
stationary edges. Dimensions: W: 38mm H: 82mm Dimensions: W: 122mm H: 56mm 4

Example Safety Edge Installations

Scenario 1

In this scenario we see a typical barred sliding gate

moving through a stationary frame where the motor
and control electronics are housed. To protect this
design we require safety edges to be installed on the
leading, closing & opening edges (up to a height of
2.5M where required).
In addition to protect against shearing in the station-
ary frame we require safety edges to be installed on
both sides of the frame (and in both opening & clos-
ing directions). Additional edges may be required to
protect the motor casing or other shearing points de-
pending on the design of the gate.
Scenario 2

In this scenario we have a sliding gate that has been fin-

ger meshed, boarded or in-filled to prevent shearing as
the gate passes through the stationary frame. The mesh
in-fill used must be fine enough to prevent trapping of
body parts (30mm x 30mm) and the gap between the
gate itself and the frame as it passes through must be
100mm or less to comply with regulations.
To protect this design we require safety edges to be in-
stalled on the leading closing & opening edges (up to a
height of 2.5M where required). Additional edges may
be required to protect at the motor case or other shear-
ing points depending on the design of the gate.

Scenario 3

In this scenario we see a typical barred sliding gate

moving through a stationary frame behind a wall. To
protect this design we require safety edges to be in-
stalled on the leading closing & opening edges (up
to a height of 2.5M where required). In addition to
protect against shearing on the stationary frame we
require safety edges to be installed on both sides of
the frame (and in both opening & closing directions).
In addition we require a safety edge to be installed
on the outside wall to prevent shearing in the open-
ing direction. Additional edges may be required to
protect the motor casing or other shearing points de-
pending on the design of the gate.

Scenario 4
In this scenario we see a typical swing gate configured
Leaf 1 Leaf 2 for the gates to close with a leaf delay. There are no
shearing or crushing points in the opening cycle of the
gate, and the gap between the gate and pillars is less
than 100mm or infilled.
To protect the gap in-between each closing gate leaf -
we should install a safety edge vertically at the corner
of leaf 1 as shown. Additional edges or protection may
be required in the gate hinging area to protect against
shearing or crushing.

Scenario 5

In this scenario we see a typical swing gate configura-

tion configured for the gates to close with a leaf delay. Leaf 1 Leaf 2
The gate opens against an obstruction (wall, fence or
high kerb) so will require protection in the opening
and closing phases. To protect the gap in-between
the closing gate leaf’s we should install a safety edge
vertically at the corner of leaf 1 as shown.
To protect the opening phase we should install ad-
ditional safety edge’s along the bottom bar of leaf
1 and leaf 2. Additional edges or protection may be
required in the gate hinging area to protect against
shearing or crushing.

Scenario 6

In this scenario we see a typical shutter door, to protect

this installation we should fit a safety edge that is active
along its entire length to the bottom of the roller shut-

Scenario 7

In this scenario we see a typical barrier, to protect

this installation we should fit a safety edge that is ac-
tive along its entire length to the bottom of the bar-
rier arm.

BS-EN13241-1 For Gates Explained
Is the ‘umbrella’ standard From machinery directive EN954-1 for installation, testing and ongoing
compliance of automatic gate & door systems.

The standard has been in force in the UK now since Feb 2008 and ALL new gate systems installed
should comply to the standard. The standard covers both commercial & residential gate and door
systems. The standard is comprised of the following norms:-

Requirement Solutions Examples

EN12453 EN12453 EN12453

Defines the crushing points, shear & • Design gate to eliminate shearing and • Correctly fitted, installed & suitable
pull-in areas of automatic gate & door trapping EN12453 compliant automation drive
• Eliminate gaps larger than 100mm unit with fully compliant control board
systems and stipulates the allowable • Use EN12453 marked automation units (*) with obstruction sensing configured to
impact force (N) on an object or per- • Use rpm sensor, encoders, force detection exert less than 400N. (*)
son. To comply the force exerted on • Use full light curtain system on danger areas • Suitable ASO safety edges and induc-
• Use PSPE system (Safety Edges) tive transmission system fitted to gate.
an object or person In the last 50cm
of travel must not exceed 400N, and (*) – Not guaranteed to comply unless tested (*) – To fully comply the force of the gate
the system must stop AND back off fol- may not be sufficient to operate correct-
RPM Sensors, Encoders and Force Detection ly in all conditions. High wind, snow or
lowing contact within 0.75 seconds in built in to automation control boards require corrosion to gate hinges all effect forces
either the opening or closing phase of exact configuration to comply. These measures required to operate.
are also easily bypassed or altered. Force mea-
operation. An active detection system surements must be carried out to ensure com-
is required up to height a of 2.5M. pliance at installation or following any changes.

EN12445 EN12445 EN12445

This standard specifies testing points • ITT (Initial Type Test) gates to comply with • ITT certificate provided with new gate
on gates and doors. This defines the required testing points and forces. produced by manufacturer/installer.
distances and locations that testing
• Use force testing device on new types of • CE marked gate with date of produc-
gates or modified gates to comply. I.e. Ret- tion & Sn.
of force must be carried out to com- rofit • Test certificates for force testing.
ply with the standard. (slider 500mm, • Use manufactured gate prefitted with au- • Test certificates from safety edge man-
tomation and safety edges certified to this ufacturer
300mm, 50mm from stop), (vertically standard. • Declaration of conformity certificate
50mm from bottom, 300mm from top 
plus half way up gate). Each measure- All of the above must be provided with
any new installation.
ment must be made 3 times for a total
of 27 measurements.

EN12978 EN12978 EN12978

Defines the self-test and monitoring • Fit ASO Cat 3 inductive transmission system • Gate fitted with ASO INDUS system
characteristics of the transmission • Fit EN1760-2 compliant safety edges • Gate fitted with ASO monitored safety
• Fit Cat 2 transmission with external testing (*) edges
system to comply with safety catagory • ASO safety edges with Cat2 transmis-
levels or performance levels. (i.e. con- (*) – The CAT2 transmission systems relay(s) sion system (*)
tinuous monitoring of system, and re- must be tested before each operation.
(*) – Cat2 system must have auto-test
dundancy in the event of a failure). function and be connected to test signal
from control board.

EN1760-2 EN1760-2 EN1760-2

Defines level of sensitivity, perfor- • Fit safety edge with monitoring technology • ASO GE/GEF/SKL safety edge profiles
mance characteristics, response time • Fit safety edge certified to EN1760-2 standard
and percentage of sensitive surface
area of safety edges used.

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