RPT Mathematics Year 3 (DLP)
RPT Mathematics Year 3 (DLP)
RPT Mathematics Year 3 (DLP)
1.4 Place value. 1.4.1 State the place value and digit Suggested activities:
State any number up to 10 000.
value of any number. Use various representations 1
and abacus 4:1 to represent
1.4.2 Partition any number according to the place value and the digit
the place value and digit value. Explain the value of numbers up
value. 2 to 10 000.
1.7 Number 1.7.1 Identify number patterns of Notes: State any number up to 10 000.
patterns. the given number series in Number series can be up to six numbers. 1
ascending and descending
order in ones up to tens,
Explain the value of numbers up
hundreds and thousands.
2 to 10 000.
1.7.2 Complete various number
patterns of a given number ● Determine the values and
series in ascending and arrange the numbers in
descending order in ones 3 order.
up to tens, hundreds and ● Estimate and round off any
thousands. numbers.
Suggested activities: ● Complete number sequences
1.8 Problem 1.8.1 Solve problems involving whole Use the following problem solving steps: and number patterns.
solving. numbers up to 10 000 in daily ● Understand and interpret the
situations. problem.
● Plan a solving strategy. Solve daily routine problems
● Carry out the strategy. 4 involving any numbers up to 10
● Check the answer. 000.
Solve daily routine problems
Use various problem solving strategies 5 involving any numbers up to 10
such as identifying the pattern, making 000 using various strategies.
tables and working backwards. Solve daily non-routine problems
6 involving any numbers up to 10
Use various teaching and learning 000 creatively and innovatively.
strategies such as STEM approaches
and mastery learning.
3.2 Decimals. 3.2.1 State zero point zero one up to Suggested activities: State proper fractions, improper
zero point nine nine in numerals Use diagrams, number lines and 1 fractions, mixed numbers,
and words. software. decimals and percentages.
3.2.2 Represent the decimals with
Explain proper fractions,
hundred square grid and vice
2 improper fractions, mixed
numbers, decimals and
3.2.3 Compare the values of two percentages.
decimal numbers up to two
● Compare the value of two
decimal places using hundred
square grid and number lines. decimal numbers.
3.2.4 Add two decimal numbers up to ● Add and subtract proper
two decimal places with the sum fractions.
up to zero point nine nine. ● Add and subtract decimals.
3.2.5 Subtract two decimal numbers up ● Determine a reasonable
to two decimal places within zero answer involving addition
point nine nine. and subtraction for fractions
Notes: and decimal numbers.
3.3 Percentages. 3.3.1 Name and say percentages. Introduce the percentage symbol as Solve daily routine problems
3.3.2 Recognise the symbol of “%”. 4 involving fractions, decimals and
percentage. percentages.
3.3.3 Represent percentages in Solve daily routine problems
hundred square grid and vice 5 involving fractions, decimals and
versa. percentages using various
3.3.4 Write one percent up to one strategies.
hundred percent. Solve non-daily routine problems
6 involving fractions, decimals and
percentages creatively and
3.4 3.4.1 Represent the fractions of Notes: State proper fractions, improper
hundredths in decimals Decimals involving 0.01 up to 0.99. 1 fractions, mixed numbers,
Relationshi and vice versa. decimals and percentages.
p between 3.4.2 Represent the fractions of Suggested activities:
Explain proper fractions,
fractions, hundredths in Use concrete materials, diagrams and 2 improper fractions, mixed
percentages and vice software.
decimals numbers, decimals and
and percentages.
3.4.3 Represent the percentages in
percentage ● Compare the value of two
decimals and vice versa.
s. decimal numbers.
● Add and subtract proper
3.5 Problem 3.5.1 Create stories based on number Suggested activities: fractions.
solving. sentences involving fractions, Use the following problem solving ● Add and subtract decimals.
decimals and percentages. steps: ● Determine a reasonable
3.5.2 Solve problems involving fractions, ● Understand and interpret the answer involving addition
decimals and percentages. problem. and subtraction for fractions
● Plan a solving strategy. and decimal numbers.
● Carry out the strategy. Solve daily routine problems
4 involving fractions, decimals and
● Check the answer. percentages.
Solve daily routine problems
Use various problem-solving 5 involving fractions, decimals and
strategies to solve the problems such percentages using various
as drawing diagrams, making strategies.
tables/charts or lists systematically. Solve non-daily routine problems
6 involving fractions, decimals and
Use various teaching and learning percentages creatively and
strategies such as simulation, STEM innovatively.
approaches and problem based
4.2 Subtraction of 4.2.1 Solve the number Suggested activities: Determine the
money. sentences involving Use objects, pictures, number lines 3 reasonable answer and
subtraction of two values and abacus 4:1, software and mental solve number sentence
of money within RM10 calculations to represent the of basic operations and
000. subtraction of money. mixed operations
4.2.2 Solve the number sentences Use simulation as a teaching involving money.
involving subtraction of two values and learning strategy.
of money from a value within
RM10 000. 4 Solve daily routine problems
involving money.
4.3 Mixed 4.3.1 Solve the number sentences of Suggested activities:
operation mixed operations involving addition Use objects, pictures, number lines
5 Solve daily routine problems
s and subtraction of money within and abacus 4:1, software and mental
involving money using various
involving RM10 000. calculations to represent the mixed
addition operations involving addition and
and subtraction of money. 6 Solve daily non-routine
subtractio Use simulation as a teaching problems involving money
n of and learning strategy. creatively and innovatively.
Use simulation as a
4 Solve daily routine problems
teaching and learning
involving money.
4.6 Foreign 4.6.1 Recognise currencies of ASEAN Notes: 5 Solve daily routine problems
currencies. countries. Introduce other countries’ involving money using various
4.6.2 State the equivalent value of currencies. strategies.
RM1 in the current rates of
6 Solve daily non-routine
other countries’ currencies. problems involving money
creatively and innovatively.
5.9 Problem 5.9.1 Create stories based on Suggested activities: Record the activities
Use the following problem solving steps: 3 obtain information from
solving. number sentences of
● Understand and interpret the the schedule and
basic operations calendar and solve the
involving time. problem. number sentences
5.9.2 Solve problems ● Plan a solving strategy. involving time.
involving time in ● Carry out the strategy.
daily situations. ● Check the answer.
4 Solve daily routine problems
involving time.
Use various problem solving
strategies such as trying a simpler
case, drawing diagrams or working 5 Solve daily routine problems
backwards. involving time using various
Use various teaching and learning
strategies such as simulations and
6 Solve daily non-routine
modular approaches.
problems involving time
creatively and innovatively.
6.3 Volume of 6.3.1 Convert units of volume of liquid involving Suggested activities:
liquid. litre and millilitre.
6.3.2 Solve the number sentences involving Use real objects and software to State the relationship
addition up to three volumes of liquid convert units of volume of liquid 1 between centimetre and
involving litre and millilitre. involving litre and millilitre. metre, gram and kilogram,
6.3.3 Solve the number sentences involving millilitre and litre.
subtraction up to two volumes of liquid Use various calculation
from one volume of liquid involving litre
and millilitre. strategies to solve the number
Explain the units of
6.3.4 Solve the number sentences involving sentences. 2 measurement for length,
multiplication of volume of liquid by a mass and volume of liquid.
one-digit number involving litre and
6.3.5 Solve the number sentences involving Solve the number
division of volume of liquid with a one-
sentences involving
digit number involving litre and millilitre.
3 measurement.
Suggested activities:Use the
6.4 Problem 6.4.1 Create stories based on number following problem solving steps:
solving. ● Understand and interpret the Solve daily routine
sentences involving measurement.
problem. 4 problems involving
6.4.2 Solve problems involving measurement ● Plan a solving strategy.
in daily situations. ● Carry out the strategy.
● Check the answer. Solve daily routine
Use various problem solving 5 problems involving
strategies such as logical measurement using various
reasoning and identifying strategies.
Use various teaching and
Solve daily non-routine
learning strategies such as
6 problems involving
simulations, STEM
measurement creatively
approaches and modular
and innovatively.
8.2 Problem 8.2.1 Solve problems involving coordinates. Suggested activities: 4 Solve daily routine
solving. Use various problem solving problems involving
strategies such as analogy coordinates.
and drawing diagrams.
5 Solve daily routine
Use various teaching and problems involving
coordinates using various
learning strategies such as
simulation and contextual
learning. 6 Solve daily non-routine
problems involving
coordinates creatively and
(KUMPULAN A: 03 - 06 NOVEMBER 2021, KUMPULAN B: 03 - 06 NOVEMBER 2021)