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The key takeaways are that community health nursing focuses on promoting health and preventing disease at the community level. It discusses different models of health and approaches community as the client. Environmental factors and their interplay with the host are also discussed.

The three world views on community mentioned are: 1) family, community and society as an integral part, 2) contradictions/conflicts are always present, and 3) community is always in a state of continuous movement and change.

The three components of the Health-Belief Model discussed are: a) seriousness of an illness, b) susceptibility to an illness, and c) benefits of taking action


UNIT 1 CHN: An overview A. COMMUNITY Community- a group of people w/ common characteristics or interest living together w/n a territory or geographical boundary. -place where people are found. Community as the client/patient in CHN ( client- well; patient- sick) World Views on Community: 1. Family, Community & Society an integral part of society & is composed of families Family- Intra-Familial Inter-Personal (self) Community- Intra-community Inter-Familial Society- Intra-Societal - parochial , Inter-community -strong regional, parochial,

2. Contraindications/ Conflicts always present in the community (there is a solution) 3. Change comm. Is always in a state of continuous movement & change. Dev.t onward & upward movement. Community As Setting in CHN Practice: (as a setting) place where people under usual or normal conditions are found (ex. School, Homes, Work) Outside of purely curative institutions (hospital is not a part of population) *Hospital not included d/t/: > centers for wellness as an element in PHC > health promotion& disease prevention projects (Sentrong Sigla Movement) > vital element in the comm.-based-referral network

B. HEALTH 1. *Health-Illness Continuum Model Degree of client wellness ranging from optimum wellness to death Dynamic state, matters as a person adopts to changes in internal & external environment to maintain a holistic well-being Ex. Coital Debut- sex before age 20- increase cervical CA Ex.
Optimal Wellness External environment--------Political (macrosystem) Economic Socio-cultural Death = Dynamic State -----Attitudes

High- Level Wellness Model Maintain a continuum balance & purposeful direction with env't. Involves progress to a higher level of functioning , an open-ended & ever-expanding challenge to live to the fullest potential 2. Ex. 1978------ UNICEF & WHOAlma Ata, Russia - global health situation - Strategy/ approach: PHC - Goal: HEALTH FOR ALL BY 2000 (old) 1979 Phil. LOI # 949 in relation to the Alma Ata declaration - PHC as the Thrust of DOH


VISION of DOH- HEALTH FOR ALL BY 2000 & HEALTH IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE BY 2020 MISSION- In partnership w/ the people, provide equity & access to quality health services to the marginalized. VISION & GOAL- same with DOH, PHC program 1994- Riga----HEALTH FOR ALL BY 3000 AND BEYOND! Agent-Host Environment Model- (EPIDEMIOLOGIC) Refers to the interplay of the agent (causative etiologic factor), host (w/ intrinsic factor) & envt. Requires the individual to maintain a continuum of balance & purposeful direction w/ envt.

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Etiologic factor of Dengue? ---virus AGENT HOST A. Etiologic Factors: B. Intrinsic Factors & Environmental Factors 1. Biological infections----virus, bacteria 1. Age - fungi, protozoa, helminthes, ectoparasites 2. Sex (m or f) 2. Chemical- carcinogens, poisons, allergens F - Weak emotional; morbidity: common diseases Ex. GMOs carcinogen M - Mortality ( killer diseases) MSG- poison 3. Behavior 3. Mechanical- car accidents, etc 4. Educational attainment- occupation 4. Environmental/physical- heatstroke 5. Prior immunologic- response 5. Nutritive- excess or deficiency 6. Psychological C. Extrinsic Factors 1. Natural boundaries- physical, geography 2. Biological environment 3. Socioeconomic envt.- political boundary 4. Health-Belief Model Refers to the relationship between the persons belief & his behavior in health Preventive Pertains to the 3 Components of Individuals Perceptions: a. Seriousness of an illness b. Susceptibility to an illness & c. Benefits of taking action Ex. Male infected w/ STD & female non-infectious----- Increase susceptibility of transmission HIV infection (commercial sex farers, sea workers, medical team Susceptibility, possible MOT--- unprotected sex- occupational hazard Prevention: Safer Sex Practices A bstinence B e faithful C orrect, consistent, continuous use of condom D o not penetrate (SOP)


HIV infected age groups Males age 40-49 Females 20-29 3.

seafarers ratio: 1: 5 anal sex- wont get pregnant, common in rural Vaginal: 1: 1000 Anal: 1: 200-----highest risk Oral lowest risk

Evolutionary Based Model illness & death serve an evolutionary function- based on Darwins Survival of the fittest theory Elements: a. Life events developmental variables & those associated with changes b. Lifestyle determinants personal & learned adaptive strategies a person uses to make lifestyle changes c. Evolutionary viability w/in the social context extent to w/c a person fx to promote survival d. Control perceptions e. Viability emotions affective reactions developed from life events f. Health determinants *Health Promotion Model Directed at increasing clients well-being All efforts increase well-being (no threat) ex. sex education Combating any possible disease (no existing disease) WHO Definition *Health- a state of complete physical, mental, & social well-being and not merely the absence of a disease, illness or infirmity WHO: Health is a social phenomenon Health as a result of interplay of diff. societal factors: -Biological, Physical- heat, temp, Ecological- adaptation to env't. - Political, Economic, Social cultural



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It is an outcome of many theories : Multi-Causal Theory of Health, Disease & Multi Casual theory- holistic- General systems theory Community Health - part of paramedical & medical intervention/ approach concerned on the health of the whole population Aims: 1. Promotion of health 2. Prevention of illness 3. Management of factors affecting health APPLIED STUDY: Structure -----Function ---Malfunction --COMMUNITY AS CLIENT: Demography- study of population Sociology Epidemiology- study of diseases

INDIVIDUAL CLIENT: Anatomy ---Physic --Pathos --D. PUBLIC HEALTH

1. WINSLOW - The science & art of preventing disease, prolonging life, promoting health & efficiency through organized community effort To enable each citizen to realize his birth right of health & longevity. Major concepts: 1. Health promotion 2. Peoples participation towards self-reliance 2. HANLON - Most effective goal towards total development & life of the individual & his society 3. PURDOM - Applies holism in early years of life, young, adults, mid year & later - Prioritizes the survival of human being E. NURSING 1. Virginia Henderson - Assisting sick individuals to become healthy & healthy individuals achieve optimum wellness 2. Dorothea Orem - Providing assistance to clients to achieve self-care towards optimum wellness Early years- fetus- 12 years/ younger adults- 12-24 years Orem- self care, autonomy----independent patient 3. Florence Nightingale - Placing an individual in an envt. that will promote optimum capacity for self-reparative process - individual capable of self-repair & there is something to repair in an individual F. COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING WHO Expert Committee on Nursing: -Theoretical bases of CHN practice : the theories & principles of Nursing & PH

1. 2.

WHO CHN definition: Special field of nursing that combines the skills of nsg, PH & some phases of social assistance & functions as part of the total PH program for the: Promotion of health Improvement of the conditions in the social & physical environment 3. Rehabilitation of illness & disability PhilosophyDr. Margaret Shetland Philosophy of CHN is based on the WORTH AND DIGNITY of man CHN Goal:
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To raise the level of health of the citizenry by helping comm. & families to cope with the discontinuities in & threats to health in such a way as to maximize their potential for high-level wellness 1. Community Health Nursing (Maglaya) The utilization of the nsg. process in the diff levels of clientele- indiv, families, pop grps, and comm. concerned with a. promotion of health b. prevention of diseases c. disability & rehab 2. Jacobson - CHN is learned practice discipline with the ultimate goal of contributing, as individual & in collaboration with others, to the promotion of the clients optimum level of functioning through teaching & delivery of care. Nursing Function: a. Independent b. Collaborative or Interdisciplinary---Health Team Approach

1. 2. 3.

3. Freeman -Unique blend of nursing & public health practice aimed at developing & enhancing health capabilities of the people , service rendered by a professional nurse with the comm., grps, families, and indiv at home, in H centers, in clinics, in school, in places of work for the ff: Promotion of health Prevention of illness Care of the sick at home and rehab - self-reliance G. BASIC CONCEPTS OF CHN 1. The Primary focus of CHN is Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Primary goal - self reliance in health or enhanced capabilities Ultimate goal - raise level of # of citizenry Philosophy of CHN- Worth and dignity of man -The by the nature of her work has the opportunity & responsibility for evaluating the health status of people & groups & relating them to practice. CHN practices -to benefit the individual, family, special groups & community CHN is integrated and comprehensive CHN are generalists in terms of practice thru out lifes continuumits full range of health problems & needs Contact w/ client continue over a long period of w/c includes all types and levels of HC Levels of HC: PHC- management at the level of community SHC- regional, provincial, district, municipal, and local hosp (complicated sx) THC- sophisticated med ctrheart ctr, QI, KI Nature of CHN practice requires knowledge on biological, social sciences Implicit in CHN is the Nursing Process (ADPIE)an independent nursing function Nursing Function: Independent- without supervision of MD Collaborative- in collaboration with other H team ( interdisciplinary, intrasectoral)

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 1. 2.

a. b. c. d.

H. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CHN (adopted from Gardner, Cobb & Jones) 1. The comm. is the patient in CHN, the family is the unit of care and the 4 levels of clientele are: Individual Pop. group ( those who share common char, dev stages & common exposure to the problems ex. Children, elderly) Family Communication 2. In CHN, the client is considered as an ACTIVE partner NOT PASSIVE recipient of care-participatory approach Client- active participant, full involvement recipient care

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3. 4. 5.

CHN practice is affected by devts in Health technology, in particular, changes in society, in general. The goal of CHN is achieved through multisectoral efforts- coordinated with other sectors. CHN is a part of health care system & the larger human services system.- Nsg practice, human service

I. KEY PRINICIPLES IN CHN 1. Recognized needs of individual families & common provider is the basis for CHN practice *CHN process: a. Assessment -Data collection (family, comm.) Community diagnosis -Data analysis- H problems H. problems joint effort (HT & Comm.) H. Needs --HT H. Deficit gap bet. actual & achievable


Knowledge and understanding of agency objectives & policies facilitates goal achievement b. Planning: Prioritization Goal setting Objectives Actions Evaluation/ outcome--criteria --standard-measure outcome based on criteria/ obj Family is unit of service (focus of service) Respect values, customs and beliefs of clients Implementation- pt/ ct- comm. Focus of care: indiv, families, sp grps, comm.. Attitude: non-judgmental Health education & counseling- vital parts of CHN---role: implementation Health Educator & Counselorhave the same goal: Behavioral change Difference bet: Health educator gives advice Counselor- gives options (never gives direct advice) a. b. c. d. e.

3. 4.


Collaborative working relationship with health team facilities goal achievement - nurse coordinator of health services 7. Periodic & containing evaluation is necessary------monitoring 8. Continuing staff education- upgrade nursing practice 9. Indigenous & existing community resources must be utilized Appropriate technology- methods & tech that are: a. Scientifically sound- experimentation b. Socially acceptable 10. Individuals, families, & comm. must actively participate in decision making 11. Supervision of nursing practice by qualified personnel provides guidance & direction for work----supervisor 12. Accurate recording/ reporting serve as evaluation & guide for future actions 6. Exercise: Who supervises the nurse in the community 1. CH Nursing practice- RN supervision 2. Project/ program implementation MD 3. Mgt, & admin concerns- Mayor a. MD b. RN supervisor c. Major d. All of them

J. ROLES OF THE PHN Clinician who is a health care provider, taking care of the sick people at home or in the RHU.

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Health educator, who aims towards health promo & illness prevention thru dissemination of correct info; educating people Facilitator, who establishes multi-sectoral linkages by referral system Supervisor, who monitors & supervises the performance of midwives

In the event that the Municipal Health Officer (MHO) is unable to perform his duties/fxns or is not available, the PHN will take charge of the MHOs responsibilities Roles of the PHN II and III Qualifications: BSN + RN in the Phil. K. ROLES OF THE COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE Planner/ Programmer- identifies needs, priorities & problems if individual, family, & comm. - Formulates nsg component of H plans In doctorless areas, she is responsible for the formulation of the municipal health plan Provides technical assistance to rural health midwives in health matters like target setting. 2. Provider of Nsg care- provides direct nsg care to the sick, disabled in the homes, clinics, schools, or places of work provide continuity of patient care 3. Manager/ Supervisor- formulates care plan for the: 4 Clientele: a. Requisitions, allocates, distributes materials (meds & medical supplies & records & reports equips b. Interprets and implements programs, policies, memoranda, & circulars c. Conducts regular supervisory visits & meetings to diff RHMs & gives feedbacks on accomplishments 4. Community Organizer- motivates & enhance community participation in terms of planning, org, implementing & evaluating H programs/ services. 1. 5. Coordinator of Health Services- coordination with other health team & other govt org (GOs & NGOs) to other health programs as envt. sanitation health education, dental health & mental health. Trainer/ Health educator/ counselor- conducts training for RHMs, BHWs, hilots who aim towards H promo & illness prevention through dissemination of correct info; educating people 7. Researcher- coordinates with govt. & NGOs in the implementation of studies/ researches participates in the conduct of surveys studies & researches on Nsg and H related subjs. 8. Health Monitor----evaluating what deviates from normal 9. Manager ---under the nurse---midwives 10. Change Agent 11. Client Advocate 6. L. RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be a part in delivering an overall health plan; its implementation & evaluation for comm. Provide quality nursing services to 4 levels of clientele Maintain coordination/ linkages of nsg service with other health team members NGO/GO in the provision of PH services- multisectoral app Conduct research relevant to CHN services to improve provision of health service- researchto improve HC Provide opportunities for professional growth and continuing education for staff devt.

Sources of CHN standards: BON & PNA Multisectoral approach: other sectors , intersectoral linkages, intrasectoral linkages, comm. based referral network M. COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING PROCESS 1. Assessment/Diagnosis a. Collection of data ( subjective: expressed by client or SO; objective: measurable- interview & observations,senses, intrn) b. Categories of health problems 2. Planning 3. Implementation 4. Evaluation- 3 elements : structural , process & measurable outcome or objective 1. 2. 4 Tools/ Instruments for Data Collection: Nursing history subj PE- Obj
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3. 4.

Lab- Obj Process recording- obj (analyzed by RN) CHN NOTES: 1. Primary Goal in CHN Self-reliance in health 2. Ultimate Goal in CHN Raise the level of health of the citizenry 3. Unit of care - Family 4. Levels of Clientele Individual, Family, Special Population & Community 5. Primary Focus Health Promotion & Disease Prevention 6. Philosophy Of CHN Uphold the worth & dignity of man 7. Theoretical Bases Of CHN Practice Theories & Principles of Nursing & Public Health 8. CHN as : People-oriented, comprehensive & integrated, focus on health UNIT II : LEVELS OF CLIENTELE IN CHN 1. Individual - an open system composed of subsystem a. Atomistic the basic constituents of an individual, use concepts of biology w/c in turn refers to essentialismbehaviorpsychological---human behavior is dictated by experience b. Holistic-suprasystemssociological in naturesocial constructionismnurture--behavior Sex---a biological concept (male/female) a sociological conceptgendermasculinity or femininitybased on culture on sexual orientation: attracted to opposite sex---heterosexual same sex ---homosexual both ---bisexual 2. Family - 2 or more individuals who commit to live together for an extended period of time not necessarily w/ marital affinity or blood relations A. MODELS 1. DEVELOPMENTAL MODEL by Evelyn Duvalll 8 Stages of Family Development Stage 1- Beginning family -Concern: marital & sexual adjustment, fxnal, communication, adjustment to roles, pre-natal educ. Stage 2- Early Childbearing Family -Concern: Changing roles, parenting Stage 3- Families with preschool children -Concern: Child discipline, childbearing, accidents, poisoning, CD Stage 4- Families with school age children -Concern: Balancing time & energy to meet demands of work, childrens needs & activities, adults social interests, harmony in marital & in-laws relations. Stage 5- Families with teenagers -Concern: Open communication., continuing intimacy in marital relation, peer pressure, sex educ. Stage 6- Family as Launching Center -Concern: Releasing children as adults, reestablishing marital dyad, identifying post parental interest, grandchildren, divorce/ separatx, menopause Stage 7- Middle-Aged Families -Concern: Rebuilding marriage & maintaining satisfying relationship with aging parents children with their families, retirement plans, health, new career. Stage 8 Aging Family ( retirement & old age)
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-Concern: Continuous maintenance of family relations, income changes & living arrangements physiologic aspects of aging, death of spouse. 8 Family Tasks or Basic Tasks of Developmental Model: Physical maintenance Allocation of resources- income given to wife Division of labor joint parenting Socialization of family members Reproduction, recruitment & release *Maintenance of order- high crime rate Placement of members in larger society- Indication familys success Maintenance of motivation & morale Criticisms: very limited & cannot apply to all situation 2. STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL MODEL ( Ruth Freeman, Baylon & Maglaya) Initial data base a. Family structure and characteristics nuclear- basic family extended- in-law relations, or grandparents relations members of household in relation to head demographic data (sex- male or female, age, civil status) live-in- married/ common law wife male- patriarchal female- matriarchal type & structure of family dominant members in health general family relationship Assessment: Family initial data base 1st level assessment 2nd level assessment b. Socio- economic & cultural factors resources & expenses educ attainment ethnic background religious affiliations SO ( do not live with the family but influences decisions) Influences to larger comm. c. Environmental factors housing- # of rooms for sleeping kind of neighborhood social & health facilities available comm. & transportatx facilities d. Health assessment of a member- PE e. Value placed on prevention of disease immunization compliance behavior First Level Assessment 1. Health Threat- conditions conducive to disease, accidents or failure to realize ones health potential healthy people Ex. Family hx of illness- hereditary like DM, HPN nutritional problems- eating salty foods personal behavior- smoking, self-medication, sexual practices, drugs, excessive drinking inherent personality char- short temperedness, short attn span short cross infectx poor home env't. lack/inadequate immunization hazards- fire, falls, or accidents
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family size beyond what resources can provide 2. Health Deficits- instances of failure in health maintenance ( disease, disability, devtl lag) 3 Types: a. Disease/ illness- URTI, marasmus, scabies, edema b. Disabilities- blindness, polio, colorblindness, deafness c. Developmental Problems like mental retardatx, gigantism, hormonal, dwarfism

Stress Points/ Foreseeable Crisis Situations anticipated periods of unusual demand on individual or family in terms of adjustment or family resources ( nature situations) Ex. Entrance in school adolescents (circumcision, menarche, puberty courtship (falling in love, breaking up) marriage, pregnancy, abortion, puerperium death, unemployment, transfer or relocation, graduation, board exam Second Level Assessment (Family tasks involved) 3. Family tasks that cant be performed

Recognition of the problem Decision on appropriate health action Care to affected family member Provision of healthy home environment Utilization of comm. resources for health care Family Health Nursing Diagnosis

Combination of health problems and health Ex. Inability of the family to recognize the health threats of a poor home environment r/t knowledge deficit Problem prioritization Nature of the problem Health deficit Health threat Foreseeable crisis Preventive potential (ability) High Moderate Low Modifiability Easily modifiable Partially modifiable Not modifiable Salience High (serious- immediate action) Moderate (serious not immediate) Low (not felt) =3 =2 =1 =3 =2 =1 =2 =1 =0 =2 =1 =0 A. 2 x 1= 0.61 3 B. 3 x 1 = 1 3 A. 3 x 1 = 1 3 B. 3 x 1 = 1 3 A. 1 x 2 = 1 2 B. 2 x 2 = 2 2 A. 0 x 1 = 0 2 B. 1 x 1 = 0.5 2 Ex. A. Inability of the family to recognize the health threats of a poor home environment r/t knowledge deficit. B. Inability to provide care to a pregnant member with anemia as a health deficit r/t knowledge deficit. Score= add all ( the higher the score, the higher the problem) Formula: _________given score_______ x weight
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wt.= 1 pt.

wt. = 1 pt.

wt. = 2 pts.

Increase possible score Exercise: Who to visit last? Health D A adolescent with psychological problems Health D B DM Health D C pregnant Health D D typhoid (RN shd practice aseptic technique)

Clue: identify nature of problem first Top Priority Health case A unemployment HD B anemia in pregnancy HD C scabies HT D poor home environment B. POPULATION GROUPS - Composed of individuals Vulnerable groups: or High Risk Groups (before) Infants & young children dependent to caretakers School age- most neglected Adolescents identify crisis, HIV mothers 1/3 of population health problem (pregnancy, delivery, puerperium) Males too macho to consult Old people degenerative disease *Population Pyramidshows the age, sex & structure

C. SPECIALIZED FIELDS: 1. Community Mental Health Nsg - A unique process which includes an integration of concepts from nursing, mental health, social psychology, psychology, community networks & the basic sciences. Focus: Mental Health promotion- no need to identify disease, increase mental wellness of people Nursing: Strengthening the support mechanism Psychiatric Nsg- focus: Mental Disease Prevention Focus: Mental Disease Prevention- identify disease & shorten disease process 2. Occupational Health Nursing - Application of Nsg principles & procedures in conserving Health of workers in all occupations. Aims: Health promotion & prevention of diseases & injuries, risk minimization, ensuring safe work place From industrial to service

3. School Health Nsg - The application of nsg theories & principles in the care of the school population
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Components: School Health Services- maintain school clinic, screening all children- visual, hearing, scoliosis Health Instruction- health education/ counselor direct & undirect Healthful School Living- health monitor Mental health- substance abuse, sexual H Environmental health- food sanitation, water supply, safe environment, safe toilet School community- linkage- comm. organizer

UNIT III. ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NEEDS A. Community Diagnosis: Descriptive research Profile general picture of comm., a direct health indicator Process by which the people in the conn & H team assess the comm. H problems & needs as bases for H programs devt. A learning process for the comm. to identify their own H problems & needs A profile that deposits the H problems & potentials of the comm. 2 Types of Community Dx 1. Comprehensive- provides the general health profile of the comm. 2. Specific or problem oriented- yields a comprehensive profile of a particular H problem. Steps: Preparatory Phase 1. Site selection: Location of 1st criteria a. Poor community because they are vulnerable to disease, a health problem b. Free from other agency 2. 3. 4. Preparation of the community Statement of obj- dependent of comm. Dx Identify methods & instruments for data collection 1. Method of Survey: Questionnaire 2. Interview method Instrument- interview guide/ schedule a. Records review Instrument: checklist b. Ocular inspection/ observation Instrument: checklist c. Participant observation 3. Finalize sampling design & methods a. Probability: Equal chances- random- ( simple, stratified, cluster) b. Non- probability: Everyone will not have equal chances 4. Make a timetable
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Census (100%) : Most ideal, enumeratx of data conducted 6 mos. Sample Survey : Most practical study representative of a comm. Size matters in terms of validity

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2.

Implementation Phase Data collection-uses instruments Data organization/ collation Data Presentation (narrative, tubular, graphical) Data Analysis Median age decrease young population Preferred Pop. older populationlonger life span, less people dying Identification of health problems Prioritization of health problems Development of a health plan Validation and feedback- presentation of results

Evaluation Phase Process evaluation Product evaluation B. STATISTICS Statistics: A science- collection, organization, analysis, interpretation of numerical data.

Biostatistics: refers to the application of statistical method to the life science like biology, medicine. Demography: Study of pop size, composition & spatial distribution as affected by births, deaths & migration. Phenomenon of Variation Tendency of a measurable character to change from 1 individual or 1 setting to another or from 1 instant of time to another within the same individual or setting Types of Data: 1. 2. Constant- value remains the same from person to person, time to time, place to place Ex. Minutes/ hour, speed Variable- Ex. Temperature

Qualitative- categories are simply used to label to distinguish & group to another, rather than a basis for saying that 1 group is greater, higher than the other. Ex. Sex, Religion, Color Quantitative- numerical Can be measured Discrete- whole number or integral values Continuous- fractions, decimals, can attain any decimal Sources of Demographic Data: 1. Survey a. Census Types: DE JURE - Data from place of origin DE FACTO - Registration where it happened Ex. If death happened at PGH, report in Manila regardless of place of residencyreport to that place b. Sample survey 2. Continuing Population Registers- used computers to monitor their birth record. 3. Other records & registration systems Sources of Data On Health 1. Vital Registration Records

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RA 3753 ( Civil Registry Law) registration of births, deaths to local registrars (city health officer or municipal treasurer) Problem: Under registration & de facto registration Unreported birth- unreported death 2. Weekly reports from field health personnel RA 3573 ( Law on reporting of Notifiable Diseases) Report to provincial & duty health office Midwife reports under supervision of the nurse 2 Diseases to be reported within 24H Measles & Polio 3 Disease to be reported w/n a week- Tetanus Neonatorum, Severe & acute diarrhea, HIV Problems: under reporting- crisis oriented, concept in health, sx, dx, syndromic approach. Population Census- shd have interval, accurate estimation

3. 4.

Individual Health records/ family records Birth cert., school clinic records, employment records, health ctr records, hosp records, health facility logbooks, death cert 5. Publications Components Of Demography: 1. Population Size:

a. b. c. d.

Natural Increase (NI) Formula: # of birth # of deaths Net migration (NM) Current Population Growth Rate Formula: : Inmigrants Outmigrants (immigrants) (emigrants)

Formula: NI + NM + P0 = Pt (Current population)

Formula: CBR - CDR Crude birth rate/ 1000 crude death rate/ 1000= current growth rate/ 1000 Ex. 26/1000- 6/1000= 20/1000 pop growth rate

3. 1. 2.

Population Composition: Age distribution percent in terms of age group Median Age age that divides the pop. In 2 equal parts: middle most age MA 20yo 50%= 20yo 50%= 20yo MA younger Age- Dependency Ratio -used as an index of age-induced economic drain on human resources = number of dependent (0-14) +65 100 individual in the prod age ( 15-64 y/o) Sex ratio number of males for every 100 females Males x 100 Females = SR = 100 (M-F) SR > 100 ( M) SR < 100 ( F) Population Pyramid- double bar graph depicting the age & sex structure of the pop. Public Health- SR= 105 (birth) SR = age SR = poor countries



5. 6.

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SR 0-1 0-6 7.

= rural communities vulnerable age for boys Other characteristics: - Occupational groups, Economic groups, Educational attainment, Ethnic groups

Population Distribution: 1. 2. Urban- rural- % of pop in urban - % of pop in rural Shows the proportion of people living in urban compared to rural areas

Crowding Index- No. of household members Ex. 20 = 4/rm Room for sleeping 4 - Indicates the ease by which a CD can be transmitted from 1 host to another susceptible host no. of indiv or Square km indiv 2 Km

3. Population Density-

- Determines congestion of the place C. VITAL STATISTICS Vital Statistics - Direct health indicator The application of statistical measures to vital events (births or fertility, deaths or mortality & common illnesses or morbidity) that is utilized to gauge the levels of health, illness & health services of a community. VS= numerator x factor Denominator All Numerator --------- fertility- number of birth mortality- no. death morbidity- no. of cases

B. Numerator is always < denominator Quotient is always < 1 decimal no. C. Factor- 1000 (100%) 100,000 Ex. CBR There is 0.0064 births/indiv = 6.4 X 1000 How to read: there are 6 births in every 1000 pop There are ANS (numerator) in every factor (denominator) A. Fertility Rate 1. CBR (Crude birth rate)- relative pop due to births Total number of births in a calendar year CBR= Birth x 1000 Pop Ex. 25.8= CBR >There are 26 births in every 1000 pop 2. General Fertility Rate (GFR) - true fertility rate specific segments of pop that is fertile GFR= ________Birth___________ x 1000 Pop/ of women (15 to 44 y/o) B. Mortality Rates 1. Crude Death Rate____ x 1000 Decrease in pop due to death CDR= death x 1000 Pop.
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Ex. GRF=32 There are 32 births in every woman in 15-44

Ex. CDR= 6 there are 6 in every 1000 pop

2. Specific Mortality Rate- can apply to any pop grp

SMR = death from or particular grp x 1000 Pop of that group a. SMR (males) = death (males) x 1000 pop of males b. SMR (females) = death of females 15-44 pop of females 15-44 Infant Mortality Rate: IMR= Death 0 -1 year x 1000 Births Neonatal Mortality Rate: NMR= deaths 0-28 days x 1000 Births Post Neonatal Mortality Rate: PNMR = deaths 28 days to 1 year x 1000 Births NMR + PNMR = IMR Neonatal deaths + Post neonatal deaths= Infant deaths Ex. Birth 200 NMR= 20 Death 28 to 1 NMR + PNMR = IMR 20 + 10 = 30 (ANS) 3. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) MMR= death of women r/t pregnancy, delivery, & puerperium x 1000 Births Ex. IMR = 30 There are 30 infant deaths in every 1000 births NMR = 20 There are 20 neonatal deaths in every 1000 births PNMR = 10 MMR = .92 4. Proportionate Mortality Rate = PMR ( for any grp) PMR= death from a particular grp x 100 total death Ex. 52% PMR of males = deaths of males x 100 total deaths In every 100 death, 52 are males 1. PMR = deaths 0-1 x 100 total deaths PROPORTIONATE MORTALITY INDICATOR A. Swaroops Index = SI SI = death of 50 yrs & up x 100 total deaths The SI, the better the situation is! ---proportionate mortality indicator

B. Relative importance of a killer ( TB, heart dse, diarrhea) Death due to TB x 100 total deaths PMR = 30% Ex. TB --In every 100 deaths, 30 are due to TB

C. Case Fatality Rate (CFR) How is survival rate, how strong is killing power, prognosis CFR= death due to particular cause x 100 total cases Ex. CFR = 98 HIV

___death HIV___ x 100 Total cases of TB-------In every 100 cases of HIV, there are 98 deaths
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D. Cause-of-death Rate (mortality rate) rank as a killer C of DR= death due to particular cause x 100,000 total pop Ex. C of DR =320TB------In every 100,000 pop there are 320 deaths due to TB E. Prevalence Rate = (Morbidity rate) Rank as a common disease PR = old and new case x 100,000 total pop Ex. PR Ex. PR F. Incidence Rate IR= ___new cases___ x 100,000 pop at risk D. EPIDEMIOLOGY Epidemiology - Study of frequency of disease - Study of distribution of disease or physiologic condition among human pop & the factors affecting such distribution. - Distribution means the frequency of diseases & physiologic condition in terms of who gets sick where & when. Basic Concepts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Epidemiologic Triad: Agent- Host- env't Transmission of CD: Common vehicle, source- serial- transfer- propagated from host to host Incubation period: Herb Immunity: Arthropod Entry of pathogens w/ enough infections load , up to appearance of the 1st s/sx % of immune pop- some indiv are immune Dengue- aedes daytime C Malaria anopheles- nighttime L E A Neem tree Quick to come, quick to go Natural- in water, breast feeding Artificial- serum globulin, antiserum, antitoxin Slow to come, slow to go Natural active- getting the dse itself Artificial- tetanus toxoid = old & new case of TB x 100,000 = 326 TB There are 326 cases of TB out of 100,000 population.

Types of Immunity: 1. Passive:

2. Active:

Preg 1 --- 4th month --------------------------TT1 --- 8th month (before delivery) ---- TT2 Preg 2 --------------------------------------------- TT3 ( 1st booster dose) Preg 3 -------------------------------------------- TT4 (2nd booster dose) Preg 4 -----------------------------------------------TT5 (3rd booster dose)

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Factors Affecting Distribution of Disease: 1. Person- exposure, susceptibility or response to agents. - Influenced by intrinsic characteristic - Genetic/ family, prior immunologic experience - Age, sex, ethnic grp, physiologic status - Human behavior---most significant---can be modified Some identified increase risk grps. - Mothers, infants, and young children - School children, old people, contacts - People far from medical assistance - People in areas with endemic dse - People at certain times Attack Rate- incidence of illness among exposed pop Number of cases x 100 Pop at Risk 2. Place - Extrinsic factors, existence of etiologic factors & exposure & susceptibility of human host, influenced by extrinsic factors. 3. Time - Temporal patterns- fluctuations of incidence a. Short term- fluctuations - Time of day - Days of the week b. Cyclic pattern- regular pattern Seasonal cyclicity annual cyclicity Secular cyclicity every other year typhoid, measles Patterns of Disease Occurrence: Epidemic - A situation when there is a high incidence of new cases of a specific dse in excess of the expected. - When the proportion of the susceptible are high compared to the proportion of the immunes. Ex. 20-30 diseases that you dont know Current number of cases exceeds the usual expectancy. Endemic - Habitual presence of a disease in a given geographic location accounting for the low number of both immunes & susceptible. - Causative factor is constantly available or present to the area Ex. Malaria, constant Sporadic - Disease occurs every now & then affecting only a small number of people relative to the total pop - Intermittent - On & off Pandemic - Global occurrence of a disease, bigger population - Patient epidemic- easily the person can identify the cause
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Common Epidemiologic Studies:

Retrospective (Past) Case Control study -Show an association bet. the risk factor & disease

Cross- Sectional (Present) Prevalence study- old & new cases - Get prevalence of disease (Lung CA) - Get prevalence of risk factor (smoking)

Prospective Cohort (future) - Incidence or new cases

*Independent variable (Cause) *Dependent (Effect)

- The one to be manipulated - Will always be the interest of the researcher

UNIT IV. NATIONAL HEALTH SITUATION I. Basic Health Indicators 1. Nutrition 2. Disease Patterns II. Disease Patterns A. Leading Causes of Morbidity & Mortality Context of CHN: health situation Nutrition- under nut of 0-6 y/o Commerciogenic malnutrition 2 Indicators to assess a national health situation

10 Leading Causes of Morbidity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pneumonia --bacterial Diarrhea Bronchitis Influenza -respiratory HPN TB respiratory Diseases of the heart Malaria Chickenpox Measles

10 Leading Causes of Mortality 1. Disease of the heart 2. Diseases of the vascular system 3. Malignant neoplasm 4. Pneumonia 5. Accidents 6. TB all forms 7. COPD 8. Conditions originating in perinatal period 9. DM 10. Nephritis, nephritic syndrome

III. Other indicators A. Infant Mortality Rate *2002 ---21/1000 rated based on WHO global indicator >50 high
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Increase IMR- decrease MCHS (poor nutrition and child health service) 10 Leading Causes of Infant Deaths 1. Other perinatal conditions 2. Pneumonia 3. Bacterial Sepsis of Newborn 4. Diarrhea & Gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin 5. Congenital Pneumonia 7. Other congenital malformations 8. Disorders r/t short gestation & LBW 9. Septicemia 10. Measles *Increase IMR= decrease MCHS *Poor maternal child health service B. Maternal Mortality Rate Leading Causes Of Maternal Deaths: 1. Normal delivery and other complications r/t pregnancy occurring in the course of labor, delivery & puerperium 2. HPN complicating pregnancy, childbirth & puerperium 3. Postpartum hemorrhage 4. Pregnancy with abortive outcome 5. Hemorrhage r/t pregnancy *Life expectancy at birthlife span either: age specific or sex specific *Median Age- 20.1 years *The Philippines is an agricultural country- 55% IV. HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM The totality of all policies, facilities, equipments, products, human resources & services w/c address the health needs, problems & concerns of the people. It is large, complex, multi-level & multi-disciplinary. FOUR QUESTIONS: Who are served? Who provides the services? Where are the services given? What is the focus of care? - Only a few because only a few can afford Health professionals Hospitals- access physical inaccessibility- financial Curative

Participation in the production process _____

ability to satisfy basic need

health status

5 Major Functions: 1. Ensure equal access to basic health services 2. Ensure formulation of natl policies for proper division of labor & proper coordination of operations among the government agency jurisdictions. 3. Ensure a minimum level of implementation nationwide of services regarded as public health goods Family planning, EPI 4. Plan and establish arrangements for the public health systems to achieve economies of scalePhil Health 5. Maintain a medium of regulations and standards to protect consumers and guide providers
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Sentrong Sigla- Training & Infrastructure Local Govt Units: R.A. 7160 Local Govt Code Local health board- Governor Municipal health officer- mayor Assistant - municipal Provincial health officer Health Promotion- no threats, no risk- approach behavior Health Prevention- identified health problem- avoidance behavior Private Sector composed of both commercial and business orgs, non- business orgs NGOs Assumes the ff roles: Policy & Legislative Advocates Organizers, Human Rights Advocates Research & Documentation Health Resource Dev Personnel Relief & Disaster Management Networking UNIT V. THE NATIONAL HEALTH PLAN National Health Plan - A long-term directional plan for health. This is the blueprint defining the countrys health: PROBLEMS POLICIES STRATEGIES THRUSTS Goal: To improve health indicators through access

To enable the Filipino population to achieve a level of health w/c will allow Filipinos to lead a socially & economically-productive life, with longer life expectancy, low infant mortality, low maternal mortality, & less disability through measures that will guarantee access of everyone to essential HC. Broad Objectives: a. b. c. d. Promote equity in health status among all segments of society Address specific health problems of the population Upgrade the status & transform the HCDS into a responsive, dynamic & highly efficient & effective one in the provision of solutions to changing the health needs of the population Promote active & sustained peoples participation in HC.

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23 IN 1993 Refers to the 23 programs, projects, activities of the DOH for the year 1993, which marks the beginning of its journey towards DOG vision. Health for more in 94 Activities in 1994 focused on Cancer prevention, reproductive health, mental health, and maintenance of a safe envt. Health Focus in 1995 Think Health, Health Link A national & multi-sectoral health promotion strategy aimed at conveying health messages to people wherever they are aimed at building supportive environments through advocacy, community action & networking. Health Sector Reform Agenda participation in health Sentrong Sigla Movement Pertains to development & implementation of standards to provide quality health services to the people. UNIT VI. STRATEGIES & METHODOLOGIES IN CHN I. STRATEGIES & HEALTH STATUS TARGETS TO ACHIEVE OBJECTIVES Strategies To Promote Equity In Health: Priority for the vulnerable & marginalized Marginalized People- those who live geographically & culturally isolated areas; are victims of poverty, armed-conflict, man-made & natural disasters & poor envt conditions. Vulnerable Sector of the Population: Composed of infants (0mo-1yr) & children (1-4yo) Women of reproductive age (15-44 y/o) Youth & adolescents & the elderly (65 & above) A. PRIMARY HEALTH CARE AS THE KEY APPROACH Essential care based on scientifically sound & socially acceptable methods & technology made universally available to families & community at a cost they can afford at any given stage of devt through their full participation towards self-reliance and self-determination. PHC was declared in the ALMA ATA CONFERENCE in 1978, as a strategy to community health dev. It is a strategy aimed to provide essential HC that is: C ommunity-based A ccessible P art and parcel of the total socio-economic dev effort of the nation A cceptable S ustainable at an affordable cost Health Care System (HCS) - Few VS. PHC - Many Emphasizing on improvements in health care delivery by maximizing peoples

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Providers Venue

- Health professionals - Hospitals

- Brgy. health workers - Community

DOH Framework: Peoples empowerment & partnership is the key strategy to achieve the goal: Health for All Filipinos by the Year 2000 and Health in the Hands of the People by the year 2020. WHAT DOES ESSENTIAL HC IN PHC MEAN? It stands for: E ducation of prevailing health problems L ocally-endemic disease prevention & control E xpanded program of immunization M aternal & child health & family planning E nvironmental sanitation and safe water supply N utrition & food supply T reatment of communicable & non-communicable disease/conditions S upply & proper use of essential drugs and herbal med D ental health promotion A ccess to & use of hospitals as centers of wellness M ental health promotion

4 Major Pillars or Elements: a. Multi-Sectoral Approach b. Community Participation c. Appropriate Technology d. Support mechanism made available 1. MULTI-SECTORAL APPROACH a. Intersectoral Linkages b. Intrasectoral Linkages



HEALTH PERSONNEL OF 1st LINE HOSPITALS Physicians with specialty Nurses Dentists

Trained community Health worker; health auxiliary volunteer; Traditional birth attendant

General Medical Practitioners Public Health nurses Midwives 1st source of professional Health care Attend to health problems beyond the competence of village health workers


Initial link, 1st contact of the community Work in liaison w/ the local health service workers Provide elementary curative preventive health care measures

Establish close contact with the village & intermediate level health workers to promote the continuity of acre from hospital to community to home.

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Provide support to the frontline health workers in terms of supervision, training, referral services & supplies thru linkages with other sectors

Provide back-up health services for cases requiring hosp or dx facilities not available in HC

2. COMMUNITY ORGANIZING - A continuous & sustained process of awareness raising, organizing, mobilizing a. METHODS OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: Peoples Participation (continuous & sustained) Awareness-Raising Organizing Mobilizing b. TYPES OF COMMUNITY: 1. Unorganized - No P.O. 2. Organized Community - Should carry the interest of the majority - Interest for Peoples Development c. LEVELS OF PARTICIPATION

Genuine Participation > Delegated Power > Partnership - People Empowerment - Self-reliance Token Participation > Placation > Consultation > Information Non-Participation > Therapy > Manipulation

d. LEVELS OF AWARENESS: Awareness The ability to identify personal concerns & troubles to bigger context

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Political Socialization- Highest level. People w/ common concerns will mobilize Political Mobilization - Communication Interest Aggregation People w/ problems will group together & relate to one another, *identifies a common problem Interest Articulation - People recognized problems & diff ways d/t a problem. People recognizes the problems & expresses it Culture of Silence/Passivity - Lowest/ low salience to existing problem. People are not aware but not considered as a problem. Ex. Battered wife

e. KEY CONCEPTS & PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Objective analysis of objective conditions Basic trust on people & on their inmate potentials & capabilities From the people for the people & with the people Subject of C. O: People People want to change Self-willed changes will have more meaning than imposed changes

f. CONTEXT OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZING Current situation- CO is class based. CO is given to the poor, deprived & oppressed

g. GOALS OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZING Equal chance/ access for people

h. COMMUNITY ORGANIZING IN HEALTH: Health Sector Organizing Establish communication based health programs Component of health Thrust is PHC

a. 1. 2.

PHASES/STEPS IN COMMUNITY ORGANIZING Social Integration Preliminary before entry/baseline information ---Data: Secondary Source

Deepening upon entry/continuously assess situationData: Primary Source Entry (Low Key)
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3 Steps a. Deepening social integration b. Social Preparation Through community leaders Courtesy Call Attendance to meeting Clarify & Establish rapport Develop Trust c. Community Integration The community House-To-House Visit A continuing effort to imbibed the communitys way of life Deepen rapport Develop MUTUAL TRUST Formulate objectives (Active Peoples Participation) *Best method of Community integration: Direct Participation in the Production Process 3. Spot Map - Small group formation---- a cluster of 8-15 household --- this is the management unit for peoples participation & health care - Election of CHWs - Launching - Community Diagnosis - Core-Group Formation - Phase-Out

APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY Method used to provide a socially & environmentally acceptable level of service or quality product at the least economic cost. 3. Criteria: F easible A cceptable, Affordable C omplex E ffective S afe S cope- wise/Simple

Example. A. ACUPRESSURE/ACUPUNCTURE Finger pressure using the process of moxibustion Principles of Qi B. HERBAL MEDICINE:
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Meridians body parts (14) Composed of Yin & Yang Tsun body inch used to locate points Ahshi Parts will explain the diagnosis Massage: 2-3 cycles/second (1-5 minutes/point)

Grouped According To Their Characteristics 1. AROMATIC MEDICINAL PLANTS - Contains volatile oil for treatment of fever, cough, colds, itchiness & gas pain. Ex. Sampaguita Jasmine Rosal Suha Kalamansi Mangga Tanglad (Lemon Grass) Damong Marya Sambong Yerba Buena Manzanilla Bawang Petals - Eyewash, Conjunctivitis, Sore Eyes (Infusion)

Leaves Plant Plant Leaves Leaves Leaves Bulbs

- Fever (Used as TSB) - Fever - Cough & Colds, Dysmenorrhea (Decoction) - Cough & Colds, Dissolves Renal Stones, HPN, Diuretics - Arthritis, Toothache w/ swollen gums, Itchiness - Gas pains (Extract oil 1:1 veg. oil or coconut oil) - HPN, Anti-Cholesterol (Eaten or as tablets) - For Tuberculosis (Crush 1 ear & shake for weeks:Drink) - Antiseptic (Tincture- 5 tbsp. of Gin + 1 chopped bawang shake for 10 minutes/week) - Elixir (1 part alcohol: 10 parts plant) - Not taken on empty stomach - Fever (TSB) - Cough & Colds, Increases libido

Luya Kamias Sibuyas

Roots Leaves Bulbs

2. ASTRINGENT & BITTER-TASTING MEDICINAL PLANT - Contains Tannin & Pectin Creates a lining in the intestinal mucosa that Good for diarrhea & wound A vocado leaves B ayabas leaves K aimito leaves D uhat leaves S aging leaves S antol Leaves M angostan K asuy T saang Gubat - Also as woundwash Fruits also for diarrhea peristalsis

- Nuts & leaves - Also as mouthwash

3. BITTER-TASTING MEDICINAL PLANTS - D/T alkaloids----that acts on the CNS ----Anesthetic & Depressant Effect a. Skin problems b. Depressants c. Aches & pains Tsitsirika
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- Acapulco, Kalachuchi, Malunggay, Kakawati, Makabuhay - To put hyperactive people to sleep: Dapdap, Dita, Makahiya - Sambong, Damong Marya Anti-Cancer Drug ---contains velcrine


Scabies, Abortive effect, Depressant

Malunggay Calachuchi For Scabies Kakwate ---------- + headache Madre De Cacao Adelfa Kampanyero Dapdap,Dita Ampalaya Makahiya Talampunay Mayana 4. SEEDS - Has fixed oils that are natural irritants to helmentics: Anti-helmentics. Niyug-niyogan (urine) Patola (seeds) Ipil-ipil Betel nut or bunga Balanyog Squash seeds Ascariasis Anti-helmentic Anti-Helmentic: C/I: Pregnant womenAbortive Effect Anti-helmentic Anti-Protozoan, Anti-Helmentic Anti-helmentic Digitalis Depressesants Diabetes Impotence. Erectile dysfunction, Depressant/Sleeping Bronchodilator effect (Inhalation/Flower) S/E Psychosis if used as decoction Crunckles (Pigsa)

Lanzones- do not throw peelings instead, burn itgood insect repellant 5. GRASS FAMILY - Good as Diuretics---for edema, fever, HPN & urinary problems Tubo Tanglad Pandan Kagon Pugo-pugo Buto-butones Gatas-gatas

- As cigarette inhaler for asthma (Leaves)

Pansit-pansitan/Ulasimang bato Uric Acid, HPN Stones- meis hairm Palay (stalk) - HPN Mais (hair) - Renal stones

10 Medicinal Plants: L agundi U lasimang bato

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- Asthma, Cough & Colds, Dysentery, Itchiness - Uric acid, HPN

B awang B ayabas Y erba Buena S ambong A mpalaya N iyug-nyogan T saang gubat A capulco (sunting)

- HPN, Antiseptic - Diarrhea, Woundwash - Arthritis, Toothache, Swollen gums, Cough & Colds, Itchiness - Cough & Colds, Renal stones - DM - Ascariasis - Diarrhea - Fungal infection, scabies (leaves)

R.A. # 8423- Utilization Of Medicinal Plants as Alternative for High Cost Medications. Policies: 1. 2. 3. The indications/ uses of plants The part of the plant to be used Preparation of a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Decoction - laga/boil Poultice - tapal (may add oil) Infusion - tea at least 24H Syrup - add sugar and for storage- lasts for 3-5 days Oils - bawang, luya, mansanilya extract Ointment - with wax Tincture alcohol Elixir based

B. HEALTH PROMOTION 1. Health Promotion - Consists of activities directed towards increasing the level of well-being & actualizing the health potentials of individual, families, communities, societies Goals: Increase the level of wellness: No risk factor & no threats Health Promotion 1. Not disease-specific 2. Aggressive Approach 3. Expand positive potential for health Health Prevention 1. Problem-specific 2. Avoidance 3. Prevention thwarts the occurrence of pathogenic insults to tissue & well-being

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2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Levels of Health Promotion Individual Wellness - Self decisions on lifestyle & self-responsibility---personal habits affects health Family Wellness - Devt. of health behaviors & beliefs ---family (formation of behaviors) Community Wellness - Venue for dissemination of health information & devt. of health norms Environmental Wellness - Harmony & balance between human beings & surroundings Societal Wellness - Satisfaction of basic human needs, dignity, utilization of talents 3. Methods Of Health Promotion:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Health Education Good Nutrition Personality Development: Grooming & Hygiene Provision of adequate housing, recreation & amenable working condition Genetics Periodic selective examination 4. HEALTH PROMOTION & DISEASE PREVENTION IN THE CONTEXT OF A PATHOGENESIS Health promotion Healthy person-----------Time--------------------- Healthy person (Pathway Of Health) No Risks, No Threats, No Problems

Pathway of Diseases---Recovery Permanent Death S/Sx of Self-medication - Health seeking behavior

C. DISEASE PREVENTION: 1. Primary Level Of Disease Prevention -Keep people healthy - Prevention of disease - Risk factors & threats present A. Ex. Through People 1. Immunization: Method of health promotion 2. Chemoprophylaxis: Intake of drugs Ex. Vit C to avoid URTI 3. Reproduction & Sexual Health
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4. Responsible Parenthood B. Through Environmental Control 1. Safe Water Supply - Physical characteristics - Chemical characteristics-with minerals in H2O- hard water (better - Biological (-) for e.coli Common household water function = Boil H2O Boil with low fire, wait 5 mins after boiling Filtration- from ascariasis due to airborne solid block Water supply- 25 meters away from toilet, pig pen, poultry refuse disposal system 2. Food Sanitation/ Good Food Hygiene 1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. Ensure the Health of the FF: Sources of raw food- without pesticides Food handlers Environmental sanitation Safe excretal disposal (toilets) Needs H2O No need for H2O Water Needs Transplant No Transplant Cistern flush with sewage system Cistern flush with septic tank No water Flying saucer-pail system (bucket latrine) 1. PIT- privy > Antipolice, bore hole, compost, twin > Ventilate 1 improved pit- less smell > Reed odorless earth closet (ROEC) 2. Overhung latrine (batalan) bangin 3. Cat-hole latrine

3. Reuse Management: - Solid & semi-solid waste excluding human excretal Garbage- fruit peelings, left over food- biodegradable Rubbish- broken glass, plastic- non-biodegradable Acceptance of Reuse Management: 1. 2. 3. Open burning Composting Burial Community Level a. Sanitary Landfill Problem: Prone to scavenging b. Incinerator- no residue, pure smoke 4. Vector animal reservoir control 5. Disinfestations & Sterilization 6. Good living & working condition 7. Health education -Health promotion best source of prevention
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2. Secondary Level Of Disease Prevention - Early diagnosis & prompt intervention to halt pathological process to shorten duration, severity & return to normal functioning at earliest possible time. a. Screening Methods Mass Screening: Should be simple & inexpensive Case Finding: Positive cases of leading causes of morbidity Gold Standard for TB test: Culture and Sensitivity Sputum smear microscopy- TB test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Contact Tracing: Pt. with disease & check source of infection from family Multiple Screening: HIV test Surveillance Pre-Test Counseling- risk appraisal for disease prevention Risk situation, Risk behavior ELISA I Post Test Counseling Behavioral modification- IMPT Uniqueness of individual Risk factor: increase probability of disease ELISA II Western Block Test- (-) or (+) result with post counseling (Confirmatory DX) Characteristics Of An Ideal Screening Test: 1. 2. Sensitivity: True positive rate or strength of association bet. presence of disease & Sx Specificity 3. Tertiary Level Of Disease Prevention - Applied in symptomatic phase & defects or disability is present already. Starts when the individual seeks medical help - Rehabilitation is the goal, resting to an optimum level of functioning within the constraints of disability Diagnosis During symptomatic phase Treatment Management Rehabilitation starts when the individual enters the facility II. STRATEGIES/ PROGRAMS TO PROMOTE HEALTH OF THE VULNERABLE SECTORS OF THE POPULATION

A. MATERNAL CARE PROGRAM Strategies: 1. Provision of Regular & Quality Maternal Care Services Regular & quality pre-natal care Hx-taking, utilization of HBMR (Home-Based Mothers Record) a guide in the identification of risk factors
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PE: weight, ht, BP-taking Perform head to toe assessment, abdominal exam TT immunization Fe supplementation: given from 5th month of preg to 2 months postpartum (100-120 mg orally/day for 210 Laboratory exam: heat-acetic acid test, benedicts test Oral/dental exam Pre- Natal counseling Provision of safe, delivery care

All birth attendants shall ensure clean & safe deliveries at home or at the facilities ( RHUs/hospitals) At-risk pregnancies and mothers must be immediately referred to the nearest institution Untrained TBAs who actively practice must be identified, trained & supervised by a personnel of the nearest BHS/RHU trained on maternal care. 2. Provision of Quality Postpartum Care Proper schedule of follow-up must be followed:

1st postpartum visit for home deliveries must be done within 24H after delivery 2nd, done at least 1 week after delivery 3rd, done 2-4 wks thereafter Attendants must be aware of the early signs & complications. They should follow the 3 CLEANS: CLEAN hands CLEAN surface CLEAN cord 3. Improvement of the health personnels capabilities on NB care, midwifery through trainings. Trainings for hilots must also be conducted 4. Improvement on the quality of care at the First Referral Level Orientation, training should be done on the use of proper filling-up or HBMR card Proper referrals/endorsements must be done for future if-ups 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Prevention of unwanted pregnancies through family planning services Prevention & management of STDs. Promotion of appropriate health practices Upgrade reporting services Mobilize political commitment & community involvement to provide support to basic HC delivery

B. FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM Goal: Maternal & Child Health Through: a. Proper Timing of Pregnancy: Ideal age to be pregnant 20-30 y/o b. Proper Interval of Pregnancy: Ideal spacing 3 years every 2 years With risk every year - High risk c. Proper # of Pregnancies:
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Ideal 3x 4x With risk

5x High risk 3 Major Program Policies: 1. 2. 3. Improvement of family welfare with main focus on womens health, safe motherhood & child survival Freedom of choice Promotion of family solidarity & responsible parenthood (except birth control)

Family Planning Method: 2 Types of Family Planning Method 1. Spacing number of pregnancy & ideal timing 3 Types: a. Hormones (pills, injectables) b. Barrier: IUD Condoms (male/female) Cervical cup Diaphragm Vaginal Sponge most effective among the 3 (2-3 hrs. before sex) Spermicides causes toxic syndrome Dental dams c. Scientific Family Planning 1. Natural Cervical mucus method BBT Sympto-thermal more popular LAM 2. Standard Days method used by urban poor women Red beads- start of menstruation Fertility Beads 2. Permanent Method Tubal ligation- ok even if without consent of husband Vasectomy What to discuss: basic human sexual response Causes Possible Effects MOM BABY Bleeding, Malnutrition, Pneumonia, Bronchitis Anemia Diarrhea, Measles Short interval of pregnancies HPN Congenital deformities Anemia, Miscarriage Low birth wt, Fetal death Pregnant before 20 or > 30 y/o Still birth Infant death Prolonged labor Physical defects HPN, Bleeding, rupture of uterus. LB weight More than 4 deliveries Cervical CA Respiratory distress C. EXPANDED PPROGRAM ON IMMUNIZATION (EPI) Goal of EPI: Reduction of morbidity & mortality of immunizable diseases Not all diseases are immunizable Types & Schedule of Vaccines: AT BIRTH 1st BCG
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1 months DPT1 OPV1

2 months DPT2 OPV1

3 months DPT3 OPV3

9-12 months MEASLES




BCG: Infant 0.05ml ID School entrants 0.1 ml ID (double dose) DPT: HepB TT 5 ml IM destroyed by freezing

Will not totally eliminate TB Will inhibit Leprosy

Measles .5ml. SQ OPV 2 gtts/ P.O.

Most sensitive to heat & destroyed by heat - Trivalent ( 3 types)

SIDE-EFFECTS OF BCG: a. Kochs Phenomenon (Nisie) - Inflammation of the site of injection after 2-4 days - 2 to 3 wks. Abscess will ulcerate then heals leaving a scar (12 wks.) - Warm complex after vaccination b. Deep abscess at site even after 12 wks.: Incision & drainage c. Indolent ulceration- ulcer after 12 wks Tx: Powedered INH Tx: Powedered INH

d. Glandular enlargement- abscess (2-3 weeks abscess will leave scar 12 wks after) SIDE-EFFECTS OF DPT: Fever for a day (always bring antipyretic)-----------------------Normal Soreness at site within 3-4 days Tx: Warm compress-----Normal Abscess after a week or more- incision & drainage ------Not normal Convulsions-----Emergency: post-pone giving of next dose

SIDE-EFFECT OF MEASLES: Fever 5-7 days after within 1-4 days------Normal Mild rashes --------if it does not disappear-----Roseola

Remember the Principles: Even if the interval exceeded that of the expected interval, continue to give the doses of the vaccine. Immunization can still be given until the child reaches 6 y/o If there has been a reported epidemic of measles, measles vaccine can be given as early as six months BCG booster dose must be given to school entrants regardless of presence of BCG scar. There is no contraindication to immunization, EXCEPT when the child had convulsions upon giving the 1st dose of DPT. MALNUTRITION is not a contraindication, but RATHER AN INDICATION for immunization since common childhood disease are often severe to malnourished children. *COLD CHAIN A system used to maintain the potency of a vaccine from that of manufacturer to the time it is given to child or pregnant woman. Principles: I. Storage- it should not exceed:
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- 6 months @ the regional level - 3 months @ the provincial/ district level - 1 month @ main health centers (with refrigerators) - Not more than 5 days @ health centers (using transport boxes) Important Points To Remember: Arranging of stored vaccine according to: Type Expiration date Duration of storage # of times they have been brought out to the field The vaccine stored the LONGEST & THOSE THAT WILL EXPIRE FIRST shd be distributed or used 1st. It is a MUST to mark ampules/vials with an X mark each time they are carried to the field, because if a VACCINE IS NOT USED on the 3rd trip, it must already BE DISCARDED.

II. Transport Use of cold dogs

III. Handling Once opened or reconstituted, vaccines must be placed in a special cold pack during immunization sessions. Vaccine BCG DPT Polio Measles TT HepB Half life 4 hours 8 hours

TARGET SETTING: Involves the calculation of the eligible population. ELIGIBLE POPULATION consists of any grp of people targeted for specific immunizations d/t susceptibility to one or several of the EPI diseases.

D. UNDER FIVE CARE PROGRAM/ CONTROL OF DIARRHEAL DISEASES UFC Program - A package of child health-related services focused on the 0-59 months old children to assure their wellness and survival. A. GROWTH & HEALTH MONITORING (GMC)
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A standard tool used in health centers to record vital information relative to child G & D, to assess signs of malnutrition Sallen Ming Scale, Bar & Detect type scales are being used All newborns must be enrolled for UFCP B. ORAL REHYDRATION THERAPY Diarrhea: (Unusual frequency of bowel movements more than 3x/day) (Marked change in the amount of stool) (Increase in stool liquidity) 3 Classifications of Diarrhea: 1. Mild 2. Moderate 3. Severe - 5-10 unformed stools/24H ------mild dehydration - 10-15 unformed stools/24H -----moderate dehydration - >15 unformed stools/24H with associated s/sx -----severe

Measures on Diarrhea Prevention: - Breastfeed infants - Provide appropriate supplemental feeding - Handwashing - Utilize clean & potable water - Clean toilet & observe proper feces disposal - Immunize the child with measles 3 Classification of Dehydration: 1. Mild 1st Sign: Thirst Sunken Fontanels & eyeballs Dry lips Irritable but conscious (-) Skin Fold Test Tx: 1st: Give ORS for 4-6H 2nd Then reassess after 4-6H < 2 y/o = cup rice H2O/ or glass of ORS after each bout of watery stool 2 years & above = 1 cup rice water or 1 glass of ORS 2. Moderate Sign: Lethargic Normal blood glucose (+) Skin Fold Test - 10% weight loss 3. Severe Sign: Comatose Almost (-) urine output Dry tear ducts (++) Skin Fold Test -15% wt loss Management for Moderate & Severe:

Same Management


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No Assess if baby can drink Yes Refer ORS No NGT


Give F & E via NGT


No Refer For IVF

DIARRHEA MANAGEMENT AT HOME: Fluids Oresol Rehydration Therapy Encourage/ensure intake of any fruit juices, am, lugaw, homemade soup 3 Fs Frequent feeding Continue breastfeeding/SF With children over 6 mos; cereals/ starchy foods mixed with meat or fish & vegetables Mashed banana or any fresh fruit Feed the child at least 6x/day After diarrhea episode, feed 1 extra meal/day for 2 weeks Fast Referral If child doesnt get better in 3 days, or if danger signs develop-refer patient Danger signs: Fever Sunken fontanel Sunken eyeball Frequent watery stools Repeated vomiting Blood in stool Poor intake of meals Weakness

ORESOL: 1 Pack to 1 liter of water Contains: Home-Made Oresol: 1 L water 8 tsp of sugar 1 tsp salt REMEMBER: Infant must be given - cup every after LBM Child must be given -1 cup every after LBM Adult must be given 1 or more cups every after LBM * No antibiotics must be given to a diarrheic patient except in infectious diarrhea like cholera. C. BREASTFEEDING Unique characteristics of Breast milk: B R educed allergic reaction
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Glucose for Na absorption NaCl for fluid retention NaHCO3 to serve as a buffer system KCL for smooth muscle contraction 1 glass water: 2 tsp sugar 1 pinch of salt


F resh E motional bonding

E conomical A lways available S afe/ maintains the stool soft T emperature always right

E asily established D igestible I mmunity N nutritious G IT disorders are decreased

Difference of breast milk from formula milk: Breastmilk CHO CHON (LACTALBUMIN) Fats Linoleic acid content (3x) Minerals vs. > < = > < Formula CHO CHON (CASEIN) Fats Linoleic acid content minerals

* The high CHON & mineral content of cows milk may overwhelm the NBs kidney, thus it still needs to be diluted. Casein is more difficult to digest. Laws: * E.O. 51 MILK CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES *R.A. 7600 MOTHER-CHILD FRIENDLY HOSPITAL

D. CONTROL OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS (CARI) Goal: Mortality & Morbidity Reduction of Pneumonia Program: 1. Assessment: History: Subjective Age Cough & Duration Able to drink or stop feeding Fever ----duration Convulsion PE: Objective Weight, Height RR- one whole minute Fast Breathing Less than 2 months 60/min or > 2 months- 1 year 50/min or > 1-5 y/o 40/min or > Observe for: - Chest in-drawing - Stridor during inhalation - LOC - Wheeze during exhalation - Fever - Malnutrition - Level of consciousness 2. STANDARD CLASSIFICATION OF ILLNESS:

I. Infants 2 months to 5 y/o

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1. VERY SEVERE DISEASE: If any 3 of the 5 Danger signs are present S & Sx: a. b. c. d. e. Tx: 1. Refer urgently to hospital 2. 1st dose of antibiotics 3. Tx of fever (TSB) * wheeze (nebulize) 4. Anti-malarial 2. PNEUMONIA: S & Sx: a. Chest in-drawing b. Nasal flaring c. Grunting d. Cyanosis 2 Types: a. Severe Pneumonia Sx: Chest in-drawing, cyanosis, nasal flaring, grunting Tx: Same with very severe but anti-malarial is not given b. Not Severe Pneumonia Sx: Tx: No chest in-drawing and fast breathing 1. Home care- tsb, nutrition, steam inhalation 2. Antibiotics- for 2 days & follow up after 2 days a. If it improves, consume all meds finish the course of the treatment. b. If worse, refer. Not able to drink Convulse Sleepy Stridor Severe malnutrition

3. NO PNEUMONIA Assess for other problems & provide home care No Chest-indrawing, No fever If with Sore throat in children: Mild, warm tea with syrup. If chronic, refer Treat ear discharge II. Infants less than 2 months 1. VERY SEVERE DISEASE Sx:
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Stopped feeding well

Convulsions Abnormally sleepy Stridor Wheeze Severe malnutrition & Fever of 38 C or Hypothermia (<35.5C). Tx: Refer urgently to hospital Keep warm Give first dose of antibiotic

2. PNEUMONIA Sx: Severe Chest-indrawing & Fast Breathing

Tx: Same as severe

STANDARD ARI/PNEUMONIA Case Management (EO 110-E s. 1991)

Cotrimoxazole adult tabs Injectable penicillin IM gentamycin IM chloramphenicol

should be regularly available in DOH facilities

No DOH fund shall be used to regularly provide cough meds except only for the ff emergency conditions: Single ingredient cough suppressant for severe pertussis Single antihistamine for confirmed allergic conditions such as allergic rhinitis.

O2 & flow meters must be regularly available in all govt hospitals, with O2 delivered properly according to Standard ARI/ Pneumonia Case Management

Children found to have severe pneumonia, very severe pneumonia, wheezing, otitis media, streptococcal sore throat should be referred to Municipal Health Officer (MHO) or hospital physicians for proper management according to the referral scheme. STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS SPECIFIC HEALTH PROBLEMS

COMMUNICABLE DISEASE PREVENTION & CONTROL Communicable Diseases Chronic communicable Tuberculosis Leprosy (LCP) Vector-Borne communicable diseases Malaria (MCP) Schistosomiasis Filariasis (FCP) H-fever (dengue)


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Tuberculosis is a highly infectious, chronic, respiratory disease caused by TB bacilli. It is one of the 10 leading causes of morbidity & mortality in the Philippines Which is also known as Kochs Dse. Objective of the Program: To control TB by reducing the annual risk of infection (prevalence & mortality rates) Key Policies: Prevention BCG vaccination under the EPI program Annual identification of at least 45% of its prevalence Public health education re: PTB mode of transmission, methods of control & importance of early dx Provide outreach services for home supervision of patients in Multi-Drug Therapy & also for preventive tx of contacts.

Case Finding: Direct sputum microscopy for identified TB symptomatics X-ray exam of TB symptomatics who are (-) after 2 or more sputum exam Establishment of passive & active collection points for sputum samples of all identified TB symptomatics, as well as validation centers to ensure the standard & quality of sputum exam. Case finding & treatment services shall be made available in the BHS/RHUs

Treatment: SR: SCC: All TB cases must be treated for free, on ambulatory and domiciliary (home) basis, except those with acute complications & emergencies. All sputum positive & cavitary cases shall be given priority for short course chemotherapy or SCC for 6 mos. Standard Regimen or SR for a year or intermittent SCC for 6 mos. shall be given to all infiltrative but sputum negative. Isoniazid and streptomycin sulfate Combo pack, Multi drug therapy

What is the purpose of SCC-MDT: Prevent developing resistance against the three drug combinations Shorten duration of treatment usually treatment lasts from 5-10 years. With SCC-MDT, tx can be reduced to a minimum of 6 months Eradicate & completely prevent the relapse of the disease Direct Observation Treatment of Short Course Chemotherapy (DOTS) Tutok-Gamutan PTB TREATMENT REGIMEN Categories: 6 SCC: Patient will be: 2 months on Rifampicin Isoniazid Pyrazinamide Rifampicin + 4 months Isoniazid

Indicated for patients who are:

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(+) Sputum smear Seriously ill (-) Sputum smear, (+) extensive lung lesion (+) Extrapulmonary cases

8 SCC: Patient will be: 2 months on Rifampicin Isoniazid Pyrazinamide Streptomycin + 4 months Rifampicin Isoniazid Ethambutol +5 months Rifampicin Isoniazid Ethambutol

Indicated for those with Relapse: 4 SCC: Patient will be: 2 months on Rifampicin Isoniazid Pyrazinamide + 2 mos Rifampicin Isoniazid Failures Others

Indicated for PTB minimal (-) Sputum smear

Phases of Treating a TB patient: 1. Intensive Phase Diagnostic: Sputum Exam If (+), proceed to Rifampicin 2. Maintenance Phase + 4 months on Isoniazid If still (+) TB colonies proceed to Rifampicin 3. Extensive Phase up to 12 months on Isoniazid 2. LEPROSY CONTROL PROGRAM: Leprosy is a chronic disease of the skin & peripheral nerves caused by Mycobacterium Leprae WHO CLASSIFICATION OF LEPROSY 1. Paucibacillary (tuberculoid & Indeterminate) Duration of treatment: 6-9 months 2. Multibacillary (Lepromatous & Borderline) Duration of treatment: 24- 30 months Objectives of the Program: - non-infectious - infectious 2 months Rifampicin Isoniazid Pyrazinamide

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Provide MDT to all leprosy cases within 3 years & complete the treatment of 90% of all cases out on MDT w/n the prescribed period. Identify all correctible deformities & institution of appropriate intervention Reduce the stigma attached to the disease thru IEC Formulate research proposals on topics associated with leprosy. Key Policies:

Strategies: Prevention: Treatment: which advocates home treatment. MDT TREATMENT REGIMEN: Paucibacillary Supervised Dose: Rifampicin 600mg Dapsone 100 mg Dapsone 100mg

MDT as the core strategy for the National Leprosy Control Program Procurement & supply of MDT Drugs, IEC & training materials by CDCS Health education Supervision & control of leprosy control activities

Health education BCG vaccination Case finding Validate old registered cases Early referral of suspected leprosy patients Epidemiologic investigation Ambulatory Domiciliary chemotherapy through the use of MDT as embodied in RA 4073

Multibacillary Supervised Dose: Rifampicin 600mg Lamprene 300mg Lamprene 50mg Taken once/month in the clinic Self- administered dose Taken OD, daily at home

Taken once/month in the clinic Self-administered Taken OD, daily at home

Leprosy patients must be taught ways to prevent secondary injury caused by burns & rough sharp objects Emphasize importance of sustained therapy, correct dosage, effects of drugs & the need for medical check-up from time to time Provide mental & emotional support to the families of leprosy patients Refer patients as needed. Rehabilitation: Imbibe patients participation in occupational activities Family & community health (PD 304) Non-segregation of leprosy patients Counseling & guidance LOCALLY-ENDEMIC DISEASE PREVENTION & CONTROL 1. MALARIA CONTROL PROGRAM Malaria is a vector-borne disease caused by female Anopheles mosquito causing sx such as fever, sweating, intermittent chills, anemia & spleenomegaly 2 Major Strategies of the Program 1: Vector Control
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Chemically treated mosquito nets Larva-eating fish Environmental clean-up of stagnant water Anti- mosquito soap Chemoprophylaxis- chloroquine 1-2 weeks before entering an area then continuous until 4-6 weeks after leaving the area

2: Detection & Early Treatment of Cases Early Recognition, Prevention & Control of Malaria epidemics Identification of a patient with malaria as soon as he is examined. This may be done thru: > Clinical - Signs & Sx - History of visit to & endemic area >Microscopic - Mass blood smear exam

In the event that an imminent epidemic occurs, the ff should be done: Mass blood smear collection Immediate confirmation & follow-up of cases Insecticide-treatment of mosquito nets 2. SCHISTOSOMIASIS, H-FEVER, FILARIASIS CONTROL PROGRAMS

SCHISTOSOMIASIS CONTROL PROGRAM SchistosomiasisA parasitic infection caused by blood flukes inhabiting the veins of their vertebral victims transmitted thru skin penetration causing diarrhea, ascites, hepatosplenomegaly

H-FEVER (DENGUE) DengueAcute febrile infection of sudden onset, caused by Aedes Aegypti, vector mosquito

FILARIASIS CONTROL PROGRAM > A mosquito borne disease caused by a tissue nematode attacking the lymphatic system of humans thereby causing elephantiasis, lymphedema & hydrocele > Started in 1957 as an operational research of malaria. Eradication Service Three Filaria Control were established & later on integrated with the Regional Health Officers Activities: >Case Finding >Early reporting of any known case of outbreak

Activities: > Case Finding > Surveillance of the disease > Health education- encourage use of rubber boots for protection > Environmental Sanitation-proper disposal of feces

Activities: >Case Finding > Early reporting of any known case or outbreak

> Snail Eradication- use of moluscides PREVENTION, CONTROL & REHABILITATION OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES 1. PHILIPPINE CANCER CONTROL PROGRAM AO 89-A s. 1990 Provided the Guidelines for the Philippine Cancer Control Program specifying its program policy, components, implementing guidelines & timetable.

6 Pillars: Public Information & Health Education Cancer Prevention & Early Detection
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Cancer Epidemiology & Research Cancer Treatment Cancer Pain Relief In Cancer Nursing, the aim of management is to relieve physical, mental & spiritual distress Vital Task of the nurse: To help the patient maintain his dignity & integrity Cancer care is multidisciplinary. Who are to be prioritized for health supervision? Newly diagnosed cases Post-op cases/discharge Indigent cases needing continuity of hospital care Terminal cases 2. SMOKING CONTROL PROGRAM Health hazards of Smoking:

Program Objective:

Lung Cancer Cardiovascular diseases COPD Cancer of other body organs To decrease the prevalence of smoking-related diseases & subsequent premature deaths Information and Education on Campaign & Social Mobilization Policy Development & Legislation Training of Counselors in Smoking Cessation Clinics for Specialty Hospitals Resource Management & Monitoring Strategies: National Anti-Smoking Campaign World No Tobacco Day National No Smoking Month Yosi Kadiri Campaign

Program Components:

3. RENAL DISEASE In 23 in 93 Preventive Cardiology & Nephrology Enhance public awareness through health education regarding healthy lifestyles Improve access to basic health services Health for More in 94 Buwan ng Buhay na Bato Requires urinalysis of ALL children entering grade 1 so as to detect childhood kidney infections w/ may lead to renal failure. Encourage adult Filipino to undergo urinalysis once a year. 4. CATARACT National Focus: Cataracts Screening Week at DOH Centers OPLAN: Sagip-Mata > Eye surgery for cataract & squint operations for cross-eyed children NUTRITION & ADEQUATE FOOD SUPPLY Goal: Reduce M&M related to nutritional deficiencies The improvement of nutritional status, productivity & quality of life of the population thru adoption of desirable dietary practices & healthy lifestyle. Coverage: Protein Energy Malnutrition, Vit. A deficiency, Fe deficiency anemia, iodine deficiency disorder Philippine Food & Nutrition Programs
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Directed to the provision of nutrition services to the DOHs identified priority vulnerable groups: Infants, pre-schoolers, schoolers, women of child bearing age( also included are the pregnant & lactating mothers) & the elderly. Objectives: To decrease the morbidity & mortality rates secondary to Avitaminosis & other nutritional deficiencies among the population mostly composed of infants & children. 1. MALNUTRITION REHABILITATION PROGRAM Targeted Food Task Force Assistance Program Provision of food rations of bulgur wheat & green peas Target population: Pre-schoolers Pregnant women Lactating mothers Nutrition Rehabilitation Ward Every hospital must have a Nurse ward, where an adequately trained nutritionist were assigned (RA 422) Akbayan sa Kalusugan (ASK Project) Aimed to provide rice & corn soya blend supplemented with local foods. Target pop: 6 mos- 2 years Moderately & severely underweight Pre-schoolers not served by the DSWD and DA in Regions 2,8,9,10,11,12


Health for More in 94 Buwan ng Kabataan, Pag-asa ng Bayan National Focus: National Micronutrient Day or Araw ng Sangkap Pinoy -Aimed to distribute vitamin A supplements, iodized oil for & seedlings of plants rich in Fe & other minerals.

-A free enrichment program aimed to prevent deficiencies in vitamin A (blindness); iron (anemia); iodine (goiter, mental retardation & delayed development) (1 cavan of rice + fistful processed, binilid enriched with essential micronutrients) 3. FOOD FORTIFICATION PROGRAM

Fortification is the addition of a micronutrient deficient in the diet to a commonly & widely consumed food or seasoning. It involves: Incorporation of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) with Vit A to reduce clinical signs of Xerophthalmia The use of FIDEL salt in lieu with the National Salt Iodization Program F ortification for I odine D efficiency EL imination

4. NUTRITION SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM (Operation Timbang) - A system of keeping close watch on the state of nutrition & the causes of malnutrition w/n a locality, w/ involves periodic collection of data & analysis & dissemination of analyzed information. Tools utilized are Anthropometric measurements: Weight for Age:
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Measures degree & presence of wasting or stunting Height for Age: Measures the presence of stunting < 90% of standard stunting or past chronic malnutrition Weight for Height: Determines the presence of muscle wasting: Ideal body wt,: 135 Body mass index(BMI)= wt in kgs Ht in meters If BMI is > 27.2 in men or 26.9 in women there is the need for wt, reduction Skin Fold Measurement : Indicates amount of body fat with the use of fat-caliper Sites: triceps, biceps, subscapular, suprailiac MUAC: Estimates lean body mass or skeletal muscle reserves A. PROTEIN ENERGY MALNUTRITION: 1. MARASMUS - Child lacks food rich in CHON & energy Usually the child is < 1 year old when malnutrition starts: Tx: Very thin, no fat, muscle wasting Very poor wt gain Enlarged abdomen Old Mans Face Food high in protein & energy content frequency of feeding variety of food - Prominent ribs - Loose & wrinkled skin - Anxious, always hungry

2. KWASHIORKOR - Disease of older children when the next baby is born. - Usually when the child is 1-3 y/o - Very thin, fails to grow - Light colored, weak hair - Moon-shaped, Unhappy face - Enlarged abdomen - Muscle wasting Treatment For Both: 1. Food only 2. CHON 3. Increase frequency of feeding 4. Increase variety of food preparation B. IRON DEFIENCY ANEMIA - Not enough hemoglobin in the RBC because of lack of Fe Causes: Low intake of Fe-rich foods especially the more absorbable iron from foods of animal origin Sources: Liver, internal organs, meat (pork and chicken) blood, fish & shellfish leafy vegetables alugbati, kangkong, saluyot, petchay, kamote tops, mustard (mustasa), dried beans, kadyos, monggo, abitsuelas
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- Swollen legs, feet, arms & hands - Doesnt want to eat - Dark spots on skin - Skin sores & skin is peeling - Apathetic

Supplementation: FeSO4 iron supplement- Drink fruit juice to enhance Fe absorption C. VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY: Consequences: Causes: -Low intake of Vitamin A rich food - Low intake of protein - Illnesses like measles, diarrhea Sources: -Breast milk, animal sources, whole milk, eggs, liver, meat -Yellow/orange fruits (papaya, mango) - Plant sources yellow/orange vegetables (carrots & squash) - Green leafy vegetables (malunggay, kangkong), Vit. A capsule D. IODINE DEFICIENCY DISORDER: - Abnormalities d/t low iodine intake. Abnormalities range from mild such as goiter, to serious as stillbirth, congenital abnormalities, growth & mental retardation& physical and motor abnormalities Consequences: Fetus: Abortion or miscarriages -Congenital abnormalities, stillbirths Causes: Goitrogens & other environmental factors -Low intake of Iodine rich foods or low content of iodine in food. Supplementation: 1. Blindness - Night blindness d/t Rhodopsin (visual purple) 2. Nutritional blindness - D/t destruction of cell of the cornea

SUPPLY & USE OF ESSENTIAL DRUGS Essential drugs are medicinal preparations necessary to fill the basic health needs of the population. National Drug Formulary contains the list of essential drugs

Generics Act of 1988 R.A. # 6675 Formally proclaims the state of promoting the use of generic terminology in the importation, manufacture, distribution, marketing, promotion & advertising, labeling, prescribing & dispensing of drugs. Reinforces the NDP with regards to the assurance of the high-quality & rational drug use.

Dangerous Drugs Act R.A. 6425 The safe administration & transportation of prohibited drugs is punishable by law. 2 Types of Drugs: Prohibited Regulated LSD Benzodiazepines Eucaine Barbiturates Cocaine/ codeine Opiates


Is defined as the study of all factors in mans physical environment, w/c may exercise a deleterious effect on his health, well-being and survival.
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Goal: To eradicate & control environmental factors in dse transmission through the provision of basic services & facilities to all households. 1. Water Supply Sanitation Program 3 Types of Approved Water Supply Facilities Level 1 Point Source A protected well of a developed sprung with an outlet but w/o a distribution system for rural areas where houses are thinly scattered. Level II Communal Faucet System/ Stand Posts Level III Waterworks System/ Individual House Connections A system with a source, a reservoir, a piped distributor network & household taps that is suited for densely populated urban areas.

A system composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network & communal faucets, located at not more than 25 meters from the farthest house in rural areas where houses are clustered densely. Water must pass the National Standards for Drinking Water set by the DOH. 2. Proper Excreta & Sewage Disposal System 3 Types of Approved Toilet Facilities

Level 1 Non- water carriage toilet facility: Pit Latrines Reed Odorless Earth Closet Bored-Hole Compost Ventilated improved pit Toilets requiring small amount of water to wash waste into receiving space -Pour flush, Aqua Privies

Level 2

Level 3

On site toilet facilities of the water carriage type with water sealed & flushed type with septic vault/tank disposal facilities.

Water carriage types of toilet facilities connected to septic tanks & /or to sewerage system to treatment plant.

Rural Areas- blind drainage type of wastewater collection & disposal facilities shall be emphasized until such time that sewer facilities & off-site treatment facilities are available.


Proper Solid Waste Management Refers to satisfactory methods of storage, collection & final disposal of solid wastes. 2 Components: a. Garbage those with tendency to decay & give off foul odor b. Rubbish broken glass, bottles, papers 2 Ways Of Excreta Disposal Household
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Burial > Deposited in 1m x 1m deep pits covered with soil, located 25m away from water supply - Open burning - Animal feeding - Composting - Grinding and disposal sewer

Sanitary Landfill or Controlled Tipping > Excavation of soil deposition of refuse & compacting with a solid cover of 2 feet - Incineration


Food Sanitation Program Policies: Food establishment are subject to inspection (approved all food sources containers & transport vehicles) Comply with sanitary permit requirement Comply with updated health certificates for food handlers, helpers, cooks All ambulant vendors must submit a health certificate to determine presence of intestinal parasite & bacterial infection. 3 Points of Contamination


Place of production processing & source of supply Transportation and storage Retail & distribution points Hospital Waste Management Goal: To prevent the risk of contraction contracting nosocomial infection from type disposal of infectious, pathological & other wastes from hospital


Programs related to health-risk minimization secondary to environmental pollution These Include The Following:


Anti-smoke Belching campaign and Air Pollution Campaign Zero Solid Waste Management Toxic, chemical and Hazardous Waste Management Red tide Control and Monitoring Integrated Pest Management and Sustainable Agriculture Pasig River Rehabilitation Management Education of prevailing health problems Accepted activity at all levels of public health used as a means of improving the health of the people through techniques w/c may influence peoples thought motivation, judgment & action. 3 Aspects of Health Education: Information- provision of knowledge Communication- exchange of information Education- change in knowledge, attitudes & skills

Sequence of Steps in Health Education Creating awareness Creating motivation Decision making action HIV/ STI PREVENTION & CONTROL
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Operational Strategies: Program Components: Case-finding Case management Training Monitoring Reporting system Operations research Promotion of health/ health education Disease detection Treatment program Contact tracing Clinical services

MENTAL HEALTH A state of well-being where a person can realize his or her own abilities, to cope with the normal stresses of life & work productively The emotional adjustment the person achieve in which he can live with reasonable comfort, functioning, acceptably in the community where he/she lives Involves the promotion of a healthy state of mind among the whole population through Developing positive outlook in life Strengthening coping mechanisms Vulnerable group to the development of Mental Illness:

Women Street children Victims of torture or violence Internal refugees Victims of armed conflicts Victims of natural & man-made disasters Components of Mental Health Program:

A. B. C. D.

Stress Drugs and Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Treatment and Rehabilitation of Mentally-ill Patients Special Project for Vulnerable Groups Stresses in the environment of children such as times of disasters & natural calamities, disintegration of the values, structure & functions of the family & urbanization, migration, drugs & physical & sexual abuse & poverty have direct effects on physical & mental health.

1 Created by Nia E. Tubio

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