Debut Emcee Script

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DEBUT EMCEE SCRIPT several friends, classmates, and social circles, but

there is only one family who is always willing and ready

to welcome us no matter what
Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, May we have
Welcome Remarks
you attention, Please! We are about to begin
__________ 18th birthday celebration so please find EMCEE: At this juncture may we all be warmly
your seats or tables, and make yourselves welcomed as we hear the beautiful of message of one
comfortable, and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. of the most important persons in our Debutante's life.
Ladies and Gentlemen let's give a big hand to
Start Emcee: A blessed evening to each and
everyone, and welcome to _________________ 18th
birthday party, we would like to thank everyone in this EMCEE: Now it is my great honor to introduce all her
beautiful venue for gracing this momentous celebration special guests for tonight.
as they say you only get to be 18 once.
18 Roses
Like a flower that blooms and exudes its sweet scents
To spiritually open the program, may I ask to to attract bees and butterflies, the debutant will be
everybody to please stand and bow of our head for the swarmed later on by 18 equally gentlemen. To offer
Lord’s moment of our guidance and blessings. their dance and their unconditional love for the
debutante. Let us start with:
18 Bills
EMCEE: Good evening to all of us. Welcome to
____________________. Welcome to the one of the Emcee: Our celebration this evening has been filled
most important evening of our charming debutant who with different symbolisms in the hope that each symbol
is now turning into a fine lady. This is quite a very becomes a part of her growth. Ladies and gentlemen,
important event in her life and she is very much honor we shall now have 18 bills. A sign of prosperity that
for your presence. Like Wendy in the movie Peter Pan, should help us witness through how generosity and the
no more fairy tale stories every night. She is now a real hope of financial bliss should go through the life of our
lady as she stepped onto the much higher level of what debutante.
we call LIFE. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back as we
Emcee: We all started our evening with the
witness the spectacular night of her life and enjoy her
presentation of our debutante Ms. __________. We
party for tonight…
were mesmerized and we somehow felt as if this has
My name is RENATO BOQUIL JR. and I am very got to happen only in the television. However, ______
much honored to be your master of ceremonies for made all of this happen, her loving parents, together
tonight. with her siblings made this happen.
And now…. guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, let Sorry for the intrusion in the continuous flow of our
us all stand as we welcome the debutant as a woman celebration but I would like to announce that we will
of grandeur, and legal. Let us all stand as we welcome have our dinner this time. After the dinner, the family
our debutante. Ms ________________________ would like to request everybody to please remain for a
(adlib about the debutante) while for the continuation of our program. Thank you.
lady and how does she successfully undergone
Wow, blooming and lovely, indeed! Saan nga ba siya
metamorphosis lets take a sneak peak of our
nagmana? Kay Mommy ba? Or kay Daddy? Or both.
debutante’s life with this presentation.
__________________ spent years growing up in a
happy home. The love of a family will always be God’s Adlib and little bit interviews
greatest blessing. Sabi nga nila, in life we can have
18 candles PRAYER FOR 18th BIRTHDAY
Grabeh ang bukingan ngayong gabi! Nag enjoy ba "GOD of all creation, worthy of our praise, we are
tayong lahat? Seems like our gorgeous debutant really grateful for Your presence in this evening’s celebration
enjoyed tonight. From the shared memories to a game of life. We thank You for this opportunity in bringing us
trivia, __________ has shared a part of her growing together and share a glorious event that marks the
years with all of us. At sabi nga ni mareng Willa 18th birthday of __________________.
Cather? “Where there is great love, there are always
Oh Heavenly Father, You are the source of all our
wishes.” Because birthdays are always new strength. May you bestow upon us Your Divine Grace.
beginnings, new endeavors with new set of goals, May You bring forth success in this night’s activities
sending birthday messages and wishes is a tradition and guide us as we partake in this festive occasion.
especially in our country, where we give high value to
family ties and relationship. Tonight, ladies and All of us here tonight share the same prayer for
gentlemen, I present to you these 18 Wishers for our _________, that she may achieve her dreams and
debutant. These are the people close to the heart of aspirations in life. That God will grant her the
our celebrant, and whom she listens and confides to realization of her heart’s desires and bless her with
for inspiring words and friendly advice. abundance... may it be financial or spiritual.

18 Treasures May our Loving and Generous God, offer her the virtue
of kindness, patience, honesty, understanding,
We have now reached the stage where our debutant
perseverance, and all the goodness that may be
shall discover meaningful gifts that will really reflect the pleasing to others and most especially, to Your
aspirations and personality of our birthday girl. Ladies holiness.
and gentlemen lets start with:
Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best We thank you for giving her 18 years of blissful yet
demonstration of gratitude in response to a wonderful challenging years. As she enters another fruitful
phase in life, guide her way leading to the righteous
experience like this one can be contained in an
path and protect her against imperfections that may
overwhelming thank you. Maraming salamat po for
hinder success and true happiness.
making me a part of this memorable occasion. And if
there’s one person here tonight who is more than We praise You, Lord for surrounding her with love
grateful to see all of you, that would be our beloved from family, relatives, and friends. Their presence in
celebrant, alison. I’m giving the floor to our dear her life makes her the person she is now. They are
debutant to give her message for all of you. the wind beneath her wings. They will always be
there to support and direct her journey through life.

CLOSING REMARKS Tonight, we ask for your ever-gracious hand to bless

And with that our program has officially concluded. We every gift to be offered and sanctify every wish to be
would like to _______________ supplier’s who have uttered.
made this momentous night a success. We would like
Almighty God, fill our hearts with your love,
to thank you all for making it to this wonderful
faithfulness, and mercy as we gather in Your Name
celebration of ____________ 18th birthday. For those
and bless the meal that we will share in this joyful
who are going home, keep safe everyone. And I’m your
host, RENATO BOQUIL JR. signing off. Thank you
and have a blessed night. We entrust all our prayers unto you in the name of
our Lord, Jesus Christ, AMEN."

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