Flanged Seals With Flush Diaphragm S-P
Flanged Seals With Flush Diaphragm S-P
Flanged Seals With Flush Diaphragm S-P
K 34.5
Connector length: 42 mm
The diaphragm seal is a pressure-transmitting, diaphragm-type device. The pressure signal is sent to the cooper-
ating pressure measuring device (pressure transmitter, pressure gauge) through manometric liquid filling the
space between the separating diaphragm of the seal and the pressure measuring device. The diaphragm seal
task is to isolate the pressure measuring device from damaging impacts caused by either medium or installation:
– low or high temperature, increased viscosity, impurities;
– vibrations of the installation (remote diaphragm seal).
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Recommended minimum measuring range (bar),
depending on the type of the set: pressure measuring device - diaphragm seal
Pressure Diaphragm Diaphragm seal version
measuring device seal type DN50 / 2’’ DN80 / 3’’ DN100 / 4’’
Smart direct 0.10 0.025 0.025
transmitters* remote (2 m) 1 0.25 0.25
direct 0.1 0.1 0.1
remote (2 m) 1 0.25 0.25
direct 1 1 1
Æ63 gauge
remote (2 m) 2.5 1 1
direct 1 1 1
Æ100 gauge
remote (2 m) 2.5 1 1
* The ranges given in the table for the smart transmitters should be taken as set ranges.
The essential metrological problem at diaphragm seals operational use is an absolute thermal zero error, resulting from the
thermal expansion of the manometer liquid. The expansion effect must be compensated for with the separating diaphragm
To minimise this effect, it is advisable to:
– use capillaries as short as possible, in this way the volume of manometer liquid will be reduced
(maximum capillary length for DN50 / 2” is 10m);
– use the greater diameter seals, in order to maximise the separating diaphragm flexibility;
– locate the capillaries in the places, in which the temperature fluctuations will be minimal.
Special versions
Maximum pressure for PN40 – 40 bar - Other standard ANSI or DIN
Maximum pressure for ANSI 150 – 150 psi - Filled with edible oil (medium temp. -10...150°C)
Material of diaphragm and flange: 316Lss - Direct diaphragm seal for medium temp. over 150°C
Important: - Others
- standard outlet capillary from flange:
direct mounted diaphragm seal - axial
remote mounted diaphragm seal - radial
other configuration avaliable on request
Ordering procedure
direct diaphragm seal: pressure measuring device / S-P – DN..... / spec. ver. (description)
remote diaphragm seal: pressure measuring device / S-PK – DN..... /K = ..... m / ..... / ..... / spec. ver. (description)
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