Halitosis The Multidisciplinary Approach
Halitosis The Multidisciplinary Approach
Halitosis The Multidisciplinary Approach
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International Journal of Oral Science (2012) 4, 55–63
ß 2012 WCSS. All rights reserved 1674-2818/12
Halitosis, bad breath or oral malodour are all synonyms for the same pathology. Halitosis has a large social and economic impact. For the
majority of patients suffering from bad breath, it causes embarrassment and affects their social communication and life. Moreover,
halitosis can be indicative of underlying diseases. Only a limited number of scientific publications were presented in this field until
1995. Ever since, a large amount of research is published, often with lack of evidence. In general, intraoral conditions, like insufficient
dental hygiene, periodontitis or tongue coating are considered to be the most important cause (85%) for halitosis. Therefore, dentists
and periodontologists are the first-line professionals to be confronted with this problem. They should be well aware of the origin, the
detection and especially of the treatment of this pathology. In addition, ear–nose–throat-associated (10%) or gastrointestinal/
endocrinological (5%) disorders may contribute to the problem. In the case of halitophobia, psychiatrical or psychological problems
may be present. Bad breath needs a multidisciplinary team approach: dentists, periodontologists, specialists in family medicine, ear–
nose–throat surgeons, internal medicine and psychiatry need to be updated in this field, which still is surrounded by a large taboo.
Multidisciplinary bad breath clinics offer the best environment to examine and treat this pathology that affects around 25% of the whole
population. This article describes the origin, detection and treatment of halitosis, regarded from the different etiological origins.
International Journal of Oral Science (2012) 4, 55–63; doi:10.1038/ijos.2012.39; published online 22 June 2012
Table 1 Bacteria responsible for VSC production Oral pathology, microbiology and xerostomia
Volatile sulphur compounds Bacteria In nearly 85% of all halitosis cases, the origin is found in the oral cavity.
A clinical evaluation of malodour on 2 000 patients in Belgium,
H2S from cysteine Peptosteptococcus anaerobius
showed that 76% of these patients had oral causes: tongue coating
Micros prevotii
Eubacterium limosum
(43%), gingivitis/periodontitis (11%) or a combination of the two
Bacteroides spp. (18%).18
Centipedia periodontii
H2S from serum Prevotella intermedia Tongue coating. This phenomenon is the most common cause of bad
Prevotella loescheii breath.19 The dorsum of the tongue, which is irregular and has a
Porphyromonas gingivalis (BANA positive) surface of 25 cm2 is an ideal niche for oral bacteria.20 Since desqua-
Treponema denticola (BANA positive)
mating epithelial cells and food remnants are available, putrefaction
Selenomonas artermidis
CH3SH from methionine Fusobacterium nucleatum
occurs. Hence, the tongue surface seems to be an important reservoir
Fusobacterium periodonticum in the recolonisation of tooth surfaces.21 Tongue coating is not easy to
Eubacterium spp. remove. Daily scraping or brushing of the tongue can help to reduce
Bacteroides spp. the substrata for putrefaction, rather than to reduce the bacterial load.
CH3SH from serum Treponema denticola (BANA positive) Moreover, tongue cleaning improves taste sensation.22
Porphyromonas gingivalis (BANA positive)
Porphyromonas endodontalis
Other Prevotella melaninogenica Morning breath. Due to the reduced saliva production during night,
Tanerella forsythensis anaerobic putrefaction will increase, causing the typical morning
Eikenella corrodens breath. This is a non-pathological form of halitosis. The problem will
Solobacterium moorei disappear as soon as oral hygiene measures are taken. Snel et al.23
Treponema forsythensis concluded that gender seems to play an unknown role in this
Centipeda periodontii phenomenon: women manifest higher VSC levels than men in the
Atopobium parvulum
morning. This phenomenon needs to be further investigated to
Adapted from Persson et al.120 understand its impact.
wear, and lower educational levels to be significantly related to oral images, fading is perceived. When purulent mucous is produced, a
malodour.34 typical odour appears. In 10% of the sinusitis cases, a tooth or several
Although xerostomia is associated with aging, studies have demon- teeth are involved. In these cases, the spotted bacteria are: Peptostre-
strated that salivary gland function is well preserved in the healthy tococcus spp., Fusobacterium spp., Prevotella spp. and Porphyromonas
geriatric population. Therefore, dry mouth is probably a condition of spp. Since those bacteria are able to produce VSCs, a clear association
systemic or extrinsic origin. Saliva seems to undergo chemical changes to halitosis is available. The treatment of dentogenic problems (even-
with aging. As the amount of ptyalin decreases and mucin increases, tual with the additional use of antibiotics) decreases the anaerobic
saliva becomes thick and viscous and presents problems for the elderly. pathogens, even as the odour problem. In the case of chronic sinusitis,
One of the most prevalent causes of xerostomia is medication (anti- 50%–70% of the patients complain about oral malodour.46
cholinergics, antihistamines and diuretics dry the mucosa). Chronic
mouth breathing, radiation therapy, dehydration and autoimmune Pulmonary pathology. bronchiectasis, lung abscesses and other endo-
diseases (as Sjögren’s) can also diminish salivation, as can systemic brochial chronic disorders, i.e. necrotizing pulmonic neoplasias may
illness such as diabetes mellitus, nephritis and thyroid dysfunction. cause an unpleasant odour.47
Xerostomia can lead to dysgeusia, glossodynia, sialadenitis, crack-
ing and fissuring of the oral mucosa, and halitosis. Dry mouth
Gastro-intestinal pathology
symptom can be treated with hydration and sialagogues or with arti-
The gastro-intestinal tract can only indirectly (haematogenic) influ-
ficial saliva substitutes. In patients with Sjögren’s syndrome and in
ence bad breath. A majority of patients and physicians still abusively
those who have undergone radiation therapy, pilocarpine has been
believes that halitosis originates from the stomach. The latter is only
used with good results.35
correct in ,0.5% of the cases.
Other oral causes. Stomatitis, intra-oral neoplasia, exposed tooth
pulps (with necrotic content), extraction wounds (with blood cloth Oesophagus. Only in specific cases, this is the origin of malodour.
or purulent discharges), or crowding of teeth (favouring food entrap- When a Zenker’s diverticulum is present, a chronic unpleasant odour
ment) can also be involved.36 Moreover, peri-implantitis, peri-coronitis, appears.48 The incidence of this phenomenon is less than 0.1% and it is
recurrent oral ulcerations and herpetic gingivitis, are described as only diagnosed in patients over 65 years of age. Also bleeding of the
origin for bad breath.37 oesophagus can cause a musty odour. When severe regurgitation is
determined, halitosis will be present.49 Symptomatically, coughing,
postnasal drip, pyrosis, irritations and ulcerations of the oesophagus
ENT and pulmonary pathology
and halitosis will be detected. pH monitoring is used for diagnosis.
Maximally 10% of the oral malodour cases originate from the ears,
When the diagnosis is missed, carcinomatic deterioration can occur.
nose and throat (ENT) region, from which 3% finds its origin at the
tonsils.38 Very seldom the larynx is involved. Therefore, when a clinical
investigation is performed, attention should first be paid to the tonsils: Stomach. Infections with Helicobacter pylori can cause peptic ulcers.
size, structure (invaginations, coating and hyperaemia) and presence There is no 100% clear correlation found between these ulcers and
of tonsilloliths.39 halitosis.50–51 In vitro studies show significant VSC production by H.
pylori.52 More recent research by Lee et al.53 confirmed this statement.
Oral causes. Acute tonsillitis is the most important ENT origin. Moreover, it is suggested that H. pylori was detected in subjects with
Mostly, infections with streptococci play a role, but also viral infections periodontitis, suggesting that progression of periodontal pocket and
(e.g. mononucleosis infectiosa) are possible. When acute tonsillitis inflammation may favour colonization by this species and that
takes place more than three times a year, a tonsillectomy can be con- H. pylori infection may be indirectly associated with oral patho-
sidered.40 A Plaut-Vincent angina (caused by Fusobacterium Plaut- logical halitosis following periodontitis.54 Kinberg et al.55 showed
Vincenti and Borrelia Vincenti) is another ENT cause for halitosis.41 that halitosis has often been reported among the symptoms related
The presence of tonsilloliths represents a 10-fold increased risk of to H. pylori infection and gastroesophageal reflux disease. When
abnormal VSC levels.42 Anaerobic bacteria detected in tonsilloliths gastrointestinal pathology was treated, most of the halitosis com-
belonged to the species of Eubacterium, Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas, plaints disappeared. The latter suggests that halitosis can have a
Prevotella, Selenomonas and Tanerella, all of which appear to be gastro-intestinal origin. In a recent comparative study among children
associated with the production of VSCs.43 Tonsilliliths are asympto- in Turkey, it was concluded that there was a difference between the
matic phenomena and are therefore never a reason for tonsillectomy. rate of H. pylori infections among those with and without halitosis.
A tonsillectomy is only performed when oral hygiene measures do Eradication treatment was found beneficial in the treatment of
not result in improvement of the breath. children with halitosis and positive H. pylori stool antigen test. The
results, however, were not statistical significant.56
Nasal causes. Postnasal drip (caused by mucus of the paranasal In general, it can be concluded that more research has to be done
sinuses) contacting the dorsum of the tongue is largely involved.44 to clarify a clear correlation between stomach problems by H. pylori
Foreign bodies in the nasal cavity can produce a foul odour as well. infections and halitosis.
Also a cleft palate can be the origin of bad breath.45 Atrophic rhinitis
with bacterial surinfection causes malodour too. This can be caused by Intestines. In cases of intestinal obstruction, a faecal mouth odour may
tumor rescetions, radiotherapy or overuse of decongestives or cocaine. be detectable, as found in two siblings with extrinsic duodenal obstruc-
tion caused by congenital peritoneal bands.57 Attention was drawn to
Sinusitis. Bacterial sinusitis develops mostly out of acute viral sinu- the unusual physical sign of halitosis as a presenting feature. It was
sitis. Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemophilus influenza are the main suggested that this physical sign may be an indication for barium
responsible bacteria. On radiological or computed tomography (CT) studies.
. interdental ‘floss’ (after flossing with dental tape, the odour of the differential diagnosis of halitosis, with the possibility to detect extra-
floss is scored); oral causes, which often remain undetected unless characterized by a
. nasal odour (while the patient is breathing through the nose specific smell.
(mouth closed), a score is given to the exhaled air);
. prosthesis odour (if the patient wears a partial or full removable
denture, scoring of the odour of this prosthetic is noted).
Oral causes
Since the oral causes are related to microorganisms, the therapy can
To gather optimal test results several precautions should be taken
consist of: (i) mechanical reduction of the intra-oral nutrients and
before the examinations: the patient should refrain from spicy foods,
micro-organisms; (ii) chemical reduction of microorganisms; (iii)
garlic or onions the day before the examination. At least 12 h before the
inverting volatile fragrant gasses into non-volatile components or
consultation, teeth should not be cleaned or rinsed, perfumes should
(iv) masking of the malodour.80
be avoided and at least 6 h before the examination, the intake of food
or liquids should be avoided. Smoking should be stopped at least 24 h
before any examination.73 Mechanical reduction. Tongue coating is the most prominent factor
The advantages of organoleptical scoring are: inexpensive, no and therefore, extensive tongue cleaning is of utmost importance. The
equipment needed and a wide range of odours is detectable. As dis- scraping of the dorsum of the tongue reduces the available nutrients
advantages, the extreme subjectivity of the test, the lack of quantifi- even as the available microorganisms, leading to an improvement of
cation, the saturation of the nose and the reproducibility can be the odour.81 Home tongue cleaning can be performed with a regular
mentioned.74 Still, organoleptic scoring is considered as the gold toothbrush, but a specific tongue scraper is advised. A brush is less
standard in the detection of oral bad breath. aggressive on the soft tissues.82 Since the largest amount of coating is
found on the dorsal part of the tongue surface, a cleaning as posterior
Portable gas analysis as possible is advised. To prevent from vomiting, it is counselled to
The Halimeter (Interscan corporation, Chatsworth, CA, USA) and pull out the tongue when scraping.
OralChroma (Abimedical corporation, Miyamae-ku Kawasaki-shi, A systemic review by van der Sleen et al.83 demonstrated that tongue
Kanagawa, Japan) are electronic devices available to detect some of brushing or tongue scraping have the potential to successfully reduce
the volatile sulphur components in expired air. The OralChroma is a breath odour and tongue coating. Due to tongue cleaning, the taste
portable gas chromatograph offering lower cost, higher performance seems to improve again.84 Interdental cleaning and toothbrushing are
and more user-friendly operations than conventional gas chromato- also necessary to control plaque and oral microorganisms.
graphs by limiting the target gases to three types: H2S, CH3SH and A Cochrane review from 2006, compared randomized controlled
(CH3)2S. Also, an interpretation of the results can be shown to the trials for different methods of tongue cleaning to reduce mouth odour
patients. in adults with halitosis.85 Only two trials were included, involving 40
The Halimeter can only give an idea of the total amount of VSCs, participants. Due to the clinical heterogeneity between these two
present in a sample. In the Halimeter, the total amount ppb (parts studies, only a descriptive summary could be made. It is concluded
per billion) of VSCs in the sample is marked. In normal situations that there is a weak and unreliable evidence to show that there is a
this value is less than 100 ppb. When 300–400 ppb are detected in the small but statistically significant difference in reduction of VSC levels
mouth air, a persistent oral odour can be concluded.15,75 when scrapers or cleaners rather than toothbrushes are used to reduce
These portable machines have a lot of advantages: easy to handle, halitosis in adults. More coherent studies are required to come to
fast results, portable and reproducible. Furthermore, they are rather clear conclusions.
inexpensive and can be controlled by untrained staff. As disadvantage, Since periodontitis is one of the main causes of oral malodour, a
the limited diversity in the explored gasses should be stated. Recently, professional periodontal therapy should be performed. A one-stage
it was shown that the OralChroma may produce a more comprehen- full-mouth disinfection, as described by Bollen et al.,86 combining
sive assessment of VSC production by oral microflora than the scaling and rootplaning in combination with chlorhexidine, has a
Halimeter.76 It would desirable to select one machine as gold standard significant microbiological improvement up to 2 months and reduces
to make different studies comparable in the future. the organoleptical scores, in particular for saliva samples, who seems
to be representative for organoleptical scoring.87
Gas chromatography When patients’ response to treatments at a multidisciplinary breath
In halitosis research, the gas chromatography (GC) analysis can be odour clinic was considered, it was concluded that education of the
performed on breath, saliva and tongue debris. Almost all different air public and dental professionals in a more consequent general oral
components can be detected. In expired air, almost 500 different sub- hygiene might elevate the level of compliance and could cause thereby
stances can be demonstrated.77 GC in malodour research is still in an an amelioration of the problem.88
experimental stage, although used since the late 1960s.78 VSCs can be
well detected, but the challenge will be to analyse the other contribu- Chemical reduction. Rinsing is a common practice in the approach of
ting components of oral malodour. Also the associations of different oral malodour. The most used rinsing components are:
odours with specific systemic disease can and should be investigated.
GC has several advantages: an analysis of almost all components . chlorhexidine (CHX): CHX is the most efficient molecule against
with high sensitivity and specificity. The method is non-invasive, but plaque. Rosenberg showed that rinsing with 0.2% CHX causes a
expensive and a well-trained staff is needed. The progression of the reduction of 43% in VSCs and of 50% in the organoleptical scores
method takes much more time and the machine cannot be used in on a day-long basis.89
daily practice.79 . essential oils: these products give only a short-term and restricted
Recently, trailblazing research was performed by van den Velde effect (25% reduction) for 3 h. Also, the reduction in odour-
et al.63,68 with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry as a tool for producing bacteria is limited.90
. chlordioxide: chlordioxide is a strong oxidizing product that can The treatment of chronic sinusitis is depending on the underlying
reduce oral malodour by the oxidation of H2S, CH3SH, cysteine cause. The problem will be treated by medications containing vaso-
and methionine. A reduction of 29% in odour after 4 h was constrictors associated or not with H1 antihistaminic, rinsing of the
reported.91 sinuses or even surgical removal of the inflamed mucosa and polyps.102
. triclosan: triclosan is effective against the majority of oral bacteria. In the case of chronic tonsillitis, the elimination of the deep crypts,
An 84% reduction of VSCs after 3 h is proved.92 which harbour exfoliated cells, debris and bacteria, is important.
. aminefluoride/tinfluoride: the combination of AmF/SnF2 can Prescribing antibiotics like metronidazole has only a short-term
cause an 83% reduction in the morning halitosis.84 effect. Cryptolysis by means of CO2 laser is another option.103 Ozena
. H2O2: a concentration of 3% of this product can result in a 90% seems to respond well to a prolonged treatment of fluoroquiolone,
VSC reduction after 8 h.93 which are highly effective against Gram-negative bacteria including
Heamophilus influenza. Prolonged treatment can produce however
some side effects as photosensibilisation or tendinitis.104
Toothpastes, containing stannous fluoride, zinc or triclosan, seem In the case of tonsilloliths, a proper hygiene can be instructed by
to have proved their beneficial effect in reducing the oral malodour squeezing out the debris out of the cryptic tonsils. This handling
for a limited period of time.94–96 requires exercising.
In a recent Cochrane review by Fedorowicz, only five randomized
controlled trials could be found, involving 293 participants.97 In view Gastro-intestinology
of the clinical heterogeneity between the trials, pooling of the results In the case of regurgitation esophagitis, the treatment mostly consist
and a meta-analysis of the extracted data was not feasible. Compared of weight reduction, prohibition of coffee and tobacco, avoidance of
to placebo, 0.05% chlorhexidine10.05% cetylpyridinium chloride1 extensive meals in the evening, placing the head of the bed in a slightly
0.14% zinc lactate mouthrinse significantly reduced the organoleptic higher position. H2 anatgonists can be prescribed.105 When H. pylori
scores, but showed significantly more tongue and tooth staining. It is infections are noticed, the therapy consists of the intake of omeprazol,
concluded that this mouthrinse plays an important role in reducing amoxicillin en clarithromycin.106
the levels of halitosis producing bacteria on the tongue and can be A Zenker diverticle must be surgically removed. For a stomach
effective in neutralization of odoriferous sulphur compounds. But hernia, generally a surgical intervention will be necessary.
well-designed, randomized controlled trials with larger sample size,
a longer intervention and follow-up period are still needed to confirm
Hepathology and endocrinology
these results.
In severe hepatologic problems, a liver transplantation can be neces-
sary. In less life-threatening situations, a liver dialysis can be sufficient
Transformation of volatile sulphur components. Metal ions with affi- to treat the problems. In more simple pathology, cortisone therapy
nity for sulphur, pick up sulphur-containing gasses. Zinc, mercury and a stringent diet can be enough.107
and copper are the most important metals.98 A commercial rinse In the endocrinological range of problems, the underlying diseases
(containing 0.005% CHX, 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) should be treated. The detailed approach of these therapies falls out-
and 0.14% zinc lactate) seems to be much more efficient than CHX side the scope of this article.
alone, due to the effect of zinc. Zinc plus CHX seem to have a syn-
ergistic effect as Young et al.99 proved. Probiotics
Recently several studies were performed to replace bacteria respon-
Masking effect. Rinsing products, sprays, mint tablets or chewing gum sible for halitosis with probiotics as Streptococcus salivarius (K12),
only have a short-term masking effect.100 Mostly, they increase the Lactobacillus salivarius or Weissella cibaria. The objective is to prevent
saliva production, thereby retaining more soluble sulphur compo- re-establishment of non-desirable bacteria and thereby limit the re-
nents for a short period of time.30 occurrence of oral malodour over a prolonged period. Several studies
conclude that probiotic bacterial strains, originally sourced from the
ENT and pulmonology indigenous oral microbiotas of healthy humans, may have potential
When problems in this area are considered, patients should be referred application as adjuncts for the prevention and treatment of hali-
to an ENT specialist or a pulmonologist. Acute pharyngitis can be tosis.108 The oral administration of the probiotic lactobacilli not only
treated symptomatically, when a viral infection is at stake. A salicylic seemed to improve the physiologic halitosis, but also showed bene-
intake seems efficient when started from the prodromal stage onwards. ficial effects on bleeding on probing from the periodontal pockets.109
Chlorhexidine sprays can prevent bacterial overgrowth and reduce the Moreover, Weisella cibaria isolates possess the ability to inhibit VSC
breath malodour. If pharyngitis is of bacterial origin, group A strep- production under both in vitro and in vivo conditions, demonstrating
tococci are mostly responsible. The infection can be confirmed by that they bear the potential for development into novel probiotics
bacterial culturing or by antigen tests. Treatment with penicillin is for use in the oral cavity.110 Gut-caused halitosis, although rarely
imperative to prevent rheumatic fever. The breath malodour will soon occurring, can be successfully treated with a suspension of living
disappear.101 Foreign objects in the nose should be removed. non-pathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria.111 Scully and Greenman66
Acute infective sinusitis can be treated by an appropriate antimi- showed that emergent halitosis treatments include probiotics and
crobial. Broad-spectrum penicillin or cephalosporin is the choice. vaccines targeted against causal microorganisms or their products.
Sometimes, a surgical widening of the ostia is needed, especially if
recurrences are observed. If the problem is of dental origin, this infec- PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS
tion should be treated first. Periapical tooth infections, particularly In general, humans cannot detect their own bad breath. Therefore, it
of second molars are mostly responsible. Endodontic treatment or is unusual that patients can detect their halitosis, although there is
extraction of the tooth is the options. nothing wrong. This kind of patients often frequents a halitosis clinic.
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