Cblm-Smaw-Nc Ii
Cblm-Smaw-Nc Ii
Cblm-Smaw-Nc Ii
List of Competencies
Core Competencies
1 Weld Carbon Steel Plates Performing Groove Welding on MEE721306
using SMAW Carbon Steel Plates
2 Weld Carbon Steel Pipes Performing Groove Welding on MEE721306
using SMAW Carbon Steel Pipes
Assessment Criteria:
Essentials of welding
International welding codes and standards
Acceptable weld profiles
Weld defects, causes and remedies
Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS)
Welding techniques and procedures
Safe welding practices
1. Equipment
- Welding machine (AC or AC/DC)
- Welding table or jig
- Portable grinder
- Welding booth
- Portable oven
2. Tools/Accessories
- Welding mask
- Steel brush
- Clear glass
- Chipping hammer
- Dark glass
3. Supplies/ Materials
- Electrodes
- Carbon steel plates
- Cutting grinding disk
4. Personal protective equipment
- Safety shoes
- Apron
- Leggings
- Safety goggles
- Gloves
5. Training Materials
- Arc welding manuals
- Welding procedures specifications (WPS)
Date Developed: Document No.
August 2022 Issued by:
SMAW NC II Date Revised:
Page 6 of 74
Weld Carbon Developed by:
Revision # 00
using SMAW
- Welding standards
Terms and Definitions
Concave Weld Face A weld having a center of its face below the
weld edges.
Convex Weld Face A weld having a center of its face above the
weld edges.
Horizontal Position The axis of the plate is vertical and axis of the
weld is horizontal.
10. Read Information Sheet No. If you have some problem on the content of the
2.1-5 Welding Procedures and information sheet don’t hesitate to approach
Specifications your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self-check provided in the module.
12. Read Information Sheet No. If you have some problem on the content of the
2.1-6 Welding Techniques information sheet don’t hesitate to approach
and Procedure your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self-check provided in the module.
13. Answer Self Check No. 2.1- Compare your answer to the answer key 2.1-6. If
6 you got 100% correct answer in this self-check,
you can now move to the next information sheet.
If not review the information sheet and go over
the self-check again.
14. Read Information Sheet No. If you have some problem on the content of the
2.1-7 Safe Welding Practices information sheet don’t hesitate to approach
your facilitator.
If you feel that you are now knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self-check provided in the module.
15. Answer Self-Check No. 2.1- Compare your answer to the answer key 2.1-7. If
7 you got 100% correct answer in this self-check,
you can now move to the next information sheet.
If not review the information sheet and go over
the self-check again.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;
The term variable as used in this text means something the welder
has to control of either before welding or during welding.
1. Current Setting
Current Ranges
3/32” 60 - 90 70 – 100
1/8” 90 – 120 120 – 160
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Steel Pipes Revision # 00
using SMAW
5/32” 110 - 170 130 – 170
A – Amperage correct
B – Amperage too low
C – Amperage too high
2. Length of Arc
The arc is the term used to describe the distance from the tip of the
electrode to the base metal and can be varied from lightly touching the metal
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Steel Pipes Revision # 00
using SMAW
at an angle sufficient to maintain an arc to a distance far enough from the
base metal to extinguish the arc.
The correct arc length may vary according to the type and size of
electrode and the position of welding.
3. Angle of Electrode
In SMAW process two electrode angles that the welder must have to
control. The first angle is the one formed between the electrode and the
base metal called the work angle. The second angle is the angle of the
electrode is held at relative to the direction of travel called the travel angle.
4. Speed of Travel
Too fast travel speed will result in stringy weld with poor
Too slow a speed will result in a heavy weld that has too much
5. Selection of Electrode
In general the electrode weld metal must be matched to the type and
composition of the base metal being welded. Further some electrodes within
the available scope are designed for specific purposes.
Some of the most widely used Electrodes are those used for welding
carbon Steel.
The last digit indicates the type of flux or electrode covering and in
turn determines the type of current, penetration and appearance of the
Multiple Choice:
Direction: Select the best answer and write the letter that corresponds to
your choices on answer sheet.
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. D
At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;
This code applies for gas and oil pipeline facilities. When
segments of pipe nipples are used, they shall be supported so
that typical flat, vertical, and overhead welds are produced.
Multiple Choice:
Direction: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best
answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.
4. This codes covers the welding requirements for Root Pass Welding
for Pipe?
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using SMAW
A. AWS D10.18 C. AWS D10.11
1. A.
2. B
3. D
4. C
At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;
Multiple Choice:
Direction: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best
answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B
At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;
Weld Defects
1.8 Incomplete Fusion – when the filler .metal and parent metal
are not completely fused
Multiple Choice:
B. Porosities D. Undercut
3. This weld defect is caused by poor joint alignment and too high
current setting.
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
Performance Objectives:
Given the necessary supplies, materials, tools and equipment, the
trainee should be able to;
Make multiple pass in carbon steel pipes in 2G position using
F. Place the pipes on work table positioned so that one is on top of the
other to form a vertical axis with a 1/16” gap wire placed between
the two pipes.
Straight Edge
Spacer Wire
1. Start between the spread ends of the gap wire and make the
first tack weld.
2. Move 180° opposite the first tack weld, pull the gap wire out
from between the two nipples, use one end of the gap wire to
recheck the gap at that point, then make the second tack.
3. Move 90° in either direction from the second tack weld and
make the third tack weld.
4. Move 180° opposite the third tack weld and make the fourth
tack weld.
Caution: Strike the arc only in the weld zone and not on the
finished sides of the pipe.
Do not deposit filler metals outside the keyhole as you
whip the rod back and forth; always move the rod back to the
center of the keyhole, and keeps electrode arcing in the middle of
the joint and not on the outer portion of the bevel.
O. Weld up to the center of the 12 o’clock tack weld and stop at the
center point of the tack.
P. Restart arc at the center of tack weld at 6 o’clock, form proper keyhole
and weld up to the center of the tack weld at 9 o’clock and stop.
T. Inspect the root pass for good fusion and penetration and for defects
such as undercutting on both outside and inside surfaces.
U. Adjust amperage to proper setting for E 7018 electrode.
X. Use the E 7018 electrode and with a weaving technique, lay a cap
pass to finish the weld with vertical up welding from 6 to 12 o’clock on
each side.
DD. Check in tools and materials and clean up area, or prepare for
next job sheet as directed by your instructors.
Criteria Yes No
1. Bead profile not more than 1 mm in
concavity and convexity as per plan
2. Ripple regular in appearance achieved
conforms with WPS.
3. Width of bead conforms to the industry
4. Height of bead conforms to the industry
5. Plate squareness conforms to the
acceptance with the industry standards
6. Weld defects conforms to the acceptance
criteria of the industry standards
Marking Table
1. Profile
Subtract 3 marks for each millimeter beyond of the accepted
convexity. (3 mm is the maximum convexity)
2. Ripple
Subtract 3 marks for coarse ripple
3. Width of Bead
Subtract 2 marks for each 10 mm length of bead that is 2 mm
beyond of the accepted width bead.
4. Height of Bead
Subtract 2 marks for each 10 mm length of bead which exceed
the bead height of 3 mm.
5. Plate Squareness
Subtract 2 marks for each 3 degrees of variation on squareness.
6. Free of Structural Defects
Subtract 3 marks for each structural defects appeared in the
At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;
Welding SMAW of plate to plate
The base metal shall conform to AWS specification No. E 6010
or E 6011 root pass and E 7018 for the cover pass from AWS
specification A5.1. This filler metal falls into F-number: F3 and F4 and
A –number: A-1
The shielding gas or gases shall conform to the following
compositions and purity: N/A
The current shall be AC or DCRP. The base metal shall be on
the work lead or negative side of the line.
Tack welds the plates together with the strip. There should be
about a 1/8” (3.2 mm) root gap between the plates. Use the E 6010 or
E 6011 arc welding electrodes to make a root pass to fuse the plates
and backing strip together. Clean the slag from root pass and use
either a hot pass or grinder to remove any trapped slag.
The plate should not be heated to a temperature higher than
400º F (205º C) during the welding process. After each weld pass is
completed, allow it to cool, the weldment must not be quenched in
The slag can be chipped and/or ground off between passes but
can only be chipped off of the cover pass.
Visually inspect the weld for uniformity and other
discontinuities. If the weld passes the visual inspection, then it is to
be prepared and guided bend tested according to Guided Bend Test.
Repeat each of the weld until you can pass this test.
Multiple Choice:
5. Chipping Hammer
At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;
The proper amperage setting for any welding job is necessary to get
good penetration with minimum spatter. Correct amperage can be
identified somewhat by sound.
4. Electrode Angle
The correct angle of the electrode will depend on the
type of weld that is to be completed.
Hold the electrode at a 90 degree angle to the work as
viewed from the end of the two plates being joined, and 5
to 15 degrees in the direction of travel.
5. Speed of Travel
Correct speed of travel affects the amount of
electrode deposited and the uniformity of the bead.
It should produce a bead that is 1.5 to 2 times the
diameter of the bare end of the electrode.
Multiple Choice:
A. Stick C. Burn
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
At the end of the lesson, the trainees are expected to;
Safety covers are missing or damaged.
During operation of machine connections are tightened cables
are change (polarity) power source is moved transported
maintenance assignments performed.
Weld only with faultless protective clothing.
During welding and replacement of electrode, use only dry
Service shoes must not have steel nails or steel linings
underneath the soles. Work only using insulating platforms and
if, necessary, additional insulating body shields during welding
in lying, sitting, or kneeling positions, especially vessels.
If it rains, perform welding underneath rain proof.
Replacing electrodes without gloves
Removing parts of the protective clothing (for instance during
Sliding the electrode holder beneath arm
Failure to use available insulating platforms and other
protective gears
Strive for sufficient instruction
Be safety conscious
Issue training manuals for safety
Use of protective clothing is imperative
Electrical connections must be tight. Terminals for welding
leads and power cables must be shielded from accidental contact by
personnel or by metal objects. Cables must be used within their
current carrying and duty cycle capacities; otherwise, they will
overheat and breakdown the insulation rapidly. Cable connectors for
lengthening leads must be installed
Electrical Hazards
Electrical devices of various kinds are common in welding shops. All
electrical devices are hazardous, but some use extremely high and
dangerous voltages. All equipment and areas where 220 volts or more
are used must be well marked. Well trained and competent
technicians must only do the installation and repair of electrical
Hazardous Obstacles
Safety hazards or obstacles in the shop should be well marked.
Signs, Fences or barriers should be erected while temporary hazards
are present, so that all workers are fully aware of them. Permanent
hazards are often painted with yellow and black stripes to create high
Suffocation Hazards
Gases that are heavier than air or lighter than air can be
extremely dangerous to welders in closed or confined spaces. Argon
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using SMAW
and Carbon Dioxide are examples of heavier-than-air gases. Helium is
an example of a lighter-than-air gas. These gases are colorless and
odorless and will displace the oxygen in a closed space. Argon, for
example, can asphyxiate a person in about seven seconds. Closed
spaces must be well ventilated when heavier-than-air or lighter-than-
air gases to be used. If proper ventilation cannot be obtained, the
welder must go to the space using an air-supplied purifier.
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. D
(Summative Test)
Multiple Choice:
Direction: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best
answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.
B. AC only D. DCSP
B. 1103 D. 1105
B. 5/32” D. ¼”
B. 10 mm D. 20 mm
B. 40 degrees D. 60 degrees
D. be safety conscious
Answer Key
(Summative Test)
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. C
UNIT OF COMPETENCY Weld Carbon Steel Pipes using SMAW
Written Test
with Oral
The evidence must show that the candidate……
Identified the essential variables of SMAW Welding.
Identified the different welding codes and standards.
Explained the application of the different welding codes and
Identified acceptable weld profiles.
Identified the different weld defects; its causes and
Interpreted welding procedures and specifications.
Performed root pass*
Welded subsequent/filling passes*
Performed capping*
Rectified weld defects *
Applied weld techniques*
Observed safety practices
Objectives/Content # of items/
Knowledge Comprehension Application
area/Topics % of test
variables of 3 2 5
Welding. (15%) (10%) (25%)
Welding codes 3 3
(15%) (15%)
Acceptable 1 1
weld profiles. (5%) (5%)
Weld defects; 2 2 1 5
its causes and
(10%) (10%) (5%) (25%)
3 3
and (15%) (15%)
safe welding 1 1 1 3
practices (5%) (5%) (5%) (15%)
9 7 4 20/
TOTAL (45%) (35%) (20%) 100%
Qualification SMAW NC II
Quantity Description
1 unit AC/DC Welding Machine
1 unit Portable Grinder
1 unit PPE’s
1 pc Steel brush
1 pc Chipping Hammer
1 unit Carpenter’s square
Specific Instruction:
1. Obtain necessary materials, tools from the assessor.
2. Prepare work piece in accordance to the WPS.
3. Perform the Root Pass.
4. Let the assessor inspect finished Root Pass.
5. Perform Subsequent Filling passes.
6. Let the assessor inspect Filling Passes.
7. Perform the Final/Cover Pass.
8. Submit output/work piece to the assessor for final
QUESTIONS Satisfactory
1. What causes porosities?
2. What are the essential variables of SMAW process?
3. What is arc length?
4. What effect will it have on the weld if the arc length is too long
? too short?
5. What is warpage or distortion?
6. How would you prevent warpage or distortion?
7. What causes poor penetration?
8. What is the ideal root face of a single-V groove butt joint?
9. How would you prevent cracking on welded materials?
10. What is the ideal height of weld bead?
11. What are welding related injuries?
Date Developed: Document No.
August 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised:
SMAW NC II Page 74 of 74
Developed by:
Weld Carbon Steel Pipes YUNUS BANUA
using SMAW Revision # 00
12. How would you avoid welding related injuries?
13. What measures would you apply if the welding machine
emitted smoke while in used?
Feedback to the Candidate:
Note: In the remarks section, remarks may include for repair, for
replenishment, for reproduction, for maintenance etc.
Prepared by: