Tcs Bancs Webservice Repository Document - Inwarddirectcreditcorrectiontransaction
Tcs Bancs Webservice Repository Document - Inwarddirectcreditcorrectiontransaction
Tcs Bancs Webservice Repository Document - Inwarddirectcreditcorrectiontransaction
– InwardDirectCreditCorrectionTransaction
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
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Data : InwardDirCrCorrectionTrnRq(001132)
Tag Name Field Name Mandatory (Y/N) Field Width Field Description
AcctNum Account Number Y 9(17) To account Number
Amt Amount Y 9(14)V999S Amount
TrnDt Transaction Date N ddMMyyyy Original Transaction date
Promo Code is used to apply fees on
account. Before applying fees using
promo code, promo code set up
PromoCode Promo Code N XX
should be present in CBS.Promo in
Correction transaction should be same
as original Transaction.
Account Currency
AcctCurCode Y XXX Account Currency Code
TrnAmt Y 9(14)V999S Transaction Amount
TrnCurCode Y XXX Transaction Currency code
Currency Code
BaseAmt Base Amount Y 9(14)V999S Transaction Base amount
Comsn Commission N 9(14)V999S Commission
Chng Change N 9(14)V999S Change
RateTyp Rate Type N 99 Rate Type. Default rate type is '01'
CurVer Currency Version N X(4) Currency Version
Trace Number is journal number for
TraceNum Trace Number Y 9(9)
original transaction
This field is used for beneficiary
UsrRef User Reference Y X(30) reference / core reference for EFT /
RTGS transaction
StmtNarr Y X(50) Statement Narrative.
This field is used for beneficiary NIB /
Offsite account number. For
NIB or Benificiary Mozambique, NIB should be entered in
Iban Y X(35)
Account Number this field and for other subsidiaries,
beneficiary account number should be
provided in this field
RsnCode Reason Code Y 9(2) Reason Code
TrnBrch N 9(5) Transaction Branch
© 2015 Tata Consultancy Services
Confidential 3
Tag Name Field Name Mandatory (Y/N) Field Width Field Description
BSB is Beneficiary branch code. This
field will be required if offsite account
BSB BSB N 9(6) is provided in place of NIB. This is
mandatory for all subsidiaries except
PstDt Post Date N ddMMyyyy Transaction Post Date
BSB bank is Benificiary bank code. This
field will be required if offsite account
BsbBank BSB Bank N 9(6) is provided in place of NIB. This is
mandatory for all subsidiaries except
BnfcryCustName Y X(60) Benificiary Customer Name
Customer Name
EFT Transaction Service. Different EFT
services are following:
EV - Same day,
EFT Transaction EK – dated,
EftTrnSrvc Y X(2)
Service EO – One day,
EB - Home back,
EH - Recall,
EG - Unpaid.
Transaction type is used to identify
type transaction.
TrnTyp Transaction Type Y 9(1)
1: RTGS,
2: EFT
IdCode ID Code N X(24) benificiary ID number
Descptn Description N X(60) Transaction description
Motive Motive N X(75) Motive
Response : Success
Header : RsHeader
Tag Name Field Name Mandatory (Y/N) Field Width Field Description
Account number of the Customer. Not
Filler1 Filler1 Y X(4)
applicable for this message.
Filler2 Filler2 N X(10) Contains ‘OK’ message
Account number of the Customer. Not
AcctNum Account Number N X(16)EX
applicable for this message.
CustNum Customer Number N X(16)EX Customer Number of the Customer.
Data which is received from the host
after successful completion of the
RcptData Receipt Data Y X(110)
Header : RsHeader
Tag Name Field Name Mandatory (Y/N) Field Width Field Description
ErrCode Error code N 9(4) Error code
SupOvrrd Sup Override N 99 Sup Override
ErrMsg Error message N X(100) Error message
Tag Name Field Name Mandatory (Y/N) Field Width Field Description
Filler1 Filler 1 N X Filler 1
MsgLen Message Length N X(4) Message Length
Filler2 Filler2 N XX Filler2
MsgTyp Message Type N XX Message Type
Filler3 Filler3 N X(4) Filler3
CycNum Cycle Number N X(6) Cycle Number
MsgNum Message Number N X(6) Message Number
SegNum Seg Number N XX Seg Number
Seg Number 2
SegNum2 Seg Number 2 N XX
Tag Name Field Name Mandatory (Y/N) Field Width Field Description
Filler1 Filler1 N 9 Filler1
MsgLen Message Length N 9(4) Message Length
Filler2 Filler2 N XX
1. Default value for string data type fields is space and for numeric data type is zero.
2. All the amount data fields will be used without currency sign and commas.
3. Examples for amount fields 1000.000, -1200.000 etc. (Decimal places precision depends on data
type precision value defined).