ENTREP Module 6

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Week 6 | Day 21 to Day 24

Module 6
Developing a Business Plan:
Selecting the Best Product or
Service that Will Meet the
Market Need



Entrepreneurship– Grade 11/12
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Module 6: Developing a Business Plan: Selecting the best product or service that will
meet the market need
First Edition, 2020

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Writer: Gemma Lily N. Felicilda
Editor: Junrey B. Villa
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Week 5 | Day 17 to Day 20

Module 6:
Developing a Business Plan:
Selecting the Best Product or
Service that Will Meet the
Market Need



Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Entrepreneurship 11/12 Self-Learning Module (SLM) on Selecting

the Best Product or Service that Will Meet the Market Need.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the Entrepreneurship 11/12 Self-Learning Module (SLM) on Selecting

the Best Product or Service that Will Meet the Market Need.

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the Development of Business plan: Screening proposed solutions based on viability,
profitability and customer requirements. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the textbook you are now using.

In this module, you will : Develop a Business Plan and select the best product or
service that will meet the market need (TLE_ICTAN11/12PC-Ia-1).
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. analyze business ideas; and,

2. select the best product or service for the market need.

What I Know

A pleasant day to you, dear learner! Let us start the day with knowing what you have in
mind on the succeeding topics in this module on selecting the best product or service
that will meet the market need.
“Knowing Ahead!”
Instruction: Read the following statements carefully and underline the word inside the
parenthesis that best described your answer.

1. SWOT is the acronym for (Strengths Ways Opportunities Threats, Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats).

2. Identifying where products or services are in their lifecycle is central to (profitability,

3. It refers to the positive aspects that your business has over similar business competitors
(Strengths, Opportunities).

4. It is the stage of product life cycle where expenses is heavy in research and development.
(introduction, development)

5. The stage in product or service life cycle where sales are growing and profit margins are
good. (introduction, growth)

6. A review of market factors, revenues, cost and trends. (concept testing, business analysis)

7. The probable events that may effect the business negatively.(weakness, threats)

8. Product development is converting ideas into (visible form, imaginary form).

9. In the development of a product, it starts with (idea screening, idea generation).

10. A product that reached _____ can experience slow growth and saturation of market.
(maturity, decline)
11. In turning business into income-generating activity, the entrepreneur should (choose the
right product to sell, choose the product you want to sell)

12. Typewriters are products that has reached the stage of (maturity, decline).
13. Extending the lifecycle of a product or service can be done by (introducing minor
innovations, extensive marketing).

14. The stage of a product life cycle, when a product’s sales fall as substitutes and new
competitors enter the market (maturity, decline).

15. It involves actual marketing of the product in the target market. (commercialization,
concept testing)

Developing a Business Plan:
Selecting the best product
1 or service that will meet the
target need

What’s In

Good morning dear learner! In the previous module you tried to screen from the many
business ideas you have what could be viable, profitable and would fit customer
As you continue learning entrepreneurship, this module will help you select the best
product or service to solve a market need. Let us answer Looking Back first below.
Instruction: Read each statement properly and encircle the letter that best
corresponds to the statement.

1. The ability of the business to survive or the quality of having a reasonable chance
of success is called_______.
a. viability c. customer requirement
b. profitability d. uniqueness

2. It refers to the specification of the product or service that clients look for.
a. viability c. customer requirement
b. profitability d. uniqueness

3. The excess amount after deducting income from expenses is_____.

a. profit c. break-even
b. return on sales d. profitability

4. A business rival is called _______.

a. employees c. employer
b. competitor d. entrepreneur

5. Financing business venture means_______.

a. having the right motivation c. payment of loans
b. sourcing funds for the business activities d. money

What’s New

Good job! You remembered well what was discussed in the last module. Finding the
right product or service for the market is critical for all entrepreneur as many
business ideas may confuse their decision.

Activity 1: Right Steps!

Instruction: Read well the story and get encouraged to reach your dreams even from
small but right steps! For you to remember relevant points, write the appropriate
words to complete the sentences on the spaces provided.

Josephine Rectin of Legazpi City, Albay is a typical Filipino micro entrepreneur who
started with a small capital. Back in 1995, she sold vegetables on foot. She had Five
Hundred Pesos (PhP500) in capital. Twenty years later—and this is where her story
deviates from most micro entrepreneur’ stories, she heads a multi-million family
business that encompasses a mini grocery store, rice farming and trading, livestock
raising, hardware store with gravel and sand, hollow blocks and nipa shingles making,
trucking and hauling service, and a computer printing shop. “We grew the business
gradually in response to customer demands. Together with my husband, Robert, and
our children, we pursued one new business after the other in tune with the market
conditions,” says Josephine.

She turned to what she knew —selling, to help Robert provide for the needs of the
family. “I started as an ambulant vegetable seller. When customers asked for other
goods like dried fish, I would promptly supply them and then add these to my basket
of products. From a portion of my earnings saved up over a period of time, I raised
enough money to establish a sari-sari (variety goods) store. My store allows me to sell
more and earn more. It also keeps me informed of what customers need and want. As
I listen, I get ideas for new businesses. The hardware business, for example, came
about when there was a house construction boom in the community. It helped a lot
that my husband is keen to run it,” adds Josephine.

Good customer relations is key to a successful business. Josephine makes times for
small talk to make her customers feel welcome. “I support the saying that the
customer is always right. And if they are wrong, I make them feel alright by being
patient when resolving issues that matter. A good entrepreneur should avoid being
short-tempered and impatient with customers”.

Josephine shares, “the possibilities are endless especially if you are your own boss.
As an entrepreneur, you have the flexibility to manage your time and resources. If you
want to accomplish more, work harder and longer. Success does not come easy, but
if you are willing to work for it, it is yours for the taking.

Processing Questions:
1. Josephine Rectine’s objective why she became a micro entrepreneur in 1995 was
to ______________________________________________________________________________.

2. She used her skill in ____________________ and started being an


3. Her customers told her what they n_______________ and she promptly s_____________

4. She was able to___________________________________________________ over a period

of time.

5. She used it for financing her next venture, a ________________________________________.

6. From that sari sari store how did Josephine get business ideas that eventually put
her husband and children into doing business as well?


What is It

Now, let’s discuss the topic. You are going to learn about the right products and other related services in having

a business. Before, you are going to answer the questions. Start now!

1. What can you say about the activity?



2. As a young entrepreneur, what valuable lessons have you learned in offering

what is right to your market and grow it big in business like Josephine?


Dear student, I am sure you learned and got inspired of Josephine Rectine’s story!
Want to be the same? In turning business into an income-generating activity, the first
step is to choose the right product or services to sell. From the previous modules you
were able to state business ideas you want to venture and probably you have
generated even more ideas. That is a good sign and signals the start of your “thinking”
stage in making good business.

How do you choose the right product to sell? You can select the most suitable
ideas by thinking carefully about each idea. The selection of the right product or
service is critical. In fact, the choice of a product or service for your business can
make or break your business.

1. Primary considerations in choosing a particular product

 financial benefit to your business

 relatively low investment requirements,
 positive return on investment,
 fit with present strategy,
 feasible to develop and produce,
 easy to source and procure,
 relatively low risk, and
 time to see intended results.

2. Meet the needs of the customer and solve a specific problem.

 Product must address a need or an opportunity.

 Know how your products or services can assist customers.
 Product must have a real value that customers can recognize,
want and need.

3. Produce the product that you are capable of.

 Know if you have the time, resources and capability to produce

your product.
 Find out if you can afford the manpower required.
 Find out if you have the resources to outsource the product
 Know if you can produce a strong demand at a specified period
required with the same standard.

4. Consider the size of your potential reachable market.

 Get an idea of the size of your market.

 Know who are likely to use or benefit from your products.
 Define who will be your potential customers that will be interested
in your product.
 Understand who and how big your market can pay off in the long

5. Comply with government rules and regulations.

 Be abreast with new laws or government rules and regulations

can impact your product.
 Comply with required permits, licenses and obtain approval from
the government.

6. Your product must be superior in its functionality, presentation or marketing

than any similar or existing in the market.

Know and understand your Unique Selling Proposition - is the one thing that makes
that your product different than any other. It may be that the product has a lower
price or more convenient packaging, or it may taste or smell better, or last longer.

7. Identify barriers that must be overcome for a potential new product entry.

 Barriers to entry include high research and development expenses.

 Patents are barriers where your competitor may hold legal
protection for an integral component of your product and may
prevent you from manufacturing your product.
 Other barriers to entry include competitors offering lower prices
due to their cost advantage.

8. Know the potential sales, growth, profits, and time for payback.

 Get a clear idea of your costs.

 Understand how much sales you need to have to breakeven.
 Post a profit.
 Know what your return on investment will be.

SWOT Analysis

One method people often use to decide which the most suitable business idea
is the SWOT Analysis. It helps you focus on possible problem areas and potential
advantages of each idea.

Inside the business

To analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a business an entrepreneur should

look inside the planned businesses. What will be good at and what are its weaknesses?

1. Strengths are the specific positive aspects, which will give your proposed business an
advantage over similar business ventures competitors. It could be that you have a
better product feature than your competitor, or you can deliver the product faster than
others because of the location near the customers.

2. Weaknesses on the other hand are specific aspects that your business will not be
good at. Perhaps your costs will be high because your location is far from suppliers
and you will pay more for the transport.

Outside the business

To analyze the opportunities and strengths of your proposed business an entrepreneur

must look outside the business or the external environment. What aspects of the
external environment will benefit the business and what aspects will negatively affect
the business.

3. Opportunities are on-going potential developments around you that will be good for
your business. It could be that the demand for the product you are proposing will
increase because of the influx of tourists.

4. Threats are probable events that may effect your business negatively. For example
the business idea could be so simple that other people may start similar businesses
in your area and reduce your share of the market.

New products and services are essential in all businesses. Existing and new
entrepreneurs understand that investing in their product development is necessary
for business growth and success. However, financing the development process is
very risky. It needs to be carefully planned and organized.

Identifying where products or services are in their lifecycle is central to your

profitability. 11
Product Life Cycle Concept describes a product’s sales, profits, customers,
competitors, and marketing emphasis from its beginning until it is removed from the
market. It is a guide for you to know when would be the right time to start the
development process. It will explain how a planned and phased development process
will help you make the wisest investment and budgeting decisions.

Key Stages in the lifecycle of any product or service.

1. Product Development - at this point your product or service is only an idea.

You're investing heavily in research and development.
The new product planning involves a series of steps:
1.1 Idea Generation
a. Brainstorming – sharing ideas ,comments, suggestions of members
b. Analyzing Existing products- learn how market is captured successfully
c. Visiting suppliers’ facilities – suppliers’ raw materials can be used as a
method to innovate and modify existing product.
d. Surveys – get feedback from customers and potential market.
e. Reading trade publications – inspirational story of successful
entrepreneurs can be a basis of creating new product.
1.2 Idea Screening
 Ideas which are unsuitable, unacceptable or poor must be junked.
 Ideas with attributes are rated on the basis of a rating form ,rated 1-10
in categories: general, marketing and production characteristics.
1.3 Concept Testing.
 Ideas which passed screening stage will require feedback from consumer.
 Measures consumer enthusiasm by asking reactions in pictures, and oral
description of product.
1.4 Business Analysis – a review of market factors, revenues, cost and trends

1.5 Product Development - ideas are converted into visible form

1.6 Test Marketing- involves selling a fully developed product in selected area
and observing the actual or on the spot performance. Depending on the
result, decision as to go ahead, modify the product or services, modify
marketing plan or cancel the product.
1.7 Commercialization – involves actual marketing of the product in the target

2. Introduction - launching of product or service in the marketplace and objective

is to generate customer interest. Heavy spending on marketing confronts the
 Sales growth depends on the desirability of the product
 Competition is limited, or selected
 High production and marketing costs
 Customers are called innovators as they took risk of the new product
 Promotions must be informative
 Free samples and discounts may be desirable

3. Growth- your product or service is establishing itself, sales are growing and profit
margins are good.
 Product gains wider acceptance and objective to expand distribution and
range of available product alternatives
 More firms enter the profitable and tested market.
 Profits are high due to less competitors who offers the same.
 Distribution is expanded coupled with mass advertising to meet new goals
 It’s the time to work out reducing costs of delivering the new product.

4. Maturity - sales growth is slowing or has even stopped. You've been able to
reduce production and marketing costs, but increased competition has driven down
prices. Now is likely to be the best time to invest in a new product.
 Product’s sales level tries to maintain lower price and better features for as
long as possible.
 Market is fully penetrated
 Competition is at its highest level.
 Profits decline because discounting becomes popular.
 High cost in advertising.
 Products are available at most outlets at varying prices.
 Promotion is very competitive.
5. Decline - new and improved products or services are on the market and
competition is high. Sales fall and profit margins decline.
 Product’s sales falls as substitutes and new competitors enter the market
 Firms may lessen or reduce the items produced and outlets used.
 Increased marketing will have little impact on sales and won't be
cost-effective unless new markets are identified.

You can extend the lifecycle of a product or service by investing in an

"extension strategy". You could:

 increase your promotional spending

 introduce minor innovations - perhaps by adding extra features or updating
the design
 seek new markets

But ultimately this only delays a product or service's decline. Ideally, you should
always have new products or services to introduce as others decline so that at least
one part of your range is showing a sales peak.

What’s More

Great! With the discussions that we had, let us examine the following business
ideas and classify the stage they are currently in the market which could affect
profitability on investments, if selected to be offered in the market.

Activity 2: Where Do I belong ?

Instruction: Find below a list of products and services, group them according
to the stage of their life cycle, and write in the provided columns for Product
Development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
CoVid Vaccine Washable Masks Milktea
Sim Cards Dengue Vaccine Massage Parlor
E-Jeep Landline Telephone Tuna Chorizo
Electric Fan Solar Panel

Activity 3: Know Me Better!

One method people often use to decide which is the most suitable business idea
is the SWOT Analysis. It helps you focus on possible problem areas and potential
advantages of each idea.

Instruction: Identify whether the following phrases are Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities and Threats of a business venture as they have an impact in
choosing the best business idea in meeting a market need.

1. Management Competence ______________________________

2. Growing Demand ______________________________
3. Excellent Product Quality ______________________________
4. Shortage of fund ______________________________
5. Favorable Government Assistance ______________________________
6. Poor accommodation of customers ______________________________
7. Stability and Profitability ______________________________
8. Few Competitors ______________________________
9. Lack of Technical Know-how ______________________________
10. Natural Disaster ______________________________

What I Have Learned

Very good! You did well for Activities 2 and 3. Now you already know how you should
choose the right/best product to sell, using SWOT analysis, and Product Life Cycle
Concept in selecting the best product or service that will meet the market need. It is
a very nice feeling whenever you have learned something. It makes you proud that
today another topic was tackled and internalized. Let us recapitulate what we have

1. What are the primary consideration in choosing a particular product/service for

a market need?


2. How do you meet the needs of the customer and solve a specific problem?

3. How will you know if you are capable to produce the product for your potential

4.Why do you need to comply government rules and regulations?


5. What is Unique Selling Proposition ?


6. How do you identify barriers that must be overcome for a potential new product

7. What is SWOT analysis ?


8. What is Product Life Cycle Concept?


Areas of Assessment 5 4 3 2

Ideas Presents ideas in an Presents ideas in a Ideas are too general Ideas are vague or
original manner consistent manner unclear
Organization Strong and organized Organized beg/mid/end Some organization; No organization; lack
beg/mid/end attempt at a beg/mid/end beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows strong Writing shows a clear Writing shows adequate Writing shows little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Sentence Structure Sentence structure Sentence structure is Sentence structure is No sense of sentence
enhances meaning; flows evident; sentences mostly limited; sentences need to structure or flow
throughout the piece flow flow

Activity 4: You Knew it Right!

Instruction: Supply the missing words on the provided spaces to summarize your
learnings and understanding on the use of product life cycle concept in making wise
investment and budgeting decisions.

(1)__________________ stage of a new product idea needs investing heavily in research

and development where a series of planning steps include (2)_____________,
(3)_____________, (4) _____________, and (5) _____________.

An entrepreneur whose business idea is new to the market is in the (6)________________

stage wherein he has to spend heavily on (7) _____________________. However, when the
product or service is already in (8) ____________ stage he can expect growing sales
and good (9)________________.

When market is fully penetrated and competition is at its highest level it means that
the product has reached (10)__________________ stage. It’s the best time to invest in a

As a product continues to have lesser and lesser sales it means it has reached
(12) ____________ stage and continuous production of the same can bring losses to the
What I Can Do

Hooray! Now, that you have learned on how to select the best product or service that will
meet the market need let us relate it to your business interest.

Activity 5: The Winner

Instruction: Choose two (2) from the business ideas you mentioned in module 5 and write
them on the space provided below, for business ideas 1 and 2 . Analyze and answer
truthfully the questions for each business venture for a reliable result so that you will
be able to properly choose the best business idea that will answer the market need and
will have the most chance of viability for you.


Ideas/Business 1.Washable Face 2.Cemented Pot
Proposal Mask Production production

Which customer needs Need for protection and Need for diversion of
you want your product health purposes attention in time of
or service to satisfy? pandemic

Are you capable to Yes No. To hire skilled

produce the product? If workers.
not how will you
produce them?

Start here:

Business 1. 2.

1. Which customer needs

you want your product or
service to satisfy?

2. How do you know if there is a

need for this business in your
3. Who are your possible
customers for this
particular business?
4.What is the estimated
size in number of your
5.Who are your

6.What is unique/different of
your product to others?
7.Are you capable of producing
the product or service? 17
8.How will you be able to
supply/deliver the goods and
services to customers?

9. How much capital is needed to

start your business?
10.Where will you get the
resources to start this business
11. How much capital is
needed to start your
12. Does this business have
potential growth?

At what stage in the product life cycle is your business idea/ proposal?
#1 ______________________________________________________________________

Based on your analysis above what is the best business idea you should select?

What are the STRENGTHS of your selected business idea/proposal? Enumerate at least




Rubrics for rating:

Understanding of the topic - 25pts

Organization - 10pts
Coherence of Ideas - 15pts
Total - 50pts


Instruction: Read the following statements carefully and write TRUE if the statement is
true and FALSE if not on the space provided.

_______ 1. SWOT is the acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats.

_______ 2.Identifying where products or services are in their lifecycles is central to

________ 3.Strengths refer to the positive aspects a business has over business

________ 4. Introduction expenses for the product development is heavy.

________ 5. The growth stage in product or service life cycle brings good profit margin.

________ 6. Concept testing is a review of market factors, revenues, cost and trends.

________ 7.Threats are probable events that may effect the business negatively.
________ 8. Product development is converting ideas into visible form.

________ 9. In the development of a product, it starts with idea screening.

________10. A product that reached maturity can experience slow growth.

________11.In turning business into income-generating activity, the entrepreneur

should choose the product he/she want to sell.

________12. Typewriters are products that has reached the stage of decline.
________13. Introducing minor innovations can extend the life of a declining product.
________14. Maturity is the stage of a product’s life when a product’s sales falls as
new competitors enter the market.

________15. Commercialization involves actual marketing of the product in the target


Additional Activities

Congratulations! A job very well done. You have now reached the end of this module.
At this time, describe the product idea/proposal you had selected to venture.
Draw/find a similar product/service, picture a sample and paste it on the box

What’s More What’s More What I Have
Activity 2 Activity 3
Development 1. Strength
- CoVid Vaccine 2. Opportunity
Construction of
Introduction 3. Strength
sentences may vary
- E-jeep 4. Weaknesses
5. Opportunity however key words
Growth are in the discussion.
6. Weaknesses
- Milktea
7. Strength
- Solar Panel 8. Opportunity
Maturity 9. Threats
- Washable Masks 10. Threats
- Simcards
- Massage Parlor
- Tuna Chorizo
- Electric Fan
- Dengue Vaccine
- Landline telephone
1. True
2. False
What I Have What I Can Do 3. True
Learned 4. False
Answer may vary. 5. True
Activity 4
6. False
1. Product Development 7. True
2. Idea Generation 8. True
3. Idea Screening 9. False
4. Concept Testing 10. True
5. Business Analysis 11. False
6. Introduction 12. True
7. Marketing 13. True
8. Growth 14. True
9. Profit Margin 15. True
10. Maturity
11. New Product
12. Decline
Answer Key
What I Know What’s In What’s New
Pre-Assessment 1. help provide for the
1. a
1. Strengths, Weaknesses, 2. c needs of the family
Opportunities and Threats 3. a 2. selling, ambulant
2. Profitability 4. b
vegetable seller
3. Strengths 5. b
4. Development 3. need,
5. Growth supply/supplied
6. Business Analysis
7. Threats 4. save a portion of
8. Visible Form her earnings
9. Idea Generation
5. sari-sari store or
10. Maturity
variety store
11. Choose the right product to sell
12. Decline 6. listening
13. Introducing Minor Innovations information from the
14. Decline customers (answer
15. Commercialization may vary however key
words are in the
What is it
Answer may vary.

Agustin –Acierto, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum:

Intramuros Manila, Philippines

Linobo, M. A. (2001). Strategy for General Santos City Teachers and Employees
Multi-Purpose Cooperative. Unpublished Thesis.

(2009). Develop new products and services. Retrieved from


(2016). Innovate for Success. Retrieved from


Granado, J.F. (2020). Going Strong With No Signs of Stopping. Retrieved from

Rodriguez, G. (2013). What to Sell: How to Select the Right Product for Your
Business. Retrieved from https://www.powerhomebiz.com/starting-a-


This Self-learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd – Division of General

Santos City with the primary objective of preparing for and addressing the
new normal. Contents of this module were based on DepEd’s Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary material to be used
by all learners in General Santos City in all public schools beginning SY 2020-
2021. The process of LR development was observed in the production of this
module. This is version 1.0. We highly encourage feedback, comments, and

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Division of General Santos City

Learning Resource Management System (LRMS)

Tiongson Street, Brgy. Lagao, General Santos City

Telefax No.: (083) 552-8909

Email Address: depedgensan@deped.gov.ph

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