HabitAssessment DarrenHardy

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The magic comes from becoming the person you need to be in order to attract the
people or results you wish to meet or achieve. Use the example below to determine the
magic factor for achieving your goals. HERE’S AN EXAMPLE:

GOAL: Earn an extra $100,000 in income this year.

General description of WHO I NEED TO BECOME:
• I am a disciplined master of time efficiency.
• I focus solely on high-payoff and high-productivity actions.
• I wake up an hour earlier and review my priority objectives each morning.
• I fuel my body properly and exercise four days a week so I am energetic and highly effective each work hour.
• I feed my mind ideas and inspiration that will support and bolster my passion.
• I surround myself with peers and mentors who elevate my expectations and prod me to rise to greater levels of
discipline, commitment and achievement.
• I am a smart, confident and effective leader.
• I seek and cultivate the strength and greatness in everyone around me.
• I deliver excellence to my clients and continually find ways to ‘wow’ them, encouraging repeat transactions and
abundant referrals.

New habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to START:

• Get up by 5am, feed my mind with positive material—30 minutes reading and 30 minutes of audio of something
inspirational and instructional every day
• 30 minutes of quiet thinking time
• 30 minutes of planning time, eating a healthy fiber- and protein-rich breakfast
• Exercise for at least 30 minutes three times a week
• Calling on 10 new major accounts per week, checking in, servicing and further developing 10 existing clients per
week, planning each day the night before, remembering birthdays and anniversaries of employees and clients,
following news, blogs and updates of target accounts…
Existing healthy habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to EXPAND:

Recognizing my teammates when they achieve, delegating administrative tasks, going into the office early, being
prompt, professional dress…

Poor habits or behaviors I need to STOP:

• Watching two hours of TV at night and listening to news in the car
• Attending unproductive meetings and saying yes to projects in conflict with my highest priorities
• Gossiping with colleagues, complaining about the economy, the market, team members or customers
• Taking personal calls or spending time on Facebook or other personal social media sites during the day
• Eating after 7:30pm, more than one glass of wine at night, extended lunches without clients…

Top three modifications and how I will implement it into my daily routine:
Feed mind Read 30 min first thing in morning while coffee brews. Listen to
audio on commute to and from office.
Call on 10 new clients per week Tues 2pm-5pm, Weds 10am-12pm, Thurs 1pm-4pm

Supportive associations Join and commit to bi-weekly mastermind forum

© C O P Y R I G H T DA R R E N H A R DY L L C . DA R R E N H A R DY. C O M . T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T BY DA R R E N H A R DY. F O R M O R E , T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T. C O M

General description of WHO I NEED TO BECOME:

New habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to START:

Existing healthy habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to EXPAND:

Poor habits or behaviors I need to STOP:

Top three modifications and how I will implement it into my daily routine:

© C O P Y R I G H T DA R R E N H A R DY L L C . DA R R E N H A R DY. C O M . T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T BY DA R R E N H A R DY. F O R M O R E , T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T. C O M

General description of WHO I NEED TO BECOME:

New habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to START:

Existing healthy habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to EXPAND:

Poor habits or behaviors I need to STOP:

Top three modifications and how I will implement it into my daily routine:

© C O P Y R I G H T DA R R E N H A R DY L L C . DA R R E N H A R DY. C O M . T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T BY DA R R E N H A R DY. F O R M O R E , T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T. C O M

General description of WHO I NEED TO BECOME:

New habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to START:

Existing healthy habits, disciplines or behaviors I need to EXPAND:

Poor habits or behaviors I need to STOP:

Top three modifications and how I will implement it into my daily routine:

© C O P Y R I G H T DA R R E N H A R DY L L C . DA R R E N H A R DY. C O M . T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T BY DA R R E N H A R DY. F O R M O R E , T H E C O M P O U N D E F F E C T. C O M

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