few options on this. Furthermore, it does not allow you to create drawings from
volumetric models. Instead, drawings are made from just lines.
advantage and disadvantage of autocad 6. There are limited file formats. With AutoCAD, there is a limit to the number of
file formats that you choose to import or export. Apparently, since this is the
Pros: leading CAD program, it expects other programs to instead export to its formats.
1. Saves a lot of time. Can you imagine how much time it would take to manually However, when this happens, geometry, some effects and color are lost.
draw a building plan? The AutoCAD software has taken things to a whole new level. 7. Limit the number of possible colors. There are about 256 possible colors on
Architectural drawings and any other type of designs can be done in lesser time. AutoCAD and several textures. This means that you may not be able to come up
This means more output and increased productivity. with quite realistic images the same way as the illustrator programs.
2. User-friendly. One thing you will probably like about this software is how easy 8. Not really suitable for 3D. This is because it only has a few options. For this
it is to use it. It comes with a user-friendly interface that you can grasp within a reason, it may not really be helpful in complex programming.
short period of time. 9. The program is too exact. When drawing a simple line, the process might
3. You can work in 3D space. With AutoCAD, you can actually create images in involve about three actions. In this case, if your aim is to create a building plan, it
3D. It is even much faster to generate a 3d model than you would have by hand. might take you a bit longer before you finish the entire project.
There is also the possibility of drawing in 2D. 10. It does not have parametric. You can successfully create 3D models but the
4. It is useful in many industries and branches. Basically, AutoCAD is used in editing will need so many steps.
architecture, electromechanics, civil industry, electronics, and chemistry.
5. The program allows users to convert their work . For instance, you can convert
your work to other file formats such as PDF and afterward share them with other
people. Advantages of CAD over manual drafting
6. It consists of specific drafting tools. These can be used when generating 1. Saves time: When you are using the computer-aided design software, it will save your time
geometric dimensions, mechanical symbols, wild symbols, and surface texture and you can make better and more efficient designs in shorter time duration.
symbols. 2. Easy to edit: When you are making designs, you may find the need to make alterations.
7. AutoCAD software offers professional designs. It is flexible and hence you can When you are using computer-aided design software, it will be much easier to make any
come up with different types of designs. Furthermore, it allows you to reuse designs changes because you can fix the errors and modify the drawings easily.
and modify them. 3. Decrease in error percentage: As the CAD software makes use of some of the best tools,
8. Artists are able to check the design and determine if it’s within the the percentage of error that occurred because of manual designing is significantly reduced.
specification. In this case, the user can simply take a look at the design in the early 4. Decrease design effort: When it comes to the amount of effort that was needed for the sake
stages and get to know if they are headed in the right direction. of designing the different models, it has been reduced significantly because the software
9. It has accurate measures and details. AutoCAD is popular in almost all parts of automates most of the task.
the world because of its accuracy. There is less human error and you have the 5. Code re-use: As the entire task is carried out with the help of computer tools, it removes the
chance to edit your ideas so as to perfect everything. problem of duplication of labor, you can copy the different parts of code and design which can
10. Easy documentation and printing into several forms. You can print the then be reused multiple times over and over again.
documentation so that it’s received by multiple users. This means that document 6. Easy to share: The CAD tools make it easier to save the files and store it in a way that you
reproduction and cloning is a simple feat when it comes to AutoCAD. can use it time and again and send it without any unwanted hassles too.
7. Improved accuracy: There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that the kind of accuracy
Cons: that CAD software will offer can never be achieved by opting for manual drawings. You have
1. Expensive start-up costs. AutoCAD can be very expensive with the initial costs tools to measure the precision, skill and accuracy level of the designs.
being particularly high. This is because there are hardware costs, software and then Disadvantages of CAD:
the training. Another thing is it requires a PC. Work can be lost because of the sudden breakdown of computers
2. Fully grasping the use of this software takes time. AutoCAD may be specific in Work is prone to viruses
its application but it consists of so many functions. For this reason, it will take a lot Work could be easily “hacked”
of time before you can know everything in detail. Time taking process to know how to operate or run the software
3. The software needs a strong computer processing power. You are forced to get High production or purchasing cost for new systems
good quality computer hardware if you want the software to be functional. This can Time and cost of training the staff which will work on it
be very costly. Need of regular updating of software or operating systems
4. The courses involving its training are expensive. If you really want to learn Needs less employment because of CAD/CAM systems
how to properly use the software, then it’s mandatory that you pay for their
expensive courses.
5. AutoCAD cannot freely edit lines and locations . For instance, when it comes to
overlapping lines and editing them, the software is quite limited and offers just a Rsw- 01: Autocad