Tender of MT Power Transformers

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REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬

Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬

Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

Item NO : 1 Transformer (1000 KVA ) 2 Pcs
1. Capacity 3 phase ,step Down , 50 HZ , 1000kVA
Continuous to suit max. ambient Temp.
2. Duty
3. Type Oil immersed
4. Cooling ONAN
5. Primary voltage 6.3 Kv
6. Secondary voltage 0.4 Kv
7. Frequency 50Hz
8. No. of Phases 3
all windings, bus bars up to terminals to
9. Winding material
be copper.
Magnetic core which made up cold
10. Core rolled grain oriented low less steel
11. Vector group DYN11
12. Tape changer on H.T. side.
13. Tapping ±2.5% in steps.
14. Insulation class of winding Class A
15. Min. load losses.
16. Suitable for high ambient temperature (windings, core, and oil).
17. Suitable for outdoor fitting.
18. Suitable for synchronized configuration with other.
19. Accessories:
Primary & Secondary terminals in cable box with vertical mounted
bushing to suit cable termination.
2. Conservator equipped with filling plug, air vent & drain cock.
3. Oil level indicator with alarm at low level.
4. Terminal box for connection of control circuit cable.
5. Breather equipped with Silica gel.
6. Cooling fan/radiator (if included)
7. Oil temperature unit with alarm at high temperature.
8. Lifting lugs.
9. Drain valve for draining.
10. Pressure relief device
11. Filled with new oil transformer
Double float, Buchholz and oil surge relay with gas release cock, shut-off
valve on either side and separate sets of contacts for trip and alarm .
13. Maintenance, drawings, all manual and required tests (English Language) .
14. Spare parts
15. Maintenance tools

1 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

Item NO : 2 Transformer (3000 KVA ) 1 Pcs
1 Capacity 3 phase ,step up , 50 HZ , 3000kVA
Continuous to suit max. ambient Temp.
2 Duty
3 Type Oil immersed
4 Cooling ONAN
5 Primary voltage 6.3 Kv
6 Secondary voltage 11Kv
7 Frequency 50Hz
8 No. of Phases 3
all windings, bus bars up to terminals to
9 Winding material
be copper.
Magnetic core which made up cold rolled
10 Core
grain oriented low less steel stamping
11 Vector group DY11
12 Tape changer on H.T. side.
13 Tapping ±2.5% in steps.
14 Insulation class of winding Class A
15 Min. load losses.
16 Suitable for high ambient temperature (windings, core, and oil).
17 Suitable for outdoor fitting.
18 Suitable for synchronized configuration with other.
19 Accessories:
Primary & Secondary terminals in cable box with vertical mounted
bushing to suit cable termination.
2 Conservator equipped with filling plug, air vent & drain cock.
3 Oil level indicator with alarm at low level.
4 Terminal box for connection of control circuit cable.
5 Breather equipped with Silica gel.
6 Cooling fan/radiator (if included)
7 Oil temperature unit with alarm at high temperature.
8 Lifting lugs.
9 Drain valve for draining.
10 Pressure relief device
11 Filled with new oil transformer
Double float, Buchholz and oil surge relay with gas release cock, shut-
off valve on either side and separate sets of contacts for trip and alarm.
Maintenance, drawings, all manual and required tests (English
Language) .
14 Spare parts
15 Maintenance tools

2 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

Item NO : 3 Transformer (3000 KVA ) 1 Pcs
1 Capacity 3 phase ,step up , 50 HZ , 3000kVA
Continuous to suit max. ambient Temp.
2 Duty
3 Type Oil immersed
4 Cooling ONAN
5 Primary voltage 0.4Kv
6 Secondary voltage 11Kv
7 Frequency 50Hz
8 No. of Phases 3
all windings, bus bars up to terminals to
9 Winding material
be copper.
Magnetic core which made up cold rolled
10 Core
grain oriented low less steel stamping
11 Vector group DYN11
12 Tape changer on H.T. side.
13 Tapping ±2.5% in steps.
14 Insulation class of winding Class A
15 Min. load losses.
16 Suitable for high ambient temperature (windings, core, and oil).
17 Suitable for outdoor fitting.
18 Suitable for synchronized configuration with other.
19 Accessories:
Primary & Secondary terminals in cable box with vertical mounted
bushing to suit cable termination.
2 Conservator equipped with filling plug, air vent & drain cock.
3 Oil level indicator with alarm at low level.
4 Terminal box for connection of control circuit cable.
5 Breather equipped with Silica gel.
6 Cooling fan/radiator (if included)
7 Oil temperature unit with alarm at high temperature.
8 Lifting lugs.
9 Drain valve for draining.
10 Pressure relief device
11 Filled with new oil transformer
Double float, Buchholz and oil surge relay with gas release cock, shut-off
valve on either side and separate sets of contacts for trip and alarm.
13 Maintenance, drawings, all manual and required tests (English Language)
14 Spare parts
15 Maintenance tools

3 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬


This specification covers the supply of three (3) phase , two-winding oil immersed distribution
transformer to be installed outdoor .
The transformer shall be designed, for outdoor installation with high voltage and low voltage
porcelain bushing provided with screwed stems and nuts with washers. The tank shall be
made of
steel with bolted cover, Temperatures between 20oc to 95oc The transformers should comply with the latest
edition of IEC publications unless otherwise the specific requirements:
IEC issue 60076 for power transformer
1- General
2- Temperature rise
3- Insulation levels and dielectric tests
4- Tapping and connections
5- Ability to withstand short circuit
IEC 60345 loading guide for oil immersed power transformers.
IEC 60722 Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing of power transformers and reactors .
IEC 60137 for bushings .
IEC 60551 Determination of transformer and reactor sound levels .
IEC 60296 for new insulating oil transformer .
IEC 60354 for loading Guide .
The transformers should be manufactured for the service conditions as :-
Altitude less than 1000 meters .
Max.ambient temperature 55co
Min. ambient temperature 20co
Relative humidity 90 – 100%

The ratio of the transformers shall be in table ( 1 )
No Voltage ratio Voltage group Rate Q
1 6300/400 Dyn 11 1000 KVA 2
2 6300/11000 Dy 11 3000 KVA 1
3 11000/400 Dyn 11 3000 KVA 1
+ 0.5% as tolerance, 50 Hz at no - load .

4 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

The winding connection group of the transformers shall delta on the high side and star on
the Low side in accordance the vector group as in Table (1), as specified in IEC 60076.

The transformer should be able to deliver for an unlimited period of time at the main tapping
Of the tap changer, the maximum continuous power rating of ( 1000 – 3000 K. V. A. ) without Exceeding
the allowable temperature rise limit as in Table (1) & (2).

The transformers should be equipped with 3 phase. 3 wires and lockable manual off load
tap Changer. On the high voltage winding, the tap changer switch is mounted on the tank cover.
The voltage regulation shall be affected in seven steps having the following sequences
( referred to input voltage ) :-
Tap No 1 ( +5 % )
Tap No 2 ( +2.5 % )
Tap No 3 ( 0 % )
Tap No 4 ( -2.5 % )
Tap No 5 ( -5 % )
Tap No 6 ( -7.5 % )
Tap No 7 ( -10 % )
At the rated power, the transformer shall comply with the following maximum temperature rises
Top oil 45oc Max.
Winding 50oc Max.
Hot spot 98oc Max.
Avg. temperature to short circuit 250oC Max.
Permissible overload capacity 20% for 1.5 hr.( without exceeding the permissible heating )
Or according IEC 60354
After thermal equilibrium has been reached at 75% of rated load, the transformer shall be capable
Of sustaining the overload condition listed in the following table (2) without the transformer winding
Hot spot temperature exceeding 110oc :-

Minimum Duration in Minutes

Load percent of rating (%) Ambient Temperature of percent of
30oc 40oc
133 240 155
150 98 65
Table (2)
The supplier shall demonstrate by test and calculation that these requirements are met.

5 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬


Transformers design should be capable of withstanding, without damage, the thermal and
Mechanical effects of short circuit at the terminals for 3 sec..
Cooling is by natural circulation of oil internal to the transformers and by external air i.e ONAN.
The following test voltages shall by applicable to the transformers :-
a. High & medium voltage : Impulse withstand voltage is 95 kv for outdoor
Power frequency withstand voltage 38 kv for outdoor
b. Low voltage : Power frequency withstand voltage 3 kv. 1 minute .
The impedance at mid-tap shall be as follow :
5% for transformers 1000 KVA at 95oC
7% for transformers at 3000 KVA at 95oC
- The core and coil assembly shall have the core and coils rigidly connected. The core/coil
Assembly shall be mounted on the cover plate so that the assembly could be removed from
The tank using the suitably placed lugs provided on the cover plate.
- There must be a possibility of easy to take out the winding from the core.
- No material which can be deleteriously affected by the action of oil under the operating
Conditions of the transformers shall be used in the transformers or leads of bushings.
- To ensure that the core and coils of transformers are seated on the floor of the tank,
Supporting frames shall be designed to accommodate variations in tank height. The core
And coil assembly shall be rigidly connected to the tank and suitably closed lugs shall be
Provided for removing the core and coil assembly from the tank.
- Construction features shall permit local repairs to be easily carried out in the event of
Equipment failure .
- All internal connections shall be made of copper wires .
Bushings are of porcelain and generally comply with the requirement of IEC Publication 60137. the
minimum creepage distance shall not be less than 4cm/kv for outdoor. The high voltage bushings shall be
fitted with duplex are gap set at 65mm .for outdoor transformers . the surge arrestors ( gap less metal oxide )
10 K.A, 12 KV max. continuous operating voltage 11 KV± 5% ( leakage path 4 cm/kv at least ) should be
installed with medium voltage bushing
- All bushings shall be of porcelain clad, of the highest quality and comply with IEC 60137
They shall be sealed in a manner to prevent ingress of moisture and to facilitate removal.
The neutral bushings and stems shall be identical to those provided for phase terminations.
Bushing palms shall be made of brass and be suitable for the bolting of conductor
Compression luge.
- The palms shall be suitably dimensioned, to suit the bushing rod and the holes spaced
Sufficiently apart to enable tightening of bolts using standard spanners and to prevent
Overlap of lugs.
- The LV & MV bushings shall be labeled U,V, and W by using indelible black color paint. Phase
Identification by adhesive stickers is not acceptable.

6 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

- All outdoor transformers MV bushings shall be 30 NF – 250 Type

- All transformers LV bushings shall be with drilled hole 4 x Ø 17 mm with suitable brass flag
14.2 - CORE
The core should be made of low loss steel lamination which are made of cold rolled grain oriented, annealed, high
permeability, non-ageing silicon steel type with thickness less than 0.3 mm for each lamination. The lamination
should be insulated with suitable varnish or paint, solid insulation is not acceptable. The core, framework clamping
arrangement & general structure should be mechanically robust to withstand any shocks to which they may be
subjected during transport, installation, service & faults .
The core construction should be provide efficient cooling of its internal parts .The core joints should be properly
interleaved, precautions shall be taken to keep the noise at the level of 48-56 db. according to rated capacity and
at measured distance of 1 (one) meter, at mid tap & no – load, eliminate vibration in the core when loaded & to
diminish harmonic voltage as far as possible especially the third harmonics .
14.3- Windings
The winding conductors should be made of the best quality, high conductivity electrolytic copper complying with
requirements of the IEC publication max flux density in the yoke should not be more than 1.6 tesla.
The windings shall be clamped effectively so that they withstand shock and vibrations during transport and forces
produced by the most server short circuit currents as indicated in item "capability of withstanding short circuits"
of this specification.
- Variable volume steel tank, with corrugated wall design forming integral cooling pockets, heavy rolled
and welded steel bottom and base frame and hermetically sealed bolted-on Cover . Tank is to be completely
filled with insulating liquid drawn in under vacuum. Tank Cover is to have provision for tow thermometers
or temperature sensors, lugs for lifting, Four lashing lugs and filler-pipe with valve. Tank is to have drain
plug at bottom, earring Bolt on cover and earthling pad on base-frame, and a rating plate.
- The transformer tank shall be fabricated from steel and shall be robust construction .care should be taken
at the manufacturing stage so as not have leaks during transformation or when the transformer is
continuously operated at rated power .
- With the exception of radiator elements, all external joints shall be seam welded .There shall be only one
vertical seam weld for the fin radiator and the other three vertical corner edges of the transformer shall be
formed by bending. Corner ribs shall be avoided for the fin radiator. the bearing surface of the tank to
which bushings are clamped shall be substantially flat.
- All matching faces of joints shall be made oil tight and finished with a smooth surface to ensure
That the gasketing materials make a satisfactory joint.
- Flanges and covers of tanks shall be of sufficient thickness to prevent any depression occurring,
Which would retain water around the bolts. The horizontal edges of the cover plate shall be bent over the
tank flange to facilitate water dripping out of tank. The bent collar width shall by about 10mm to 15mm .
- All the nut and bolts used shall be hot dip galvanized and spaced at sufficiently close intervals to avoid
buckling of either flange or covers and shall provide reasonably uniform compression of
The gasket .
- Each transformer shall be provided with a minimum of two closed lifting lugs. The two lifting lugs shall
be located such that there would be a minimum of 50mm between the lifting chain and the nearest part of
the bushings .

7 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

14.5- WHEELS
The enclosure base should be fitted with 4 wheels to facilitate moving of the transformers during installation
in two perpendicular directions. The gaskets should be made of high quality material
( cork is preferred ) .


- The transformers shall provide with a satisfactory lid sealing gaskets. The gasket shall of the good quality
to maintain the sealing effect through its life span and shall prevent seeping of oil due to ageing and
extreme operating temperature.
- Gasket provided with the transformers shall be suitable for making oil tight joints, and there would be no
deleterious effects on either gasket or oil when the gaskets are continuously in contact with hot oil. No
gaskets shall be used in which the material of the gasket is mounted on a textile backing .
- Exterior gaskets shall be of rubberized cork material, weather – proof and shall not be affected by strong
sunlight .
- Service life up to 30 years .
- Resistance to all types of transformer oil. Minimal swelling and permant compression deformation
guarantee no leaks during the entire period of service.
- Rubber does not contain sulphur. Sulphur is not washed out with oil, followed by precipitation, which
dramatically reduces the performance of the transformer .
- The upper limit of the operating temperature is 2500C .
- Electrical resistance is hundreds of times higher than in traditional insulating materials .
- It does not age outdoors.
- All gaskets and seals designs are drawing and be hatched.
- Two units of all types of gaskets & seals are supplied individually for each transformer.

- Sealing surfaces of flanges shall be painted by base coat only.
- All flanges shall be sealed by means of gaskets and metal plates .


- Earthing connections shall be provided with connection facilities for 70mm2 copper stranded conductors.
- Three bolts of M12 size shall be located on either side of the tank base ( two ) and on the cover plate ( one ) .


The oil shall be of the best quality mineral of high breakdown strength, low viscosity, high resistance to
oxidation and shall not deteriorate under all loading conditions. It is required to mix with another oil type.
Kinematic viscosity less than 16.5 mm 2/s at 40OC
Flash point C > = 140 more than or equal 140
Pour point oC < = 30 less than or equal 30
Total acidity < 0.03 mg KOH per g of oil
Dissipation factor at 90OC <= 0.005
Breakdown voltage, as delivered >= 50 KV / 2.5 mm ( test method 7.12 ) IEC 60296
( Specification of oil according to BS 148 . 1984 & IEC 60296 / 82 )

8 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬


Steel It shall be made of sheet steel with an adequate capacity to allow for the extreme changes in the oil level
e.g. when the transformer is off circuited at 0OC and when the transformer is full loaded at 50OC.
the quantity of oil shall be plainly marked on the conservator. The conservator is provided with oil level
indicator ( sight glass ) , dehydrate breather. With orange silica – gel, oil filling and drain plugs and a
connection pipe for connecting the oil to the transformer.


Each transformer should be fitted with a name plate in a visible position, showing the information during listed
below. Entries on the plate should be indelibly marked by etching or engraving :
a) Manufacturers serial number .
b) Year of manufacture .
c) Number of phases .
d) Rated power .
e) Rated frequency .
f) Rated voltages .
g) Rated currents .
h) Vector group .
i) Impedance voltage .
j) Type of oil .
k) Total weight .
l) Weight of oil .
m) Connection diagram
n) A table giving tapping voltages of the positions

All outdoor transformers shall be including below accessories :-
a) Expansion vessel ( conservator ) .
b) Oil filling opening .
c) Manual ball oil drain valve with sampling devices .
d) Grounding terminals
e) Diagram and name plate .
f) Thermometer pocket .
g) Oil level indicator .
h) Lifting lugs .
i) Safety valve ( over pressure relief device )
j) U – base
k) Dehydrating breather ( silica – gel breather )
l) Winding temperature indicator for L.V & H.V
m) Bucholz relays
n) Cable box or top with bus bar in both sides
o) Tap changer on H.V side


The transformer should be designed for minimum losses, when comparing between different tenders .

9 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬


- All consumable types of seals and gaskets (2 units / transformer).
- Bushings (1 unit / transformer).
- Others are used in maintenance works.


- Outline drawing and other necessary drawing baring an effect on customers installation shall be provided
with each transformer and a comprehensive maintenance manual shall also provided.
- The bidder shall furnish the final drawings before starting the manufacturing of transformers and shall be
obtained the final approve of PEA's before manufacturing.


The manufacturer shall possess ISO 9001 quality assurance certification for the manufacture of distribution
transformers for the plant where the manufacture of distribution transformers is done. Bidders shall furnish a
copy of the ISO certificate certified as true copy of the original by the manufacture, along with the offer .


Bidders shall furnish the list of reference obtained from electricity supply authorities to whom the bidder have
supplied distribution manufactures of similar type in the past 3 years, the list shall indicate the type, rating,
voltage &, year of supply, the quantity supplied and shall furnish certificates for the last 3 years from the end
user ( utilities ) including full name, address and phone number .


Customer representative has the right to send its representative to attend any or all of these tests.
Testing dates shall be advised by the contractor to permit witnessing by customer repesentiv(s), test
Certificates shall be sent to customer representative.

These tests shall be carried out one transformer for each type in accordance with the requirements of IEC
standards for transformers, these shall include the following :
1- Full wave lighting impulse voltage withstand test.
2- Temperature rise test.
3- Chemical oil tests

These tests shall be applied on each transformer in accordance with the requirements of IEC standards for
transformers, these shall include the following:
1- Measurement of d.c. winding resistance . ( the allowable deviation in the dc resistance value between phases
should be less than 5% at high voltage side and should be less 10% at low voltage side ) .
2- Turns ratio and polarity check or vector-group symbol.
3- Measurement of impedance voltage .
4- Measurement of load loss .
5- Measurement of No-load loss .
6- Induced over voltage withstand test .
7- Separate – source power frequency voltage withstand test .
10 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

8- Electrical oil tests .

9- Insulation tests between winding and earth and between winding each other (absorption factor (
R60/R15>1.3 )) .
R60 : insulation resistance at 60 second .
R15 : insulation resistance at 1.5 second .

Speeial tests shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEC standards for types of transformers those
have not yet supplied or for transformers those have delivered but their design is modified, these shall
include the following:
1- Short circuit test
2- Measurements of sound level test


The following information shall be furnished the offer :
a) Technical Guarantees ,
b) Constructional features and material used for components.
c) Separate explanatory drawing and dimensions of tap changer .
d) Overall dimensional drawings .
e) Transformers internal dimensions ( core, windings and spaces )


- The existing transformers may expose to sudden loads that may reach 150% .
- The loads of the low voltage directly is connected to the transformers through manual L.V Disconnector
with fuses .
- There is excess voltage levels resulted from the manual Disconnecting and connection due to the load
shedding program which is applied due to the electricity shortage.
So the manufacture must design the transformers to be able to withstand such high and sudden loads.


- The Tenders shall be provide tools which is used for maintenance with the offers .


- The attached guarantee table be duly completed, signed & submitted with the offer

11 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬


1- Manufacture
2- Type
3- Standard specification
4- Rated output at 55oC ambient ( KVA )
5- Method of cooling
6- Oil type
7- System of connection
8- Material of insulation
- HV winding
- LV winding
- Major insulation
9- Material of core and its cross – section area ( mm2 )
10- Max.core flux density at full load ( test )
11- Tums ratio
12- No load losses ( watt )
13- Load losses at full load current and 95oC winding temperature ( watts )
14- Resistance per phase at 90oC for primary ( ohms )
for secondary ( ohms )
15- Cross – sectional area of cu windings for primary ( mm2 )
for secondary ( mm2 )
16- Permissible symmetrical S.C current at L.V side terminals for 2 see ( KA )
17- Primary voltage at normal tapping ( volts )
18- Corresponding secondary voltage at
- No load ( volts )
- Full load at 1 P .f. at 95oC ( volts )
- Full load at 0.8 P .f. at 95oC ( volts )
- Regulation at 1 P .f. at 95oC ( % )
- Regulation at 0.8 P .f. at 95oC ( % )
19- Permissible overload duration without change of specified temp. rise Yes ( )
according to IEC 60354 No ( )
20- Full load current at L.V side ( Amps )
- Full load current at HV side ( Amps )
- No load current at L.V side ( Amps )
21- Impedance voltage ( % )
22- Efficiency at normal ratio and 95oC ( % )

12 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

- At 100% rated output 1 p.f ( % )

- At 100% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 75% rated output 1p.f ( % )
- At 75% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 50% rated output 1 p.f ( % )
- At 50% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 25% rated output 1 p.f ( % )
- At 25% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
23- Temperature rise at rated output above 55oC ambient temperature
A- At oil top level ( oC )
B- Winding temperature ( oC )
C- Core temperature ( oC )
24- Tapping switch ( on H.V. Side )
- No. of steps
- Value of the step ( % )
25- Medium voltage insulators
- Length of leakage ( mm )
- Arc gap ( mm )
26- Means for firmly bracing of trans . winding to avoid loosening them due to S.C
27- Transformers shall be complete with all accessories in tendered specifications Yes ( )
( Customer Spec ) No ( )
28- Transformers shall be manufactured according to standards mentioned in Yes ( )
tendered spec. and will satisfy all requirements in tender specifications No ( )
Yes ( )
29- Tender specifications are attached with our offer and each page is signed by us
No ( )
30- Overall dimensions ( Length x Width x Height ) ( mm x mm x mm )
31- Total weight of trans. With oil ( kgm )
Weight of oil ( kgm )
32- Noise level ( db )
33- Color of silica gel

I/we guarantee the correctness of above data for transformers we are offering to Customer for
Distributing Electricity .
Date : / / signature of tenderer

N / B;
1- No offers shall be considered unless attached with both above guarantee table dully completed and
Signed for each size of trans . and also our tendered specification with all pages signed by tenderer.
2- Tenderer shall sign ,, √ ,, in front of yes or no in the above guarantee table.

13 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬


1- Manufacture
2- Type
3- Standard specification
4- Rated output at 55oC ambient ( KVA )
5- Method of cooling
6- Oil type
7- System of connection
8- Material of insulation
- HV winding
- LV winding
- Major insulation
9- Material of core and its cross – section area ( mm2 )
10- Max.core flux density at full load ( test )
11- Tums ratio
12- No load losses ( watt )
13- Load losses at full load current and 95oC winding temperature ( watts )
14- Resistance per phase at 90oC for primary ( ohms )
for secondary ( ohms )
15- Cross – sectional area of cu windings for primary ( mm2 )
for secondary ( mm2 )
16- Permissible symmetrical S.C current at L.V side terminals for 2 see ( KA )
17- Primary voltage at normal tapping ( volts )
18- Corresponding secondary voltage at
- No load ( volts )
- Full load at 1 P .f. at 95oC ( volts )
- Full load at 0.8 P .f. at 95oC ( volts )
- Regulation at 1 P .f. at 95oC ( % )
- Regulation at 0.8 P .f. at 95oC ( % )
19- Permissible overload duration without change of specified temp. rise Yes ( )
according to IEC 60354 No ( )
20- Full load current at L.V side ( Amps )
- Full load current at HV side ( Amps )
- No load current at L.V side ( Amps )
21- Impedance voltage ( % )
22- Efficiency at normal ratio and 95oC ( % )

14 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

- At 100% rated output 1 p.f ( % )

- At 100% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 75% rated output 1p.f ( % )
- At 75% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 50% rated output 1 p.f ( % )
- At 50% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 25% rated output 1 p.f ( % )
- At 25% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
23- Temperature rise at rated output above 55oC ambient temperature
D- At oil top level ( oC )
E- Winding temperature ( oC )
F- Core temperature ( oC )
24- Tapping switch ( on H.V. Side )
- No. of steps
- Value of the step ( % )
25- Medium voltage insulators
- Length of leakage ( mm )
- Arc gap ( mm )
26- Means for firmly bracing of trans . winding to avoid loosening them due to S.C
27- Transformers shall be complete with all accessories in tendered specifications Yes ( )
( Customer Spec ) No ( )
28- Transformers shall be manufactured according to standards mentioned in Yes ( )
tendered spec. and will satisfy all requirements in tender specifications No ( )
Yes ( )
29- Tender specifications are attached with our offer and each page is signed by us
No ( )
30- Overall dimensions ( Length x Width x Height ) ( mm x mm x mm )
31- Total weight of trans. With oil ( kgm )
Weight of oil ( kgm )
32- Noise level ( db )
33- Color of silica gel

I/we guarantee the correctness of above data for transformers we are offering to Customer for
Distributing Electricity .
Date : / / signature of tenderer

N / B;
1- No offers shall be considered unless attached with both above guarantee table dully completed and
Signed for each size of trans . and also our tendered specification with all pages signed by tenderer.
2- Tenderer shall sign ,, √ ,, in front of yes or no in the above guarantee table.

15 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬


1- Manufacture
2- Type
3- Standard specification
4- Rated output at 55oC ambient ( KVA )
5- Method of cooling
6- Oil type
7- System of connection
8- Material of insulation
- HV winding
- LV winding
- Major insulation
9- Material of core and its cross – section area ( mm2 )
10- Max.core flux density at full load ( test )
11- Tums ratio
12- No load losses ( watt )
13- Load losses at full load current and 95oC winding temperature ( watts )
14- Resistance per phase at 90oC for primary ( ohms )
for secondary ( ohms )
15- Cross – sectional area of cu windings for primary ( mm2 )
for secondary ( mm2 )
16- Permissible symmetrical S.C current at L.V side terminals for 2 see ( KA )
17- Primary voltage at normal tapping ( volts )
18- Corresponding secondary voltage at
- No load ( volts )
- Full load at 1 P .f. at 95oC ( volts )
- Full load at 0.8 P .f. at 95oC ( volts )
- Regulation at 1 P .f. at 95oC ( % )
- Regulation at 0.8 P .f. at 95oC ( % )
19- Permissible overload duration without change of specified temp. rise Yes ( )
according to IEC 60354 No ( )
20- Full load current at L.V side ( Amps )
- Full load current at HV side ( Amps )
- No load current at L.V side ( Amps )
21- Impedance voltage ( % )
22- Efficiency at normal ratio and 95oC ( % )

16 ‫الصفحة‬
REPUBLIC OF YEMEN ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬
Ministry of Transports ‫وزارة النقل‬
Yemen Red Sea ports Corporation
Head Office – Hodeidah Port ‫مؤسسة موانئ البحر األحمر اليمنية‬
‫ ميناء الحديدة‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
NO : : ‫الرقــــــم‬
DATE : :‫الــــتاريخ‬
AT : ‫المرفقات‬

- At 100% rated output 1 p.f ( % )

- At 100% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 75% rated output 1p.f ( % )
- At 75% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 50% rated output 1 p.f ( % )
- At 50% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
- At 25% rated output 1 p.f ( % )
- At 25% rated output 0.8 p.f ( % )
23- Temperature rise at rated output above 55oC ambient temperature
G- At oil top level ( oC )
H- Winding temperature ( oC )
I- Core temperature ( oC )
24- Tapping switch ( on H.V. Side )
- No. of steps
- Value of the step ( % )
25- Medium voltage insulators
- Length of leakage ( mm )
- Arc gap ( mm )
26- Means for firmly bracing of trans . winding to avoid loosening them due to S.C
27- Transformers shall be complete with all accessories in tendered specifications Yes ( )
( Customer Spec ) No ( )
28- Transformers shall be manufactured according to standards mentioned in Yes ( )
tendered spec. and will satisfy all requirements in tender specifications No ( )
Yes ( )
29- Tender specifications are attached with our offer and each page is signed by us
No ( )
30- Overall dimensions ( Length x Width x Height ) ( mm x mm x mm )
31- Total weight of trans. With oil ( kgm )
Weight of oil ( kgm )
32- Noise level ( db )
33- Color of silica gel

I/we guarantee the correctness of above data for transformers we are offering to Customer for
Distributing Electricity .
Date : / / signature of tenderer

N / B;
1- No offers shall be considered unless attached with both above guarantee table dully completed and
Signed for each size of trans . and also our tendered specification with all pages signed by tenderer.
2- Tenderer shall sign ,, √ ,, in front of yes or no in the above guarantee table.

17 ‫الصفحة‬

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