Dental 4939
Dental 4939
Dental 4939
Summer/Fall 2008 Volume 6 Number 2
University of Pittsburgh
Best regards,
Thomas W. Braun, BS 69, MS 73, DMD 73, PhD 77 Professor and Dean
Table of Contents
2 4 6
14 15
Editors Message
Faculty Updates
School News
Spring Research Symposium Senior Awards Ceremony SDM Kaleidoscope
Alumni News
Alumni Association Messages Alumni Updates Fourteenth Annual T. F. Bowser Memorial Lecture Dental Alumni Association Annual Business Meeting Eighth Annual Deans Scholarship Ball at The Duquesne Club Diploma Ceremony at Heinz Hall Dental Hygiene Graduation Luncheon Nostalgic Notions: Rock Chalk Chant In Memoriam Distinguished Alumni Guidelines
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dental medicine
SDM Newswire
Women in Dentistry
Did you know the first female to graduate from the School of Dental Medicine did so in 1915? Thats right, Dr. Hanna Perry was the first of many women to graduate from what was known then as the Pennsylvania Dental College. Over the last decade, women have made up 45 percent of dentists nationwide according to statistics provided by the American Dental Association. Only twenty years ago, that percentage was less than one-third. University records indicate a long history of women enrolled at the School of Dental Medicine, in fact the first female admitted was Ms. Mary L Glen in 1898, only two years after the incorporation of the school. It is unclear whether Ms. Glen completed the three-year program as graduation records for the dental school are not documented in the University database until 1902. The number of female graduates at the School of Dental Medicine increased substantially from an average of one each year between 1902 and 1969 to an average of six during the 70s, an average of 22 during the 80s, an average of 23 during the 90s, and an average of 32 between 2000 and 2007. Today, the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicines 2008 female graduates make up 40 percent of the Predoctoral Program. Dental caries remains the most common chronic affliction of childhood, five times more common than asthma and seven times more common than environmental allergies. Four out of ten children have caries when they enter kindergarten. To identify the genetic and environmental risk factors that cause dental caries, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a $1 million grant to Dr. Mary L. Marazita, director of the Center for Craniofacial and Dental Research, associate dean for research and professor and chair of the Department of Oral Biology. Dr. Marazita and colleagues will study the interaction between genes and environmental factors that lead to tooth decay. The results of these studies will allow a better understanding of the disease, which in turn will lead to earlier identification of children at risk and improved and targeted interventions. As prevalent as tooth decay is in everyday life, there are many gaps in our scientific knowledge about its causes, said Dr. Marazita. It is striking that some people will have many teeth affected with decay while other people in the same environment will not. Our study is the first to apply a comprehensive approach that will allow us to tease out whats in our genes and whats in our environment that is causing tooth decay. The grant is part of the Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (GEI). In addition to the grant, NIH will provide genetic services of approximately $2.5 million to Dr. Marazita. She is one of only eight scientists selected to receive these grants during this funding cycle. In 2005, dental health care costs reached nearly $84 billion, of which 60 percent or about $50 billion was related to treatment of cavities. Childhood caries is a serious public health issue because of associated health problems and because disparities in oral health have led to substantially higher average disease prevalence among children in poverty and in under served racial and ethnic groups. The genome-wide association studies will be led by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of NIH. First-year funding for the studies was contributed by all NIH institutes and centers, including an extra investment by NIHs National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR). NHGRI is one of 27 institutes and centers at the NIH, an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services. The NHGRI Division of Extramural Research supports grants for research and for training and career development at sites nationwide. The NIDCR is the nations leading funder of research on oral, dental and craniofacial health. NIH is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. Additional collaborators from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine include Dr. Robert Weyant, professor and chair for the Department of Dental Public Health and Information Management, director of the Multidisciplinary Master of Public Health Program, and associate dean for Public Health and Outreach.
From left to right: 2008 dental graduates Dr. Jennifer Check, Dr. Sara Iglio, Dr. Renee Regina, and Dr. Jyotika Dhawan. 4
Ms. Melissa Brown and Ms. Melinda Mazzocco comfort Mr. Dillon Mazzocco prior to his dental treatment at Give Kids a Smile Day.
minded of approaching deadlines or overdue articles. Once an article is returned, a cover letter is automatically generated including excerpts from the manuscript. From there, the publisher will copy-edit the accepted publication and publish it online complete with a session number for reference. The advent of early online publishing makes research available between four and six months prior to the distribution of the printed journal. Dr. Weyant is one of the few people involved with the Journal of Public Health Dentistry who is part of the publish-
Being a part of the process of the scientific pipeline from beginning to end where research appears in print is very interesting. Dr. Robert Weyant
ing process from start to finish. After articles are reviewed, Dr. Weyant is charged with making the final decision on the acceptance of articles that are not unanimously approved by the reviewers. While the editorial board plays an advisory role, the editor makes the final decision. Dr. Weyant also pointed out that there is an editorial freedom to make decisions separate from the sponsoring organization. His role is to maintain the quality of research published and the reputation of the journal. He said less than a third of the articles submitted to the Journal of Public Health Dentistry are accepted for publication. Dr. Mary Marazita, professor and chair of the Department of Oral Biology and associate dean for research, and Dr. Mark Mooney, professor and vice chair of
the Department of Oral Biology, serve on the editorial board of The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. Dr. Marazita is section editor of genetics and Dr. Mooney is section editor of anatomy/basic sciences. Dr. Mooney said the journal also employs an electronic process that is double-blinded from submission through review. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal is published internationally and has volunteers who help authors to clarify their manuscripts which are printed in English. The following faculty members serve on editorial boards for various health research journals. Dean Braun is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and is associate editor of Selected Readings in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. In the Department of Diagnostic Sciences both Dr. James Guggenheimer, professor, and Dr. Kurt Summersgill, associate professor, serve on the editorial board for Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology. Dr. Paul Moore, professor and chair of the Department of Dental Anesthesiology, has served on the editorial board for The Journal of the American Dental Association, the Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, and Anesthesia Progress. Dr. Dennis N. Ranalli, professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and senior associate dean, is on the editorial board of Dental Traumatology. Dr. Titus Schleyer, associate professor in the Department of Dental Public Health and Information Management and director of the Center for Dental Informatics, is the associate editor for informatics and technology in The Journal of the American Dental Association. Dr. Deborah StudenPavlovich, professor and chair of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, is on the editorial board of the Journal of Dentistry for Children and the Pennsylvania Dental Journal.
By Kim Barlow, reprinted with permission from the University Times To some, a kiss is just a kiss. To genes and genetic disorders. researchers in Pitts Center for Craniofacial While searching for some simple and Dental Genetics, a kiss may offer clues genetic traits that might be related to cleftto who may be at increased risk for certain ing or increased risk of clefting, I hit on birth defects. lip prints as one of the entries, she said. Researchers there are using cheiVery little literature on lip prints loscopy, the study of lip prints, as part of exists, and most of that is aimed at detertheir quest to better understand the causes mining whether people can be identified behind cleft lip and palate. by their prints in a manner similar to finCenter director Mary Marazita, gerprinting, or in extracting DNA from lip who also is the School of Dental Medi- prints to solve crimes. But Neiswanger cines associate dean of research and chair found a German research paper from the of the Department of Oral Biology, has 1970s indicating that certain types of patbeen studying clefting since the 1980s. terns found in lip prints might be increased Clefts, which occur when the tis- in individuals with clefts. sue that forms the upper lip and roof of the The very low-tech process of gathmouth doesnt fuse properly during prenatal ering research subjects lip prints made it development, are among the most common easy to choose to add lip printing to the probirth defects, affecting one or two of every tocol. Marazita decided, It was cheap and 1,000 births worldwide. About 30 percent easy to do so well collect it on everybody. of clefts are associated with a genetic synThe prints are taken using invisdrome; the rest are thought to result from ible ink -- the kind used to take hand and other genetic and/or environmental factors. footprints of newborns -- printed onto Marazitas research includes the chemically sensitive paper that develops in Pittsburgh Oral-Facial Cleft Study, which a few minutes. seeks to find the genes underlying non-synNeiswanger found that the origidromic clefts by studying families that in- nal lip prints -- printed in gray -- were difficlude at least two affected family members. cult to analyze until a post-graduate student Study participants in Pittsburgh scanned the prints and contrast-enhanced and other sites around the world are them. When the prints were enlarged and screened in a lengthy process that includes colored blue, the patterns became clearer. taking a general health history, family history and DNA sample, 3-D facial photos from which measurements can be calculated, an ultrasound of the muscle of the upper lip, lip prints as well as fingerprints, an assessment of handedness and a screening by a speech pathologist to assess speech architecture. A number of traits have been found to be more common in families with clefting. Among them are non-right-hand- Now, Neiswanger said, Weve seen more edness, physical asymmetry and structural lip prints than probably anybody in the differences in the muscle that surrounds the world. lip as well as differences in teeth, facial diTheyve even had some fun with mensions and speech characteristics. Eth- the original lip prints, combining a samnicity also plays a role. Native Americans pling of the students work in a four-panel and Asians have a higher incidence of non- Warhol-esque print to present as a Pittssyndromic clefting while the occurrence is burgh-themed farewell gift when the sturarer in whites and even less common in dent left the center for dental school. blacks. Most people have never paid The idea to study lip prints came much attention to the patterns on their lips about a decade ago as center researcher or anyone elses, but Neiswanger noted that Kathy Neiswanger, a research professor lip prints vary greatly. The simplest patin the Department of Oral Biology, began tern is made up of vertical lines, but others paging through the index of Mendelian In- include horizontal lines, whorls, diamond heritance in Man, a catalog listing human patterns, X-shapes or lines that resemble
patients in the region while addressing oral health needs on a global scale. From continually increasing admissions standards to a rising research ranking, the efforts of many faculty, staff, and students enhance the School of Dental Medicine experience. The following examples are just a glimpse of the many people who come together to shape our alma mater. Dr. Marnie Oakley (DMD 92), assistant professor and chair in the Department of Restorative Dentistry/Comprehensive Care, first came to the School of Dental Medicine as a 19-year old first-year predoctoral student. By enrolling in college-level courses during her senior year in high school, she was able to get a head start with her undergraduate degree at Pitt and applied for early admission to the dental school. Dr. Oakley said she always had a strong affiliation for the sciences and was drawn to dentistry because she saw the opportunity to have a career in health care while raising a family. Shortly after graduation, Dr. Oakley married predoctoral classmate, Dr. Geoff Oakley, and they enlisted in the U. S. Navy as dental officers. After four years of service with the Navy, Dr. Oakley accepted a part-time position as clinical instructor in oral medicine and pathology. She never imagined returning to the school full-time, but became inspired by the many positive changes taking place at the school. I really became energized when I was working here parttime and I became involved directly in making positive changes, she said. Dr. Oakley was recently honored as the recipient of a 2008 American Dental Education Association Presidential Citation for her leadership during the 2007-2008 academic year. For the past two years, she has held the chair of ADEAs annual session planning committee. Its a great committee of a lot of faculty from different schools, representing all different councils and sections and segments of ADEA, she said. Membership in ADEA provides the opportunity to network with new colleagues at the annual session. The annual session is the showcase of the organization where many innovative approaches are presented as benchmarks in dental education. Dr. Oakley said Pitts dental school is a positive example amongst dental schools nationwide. Thats one of the things that I want to see as an alumna, that we will always remain cutting edge. Dr. Oakley also is chair of Dr. Marnie Oakley the organizations Comprehensive Care/Restorative Dentistry section. While her involvement with ADEA keeps her very busy, Dr. Oakley emphasized the value of networking with dental educators.
Our Faculty
Dr. Elia Beniash, assistant professor in the Department of Oral Biology, is originally from St. Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Beniash knew from an early age that he was interested in science; he joined a club at the local zoo where he often spent time observing the animals. He went on to earn a Master of Science degree in zoology and biology at St. Petersburg State University. As opportunities for research were limited in Russia, Dr. Beniash went to The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Isreal for his Doctor of Philosophy degree in structural biology. In 2000, he moved to the United States to accept a research associate position at Northwestern University and later moved from Chicago to the Forsyth Institute in Boston, Ma. At the Forsyth Institute, Dr. Beniash was an assistant member of the staff in the Department of Biomineralization. It was at the Weizman Institute where Dr. Beniash became interested in biomineralization and tissue engineering during his work on his thesis about the skeletal development of sea urchins. His thesis, Spiculogenesis of Sea Urchin Larva, depicted the process of the mineral phase through crystallization. Im working on how proteins or macromolecules effect crystal growth; how the interaction proteins and minerals leads to these Dr. Elia Beniash unique mechanical properties of dentin and enamel and how we can use the knowledge to develop new materials with similar properties that we can apply to tissue engineering, regeneration, and repair, Dr. Beniash said. Dr. Beniash has a secondary appointment at the School of Engineering and said he enjoys the opportunities made possible by the University of Pittsburgh. Pitt is a larger institution with more cooperation, more facilities, more opportunities in terms of what I can do here, said Dr. Beniash. I like our group and the interactions with people across the University. Outside of research, Dr. Beniash doesnt have much free time. He likes to spend time with his family. He and his wife have a seven year-old daughter and he enjoys taking her to museums and shows. He also goes to the gym and enjoys reading. Between my work and family, I dont have much time, Dr. Beniash said. He added that he enjoys life in Pittsburgh, especially his neighborhood of Squirrel Hill. Everything is close and its a nice environment. Dr. Deborah Polk, assistant professor in the Department of Dental Public Health and Information Management, grew up in Chevy Chase, Md. As a child, she was always interested in science and math and found research to be appealing. However, she said she never thought shed be working in oral health research. I didnt know that oral health researchers and dental schools were interested in psychologists, Dr. Deborah Polk she said. Dr. Polk attended Cornell University in Ithaca, NY where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology as well as Indiana University in Bloomington, Ind. where she earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in clinical psychology. Dr. Polks post-graduate work includes clinical internships and postdoctoral fellowships at Indiana University School of Medicine, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. Some of the oral health outcomes really lend themselves well to the kinds of questions Im interested in, she said. For example, Dr. Polk explained that researchers of cardiovascular health outcomes may have to wait as many as 30 years to document their results. By comparison, the mouth is very accessible and outcomes can be studied within much shorter time frames. Im interested in how psychological processes affect immune function, she said. Dr. Polk is a first-year North American Director of the Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research Group of the International Association of Dental Research (IADR). One of her responsibilities as director is to review abstracts submitted for the annual session of the IADR. She reviews a breadth of over 90 abstracts in the behavioral, epidemiological, and health services research scientific group. Dr. Polk is one of six basic sciences directors at the IADR. In addition to the directors, there is a president, president-elect, secretary/treasurer, coordinator and several counselors. At the school, Dr. Polk serves on the Outcomes Assessment Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee. She also served on the advisory committee between 2004 and 2007. Dr. Polk teaches an introductory course to behavioral dentistry. Behavioral management and cultural awareness are some of many topics discussed in the course. Theres real give and take in figuring out what is best for your patient and that is as much of an art as it is a science.
Ms. Harriet Puchone, coordinator for the Office of Education and Curriculum, was recently honored with the 2008 Chancellors Awards for Staff Excellence in service to the community and to the University. She has been a member of the staff for five years and is in the process of completing a Bachelor of Arts degree in social sciences with a minor in public service, and a certificate in non-profit Ms. Harriet Puchone management. Ms. Puchone is planning to graduate in 2009. Her next move includes applying for the masters program in higher education management at the School of Education. Education and academics are my passion and I really enjoy working with the students here at the dental school, she said. I have a greater appreciation for education through my work experience in the Office of Education and Curriculum. Ms. Puchone said that going back to school has changed her life significantly. She has been able to apply much of what she learns in the classroom to her full-time job. As a non-traditional student, Ms. Puchone has enrolled in mainly Saturday, evening and online courses. She is working on lining up some independent study through the Department of Sociology. I constantly try to give it my best and utilize my time the best I can, she said. Ms. Puchone recently participated in an internship with the Make-A-Wish Foundation where she assisted the special events manager with the Light Up a Childs Life campaign. The internship required 100 hours and she put in more than the required time. Make-A-Wish understood I was a non-traditional student so they were willing to work with my schedule, Ms. Puchone said. She scheduled interviews for wish kids, their families, and supporting organizations during the two-week radio campaign which was broadcast from various downtown Pittsburgh location. Sponsoring organizations presented donations on-air with assistance from disc jockeys from WISH 99.7. It was neat to do the leg work and get to see behind the scenes, she said. I really get the picture of public service. Ms. Puchone said she is attracted to non-profit organizations because she currently works at a non-profit organization. When Ms. Puchone learned of the staff excellence award, she was speechless and said it was meaningful to find out that a non-traditional dental student nominated her. I love to learn and I think teamwork is important. If anything comes out of this, I just think that it shows that teamwork is an important component in anything you do in life. And thats really all Ive done as part of a team whether it be with the dental school, the College of General Studies, or my internship. Its people working together in one form or another.
Our Staff
Mr. Sherman Watson, sterilization clerk in Instrument Management Systems, is an ambassador of good will and longevity at the School of Dental Medicine. University records indicate that Mr. Watson has been here for 44 years. However, that doesnt count several years of temporary employment as a lab technician during the rein of Dr. Jonas Salk at the University of Pittsburgh. Mr. Watsons parents also worked for Dr. Salk and they helped him get his job straight out of high school. Mr. Watson, a Pittsburgh native, recalled his first day on the job and said it was very hot that summer. After two years of working for Dr. Salk, he transferred to what was then the Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry at the School of Dental Medicine, and then transferred to his current position in IMS when it opened in the 90s. Regardless, Mr. Watson has always worked in Salk Hall and his job here is his first and only job. Hes said hes seen the school change for the better over the years. Dr. Braun brought a higher standard, from the building, to the faculty and the staff. Mr. Watson said the school is his home away from home and that he most enjoys working with the people. At the dental school, you can go and meet people from around the world, he said. You get a different outlook on different cultures by interacting with different people. Mr. Watson is well-known by the faculty, staff, and students at the school. He often stops to say hello in the hallways and takes time to help newcomers find their way around the building. He attributes his talkativeness to his mother and told a story about a trip he and his sister took with their mother to Louisiana by train. The family almost missed their stop because Mrs. Watson was busy talking to other passengers. As a sterilization clerk, Mr. Watson processes dental instruments and hand pieces. He has seen a lot of change in sterilization techniques since he first started. For instance, at one time he used the ultrasonic to sterilize 350 casettes each day. That process included collecting the casettes in a basin, rinsing, and hand drying them before placing them in the ultrasonic. Today he Mr. Sherman Watson uses a high-tech autoclave that is totally automatic. His interests include gardening, visiting with family and friends and watching Star Trek. Mr. Watson said he is a trekkie at heart and is looking forward to a Star Trek film slated for theaters in 2009. When asked about his plans for the future, Mr. Watson said he intends to stick around a while longer. I still have a little smoke in me, he chuckled.
Dr. Andrew Thompson (DMD 08), orthodontics resident and recent graduate of the Predoctoral Program, is an Albert Schweitzer Fellow and has focused his project on smoking cessation. The Albert Schweitzer Fellowships is the namesake organization of Dr. Schweitzer, Nobel Prize winner, who was known for his medical work in Africa during WWII. The mission of Schweitzer fellowships Mr. Andrew Thompson is to reduce disparities in health and health care by developing leaders in service. Dr. Schweitzer was an amazing man, said Dr. Thompson. By the age of 30, he had written a couple of books, had two doctoral degrees, was a world authority on Bach, an organist and a pastor. And around age 30 he decided he wanted to help the people of Africa, so he went to med school and later started the hospital (Albert Schweitzer Hospital in Lambarn, Gabon). For his fellowship, Dr. Thompson was inspired by an innovative smoking cessation program held at McKeesport Hospital where he volunteered with counselors to coach participants in their efforts to quit smoking. He is working on organizing his own program and is in the process of scouting locations to hold classes to guide people through the process of quitting smoking. The project requires 200 direct service hours and Dr. Thompson said that while he has already graduated from the fellowship program, he is still working to fulfill his project goals as it was difficult to find enough time during his last year of dental school. Dr. Thompson said his program will not only focus on the negative effects of smoking, but on different approaches to break the habit. Tobacco really is the worst thing you can do for your health, said Dr. Thompson. So many people who are addicted to cigarettes want to quit and its nice to be able to help people along. During his predoctoral studies, Dr. Thompson served as class president and was a member of the American Student Dental Association, the Curriculum Committee, the Student Advisory Panel to the Dean, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and the Academy for Sports Dentistry. He also was a recipient of the Norman Stern Scholarship at University of Pittsburgh in 2007. Dr. Thompson participated in National Dental Student Lobby Day in Washington DC in 2005 as well as Pennsylvania Dental Lobby Day in Harrisburg in 2005 and 2006. He also ran and helped with fund raising in both the Race for the Cure and the Great Race in 2005 and 2006. Originally from Harrisburg, Pa, Dr. Thompson hopes to eventually return to Central Pennsylvania and practice as an orthodontist.
Our Students
Third-year predoctoral student, Mr. Charlie Miller, maintains a busy schedule and high grade point average at the School of Dental Medicine. With a GPA of 3.88, Mr. Miller ranks as 6th out of 77 predoctoral students. He is active in many organizations at the school including the Student Research Group in which he is an advertisement officer, the Hispanic Dental Association in which he is treasurer and the Sports Dentistry Club in which he is vice president. Mr. Miller is also a member of the Pedo Club and is currently working on a research project involving the relation between periodontitis and sickle cell disease under the direction of Dr. Pouran Famili, professor and chair of the Department of Periodontics/Preventive Dentistry. Some of the ultimate goals of this sickle cell research project will be prevention of periodontitis in sickle cell patients and prevention of a sickle cell crisis in sickle cell patients with periodontitis, he said. Mr. Miller also is the recipient of the 2008 American Dental Education Association/Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Preventive Dentistry Scholarship. He is from Dos Palos, Ca. and has gone on several mission trips to Spanish-speaking countries in South America. Between 1998 and 2000, Mr. Miller served a mission trip in Colombia where he became fluent in Spanish. He later combined his Spanish-speaking skills with his education in dentistry on an internship in Ecuador in 2005 where he assisted in the treatment of many under-privileged people in the town of Quito and surrounding areas. I realized that preventive dentistry is very limited in certain parts of the world, said Mr. Miller. We can do so much in the United States to teach people, but we can do so much more outside of the United States where dentists are limited and oral hygiene is poor. Mr. Miller also recently participated in the Bridging the Gap program for health care to under served populations in the Pittsburgh area. At the dental school, he has served as an assistant for courses in head/neck anatomy and his Mr. Charlie Miller involvement in the Sports Dentistry Club has allowed the opportunity to work with many athletes from local high schools. He made custom mouthpieces for the athletes and a presentation on the effects of spit tobacco with suggestions for cessation. Since joining the club, there were roughly 15 members and it has since grown to 57 members. Mr. Miller is hoping to recruit more to help advocate the cessation of spit tobacco to local high school athletes. He also is a Schweitzer Fellow and intends to continue his spit tobacco project as part of his fellowship.
he School of Dental Medicine has a long tradition of service in the U.S. armed forces. From faculty members through predoctoral students, many representatives of the school have served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corp., and Coast Guard. In fact, Dr. Bruce Doll, assistant professor in the Department of Periodontics/Preventive Dentistry, was deployed to Landstuhl, Germany as part of the Dental Corps in October of 2007 and was later appointed as Rear Admiral (Select) in which he assumed his present duties as deputy director for Navy Personnel in the Navy Expeditionary Medical Unit at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. Other faculty members serving in the military include Dr. Peter H. Guevara, director of the General Practice Residency Program at UPMC Montefiore and assistant professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry/Comprehensive Care, is Lieutenant Colonel of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. Dr. John Ferrence, assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics, is Lieutenant Colonel in the Dental Corps of the U.S. Army Reserves. Currently, ten predoctoral students in the class of 2009, five in the class of 2010, and two in the class of 2011 are receiving military scholarships. Commissions through the various branches enable predoctoral students to complete their doctorate in dental medicine while serving their country. As alumni they will go on to fulfill their contracts through the Dental Corps, gaining valuable experience in dentistry across the world.
of a powder containing bone proteins, growth factors and biodegradable cement to be mixed with water and molded to the shape of missing bone. Once complete, this technology will benefit wounded soldiers by providing the ability to maintain their natural mobility in the case of injured appendages. Dr. Sfeirs project is one of several regenerative therapies under development for AFIRM. Other participants in AFIRM are Wake Forest, Rutgers, and the Cleveland Clinic. This initiative is taking cutting
edge research from the bench top to clinical applications for the armed forces. From the get-go, we decided to select materials that are either FDA-approved or materials that have previously been used on patients because at some point our research needs to be translated into patient therapy, Dr. Sfeir said. In cases of trauma, or rejection after a cancer case, where you need to insert bone, this material will actually become a functional material.
Melissa Candella, second-year predoctoral student Branch: U.S. Air Force Date enrolled: May 5, 2007 Plans after graduation: Three years repayment to the Air Force. Fondest moment in dental school: Receiving my white coat. Inspiration for your military/dental career: My grand father was the head of the U.S. Immigration Service for Western Europe, and retired as a Lt. Colonel in the Army. He credits his accomplishments to the Servicemens Readjustment Act. My uncle was a Lt. Colonel in the Air Force, and flew bombers in WWII and Vietnam. Both of them really enjoyed being stationed all over the world.
Kevin Stewart, first-year predoctoral student Branch: U. S. Navy Date enrolled: July 2007 Plans after graduation: Enjoying a few years in the Navy. If it works out well, Ill stay in the Navy and look to specialize. Otherwise, I can see myself settling somewhere and practicing privately as a general dentist. Fondest Memory: Introduction to Amalgam Inspiration: My inspiration for joining the Navy is my national pride as well as the financial stability offered.
Stew , della Can Paul Russell, third-year predoctoral student Branch: U. S. Navy Date enrolled: May 15, 2006 Plans after graduation: I plan to enroll in the AEGD program within the Navy followed by a few years of Navy dentistry. Fondest Memory: A classmates patient gave me a wedding gift. Inspiration for your military/dental career: I was inspired to pursue dentistry because I thought about the ability to have a profound impact in somebodys life in a very short amount of time. Dentistry in one of the armed forces appealed to me because of the ability to provide the very best treatment to my patients regardless of cost to them and the pride and satisfaction that I feel knowing I will be serving the men and women who protect and serve our country. ssa Meli
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Thomas Graham, second-year predoctoral student Branch: U. S. Army Date enrolled: August 8, 2006 Plans after graduation: As of now I plan on four years in the Army and after that I am undecided. Fondest moment in dental school: Lobby Day 2008 Inspiration for your military/dental career: My family dentist (a retired army officer) encouraged me to pursue the Army as an option to pay for my dental education and a great way to gain experience.
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Faculty Updates
Dr. Jennifer Brauser was appointed clinical assistant professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry/Comprehensive Care. Dr. Medick Capirano was appointed director of predoctoral prosthodontics in the Department of Prosthodontics. Dr. Manika Govil was appointed research assistant professor in the Department of Oral Biology. Dr. Jeffrey Jockers was appointed clinical assistant professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry/Comprehensive Care. Dr. Joshua Marvit was appointed clinical instructor in the Department of Oral Biology. Dr. Edward Narcisi was appointed clinical assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics. Dr. Richard Nelson was appointed clinical assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics. Dr. Mark Nigra was appointed clinical assistant professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry/Comprehensive Care. Dr. Joseph Petrone was appointed interim chair of the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Dr. Miguel Torres-Urquidy was appointed postdoctoral associate in the Department of Dental Public Health and Information Management. Dr. David Anderson was appointed clinical assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics. Dr. Thomas Kunkle was appointed as a new clinical assistant professor in the Department of Prosthodontics. Dr. Joslyn McWilliams was appointed as a new adjunct instructor in the Department of Dental Public Health and Information Management. Dr. Jane Soxman was appointed as a new adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Alejandro Almarza was appointed as a new visiting assistant professor in the Department of Oral Biology. Dr. William Bunting was appointed as a new adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Veronica Garcia Palacios was appointed as a new visiting research assistant professor in the Department of Oral Biology. Dr. Ayla Ozturk was appointed as a new visiting assistant professor in the Department of Periodontics/Preventive Dentistry.
s your dental practice offering the latest in comprehensive care? While comprehensive care in dentistry refers to the inclusiveness of the various specialties, it seems that the definition can be broadened. Oral health is encompassing so much more from the perspective of overall health. With the resurgence of research making an association between oral health and systemic health, now is the time to consider the dentists role in overall health. While each dental practice is unique and patients needs may vary from one town to the next, dentists and dental hygienists could incorporate a total health plan for patients ranging from pre-pregnancy consultations to screenings for coronary heart disease. Oral health is gaining increasing significance in the medical community and it wont be long before patients take notice if they havent already. Patients typically seek routine oral health care more frequently than medical care and dentists have the opportunity to administer basic screenings that could ultimately save a patients life. For instance, the Framingham Global Risk Assessment which predicts risk for coronary heart disease only requires a few minutes of basic calculations and review of gender-specific tables provided by the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. Smoking cessation is another good place to start. Patients who smoke need consistent encouragement from all health care providers and the dentist is in a prime position to talk about the risks of smoking tobacco. Other considerations include screenings for oral cancer, raising awareness of head and neck cancer, or discussions of obesity, diabetes, and periodontal disease. Advocacy for oral health will have a direct impact on overall health. Patients at risk for periodontal disease should be aware of susceptibility to atherosclerosis-induced diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke or diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatic cancer, pneumonia, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Collaboration with patients primary care physicians in the instance of any of the above conditions is crucial. In June of 2005, the American Dental Association released news regarding the potential to harvest stem cells from primary and wisdom teeth according to research from the National Institutes of Health. Since then, this promising and non-controversial source of stem cells has become commercialized and dentists can now encourage or assist patients with banking stem cells from primary and wisdom teeth for future health needs. These are just a few ideas for incorporation of a total health plan for dental patients in your practice. To take this concept one step further, oral health professionals have a great opportunity to influence policy as the association between oral health and systemic health is growing stronger. Policy makers are called to consider the needs of the public and assistance or complete dental coverage for the uninsured is critical. Oral health is not a secondary matter, it is part of overall health and the access to care issue is a growing concern. Best regards,
Mr. Eric Michael, Dr. Alexandre Vieira, and Mr. Neil Robertson, first-year predoctoral student and recipient of the ADA Caulk/ Dentsply Student Clinician Award.
Melissa Brown; Mr. Mark Bucci; Mr. Matthew Gornick; Ms. Julia Hill; Mr. Michael Lisen; Mr. Christian Long; Ms. Jennifer Mateja; Mr. Kevin McMinn; Mr. Chad Peters; and Ms. Renee Regina.
Mr. Matthew Gornick and presenter. Photo by Dr. Michael Rosella (DDS 57)
Images from the Predoctoral Program over the 2007 - 2008 academic year * Captions for photographs taken after the diploma ceremony indicate the graduates DMD title
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Dr. Milligan and Mr. Matthew Gornick at the Senior Awards Ceremony
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2008 Homecoming
Schedule of Events
Thursday, October 23rd Pathway to Professions: A Career Networking Event Alumni Hall 6 8 p.m. SDM Continuing Education Potpourri Edward J. Forrest Continuing Education Center 8 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Dental Alumni Association Reception and Tours Salk Hall 3:30 5:00 p.m. University Alumni Association Homecoming Reception Alumni Hall 6:00 8:30 p.m. Homecoming Laser Show Bigelow Boulevard 8:45 p.m. Homecoming Fireworks Bigelow Boulevard 9:30 p.m. Saturday, October 25th Pitt vs. Rutgers Homecoming Game Heinz Field TBA Friday, October 24th
Hail to Pitt!
Alumni Messages
Dental Medicine
This is my first message as your newly elected president of the University of Pittsburgh Dental Alumni Association. It is indeed an honor and privilege to serve our school and alumni. Spring has already arrived and summer is not far off, change is all around us. Political candidates promise change, government officials enact change, the practice of dentistry has changed, and the School of Dental Medicine brings about tangible change. A dedication ceremony for the new Center for Patients with Special Needs will be held on September 12, 2008 at 1 p.m. at the dental school in Salk Hall. The event will include a state of the dental school address followed by a reception and tours of the newly renovated space. The primary goals of the center are to provide treatment to patients with special needs while training future dental professionals in this specialized field. This opportunity to serve will also expand the pool of future care providers for this under served population. An additional change at the dental school will include the dedication of a newly renovated Multidisciplinary Implant Center. This center will accommodate more patients, allowing for expanded clinical care as well as increased educational and research opportunities. Please consider visiting these centers as you may renew your association with your dental school. Our Dental Alumni Association also has many changes in progress, per the request of Senior Associate Dean, Dr. Dennis Ranalli, and with the advice of Alumni Executive Director, Dr. Stephen Kondis, I have established an ad hoc committee to review and update as necessary our Dental Alumni Association By-laws. These updates, once approved by the Alumni Board, will be necessary to transform our association into a contemporary, more streamlined and hopefully more effective organization to better serve our members and to more quickly respond to the many changes affecting our profession and our school. I look forward to an exciting and rewarding year as your alumni president. As always, I request and appreciate all of our members and friends suggestions and input. I am only an e-mail ( or phone call (724-495-6700) away. Please remember, positive alumni relations begin when the student is still a student. Sincerely, Lance G. Rose (DMD 84)
Dental Hygiene
Dear Dental Hygiene Alumni, The academic year is coming to an end with National and Northeast Regional Boards keeping the level of excitement high at the school. Your alma mater is still striving to provide the best possible educational experience. Once again the 2008 dental hygiene graduating class participated in the School of Dental Medicine diploma ceremony on May 17, at Heinz Hall. The Alumni Association sponsored the reception after the ceremony where many families, friends, and alumni were able to enjoy food, music, and share in that special day. Every year there are a few dental hygiene alumni taking their second walk across the same stage, receiving a DMD. Looking out over the graduates one could not help but wonder which walk each alumnus will take. Each year a new group of graduates chooses a path and starts their professional journey. Our alumni are found in private practice, research, sales, dental school, public health, and education. Many dental hygiene alumni are returning to the academic setting to finish baccalaureate degrees or graduate school. Many times the professional paths will cross and we find classmates and fellow alums. Please get involved in your Dental Alumni Association and professional organizations. I hope to see you at future events. It is always such a pleasure to see a familiar face and meet with colleagues. Judith Gallagher (RDH 72, MEd 75)
Alumni Updates
Dr. Donald Betar Jr. (DMD 93) has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Altoona Regional Partnership for a Healthy Community through the Altoona Regional Health System. Dr. Andrew D. Gould (DMD 95) is the current president of the Harrisburg Area Dental Society and maintains his private practice in central Pennsylvania since 1996. Dr. Kenneth Hinkelman (DMD 65) was awarded with an honorary membership at Alberta Dental Association and College. Dr. William Hoch (DMD 81) presented Introducing Dental Implants in Private Practice at Midwest Implant Institute Symposium in February. Dr. Anagha Barve Jog (DMD 96) became the owner of Silicon Valley Dental in 2007. Dr. Jog has completed advanced training at the California Center for Implant Dentistry and also is a certified Invisalign provider. Dr. Richard A. Kiman (DMD 43) was recently honored for 35 years of service as clinical associate professor of cariology at New York University College of Dentistry. Dr. Daniel Lavin (DMD 84) is Colonel in the U.S. Army and director of a two-year residency program in advanced education in general dentistry in Ewa Beach, Hawaii. Dr. Benjamin J. Lin (DMD 05) is owner/dentist of Custom Dental in Bakersfield, Ca. Dr. J. G. McHugh (DMD 72) retired from private practice in 2006. He provided special needs dental care in Butler and Armstrong counties. Dr. David A. Moffa (DMD 80) obtained a mastership in advanced general dentistry and is currently the Western Pennsylvania transition consultant for PARAGON Dental Practice Transitions. Dr. Sal Petrucci (DMD 90) is CEO/founder of Renaissance Malibu, an exclusive treatment facility which treats addictions, alcoholism, and co-occurring disorders. Dr. Jennifer Robb (DMD 92) was recently named as co-editor of the Lorain County Dental Society Newsletter. Dr. Mark Sebastian (DMD 77) is practicing periodontics in the Seattle area and was recently named a Diplomate to the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. Dr. Kenneth J. Stavinsky (DMD 67, Cert. 72) has retired from practice after 41 years. Dr. Stavinsky is head teaching professional at West Bolton Golf Club. Dr. Charles A. Stock (DMD 92) is AEGD Prosthodontics residency director at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. He has an upcoming Air Force duty assignment in Kadena AB, Japan.
Please send us information about your career advancements, papers presented, honors received, appointments, and further education. We will include your news in future issues of Pitt Dental Medicine as space permits. Please indicate names, dates and location. Photos are welcome. Also note changes of address, phone, or e-mail. Name: Degree(s) and year(s) of graduation: Home address:
Update Form
Please complete and return to: Pitt Dental Medicine, Alumni News Kate Miller, Communications Specialist School of Dental Medicine Office of Alumni Affairs & Development 3501 Terrace Street, 440 Salk Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15261 tel: 412-648-9804 fax: 412-648-8219 *Dont forget to register at the alumni section of to make sure the University of Pittsburgh and the School of Dental Medicine have your most current contact information.
At right: Dr. F. Eugene Ewing, director of The Office of Continuing Education; Ms. Casey Hein; Dr. Ray Williams; and Dr. Stephen Kondis, executive director of the Dental Alumni Association.
The Fourteenth Annual T. F. Bowser Memorial Lecture was held on April 5th and featured Ms. Casey Hein and Dr. Ray C. Williams who presented Results of Periodontal-Systemic Research and Its Impact on Current Dental Practice in Scaife Hall. Over 400 people were in at-
tendance. During their presentations, Ms. Hein and Dr. Williams emphasized the need for collaboration between medical and dental providers in reducing risk for oral and systemic diseases/conditions. Ms. Hein is a consultant to the University of Manitoba working on curriculum development specif-
ically related to oral-systemic relationships for medical, nursing, dental, and dental hygiene in Winnipeg, Canada. Dr. Williams is Straumann distinguished professor and chair of the Department of Periodontology at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry at Chapel Hill.
he Eighth Annual Deans Scholarship Ball, held on Saturday, April 5th at The Duquesne Club in downtown Pittsburgh, was a highly successful event with over $1.2 million raised in scholarship funding. Over 230 guests attended and four alumni were honored with Distinguished Alumni Awards: Dr. Thomas W. Braun (DMD 73, PhD 77) for Dental Medicine; Dr. C. Richard Bennett (Cert, PhD 67) and Dr. Jay Reznik (DMD 72, MDS 75) for Advanced Education Programs; and Dr. Margaret McCormick-Pipko (RDH 65) was posthumously honored with the Dental Hygiene Award. The 2008 scholarship recipients were incoming predoctoral students Ms. Melissa Fogel and Mr. Brent Kanar. The ball was co-chaired by Dr. Mary Ann Davis (DMD 78) and Dr. Karin Bittner (DMD 75).
Premium Sponsors:
Blue Cross Blue Shield United Concordia
Corporate Donors:
Benco Dental PNC
Clockwise from the top right: Dean ThomasW. Braun and Mrs. Liz Braun; Dr. Karin Bittner and Mr. Ronald Talarico, Mr. Ronald Davenport Sr. and Dr. Judith Davenport; Dr. Karin Bittner and Dr. Mary Ann Davis with Dean Braun; Dr. Daniel Pituch and Dr. Mark Ochs; Mr. Brent Kanar, Ms. Melissa Fogel, and Dean Braun; Dr. Jay Reznik, Dean Braun, and Dr. Richard C. Bennett.
Dr. Karen Roche, Dr. R. Kent Galey, Mrs. and Dr. Runzo
Ms. Melissa Fogel and guest mingle with Dr. Stephen Kondis.
A magician entertains.
Diploma Ceremony
On May 17th, the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine graduated 28 dental hygienists, 71 dentists and awarded 19 certificates in nine specialties for advanced education. Dr. Andrew Nigra, assistant professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry/Comprehensive Care, served as grand marshal. The ceremony was presided over by Dean Thomas W. Braun and a special address was given by Dr. Arthur Levine, professor and senior vice chancellor for the Health Sciences. Dr. Andrew Thompson, president of the dental class of 2008; Dr. Renee Regina, dental valedictorian; Ms. Ashley Mitchell, president of the dental hygiene class of 2008; and Ms. Nicole Shannon Franks, dental hygiene valedictorian, each addressed their colleagues, friends, families, and fellow alumni with great appreciation. Dr. Mary Ann Davis, immediate past president of the Dental Alumni Association, also addressed the crowd of over 500 with words of encouragement and reminisced her days as a dental student. Ms. Judith Gallagher, assistant professor of dental hygiene in the Department of Periodontics/Preventive Dentistry and vice president of the Dental Alumni Association, led the dental hygiene graduates in the Dental Hygiene Oath:
As I now approach the completion of my formal education as a dental hygienist and begin the lifelong process of continual learning both personal and professional, I do humbly acknowledge my human limitations, in accepting this parchment of my alma mater; solemnly swear to render health service to those who seek my ministrations, hereby enjoining upon myself the sacred duty of teaching the public, particularly children and young people, by precept, lecture, and every other available mode of instruction, the value of dental health as a priceless possession; and further; to bind myself by future study to broaden my knowledge that I may share with this pledge inviolate, may it be granted to enrich my life in the practice of my art.
Following the Dental Hygiene Oath, Ms. Angelina Riccelli, director of the Dental Hygiene Program and associate professor of dental hygiene in the Department of Periodontics/Preventive Dentistry, presented the dental hygiene class of 2008. Dr. Wilbert Milligan III, associate dean for clinical affairs and assistant professor in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences, led the administration of the Dental Oath:
I, realizing the privileges and opportunities that have been given to me in my study of the arts and sciences of dentistry and appreciating the significance of the dental diploma to be conferred upon me, do hereby willingly pledge: That I will diligently uphold the dignity, honor, and objectives of the dental profession and, to the best of my ability, will contribute to its prestige, proficiency, and progress; That I solemnly accept my responsibility to the patients to give them the best of my knowledge and skill, and to maintain an impeccable relationship with them that will warrant their trust and confidence; That I will faithfully observe the principles of ethics set forth by the profession; That I will lend my influence and support to dental education, to organized dentistry, and to all segments of the profession which will contribute to the fulfillment of its purpose.
Dean Braun presented the dental class of 2008 and was assisted by Dr. Kenneth Etzel, associate dean for student services and associate professor in the Department of Oral Biology, and Dr. Dennis N. Ranalli, senior associate dean and professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, read the graduates names.
Alma mater;
Predoctoral students review the program prior to the ceremony.
Wise and glorious, Child of light And bride of truth; Over fate And foe victorious, Dowered with eternal youth; Crowned with love of Son and daughter, Thou shalt conquer As of yore.
Newly graduated Dr. Haley Hawk and Dr. Amanda Badders pose for a photograph. 25
he Dental Hygiene Program held its annual Graduation Luncheon on May 30th in a conference center in UPMCs Bioscience Tower One. Ten awards were presented to dental hygiene graduates for various achievements. Dean Braun, Dr. Dennis Ranalli, senior associate dean, Dr. Stephen Kondis, executive director of the Dental Alumni Association, and Western Pennsylvania Dental Hygiene Association Outstanding Student Award
Ms. Angelina Riccelli, associate professor and director of the Dental Hygiene Program each shared words of encouragement with the dental hygiene graduates and Ms. RicElliott Brodie Award for Clinical Competence
celli thanked the faculty and staff who support the program. Lunch was served following the awards presentation. Awardees are indicated below with a preceding asterisk. Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health Award
* Ms. Danielle Piccolo, * Ms. Kelly Holst, Ms. Ambrosino, * Ms. Julie Miller
Proctor and Gamble Oral Health Group Dental Health Education Award
rOCk ChAlk
faculty member) became head coach, Dr. Forrest recalls that, At Friday 11:00 a.m. pep rallies at the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Building, the Pitt Upper Dental Students (first- and second-years) would march two-by-two down the winding drive and occupy the left balcony. When Dr. Sutherland was introduced and the cheering quieted, he would turn and raise his head to the dents, receive the Rock Chalk, and only then begin his talk. This tradition was encouraged by the dental faculty, who also attended. Excerpted from Sutherland, A Biography of Doctor John Bain Jock Sutherland by Dr. Dennis N. Ranalli, senior associate dean at the School of Dental Medicine. The unpublished text was written in 1994.
Do you have a Nostalgic Notion that you would like to share? Write to Nostalgic Notions, University of Pittsburgh, School of Dental Medicine, 444 Salk Hall, 3501 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, Pa 15261 or e-mail Kate Miller, communications specialist, at with story ideas. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, and style.
In Memoriam
Dr. J. William Bailey (DDS 51) 1/11/08 Dr. Fred Ezoto (DDS 53) 12/5/07 Dr. James J. Fassinger (DDS 37) 5/20/08 Dr. Boleslaw C. Galonski (DDS 51) 5/18/08 Dr. Ronald J. Gore (DDS 52) 2/7/08 Dr. John Hucko (DDS73) 1/15/08 Dr. E. J. Jack Kern (DDS 52) 3/29/08 Dr. Thomas King Jr. (DDS 50) 4/20/08 Dr. Arthur R. Krause (DDS 46) 4/7/08 Dr. Charles Langsdale (DDS 38) 8/07 Dr. Francis L. Miklos (DDS 52) 4/25/08 Dr. James A. Reber (DDS 46) 5/3/2008 Dr. William O. Sloyer (DDS 54) 11/19/07 Dr. Donald E. Williams (DDS 52) 2/13/08 Dr. Edward G. Yokajty (DDS 63) 2/13/08
he University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine is committed to excellence in education, research and community care. The school continues in its mission of providing superior dental education and training, as well as high-quality dental clinical services to the people of the region. However, the cost of a dental education is astounding and can be a limiting factor to entry into the profession. Scholarships and awards are of increasing importance to our students, the school, and our region. We need your help so that access to a dental education is not denied because of financial difficulties.
Taking advantage of todays economy
Taking advantage of todays economy is something that is on many donors minds. Can I make a difference? Does my financial situation allow me to have an impact? Although giving is, at heart, a philanthropic endeavor, it can also be part of your tax planning, providing you and your family with various tax incentives and other financial benefits. The philanthropic gifts you want to make to the School of Dental Medicine are still possible, however an alternate vehicle may be better suited. This past year has presented new considerations for how you are managing your wealth, your estate plan, and the best way to include your philanthropic goals. How the Applicable Federal Rate (AFR) is set can determine which types of charitable gifts make the most sense for donors. When the rate is low, as it is currently at 3.2% in May, 2008, the impact is felt in charitable remainder annuity trusts, charitable gift annuities, life estates, and particularly charitable lead trusts. Right now is probably the most opportunistic time to establish a charitable lead trust. In fact, these are the best conditions in the past two decades. It is expected that the low AFR will be in place for the remainder of the year 2008.
Alumni Calendar
August 25 General Assembly & White Coat Ceremony, Scaife Hall, Auditoriums 5 & 6, 3 - 5 p.m. Dental Alumni Association Executive Committee Meeting, Room 403, 4:45 p.m. Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting, Room 457, 6 p.m. American Dental Association Annual Session, San Antonio, Texas Dental Alumni Association Reception at ADA Annual Session, Grand Hyatt Hotel Crockett Room C/D, 5 - 7 p.m. Pathways to Professions: A Career Networking Event, Alumni Hall, 6 - 8 p.m. Homecoming Continuing Dental Education Course, Edward J. Forrest Continuing Education Center, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Dental Alumni Association Reception and Tours, Room TBA, 3:30 - 5 p.m. Pitt Alumni Association Reception, Alumni Hall, Time TBA Pitt vs. Rutgers Homecoming Football Game, Heinz Field, Time TBA Alumni Association Executive Committee Meeting, Room 430, 4:45 p.m. Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting, Room 457, 6 p.m. SAVE THE DATE! Winter Academy, The Ritz-Carlton Resort and Beach Club, Naples, Florida September 10 October 16-19 October 17
October 23 October 24
October 25 December 10
School of Dental Medicine 440 Salk Hall 3501 Terrace Street Pittsburgh, PA 15261