OPSP Guide
OPSP Guide
OPSP Guide
The faster my company grows and the more team members we add, the more
problems I see pop up around communication and alignment.
If you’re running a fast-growing company, I’m positive that you can relate. And at
this point you’re probably asking yourself what I used to ask all the time early on in
my career: how do I get everyone on the same page and execute smoothly?
And we practice what we preach. Being an Inc. 5000 company over the past two
years, we understand
the challenges fast-growers face and we use the tools that we suggest ourselves
too. We know the impact they have – not just in theory but also from our own
I got together with Scaling Up coaches Ann Ralston, Jonathon Herps, and Mark
Miller to walk through how the OPSP works – and how you can build one to scale
up in the next year.
These expert practitioners of the Scaling Up methodology gave a peek into how
much thought and attention it takes to fill out the OPSP. Here’s a summary of all the
useful knowledge we covered.
If you’d like to follow along and take notes, you can download your own OPSP
template here.
Important note before you start: don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get it all done
in one go. You can iterate. The OPSP is meant to be a living document, not
something set in stone.
The One-Page Strategic Plan contains three main elements in regards to your
business: the cards you’re dealt, how you’re gonna play them, and the outcome you
expect from your game.
The 4 key decisions are around strategy, people, execution, and cash:
The effectiveness of your strategy is reflected in your growth and revenue. If your
strategy is working well, that’s where you can tell. In order to be on track here, you
have to be growing at least twice as much as the rest of the industry is doing.
The success you’re having on the people front is reflected in the happiness and
freedom found in your team. You need to have fun, help, and respect each other.
Are you having a good time with your people? And can you take your annual holiday
leave without constantly being interrupted? If so, you’re doing well in this area.
The potency of your execution is reflected in your profitability and the amount of
time you spend working. Is your profit less than industry average or do you work 18
hours a day? If yes, you’re having an execution problem.
The problems you may experience is the area of cash are merely symptoms of an
underlying “disease” or dysfunction. If you have a problem in any of the other areas,
it’s reflected in your cash flow.
1. Your “why” - the starting point or foundation at the bottom plus the values
and purpose you’ve got with your company on the left;
2. Your targets and goals or your “what” on the top and in the middle;
3. Your execution or your “how” on the right.
The core was explained by Jonathan Herps, the “what” was explained by Mark Miller,
and Ann Ralston finished us off with her teachings of the “how”.
At the core of the One-Page Strategic Plan you describe your company’s values
and purpose.
All else stems from this. Here is what Jonathan had to say about this section.
Defining your core values When you’re defining your company’s core values, a
great way to look at it is as if you were a parent: what would be the main things you’d
want to impose on your “children?” What are the things they should and shouldn’t do?
Knowing and clearly communicating your values is vital because they will help
individual team members make better decisions. Especially when they’re faced with
ethical or moral dilemmas.
Your purpose or mission provides the critical why behind everything that you do. It’s
the one definitive statement that drives the business. And having a clearly defined
purpose matters. A list of the world’s 50 fastest growing brands revealed the effect.
Brands that serve a clear purpose experience 400% more profitability than those who
What are your company’s strengths and weaknesses and the (global) trends?
Although this part of the OPSP seems similar to the traditional SWOT, we invite you
to look further than you would with that model. When looking at trends, we’re not
just talking about industry or region specific trends. We’re also looking out for global
ones. The emergence of certain technologies and various social or political trends
are the kinds of global events that might affect your business - so it’s important to
keep your eye on them.
To come up with your inherent strengths and weaknesses, focus on what has and
what hasn’t been working well in the past and what you’re experiencing right now.
When defining your weaknesses, think about the parts that are unlikely to change.
Strategy section part 1 – your “what”
Now that you’ve defined your “why” it’s time to define your “what” – the specific long-
term, mid-term, and short-term goals you want to hit in order to fulfill your purpose.
Your BHAG is your envisioned future. This is where you answer the question of
what you want to achieve in the next 10 to 30 years. Your BHAG is your “Mount
Everest” or “Northern star” and should be about 70% realistic and 30%
unnerving. It needs to be bold enough to stretch the limits of your capabilities.
When setting long term goals, one of the biggest mistakes that I see business
leaders make is that they focus only on what they expect is going to change due to
their existence. But it’s important to take into consideration what is not going to
change as well.
To give you an example: a client selling shoes once asked if we could help them
increase the amount of stores they were selling from.
To the client, this seemed like a reasonable goal, however, we strongly advised
against pursuing it, unless they’d like to go bankrupt faster.
If your goal is to build more stores, you’re focusing on the process, and not on the
underlying never-changing need – in this case: people that want to buy shoes.
How people will buy the shoes might change in the future but they will still want
shoes. It’s important to consider the consistent need for your BHAG.
Whichever type you choose, it should be aligned with your core purpose. Your BHAG
simply wants more of what your purpose states.
3 to 5-year target
This is simply defined as the market are in which you are choosing to compete in.
Here you are going to briefly describe the core customer
(who and where) and what it is you plan to sell them over your 3 to 5-year target.
In which areas do you want to be #1 in the world in? The sandbox describes exactly
what you’re going to serve your customers and helps you get more clear on what
you’re going to say “no” to.
Your brand promise is what you want to be known for by your customers. It’s what
is going to drive your core customer to you and focuses on their needs, not per se
their wants.
Brand promises and brand promise KPIs form the linkage between strategy and
Like Mark suggested in the webinar, it’s a good idea to create one primary and two
supporting brand promises. E.g. “speed of installation,” “easy to do business with,”
and “results in a week.”
It needs to be defined in a concise way so you can create measurable KPIs for those
promises. In this example the promises could turn into the following KPIs: “10 days
or less - installation,” “NPS scoring 60+,” “7 business days to measurable results.”
Key thrusts/capabilities
Your key thrusts and capabilities affirm and support your market positioning so you
can achieve your brand promise KPIs. They are measurable subgoals that help you
stay on the right track.
In the third section you’re getting even more specific and move from the “what” of
your strategy to the “how.” Here, we create the metrics that help us know if we’re on
track. In the workshop Ann Ralston helped us understand how we turn our vision
into action.
1 year
In your 1 year target goal you can set profit goals, impact goals, customer NPS goals
or even employee NPS goals, depending on your business. You should define
measurable numbers here so you can move easily from strategy to execution.
Key initiatives
In the key initiatives box you fill in the most important 3-5 key initiatives for this year
to ensure you reach your 1 year goals. It’s important not to come up with more than
5 initiatives – otherwise you and your team will lose focus. Or as Ann put it: “if you
try and do everything, you do 6 or 7 or 8, you probably won’t do a really good job at
any one – and you’ll confuse the heck out of your employees.”
Critical numbers
In the critical numbers section you define the leading indicators that show whether
you’re on or off-track. Leading indicators are defined in ways that are input and/or
action oriented. If you’re reporting on sales numbers for instance, a lagging
indicator is the actual amount of sales or revenue. A leading indicator then, could be
the number of sales calls per representative or the number of sales emails sent.
When reporting on critical numbers, use two numbers that balance each other out,
otherwise you might get a skewed picture of how your business is doing.
For example, if you’re reporting on the number of sales calls but neglect the
customer satisfaction indicator, you may jump to false conclusions. Although your
number of sales might be strongly increasing, your company could still be in danger
of going out of business if the new sales approach leads to a strong decrease in
customer satisfaction.
Annual/quarterly theme
The themes are the fun part of the OPSP. This is where you can get creative and
select which annual or quarterly themes are considered cause for celebration once
you hit them.
And once you hit the goal for your theme, how are you gonna celebrate it with
Make sure that you visualize the progress along the way and create a
scoreboard design sketch.
Coach Ann Ralston gave a great example during the webinar. If the goal for your
theme is to hit 1200 customer visits, you can draw a mountain with a flag on top
with the number on it. The sketch should give you some ideas on how to create a
physical presentation of your progress that will be visible for everyone in the
company at all times.
Another incredible example of what this can lead to, comes from our client Proof.
They used a theme to hit their company’s 50K MRR goal and surpassed it faster than
they anticipated. The celebration? A company Tesla. As their founder, Dave
Rogenmoser, shared in an interview about their experience with the OPSP:
“We printed this poster of 50K with cars on it and had this big monitor underneath it. And
every time we would hit another thousand dollars MRR, we'd add a new line and do a
little dance and celebration. It laser focused everyone on this one specific goal.”
The rocks make your goals concrete. If you don’t accomplish them this quarter, you
might never hit your annual goals. Need to accomplish a certain big task next
quarter that requires a new hire, for instance? Then hiring that one employee could
be one of your rocks.
As your rocks can not be missed, they’re the most important things to focus on! So
get clear on them and make them numerical.
In the accountability section you add names to your KPIs. Who is responsible for
which KPI?
This makes it very clear for both individuals and teams what their main focus should