Hydrotest Procedure For Pressure Vessel
Hydrotest Procedure For Pressure Vessel
Hydrotest Procedure For Pressure Vessel
1. Scope:
4. PROCEDURE All Inspection reports up to Hydro test are duly signed before Hydro-test Surface shall be free from any oil, grease, paint and other
contamination. All weld spatter, weld stubs, scale dirt etc… shall be
removed form vessel. Painting is strictly prohibited for equipment before Hydro test until
specified by Drawing.
4.2.1. The pressure gauges used in the testing shall be a dial indicator type. Dial
indicating pressure gauges shall be graduated over a range doubles the
intended test pressure but in no case be less than 1.5 and more than 4 times
the test pressure.
4.2.2. The pressure indicating gauge shall be connected directly to the equipment.
If this gauge is not readily visible to the operator controlling the pressure
applied, an additional gauge shall be provided where it will be visible to
operator. For large equipment it is recommended that a recording gauge be
used in addition to indicating gauge.
4.2.3. It is recommended to use 2 no. of pressure gauges preferably one at the top
and one at the bottom level of the equipment.
4.3.1. Ensure preliminary leak tightness before applying pressure to the equipment.
4.3.2. Disconnect all low-pressure filling lines and other appurtenances that are
subjected to test pressure. Use specified in-service gaskets to avoid leakage
from temporary flanged joints.
4.4.1. Ensure safety of people and equipment surrounding testing area. The
equipment shall be placed in Hydro test area. Ensure that all loadings exist
during this test is considered while designing.
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4.4.2. The metal temp during test will be maintained at least 17°C above the MDMT,
but need not exceed 48°C to minimize the risk of brittle fracture. The
temperature of testing medium shall preferably not less than 16°C.The test
pressure shall not be applied until the equipment & its contents are at about
the same temperature.
4.4.3. Verify that filling arrangement is proper. Vents shall be provided at high
points of the equipment to purge possible air pockets during filling.
4.4.4. All bolting connection shall be tightened to the required torque prior to filling
the water. Required torque value shall be as per Drawing
4.4.6. All nozzles and openings shall be closed with test blanks / test caps and
hardware as shown in the hydro test plan issued by design department
except the top nozzle through which the hydro tests water is to be filled in
until it overflows.
4.4.7. A hydro test pump suitable for test pressure shall be connected to the inlet
square bar on blind flange of nozzle. The pump shall be verified for its
capability to deliver the required pressure prior to connecting
4.4.8. Pressure gauge is to be connected on Blind flange of nozzle with coupling &
square bar assembly which is to be isolated from pressure line by closing the
valve as and when the pump is on. This is to avoid the possibility of getting
the gauge damaged due to sudden surge of pressure from the pump.
4.4.9. Open the inlet valve, which connects the pump and the square bar. Start the
pump. Water will be discharged to the bucket through the out let vent pipe
on blind flange of Top nozzle. Observe the air bubbles in the bucket. Run the
pump until the air bubbles disappear in the bucket.
4.4.10. Once the air bubbles are disappeared, close the out let valve on the top and
keep the pressure gauge connected to pressure loop by fully opening the
valve connecting square bar and the pressure gauge
4.4.11. Keep running the pump and constantly watch the pressure rise in the gauge
mounted on top.
4.4.12. When the pressure reaches to 2 Kg. / cm2 or after ten minutes of running
the pump, stop the pump and immediately close the inlet valve. Open the
valve connecting the pressure gauge and verify the pressure and compare
the same with the pressure indicated by top gauge. This is only to ensure
that the gauges are indicating the correct pressure. If there is a doubt on any
gauge, replace the same by another calibrated gauge.
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4.4.13. Pressure in the equipment shall be gradually increased to not more than 50%
of the test pressure and thereafter increase 10% of test pressure till it
reaches to the final test pressure. During pressurizing from design pressure
to test pressure, no one shall remain near to bolted connections of the
4.4.14. Once the test pressure is attained stop the pump and close the inlet valve.
Hold the test pressure for minimum 60 minutes or as specified by the
drawing. The test pressure shall not get dropped during the holding time. The
Equipment connections shall not be inspected closely for any leakage at this
4.4.15. After holding the pressure to the stipulated time, the pressure shall be
brought down and retained between design and test pressure (nearer to
Design Pressure).
4.4.16. After holding time is over and if no pressure drop is found then inspection
shall be made for complete equipment for any possible wetting or leakage
including the following areas of the equipment.
4.4.17. Leakage if any shall be repaired / rectified as per repair plan duly approved
by Clint. Water shall be drained out for any repair.
4.4.20. A hydro test report shall be prepared and certified by all inspection agencies
concerned. The test report will be a part of final inspection document to be
submitted to the customer.
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