f4 Structure
f4 Structure
f4 Structure
Bab 2 – 8 Tingakatan 4
1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan simbol atom bagi unsur P, Q dan S.
Diagram I shows the symbol of atoms for element P. Q and S,
11 p
17 Q
10 s
(a) Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan nombor nukleon?
What is meant by nucleon number?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
1. Protium, deuterium dan tritium merupakan isotop bagi unsur hidrogen.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur atom bagi ketiga-tiga atom hidrogen
Protium, deuterium and tritium are isotopes of the hydrogen element.
Diagram 1 shows the atomic structure for these three atoms of hydrogen.
(a) Apakah maksud isotop?
What is the meaning of isotopes?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) Nyatakan nama semua zarah subatom yang terdapat di dalam nukleus.
State the name of all subatomic particles inside the nucleus.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(d) Adakah ketiga-tiga atom hidrogen dalam Rajah 1 mempunyai sifat kimia
yang sama? Terangkan jawapan anda.
Do the three hydrogen atoms in Diagram 1 have the same chemical
properties? Explain your answer.
············································································································· [2M]
3. Rajah 3 menunjukkan simbol atom bagi unsur X. Huruf yang digunakan
adalah bukan simbol sebenar unsur itu.
Diagram 3 shows the symbol of the atom of element X. The letter used is not
the actual symbol of the element.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
[Kelantan2021-01] B2 Jirim
1. Jadual 1 menunjukkan tiga bahan dan formula kimianya.
Table 1 shows three substances and their chemical formulae.
Berdasarkan Jadual 1:
Based on Table 1:
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
uhu /°C
Temperature/ °C
a a/
Berdasarkan graf di atas, takat lebur naftalena ialah 80 ° C.
Based on the graph above, the melting point of naphthalene is 80 ° C.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
1. Rajah 1 menunjukkan graf suhu melawan masa bagi peleburan pepejal
Diagram 1 shows a graph of temperature against time for the melting of
naphthalene solid.
Suhu / °C
Temperature I 'C
100 D
�-----ii---+-1 -----+l---r----
to t1 At2 t3
► Masa /s
nme Is
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
(c) Nyatakan masa apabila semua pepejal naftalena telah bertukar kepada
State the time when all the naphthalene solids have turned to liquid.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
3. Jadual 1 menunjukkan bilangan proton dan bilangan neutron dalam
atom R, S dan T.
Table 1 shows the number of protons and the number of neutrons in atom
R, S and T.
Atom Bilangan proton Bilangan neutron
Atom Number of protons Number of neutrons
R 11 12
s 11 13
T 12 12
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(c) (i) Tuliskan susunan elektron bagi atom T.
Write the electron arrangement of atom T.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(ii) Apakah elektron valens bagi atom R?
What is the valence electron of atom R?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
3. Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan formula
empirik magnesium oksida.
Diagram 3 shows the set-up of apparatus to determine the empirical
formula of magnesium oxide.
angkuk pijar ·
............................................................................................................. [lM]
Magnesium/ Magnesium
0 ksigen/ Oxygen:
3. Jadual 3 menunjukkan formula empirik dan formula molekul bagi dua
Table 3 shows the empirical formulae and molecular formulae of two
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
(ii) Jika 1 mol sebatian J dipanaskan, hitungkan isi padu gas nitrogen
dioksida yang terhasil pada keadaan bilik.
[Isi padu molar gas pada keadaan bilik iatah 24 dm3 mol-1]
If 1 mole of compound J is heated, calculate the volume of gas nitrogen
dioxide produced at room condition.
[Molar volume of gas at room condition is 24 dm3 mol-1]
3. Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan formula
empirik bagi oksida kuprum.
Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical formula
for oxide of copper.
0 ida kuprum
Ga. hidroo n Oxide of c:opp r
H drog nga.
Pan .kan
(a) Apakah maksud formula empirik?
What is the meaning of empirical formula?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
Jadual 3
Table 3
(c) Formula empirik bagi magnesium oksida tidak boleh ditentukan dengan
menggunakan kaedah yang sama. Terangkan pernyataan ini.
The empirical formula of magnesium oxide cannot be determined by using
the same method. Explain the statement.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
3. Benzena adalah sejenis hidrokarbon yang diperolehi dari minyak mentah.
Ia merupakan bahan asas yang digunakan untuk membuat plastik,
pewarna dan pestisid.
Formula struktur benzena adalah seperti dalam Rajah 3.
Benzene is a hydrocarbon found in crude oil. It is used as raw materials to
make plastics, dyes and pesticides.
Structural formula of benzene are shown in Diagram 3.
H, c / C �c /H
H/ c "-
�c '+i
Rajah 3
Diagram 3
(a) (i) Nyatakan maksud formula empirik.
State the meaning of empirical formula.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
Sekiranya 1.5 mol asid hidroklorik terhasil dalam tindak balas ini, hitung
isipadu benzena yang diperlukan pada keadaan bilik.
[Isipadu molar gas pada keadaan bilik =24 dm-3 mol-1]
If 1.5 mol of hydrochloric acid is produced in this reaction, calculate the
volume of benzene needed at room conditions.
[ Molar volume of gas in room condition =24 dm-3 mol-1]
············································································································· [2M]
4. Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas eksperimen untuk menentukan
formula empirik bagi oksida kuprum.
Diagram 4 shows the apparatus set-up of an experiment to determine the
empirical formula for oxide of copper.
hidr kl ri
Air Hydrochloric
Water acid
Bongkah ka u
Ketulan zink
l o den block
Zinc granules
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) Apakah peranan ketulan zink dan asid hidroklorik dalam eksperimen
What is the role of zinc granules and hydrochloric acid in this experiment?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(c) Namakan satu oksida logam lain yang formula empiriknya boleh
ditentukan dengan menggunakan kaedah seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam
Rajah 4.
Name another oxide of metal which the empirical formula can be determined
by using the same method as shown in Diagram 4.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
Penerangan Jisim (g)
Description Mass (g)
Jisim salur kaca 9.25
Mass of glass tube
Jisim salur kaca + oksida kuprum 9.35
Mass of glass tube + oxide of copper
Jisim salur kaca + kuprum 9.33
Mass of glass tube + copper
Kuprum / Copper
0 ksigen/ Oxygen
(ii) Hitungkan bilangan mol bagi atom kuprum dan atom oksigen dan
seterusnya tentukan formula empirik bagi oksida kuprum itu.
[Jisim atom relatif: Cu = 64,0 = 16]
Calculate the number of moles of copper atom and oxygen atom and then
determine the empirical formula for the oxide of copper.
[Relative atomic mass: Cu = 64, 0 = 16]
Tingkatan 4 Bab 4
1 Rajah 1 menunjukkan Jadual Berkala Unsur. Huruf yang digunakan
bukan simbol sebenar untuk unsur-unsur tersebut.
Diagram 1 shows a Periodic Table of Elements. The letter used are not the
actual atomic symbols for the elements.
- -
p a R
s T
Berdasarkan Rajah 1,/ Based on Diagram 1,
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
2. Rajah 2 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada Jadual Berkala Unsur. A, B,
C, D, E, Fbukan merupakan simbol sebenar unsur.
Diagram 2 shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements. A, B, C, D, E, Fare
not the actual symbols of the elements.
� :B .,
.______.__�_____.___I __ .__.._Ii____.___I_,______:
, _..___:____.___________
Berdasarkan Rajah 2,/ Based on Diagram 2,
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) Nyatakan dua unsur yang terietak dalam kumpulan yang sama. State
two elements that are placed in the same group.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
4. Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu eksperimen untuk
membandingkan kereaktifan litium dan natrium terhadap oksigen.
Diagram 4 shows the set-up of apparatus of an experiment to compare the
reactivity of lithium and sodium towards oxygen.
Ga ·jar �poon
itium n atrium
Balan as
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [3M]
(b)(i) Nyatakan jenis ikatan yang terbentuk di antara natrium dan oksigen.
State the type of bond that formed between sodium and oxygen.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(ii) Lukis susunan elektron bagi sebatian yang terbentuk di antara natrium
dan oksigen.
Draw the electron arrangement of the compound formed between sodium
and oxygen.
4. Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan unsur-unsur dalam jadual berkala.
Diagram 4.1 shows elements in a periodic table.
Na K Cl
23 39 35.5
11 19 17
(a) Dalam kumpulan manakah unsur klorin berada dalam Jadual Berkala?
In which group of the periodic table, chlorine located?
........................................................................................................ [lM]
........................................................................................................ [lM]
"Unsur natrium dan kalium bertindak balas dengan air
menghasilkan larutan logam hidroksida dan gas hidrogen.
Sodium and potassium elements react with water to produce metal
hydroxide solution and hydrogen gas."
........................................................................................................ [lM]
........................................................................................................ [lM]
........................................................................................................ [lM]
Tingkatan 4 Bab 5
2. Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi gas A.
Diagram 2 shows the electron arrangement of gas A.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
4. Rajah 4 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada Jadual Berkala Unsur. A, B,
C, D , E dan F bukan simbol sebenar bagi atom-atom itu. Gunakan huruf
tersebut untuk menjawab soalan berikut.
Diagram 4 shows part of the Periodic Table of Elements. A, B, C, D,, E and F
are not the actual symbols of the atoms. Use the letters to answer the
following questions.
(a) Unsur Adan E boleh bertindak balas dengan gas D untuk membentuk
pepejal putih.
Elements Aand E can react with gas D to form a white solid.
(i) Antara unsur Adan E , yang manakah lebih reaktif apabila bertindak
balas dengan gas D?
Between elements Aand E , which is more reactive when reacting with gas
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
(b) Unsur Bdan Cbertindak balas untuk membentuk suatu sebatian yang
digunakan untuk memadamkan api.
Elements Band Creact to form a compound used to extinguish fire.
(ii) Jelaskan mengapa sebatian tersebut sesuai digunakan untuk
memadamkan kebakaran melibatkan peralatan elektrik.
Explain why the compound is suitable used for extinguishing fire involving
electrical appliance.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
4. Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi satu sebatian terbentuk
antara unsur X dan unsur Y.
Diagram 4.1 shows the electron arrangement of a compound formed
between elements X and Y.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan susunan molekul air dalam air cecair dan ais.
Figure 4.2 shows the arrangement of water molecule in liquid water and ice.
Rajah 4.2
Diagram 4.2
(c) (i) Nyatakan jenis ikatan yang terdapat di antara molekul air.
State the type of bond that exists between water molecules
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(ii) Air ditambahkan ke dalam gelas yang berisi kiub ais. Apakah yang dapat
diperhatikan? Terangkan pemerhatian dari segi pembentukan ikatan.
Water is added into a glass containing ice cube. What can be observed?
Explain the observation in terms of bond formation.
············································································································· [3M]
[Kedah202 l-Set02-04]
4. Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan beberapa unsur dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur
yang diwakili dengan huruf U, V, W, X dan Y.
Diagram 4.1 shows some of the elements in the Periodic Table of Elements
represented by the letters U, V, W, X and Y.
Tingkatan 4 Bab 6
6. Jadual 4 menunjukkan nilai pH bagi larutan asid A dan asid B yang
mempunyai kepekatan yang sama. Kedua-dua asid itu adalah asid
Table 4 shows the pH values for solutions of acid A and acid B which have
the same concentration. Both of the acids are monoprotic acids.
Asid Nilai pH
Acid pH value
A 1
B 4
A: .................................................................................................................
B: .................................................................................................................
(ii) Terangkan mengapa dua larutan asid ini mempunyai nilai pH yang
Explain why these two acid solutions have different pH values.
············································································································· [3M]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(c) Rajah 5 menunjukkan seorang murid sedang mencampurkan asid
sulfurik yang sama kepekatannya dengan asid A kepada larutan natrium
hidroksida yang sama di 6(b).
Diagram 5 shows a student adding sulphuric acid with the same
concentration as acid A to the sodium hydroxide solution as in 6(b).
Adakah murid itu menambahkan isi padu asid sulfurik dengan betul?
Berikan sebab.
Does the student add the correct volume of the sulphuric acid? Give the
············································································································· [2M]
7 Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan dua botol reagen.
Diagram 7.1 shows two reagent bottles.
0.100 mol dm- 3 0.001 mol dm- 3
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) (i) Berdasarkan Rajah 7.1, botol reagen yang manakah memberi nilai pH
yang rendah?
Based on Diagram 7.1, which reagent bottle gives a lower pH value?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
Aatd ault\a'lk
&ulphurfc acid
(i) Tuliskan persamaan kimia yang seimbang bagi tindak balas di atas.
Write a balanced chemical equation for above reaction.
············································································································· [2M]
············································································································· [3M]
(iii) Semasa menjalankan eksperimen, apakah yang perlu anda lakukan
agar isi padu asid yang digunakan semasa pentitratan adalah 2 kali ganda
daripada Rajah 7.2? Wajarkan tindakan anda itu.
During the experiment, what should you do so that the volume of acid used
while titration is doubled than in Diagram 7.2? Justify your actions.
Tingkatan 4 Bab 7
3 (a) Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan graf isi padu gas yang terbebas melawan masa
bagi satu tindak balas antara kalsium karbonat dengan asid hidroklorik.
Diagram 3.1 shows the graph of the volume of gas released against time
for the reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid
Masa (s}
0 12 1 0 2 0 Time (s)
........................................................................................................ [lM]
........................................................................................................ [lM]
(iii) Hitung kadar tindak balas purata bagi keseluruhan tindak balas.
Calculate the overall average rate of reaction
(b) Kelaskan tindak balas berikut kepada tindak balas yang cepat dan
tindak balas yang perlahan dalam jadual yang disediakan.
Classify the following reactions into fast reaction and slow reaction in the
table provided.
[Kedah202 l-Set02-07]
7. Rajah 7 menunjukkan dua set eksperimen untuk mengkaji faktor yang
mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik, HCl dengan zink
karbonat, ZnCQ3.
Diagram 7 shows two sets of experiment to study the factor affecting the
rate of reaction between hydrochloric acid, HCl and calcium carbonate,
100 ml 60 cm3 a
0._ moJ d 1 H I 60cn ofgas
100 cm3
1 0 cml ga
0. 0 rnol dru H
I Ocm1 ofgas
Selepas m.init
After mtm, es
Ketulan ZnC03 ber1ebihan
Excess ZnC03 chips
(a) Nyatakan satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas dari rajah
State one factor that affects the rate of reaction from diagram 7.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) Apakah bacaan yang perlu dicatat dalam kedua dua eksperimen untuk
menentukan kadar tindak balas dalam masa 3 minit?
What is the reading needed to be recorded in both experiments to determine
the rate of reaction in 3 minutes?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(c) Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas dalam eksperimen ini.
Write a chemical equation for the reaction in these experiments.
············································································································· [2M]
(e) Bandingkan kadar tindak balas bagi set I dan set II. Jelaskan jawapan
anda dengan merujuk kepada teori perlanggaran.
Compare the rate of reaction in set I and set II. Explain your answer with
reference to the collision theory.
············································································································· [3M]
(f) Seorang murid ingin meningkatkan kadar tindak balas bagi Set I dengan
menggantikan asid hidroklorik dengan asid sulfurik yang sama kepekatan.
Pada pandangan anda, adakah murid itu membuat keputusan yang betul?
Terangkan jawapan anda.
A student wishes to increase the rate of reaction for Set I by changing the
hydrochloric acid to sulphuric acid of the same concentration.
In your opinion, do you think he makes a correct decision? Explain your
············································································································· [2M]
7. Jadual 7 menunjukkan maklumat bagi dua set eksperimen untuk
menyiasat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas antara
kalsium karbonat dengan asid hidroklorik.
Table 1 shows the information for two sets of experiment to investigate the
factors affecting the rate of reaction between calcium carbonate and
hydrochloric acid.
(a) Tulis persamaan ion bagi tindak balas dalam eksperimen ini.
Write an ionic equation for the reaction in this experiment.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) (i) Bandingkan kadar tindak balas bagi Set I dan Set II.
Compare the rate of reaction for Set I and Set 11.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [4M]
(c) Lakarkan graf isi padu gas karbon dioksida melawan masa bagi Set I dan
Set II.
Sketch the graph of volume of carbon dioxide gas against time for Set I and
Set II.
(d) Seorang murid ingin meningkatkan kadar tindak balas bagi Set II
dengan menukar asid hidroklorik dengan asid sulfurik yang sama
Pada pandangan anda, adakah anda fikir murid itu membuat keputusan
yang betul?
Terangkan jawapan anda.
A student wishes to increase the rate of reaction for Set II by changing the
hydrochloric acid with sulphuric acid of the same concentration.
In your opinion, do you think the student made the correct decision?
Explain your answer.
············································································································· [2M]
7. Jadual 7 menunjukkan maklumat bagi dua set eksperimen untuk
menyiasat satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas antara zink
dan asid nitrik.
Table 7 shows the information for two sets of experiment to investigate one
factor that affecting the rate of reaction between zinc and nitric acid.
Berdasarkan Jadual 7,
Based on Table 7,
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
Set I :
Set I
Set II :
Set 11
(d) (i) Bandingkan kadar tindak balas antara Set I dan Set II.
Compare the rate of reaction between Set I and Set II.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [3M]
(e) Lukis gambar rajah profil tenaga bagi tindak balas antara zink dan asid
nitrik bagi kedua-dua set eksperimen itu. Kemudian, tunjukkan tenaga
pengaktifan bagi Set I dan Set II.
Draw the energy profile diagram for the reaction between zinc and nitric acid
for both sets of the experiment. Then, show the activation energy for Set I
and Set II.
Tingkatan 4 Bab 5
1. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan susunan atom dalam kuprum tulen dan aloi Y. Y
ialah aloi bagi kuprum.
Diagram 1.1 shows the arrangement of atoms in pure copper and alloy Y. Y
is an alloy of copper.
Kuprum Aloi Y
Copper Alloy Y
Atomkuprum AtomX
Copper atom AtomX
(a) (i) Nyatakan nama atom X.
State the name of atom X.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
············································································································· [2M]
Rajah 1.2
Diagram 1.2
(i) Nyatakan komponen utama kaca.
State the main component of glass.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(ii) Berikan satu sebab kenapa kaca borosilikat adalah kaca yang paling
sesuai digunakan untuk membuat peralatan makmal.
State one reason why borosilicate glass is most suitable to use to make
laboratory glassware?
............................................................................................................. [lM]
2. Jadual 2.1 menunjukkan dua jenis kaca dan komposisinya.
Table 2.1 shows two types of glass and their composition.
KacaX Kaea Y
GlassX Glass Y
Komposisinya adalah silika, Komposisinya adalah silika,
natrium karbonat, boron oksida natrium karbonat dan
dan aluminium oksida. kalsium karbonat.
Its composition are silica, sodium Its composition are silica, sodium
carbonate, boron oxide and carbonate and calcium carbonate.
aluminium oxide.
Penutup kaca
Gia over
Nyatakan kaca yang manakah dalam Jadual 2.1 yang boleh digunakan
untuk membuat penutup periuk.
Terangkan jawapan anda.
State the glass in Table 2.1 which can be used to make the cover of the pot.
Explain your answer.
············································································································· [2M]
(b) Jadual 2.2 menunjukkan butiran tentang dua jenis bahan buatan dalam
Table 2.2 shows the particulars of two different types of manufactured
substances in the industries.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
2. Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu pingat yang diperbuat daripada gangsa.
Diagram 2 shows a medal made of bronze.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
2. (a) Rajah 2.1 adalah dua pasang cermin mata yang di buat dari dua jenis
kanta berbeza
Diagram 2.1 shows two pairs of spectacles made from two different type of
Kanta cermin mata A diperbuat dari kaca silika terlakur manakala kanta
cermin mata B di perbuat dari kaca fotokromik yang bertukar gelap apabila
terkena cahaya matahari.
Lens for spectacle A is made from fused silica glass while lens for spectacle
B is made from photochromic glass which turns dark when exposed to
(i) Nyatakan dua bahan fotokromik yang digunakan dalam kanta cermin
mata B.
State two photochromic material used in spectacle lenses B
············································································································· [2M]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan kereta api Maglev. Kereta api elektrik ini boleh
mencapai kelajuan sehingga 581 km/j.
Diagram 2.2 shows a Maglev train. This electric train can reach speeds of up
to 581 km/h.
Rajah 2.2
Diagram 2.2
(i) Nyatakan aloi yang sesuai digunakan dalam pengangkutan ini.
State the appropriate alloy used in this transport.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
[Kedah202 l-Set02-02]
2. Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan atom dalam aloi X dan formula struktur
Diagram 2 shows the arrangement of atoms in alloy X and the structural
formula of monomerY.
Atom ferum
Iron atom Atom karbon 1-\C==C/ H
Carbon atom tr
H '-
AloiX MonomerY
A/lo X MonomerY
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(b) (i) Nyatakan nama bagi aloi X./ State the name of alloy X.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
8. Rajah 8 menunjukkan dua jenis basikal. Satu basikal diperbuat daripada
logam tulen dan satu lagi diperbuat daripada aloi.
Diagram 8 shows two types of bicycles. One bicycle is made of pure metal
and another one is made of alloy.
............................................................................................................. [lM]
............................................................................................................. [lM]
(iii) Lukis dan labelkan susunan zarah bahan yang digunakan di 8(a)(ii).
Draw and label the arrangement of particles of material used in 8(a)(ii).
(iv) Uwais ingin membina sebuah rak untuk meletak kamus di
perpustakaan sekolahnya. Wajarkan penggunaan aloi untuk membina rak
buku tersebut. Cadangkan aloi yang boleh Uwais gunakan untuk membina
rak buku tersebut.
Uwais wanted to build a rack to keep dictionaries in the library in his
school. Justify the usage of alloy to build the books' rack. Suggest an alloy
that Uwais can used to build the books rack.
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(b) Huraikan dengan ringkas bagaimana Uwais menguji kekerasan aloi yang
Describe briefly how Uwais test the hardness of alloy that he has chosen.
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