History of Studying The Mining Industry of Uzbekistan

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VOLUME: 03 ISSUE: 05 | MAY 2022(ISSN: 2660-6836)

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History of Studying the Mining Industry of Uzbekistan

Oppokov Shokhboz
Second-Year master at the Faculty of History at the Samarkand State University

This article analyzes the first written sources on the importance of ARTICLEINFO
metals and metal products in the lives of the peoples of Central Article history:
Asia and presents scientifically based facts. At the same time, the Received 25-Mar-26
role of material and written sources in the study of the history of Received in revised form 28-Mar-26
Accepted 15-Apr-25
mining is revealed. In addition to the Central Asian region, they
Available online 21-May-2022
also provide information on Eastern countries.
Keywords: Rahta-Eshtar,
Herodotus, Strabo, Plenius, Al-
Beruni, Istakhri, Ibn Hawkal,
As-Samani, internal and
external migration,
archaeologist I.A. Kastan, N.G.
Malliuk, M.S. Andreev Tajik-
Pamir Geological Expedition,
“History of Mining in Central

The Avesta is one of the earliest written sources on the importance of metals and metal objects in the
lives of the peoples of Central Asia. It provides information on Central Asia as well as Eastern
countries. The hymn of the Avesto sings about the god and the best representative of these lands,
Rahta-Eshtar. Rahta-Eshtar's power is manifested through his metal shovel, the horse's metal tools, and
his fighting equipment. These are exciting lines about the weapons used by the Rakhta-Eshtar chariot
army in the Eastern world during the Avesto period*.The Avesta also says, “He is always victorious,
powerful, does not lie, rides in a golden chariot, ...... There was also an image of the sun-god Mitra,
who had thousands of arrows, two sharp knives, high-quality metal sticks, and a sharp-edged, face-

References shown - P.110-111, 206.

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blown, yellow-plated gold-plated ax” words are written†.

The first information about the mineral resources, deposits and metals of Central Asia in the VI-I
centuries BC, including the territory of Uzbekistan, in the inscriptions of the Achaemenid period (the
use of gold lavender and precious stones in the construction of the palace of the Achaemenid branches
in Susa), Herodotus, It is found in the works of Strabo, Plenium, and others, as well as in ancient
Chinese sources‡.
The Byzantine ambassador sent to the Turkish khanate in the VI century AD also wrote about metals
and metal deposits here.
The works of medieval authors also contain important information on the subject. Among them are the
works of Al-Beruni, Istakhri, Ibn Hawkal, As-Samani, Muhammad Tahir, Mahmud ibn Wali and
The works of Eastern historians not only reflect the realities of the life of the cities of Movarounnahr,
but also provide interesting information about metals.
The Arab historian al-Tabari gives a detailed account of the Arab wars in Central Asia: “After the
conquest of the city of Poykent in Bukhara in 706, the Arabs, led by Qutayba, took as much booty as
gold and silver vessels that had been melted down and turned into metal. They did not capture so much
booty anywhere else in Khorasan”**.
Al-Tabari also writes: “After the conquest of Samarkand in 712, Qutayba ordered the accumulation of
all the wealth in the temples of the city. As a result of this order, statues were stolen in Samarkand,
temples were burned, and only used nails were remelted and 50,000 shekels of gold were collected”††.
According to the author, Poykent's warehouses were overflowing with weapons, tools, and gold belts
seized by the Arabs who had defeated the Chach and Fergana armies that had come to the aid of
besieged Samarkand‡‡.
Detailed information about the underground resources of Movarounnahr is given in the Arabic sources
of the IX-XII centuries, especially in the works of geographers of the X century. They talk about the
Movarounnahr countries, with special emphasis on their mineral resources and mining centers.
There are mountains in Movarounnahr that stretch to Ilok, Shosh, and Kyrgyz, the homeland of the
Turks. These mountains are rich in gold and silver. The richest of them are on the Kyrgyz and
Bandshir sides§§. Regarding the underground treasures of Movarounnahr, it is said: “The mountains

Avesta. Izbranniy gimni. Per. s avest. I kommentariy I.M. Steblin-Kmaneskogo. Dushanbe. 1990. - P. 86-87.

Gerodot. Istoriya. V devyati tomax. Per. i prim. G.A.Stratonovskogo. M.: Ladomir. 1999. ; Strabon. Geografiya. v 17 kn. Per. s
grecheskogo G.A. Stratanovskogo. –M., 1972.
Avtori nom’lum «Hududul-olam» tarj. (rus tilida). Tumanskiy A G. 1892. – P. 23; O’rta Osiyolik geograf va sayyohlar.
«O’zbekiston»., Toshkent, 1964. – P. 40-45; Abdurazzoq Samarqandiy. «Matlai sa’dayn va majmai bahrayn» -
Toshkent, 1969. – P. Abu Rajhon Beruni. «Sobranie svedeniy dlya poznanie dragosennostey» ili «Mineralogiya». Per.
A.M. Belinitskogo. Stati i primech. A.B. Belinitskogo i G.G.Lemmleyna.-L.,1963. – P. 518; Istahri.Kitab masalik al-
mamalik // Materiali po istorii Kirgizov i Kirgizii. vip №1, M., nauka. 1973. – P. 280; Abu Tohirhuja. «Samariya».
Meros to’plami. Toshkent, 1991. – P. 59; Abdulkarim as-Sam’oniy. «Kitob al- Ansab» (Nasabnoma) arabchadan A.
Razzoqov tarj. Buhoro, 1999. – P. 31-33; Mahmud ibn Vali. More tajn.., - P. 38-39, 65-92.
Tarihi at - Tabariy. Toshkent. 1987. - P. 117.
Tarihi at - Tabariy. Toshkent. 1987. – P. 119.
Tarihi at - Tabariy. Toshkent. 1987 – P. 118-136.
Buryanova Y.F. Kolleksiya bronzovih hudojestvennih izdeliy H1V-nachala XV veka iz Samarkanda. Obshshestvennie
nauki v Uzbekistane, № 8-9. 1966. -P. 35-86.

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stretch from Samarkand to Kesh and are not connected at Buttem. From Fergana it turns to Ustrushna
and enters Shelji and Taraz regions. It then extends to the San border. The Ustrushona, Fergana, Ilak,
Shelji and Labon fields are located mainly in the main mountain and its ridges ***. Copper sulphate,
iron, mercury, copper, tin, gold, tar, asphalt, oil, turquoise and nashatir are extracted from Nashatir
Buttem region, Fergana region, black stones burn like coal ... All in these mountains, their cho located
on the flanks or on their flanks”†††.
In the ninth and tenth centuries, eastern geographers wrote that Central Asia had the largest
metallurgical wealth. Describing the area, the caliph emphasizes the riches of the Movarounnahr
Mountains, from Wakhan to Chach, from there to Ilak, and to the border with the Kyrgyz state.
“These are gold and silver deposits from the beginning to the end of the mountains, the richest of
which are closer to the Kyrgyz state, and so far, these deposits do not reach Shosh and Fergana from
“The richest of the deposits in the Islamic region is on the Panshir side’, said geographer Istakhri. Then
he spoke in detail about the deposits of Sogd, Ustrushna, Fergana, Ilaq and Shelji, and discussed rare,
non-ferrous metals, iron, rare stones, oil, turquoise, and even nashatir and Fergana coal also provides
information about.
Al-Istakhri talks about the Ilaq gold and silver mines and how to mine them, and writes that coinage
workshops exist only in Samarkand and Tunkent, the capital of Ilaq. He also gave information about
Fergana, where large quantities of gold and silver in the hands of the people were taken away.
Asbestos, turquoise, iron, copper, gold and lead from the mountains of Fergana, coal, red, yellow, blue,
white precious stones in the mountains of Isfahan, mercury from the mountains of Sokh, In Uzgen,
Novshadil, and in Isfara, coal is mined‡‡‡. “In Asbor, writes Istahri, there is a mountain of black stone,
which burns like black pistachio coal; his three donkeys are sold for one dirham; its (coal's) ash goes to
bleach clothes”§§§. However, the evidence in the written sources is not sufficient to give a definite idea
of how much coal was mined and how it was used.
XI century geographer Ibn-Haukal in his details about Sogdia: In addition to the extraction of stone
"light" oil and clay soil for glassware from the Kuhak Mountain near Samarkand, the presence of gold
and silver in the mountain, but the production writes that it does not matter for. He also says that salt
will be mined in Kesh and this salt will be supplied to the Khorasan region****.
Ibn Haukal's account of Ustrushna states that the Buttem Mountains contained deposits of gold, silver,
sulfur, and nasturtium, and that the products mined were exported to many countries in the East. He
Bubnova M.A. Dobicha serebro - svinsovih rud v Shel'dji v IX-XII vv. Arheologicheskie pamiatniki Talasskoy dolini. Izd. AN
Kirg. Frunze. 1963. – P. 63.
Betger E.K. Izvlechenie iz knigi “Puti i strana`” Abul Kasima ibn Xaukalya. Trudy SAGU. Vip. №3. Arxeologiya
Srednej Azii. – Tashkent. 1957. –P. 14.
References shown, 2002. – P. 39.
Kitob masalik al-mamalik al-Istahri // Materiali po istorii kirgizov i Kirgizii (vtoroe izdanie). Bishkek. 2002. - P. 22-25;
O’zbekiston tarihi. T.I. Toshkent, 1958, - P. 221; Azamat Ziyo. O’zbek davlatchilik tarihi.// Toshkent. Sharq. 2001. – P. 98; Ismoilova
D. X-XI asrlarda Movarounnahr kon ishlari tarihidan.//O’rta Osiyoda kon-metallurgiya tarihi: o’tmishi va buguni. (Respublika
miqiosidagi ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari). Navoiy 2007. – P. 64-65.
Butger E.K. Izvlechenie iz knigi «Puti i strani Abu-l-Kasima ibn Haukalia», SAGU, vip №1.Tashkent. 1957. – P. 13-16;
Otaho’jaev A. Abu-l-Qosim ibn Haukal O’rta Osiyo viloyatlari konlari va qazilma boyliklari haqida. O’rta Osiyo kon-metallurgiya
tarihi: o’tmishi va buguni. Navoy. 2007. – P. 73-75; Abu Tohirhuja. Samariya // Meros to’plami. T. 1991. –P. 20.

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also mentions the construction of weapons in Mink and Marsman, the use of these weapons throughout
Khorasan, and the armament of troops from Baghdad to Iraq with these weapons††††.
Ibn Haukal speaks of Shosh and Ilaq, with a special mention of the gold and silver mines and mints of
Ilaq. Ibn Haukal also noted that such mints existed in Bukhara and Samarkand, where large amounts of
capital were minted‡‡‡‡.
Ibn Haukal spoke about Fergana and said that there were gold and silver deposits around Nekad and
Akhsikent, that there were deposits of resin, asbestos, gold, silver, turquoise, yellow copper and tin in
Sogdia, and black stone in the upper Nasaf and Isfara mountains writes that it is combustible like
coal§§§§. The history of metals has not escaped the attention of Eastern scientists. In particular, the
great scientist Abu Rayhan Beruni devoted most of his work "Mineralogy" to metals.
It describes the technology of mining gold, silver, mercury, iron, copper, tin ores and alloys, including
The XVI century historian Zayniddin Vasfi writes: “In 1540, the Tashkent khan Barakhan (Navruz
Ahmad) allowed Sadr Ubaydullakhan to exploit all vacant lands and mines in Tashkent (except for
working ones). Vasfiy will be in charge of writing the text of the label”†††††.
Even after Ibn Haukal, written sources on the natural resources of Central Asia prove that the country
is unique. In particular, the information in the work of Muhammad Tahir, written in the XVII century,
confirms our opinion. In general, there are not many medieval written sources. Basically, historians are
excited to list the main minerals ‡‡‡‡‡ . Very little has been written about the mining method and
smelting technology§§§§§.
1. Avesta. Izbranniy gimni. Per. s avest. I kommentariy I.M. Steblin-Kmaneskogo. Dushanbe. 1990.-
P. 206.
2. Abdurazzoq Samarqandiy. «Matlai sa’dajn va majmai bahrayn». Toshkent.1969.
3. Abu Tohirhuja. Samariya // Meros tuplami. Toshkent., 1991.
4. Abu Rajhon Beruni. «Sobranie svedeniy dlya poznaniya dragosennostey» ili «Mineralogiya». Per.
A.M. Belinitskogo. Stati i primech.
5. Betger E.K. Izvlechenie iz knigi “Puti i strana`” Abul Kasima ibn Xaukalya. Trudy SAGU. Vip.
№3. Arxeologiya Srednej Azii. – Tashkent. 1957.
6. Gerodot. Istoriya. V devyati tomax. Per. i prim. G.A. Stratonovskogo. M. Ladomir. 1999.
7. Strabon. Geografiya. v 17 kn. Per s grecheskogo G.A. Stratanovskogo. –M. 1972.
Butger E.K. Izvlechenie ….., - P. 22.
Butger E.K. Izvlechenie ……….,- P. 24.
Betger E.K. Izvlechenie iz knigi “Puti i strana`” Abul Kasima ibn Xaukalya. Trudy SAGU. Vip. №3. Arxeologiya Srednej Azii.
– Tashkent. 1957. – P. 13-26.
Abu Rajhan al-Beruni. Sobranie svedeniy dlya poznaniya dragosennostey (Mineralogiya) //Per. Belenickogo.D., 1963. – P.
214-240, 518.
Zayn addin Vasifi. Badai al-vakai. Kriticheskiy tekst, vvedenie i ukazateli A.N. Boldyreva T. P, M. 1961. – S. 1332.
Betger E.K. Izvlechenie iz knigi “Puti i strana`” Abul Kasima ibn Xaukalya. Trudy SAGU. Vip. №3. Arxeologiya Srednej Azii.
– Tashkent. 1957. – P. 13-16.
Kitab masalik al-mamalik al-Istahri. // Materiali po istorii kirgizov i Kirgizii. M.1973 – P. 27.

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8. Ibn Xurdodbek. Kitob al-masalik val-mamalik. Kniga putey i stran. -Boku: Universitet. 1986.
9. Ibn Arabshoh. «Ajoyib al-mahdur fi tarihi taymur». U. Uvatov tarj. Toshkent. 1992.
10. Ibn Holdun. «Tarjimai hol» //Amir Temur va Ulug’bek zamondoshlari hotirasida. Toshkent. 1996.

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