Divisions British 1918

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Organization of the Divisions of the British Army January - November 1918 Guards Division: (March 1918) 1st Guards

Brigade 2nd Grenadier Guards 2nd Coldstream Guards 3rd Coldstream Guards 1st Irish Guards 1st Guards Trench Mortar Battery 2nd Guards Brigade 3rd Grenadier Guards 1st Coldstream Guards 1st Scots Guards 2nd Irish Guards 2nd Guards Trench Mortar Battery 3rd Guards Brigade 1st Grenadier Guards 4th Grenadier Guards 2nd Scots Guards 1st Welsh Guards 3rd Guards Trench Mortar Battery LXXIV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.)Battery LXXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.)Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries X.Guards Y.Guards Divisional Ammunition Columns: Guards D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 55th, 75th, & 76th Divisional Signals Companies: Guards Pioneers: 4/Coldstream Guards Machine Gun Units: 4th Guards Machine Gun Regiment1 Field Ambulances: 3rd, 4th & 9th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 46th

Formed from the four existing machine gun companies on 3/1/18. 1

Divisional Train: Guards 1st Division: (March 1918) 1st Brigade 1/Black Watch 1/Camron Highlanders 8/Royal Berkshire 1st Trench Mortar Battery 2nd Brigade 2/Royal Sussex 1/Northumberland 1/King's Royal Rifle Corps 2nd Trench Mortar Battery 3rd Brigade 1/South Wales Borderers 1/Gloucester 2/Welsh 2/Royal Munster Fusiliers2 3rd Trench Mortar Battery XXV Artillery Brigade: 113th Battery 114th Battery 115th Battery D (H.) Battery XXXIX Artillery Brigade: 46th Battery 51st Battery 54th Battery 30 (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Columns: 1st D.A.C. Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.1 Y.1 Engineer Field Companies: 23rd, 26th, & 409th s Divisional Signals Companies: 1st Pioneers: 6/Welsh Machine Gun Unit 1st Machine Gun3 Field Ambulances: 1st, 2nd, & 141st Mobile Veterinary Sections: 2nd Divisional Employment Company: 204th

Transferred to 1st Brigade on 3/2/18.

Formed on 2/28/18. Eventually combined into the No. 1 Battalion, which ahd the 1s, 2nd, 3rd & 216th Cos.

Divisional Train: 1st 2nd Division: (March 1918) 5th Brigade 2/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 2/Highland Light Infantry 24/Royal Fusiliers 5th Trench Mortar Battery 6th Brigade 1/King's 2/South Staffordshire 17/Royal Fusiliers 6th Trench Mortar Battery 99th Brigade 1/Royal Berkshire 1/King's Royal Rifle Corps 23/Royal Fusiliers 99th Trench Mortar Battery XXXVI Artillery Brigade: 15th Battery 48th Battery 71st Battery D (H.)Battery XLI Artillery Brigade: 9th Battery 16th Battery 17th Battery 47th (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.2 Y.24 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 2nd D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 5th, 226th & 483rd Machine Gun Unit: No. 2 Machine Gun Divisional Signals Companies: 2nd Pioneers 10/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Field Ambulances: 4th, 5th & 100th Divisional Employment Company: 205th5 Mobile Veterinary Sections: 3rd

Z was distributed between X & Y on 2/24/18. V was detached on1/3/18. Arrived on 5/18/17. 3

Divisional Train: 2nd 3rd Division: (June 1917) 8th Brigade 2/Royal Scots 1/Royal Scots Fusiliers 7/King's Scottish Light Infantry 8th Trench Mortar Battery 9th Brigade 1/Northumberland Fusiliers 4/Royal Fusliers 13/King's 9th Trench Mortar Battery 76th Brigade 2/Suffolk 1/Gordon Highlanders 8/King's Own 10th Royal Welsh Fusiliers6 76th Trench Mortar Battery XL Artillery Brigade: 6th Battery 23rd Battery 49th Battery 130th (H.) Battery XLII Artillery Brigade: 29th Battery 41st Battery 45th Battery 129th (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Columns: 3rd D.A.C. Medium Trench Mortar Batteries X.3rd Y.3rd Engineer Field Companies: 56th, 438th & 529th Divisional Signals Companies: 3rd Pioneers: 20/King's Royal Rifle Corps Machine Gun Unit: No. 3 (Machine Gun) M.A.C. Field Ambulances: 7th, 8th & 142nd Mobile Veterinary Sections: 11th Divisional Employment Company: 206th Divisional Train: 3rd

Amalgamated with 19th Royal WelshFusiliers (40th Division) on 5/12/18 and formed 8/Entrenching Battalion.

4th Division: (March 1918) 10th Brigade 1/Royal Warwick 2/Duke's 2/Seaforth Highlanders 10th Trench Mortar Battery 11th Brigade 1/Somerset Light Infantry 1/Hantfordshire 1/Rifle Brigade 11th Trench Mortar Battery 12th Brigade 1/King's Own 2/Lancashire Fusiliers 2/Essex 12th Trench Mortar Battery XXIX Artillery Brigade: 125th Battery 126th Battery 127th Battery 128th (H.) Battery XXXII Artillery Brigade: 27th Battery 134th Battery 135th Battery 86th (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.4 Y.4 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 4th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 9th, 406th, & 526th Divisional Signals Companies: 4th Pioneers: 21/West Yorkshire Machine Gun Units: No. 4 (Machinegun) Battalion MGC Field Ambulances: 10th, 11th, & 12th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 4th Divisional Employment Company 207th Divisional Train: 4th 5th Division: (France May 1918 after return from Italy) 13th Brigade 2/King's Own Scottish Borderers 1/Royal West Kent

14/Royal Warwickshire7 15/Royal Warwickshire 13th Trench Mortar Battery 14th Brigade 1/Norfolk 1/Bedfordshire 1/Chester 16/Royal Warwickshire8 14th Trench Mortar Battery 95th Brigade 1/Devonshire 1/East Surry 1/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 12/Gloucester9 95th Trench Mortar Battery XV Artillery Brigade: 52th Battery 80th Battery A Battery D (H.) Battery XXVII Artillery Brigade: 119th Battery 120th Battery 121st Battery 37th (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.5 Y.5 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 5th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 59th, 491st & 427th Divisional Signals Companies: 5th Pioneers: 6th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders10 Machine Gun Units: No. 5 Machine Gun11 Field Ambulances: 13th, 14th, & 15th Mobile Veterinary Sections:

Became pioneers on 10/5/18. Transferred out on 10/4/18. Disbanded 10/19/18. Transferred out on 10/5/18 and replaced by 14/Royal Warwickshire. Formed on 4/26/18 and consisted of 13th, 15th, 95th and 205th MG Companies.



5th Divisional Employment Company: 208th Divisional Train: 5th 5th Division: (France November 1918) 13th Brigade 2/King's Own Scottish Borderers 1/Royal West Kent 15/Royal Warwickshire 13th Trench Mortar Battery 14th Brigade 1/Norfolk 1/Bedfordshire 1/Chester 14th Trench Mortar Battery 95th Brigade 1/Devonshire 1/East Surry 1/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 95th Trench Mortar Battery XV Artillery Brigade: 52th Battery 80th Battery A Battery D (H.) Battery XXVII Artillery Brigade: 119th Battery 120th Battery 121st Battery 37th (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.5 Y.5 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 5th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 59th, 491st & 427th Divisional Signals Companies: 5th Pioneers: 14/Royal Warwickshire Machine Gun Units: No. 5 Machine Gun Field Ambulances: 13th, 14th, & 15th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 5th Divisional Employment Company: 208th Divisional Train: 5th

6th Division: (March 1918) 16th Brigade 1/Buffs 1/King's Shropshire Light Infantry 2/York and Lancaster Regiment 16th Trench Mortar Battery 17th Brigade 1/West Yorkshire 2/Durham Light Infantry 11/Essex 17th Trench Mortar Battery 71st Brigade 1/Leinster 2/Sherwood Foresters 9/Norfolk 71st Trench Mortar Battery II Artillery Brigade: 21st Battery 42nd Battery 53rd Battery 87th (H.) Battery XXIV Artillery Brigade: 110th Battery 111th Battery 112th Battery 43rd (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.6 Y.6 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 6th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 12th, 459th (West Riding) & 509th (London) Divisional Signals Companies: 6th Pioneers: 11/Leicestershire Machine Gun Unit: No. 6 (Machine Gun)12 Field Ambulances: 16th, 17th & 18th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 6th Divisional Train: 6th 7th Division: (Italy - April 1918) 20th Brigade 2/Borderers 2/Gordon Highlanders 8/Devonshire


Formed on 2/1/18 with 16th, 18th, 71st and 192nd MG Companies.

9/Devonshire13 20th Trench Mortar Battery 22nd Brigade 2/Royal Warwickshire 1/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 20/Manchester 2/1/H.A.C. 22nd Trench Mortar Battery 91st Brigade 2/Queen's 1/South Staffordshire 21/Manchester14 22/Manchester 91st Trench Mortar Battery XXII Artillery Brigade: 104th Battery 105th Battery 106th Battery 35th (H.) Battery XXXV Artillery Brigade: 12th Battery 25th Battery 58th Battery 31st (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:15 X.7 Y.7 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 7th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 54th, 95th & 528th Divisional Signals Companies: 7th Pioneers: 24/Manchester Field Ambulances: 21st, 22nd, & 23rd Machinegun Unit: No. 7 (Machine Gun) MGC16 Mobile Veterinary Sections: 12th Divisional Employment Company: 210th Divisional Train: 7th


Transferred out on 9/13/18. Transferred out on 9/13/18. Z absorbed into X & Y on 2/22/18. V disbanded 11/12/17. Formed on 4/1/18 with 20th, 22nd, 91st and 220th MG Companies. 9




7th Division: (Italy - October 1918) 20th Brigade 2/Borderers 2/Gordon Highlanders 8/Devonshire 20th Trench Mortar Battery 22nd Brigade 2/Royal Warwickshire 1/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 20/Manchester 2/1/H.A.C. 22nd Trench Mortar Battery 91st Brigade 2/Queen's 1/South Staffordshire 22/Manchester 91st Trench Mortar Battery XXII Artillery Brigade: 104th Battery 105th Battery 106th Battery 35th (H.) Battery XXXV Artillery Brigade: 12th Battery 25th Battery 58th Battery 31st (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:17 X.7 Y.7 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 7th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 54th, 95th & 528th Divisional Signals Companies: 7th Pioneers: 24/Manchester Field Ambulances: 21st, 22nd, & 23rd Machinegun Unit: No. 7 (Machine Gun) MGC18 Mobile Veterinary Sections: 12th Divisional Employment Company: 210th Divisional Train: 7th


Z absorbed into X & Y on 2/22/18. V disbanded 11/12/17. Formed on 4/1/18 with 20th, 22nd, 91st and 220th MG Companies.


8th Division: (March 1918) 23rd Brigade 2/Devonshire 2/West Yorkshire 2/Middlesex 23rd Trench Mortar Battery 24th Brigade 1/Worcester 1/Sherwood Foresters 2/Northumberland 25th Trench Mortar Battery 25th Brigade 2/East Lancashire 2/Royal Berkshire 2/Rifle Brigade 25th Trench Mortar Battery XXXIII Artillery Brigade: 32nd Battery 33rd Battery 36th Battery 55th (H.) Battery XLV Artillery Brigade: 1st Battery 3rd Battery 5th Battery 57th (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:19 X.8 Y.8 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 8th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 2nd, 15th, & 490th Divisional Signals Companies: 8th Pioneers: 22/Durham Light Infantry20 Machine Gun Unit: No. 8 (Machine Gun) MG21 Field Ambulances: 24th, 25th, 26th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 15th


Z absorbed by X & Y on 2/3/18. W.8 and V.50 formed V/VIII HTMB (heavy trench mortar battalion) on 2/11/18.

The 7/Durham Light Infantry joined on 6/20/18 and on 7/3/18 it absorbed and replaced the 22/D.L.I.

Formed on 1/20/18, it consisted of the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 218th Machine Gun Companies. 11

Divisional Train: 8th 9th Division: (France - March 1918) 26th Brigade 8/Black Watch 7/Seaforth Highlander 5/Cameron Highlander 26th Trench Mortar Battery 27th Brigade 11/Royal Scots 12/Royal Scots 6/King's Own Scottish Borderers 27th Trench Mortar Battery South African Brigade22 1st South African Infantry 2nd South African Infantry 4th South African Infantry South African Trench Mortar Battery L Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.9 Y.9 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 8th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 63rd, 64th, & 90th Divisional Signals Companies: 9th Pioneers: 9/Seaforth Highlanders Machine Gun Units: No. 9 (Machine Gun) M.G.C.23 Field Ambulances: 27th, 28th & South African Field Ambulance24 Mobile Veterinary Sections: 21st


The South African Brigade (with T.M.Battery) left 9th Division on 9/13/18. Formed on 3/1/18 with 26th, 27th, 28th and 197th MG Companies. Detached on 9/22/18.



Divisional Employment Company: 212th Divisional Train: 9th 9th Division: (France - October 1918) 26th Brigade 8/Black Watch 7/Seaforth Highlander 5/Cameron Highlander 26th Trench Mortar Battery 27th Brigade 11/Royal Scots 12/Royal Scots 6/King's Own Scottish Borderers 27th Trench Mortar Battery 28th Brigade25 2/Royal Scots Fusiliers26 9/Scottish Rifles27 Royal Newfoundland28 28th Trench Mortar Battery29 L Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.9 Y.9 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 8th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 63rd, 64th, & 90th Divisional Signals Companies: 9th Pioneers: 9/Seaforth Highlanders


Formed on 9/11/18. Joined SA Brigade on 4/26/18. On 9/13/18 was transferred to 28th Brigade. Joined SA Brigade on 4/23/18. On 9/12/18 was transferred to 28th Brigade. Joined 28th Brigade on 9/13/18. Joined brigade on 9/11/18. 13





Machine Gun Units: No. 9 (Machine Gun) M.G.C.30 Field Ambulances: 27th, 28th & 2/1/E.Lancashire31 Mobile Veterinary Sections: 21st Divisional Employment Company: 212th Divisional Train: 9th 10th (Irish) Division: (Palestine - August 1918) 29th Brigade 1/Leinster 1/54/Sikhs 1/101/Grenadiers 2/151/Infantry 29th Trench Mortar Battery 30th Brigade 1/Royal Irish Regiment 38/Dogras 46/Punjabis 1/Kashmir Rifle 30th Brigade Machine Gun Company 31st Brigade 2/Royal Irish Fusiliers 2/42/Deoli 74/Punjabis 2/101/Grenadiers 31st Brigade Machine Gun Company LXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCLXIII Artillery Brigade: 75th Battery 424th Battery C (H.) Battery Division Ammunition Column 10th Engineer Field Companies: 65th, 66th, 85th & 3/S & M


Formed on 3/1/18 with 26th, 27th, 28th and 197th MG Companies. Joined division on 9/26/18.


Divisional Signals Companies: 10th Pioneers: 5/Royal Irish Regiment Machine Gun Unit: No. 10 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 154th C.F.A., 165th C.F.A., & 166th C.F.A. Mobile Veterinary Sections: 25th Divisional Train: 10th 11th (Northern) Division: (France - March 1918) 32nd Brigade 9/(Yorkshire Hussars) West Yorkshire 6/Green Howard 6/York & Lancaster 32nd Trench Mortar Battery 33rd Brigade 6/Lincolnshire 7/South Staffordshire 9/Sherwood Foresters 33rd Trench Mortar Battery 34th Brigade 8/Northumberland Fusiliers 5/Dorsetshire 11/Manchester 34th Trench Mortar Battery LVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:32 X.11 Y.11 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 11th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 67th, 68th, & 69th Divisional Signals Companies: 11th Pioneers: 6/East Yorkshire


Z absorbed by X & Y on 3/2/18. V detached from division on 2/12/18. 15

Machine Gun Units: No. 11 (Machine Gun) MGC33 Field Ambulances: 33rd, 34th, & 35th Divisional Employment Company: 213th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 22nd Divisional Train: 11th 11th (Northern) Division: (France - June 1918) 32nd Brigade 9/(Yorkshire Hussars) West Yorkshire 2/Green Howard34 6/York & Lancaster 32nd Trench Mortar Battery 33rd Brigade 6/Lincolnshire 7/South Staffordshire 9/Sherwood Foresters 33rd Trench Mortar Battery 34th Brigade 8/Northumberland Fusiliers 5/Dorsetshire 11/Manchester 34th Trench Mortar Battery LVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.11 Y.11 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 11th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 67th, 68th, & 69th Divisional Signals Companies: 11th


Formed on 2/28/18 & consisted of 32nd, 33rd, 34th & 250th MG Cos. On 5/16/18 it


Transferred from 21st Brigade and joined 32nd Brigade on 4/15/18. absorbed the suprlus of the 6/Green Howards.

Pioneers: 6/East Yorkshire Machine Gun Units: No. 11 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 33rd, 34th, & 35th Divisional Employment Company: 213th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 22nd Divisional Train: 11th 12th (Eastern) Division: (France - March 1918) 35th Brigade 7/Norfolk 7/Suffolk35 9/Essex 35th Trench Mortar Battery 36th Brigade 9/Royal Fusilier 7/Royal Sussex 5/Royal Berkshire 36th Trench Mortar Battery 37th Brigade 6/Queen's 6/Buffs 6/Queen's Own Royal West Kent 37th Trench Mortar Battery LXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.12 Y.12 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 12th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 69th, 70th & 87th Divisional Signals Companies: 12th Pioneers: 5/Northumberland Machine Gun Units: No. 12 (Machine Gun) MGC.


Broken up on 5/19/18. 17

Field Ambulances: 36th, 37th & 38th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 23rd Divisional Employment Company: 214th36 Divisional Train: 12th 12th (Eastern) Division: (France - July 1918) 35th Brigade 7/Norfolk 9/Essex 1/1/Cambridge37 35th Trench Mortar Battery 36th Brigade 9/Royal Fusilier 7/Royal Sussex 5/Royal Berkshire 36th Trench Mortar Battery 37th Brigade 6/Queen's 6/Buffs 6/Queen's Own Royal West Kent 37th Trench Mortar Battery 12th Cyclist Company LXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.12 Y.12 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 12th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 69th, 70th & 87th Divisional Signals Companies: 12th Pioneers: 5/Northumberland Machine Gun Units: No. 12 (Machine Gun) MGC.


Formed by 6/16/17.


Transferred to Division on 5/10/18. On 5/19/18 it absorbed 11 officers and 408 men from the 7/Suffolk.

Field Ambulances: 36th, 37th & 38th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 23rd Divisional Employment Company: 214th Divisional Train: 12th 13th (Western) Division: (Mesopotamia - April 1918) 38th Brigade 6/King's Own 6/East Lancashire 6/South Lancashire 6/Loyal North Lancashire 38th Brigade Machine Gun Company 38th Trench Mortar Battery 38th S.A.A. Section 38th Brigade S & T Company 39th Brigade 9/Royal Warwick 7/Gloucester 9/Worcester 7/North Staffordshire 39th Brigade Machine Gun Company 39th Trench Mortar Battery 39th S.A.A. Section 39th Brigade S & T Company 40th Brigade 8/Chester 8/Royal Welsh Fusilier 4/South Wales Borderers 5/Wiltshire 40th Brigade Machine Gun Company 40th Trench Mortar Battery 40th S.A.A. Section 40th Brigade S & T Company Mounted Troops: 13th Divisional Cyclist Company LV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery 60 (H.) Battery LVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery 61 (H.) Battery Brigade Ammunition Columns: LV B.A.C. LVI B.A.C. Divisional Ammunition Columns: 13th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 71st, 72nd, & 88th


Pioneers: 8/Welsh Machine Gun Unit: 273rd Machine Gun Company Divisional Signals Companies: 13th Field Ambulances: 39th, 40th, & 41st Mobile Veterinary Sections: 24th Divisional Train: 13th Divisional Troops S & T Column 10/Field Bakery Company 31/Field Butchery Company 13th (Western) Division: (Mesopotamia - August 1918) 38th Brigade 6/King's Own 6/East Lancashire 6/South Lancashire 6/Loyal North Lancashire 38th Brigade Machine Gun Company 38th Trench Mortar Battery 38th S.A.A. Section 39th Brigade 9/Royal Warwick 7/Gloucester 9/Worcester 7/North Staffordshire 39th Brigade Machine Gun Company 39th Trench Mortar Battery 39th S.A.A. Section 40th Brigade 8/Chester 8/Royal Welsh Fusilier 4/South Wales Borderers 5/Wiltshire 40th Brigade Machine Gun Company 40th Trench Mortar Battery 40th S.A.A. Section Mounted Troops: 13th Divisional Cyclist Company LV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery 60 (H.) Battery LVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery 61 (H.) Battery Brigade Ammunition Columns: LV B.A.C. LVI B.A.C.

Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.13 X.13A Divisional Ammunition Columns: 13th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 71st, 72nd, & 88th Pioneers: 8/Welsh Machine Gun Unit: 273rd Machine Gun Company Divisional Signals Companies: 13th Field Ambulances: 39th, 40th, & 41st Mobile Veterinary Sections: 24th Divisional Train: 13th 10/Field Bakery Company 31/Field Butchery Company 14th (Light) Division: (France - March 1918) 41st Brigade 8/King's Royal Rifle Corps38 7/Rifle Brigade39 8/Rifle Brigade40 41st Trench Mortar Battery41 42nd Brigade 5/Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry42 9/King's Royal Rifle Corps43 9/Rifle Brigade44 42nd Trench Mortar Battery 43rd Brigade 6/Somerset Light Infantry45


Detached on 6/16/18.


Reduced to training cadre on 4/27/18. Transferred to 43rd Brigade as 33/London (RF) on 6/17/18. Returned to 41st Brigade on 6/19/18 as 33/London (RB).

Detached on 6/16/18. TM btrys were broken up by 4/14/18. Detached on 6/16/18. Detached on 6/16/18. Detached on 6/16/18. Detached on 6/16/18. 21






9/Scottish Rifles46 7/King's Royal Rifle Corps47 43rd Trench Mortar Battery XLVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery XLVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery XLVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery XLIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.14 Y.14 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 14th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 61st, 62nd, and 89th Divisional Signals Companies: 14th Pioneers: 11/King's Machine Gun Unit: No. 14 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 42nd, 43rd & 44th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 26th Divisional Employment Company: 215th Divisional Train: 14th 14th (Light) Division: (France - August 1918 - after reconstruction)48 41st Brigade 18/Yorkshire & Lancaster


Assigned to division on 2/5/18. Detached on 4/20/18. Attached to brigade on 2/2/18. Dates of assignments are unknown.



29/Durham Light Infantry 33/London (RB) 41st Trench Mortar Battery 42nd Brigade 6/(Wiltshire Yeomanry) Wiltshire 16/Manchester 14/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander 42nd Trench Mortar Battery 43rd Brigade 12/Suffolk 20/Middlesex 10/Highland Light Infantry 43rd Trench Mortar Battery XLVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery XLVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery XLVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery XLIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.14 Y.14 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 14th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 61st, 62nd, and 89th Divisional Signals Companies: 14th Pioneers: 15/Loyal North Lancashire Machine Gun Unit: No. 14 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 42nd, 43rd & 44th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 26th Divisional Employment Company: 215th Divisional Train: 14th 15th (Scottish) Division: (France - March 1918) 44th Brigade


8/Seaforth Highlanders 8/10/Gordon Highlander 7/Cameron Highlanders 44th Trench Mortar Battery 45th Brigade 13/Royal Scots 6/Cameron Highlanders 11/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander 45th Trench Mortar Battery 46th Brigade 7/8/King's Own Scottish Borderers 10/Scottish Rifles 9/Black Watch 46th Trench Mortar Battery LXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.15 Y.15 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 15th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 73rd, 74th, & 91st Divisional Signals Companies: 15th Pioneers: 9/Gordon Highlander Machine Gun Unit: No. 15 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 45th, 46th & 47th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 27th Divisional Employment Company: 216th Divisional Train: 15th 15th (Scottish) Division: (France - March 1918) 44th Brigade 4/5/Black Watch 8/Seaforth Highlanders 1/5/Gordon Highlander 44th Trench Mortar Battery 45th Brigade 13/Royal Scots 6/Cameron Highlanders 1/8/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander

45th Trench Mortar Battery 46th Brigade 1/9/Royal Scots 7/8/King's Own Scottish Borderers 10/Scottish Rifles 46th Trench Mortar Battery LXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.15 Y.15 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 15th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 73rd, 74th, & 91st Divisional Signals Companies: 15th Pioneers: 9/Gordon Highlander Machine Gun Unit: No. 15 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 45th, 46th & 47th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 27th Divisional Employment Company: 216th Divisional Train: 15th 16th (Irish) Division: (France - March 1918) 47th Brigade 6/Connaught Ranger 2/Leinster 1/Royal Manchester Fusilier 47th Trench Mortar Battery 48th Brigade 2/Royal Manchester Fusilier 1/Royal Dublin Fusilier 2/Royal Dublin Fusilier 48th Trench Mortar Battery 49th Brigade 2/Royal Irish Regiment 7/(South Irish Horse) Royal Irish Regiment 7/8/Royal Inniskililng Fusiliers 49th Trench Mortar Battery CLXXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery


B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXXXII (H.) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.16 Y.16 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 16th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 155th, 156th & 157th Divisional Signals Companies: 16th Pioneers: 11/Hantfordshire Machine Gun Unit: No. 16 (Machine Gun)49 Field Ambulances: 111th,112th & 113th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 47th Divisional Employment Company: 217th Divisional Train: 16th 16th (Irish) Division: (France - August 1918) 47th Brigade 14/Leicestershire Regiment 18/Welsh 9/Black Watch 47th Trench Mortar Battery 48th Brigade 22/Northumberland Fusiliers 18/Scottish Rifles 5/Royal Irish Fusiliers 48th Trench Mortar Battery 49th Brigade 6/Somerset Light Infantry 18/Gloucester 34/London (KRRC) 49th Trench Mortar Battery CLXXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXXXII (H.) Artillery Brigade:


Formed in February 1918.

A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.16 Y.16 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 16th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 155th, 156th & 157th Divisional Signals Companies: 16th Pioneers: 11/Hantfordshire Machine Gun Unit: No. 16 (Machine Gun)50 Field Ambulances: 111th,112th & 113th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 47th Divisional Employment Company: 217th Divisional Train: 16th 17th (Northern) Division: (France - March 1918) 50th Brigade 10/West Yorkshire 7/East Yorkshire 6/Dorsetshire 50th Trench Mortar Battery 51st Brigade 7/Lincolnshire 7/(Westland & Cumberland Yeo.)Borderers 10/Sherwood Foresters 51st Trench Mortar Battery 52nd Brigade 10/Northumberland Fusiliers 9/Duke's 12/Manchester51 52nd Trench Mortar Battery LXXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXXIX Artillery Brigade:


Formed in February 1918.


On 9/24/17 Bn absorbed 7 officers and 125 other ranks of 1/D of L Own Yeomanry. The name changed to 12/(D. of L. Own Yeo) Bn, Manchester Regiment. 27

A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.17 Y.17 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 17th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 77th, 78th & 93rd Divisional Signals Companies: 17th Pioneers: 7/York & Lancaster Machine Gun Unit: No. 17 (Machine Gun) MGC52 Field Ambulances: 51st, 52nd & 53rd Mobile Veterinary Sections: 29th Divisional Employment Company: 218th Divisional Train: 17th 18th (Eastern) Division: (France - March 1918) 53rd Brigade 10/Essex 8/Royal Berkshire 7/Queen's Own Royal West Kent 53rd Trench Mortar Battery 54th Brigade 11/Royal Fusiliers 7/Bedfordshire53 6/Northumberland 54th Trench Mortar Battery 55th Brigade 7/Queen's 7/Buffs 8/East Surry 7/Queen's Own Royal West Kent 55th Trench Mortar Battery LXXXII Artillery Brigade A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXXXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery


Formed on 2/24/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/25/18 and absorbed by 2/Bedfordshire.


B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.18 Y.18 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 18th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 79th, 80th & 92nd Divisional Signals Companies: 18th Pioneers: 8/Royal Sussex Machine Gun Units: No. 18 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 54th, 55th, & 56th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 30th Divisional Employment Company: 219th Divisional Train: 18th 18th (Eastern) Division: (France - June 1918) 53rd Brigade 10/Essex 8/Royal Berkshire 7/Queen's Own Royal West Kent 53rd Trench Mortar Battery 54th Brigade 11/Royal Fusiliers 2/Bedfordshire54 6/Northumberland 54th Trench Mortar Battery 55th Brigade 7/Queen's 7/Buffs 8/East Surry 55th Trench Mortar Battery LXXXII Artillery Brigade A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXXXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:


Joined division on 5/22/18. 29

X.18 Y.18 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 18th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 79th, 80th & 92nd Divisional Signals Companies: 18th Pioneers: 8/Royal Sussex Machine Gun Units: No. 18 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 54th, 55th, & 56th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 30th Divisional Employment Company: 219th Divisional Train: 18th 19th (Western) Division: (France - March 1918) 56th Brigade 9/Chester 1/4/King's Shropshire Light Infantry55 8/North Staffordshire 56th Trench Mortar Battery 57th Brigade 10/Royal Warwick 8/Gloucester 10/Worchester56 57th Trench Mortar Battery 58th Brigade 9/Royal Welsh Fusilier 9/Welsh 6/Wiltshire57 57th Trench Mortar Battery LXXXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXXXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery


Joined division on 2/4/18. Capetown.


Previous service in India, Burma, Ceylon, Hong Kong and

Reduced to cadre on 6/22/18 and detached. Reduced to cadre on 5/13/18, surplus absorbed by 2/Wiltshire. Cadre detached on 5/16/18.


D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.19 Y.19 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 19th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 81st, 82nd & 94th Divisional Signals Companies: 19th Pioneers: 5/South Wales Borderers Machinegun Units: No. 19 (Machinegun) MGC58 Field Ambulances: 57th, 58th & 59th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 31st Divisional Employment Company: 220th Divisional Train: 19th 19th (Western) Division: (France - July 1918) 56th Brigade 9/Chester 1/4/King's Shropshire Light Infantry 8/North Staffordshire 56th Trench Mortar Battery 57th Brigade 10/Royal Warwick 8/Gloucester 3/Worchester59 57th Trench Mortar Battery 58th Brigade 9/Royal Welsh Fusilier 9/Welsh 2/Wiltshire60 57th Trench Mortar Battery LXXXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery LXXXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery


Formed on 2/14/18 from divisional MG companies. Joined 57th Brigde on 6/22/18 and absorbed surplus of 10/Worchester. Joined on 5/13/18 and absorbed surplus of 6/Wiltshire. 31



C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.19 Y.19 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 19th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 81st, 82nd & 94th Divisional Signals Companies: 19th Pioneers: 5/South Wales Borderers Machinegun Units: No. 19 (Machinegun) MGC Field Ambulances: 57th, 58th & 59th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 31st Divisional Employment Company: 220th Divisional Train: 19th 20th (Light) Division: (France - June 1917) 59th Brigade 2/Scottish Rifles61 11/King's Royal Rifle Corps 11/Rifle Brigade 59th Trench Mortar Battery 60th Brigade 6/King's Shropshire Light Infantry 12/King's Royal Rifle Corps 12/Rifle Brigade 60th Trench Mortar Battery 61st Brigade 12/King's 7/Somerset Light Infantry 7/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 61st Trench Mortar Battery XCI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery XCII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.20


Joined division on 2/3/18.

Y.20 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 20th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 83rd, 84th & 96th Divisional Signals Companies: 20th Pioneers: 11/Durham Light Infantry Machinegun Units: No. 20 (Machinegun) MGC62 Field Ambulances: 60th, 61st, & 62nd Mobile Veterinary Sections: 32nd Divisional Employment Company: 221st Divisional Train: 20th 21st Division: (France - March 1918) 62nd Brigade 12/13/Northumberland Fusilier63 1/Lincolnshire 2/Lincolnshire64 62nd Trench Mortar Battery 64th Brigade 1/East Yorkshire 9/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 15/Durham Light Infantry 64th Trench Mortar Battery 110th Brigade 6/Leicestershire 7/Leicestershire 8/Leicestershire65 110th Trench Mortar Battery XCIV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D Battery XCV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery


Formed on 3/15/18. 12/NF and 13/NF were amalgamated on 8/10/17, becoming 12/13/NF. Joined division on 2/4/18. Reduced to cadre on 6/15/18 and detached. 33




D Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.21 Y.21 Divisional Ammunition Column 21st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 97th, 98th & 126th Divisional Signals Companies: 21st Pioneers: 14/Northumberland Fusilier Machinegun Units: No. 21 (Machinegun), MGC Field Ambulances: 63rd, 64th & 65th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 33rd Divisional Employment Company: 222nd Divisional Train: 21st 21st Division: (France - July 1918) 62nd Brigade 12/13/Northumberland Fusilier 1/Lincolnshire 2/Lincolnshire 62nd Trench Mortar Battery 64th Brigade 1/East Yorkshire 9/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 15/Durham Light Infantry 64th Trench Mortar Battery 110th Brigade 6/Leicestershire 7/Leicestershire 1/Wiltshire66 110th Trench Mortar Battery XCIV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D Battery XCV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.21 Y.21


Joined division on 6/21/18.

Divisional Ammunition Column 21st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 97th, 98th & 126th Divisional Signals Companies: 21st Pioneers: 14/Northumberland Fusilier Machinegun Units: No. 21 (Machinegun), MGC Field Ambulances: 63rd, 64th & 65th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 33rd Divisional Employment Company: 222nd Divisional Train: 21st 22nd Division: (Macedonia - August 1918) 65th Brigade 8/South Wales Borderers67 9/King's Own 9/East Lancashire 65th Machinegun Company68 65th Trench Mortar Battery 65th S.A.A. Section Ammunition Column 66th Brigade 12/Chester 9/South Lancashire 8/King's Shropshire Light Infantry 66th Machinegun Company 66th Trench Mortar Battery 66th S.A.A. Section Ammunition Column 67th Brigade 11/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 7/South Wales Borderers 11/Welsh 67th Machinegun Company 67th Trench Mortar Battery 67th S.A.A. Section Ammunition Column XCVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery XCIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery


Transferred to 65th Brigade on 6/30/18. Unlike rest of army, the MG cos were not detached and combined into a battalion. 35


C Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery CI (H.) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery Brigade Ammunition Columns: XCVIII B.A.C. XCIX B.A.C. C B.A.C. CI B.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 99th, 100th, & 127th Divisional Signals Companies: 22nd Pioneers: 9/Borderers Field Ambulances: 66th, 67th & 68th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 34th Divisional Employment Company: 816th Divisional Train: 22nd 23rd Division: (Italy - April 1918) 68th Brigade 10/Northumberland Fusiliers 11/Northumberland Fusiliers 12/Durham Light Infantry 13/Durham Light Infantry69 68th Trench Mortar Battery 69th Brigade 11/West Yorkshire 8/Green Howards 9/Green Howards70 10/Duke's 69th Trench Mortar Battery 70th Brigade 11/Sherwood Foresters71 8/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 8/York & Lancaster 9/York & Lancaster 70th Trench Mortar Battery


Detached on 9/14/18. Detached on 9/13/18. Detached on 9/13/18.



CII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.23 Y.23 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 23rd D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 101st, 102nd, & 128th Divisional Signals Companies: 23rd Pioneers: 9/South Staffordshire Machinegun Unit: No. 23 (Machinegun) MGC Field Ambulances: 69th, 70th & 71st Mobile Veterinary Sections: 35th Divisional Employment Company: 223rd Divisional Train: 23rd 23rd Division: (Italy - October 1918) 68th Brigade 10/Northumberland Fusiliers 11/Northumberland Fusiliers 12/Durham Light Infantry 68th Trench Mortar Battery 69th Brigade 11/West Yorkshire 8/Green Howards 10/Duke's 69th Trench Mortar Battery 70th Brigade 8/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 8/York & Lancaster 9/York & Lancaster 70th Trench Mortar Battery CII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery


B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.23 Y.23 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 23rd D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 101st, 102nd, & 128th Divisional Signals Companies: 23rd Pioneers: 9/South Staffordshire Machinegun Unit: No. 23 (Machinegun) MGC Field Ambulances: 69th, 70th & 71st Mobile Veterinary Sections: 35th Divisional Employment Company: 223rd Divisional Train: 23rd 24th Division: (France - March 1918) 17th Brigade 8/Queen's72 1/Royal Fusiliers 3/Rifle Brigade 17th Trench Mortar Battery 72nd Brigade 9/East Surry 8/Royal West Kent 1/North Staffordshire 72nd Trench Mortar Battery 73rd Brigade 9/Royal Sussex 7/Northumberland 13/Middlesex 73rd Trench Mortar Battery CVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:


Transferred into brigade on 2/7/18.

X.24 Y.24 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 24th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 103rd, 104th & 129th Divisional Signals Companies: 24th Pioneers: 12/Sherwood Foresters Machinegun Unit: N0. 24 (Machinegun) MGC Field Ambulances: 72nd, 73rd, & 74th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 36th Divisional Train: 24th 25th Division: (France - March 1918) 7th Brigade 10/Cheshire 4/South STaffordshire 1/Wiltshire 7th Trench Trench Mortar Battery 74th Brigade 11/Lancashire Fusiliers 3/Worceser 9/Loyal North Lancashire 74th Trench Trench Mortar Battery 75th Brigade 11/Cheshire 8/Borderers 2/South Lancashire 75th Trench Trench Mortar Battery CX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.25 Y.25 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 25th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 105th, 106th & 130th Divisional Signals Companies: 25th Pioneers: 6/South Wales Borderers


Field Ambulances: 75th, 76th & 78th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 37th Divisional Train: 25th 25th Division: (England - July 1918) 7th Brigade 8/Leicestershire 10/Cheshire 13/East Surrey 74th Brigade 13/Green Howard 2/7/Lancashire Fusiliers 21/Middlesex 75th Brigade 17/King's 6/Green Howard 11/Royal Sussex CX Artillery Brigade:73 A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:74 X.25 Y.25 Divisional Ammunition Columns:75 25th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 105th, 106th & 130th Divisional Signals Companies: 25th Pioneers: 6/South Wales Borderers Field Ambulances: 75th, 76th & 78th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 37th Divisional Train:


Both Artillery Brigades remained in France. Did not accompany division to England. Of the train units, only the pioneers accompanied the division to England.



25th 25th Division: (France - September 1918) 7th Brigade 9/Devonshire 20/Manchester 21/Manchester 7th Trench Mortar Battery 74th Brigade 9/Green Howard 11/Sherwood Forester 13/Durham Light Infantry 74th Trench Mortar Battery 75th Brigade 1/8/Royal Warwick 1/5/Gloucester 1/8/Worcester 75th Trench Mortar Battery CX Artillery Brigade:76 A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.25 Y.25 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 25th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 105th, 106th & 130th Divisional Signals Companies: 25th Pioneers: 6/South Wales Borderers Field Ambulances: 75th, 76th & 78th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 37th Divisional Train: 25th 26th Division: (Macedonia - August 1918) 77th Brigade 8/Royal Scots Fusiliers 11/Scottish Rifles 12/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander 77th Brigade Machinegun Company


All the units that were detached when the division went to England rejoined on 16 & 17 September 1918. 41

77th Trench Mortar Battery 77th SAA Section Ammunition Column 78th Brigade 11/Worcester 7/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 7/Royal Berkshire 78th Brigade Machinegun Company 78th Trench Mortar Battery 78th SAA Section Ammunition Column 79th Brigade 10/Devonshire 8/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 12/Hantsfordshire 79th Brigade Machinegun Company 79th Trench Mortar Battery 79th SAA Section Ammunition Column LVII Artillery Brigade:77 A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery XCV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery XCVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery XCVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery Brigade Ammunition Columns: XCIV B.A.C. XCV B.A.C. XCVI B.A.C. XCVII B.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 107th, 108th & 131st Divisional Signals Companies: 26th Pioneers: 8/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Field Ambulances: 78th, 79th, & 80th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 38th Divisional Employment Company: 817th Divisional Train: 26th



27th Division: (Macedonia - July 1917) 80th Brigade 2/King's Shropshire Light Infantry 3/King's Royal Rifle Corps 4/Rifle Brigade 80th Brigade Machine Gun Company 80th Trench Mortar Battery 80th SAA Section Ammunition Column 81st Brigade 1/Royal Scots 2/Camron Highlanders 1/Argyll & Sutherland Highland 81st Brigade Machine Gun Company 81st Trench Mortar Battery 81st SAA Section Ammunition Column 82nd Brigade 2/Gloucester 2/Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry 10/Hantsfordshire 82nd Brigade Machine Gun Company 82nd Trench Mortar Battery 82nd SAA Section Ammunition Column I Artillery Brigade: 11th Battery 98th Battery D (H.) Battery XIX Artillery Brigade: 39th Battery 96th Battery 131st Battery XX Artillery Brigade: 67th Battery 99th Battery D (H.) Battery CXXIX Artillery Brigade: 95th Battery 133rd Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Columns: 27th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 17th, 500th, 501st Divisional Signals Companies: Wessex Pioneers: 26/Middlesex Field Ambulances: 81st, 82nd , & 83rd Mobile Veterinary Sections: 16th Divisional Employment Company: 818th Divisional Train: 27th


28th Division: 83rd Brigade 2/King's Own 2/East Yorkshire 1/York and Lancaster 83rd Brigade Machine Gun Company 83rd Trench Mortar Battery 84th Brigade 1/Suffolk 2/Cheshire 1/Welsh 84th Brigade Machine Gun Company 84th Trench Mortar Battery 85th Brigade 2/Buffs 2/East Surrey 3/Middlesex 85th Brigade Machine Gun Company 5th Trench Mortar Battery III Artillery Brigade: 18th Battery 62nd Battery D (H.) Battery78 XXXI Artillery Brigade: 69th Battery 100th Battery D (H.) Battery LIV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery CXXX Artillery Brigade: 118th Battery 149th Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Column 28th D.A.C. Engineering Field Companies 38th 449th (2/1/Northumberian) 506th (1/7/Hantsfordshire) Divisional Signal Company Home Counties Pioneers: 23/Welsh Field Ambulances: 84th, 85th & 86th Mobile Veterinary Section 17th Divisional Train


756th & 366th Detached on 11-13 Aug 1917. became D(H.)/III.

D/CXIV transferred in on 8/10/17 and

28th 29th Division: (France - March 1918) 86th Brigade 2/Royal Fusiliers 1/Lancashire Fusiliers 1/Royal Guernsey Light Infantry79 86th Brigade Machine Gun Company80 86th Trench Mortar Battery 87th Brigade 2/South Wales Borderers 1/King's Own Scottish Borderers 1/Borderers 87th Brigade Machine Gun Company 8th Trench Mortar Battery 88th Brigade 4/Worcester 2/Hantfordshire Royal Newfoundland81 88th Brigade Machine Gun Company 88th Trench Mortar Battery XV Artillery Brigade, RHA: B Battery, RHA L Battery, RHA 1/Warwick Battery XVII Artillery Brigade: 13th Battery 26th Battery 92nd Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.29 Y.29 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 29th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 455th 497th 510th Divisional Signals Companies: 1/London Pioneers: 2/Monmouthshire Machinegun Unit: No. 29 (Machine Gun) (MGC)82


Joined on 10/2/17, transferred out on 4/27/18.


The MG cos were detached and used to form the No. 29th (MG) Battalion MGC on 2/15/18.

Transferred on 4/29/18. Formed from 86th, 87th, 88th and 227th MG Cos on 2/15/18. 45


Field Ambulances: 87th, 88th, 89th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 18th Divisional Employment Company 226th83 Divisional Train: 29th 29th Division: (France - May 1918) 86th Brigade 2/Royal Fusiliers 1/Lancashire Fusiliers 1/Royal Dublin Fusiliers84 86th Trench Mortar Battery 87th Brigade 2/South Wales Borderers 1/King's Own Scottish Borderers 1/Borderers 8th Trench Mortar Battery 88th Brigade 4/Worcester 2/Hantfordshire 2/Leinster85 88th Trench Mortar Battery XV Artillery Brigade, RHA: B Battery, RHA L Battery, RHA 1/Warwick Battery XVII Artillery Brigade: 13th Battery 26th Battery 92nd Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.29 Y.29 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 29th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 455th 497th 510th Divisional Signals Companies: 1/London Pioneers: 2/Monmouthshire


No.28 Employment Coy, 1/Labor Corps, arrived on 5/25/17 and became 226th on June 1917.

Joined on 4/26/18. Joined on 4/23/18.


Machinegun Unit: No. 29 (Machine Gun) (MGC) Field Ambulances: 87th, 88th, 89th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 18th Divisional Employment Company 226th Divisional Train: 29th 30th Division: (France - March 1918) 21st Brigade 2/Green Howards 2/Wiltshire 17/Manchester 21st Brigade Machine Gun Company86 21st Trench Mortar Battery 89th Brigade 17/King's 18/(Lancashire Hussars) King's 20/King's 2/Bedfordshire 89th Brigade Machine Gun Company 89th Trench Mortar Battery 90th Brigade 2/Bedfordshire 2/Royal Scots Fusiliers 16/Manchester 90th Brigade Machine Gun Company 90th Trench Mortar Battery CXLVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXLIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.30 Y.30 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 30th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 200th, 201st, & 202nd Divisional Signals Companies: 30th


The MG companies were detached and converged into the No. 30 (MG) Battalion MGC. 47

Pioneers: 11/South Lancashire Machine Gun Unit: No. 30 (Machine Gun) MGC. Field Ambulances: 96th, 97th & 98th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 40th Divisional Employment Company: 227th Divisional Train: 30th 30th Division: (France - July 1918) 21st Brigade 7/Royal Irish Regiment 1/5/Cheshire 2/23/London 21st Trench Mortar Battery 89th Brigade 21/South Lancashire 7/8/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 2/7/London 89th Trench Mortar Battery 90th Brigade 2/14/London 2/15/London 2/16/London 90th Trench Mortar Battery CXLVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXLIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.30 Y.30 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 30th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 200th, 201st, & 202nd Divisional Signals Companies: 30th Pioneers: 6/South Wales BorderersLancashire Machine Gun Unit: No. 30 (Machine Gun) MGC. Field Ambulances: 96th, 97th & 98th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 40th

Divisional Employment Company: 227th Divisional Train: 30th 31st Division: (France - March 1918) 92nd Brigade 4/Grenadier Guards 3/Coldstream Guards 2/Irish Guards 92nd Trench Mortar Battery 93rd Brigade 10/East Yorkshire 11/East Yorkshire 11/East Lancashire 93rd Trench Mortar Battery 94th Brigade 15/West Yorkshire 13/York & Lancaster 18/Durham Light Infantry 94th Trench Mortar Battery CLXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.31 Y.31 Z.3187 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery V.3188 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 31th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 210th, 211th, 223rd Divisional Signals Companies: 31st Pioneers: 12/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Machine Gun Unit: No. 31 (Machine Gun) MGC89


Absorbed by X & Y in March. Removed from division in March. Formed from Machine Gun Companies of division in February 1918. 49



Field Ambulances: 93rd, 94th, & 95th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 41st Divisional Employment Company: 228th Divisional Train: 31st 31st Division: (France - March 1918) 92nd Brigade 10/East Yorkshire 11/East Yorkshire 11/East Lancashire 92nd Trench Mortar Battery 93rd Brigade 15/West Yorkshire 13/York & Lancaster 18/Durham Light Infantry 93rd Trench Mortar Battery 94th Brigade 12(Norfolk Yeo. Bn) Norfolk 12(Ayr & Lanark. Yoe.) Royal Scottish Fusiliers 24(Denbigh Yeo Bn)RoyalWelsh Fusiliers 94th Trench Mortar Battery CLXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.31 Y.31 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 31th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 210th, 211th, 223rd Divisional Signals Companies: 31st Pioneers: 12/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Machine Gun Unit: No. 31 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 93rd, 94th, & 95th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 41st Divisional Employment Company: 228th Divisional Train: 31st

32nd Division: (France - March 1918) 14th Brigade 5/6/Royal Scots 1/Dorsetshire 15/Highland Light Infantry 14th Trench Mortar Battery 96th Brigade 15/Lancashire Fusilier 16/Lancashire Fusilier 2/Manchester 96th Trench Mortar Battery 97th Brigade 11/Borderers 2/King's Own Yorkshire Infantry 10/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander 97th Trench Mortar Battery CLXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.32 Y.32 Z.3290 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery V.3291 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 31st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 206th, 218th & 218th Divisional Signals Companies: 32nd Pioneers: 16/Highland Light Infantry Machinegun Unit: 32nd (Machine Gun) MGC92 Field Ambulances: 96th, 97th, 98th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 42nd


Absorbed into X & Y during February/March 1918. Departed division in February/March 1918. Formed in March from the brigade and divisional machine gun companies. 51



Divisional Employment Company: 229th Divisional Train: 32nd 32nd Division: (France - May 1918) 14th Brigade 5/6/Royal Scots 1/Dorsetshire 15/Highland Light Infantry 14th Trench Mortar Battery 96th Brigade 15/Lancashire Fusilier 16/Lancashire Fusilier 2/Manchester 96th Trench Mortar Battery 97th Brigade 1/5/Borderers 2/King's Own Yorkshire Infantry 10/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander 97th Trench Mortar Battery CLXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.32 Y.32 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 31st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 206th, 218th & 218th Divisional Signals Companies: 32nd Pioneers: 16/Highland Light Infantry Machinegun Unit: 32nd (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 96th, 97th, 98th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 42nd Divisional Employment Company: 229th Divisional Train: 32nd 33rd Division: (France - March 1918) 19th Brigade 1/Queen's 1/Scottish Rifles

5/6/Scottish Rifles 19th Trench Mortar Battery 98th Brigade 4/King's 1/4/Suffolk 1/Middlesex 2/Argyll & Sutherland 98th Trench Mortar Battery 100th Brigade 2/Worcester 16/King's Royal Rifle Corps 1/9/Highland Light Infantry 100th Trench Mortar Battery CLVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.33 Y.33 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 33rd D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 11th, 212th, 222nd Divisional Signals Companies: 33rd Pioneers: 18/Middlesex Machine Gun Unit: No. 33 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 99th, 100th, 101st Mobile Veterinary Sections: 43rd Division Employment Company: 230th Divisional Train: 33rd 34th Division: (France - March 1918) 101st Brigade 15/Royal Scots93 16/Royal Scots94


Reduced to cadre on 5/16/18. Cadre detached on 6/17/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/16/18 and detached on 6/17/18. 53


11/Suffolk95 101st Trench Mortar Battery96 102nd Brigade 22/Northumberland Fusiliers97 23/Northumberland Fusiliers98 25/Northumberland Fusiliers99 102nd Trench Mortar Battery 103rd Brigade 9/(Northumberland Hussars) Northumberland Fusiliers100 10/Lincolnshire101 1/East Lancashire102 103rd Trench Mortar Battery CLII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.34 Y.34 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 34th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies 207th, 208th, and 209th Divisional Signals Companies: 34th


Detached on 5/16/18.


The brigade TM btrys were broken up between 12-16 May 18. They were then reformed 101st on 7/2/18, 102nd on 7/10/18 and 103rd on 7/1/18.

Reduced to cadre on 5/17/18 and detached on 6/17/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/17/18 and detached on 6/17/18. Reduced to cadre by 5/16/18 and detached on 5/17/18.




Joined on 8/3/17, absorbed 2/1/Northumberland Hussars on 9/25/17 and was redesignated 9/(N.H.)N.F. Reassigned to 183rd Brigade, 61st Division to on 5/26/18.

Detached on 5/16/18. Joined brigade on 2/1/18. Detached on 5/26/18.


Pioneers: 18/Northumberland Fusiliers103 Machine Gun Unit: No. 34 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 102nd, 103rd, 104th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 44th Divisional Employment Company: 231st Divisional Train: 34th Cadres were Attached to 34th Division in June 1918 2/10/King's 6/17 to 6/27/18 4/Line 6/17 to 6/27/18 7/Royal Irish Regt 6/17 to 6/27/18 13/Green Howards 6/3 to 6/17/18 6/Royal Inniskilling 6/19 to 6/27/18 7/8/Royal Inniskilling 6/17 to 6/26/18 13/East Surrey (TC) 6/3 to 6/17/18 2/5/Sherwood Foresters 6/17 to 6/28/18 21/Middlesex 6/3 to 6/17/18 8/King's Royal Rifle Corps 6/27/18 9/King's Royal Rifle Corps 6/19 to 6/27/18 5/North Staffordshire 6/17 to 6/27/18 10/11/Highland Light Infantry 6/3 to 6/16/18 14/Highland Light Infantry 6/3 to 6/17/18 5/Connaught Rangers 6/19 to 6/27/18 6/Connaught Rangers 6/17 to 6/27/18 8/Rifle Brigade 6/27/18 9/Rifle Brigade 6/19 to 6/27/18 6/Leinster 6/18 to 6/27/18 6/Royal Manchester Fusiliers 6/17 to 6/27/18


Reduced to cadre on 5/18/18 and detached on 6/17/18. 55

34th Division: (France - July 1918) 101st Brigade 2/4/Queen's104 1/4/Royal Sussex105 2/Loyal North Lancashire Regiment106 101st Trench Mortar Battery 102nd Brigade 1/4/Cheshire107 1/7/Cheshire108 1/1/Herford109 102nd Trench Mortar Battery 103rd Brigade 1/5/King's Own Scottish Borderers110 1/8/Scottish Rifles111 1/5/Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders112 103rd Trench Mortar Battery CLII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.34 Y.34 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 34th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies 207th, 208th, and 209th


Joined brigade on 6/30/18. Joined brigade on 6/29/18. Joined 103rd Brigade on 6/22/18 and then joned 101st on 6/28/16. Joined brigade on 7/1/18. Joined brigade on 7/1/18. Joined brigade on 7/1/18. Joined brigade on 6/28/18. Joined brigade on 6/28/18. Joined brigade on 6/28/18.









Divisional Signals Companies: 34th Pioneers: 2/4/Somerset Light Infantry113 Machine Gun Unit: No. 34 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 102nd, 103rd, 104th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 44th Divisional Employment Company: 231st Divisional Train: 34th 35th Division: (France - March 1918) 104th Brigade 17/Lancashire Fusiliers 18/Lancashire Fusiliers 19/Durham Light Infantry 104th Trench Mortar Battery 105th Brigade 15/Cheshire 15/Sherwood Foresters 4/North Staffordshire Battalion 105th Trench Mortar Battery 106th Brigade 17/Royal Scots 12/Highland Light Infantry 18/(Glasgow Yoemanry) Highland Light Infantry 106th Trench Mortar Battery CLVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLIX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.35 Y.35 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 35th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 203rd, 204th, & 205th Divisional Signals Companies: 35th


Joined division on 6/19/18 and became pioneers on 7/5/18. 57

Pioneers: 19/Northumberland Fusiliers Machine Gun Unit: No. 35 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 105th, 106th & 107th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 45th Divisional Employment Company 232nd Divisional Train: 35th 36th (Ulster) Division: (France - March 1918) 107th Brigade 1/Royal Irish Rifles 2/Royal Irish Rifles 15/Royal Irish Rifles 107th Trench Mortar Battery 108th Brigade 12/Royal Irish Rifles 13/Royal Irish Rifles 9/(North Irish Horse) Royal Irish Fusiliers 108th Trench Mortar Battery 109th Brigade 1/Royal Inniskilling 2/Royal Inniskilling 9/Royal Inniskilling 109th Trench Mortar Battery CLIII Artillery Brigade:q A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.36 Y.36 Divisional Ammunition Columns 36th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 121st, 122nd, 150th Divisional Signals Companies: 36th Pioneers: 16/Royal Irish Rifles Machine Gun Unit No. 36 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 108th, 109th, & 110th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 48th

Divisional Employment Company: 233rd Divisional Train: 36th 37th Division: (France - March 1918) 63rd Brigade 8/Lincolnshire 8/Somerset Light Infantry 4/Middlesex 63rd Trench Mortar Battery 111th Brigade 10/Royal Fusiliers 13/King's Royal Rifle Corps 13/Rifle Brigade 111th Trench Mortar Battery 112th Brigade 13/Royal Fusilier 6/Bedfordshire 1/Essex 112th Trench Mortar Battery CXXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXXIV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.37 Y.37 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 37th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 152nd, 153rd, & 154th Divisional Signals Companies: 37th Pioneers: 9/North Staffordshire Machine Gun Unit: No. 37 (Machine Gun) MGC114 Field Ambulances: 48th, 49th, & 50th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 28th Divisional Employment Company: 234th Divisional Train: 37th


Formed from the divisional MG Companies in March/April 1918. 59

37th Division: (France - June 1918) 63rd Brigade 8/Lincolnshire 8/Somerset Light Infantry 4/Middlesex 63rd Trench Mortar Battery 111th Brigade 10/Royal Fusiliers 13/King's Royal Rifle Corps 13/Rifle Brigade 111th Trench Mortar Battery 112th Brigade 13/Royal Fusilier 1/1/Hertfordshire 1/Essex 112th Trench Mortar Battery CXXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXXIV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.37 Y.37 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 37th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 152nd, 153rd, & 154th Divisional Signals Companies: 37th Pioneers: 9/North Staffordshire Machine Gun Unit: No. 37 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 48th, 49th, & 50th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 28th Divisional Employment Company: 234th Divisional Train: 37th 38th (Welsh) Division: (France - March 1918) 113th Brigade 13/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 14/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 16/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 113th Trench Mortar Battery 114th Brigade 13/Welsh

14/Welsh 15/Welsh 114th Trench Mortar Battery 115th Brigade 2/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 17/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 10/South Wales Borderers 115th Trench Mortar Battery CXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXXII (H.) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.38 Y.38 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 38th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 123rd, 124th and 151st Divisional Signals Companies: 38th Pioneers: 19/Welsh Machine Gun Unit: No. 38 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 129th, 130th 131st Mobile Veterinary Sections: 49th Divisional Employment Company: 235th Divisional Train: 38th 39th Division: (France - March 1918)115 116th Brigade 11/Sussex 13/Sussex 1/1/Hertfordshire 116th Trench Mortar 117th Brigade 16/Sherwood Foresters 17/King's Royal Rifle Corps 16/Rifle Brigade 117th Trench Mortar


Between 5/16 and 6/1/18 the division was reduced to cadre and ceased to exist as a combat unit for the rest of the war. 61

118th Brigade 1/6/Cheshire 4/5/Black Watch 1/1/Cambridge 118th Trench Mortar CLXXIV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXXXVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.39 Y.39 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 39th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 225th, 227th and 234th Divisional Signals Companies: 39th Pioneers: 13/Gloucester Machine Gun Units: No. 39 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 132nd, 133rd & 134th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 50th Divisional Employment Company: 236th Divisional Train: 39th 40th Division: (France - March 1918) 119th Brigade 13/East Surrey116 18/Welsh117 21/Middlesex118 119th Trench Mortar Battery 120th Brigade119 10/11/Highland Light Infantry


Reduced to cadre on 5/5/18 and transferred on 6/3/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/5/18 and transferred on 6/18/18. Reduced in May 1918 and transferred out shortly later.




Due to casualties the battalions were reduced to cadres in May 1918 and transferred out shortly later.

14/Highland Light Infantry 14/Argyll & Sutherland Highalnder 120th Trench Mortar Battery 121st Brigade120 12/Suffolk 13/Green Howards 20/Middlesex 121st Trench Mortar Battery CLXXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.40 Y.40 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 40th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 224th, 229th, 231st Divisional Signals Companies: 40th Pioneers 12/Green Howards Machine Gun Unit: No. 40 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 135th, 136th, & 137th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 51st Divisional Employment Company: 237th Divisional Train: 40th 40th Division: (France - July 1918 - After Reconstitution) 119th Brigade 13/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 13/East Lancashire 13/North Staffordshire 119th Trench Mortar Battery 120th Brigade 10/King's Own Scottish Borderers 15/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 11/Cameron Highalnders


Due to casualties the battalions were reduced to cadres in May 1918 and transferred out shortly later. 63

120th Trench Mortar Battery 121st Brigade 8/Royal Irish Regiment 23/Lancashire Fusiliers 23/Cheshire Regiment 121st Trench Mortar Battery CLXXVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CLXXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.40 Y.40 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 40th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 224th, 229th, 231st Divisional Signals Companies: 40th Pioneers 17/Worchester Machine Gun Unit: No. 39 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 135th, 136th, & 137th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 51st Divisional Employment Company: 237th Divisional Train: 40th 41st Division: (France 1918) 122nd Brigade 12/East Surrey 15/(Hants. Carabiniers) Hantsfordshire 18/King's Royal Rifle Corps 122nd Trench Mortar Battery 123rd Brigade 11/Queen's 10/Queen's Own Royal West Kent 23/Middlesex 123rd Trench Mortar Battery 124th Brigade 10/Queen's 26/Royal Fusliiers 20/Durham Light Infantry 124th Trench Mortar Battery

CLXXXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CXC Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.41 Y.41 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 41st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 228th, 233rd, & 237th Divisional Signals Companies: 41st Pioneers: 19/Middlesex Machine Gun Unit: No. 41 (Machine Gun) MGC Field Ambulances: 138th, 139th & 140th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 52nd Divisional Employment Company: 238th Divisional Train: 41st 42nd (East Lancashire) Division: (France - March 1918) 125th Brigade 5/Lancashire Fusilier 7/Lancashire Fusilier 8/Lancashire Fusilier 125th Trench Mortar Battery 126th Brigade 5/East Lancashire 8/Manchester121 10/Manchester 126th Trench Mortar Battery 127th Brigade 5/Manchester 6/Manchester 7/Manchester 127th Trench Mortar Battery CXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery


Joined 126th Brigade on 2/19/18. 65

D (H.) Battery CXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:122 X.42 Y.42 Z.42 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery123 V.42 Divisional Ammunition Column: 42nd DAC Engineer Field Companies: 427th, 428th & 429th Companies Pioneers: 7/Northumberland Fusiliers124 Machine Gun Unit: No. 42 (Machine Gun) MGC125 Divisional Signals Companies: 42nd Field Ambulances: 1st, 2nd & 3rd East Lancashire Mobile Veterinary Section: 19th Divisional Employment Company: 239th Divisional Train: 42nd 43rd (Wessex) Division: (India - July 1917) 128th Brigade 1/5/Hantsfordshire126 1/6/Hantsfordshire127 CCXV Artillery Brigade: 1089th Battery128


Z absorbed into X & Y on 2/3/18. Detached on 2/3/18. Joined on 2/12/18.




Formed on 2/23/18 from the 125th, 126th, 127th and 268th Brigade Machine Gun Companies.

Served throught the war in India. During the 3rd Afghan War 5 May - 8 July 1919. It joined the 46th Mobile Indian Brigade in May 1919.

Participated in 3rd Afghan War. Participated in 3rd Arghan War.


1097th Battery CCXVII Artillery Brigade:129 79th (H.) Battery 1091st Battery 1093rd Battery CCXVIII Artillery Brigade: 1094th Battery 1096th Battery130 1104th Battery131 44th (Home Counties) Division: (India - July 1917) 131st Brigade 1/4/Queen's 1/6/East Surrey 132nd Brigade 1/10/Middlesex 1/4/Border 133rd Brigade 1/4/Buffs 1/4/Queen's Own Royal West Kent Attached: 1/1/Brecknockshire (South Wales Borderers) 2/4/Border 45th (2nd/Wesses) Division: (India - November 1918) 135th Brigade 2/5/Somerset Light Infantry 2/4/Wiltshire 136th Brigade 2/4/Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry CCXXVII Artillery Brigade: 1098th Battery 1103 Battery 1105 Battery132 46th (North Midland) Division: (France - March 1918) 137th (Staffordshire) Brigade 5/South Staffordshire 6/South Staffordshire 6/North Staffordshire 137th Trench Mortar Battery 138th (Lincolnshire and Leicestershire) Brigade 4/Leicestershire 5/Leicestershire 5/Lincolnshire 138th Trench Mortar Battery 139th (Sherwood Forester) Brigade


Participated in 3rd Arghan War. Participated in 3rd Arghan War. Transferred to CCXVIII Brigade by July 1918 & particpated in 3rd Afghan War. In Aden until March 1919. 67




5/Sherwood Forester 6/Sherwood Forester 8/Sherwood Forester 139th Trench Mortar Battery CCXXX (I North Midland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXXXI (II North Midland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.46 Y.46 Z.46133 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery V.46134 Divisional Ammunition Columns: North Midland D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 465th, 466th & 468th Pioneers: 1/Monmouthshire Machine Gun Unit: No. 46 (Machine Gun) MGC Divisional Signals Companies: North Midland Field Ambulances: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd North Midland Divisional Employment Company: 240th Mobile Veterinary Column 46th Divisional Train: 46th 47th (2nd London) Division: (France - March 1918) 140th Brigade 15/London 17/London 21/London 140th Trench Mortar Battery 141st Brigade 18/London 19/London 20/London


Z absorbed by X & Y on 3/2/18.


Parts of V absorbed by X & Y, remainder absorbed by I Corps Heavy Trench Mortar Battery.

141st Trench Mortar Battery 142nd Brigade 22/London 23/London 24/London 142nd Trench Mortar Battery CCXXXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXXXVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.47 Y.47 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 47th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 3rd & 4th London , & 2/3rd London Machine Gun Unit: No. 47 (Machine Gun) MGC Divisional Signals Companies: 47th Field Ambulances: 517th, 518th & 520th Moblie Veterinary Column: 2nd London Divisional Employment Company: 241st Divisional Train: 47th 48th (South Midland) Division: (Italy - April 1918) 143rd Brigade 5/Royal Warwick 6/Royal Warwick 7/Royal Warwick 8/Royal Warwick135 143rd Trench Mortar Battery 144th Brigade 4/Gloucester 6/Gloucester 7/Worcester 8/Worcester136 144th Trench Mortar Battery


Detached on 9/11/18. Detached on 9/12/18. 69


145th Brigade 5/Gloucester137 4/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 1/Bucks Bn/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 4/Royal Berkshire 145th Trench Mortar Battery CCXL Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXLI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.48 Y.48 Divisional Ammunition Columns: South Midland D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 474th, 475th, & 477th Pioneers: 1/Royal Sussex Machine Gun Unit: No. 48 (Machine Gun) MGC138 Divisional Signals Companies: South Midland Field Ambulances: 1st, 2nd & 3rd South Midland Mobile Veterinary Column: 1st South Midland Divisional Employment Company: 242nd Divisional Train: 1st South Midland 48th (South Midland) Division: (Italy - October 1918) 143rd Brigade 5/Royal Warwick 6/Royal Warwick 7/Royal Warwick 143rd Trench Mortar Battery 144th Brigade 4/Gloucester 6/Gloucester 7/Worcester 144th Trench Mortar Battery


Detached on 9/11/18. Formed on 3/22/18.


145th Brigade 4/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 1/Bucks Bn/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 4/Royal Berkshire 145th Trench Mortar Battery CCXL Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXLI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.48 Y.48 Divisional Ammunition Columns: South Midland D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 474th, 475th, & 477th Pioneers: 1/Royal Sussex Machine Gun Unit: No. 48 (Machine Gun) MGC Divisional Signals Companies: South Midland Field Ambulances: 1st, 2nd & 3rd South Midland Mobile Veterinary Column: 1st South Midland Divisional Employment Company: 242nd Divisional Train: 1st South Midland 49th (West Riding) Division: (France - March 1918) 146th Brigade 5/West Yorkshire 6/West Yorkshire 7/West Yorkshire 146th Brigade Machine Gun Company 146th Trench Mortar Battery 147th Brigade 4/Duke of Wellington's 6/Duke of Wellington's 7/Duke of Wellington's 147th Brigade Machine Gun Company 147th Trench Mortar Battery 148th Brigade 4/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 4/York & Lancaster 5/York & Lancaster 148th Brigade Machine Gun Company 148th Trench Mortar Battery


CCXL (I West Riding Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXLI (II West Riding Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.49 Y.49 Divisional Ammunition Columns: West Riding D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 57th, 2/West Riding & 2/1/West Riding Pioneers: 19/Lancashire Fusilers Machine Gun Unit: No. 49 (Machine Gun)139 Divisional Signals Companies: West Riding Field Ambulances: 1/,2/,3/West Riding Mobile Veterinary Column: 1/West Riding Divisional Employment Company: 243rd Divisional Train: 1/West Riding 50th (Northumbrian) Division: (France - March 1918) 149th Brigade 4/Northumberland Fusilier 5/Northumberland Fusilier 6/Northumberland Fusilier 149th Trench Mortar Battery 150th Brigade 4/East Yorkshire 4/Yorkshire 5/Yorkshire 150th Trench Mortar Battery 151st Brigade 5/Durham Light Infantry 6/Durham Light Infantry 8/Durham Light Infantry 151st Trench Mortar Battery CCL (I Northumberland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery


Formed on 3/1/18.

D (H.) Battery CCLI (II Northumberland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.50 Y.50 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 50th (Northumberland) D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 7th, 446th, 447th Pioneers: 7/Durham Light Infantry Machine Gun Unit: No. 50 (Machine Gun) MGC Divisional Signals Companies: 50th Field Ambulances: 1/, 3/, 2/2/I Northumberland Mobile Veterinary Column: 1/Northumberland Divisional Employment Company: 244th Divisional Train: 50th (Northumberland) 50th (Northumbrian) Division: (After reconstruction) (France - August 1918) 149th Brigade 3/Royal Fusilier 13/Black Watch 2/Dublin Fusiliers 149th Trench Mortar Battery 150th Brigade 2/Northumberland Fusiliers 7/Wiltshire 2/Royal Munster Fusiliers 150th Trench Mortar Battery 151st Brigade 6/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 1/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 4/King's Royal Rifle Corps 151st Trench Mortar Battery CCL (I Northumberland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCLI (II Northumberland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery


Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.50 Y.50 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 50th (Northumberland) D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 7th, 446th, 447th Pioneers: 5/Royal Irish Regiment Machine Gun Unit: No. 50 (Machine Gun) MGC Divisional Signals Companies: 50th Field Ambulances: 1/, 3/, 2/2/I Northumberland Mobile Veterinary Column: 1/Northumberland Divisional Employment Company: 244th Divisional Train: 50th (Northumberland) 51st (Highland) Division: (France - March 1918) 152nd Brigade 5/Seaforth Highland 6/Seaforth Highland 6/Gordon Highland140 152nd Trench Mortar Battery 153rd Brigade 6/Black Watch 7/Black Watch 7/Gordon Highland 153rd Trench Mortar Battery 154th Brigade 4/Seaforth Highland 4/Gordon Highlander 7/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander 154th Trench Mortar Battery CCLV (I Highland Artillery) Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.51 Y.51 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 51st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 1/Highland, 2/2/Highland


7/Gordon was transferred on 10/5/18 from 153rd Brigade to 152nd Brigade. On 10/6/18 the 6/, & 7/Gordon were amalgamated.

Pioneers: 8/Royal Scots Machine Gun Unit: No. 51 (Machine Gun), MGC Divisional Signals Companies: 51st Field Ambulances: 2/,3/, & 2/1/Highland Mobile Veterinary Column: 1/Highland Divisional Employment Company: 245th Divisional Train: 51st 51st (Highland) Division: (France - October 1918) 152nd Brigade 5/Seaforth Highland 6/Seaforth Highland 6/7/Gordon Highland 152nd Trench Mortar Battery 153rd Brigade 6/Black Watch 7/Black Watch 6/Argyll & Sutherland HIghland141 153rd Trench Mortar Battery 154th Brigade 4/Seaforth Highland 4/Gordon Highlander 7/Argyll & Sutherland Highlander 154th Trench Mortar Battery CCLV (I Highland Artillery) Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.51 Y.51 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 51st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 1/Highland, 2/2/Highland Pioneers: 8/Royal Scots Machine Gun Unit: No. 51 (Machine Gun), MGC Divisional Signals Companies: 51st Field Ambulances: 2/,3/, & 2/1/Highland


Joined 10/6/18. 75

Mobile Veterinary Column: 1/Highland Divisional Employment Company: 245th Divisional Train: 51st 52nd (Lowland) Division: (France - May 1918) 155th (Seaforth Scottish) Brigade 4/Royal Scots Fusiliers 5/Royal Scots Fusiliers 4/King's Own Scottish Borderers 5/King's Own Scottish Borderers142 155th Trench Mortar Battery 156th (Scottish Rifles) Brigade 4/Royal Scots 7/Royal Scots 7/Scots Rifles 8/Scots Rifles143 156th Trench Mortar Battery 157th (Highland Light Infantry) Brigade 5/Highland Light Infantry 6/Highland Light Infantry 7/Highland Light Infantry 5/Argyll & Sutherland Highland144 157th Trench Mortar Battery IX Artillery Brigade: 19th Battery 20th Battery 28th Battery D(H.)/LXIX Battery LVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery 527th (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:145 X.52 Y.52 Divisional Ammunition Column: 52nd Engineer Field Companies: 410th, 412th & 413th Divisional Signals Companies: 52nd


Detached on 6/26/18. Detached on 6/26/18. Detached on 6/26/18. On 5/8/18 X & Y joined the 52nd Division.




Pioneers: 5/Royal Irish Regiment146 Machine Gun Unit: No. 52 (Machine Gun) MGC147 Field Ambulances: 1/Lowland, 2/Lowland, 3/Lowland Mobile Veterinary Column: 1/Lowland Divisional Employment Company: 984th 148 Divisional Train: 52nd 52nd (Lowland) Division: (France - May 1918) 155th (Seaforth Scottish) Brigade 4/Royal Scots Fusiliers 5/Royal Scots Fusiliers 4/King's Own Scottish Borderers 155th Trench Mortar Battery 156th (Scottish Rifles) Brigade 4/Royal Scots 7/Royal Scots 7/Scots Rifles 156th Trench Mortar Battery 157th (Highland Light Infantry) Brigade 5/Highland Light Infantry 6/Highland Light Infantry 7/Highland Light Infantry 157th Trench Mortar Battery IX Artillery Brigade: 19th Battery 20th Battery 28th Battery D(H.)/LXIX Battery LVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery 527th (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.52 Y.52 Divisional Ammunition Column: 52nd Engineer Field Companies: 410th, 412th & 413th


Joined Division on 4/3/18 and detached to 50th Division on 7/14/18. Joined division on 4/1/18. Formed 4/27/18. 77



Divisional Signals Companies: 52nd Pioneers: 17/Northumberland Fusiliers149 Machine Gun Unit: No. 52 (Machine Gun) MGC150 Field Ambulances: 1/Lowland, 2/Lowland, 3/Lowland Mobile Veterinary Column: 1/Lowland Divisional Employment Company: 984th Divisional Train: 52nd 53rd (Welsh) Division: (Palestine - September 1918) 158th (North Wales) Brigade 5/6/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 4/11/Gurkha Rifles 3/158/Infantry 3/154/Infantry151 158th Trench Mortar Battery 159th (Cheshire) Brigade 4/5/Welsh 1/153/Infantry152 2/153/Infantry 159th Brigade Machine Gun Company 159th Trench Mortar Battery 160th (Welsh Border) Brigade 7/Royal Welsh Fusiliers153 17/Infantry154 1/Cape Corps155 21/Punjabs 110/Mahratta Light Infantry 160th Brigade Machine Gun Company 160th Trench Mortar Battery Mounted Troops: 53rd Division Cyclist Company CCLXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery

Joined on 5/31/18. Formed on 9/17/18 from divisional machine gun companies. Joined on 8/3/18. Joined division on 8/2/18. Transferred to Brigade on 6/24/18. Joined on 8/6/18. Joined on 7/22/18.







B Battery C (H.) Battery CCLXVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery CCLXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery 429th (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Columns: 53rd D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 436th, 437th, & 72nd Co, 3/S & M Pioneers: 155th156 Machine Gun Unit: No. 53 (Machine Gun), MGC. Divisional Signals Companies: 53rd Field Ambulances: 113th, 170th & 171st C.F.A. Mobile Veterinary Column: 53rd Divisional Train: 53rd 54th (East Anglian) Division: (Palestine - September 1918) 161st Brigade 4/Essex 5/Essex 6/Essex 7/Essex 161st Trench Mortar Battery 162nd Brigade 5/Bedfordshire 4/Northampton 10/London 11/London 162nd Trench Mortar Battery 163rd Brigade 4/Norfolk 5/Norfolk 5/Suffolk 8/Hantsfordshire 163rd Trench Mortar Battery CCLXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery CCLXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery


Joined on 8/12/18. 79

B Battery 440th (H.) Battery157 CCLXXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery158 B Battery C (H.) Battery Machine Gun Unit: No. 54 (Machine Gun) Battalion MGC Divisional Ammunition Columns: 54th (East Anglian) D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 484th, 486th & 495th Divisional Signals Companies: 54th (East Anglian) Field Ambulances: 2/East Anglian, 3/East Anglian, & 2/1/East Anglian Mobile Veterinary Section: 54th (East Anglian) Divisional Train: 54th (East Anglian) 55th (West Lancashire) Division: (France - June 1917) 164th Brigade 4/King's Own 2/5/Loyal North Lancashire 4/Loyal North Lancashire 164th Trench Mortar Battery 165th Brigade 5/King's 6/King's 7/King's 165th Trench Mortar Battery 166th Brigade 5/King's Own 10/King's 5/South Lancashire 166th Trench Mortar Battery CCLXXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCLXXVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.55 Y.55


Joined on 6/5/18. Formerly A/CCLXIV, joined on 3/2/18.


Divisional Ammunition Columns: 55th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 419th, 422nd & 423rd Pioneers: 4/South Lancashire Machine Gun Unit: No. 55 (Machine Gun), MGC159 Divisional Signals Companies: West Lancashire Field Ambulances: 3/West Lancashire, 2/1/West Lancashire & 2/1/Wessex Mobile Veterinary Section: 1/West Lancashire Divisional Employment Company: 246th Divisional Train: 55th 56th (1st London) Division: (France - March 1918) 167th Brigade 7/Middlesex 8/Middlesex 1/London 167th Trench Mortar Battery 168th Brigade 4/London 13/London (Kensington) 14/London (L.S.) 168th Trench Mortar Battery 169th Brigade 2/London 5/London (LRB) 16/London (QW Rif) 169th Trench Mortar Battery CCLXXX Artillery Brigade: 93 Battery A Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCLXXXI Artillery Brigade: 109 Battery A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.56 Y.56 Divisional Ammunition Column: 56th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 416th, 512th, & 513th


Formed on 3/7/18. 81

Pioneers: 5/Chester Machine Gun Unit: No. 45 (Machine Gun) MGC Divisional Signals Companies: 1/London Field Ambuances: 2/1/, 2/2/, & 2/3/London Mobile Veterinary Company: 1/London Divisional Employment Company: 247th Divisional Train: 56th 57th (2nd/West Lancashire) Division: (March 1918 - France) 170th Brigade 2/5/King's Own Loyal North Lancashire 2/4/Loyal North Lancashire 1/5/Loyal North Lancashire160 170th Trench Mortar Battery 171st Brigade 2/6/King's 2/7/King's 8/King's161 171st Trench Mortar Battery 172nd Brigade 9/King's162 2/10/King's 2/4/South Lancashire 172nd Trench Mortar Battery CCLXXXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCLXXXXVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:163 X.57 Y.57 Divisional Ammunition Columns:


Amalgamated on 2/4/18 with 1/5/LNL and became 1/5/LNL. Amalgamated on 1/31/18 with 8/King's and became 8/King's. Amalgamated on 9/King's between Feb 1-6, 1918, and became 9/King's. Z absorbed into X & Y by 2/28/17. V detached on 2/17/18.




57th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 421st (1/3/West Lancashire) 502nd (1/3/Wessex) 505th (2/3/Wessex) Machine Gun Unit: No. 57 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC164 Pioneers: 2/5/Loyal North Lancashire165 Divisional Signals Companies: 57th Field Ambulances: 2/2/Wessex 2/3/Wessex 3/2/West Lancashire Mobile Veterinary Section: 57th Divisional Train: 57th 57th (2nd/West Lancashire) Division: (May 1918 - France) 170th Brigade 2/5/King's Own Loyal North Lancashire 2/4/Loyal North Lancashire 1/5/Loyal North Lancashire 170th Trench Mortar Battery 171st Brigade 2/6/King's 2/7/King's 8/King's 171st Trench Mortar Battery 172nd Brigade 9/King's 2/4/South Lancashire 1/Royal Munster Fusiliers166 172nd Trench Mortar Battery CCLXXXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCLXXXXVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.57


Formed on 3/1/18. Became pioneers on 2/5/18. Joined on 4/20/18. 83



Y.57 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 57th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 421st (1/3/West Lancashire) 502nd (1/3/Wessex) 505th (2/3/Wessex) Machine Gun Unit: No. 57 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Pioneers: 2/5/Loyal North Lancashire Divisional Signals Companies: 57th Field Ambulances: 2/2/Wessex 2/3/Wessex 3/2/West Lancashire Mobile Veterinary Section: 57th Divisional Train: 57th 58th (2nd/1st London) Division: (March 1918 - France) 173rd Brigade 2/2/London 3/London167 2/4/London 173rd Trench Mortar Battery 174th Brigade 6/London168 7/London169 8/London170 174th Trench Mortar Battery 175th Brigade 9/London171 2/10/London 12/London172 175th Trench Mortar Battery CCXC Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery


1/3/London & 2/3/London amalgamated and became 3/London on 1/31/18. Formed by the amalgamation of 1/6/ & 2/6/London on 1/31/18. Formed on 2/2/18 by amalgamation of 1/7 & 2/7/London. Formed on 2/2/18 by amalgamation of 1/8 & 2/8/London. Formed on 2/1/18 by amalgamation of 1/9 and 2/9/London. Formed on 1/31/18 by amalgamation of 1/12 & 2/12/London.






C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXCI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.58 Y.58 Z.58173 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery V.58174 Divisional Ammunition Column: 58th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 503rd 504th 511th Machine Gun Unit: N. 58 (Machine Gun) Battalion MGC Pioneers: 4/Suffolk Divisional Signals Companies: 58th (2/1/Wessex) Field Ambulances: 2/1/Home Cities 2/2/Home Cities 2/3/Home Cities Mobile Veterinary Section: 58th (2/1st London) Divisional Train: 2/1/London 59th (2nd/North Midland) Division: (March 1918 - France) 176th Brigade 2/6/South Stafford175 5/North Stafford176 2/6/North Stafford177 176th Trench Mortar Battery178 177th Brigade


Absorbed into X &^Y by 2/8/18. Most personnel absorbed by X & Y on 8/2/18. Rest detached. Reduced to cadre on 5/9/18 and detached on 5/30/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/9/18 and detached 6/17/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/9/18 and detached on 6/7/18. TM Btrys temporarily disbanded. 176th & 177th on 5/8/18 and 178th on 5/7/18. 85






4/Lincolnshire179 2/5/Lincolnshire180 4/Leicestershire181 177th Trench Mortar Battery 178th Brigade 2/5/Sherwood Foresters 2/6/Sherwood Foresters 7/Sherwood Foresters182 178th Trench Mortar Battery CCXCV (2/I North Midland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXCVI (2/II North Midland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.59 Y.59 Z.59183 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery V.59 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 59th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 467th 469th 470th Pioneers: 6/7/Royal Scottish Fusiliers184 Machine Gun Unit: No. 59 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC185 Divisional Signals Companies: 59th Field Ambulances:


Formed by amalgamation of 1/4 & 2/4/Lincoln on 1/31/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/8/18 and transferred 6/2/18. Reduced to cadre on 5/8/18 and transferred on 6/18/18. Formed by amalgamation on 1/31/18 1/7/ and 2/7/Sherwood Foresters. Z absorbed by X & Y and V left division in March 1918. Joined on 2/21/18. Formed on 3/8/18.







2/1/North Midland 2/2/North Midland 2/3/North Midland Divisional Train: 59th (2/1/North Midland) 59th (2nd/North Midland) Division: (October 1918 - France)186 176th Brigade 25/King's187 26/Royal Welsh Fusiliers188 17/Royal Sussex189 176th Trench Mortar Battery190 177th Brigade 11/Sommerset Light Infantry191 15/Essex192 2/6/Durham Light Infantry193 177th Trench Mortar Battery 178th Brigade 36/Northumberland Fusiliers194 11/Royal Scottish Fusiliers195 13/Duke's196 178th Trench Mortar Battery CCXCV (2/I North Midland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXCVI (2/II North Midland) Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery


After reconstruction of division. Joined 5/12/18. Joined 6/16/18. Joined 5/13/18. TM Btrys reformed: 176th on 8/11/18, 177th on 8/17/18 and 178th on 7/16/18. Joined 5/12/18. Joined 5/12/18. Joined 5/10/18. Joined on 5/10/18. Joined 5/12/18. Joined 5/13/18.












D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.59 Y.59 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 59th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 467th 469th 470th Pioneers: 25/King's Royal Rifle Corps197 Machine Gun Unit: No. 200 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC198 Divisional Signals Companies: 59th Field Ambulances: 2/1/North Midland 2/2/North Midland 2/3/North Midland Divisional Train: 59th (2/1/North Midland) 60th (2nd/2nd London) Division: (June 1918 - Palestine) 179th Brigade 2/13/London 2/14/London 2/15/London 2/16/London 179th Trench Mortar Battery 180th Brigade 2/17/London 2/18/London 2/19/London 2/20/London 180th Trench Mortar Battery 181st Brigade 2/21/London 2/22/London 2/23/London 2/24/London 181st Trench Mortar Battery CCCI London Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery CCCII London Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery


Joined on 6/16/18. Joined on 10/2/18.


CCCIII London Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Column: 60th Engineer Field Companies: 519th 521st 522nd Divisional Signals Companies: 60th Machine Gun Unit: No. 60 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Field Ambulances: 2/4/London 2/5/London 2/6/London Divisional Train: 2/2nd London 60th (2nd/2nd London) Division: (September 1918 - Palestine) 179th Brigade 2/13/London 2/19/Punjabis 2/127/Baluchis 3/151/Infantry 179th Trench Mortar Battery 180th Brigade 2/19/London 2/Guides 2/30/Punjabis 1/50/Kumaon Rifles 180th Trench Mortar Battery 181st Brigade 2/22/London 2/97/Infantry 130/Baluchis 2/152/Infantry 181st Trench Mortar Battery CCCI London Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery CCCII London Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery CCCIII London Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Column: 60th Engineer Field Companies: 519th


521st No. 1 Coy (KGO) S&M Divisional Signals Companies: 60th Machine Gun Unit: No. 60 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Pioneers: 2/107th Infantry Field Ambulances: 121st CFA 160th CFA 179th CFA Divisional Train: 2/2nd London 61st (2nd/South Midlands) Division: (March 1918 - France) 182nd Brigade 2/6/Royal Warwick 2/7/Royal Warwick 2/8/Worchester199 182nd Trench Mortar Battery 183rd Brigade 1/9/Royal Scots200 1/5/Gordon Highalnders201 1/8/Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders202 183rd Trench Mortar Battery 184th Brigade 2/5/Gloucester 2/4/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 2/4/Royal Berkshire 184th Trench Mortar Battery CCCVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.)(2/4/Warwick) Battery CCCVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery C Battery E Battery D (H.) Battery


Transferred on 2/11/18. Joined on 2/6/18, detached on 6/1/18 . Joined on 2/2/18, detached on 6/1/18. Joined on 2/7/18, detached on 6/1/18.




Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.61 Y.61 Divisional Ammunition Column: 61st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 476th 478th 479th Divisional Signals Companies: 61st Pioneers: 1/5/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Machine Gun Unit: No. 61 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Field Ambulances: 2/1/South Midland 2/2/South Midland 2/3/South Midland Mobile Veterinary Section: 61st Divisional Train: 2/1/South Midland 61st (2nd/South Midlands) Division: (September 1918 - France) 182nd Brigade 2/6/Royal Warwick 2/7/Royal Warwick 2/8/Worchester 182nd Trench Mortar Battery 183rd Brigade 9/(Northumerland Hussars) Northumerland Fusiliers203 11/Suffolk204 1/East Lancashire205 183rd Trench Mortar Battery 184th Brigade 2/5/Gloucester 2/4/Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 2/4/Royal Berkshire 184th Trench Mortar Battery CCCVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.)(2/4/Warwick) Battery CCCVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery


Joined on 5/26/18. Joined on 5/26/18. Joined on 6/26/18. 91



C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery C Battery E Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.61 Y.61 Divisional Ammunition Column: 61st D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 476th 478th 479th Divisional Signals Companies: 61st Pioneers: 1/5/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Machine Gun Unit: No. 61 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Field Ambulances: 2/1/South Midland 2/2/South Midland 2/3/South Midland Mobile Veterinary Section: 61st Divisional Train: 2/1/South Midland 62nd (2nd/West Riding) Division: (March 1918 - France) 185th Brigade 2/5/West Yorkshire206 2/7/West Yorkshire207 8/West Yorkshire 185th Trench Mortar Battery 186th Brigade 2/4/Duke of Wellington's 5/Duke of Wellington's 2/7/Duke of Wellington's208 186th Trench Mortar Battery 187th Brigade 2/4/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 5/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 2/4/York & Lancaster 187th Trench Mortar Battery CCCX Artillery Brigade:


Broken up by 8/18/18. Broken up by 6/19/18. Broken up on 6/18/18.



A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries:209 X.62 Y.62 Divisional Ammunition Column: 62nd Engineer Field Companies: 457th 460th 461st Divisional Signals Companies: 62nd Machine Gun Unit: 201st Machine Gun Company Field Ambulances: 2/1/West Riding 2/2/West Riding 2/3/West Riding Mobile Veterinary Section: 2/1/West Riding Divisional Train: 62nd 62nd (2nd/West Riding) Division: (September 1918 - France) 185th Brigade 1/5/Devonshire210 8/West Yorkshire 2/20/London211 185th Trench Mortar Battery 186th Brigade 2/4/Duke of Wellington's 5/Duke of Wellington's 2/4/Hantsfordshire212 186th Trench Mortar Battery 187th Brigade 2/4/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry 5/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry


Z was absorbed by X & Y on 2/11/18 and V was broken up on 2/11/18. Joined division on 6/6/18. Joined division on 8/9/18. Joined division on 6/14/18. 93




2/4/York & Lancaster 187th Trench Mortar Battery CCCX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.62 Y.62 Divisional Ammunition Column: 62nd Engineer Field Companies: 457th 460th 461st Divisional Signals Companies: 62nd Machine Gun Unit: 201st Machine Gun Company Field Ambulances: 2/1/West Riding 2/2/West Riding 2/3/West Riding Mobile Veterinary Section: 2/1/West Riding Divisional Train: 62nd 63rd (2nd/Northumbrian) Division: Disbanded 21 July 1916 63rd (Naval) Division: (France - March 1918) 188th Brigade: Anson 1/Royal Marines213 2/Royal Marines 188th Trench Mortar Battery 189th Brigade: Drake Hawke Hood 189th Trench Mortar Battery 190th Brigade: 7/Royal Fusilers 4/Bedfordshire 1/28/London 190th Trench Mortar Battery


The 1/,2/RM were amalgamated on 4/29/18 and became the RM Bn.

CCXXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Attached: Engineer Field Companies No. 63rd (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC214 Train: 63rd Divisional Signals Companies 63rd Divisional Ammunition Column Field Ambulances Moblie Veterinary Column 63rd Divisional Train 63rd (Naval) Division: (France - May 1918) 188th Brigade: Anson Royal Marines 2/Royal Irish Regiment215 188th Trench Mortar Battery 189th Brigade: Drake Hawke Hood 189th Trench Mortar Battery 190th Brigade: 7/Royal Fusilers 4/Bedfordshire 1/28/London 190th Trench Mortar Battery CCXXIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCXXVII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Attached: Engineer Field Companies No. 63rd (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Train:


Formed on 3/1/18 from 188th, 189th, 190th and 223rd MG Cos. Joined brigade on 4/23/18. 95


63rd Divisional Signals Companies 63rd Divisional Ammunition Column Field Ambulances Moblie Veterinary Column 63rd Divisional Train 64th (2nd/Highland) Division: (April 1918 - England) 191st Brigade 51/Royal Sussex (G.) 52/Royal Sussex (G.) 51/Gordon Highlander (G.) 51/Highland Light Infantry (G.) 192nd Brigade 52/Queen's (G.) 51/Devonshie (G.) 52/Devonshire (G.) 52/Highland Light Infantry (G.) 193rd Brigade 51/Bedfordshire (G.) 52/Bedfordshire (G.) 51/Middlesex (G.) 52/Middlesex (G.) Mounted Troops: 64th (2/1/Highland) Division Cyclist Company CCCXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Column 64th Engineer Field Companies: 402nd 403rd 404th Divisional Signals Companies: 64th Field Ambulances: 310th 311th 312th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 64th Divisional Train: 64th 65th (2nd Lowland) Division: (April 1918) 194th Brigade 2/7/Royal Scots 2/4/Royal Scots Fusiliers 2/5/King's Own Scottish Borderers 51/Cheshire (G.)

195th Brigade 2/9/Royal Scots 2/5/Scottish Rifles 2/6/Scottish Rifles 51/King's (G.) 196th Brigade 2/5/Highland Light Infantry 2/6/Highland Light Infantry 2/9/Highland Light Infantry 52/Cheshire Mounted Troops: 65th Division Cyclist Company CCCXV Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery CCCXXVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery Divisional Ammunition Column: 65th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 411th 414th 415th Divisional Signals Companies: 65th Field Ambulances: 313th 314th 315th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 65th Divisional Train: 65th 66th (2nd/East Lancashire) Division: (March 1918 - France) 197th Brigade 6/Lancashire Fusilier 3/7/Lancashire Fusilier216 3/8/Lancashire Fusilier217 197th Trench Mortar Battery218 198th Brigade 4/East Lancashire219


Moved to England 6/30/18. Later broken up. Reduced to cadre on 4/22/18, later disbanded. Broken up mid-April 1918 and reformed 8/19/18. Reduced to Cadre April 1918, disbanded 7/31/18. 97




2/5/East Lancashire220 9/Manchester221 198th Trench Mortar Battery 199th Brigade 2/5/Manchester222 2/6/Manchester223 2/7/Manchester224 199th Trench Mortar Battery CCCXXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.66 Y.66 Z.66225 Heavy Trench Mortar Battery V.66 Divisional Ammunition Columns: 66th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 430th 431st 432nd Pioneers: 1/5/Borderers226 Machine Gun Unit: No. 66 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC227 Divisional Signals Companies: 66th Field Ambulances:

Reduced to cadre in April 1918, disbanded 7/31/18. Reduced to cadre April 1918 and transferred on 722/18. Reduced to Cadre April 1918, disbanded 7/31/18. Reduced to cadre April 1918, disbanded 7/31/18. Reduced to cadre April 1918, disbanded 7/31/18. Absorbed into X & Y on 2/6/18, V transferred out on 3/2/18. Assigned on 2/12/18. Transferred out on 5/7/18. Formed on 3/11/18 from brigade machine gun companies.








2/1/East Lancashire 2/2/East Lancashire 2/3/East Lancashire Mobile Veterinary Section: 1/1/East Lancashire Divisional Train: 66th 66th (2nd/East Lancashire) Division: (September 1918 - France)228 197th Brigade 6/Lancashire Fusiliers229 5/Royal Inniskiling Fusilers230 6/Royal Dublin Fusiliers231 197th Trench Mortar Battery 198th Brigade 18/King's (Lancashire Hussars)232 9/Manchester 5/Connaught Rangers233 198th Trench Mortar Battery 199th Brigade 1/South African Infantry234 2/South African Infantry 3/South African Infantry South African Trench Mortar Battery CCCXXX Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXXXI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Columns: 66th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 430th

After reconstruction.


Transferred to 199th Brigade on 7/22/18. Absorbed 12/LF on 8/13/18 and transferred to 198th Brigade on 9/22/18.

Joined on 7/19/18. Joined on 7/21/18, transferred to 198th Brigade 9/18/18.



Joined on 8/8/18, absorbed 14/King's on 8/13/18 and transferred to 199th Brigade on 9/19/18.

Joined division on 8/25/18. The South African units joined on 9/23/18. 99


431st 432nd Pioneers: 9/Gloucester Machine Gun Unit: 100th (Warwich & South Nottinghamshire Yoemanry) Battalion, MGC Divisional Signals Companies: 66th Field Ambulances: 2/2/East Lancashire 2/3/East Lancashire South African Field Ambulance Mobile Veterinary Section: 1/1/East Lancashire Divisional Train: 66th 67th (2nd/Home Counties) Division: (April 1918 - England) 201st Brigade 52/South Wales Borderers (G.) 51/Hantsfordshire (G.) 52/Hantsfordshire (G.) 2/7/Essex 202nd Brigade 52/Rifle Brigade (G.) 51/King's Royal Rifle Corps (G.) 52/King's Royal Rifle Corps (G.) 52/Gordon Highlander (G.) 214th Brigade235 2/1/Warwickshire Yeomanry (Cyclists) 2/1/Hertsfordshire (Cyclists) 16/Queen's 2/7/Durham Light Infantry 252nd Brigade Machine Gun Company236 253rd Brigade Machine Gun Company Mounted Troops: 67th Divisional Cyclist Company XII Artillery Brigade: 1203rd Battery 1204th Battery 1207th Battery D (H.) Battery XLIII Artillery Brigade: 1212th Battery A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Column: 67th D.A.C.


Joined division on 2/12/18. The two Home-Service MG cos joined brigade on 2/12/18.


Divisional Signals Companies: 67th Engineer Field Companies: 493rd 494th 645th Field Ambulances: 302nd 316th 317th 318th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 67th Divisional Train: 67th 67th (2nd/Home Counties) Division: (August 1918 - England) 201st Brigade 52/South Wales Borderers (G.) 51/Hantsfordshire (G.) 52/Hantsfordshire (G.) 2/7/Essex 202nd Brigade 52/Rifle Brigade (G.) 51/King's Royal Rifle Corps (G.) 52/King's Royal Rifle Corps (G.) 52/Gordon Highlander (G.) 214th Brigade237 2/1/Warwickshire Yeomanry (Cyclists) 2/1/Hertsfordshire (Cyclists) 16/Queen's 2/7/Durham Light Infantry Mounted Troops: 67th Divisional Cyclist Company XII Artillery Brigade: 1203rd Battery 1204th Battery 1207th Battery D (H.) Battery XLIII Artillery Brigade: 1212th Battery A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Column: 67th D.A.C. Divisional Signals Companies: 67th Engineer Field Companies: 493rd 494th


The infantry battalions detached in September and October 1918. 101

645th Field Ambulances: 302nd 316th 317th 318th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 67th Divisional Train: 67th 67th (2nd/Home Counties) Division: (September 1918 - England) 201st Brigade 52/South Wales Borderers (G.) 51/Hantsfordshire (G.) 52/Hantsfordshire (G.) 2/7/Essex 202nd Brigade 52/Rifle Brigade (G.) 51/King's Royal Rifle Corps (G.) 52/King's Royal Rifle Corps (G.) 52/Gordon Highlander (G.) 214th Brigade 1/4/Buffs 51/Cheshire (G.) 52/Cheshire (G.) 1/4/Royal Welsh Fusiliers Mounted Troops: 67th Divisional Cyclist Company XII Artillery Brigade: 1203rd Battery 1204th Battery 1207th Battery D (H.) Battery XLIII Artillery Brigade: 1212th Battery A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Column: 67th D.A.C. Divisional Signals Companies: 67th Engineer Field Companies: 493rd 494th 645th Field Ambulances: 302nd 316th 317th 318th Mobile Veterinary Sections: 67th Divisional Train: 67th

68th (2nd/Welsh) Division: (March 1918 - England) 203rd Brigade 51/King's (G.)238 2/4/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 51/Welsh (G.) 51/Manchester (G.) 52/Manchester (G.) 204th Brigade 51/Royal Fusiliers (G.) 52/Royal Fusiliers (G.) 2/5/Cheshire 2/7/Cheshire 51/South Wales Borderers (G.) 205th Brigade 51/Royal Warwickshire (G.) 52/Royal Warwickshire (G.) 52/King's (G.) 52/Welsh (G.) 2/1/Monmouth 2/2/Monmouth Mounted Troops: 68th Divisional Cyclist Company CCCXLII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXLIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Columns: 68th Engineer Field Companies: 440th 441st 442nd Divisional Signals Companies: 68th Field Ambulances: 319th 320th 321st Mobile Veterinary Section: 68th Divisional Train: 68th 68th (2nd/Welsh) Division: (March 1918 - England) 203rd Brigade 51/King's (G.)


All battalions joined by 3/11/18. 103

51/Welsh (G.) 51/Manchester (G.) 52/Manchester (G.) 204th Brigade 51/Queens (G.) 51/Royal Fusiliers (G.) 52/Royal Fusiliers (G.) 2/5/Cheshire 2/7/Cheshire 51/South Wales Borderers (G.) 205th Brigade 51/Royal Warwickshire (G.) 52/Royal Warwickshire (G.) 52/King's (G.) 52/Welsh (G.) 2/1/Monmouth 2/2/Monmouth Mounted Troops: 68th Divisional Cyclist Company CCCXLII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXLIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Divisional Ammunition Columns: 68th Engineer Field Companies: 440th 441st 442nd Divisional Signals Companies: 68th Field Ambulances: 319th 320th 321st Mobile Veterinary Section: 68th Divisional Train: 68th 69th (2nd/East Anglian) Division: (April 1918 - England) 206th Brigade 51/Northumberland Fusiliers (G.) 52/Northumberland Fusiliers (G.) 2/5/Essex 51/Durham Light Infantry (G.) 52/Durham Light Infantry (G.) 207th Brigade 51/West Yorkshire (G.) 52/West Yorkshire (G.)

52/Leicester (G.) 52/Sherwood Foresters (G.) 208th Brigade 51/Queen's (G.) 2/4/Norfolk 2/5/Norfolk 51/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (G.) 52/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (G.) Mounted Troops: 69th Divisional Cyclist Company CCCXLVI Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXLVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Division Ammunition Column: 69th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 485th 487th 488th Divisional Signals Companies: 69th Field Ambulance Companies: 322nd 323rd 324th Mobile Veterinary Section: 69th Divisional Train: 69th 69th (2nd/East Anglian) Division: (October 1918 - England) 206th Brigade 51/Northumberland Fusiliers (G.) 52/Northumberland Fusiliers (G.) 51/Durham Light Infantry (G.) 52/Durham Light Infantry (G.) 207th Brigade 51/West Yorkshire (G.) 52/West Yorkshire (G.) 51/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (G.) 52/King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (G.) 208th Brigade 51/Leicester (G.) 52/Leicester (G.) 51/Sherwood Foresters (G.) 52/Sherwood Foresters (G.) Mounted Troops: 69th Divisional Cyclist Company CCCXLVI Artillery Brigade:


A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery CCCXLVIII Artillery Brigade: A Battery B Battery C Battery D (H.) Battery Division Ammunition Column: 69th D.A.C. Engineer Field Companies: 485th 487th 488th Divisional Signals Companies: 69th Field Ambulance Companies: 322nd 323rd 324th Mobile Veterinary Section: 69th Divisional Train: 69th 70th Division: (Never Formed) 71st Division: Division disbanded on 2/12/18. 72nd Division: Division disbanded on 1/31/18. 73rd Division: Division disbanded on 3/4/18. 74th (Yeomanry) Division: (JUne 1918 - France) 229th Brigade 16/Devonshire 12/Somerset Light Infantry 14/Black Watch 229th Trench Mortar Battery 230th Brigade 10/Buffs 15/Suffolk 16/Royal Sussex 230th Trench Mortar Battery 231st Brigade 25/Royal Welsh Fusiliers 24/Welsh 10/King's Shropshire Light Infantry 231st Trench Mortar Battery Mounted Troops: A Sqn, 1/2/London Yeomanry XLIV Artillery Brigade: 340th Battery 382nd Battery

425th Battery D (H.) Battery CXVII Artillery Brigade: 366th Battery A Battery B Battery D (H.) Battery Medium Trench Mortar Batteries: X.74 Y.74 Divisional Ammunition Column 74th D.A.C. Engineering Field Companies 5/Royal Monmouthshire 5/Royal Anglesey 439th (2/1/Cheshire) Pioneers: 1/12/Loyal North Lancashire Machine Gun Unit: No. 74 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Divisional Signal Company 74th Field Ambulances 229th, 230th, & 231st Mobile Veterinary Section 59th Divisional Train 74th 75th Division: (September 1918 - Palestine) 232nd Brigade 1/4/Whitshire 72/Punjabis 2/3/Gurkha Rifles 3/kashmir Rifles 232nd Trench Mortar Battery 233rd Brigade 1/5/Somerset Light Infantry 29/Punjabis 3/3/Gurkha Rifles 2/154th Infantry 233rd Trench Mortar Battery 234th Brigade 1/4/Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry 58/Rifle 123/Outram's Rifles 1/152nd Infantry 234th Trench Mortar Battery Engineers: 496th (2/Kent) 10/2nd Queen Victoria's Own (S&M) 16/2nd Queen Victoria's Own (S&M) Machine Gun Unit: No. 74 (Machine Gun) Battalion, MGC Pioneers: 2/32/Sikh


Field Ambulances: 145th 146th 147th 123rd Indian Mobile Veterinary Section: 60th Divisional Train: 75th

Becke, A.F., History of the Great War Based on Official Documents, Order of Battle of Divisions, His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1937 Copyright GFN 1992

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