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被引入歧途 be led astray

重蹈覆辙 fall into a rut

独辟蹊径 develop a new method or style of one’s own
分道扬镳 part company
留后路 leave a way out
迷津 stray from the right path
迷途知返 realize one’s errors and mend one’s ways
轻车熟路 do sth one knows well and can manage with ease
穷途末路 be in an impasse
上坡路 upward trend
走下坡路 be on the decline
坦途 highway
退路 leeway; room for maneuver
歪路 dishonest practices
弯路 detour
狭路相逢 come into unavoidable confrontation
直道而行 act with rectitude
拐弯抹角 beat about the bush
走上绝路 come to a dead end
走邪道 lead a depraved life
翻车 run into difficulties
急刹车 bring to a halt
开倒车 turn back the clock
开快车 speed up the work
顺风转舵 take one’s cue from changing conditions
顺水推舟 make use of an opportunity to gain one’s end

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