Ork Codex

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LAST UPDATED: 09/07/22 (v0.10)

CHANGES COMING: reduce gretchin points slightly OR add the Gretchin Mob rule.
{{this should probably be moved or updated with main rules}}

General structure:
Unit descriptions - general
Army list:
special rules
army lists
chapter traits

Special Rules:

Mixed Armor: See main rules for this

Mobbing Up: This applies only to Ork units (not Grot mobs, big gunz, etc.) who are
on food (not Stormboyz, Bikers, etc.).
Upon failing a morale test which would normally cause a unit to fall
back, the unit will instead 'check size' by rolling 2D6 and comparing the result
to the number of Orks left in the unit (Gretchin do not count). If there are as
many or more Orks than the dice roll, the mob carries on fighting (meaning a mob
of 12+ will always continue fighting).

In addition, a mob which is falling back does so towards the closest friendly Ork
unit that also benefits from this (instead of the nearest table edge). When they
reach the friendly mob (within 6"), they can 'mob up' with the unbroken mob by
passing a leadership test (test on the Ld of the mob which is falling back/broken).
If passed, the two units merge, but the mob falling back counts as destroyed for
victory point purposes.

The Power of the WAAAGH!: When an Ork unit charges in to combat, check its size
against 2D6 (as with mobbing up). If there are as many or more Orks than the roll,
all Orks in the unit fight at 2xI for that phase.
This also applies to Ork units who are performing a sweeping advance.


WEAPONS Range S AP Notes

Big Shoota 36 5 5 Assault 3
Burna 8 4 5 Assault 1, Flamer
Grot blasta 12 3 - Assault 1
Mega-Blasta 24 7 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot
Rokkit launcha 24 8 3 Assault 1
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1
Shoota (4E) 18 4 6 Assault 2
Skorcha 8 5 4 Assault 1, Flamer

4E Weapons: Range S AP Notes

Shokk attack gun (Mek) 60 2D6 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast*

Deffgun (Lootas) 48 7 4 Heavy D3
Dakkagun (Bikers) 18 5 5 Assault 3
Grotzooka (Kans) 18 6 5 Heavy 2, Blast
Boomgun (Looted Tank) 36 8 3 Ord 1, Large Blast
Killkannon (Battlewagon) 24 7 3 Ord 1, Large Blast
Snazzgun (Flash Gitz) 24 5 D6 Assault 1

(D): Mad Dok only
(M): Big Mek/Mekboyz only
(W): Warboss/Nobz only
(R): Runtherd only
{{Models in Terminator armor cannot equip anything lacking *
Character cost is applied to CHARACTERS (2+ wounds) taking the wargear. Note that
some wargear cannot be taken by characters and some can only be taken by
*A tactical squad sergeant being promoted to veteran sergeant is equivalent
to taking honors.}}

The following are choices for Ork leaders. You may take two weapons and any
but only up to 40 points per model (60 points for Big Mek/Painboss, 80 points for
Warboss). You may take duplicate weapons, but they count as twin-linked in that
(taking two Big Shootas counts as a single twin-linked big shoota)
{{If a Warboss takes mega armor, any Nobz in his retinue may also take mega armor
and may still take 40 pts of wargear on top of that cost.}}

WARGEAR Cost Character Cost

Choppa 0 0
Slugga 0 0
Power Claw 20 25
'Urty Syringe (D) 5 5

Shoota 1 1
Big Shoota 12 12
Burna (M) 10 10
Kombi-big shoota 5 5
Kombi-rokkit 5 5
Kombi-skorcha 8 8
Kustom Forcefield (M) 20 20
Kustom mega-blasta (M) 15 15
Rokkit launcha 8 8
'Uge Choppa 10 10

Ammo Runt 4 4
Attack Squig 6 6
Big horns/Iron gob (W) 6 6
Bionik arm 10 10
Bionik bonce 10 10
Bosspole (W) 3 3
Cybork body 10 10
Dok's Tools (D) 1 1
'Eavy Armor 8 8
Frag stikkbombz 1 1
Grot oiler/orderly (M)/(D) 6 6
Krak stikkbombz 2 2
Kustom Job:
More Dakka 4 4
Blasta 3 3
Shootier 2 2
Mega armor (W) 30 30
+Mega boosta 10 10
+Stikkbomb chukka 1 1
Mekboy's tools (M) 2 2
Squighound (R) 5 5
Super stikkbombz (M) 5 5
Tankbusta bombz 3 3
WAAAGH! banner (one per army) 20 20

Termie armor w/ PF & SB 25+5+15 = 45

{{Weirdboy Powers: Single Second
Smite 0 0
Fury of the Ancients 3 9
Fear of the Darkness 5 15
Might of Heroes 5 15
Veil of Time 10 30
Vortex of Doom}} 10 30

-Ammo runt: Gretchin companion to Warboss. A Warboss w/ runt can re-roll one
missed shooting OR melee to-hit roll. Remove the runt after use. They stay hidden
on the
Warboss as much as possible (so cannot be targeted, do not count towards Ld,
mobbing, or transport room).
-Attack squig: Companion to character. Cannot trigger casualty Ld test.
Has the following statline: WS BS S T W I A Ld
Attack Squig 3 0 3 3 1 4 2
3 6+
-Big Horns or Iron Gob: +1 Ld (may not have both for +2 Ld)
-Bionik Arm: +1A
-Bionik Bonce: Improve save by 1 (usually to 5+)
-Bosspole: Allows one failed 'Mob up' roll to be re-rolled per turn.
-Burna: see above. 3E: 2D6 armor pen, power weapon...but cannot be fired and
{{-Choppa: best save allowed is 4+}}
-Cybork body: 5++ save.
-Dok's Tools:
-'Eavy Armor: 4+ save.
-Frag Stikkbombz:
Grot Orderly/Oiler: WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv+
Grot 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 -
Adds +1 to Dok's/Mekboyz rolls using respective tools (Max +3) (1 still always
-Kombi-weapon: As combi-weapons: fire shoota as much as you like. Once per game
fire the other weapon instead. Kustom job only applies to base shoota.
-Krak Stikkbombz:
-Kustom Forcefield: AOE 5+ cover save, 6" around user. (vehicles treated as hull-
This has no effect in melee range.
-Kustom Job:
More Dakka: Assault/Pistol 2 (depending on base weapon).
Shootier: +1S to weapon.
Blasta: AP -3 at 12", AP -4 at 6", Gets Hot.
-Mega Armor: 2+ Armor save w/ Shoota, Power Claw (included in cost). Move as in
terrain (no additional penalty for actual diff. terr.). May upgrade shoota w/
kombi- or
Kustom jobs. may not be combined with Jump Packs, bikes, bionik upgrades, or frag,
or tankbusta bombz. Cannot infiltrate if taken on relvant units.
-Mega boosta: Re-roll movement distance.
-Stikkbomb Chukka: Frag stikkbombz (fight at regular initiative), but must
fight at
strength x1 (regular strength) for that turn.
-Mega-Blasta: Gets hot. On vehicle, equivalent is glancing hit.
-Mekboy's Tools:
-Squighound: Companion to Runtherd. Cannot trigger casualty Ld test.
Allows on re-rolled Ld test per turn.
Has the following statline: WS BS S T W I A Ld
Squighound 3 0 3 3 1 2 1
2 -
-Super Stikkbombz: as krak stikkbombz, but AP 10+2D6. On a double roll,
user suffers wound (may take armor save).
-Tankbusta bombz: AP 6+(D6x2)
{{-Uge Choppa: @I1, +2S, best save allowed 4+ }}
-'Urty Syringe:
-WAAAGH! Banner: Any mob within 12" of banner may re-roll 'Power of the WAAAGH!'


WEAPONS Range S AP Notes

Big Shoota 36 5 5 Assault 3
Mega-Blasta 24 7 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot
Rokkit launcha 24 8 3 Assault 1
Skorcha 8 5 4 Assault 1, Flamer

Kannon (Frag) G36 5 5 Heavy 1, Blast

Kannon (Shell) 36 8 3 Heavy 1, Ordnance (no
Lobba G48 5 5 Heavy 1, Blast*
Zzap gun 24 2D6 2 Heavy 1*

Added weapons: ?
new weapons go here

{{Below: * for dreadnought (can't take non-*)}}

Armor plates* 5/10
Big grabber 5
Boarding plank 5
Grot riggers 2
Bolt-on big shoota 10
Red paint job 3
Reinforced ram 5
Searchlight* 1
Spikes 'n' blades 5
Stikkbomb chucka* 3
Turbo boosta 5
Wrecker ball 5

-Armor plates: Re-roll failed difficult terrain test if moving 0-6" that turn.
-Big grabber:

Fun Stuff:
Smoke launchers upgraded to launch other projectiles:
frag/shrapnel: counts as frag launcher (see land raider)

Points costs for upgrades are listed as [+pts]

1+ Warboss: max 80 pts wargear
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Warboss 60 5 2 5 4 3 4 4 9 6+

Type: Independent Character.

Equipment: Choppa and Slugga. Anything from the character armory.

Range S AP Notes
Choppa M U 4+ +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1

Options: can be accompanied by a retinue (see below).

Transport: A retinue numbering 10 or less may take a Wartrukk. See below.

**********SAMPLE SQUAD**********
Warboss w/ Big Shoota w/ Shootier kustom job, ...

Big Mek: max 60 pts wargear
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Big Mek 25 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Type: Independent Character.

Equipment: Force weapon, psychic hood. Anything from the character armory.

Range S AP Notes
Force weapon M - 2 +1A, see below.

Options: can be accompanied by a command squad (see below).

Psychic hood: Deny the witch. 2 librarians cannot attempt to deny the same power.

Force weapon: Power weapon. Upon inflicting a wound, make one psychic test.
If passed, enemy is slain outright. May not use other psychic powers this turn.
No special effect on vehicles.

Familiar: Librarian may be accompanied by a familiar (cherub, servo-skull, etc.)

for [+10].
If so, +1 to I while the familiar lives.
Armed with single CCW (+0A). If the librarian dies, so too does the familiar.

Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Stormboy 15 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Stormboy Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 5-20 Stormboyz.

Type: Jump Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga and choppa.

Range S AP Notes
Choppa M U 4+ +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1

Options: The whole squad may be equipped with frag stikkbombz [+1/ea] and/or krak
stikkbombz [+2/ea].
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may then take equipment from the armory
(not mega armor).

Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Kommando 10 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 -
Kommando Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 -

Squad: 5-10 Kommandos.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga and choppa. Any kommando may echange their weapons for a shoota
for free.
Range S AP Notes
Choppa M U 4+ +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1

Options: The whole squad may be equipped with frag stikkbombz [+1/ea] and/or krak
stikkbombz [+2/ea],
and/or tankbusta bombz [+3/ea]. One Ork may echange their weapons for a big shoota
[+8], rokkit
launcha [+5], or burna [+6]. One Kommando may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may
then take
equipment from the armory (not mega armor).

{{Slippery: INFILTRATE special rule.}} MOVE THROUGH COVER special rule.

'Ard Boyz:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
'Ard Boyz 12 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 4+
'Ard Nob +16 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 4+

Squad: 5-20 'Ard Boyz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga & choppa, or shoota. You may mix weapons.

Range S AP Notes
Choppa M U 4+ +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1

Options: Up to three boyz may replace their weapons with a big shoota [+8], rokkit
launcha [+5],
or burna [+6]. The whole mob may take frag stikkbombz [+1/ea], and/or krak
stikkbombz [+2/ea].
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+16] and may then take equipment from the armory.

Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Skarboyz 11 4 2 4 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob +9 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 5-20 Skarboyz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga & choppa, or shoota. You may mix weapons.

Range S AP Notes
Choppa M U 4+ +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1

Options: Up to three boyz may replace their weapons with a big shoota [+8], rokkit
launcha [+5],
or burna [+6]. The whole mob may take frag stikkbombz [+1/ea], and/or krak
stikkbombz [+2/ea].
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+9] and may then take equipment from the armory.
0-1 Flash Gitz:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Flash Gitz 9 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 5-20 Flash Gitz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Shoota.

Range S AP Notes
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1

Options: The entire mob may be given one kustom job for their shootas. (Shootier
Blasta [+3/ea], or More Dakka [+4/ea]. You may not mix job types.
Up to four gitz may replace their shoota with a big shoota [+8], rokkit launcha
or burna [+6].
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may then take equipment from the armory.

Slugga Boyz:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Ork Boyz 9 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 10-30(20?) Boyz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga and choppa.

Range S AP Notes
Choppa M U 4+ +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1

Options: Up to three boyz may replace their weapons with a big shoota [+8], rokkit
launcha [+5],
or burna [+6].
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may then take equipment from the armory.

Shoota Boyz:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Ork Boyz 8 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob +12 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 10-30(20?) Boyz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Shoota.

Range S AP Notes
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1
Options: Up to three boyz may replace their weapons with a big shoota [+8], rokkit
launcha [+5],
or burna [+6].
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+12] and may then take equipment from the armory.

0-2 Stikk Bommas:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Stikk Bomma 10 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 10-30 Stikk Bommas.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga and CCW, frag and krak stikkbombz.

Range S AP Notes
Close combat weapon M U - +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1

Options: The whole squad may be equipped with tankbusta bombz [+2/ea].
Up to three boyz may replace their slugga and CCW with a big shoota [+8],
rokkit launcha [+5], or burna [+6].
One Stikk bomma may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may then take equipment from the

0-2 Burna Boyz:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Boyz 9 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Mekboy +9 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+

Squad: 5-20 Burna Boyz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga and Choppa.

Range S AP Notes
Choppa M U 4+ +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1

Options: Up to four boyz may replace their slugga and CCW with a big shoota [+8],
rokkit launcha [+5], or burna [+6]. The whole squad may be equipped with frag
stikkbombz [+1/ea] and/or krak stikkbombz [+2/ea].
One Stikk bomma may be upgraded to a Mekboy [+9] and may then take equipment from
the armory.

0-2 Tankbustas:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Boyz 11 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 5-10 Tankbusta Boyz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Slugga and CCW, frag stikkbombz and tankbusta bombz.
Range S AP Notes
Close combat weapon M U - +1A
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1

Options: Up to three boyz may replace their slugga and CCW with a rokkit launcha
One Stikk bomma may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may then take equipment from the

Tankbustas: TANK HUNTERS special rule. (tank shock and AP rolls)

Gretchin Mob:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Gretchin 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 -
Runtherd 14 4 2 3 4 1 3 2 7 6+

Squad: Runtherd and 9-29 Gretchin.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Grot Blasta. The Runtherd has a slugga and a grabba stik.

Range S AP Notes
Grot blasta 12 3 - Assault 1
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1
Grabba Stik 2(M) U - +1A

Options: The Runtherd may replace weapons and add equipment from the armory.
(Max 40 pts).

Living Shield: Ork mobs being shot at through a Gretchin mob gain 5+ cover save.
Each cover save successfuly made means one casualty for the Gretchin mob.

Better footing: Gretchin in difficult terrain allow Ork mobs passing through it
to re-roll their diff. terrain test. (not mega armored Orks)

Mine clearing: Grots can clear minefields with themselves. Take 3D6 casualties
and remove the minefield. If there aren't enough Gretchin to remove (i.e. 6
gretchin roll 3D6 = 12 casualties), the squad is still removed, but the minefield
is not.

Wartrukk 30 0 2 0 10 10 10 2 0 0

Type: Fast, Open-topped. Crew: 2 Orks.

Equipment: Either big shoota [+8] or rokkit launcha [+5].
Transport: Up to 10 Orks.
Fire Points: Open-toppped.
Access Points: Open-toppped.

Range S AP Notes
Big shoota 36 5 5 Assault 3
Rokkit launcha 24 8 3 Assault 1
Options: May take any of the following vehicle upgrades (see armory): Armor plates,
big grabber, boarding plank, grot riggers, bolt-on big shoota, red paint job,
reinforced ram, searchlight, stikkbomb chucka, turbo boosta, wrecker ball.

Trukk Boyz:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Trukk Boyz 9 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+
Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+

Squad: 5-10 Boyz.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Shoota or slugga & choppa. You may mix armament among the squad.

Range S AP Notes
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1
Choppa M U 4+ +1A

Options: One Ork boy may replace their weapons with a big shoota [+8], rokkit
launcha [+5],
or burna [+6].
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may then take equipment from the armory.

Transport: A mob of Trukk Boyz must take a Wartrukk. See above.

Bailin' out: Trukk boyz will only suffer a wound on a roll of 6+ (normally 4+)
if their transport is destroyed.

Warbike Squadron:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Ork Biker 30 4 2 3 5 1 2 2 7 6+/5+
Nob Biker +22 4 2 4 5 2 3 3 7 6+/5+

Squad: 3-10 Ork Bikers.

Type: Biker.
Equipment: Twin-linked biker big shootas (called a "dakkagun" in 4E).

Range S AP Notes
Biker big shoota 18 5 5 Assault 3
Slugga 12 4 6 Pistol 1
Close combat weapon M U - +1A

Options: One biker may be upgraded to a Nob [+22] and may then take equipment
from the armory (not mega armor). Any biker may remove their big shootas, in
which case they are armed with just a slugga and CCW, and cost [20]
instead of [30].

Biker big shoota: Difficult to shoot while riding, the range of the big shoota
is halved to 18".

Hard to hit: Dust clouds spurred up by the bikes create a 5+ cover save to the
bikers and any units behind them relative to an attacking unit. (-1 cover for UE)

{{Speed Freeks: Ignore morale checks, pinning, etc.}}

{{Psycho blastas: additional shooting attack resolved during overwatch.}}

Warbuggy 30 0 2 0 10 10 10 1 0 0

Squad: 1-3 Warbuggies (or Wartraks).

Type: Fast, Open-topped. Crew: 2 Orks.
Equipment: Each warbuggy must take one of the following weapons:
Skorcha [+8], twin-linked rokkit launcha [+10], twin-linked big shoota [+16],
mega blasta [+20].

Range S AP Notes
Skorcha 8 5 4 Assault 1, Flamer
Rokkit launcha 24 8 3 Assault 1
Big shoota 36 5 5 Assault 3
Mega blasta 24 7 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot

Options: May take any of the following vehicle upgrades (see armory): Armor plates,
big grabber, boarding plank, grot riggers, red paint job, reinforced ram,
spikes 'n' blades, stikkbomb chucka, turbo boosta, wrecker ball.

Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Loota 10 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 5+
Nob +11 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 5+

Squad: 5-10 Lootas.

Type: Infantry.
Equipment: Shoota.

Range S AP Notes
Shoota 24 4 6 Rapid 1

Options: As per entries from other armies, such as space marine tactical squads,
imperial guard infantry squads, etc. This usually means two special/heavy weapons,
but might mean more. Note that these weapons cost the same as they would for their
respective armies, i.e. a lascannon from a tactical squad costs [+20]. A single
Ork can handle the weight of a heavy weapon, so they do not need to form heavy
weapons teams. This also means Lootas can take frag grenades, special melee
etc. You should agree with your opponent what weapons should be allowed.
One Boy may be upgraded to a Nob [+11] and may then take equipment from the armory.

Looted: When firing a looted weapon, a to-hit roll of 1 is resolved on the Loota
squad instead of the enemy.
Ork Dreadnought (Deff Dread)
Dreadnought 70 4 2 5 12 12 10 1 2 2

Type: Walker. Crew: One Ork.

Equipment: Two Dreadnought close combat weapons (S10 AP2) and two of the following:
rokkit launcha or skorcha [+5], big shoota [+8], mega blasta [+15]. You may take
two of the same weapon and they do not count as twin-linked.

Range S AP Notes
Rokkit launcha 24 8 3 Assault 1
Skorcha 8 5 4 Assault 1, Flamer
Big shoota 36 5 5 Assault 3
Mega blasta 24 7 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Gets Hot
Two Dreadnought CCWs M 10 2 +1A
One Dreadnought CCW M 10 2 -

Options: Replace one or both CCWs (losing both means the dreadnought fights in
at S5 with just 2 attacks), each with an additional shooting weapon from the list
above. Each additional weapon must be the same as one already taken on the
and the additon counts as twin-linking the existing weapon, i.e. your Dreadnought
take four big shootas, but this would count as two twin-linked big shootas.
The model would cost 70+(4x8)=102 pts.
May take any of the following vehicle upgrades (see armory):
Armor plates, searchlight, stikkbomb chucka.

Killa Kan
Killa Kan 45 4 2 5 11 11 10 1 2 2

Mob: 1-3 Kans.

Type: Walker. Crew: One Ork.
Equipment: One Dreadnought close combat weapon (S10 AP2) and a big shoota.

Range S AP Notes
Big shoota 36 5 5 Assault 3
Dreadnought CCW M 10 2 -

Options: Replace big shoota with either rokkit launcha or skorcha [+0].

0-1 Battlewagon:
Battlewagon 120 0 2 0 13 12 10 3 0 0

Type: Tank, open-topped. Crew: Orks.

Equipment: Three twin-linked big shootas. Any of these 3 may be replaced with
a twin-linked rokkit launcha, or a skorcha, for free.
Transport: Up to 20 Orks.
Fire Points: Open-toppped, or bolt-on big shootas (see below).
Access Points: Open-toppped.

Range S AP Notes
Big shoota 36 5 5 Assault 3
Rokkit launcha 24 8 3 Assault 1
Skorcha 8 5 4 Assault 1, Flamer

Options: One of the weapons may be replaced with a big gun (see Big Gunz entry
below for options and rules), either a lobba, kannon, or zzap gun [+15].
You may add up to five bolt-on big shootas [+10/ea], but these must be fired
by Orks being transported by the Battlewagon.
May take any of the following vehicle upgrades (see armory): Armor plates,
big grabber, boarding plank, grot riggers, red paint job, reinforced ram,
stikkbomb chucka, turbo boosta, wrecker ball.

0-1 Looted Vehicle:
Looted Vehicle Varies

Squad: 1 Looted vehicle worth 51+ points, 1-3 vehicles each worth 1-50 points.
Whether it's one or three vehicles, it counts as a single heavy support option.
You may steal a vehicle from another army list, i.e. a rhino, leman russ, etc.
But Orks do not understand skimmer technology (or do they?), so skimmer vehicles
cannot be selected. You pay the points for the vehicle and have access to its
weapons and options for the same price as they army which normally fields it,
but it always has BS2 and WS4 (where applicable).

Type: Varies. Crew: Orks.

Equipment: Varies

Options: As entry, i.e. you may put a twin-linked lascannon with heavy bolter
sponsons on a looted predator. You may not take vehicle upgrades from other
armies, but use Ork vehicle upgrades instead (see below).

May take any of the following ORK vehicle upgrades (see armory):
Armor plates, big grabber, boarding plank, grot riggers, bolt-on big shoota,
red paint job, reinforced ram, searchlight, spikes 'n' blades, stikkbomb chucka,
turbo boosta, wrecker ball.

Looted: At the start of each turn, make a breakdown test on a D6. On a roll of
1 the vehicle has a 'breakdown' result. Roll another D6 and consult the table

1 May not move this turn, automatic 'breakdown' result next turn
(roll on this table)
2-3 May not move this turn
4-6 Vehicle lurches 2D6" straight ahead. This can prompt dangerous terrain
or tank shock, etc. The vehicle may not move again this turn.

**0-2 Big Gunz Battery:
Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Gretchin crew 30 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 -
Runtherd/Mek +9 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7

Squad: 1-3 big gunz, each manned by a crew of two unarmed Gretchin.
Type: Weapons team.
Equipment: Kannon, lobba, or zzap gun.

Range S AP Notes
Kannon (Frag) G36 5 5 Heavy 1, Blast
Kannon (Shell) 36 8 3 Heavy 1, Ordnance (no blast)
Lobba G48 5 5 Heavy 1, Blast*
Zzap gun 24 2D6 2 Heavy 1*

Options: You may add up to three additional Gretchin crew per gun [+3/ea].
The Battery may be accompanied by a Runtherd or Mek [+9]. See entry above.

Weapon battery: Requires 2 living gretchin per gun to operate. If gretchin start
dying off, you may move spares onto other weapons. If a weapon is destroyed, its
crew may move to operate other weapons.

When the battery is fired at, the gretchin are small enough to hide behind the
weapons. On a hit, roll a D6. On a 1-4, the gretchin themselves are hit (resolve
wounds, etc. as normal). On a 5 or 6, a gun itself is hit. It has an AV of 10
and any glancing or better hit destroys it.



Zzap Gun:


SAMPLE ARMIES - 250 PTS, 500 PTS, 1250 PTS


Raven guard (Infiltrate, stealth, scout), Chapter master (+1 WS) w/ Jump pack, frag
and melta grenades, purity seals, Raven's Talons (MC LC), w/ honors and 2?
specialist skills:
Chapter Master (80) 80
Jump pack (20) 100
Frags (0) 100
Melta (5) 105
Purity seals (5) 110
MC LC (30 + 15) 155
Honors (10) 165
Specialist skills (5ea) 175

Pts WS BS S T W I A L Sv
Shrike 175 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 10 3+

Type: Independent Character.

Equipment: Jump pack, frag and melta grenades, purity seals, pair of lightning
claws (master crafted).

Options: can be accompanied by a command squad (see below).

Rites of Battle: All space marine squads may use Cmdr Ld for morale tests
(does not include psychic tests).

Specialists Skills: etc.



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