Jurnal Metastasis Paru 2
Jurnal Metastasis Paru 2
Jurnal Metastasis Paru 2
Author Manuscript
Cell. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 August 17.
Published in final edited form as:
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
The mechanistic underpinnings of metastatic dormancy and reactivation are poorly understood. A
gain-of-function cDNA screen reveals that Coco, a secreted antagonist of TGF-β ligands, induces
dormant breast cancer cells to undergo reactivation in the lung. Mechanistic studies indicate that
Coco exerts this effect by blocking lung-derived BMP ligands. Whereas Coco enhances the
manifestation of traits associated with cancer stem cells, BMP signaling suppresses it. Coco
induces a discrete gene expression signature, which is strongly associated with metastatic relapse
to the lung but not to the bone or brain in patients. Experiments in mouse models suggest that
these latter organs contain niches devoid of bioactive BMP. These findings reveal that metastasis-
initiating cells need to overcome organ-specific anti-metastatic signals in order to undergo
Metastatic relapse of breast cancer and other carcinomas frequently occurs several years
after initial surgery. Increasing evidence suggests that tumor cells that have disseminated
from early lesions, including ductal carcinomas in situ, undergo an extended period of
dormancy in the stroma of target organs (Nguyen et al., 2009; Valastyan and Weinberg,
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Many malignancies, including breast cancer, are fuelled by a limited, although not
necessarily small, number of cancer stem cells, which undergo self-renewal as well as
generate rapidly proliferating progenitors and aberrantly differentiated post-mitotic cells
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(Clevers, 2011; Gupta et al., 2009). The metastatic capacity of human pancreatic and
colorectal cancers is restricted to a subpopulation that includes cancer stem cells (Hermann
et al., 2007; Pang et al., 2010). Furthermore, the Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition
(EMT) that facilitates tumor dissemination produces cells endowed with the capacity to self-
renew, suggesting that these two cellular processes are intimately linked (Mani et al., 2008).
Finally, the Id1/3 transcription factors and the miR200 and miR335 microRNAs promote the
colonization phase of breast cancer metastasis at least in part by modulating cancer stem cell
function (Gupta et al., 2007; Korpal et al., 2011; Shimono et al., 2009; Tavazoie et al.,
2008). These results suggest that the cancer stem cells possess the migratory and self-
renewal capabilities necessary to colonize distant organs, whereas the remaining tumor cells
lack metastatic capacity.
The ability of metastasis-initiating cells to enter into, and eventually exit from, proliferative
quiescence suggests an additional commonality with adult tissue stem cells. However, the
relationship between cancer stem cell behavior and dormancy at metastastic sites is poorly
understood. In this paper, we provide evidence that Coco, a secreted antagonist of TGF-β
ligands, induces dormant metastasis-initiating cells to undergo reactivation in the lung.
Mechanistic studies suggest that Coco exerts this function by blocking paracrine BMP
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A Gain-of-function Screen for Genes that Mediate the Post-dissemination Phase of
We designed a gain-of-function cDNA screen that uses the mouse as a filter to isolate genes
that mediate metastasis (Figure 1A) and applied it to a previously described series of
mammary carcinoma cell lines, which appear to be arrested at defined steps of metastasis
(Aslakson and Miller, 1992). Upon orthotopic injection, the 67NR cells give rise to non-
invasive tumors, the 168FARN cells colonize locoregional lymphnodes but do not gain
access to the vasculature, and the 4TO7 cells are able to disseminate but do not produce
macroscopic metastases. In contrast, the 4T1 cells produce macroscopic metastases in the
lung (Figure 1B). Upon transduction with cDNA libraries derived from 4T1 cells, the 67NR
or 168FARN cells did not acquire the capability to give rise to lung metastases in 8 weeks,
suggesting that the introduction of a single gene did not enable these cells to penetrate into
the bloodstream and acquire the additional capabilities required for metastatic colonization.
In contrast, the 4TO7 cells infected with the 4T1 libraries produced a total of 8 lung nodules
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in multiple mice (Figure 1B). After proviral rescue and re-introduction in 4TO7 cells, 3 of
the 8 cDNAs isolated from individual lesions promoted lung metastasis without affecting
primary tumor growth (Figures S1A; not shown). In contrast, 4TO7 cells infected with
empty vector did not produce macroscopic lesions upon injection in 30 mice. This screening
strategy can thus be used to identify mediators of the homing and outgrowth step of
signaling (Bell et al., 2003). Experiments in Xenopus embryos and 4TO7 cells indicated that
cDNA1 possesses all the biological activities of full-length Coco (Figure S1C-F).
Conversely, expression of full-length Coco induced the 4TO7 cells to colonize the lung after
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The expression of Coco correlated with metastatic capability in the 4T1 progression series
(Figure 1C, top). Of note, a large fraction of Coco remained associated with the cell layer
rather than diffusing in the medium (Figure 1C, top). Treatment of live cells with modest
amounts of highly purified trypsin led to the disappearance of Coco from the cell layer
(Figure 1C, bottom), indicating that this inhibitor associates with the pericellular matrix and
might therefore accumulate at high concentrations near the cell surface.
Interestingly, neither expression nor silencing of Coco modified the ability of tumor cells to
proliferate in vitro (Figures 4D and S1H; not shown) or to form primary tumors when 1 ×
105 cells were injected in the mammary fat pad (Figure 1E and 1F). Furthermore, Coco did
not disrupt epithelial adhesion in normal murine mammary epithelial cells (Figure S1I) or
induce completion of an EMT program and enhance invasion in 4TO7 cells (Figures S1J
and S1K). These results suggest that Coco does not promote primary tumor growth or
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2A). While the number of tumor cells within outgrowing micrometastases was comparable
to that of solitary tumor cells at day 21, the tumor cells within macro-metastases far
outnumbered the solitary tumor cells at day 35 (>9 fold). Anti-Ki67 staining suggested that a
large majority of solitary 4TO7 and 4TO7-Coco cells were not actively cycling (>97%). In
contrast, a large fraction of the 4TO7-Coco cells within metastatic lesions were actively
proliferating (Figures S2A and S2B). The solitary 4TO7 and 4TO7-Coco cells were not
apoptotic at any time point examined (Figure S2C), in agreement with the hypothesis that
they had become dormant.
To confirm that the solitary tumor cells detected in the lung were quiescent, we performed
5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU) incorporation experiments (Figure 2C). Confocal imaging
after fluorescent conversion of EdU and anti-GFP staining indicated that > 95% of solitary
4TO7 and 4TO7-Coco cells did not enter into or traverse the S-phase over each of 3 distinct
EdU incorporation periods. In contrast, a large fraction of 4TO7-Coco cells within
outgrowing micrometastic lesions and overt metastases transited through the S phase over
the same times (Figures 2D and 2E). Therefore, the 4TO7 cells undergo a protracted period
of solitary tumor dormancy in the lung, but expression of Coco enables a fraction of these
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To examine if silencing of Coco induces dormancy, we examined the lungs of mice injected
with control or Coco-silenced 4T1 cells. As anticipated, silencing of Coco did not inhibit
extravasation or decrease the number of solitary tumor cells present on lung sections at day
14 and 28 (Figure S2D). Furthermore, whereas a fraction of control 4T1 cells initiated
proliferation to give rise to metastatic outgrowths, virtually all Coco-silenced cells remained
quiescent (Figures 2F and S2D), suggesting that depletion of Coco suppresses lung
colonization by preventing the reactivation of dormant cells.
process (Figure 2G). In contrast, Coco did not inhibit but partially enhanced Wnt signaling
(Figure S2H-K). Coco may exert this latter effect by alleviating the intracellular inhibitory
crosstalk that BMP receptors exert on β-catenin (He et al., 2004; Kobielak et al., 2007).
Immunostaining of lung sections indicated that virtually all the solitary, dormant 4TO7 cells
displayed strong nuclear accumulation of P-Smad over 35 days of observation, suggesting
that BMP signaling was robustly activated in these cells (Figures 2H and 2I).
Semiquantitative RT-PCR indicated that the 4TO7 and 4T1 cells express low levels of BMP
proteins, whereas the cellular elements of the normal lung express significant levels of
several BMP proteins (Figure S2L), in general agreement with prior data showing that both
epithelial and mesenchymal cells in the lung produce BMP (Danesh et al., 2009). Metastatic
seeding by 4TO7 or 4TO7-Coco cells did not modify the levels of BMP mRNAs in recipient
lungs (Figure S2M). We thus inferred that the 4TO7 cells underwent protracted proliferative
quiescence in response to BMP proteins that had been produced by both epithelial and
mesenchymal cells and deposited in the stroma between alveoli.
Intriguingly, a small fraction (~2%) of the dormant tumor cells present in the lungs of mice
injected with GFP-tagged 4TO7-Coco cells displayed no nuclear accumulation of P-Smad
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(Figures 2H and 2I). We speculate that these cells accumulated more Coco in their
pericellular matrix or were exposed to lower amounts of BMP as compared to other cells. In
agreement with the hypothesis that these rare P-Smad− cells were fated to produce
metastatic outgrowths, both the incipient lesions and the macrometastases displayed no
nuclear accumulation of P-Smad (Figures 2H and 2I). The solitary 4TO7 and 4TO7-Coco
cells as well as the outgrowing 4TO7-Coco cells did not exhibit accumulation of β-catenin
in the nucleus, suggesting that β-catenin signaling does not contribute to reactivation
(Figures S2N and S2O).
negative cells was not detected in the lungs of mice injected with Coco-silenced 4T1 cells.
In fact, > 99.3% of dormant Coco-silenced 4T1 cells displayed strong nuclear accumulation
of P-Smad (Figure 2J). Together, these findings suggest that Coco promotes exit from
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The cancer stem cells are defined by an inherent capability to undergo self-renewal, to give
rise to an aberrantly differentiated progeny, and to seed tumors in vivo (Clevers, 2011;
Gupta et al., 2009). To examine if Coco affects cancer stem cell function, we first examined
its ability to influence self-renewal in vitro by using the mammosphere assay (Dontu et al.,
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2003). The 4TO7-Coco cells form about twice as many tumor spheres as compared to 4TO7
cells at each of three subsequent passages (Figure 3A and S3B). Administration of
exogenous Coco produced a similar and dose-dependent effect in naïve 4TO7 cells (Figure
3B). In agreement with the observation that 4TO7 cells produce small amounts of BMP2
and 5 (Figure S2L), treatment of naïve 4TO7 cells with 10 ng/ml of exogenous BMP4
caused a profound inhibition of tumor sphere formation, which was reversed by concurrent
administration of Coco (Figures 3C and 3D). Neither Coco nor BMP affected the ability of
4TO7 cells to survive or progress through the cell cycle under the conditions of the assay
(Figure S3C; not shown). We infer that Coco expands their ability of 4TO7 cells to give rise
to tumor spheres by blocking the small amounts of BMP that they produce.
We next evaluated if BMP can cause partial or aberrant differentiation of mammary tumor
cells. Notably, treatment of 4TO7 cells with BMP4 induced expression of the transcription
factor GATA3, a master regulator of luminal differentiation, whereas concurrent
administration of recombinant Coco reversed this process (Figure S3F). In addition, whereas
the 4TO7 cells that became dormant upon extravasation in the lung stroma displayed strong
reactivity for GATA3 irrespective of whether they expressed Coco, the metastatic
outgrowths formed by 4TO7-Coco cells were uniformly negative for GATA3 (Figure S3G).
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These results suggest that the high levels of BMP present in the lung stroma induce the
4TO7 cells to express GATA3, and they further imply that expression of Coco reverses this
process in tumor cells fated to give rise to metastatic outgrowths. However, BMP4 did not
induce expression of markers associated with differentiated luminal cells under standard
culture conditions or in 3D Matrigel (Table S1; not shown). Thus, BMP upregulates
GATA3, seemingly poising breast cancer cells toward luminal differentiation, but is
insufficient to initiate partial or aberrant differentiation en face of oncogenic signaling.
Prior studies have suggested that transgenic ErbB2 mammary tumors follow a cancer stem
cell model. Staining with the lipophilic dye PKH-26, which is diluted after each cell
division, has indicated that the cells that retain the dye during the mammosphere assay
possess the highest self-renewal capacity in vitro and the highest tumor initiation capacity in
vivo (Cicalese et al., 2009). To examine if Coco affects self-renewal in vitro, we stained
Coco-silenced and control primary tumor cells from MMTV-Neu(YD) mice with PKH-26
and subjected them to serial tumor sphere assay (Figure 3E). As previously reported,
replating of the PKHHIGH, PKHLOW, and PKHNEG subsets led to tumor sphere formation in
all cases, albeit with decreasing efficiency. Notably, knock down of Coco inhibited tumor
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sphere formation at each passage (Figure 3F). Treatment of naïve ErbB2-transformed cells
with BMP4 exerted the same effect and Coco reversed it (Figure S3D). Silencing of Coco
did not reduce the ability of ErbB2-transformed cells to survive or proliferate (Figure S3E)
nor induced them to express differentiated genes in 3D Matrigel (not shown). These results
suggest that Coco selectively sustains the ability of ErbB2-transformed cells to undergo self-
renewal in vitro.
the lung because it opposes the ability of stromal BMP to block clonogenic outgrowth.
(Cordenonsi et al., 2011), Coco may contribute to the manifestation of breast cancer stem
cell traits by influencing the expression of these transcription factors.
As an alternative approach, we tested if BMP signaling decreased tumor initiation. 4T1 cells
co-expressing an activated form of BMPR-IB (Q203D) together with BMPR-II (jointly
termed CA-BMPR) were significantly less tumorigenic upon injection in the mammary fat
pad as compared to controls (Figures 4D and S4H). These results indicate that BMP
signaling suppresses the tumor initiating capacity of 4T1 cells.
To further study the connection between tumor initiating capacity and metastatic outgrowth,
we examined the ability of 4T1 cells expressing CA-BMPR to metastasize to the lung upon
tail vein injection. Whereas control 4T1 cells were highly metastatic in this assay, those
expressing CA-BMPR were unable to colonize the lung, confirming that BMP signaling
opposes metastatic colonization (Figure 4E). CA-BMPR exerted a similar effect in 4TO7-
Coco cells (Figure S4I). These findings suggest that Coco induces metastasis-initiating cells
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to exit from dormancy by alleviating the capacity of lung-derived BMP proteins to activate
canonical Smad signalling.
were derived from the pleural effusion of a patient affected by metastatic breast cancer but
are not as aggressive as the MDA-MB231 cells (Padua et al., 2008), suggesting that Coco is
a general mediator of lung colonization.
Sorting according to the surface expression of CD44 and CD24 has been successfully used
to identify cancer stem cells within primary breast tumors or mammary cell lines, including
the MDA-MB231 cells (Al-Hajj et al., 2003; Cordenonsi et al., 2011). As anticipated, the
large majority of control MDA-MB231 cells were CD44HIGH/CD24LOW/−, consistent with a
cancer stem cell phenotype. Silencing of Coco led to the appearance of a large
subpopulation of cells that did not express CD44, suggesting that expression of Coco is
necessary to maintain the expression of this marker in MDA-MB231 (Figure 5C). In
consonance with this observation, depletion of Coco profoundly inhibited the ability of
MDA-MB231 cells to form tumor spheres in vitro without affecting their survival or
proliferation (Figures 5D, S5G and S5H). Finally, silencing of Coco inhibited the capacity
To study the expression of Coco in human breast cancer, we stained 3 distinct TMAs
comprising 15 normal or dysplastic glands and 126 breast cancers with affinity-purified
antibodies reacting selectively with Coco (Table S3 and Experimental Procedures). Whereas
normal or displastic mammary epithelial cells did not express detectable levels of Coco, the
tumor cells and scattered stromal cells in a large fraction of breast tumors produced variable
amounts of Coco (Figures 5F, 5G and S5I). Statistical analysis did not reveal any correlation
between the intensity of staining for Coco and pathological grade, clinical stage, ER, or
HER2 status in these samples (not shown). Interestingly, Kaplan Meyer analysis of the
MSKCC TMA dataset, which is annotated for metastatic relapse, indicated that the patients
with primary tumors exhibiting high levels of Coco had a significantly shorter overall
survival (46.2 ± 7.7 months) as compared to the remaining patients (104.9 ± 23.2 months)
(Figure 5H). We were not able to uncover other correlations, possibly because of the limited
number of cases present in this TMA and the paucity of paired samples. These observations
suggest that Coco confers a selective advantage during both tumor initiation and
DNA microarray analysis was used to examine if Coco’s activity correlates with metastatic
relapse in human breast cancer. Many signaling pathways, including the BMP pathway, are
restrained by negative feedback loops, which ensure expression of target genes only after a
defined threshold of signaling has been reached. We thus reasoned that a Coco-dependent
signature of gene expression may have been more reflective of Coco’s activity than the level
of expression of Coco mRNA. Furthermore, the Affymetrix HG-U133A and Agilent
platforms do not contain probes for Coco.
DNA microarray analysis of control and Coco-silenced MDA-MB231 cells led to the
definition of a signature comprising 56 genes (Figure 6A). By using a leave-one-out cross
validation method, we identified the 14 genes most relevant in predicting overall metastatic
relapse in the NKI295 dataset (Figure 6B, left), which comprises early stage, lymphnode
negative cases (van de Vijver et al., 2002) (Table S4), and validated their predictive power
on the EMC286 dataset (Figure S6A), which comprises early stage tumors from patients,
who did not undergo adjuvant therapy after surgery (Wang et al., 2005) (Table S4). Finally,
we tested the ability of the 14-gene signature to predict overall metastatic relapse in a
combined dataset comprising the MSK82, EMC192, and EMC286 cohorts. This large
dataset comprises patient populations with distinct clinical, pathologic and treatment
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Further distillation of the 14-gene signature led to the identification of 2 of its component
genes, KIAA1199 and NDRG1, whose combined overexpression predicted overall relapse
in the EMC286 dataset with efficiency similar to that of the 14-gene signature (Figure S2B).
Although both genes encode for proteins of unknown cellular function, prior studies have
suggested that KIAA1199 sustains Wnt signaling in colorectal cancer (Birkenkamp-
Demtroder et al., 2011) and NDRG1 is activated by HIF-1α, through inactivation of Myc-
mediated repression, and by AP-1 (Ellen et al., 2008). Interestingly, expression of the 2
genes strongly correlated with poor prognosis in the largest cohort comprising the MSK82,
EMC192, EMC286, and NKI295 datasets (P=2.9E-7; n=855) (Figure S6B).
To examine if expression of Coco correlates specifically with metastasis to the lung, we first
compared the levels of Coco in lung and bone metastatic variants of MDA-MB231 cells
(Zhang et al., 2009). Notably, Coco was upregulated in the lung metastatic variants
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LM2-4180 and LM2-4175 but not in the bone metastatic variants Bo-1833 and Bo-2287
(Figure 6C). None of 9 additional secreted BMP inhibitors had a similar pattern of
upregulation in lung metastatic variants (Figure S5A). To corroborate the hypothesis that
expression of Coco underlies organ-specific metastasis to the lung, we evaluated if the 14-
gene and 2-gene signatures are able to selectively predict lung metastasis. Preliminary
analyses indicated that both signatures were able to predict relapse to the lung but not to the
bone or brain in the MSK82, EMC192, and EMC286 datasets (Figure S6C). To avoid the
potentially confounding effect of patients with multi-site metastases, we repeated the
analysis in the large combined dataset (MSK82 + EMC192 + EMC286) after exclusion of
such patients. The results indicated that both signatures were strongly associated with lung
but not bone or brain metastasis (Figures 6D and 6E) and predicted overall survival as well
as lung metastasis independently of transcriptomic subtype (Table S5), tumor size,
lymphnode positivity, ER status, HER2 status, pathological grade or expression of the NKI
70-gene poor survival signature (Tables S6 and S7). Finally, although the original Coco
signature comprising 56 genes displayed target organ-specificity similar to that of the
previously described Lung Metastasis Signature (Figure S6D) and was able to predict
overall survival with similar efficiency (Table S8), the two signatures only shared 3 genes
(Table S9), consistent with the involvement of biologically distinct mechanisms (Minn et al.,
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We hypothesized that Coco may mediate organ-specific metastasis to the lung because the
stroma of this organ contains particularly high levels of bioactive BMP proteins. Since the
action of BMP proteins is regulated by multiple secreted inhibitors, some of which can
neutralize each other or also function as direct activators, as well as by complex additional
mechanisms (Walsh et al., 2010), it is impossible to estimate the amount of bioavailable
BMP present in a given tissue by using direct methods. Therefore, to gauge the amount of
active BMP present in the bone marrow stroma, we examined P-Smad signaling in tumor
cells that had infiltrated this microenvironment. Analysis of bone sections from control mice
indicated strong nuclear accumulation of BMP-responsive P-Smad proteins in chondrocytes
in the growth plate but not in most hematopoietic cells (Figure S7B-D). Intriguingly, a large
fraction of the solitary 4T1 cells present in the bone marrow 7 days after intracardiac
injection did not display nuclear accumulation of P-Smad (Figure 7C). Furthermore,
virtually all the constituent cells in all micrometastases and osteolytic lesions detected at 5
weeks were similarly P-Smad-negative (Figure 7D), suggesting that these outgrowths had
originated from P-Smad-negative solitary tumor cells. Similar results were obtained from
examining the micrometastatic lesions that arose in the bone of 2 out of 5 mice injected with
4TO7 cells 7.5 weeks earlier (Figure 7D). Finally, also all of the solitary tumor cells
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detected in the brain parenchyma of mice injected 7 days earlier with 4T1 cells did not
display nuclear accumulation of BMP-responsive P-Smad proteins (Figure 7C). In contrast,
we had found that all the 4T07 and more than 94% of the 4T1 cells that had undergone
dormancy in the lung were P-Smad-positive (Figure 2H and 2J). These results suggest that
the levels of bioactive BMP proteins capable of engaging their cognate receptors on tumor
cells are low in at least a subset of stromal microenvironments in the bone and brain.
Together, these results suggest that Coco selectively mediates colonization of the lung
because it enables tumor cells to overcome the inhibitory action of BMP proteins that they
encounter upon infiltrating this organ.
We have found that breast cancer cells that have successfully extravasated in the lung and
survived initial attrition remain dormant for an extended period because stroma-derived
BMP proteins limit their ability to proliferate. Production of Coco enables a fraction of these
cells to overcome inhibitory BMP signaling and to outgrow into macroscopic metastases.
Thus, although most disseminated tumor cells may possess intrinsic defects that preclude
them from surviving or undergoing active proliferation in the lung, those that are fated to
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give rise to clinical metastases, the metastasis-initiating cells, face strong anti-metastatic
signals originating from the parenchyma of this organ (Figure 7E).
It is plausible that only a subpopulation of tumor cells – the so called cancer stem cells –
possess the extensive self-renewal capability necessary for successful colonization of target
organs (Clevers, 2011; Valastyan and Weinberg, 2011). Our results suggest that BMP
enforces tumor dormancy by repressing two key cancer stem cell traits: self-renewal in vitro
and tumor initiation in vivo. They further suggest that Coco induces exit from dormancy by
reversing the ability of BMP to inhibit cancer stem cell function. This model is consistent
with previous studies indicating that the BMP pathway inhibits self-renewal and promotes
differentiation in pluripotent stem cells and various adult stem cells (Varga and Wrana,
2005). In addition, it is in general agreement with the observation that BMP signaling
contributes to inhibit mesenchymal and stem cell states in human mammary epithelial cells
(Scheel et al., 2011).
Of interest, BMP profoundly inhibited the expression of the transcription factors Nanog,
Sox-2, and Oct-4, which comprise the core regulatory circuit that sustains embryonic stem
cells (Young, 2011), and of the Hippo transducer Taz, which confers stem cell-related traits
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on breast cancer cells (Cordenonsi et al., 2011). In contrast, Coco enhanced the expression
of these transcriptional regulators by reversing the effect of BMP. We presume that the
interrelationships between these transcriptional regulators are complex, and that each
component contributes to sustain a cancer stem cell program of gene expression, underlying
the functions necessary for metastatic reactivation. In fact, the transcriptional modules that
include as core components Nanog, Sox-2 and Oct-4 as well as Taz/Yap are overexpressed
in aggressive and metastatic solid tumors (Ben-Porath et al., 2008; Wong et al., 2008).
The observation that Coco promotes colonization of the lung, but not of the bone or brain,
reveals the existence of organ-specific barriers to metastatic reactivation. A large fraction of
breast cancer cells that infiltrated the bone marrow stroma and virtually all of those that
lodged in the brain parenchyma to give rise to metastatic outgrowths did not display nuclear
accumulation of BMP-responsive P-Smads, suggesting that they had not been exposed to
high levels of bioactive BMP. Thus, although they may face additional barriers, many tumor
cells that infiltrate the bone or the brain do not need to neutralize locally produced BMP in
order to outgrow. Since pre-treatment with BMP blocks the ability of MDA-MB231 cells to
colonize the bone after intracardiac injection (Buijs et al., 2011), we speculate that breast
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cancer cells that infiltrate the bone are sensitive to the inhibitory action of BMP. They
simply do not need to avert it through production of Coco because they lodge within
sanctuaries devoid of the cytokine.
Several lines of evidence indicate that Coco is a particularly potent mediator of metastatic
reactivation and that it exerts its effect by inhibiting lung-derived BMP (Supplementary
Discussion). In particular, Coco was the only BMP inhibitor whose expression correlated
with lung metastatic capacity. Furthermore, although the MDA-MB231 cells expressed
Chordin-like 1, DAN, and Noggin at levels similar to those of Coco, knock down of Coco
was sufficient to block the lung metastatic capacity of these cells. Although all secreted
BMP inhibitors function as ligand traps, some have additional functions. Furthermore,
individual members differ in oligomerization state, affinity for individual BMP proteins, and
ability to bind to the extracellular matrix (Walsh et al., 2010). Therefore, Coco might be a
particularly potent mediator of lung colonization because it has a very high affinity for BMP
proteins or because it binds to the pericellular matrix and therefore reaches a very high
concentration near the cell surface. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that Coco
induces metastatic reactivation in the lung also through BMP-independent mechanisms,
which remain to be defined.
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The lag phase that separates the entry of tumor cells producing Coco into the lung stroma
and their outgrowth suggests that additional adaptive mechanisms mediate lung
colonization. Signals initiated by β1 integrins enable the initial outgrowth of tumor cells that
have established productive interactions with the interstitial matrix of this organ (Shibue and
Weinberg, 2009). In addition, the matrix proteins Tenascin C and Periostin organize niches
that nurse outgrowing micrometastases by modulating Notch and Wnt signalling,
respectively (Malanchi et al., 2012; Oskarsson et al., 2011). Although these signaling
mechanisms have not been specifically linked to the reactivation of solitary tumor cells, it is
possible that they cooperate with Coco to drive this process. Alternatively, they may act
following initial outgrowth to foster the expansion of micrometastatic lesions, similar to the
role of VCAM-1 in osteolytic bone lesions (Lu et al., 2011). Our observation that activated
β-catenin does not mediate exit from solitary tumor cell dormancy is consistent with the
hypothesis that Periostin falls in this latter class of prometastatic entities.
Attesting to the clinical relevance of our findings, patients with breast carcinomas
expressing high levels of Coco exhibited reduced overall survival. Furthermore, expression
of a 14-gene Coco signature predicted relapse to the lung but not to the bone or brain, in
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agreement with the notion that Coco specifically promotes colonization of the lung.
Provocatively, further distillation of the signature led to the identification of 2 genes that
maintained an intact ability to predict relapse to the lung and, in fact, participated in this
process in a mouse model. Based on these observations, we suggest that the 14-gene and 2-
gene signatures may be used to identify patients with a significant risk to develop lung
metastases. Furthermore, we propose that monoclonal antibodies or other biological agents
blocking Coco may exhibit anti-metastatic activity.
Coco has emerged from a gain-of-function retroviral cDNA screen in a mouse model of lung
metastatic dormancy. The identification of Coco demonstrates that such screens could be
used to define the genes that mediate the exit of solitary tumor cells from dormancy in the
lung. Furthermore, similar screens using genome-wide shRNA libraries might enable the
identification of genes that promote dormancy. Finally, both cDNA and shRNA screens
could be applied to other mouse models to identify the mechanisms that regulate tumor
dormancy at other metastatic sites or to investigate other steps of the metastatic cascade. By
affording the advantage of rapid biological validation of single entities that are able to
enforce dormancy or mediate exit from it, such gain-of-function genetic screens should lead
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to the identification of additional potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of metastatic
Retroviral cDNA screen
Size-fractionated retroviral cDNA libraries were constructed essentially as described
previously (Koh et al., 2004). 67NR, 168FARN, or 4TO7 cells were infected independently
with the libraries at an MOI of 3:1 and injected in the mammary fat pad of BALB/c mice.
Clonogenic tumor cells isolated from macroscopic metastases were expanded in selective
medium (Aslakson and Miller, 1992). Proviral DNA was rescued and sequenced as
described previously (Koh et al., 2002).
Animal Studies
Tumorigenesis and metastasis assays were performed as previously described (Pylayeva et
al., 2009). Animal studies were conducted in accordance with protocols approved by the
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of MSKCC.
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Statistical Analysis
Comparisons between two groups were performed using an unpaired two-sided t test (p <
0.05 was considered significant). Results are reported as mean ± SD or ± SEM unless
otherwise noted. All in vitro experiments were performed at least three times.
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Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We thank G. Daley, J. Massagué, and F. Miller for reagents, X. Zhang and X. Jing for help with X-ray imaging, M.
Akram for Coco staining of human TMAs, members of the Giancotti laboratory for discussions, and the staff of the
Genomics and the Molecular Cytology Facilities for their help. This work was supported by the Geoffrey Beene
Cancer Center at MSKCC and NIH grant P01 CA094060.
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The secreted BMP inhibitor Coco mediates breast cancer colonization of the lung
Coco induces exit from dormancy and reactivation by blocking paracrine BMP
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BMP signaling inhibits cancer stem cell traits and lung colonization
Coco-dependent gene expression signatures predict relapse to the lung in patients
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(E, F) 4TO7-TGL cells expressing Coco or not (E) and control and Coco-silenced 4T1-TGL
cells (F) were inoculated orthotopically in syngeneic mice. The graphs show mean tumor
(G, H) 4TO7-TGL cells expressing Coco or not (G) and control and Coco-silenced 4T1-
TGL cells (H) were inoculated i.v.. Lung metastasis was measured by bioluminescent
imaging. The panels show representative images (left) and the graph shows the normalized
photon flux (right).
In all panels, error bars represent SD.
See also Figure S1.
indicated times. Metastases were detected only in the lungs of mice injected with 4TO7-
Coco cells (red bars; P < 5.6E-4 at 21 days and < 3.1E-05 at 35 days).
(C) Outline of the EdU incorporation experiment.
(D) Representative images of lung sections stained as indicated.
(E) The graph shows the percentage of EdU+ cells at the indicated times. Cells expressing
Coco were categorized as indicated. **p<0.01.
(F) Control (sh-Control) and Coco-silenced (sh-Coco #1 and #3) 4T1-TGL cells were
inoculated i.v.. Lung sections were stained with anti-Ki-67 and anti-GFP. The graph shows
the percentage of Ki-67+ tumor cells at the indicated times. Control cells were categorized as
solitary (Sol.) or outgrowing (Out.). **p<0.01.
(G) Semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis of BMP receptors (top). Cells were left untreated or
exposed to 1 ng/ml BMP4 for 30 minutes and subjected to immunoblotting (bottom).
(H, I) 4TO7 and 4TO7-Coco cells were inoculated i.v. and lung sections were stained with
anti-P-Smad 1, 5, 8 and anti-GFP. The graph on the left shows the percentage of P-Smad−
solitary tumor cells and the graph on the right the percentage of P-Smad− metastatic
outgrowths at the indicated times. Metastases were only detected in mice injected with
4TO7-Coco cells (red bars) (H). The panels show the positive staining pattern generated by
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
anti-P-Smad antibodies on virtually all dormant 4TO7 cells and the lack of reactivity of the
same antibodies with a subpopulation of dormant 4TO7-Coco cells. Metastases arising in
mice injected with 4TO7-Coco were counterstained with hematoxylin (bottom right).
(J) Control and Coco-silenced 4T1 cells were inoculated i.v. and lung sections were stained
with anti-P-Smad and anti-GFP. The graph shows the percentage of P-Smad− cells at the
indicated times. Control cells were categorized as solitary (Sol.) or outgrowing (Out.).
In all panels, error bars represent SD.
See also Figure S2.
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assays. Finally, the PKHHIGH cells from secondary tumor spheres were subjected to the
same protocol to derive tertiary tumor spheres (E). The graph show the results obtained with
control and Coco-silenced ErbB2-transformed cells. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, NS-
not significant.
(G, H) 4TO7 and 4TO7-Coco cells (G) and control and Coco-silenced 4T1 cells (H) were
inoculated orthotopically at the indicated doses. The graphs show mean tumor volumes.
(I, J) Q-PCR of indicated genes in 4TO7 and 4TO7-Coco cells (I) and in 4TO7 cells left
untreated or exposed to 10 ng/ml BMP4 for 2 days (J). In panel A, B, C and F, error bars
represent SD.
In panel G, H, I and J, error bars represent SEM.
See also Figure S3 and Table S1, S2.
Figure 4. Inhibition of BMP Signaling Enhances Cancer Stem Cell Traits and Lung Colonization
(A) Cells were transduced with the indicated constructs were subjected to immunoblotting
(left) and tumor sphere assay (right).
(B) Representative images.
(C) 4TO7 cells expressing the indicated constructs were inoculated i.v.. The panels show
representative images (top) and the graph the normalized photon flux at the indicated times
(D) 4T1 cells transduced as indicated were injected orthotopically at the indicated doses.
The graph shows the mean tumor volumes.
(E) Cells were inoculated i.v. and lung metastasis was assessed as in C.
In all panels, error bars represent SD.
See also Figure S4.
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tumor sphere assay (D, left, ±SD). Viability at the end of the assay was measured by MTT
staining (D, right, ±SEM).
(E) Control and Coco-silenced MDA-MB-231 cells were inoculated orthotopically at the
indicated doses in NOD/SCID/IL2Rγ−/− mice. The graphs show mean tumor volumes (±
SEM. *p<0.05). **p<0.01, n.s.-not significant.
(F) Normal breast tissue and a case of invasive ductal carcinoma were stained with
monospecific antibodies to Coco and counterstained with Hematoxylin. Note the positivity
of nests of tumor cells and scattered stromal cells (high magnification inset).
(G) TMAs comprising 126 primary breast tumors were stained with anti-Coco. The pictures
show images of cases exhibiting varying levels of positivity. The graph shows the
distribution of staining intensity across samples.
(H) Kaplan-Meier analysis of overall survival based on Coco expression in primary tumors.
See also Figure S5 and Table S3, S4.
combined dataset (right). Patients were divided according to expression of the 14-gene Coco
signature (red line, positive; blue line, negative).
(C) MDA-MB231 cells and their lung and bone metastatic derivatives were subjected to
(D, E) Kaplan-Meier analysis of lung-only metastasis-free survival (left), bone-only
metastasis-free survival (middle), and brain-only metastasis-free survival (right) in the
MSK82, EMC192 and EMC286 combined dataset. Patients were divided according to
expression of the 14-gene (D) or 2-gene Coco signature (E).
(F, G) MDA-MB-231 cells expressing a control sh-RNA (sh-Control) and two sh-RNAs
targeting NDRG1 (sh-NDRG #3 and #5) (F) or two sh-RNAs targeting KIAA1199 (sh-
KIAA #1 and #5) (G) were subjected to lung colonization assay.
(H) MDA-MB-231 cells expressing a control sh-RNA (sh-Control) or sh-RNAs targeting
NDRG1 and KIAA1199 (sh-KIAA #1/ NDRG #3 and KIAA #5/ NDRG #5) were subjected
to lung colonization assay. The graph shows the normalized photon flux (left) and the panels
show representative images (right).
In all panels, error bars represent SD.
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Figure 7. Coco-mediated Blockage of BMP is Not Required for Metastasis to the Bone or Brain
(A, B) Mice inoculated i.c. with control or Coco-silenced 4T1-TGL cells were subjected to
bioluminescent imaging. Bone metastases were confirmed by X-ray radiography. The panels
show representative images. Yellow dotted lines delineate the boundaries of osteolytic
lesions in the radiograms (A). The graph shows the photon flux signal of metastases in the
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