Sample DLL in English

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School: Grade Level: VII

GRADE 7 Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: Week 9 Quarter: THIRD



A. Content Standards: The Learner Demonstrates Understanding Of: Contemporary Philippine Literature In The Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of
informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech, passive/active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses,
and sentence connectors.
B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing
strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and
past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives: (Just copy the competency (Just copy the (Just copy the (Just copy the
Write the LC Code for each and codes from the given competency and codes competency and codes competency and codes
MELCS) from the given MELCS) from the given MELCS) from the given MELCS)

EN7RC-IIIi-2.1.7, EN7VC-IIIi-14, EN7V-IIIi-13.11.2, EN7V-IIIi-13.11.2,

EN7LC-IIIi-2.5, and EN7LT-IIIi-5, and EN7G-IIIi-3, and EN7G-IIIi-3, and
EN7VC-IIIi-14 EN7OL-IIIi-1.3.1 EN7WC-IIIi-2.2.15 EN7WC-IIIi-2.2.15

II. CONTENT A Letter to His Parents Making a Stand Writing a Letter Writing a Letter


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages Serrano, Josephine B., and Milagros G. Serrano, Josephine B., and Milagros Serrano, Josephine B., and Milagros Serrano, Josephine B., and Milagros
Lapid. “Looking to the Future”. English G. Lapid. “Looking to the Future”. G. Lapid. “Looking to the Future”. G. Lapid. “Looking to the Future”.
Communications Arts & Skills Through English Communications Arts & English Communications Arts & English Communications Arts &
Filipino Literature. 1st Ed. Quezon City: Skills Through Filipino Literature. 1st Skills Through Filipino Literature. 1st Skills Through Filipino Literature. 1st
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2004. Ed. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing Ed. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing Ed. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
238-239. House, Inc. 2004. 240-265. House, Inc. 2004. 270-292. House, Inc. 2004. 293-315.

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
Presenting the New Lesson Discuss letter-writing focusing Discuss letter-writing focusing
on personal experience, on personal experience,
reasons, advantages, feelings, reasons, advantages, feelings,
form, expression, etc. form, expression, etc.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the (7 minutes) (5 minutes)

Lesson The class will be given/viewed The teacher will ask the
a real model of a letter. They students about their stock
must talk what they see. knowledge on letter writing.

C. Presenting (6 minutes) (5 minutes)

Examples/Instances of the The students will be given The students will be given a
Lesson another copy of a composition copy of the parts of the letter,
written by Dr. Jose Rizal, styles of writing, and kinds of
entitled: A Letter to His Parents. letter.

D. Discussing New Concepts and (20 minutes) (20 minutes)

Practicing New Skills #1
While reading, they must find Five parts of the letter will be
out how Jose Rizal’s life as a son presented to the class. Each
liken to. part will be discussed

The styles of Letter Writing

will be shown to the students
as well.
A. Making Generalizations and (15 minutes)
Abstractions about the Lesson The students will have this
(25 minutes)
statement to ponder.
He mentions, love, duty, and
death. Explain why these
E. Discussing New Concepts and (10 minutes) three were important in the (12 minutes)
life of Rizal.
Practicing New Skills #2 The students will be tasked to The students will be
B. Evaluating Learning take note as well the verbs (past (15 minutes) introduced(18with
and past perfect tense) used in different kinds of letter and
The students will pick a
the sentence. The students will be asked be able to identify its
piece of paper where kinds
with this question; (1) Why differences, especially on
They must have a list of the of letter will be written.
did he write a letter for his format and style.
verbs used in the composition They will write a letter
parents? (2) Why does he say
grouped in a particular tense of depending on the kind they
that he has caused his family
verb. picked.
to suffer?
(3) How does he show love of It must be written
his country and love of his according to the format
fellow Filipinos in the last presented.
F. Developing Mastery (12 minutes) (10 minutes)
(Leads to Formative Review the parts of a friendly The students may havehave
this chant
C. Additional Activities for The students will be asked with The students will a in
Assessment or
3) Remediation comprehensive questions about letter. order to master the parts of the
Application letter. test on the definition
the topic and they have to share of the parts of letter, styles
their idea or opinion.
of writing.
G. Finding Practical Applications (30 minutes) OWxs01-PejcwM%253A
(20 minutes)
of Concepts and Skills in Daily %252C_&usg=__w9ppggM8F56TKJ5
The class may have this The students will have
Living KCiMoEzZb-Uo
saying as their topic for their another set of letter to
30-minute debate. assess.
“You may not have the VDMWX0gSd3pKwAQ#imgrc=IXIQ8
chance to die for your
country, but you can truly be
IV. REMARKS patriotic by “living” for your
country.” Agree or Disagree?


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Submitted to:

Managing Director

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