Noise Pollution by Adnan Bukhari

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Noise pollution
Definition: In a simple term, noise is unwanted sound. Almost everyone has had one
experience of being temporarily "deafened" by a loud noise. This "deafness" in not
permanent, although it is often accompanied by a ringing in the ears, and one can hear
another person if he raises his voice.

Likewise, normal hearing comes back within a few hours at most. This sort of partial hearing
loss is called Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) (Bugliarello, et al., 1976). A TTS may be
experienced after firing a gun or after a long drive in the car with the windows open. It may
be considered that if exposure to this type of loud noise at a rate of eight hours a day, five
days a week can be a is a threat to develop permanent hearing loss.

Noise is a source of irritation and stress for many people and can even damage hearing if it
is loud enough.For most people, sound is an important and meaningful contributor to the
experience of their environment and their daily activities. However, unwanted sound may
interrupt activity where quiet is desirable, distract concentration, reduce the quality of
communication, and contribute to the stress of individuals (Berglund and Lindvall, 1995;
WHO, 2000). A second prominent field of noise study has been sleep disturbance
(Passchier- Vermeer and Passchier, 2000; Finegold, Harris, von Gierke, 1994; Finegold and
Elias, 2002). In part, this has been of interest because noise during sleep disrupts sleep.
(Basner, 2008) and may produce increased annoyance through remembered awakenings
(Basner, Samel, Isermann, 2006). The difficulties, stresses and annoyance potentially arising
as a result of unwanted noise exposure during waking or sleep have sometimes been
termed “health effects” (WHO,2005)). This is consistent with the World Health Organization
(WHO) definition of health which includes “complete physical, mental, and social well-being
and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO, 1946).

The type of hearing loss is any degree from partial to complete hearing loss. Sound is a
form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating body and on reaching the ear causes the
sensation of hearing through nerves. Sounds produced by all vibrating bodies are not
audible. The frequency limits of audibility are from 20 HZ to 20,000HZ. Noise has a greater
impact on the environment due to how greatly it affects the lives of the residents in terms
of socio-economic

Many are exposed to stressful levels of noise at home and at work. Noise is on the increase
in every society. Noise, such as that produced by airplanes, traffic, human activities, or
industrial machinery, is considered a form of pollution. Noise pollution is at its worst in
densely populated areas. It can cause hearing loss, stress, high blood pressure, sleep loss,
distraction and lost productivity. (Environmental Protection, UK, 2008). Noise, which many
people consider to be normal especially if they stay in it for all their lives, have severe
impacts on people lives. This 'social acceptance’ of noise forces people to be careless of
what amount of noise they make or produced. Measured in decibels, noise intensity can
range from zero, the quietest sound the human ear can detect, to over 160
decibels.Conversation takes places at around 40 decibels. Subway train is about 80 to 100
decibels.Rock concert is from 80 to 100 decibels. Intensity of a jet taking off is about 110
decibels. The threshold for pain, tissue damage, and potential hearing loss in humans is 120
decibels. Long-lasting, high-intensity sounds are the most damaging to hearing and produce
the most stress in humans.(Babie et al, 1994).In simple terms, noise is unwanted sound.
Sound is a form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating body and on reaching the ear
causes the sensation of hearing through nerves (Rao, 1995).

Noise pollution is intrusive and harmful. William H. Stewart, former US Surgeon General,
stated, “Calling noise a nuisance is like calling smog an inconvenience.

Transportation: if we talk about causes of noise pollution first one in jhang is
transportation ,Shalimars,Rikshaws are also from them. Transportation noise is
another increasingly recognized environmental pollutant. Transportation noise co-
exists with air pollution in urban settings, reflecting that traffic is a major source of
both exposures. Transportation noise is another increasingly recognized
environmental pollutant. Transportation noise co-exists with air pollution in urban
settings, reflecting that traffic is a major source of both exposures. 97 percent of the
Pakistan population, and it doesn’t have to be ear-splitting to be a public health
menace. ransportation causes of noise pollution predominantly encompass noise
from traffic, rails, and aircraft.
Rickshaws in Jhang:
a rickshaw puts extra pressure on the lungs, and severe pollution makes the situation
worse. The tiny toxic particles, known as PM2.5, can get deep into the lungs and into the
bloodstream. Pakistan Supreme Court also recently took notice of the rickshaw pullers'
plight. Though there are no definite numbers for the pollution they generate , the State
government’s decision to make away with two stroke auto rickshaws was because they
caused both air and noise pollution.
Welding In Jhang:
Welding is such a business operation that it could be hazardous to the environment. The
real kicker would be that welders may assist in mitigating the negative implications of their
conduct. In Jhang MIG welding (GMAW) & TIG welding constitute two of the most regularly
utilized methods. TIG welding requires more expertise and may create elaborate welding;
MIG welding is simpler to master; however, the welding quality is not quite as good. On the
other hand, unlike MIG Welding processes, TIG welding produces fewer emissions, such as
fewer levels of nitrogen oxides. Because of this, several of the explanations are that TIG is a
much more ecologically friendly welding technology.Due to the general higher operating
expenses and skill level necessary for TIG welding, it isn’t always a feasible alternative for
welding. However, if changing the welding method is not possible, additional procedures
may be taken to assist in minimizing the number of gases released.The welder parameters
and insulating material impact the gases that are emitted during welding. The usage of
voltage levels and amp levels on the welder might increase soldering emissions.Welders
may use specific characteristics to assist reduce emissions. For example, not to go for high,
high-heat welding right away. Instead, aim to utilize the minimum possible amps while
maintaining adequate penetration to weld the link securely adequately. In addition, if 100
percent Carbon dioxide gas is used instead of an ar gas mix, the arcs will become hotter,
resulting in more excellent metallic vaporization and pollutants.
Auto Repair Shops Pollution in Jhang:
In many communities, auto repair shops represent the largest generators of hazardous
waste among small businesses. These repair shops have the potential to generate pollution
in the vicinity due to the following main activities:

 Handling of chemicals may generate environmental pollution (auto repair pollution)

through activities associated with usual repair work such as the replacement of auto
parts, the cleaning and dismantling the of engine and other car components,
painting, and even through the regular change of fluids (e.g., oil, transmission fluid).
These repair activities introduce or have the potential to introduce contaminants
(handled chemicals) in the environment through accidental spills or leaks, as well as
through volatilization of the auto repair solvents during regular handling activities.
 Waste-generating and management also have the potential to pollute the
environment since the generated waste may be spilled or can leak from storage
containers. Additionally, improper waste management involving inappropriate auto
repair pollution disposal may also account for environmental pollution at and around
auto repair shops.  Examples of generated waste include the replaced auto fluids or
the used cleaning solvents. These wastes pose a health threat to humans and
environment, if they are spilled or not properly collected and disposed of.
Sabzi Mendi Jhang:
The polluted environment and unhygienic conditions at the federal capital’s only fruit and
vegetable market in I-11 Sector, commonly known as Sabzi Mandi, are causing
environmental and health problems for both the buyers and the sellers.A visit to the Sabzi
Mandi Jhang on Wednesday showed the slackness of the departments concerned, which
were responsible for cleanliness, security, parking and price control.The whole market,
which is almost spread over the sector, was filled with garbage, rotten vegetables and fruits
emitting odour.“There is no proper mechanism for keeping the market clean, despite the
fact that the civic authority has hired a number of employees for the purpose,” said Mazhar
Abbass, who visits the market twice a week to purchase fruits and vegetables.He said stall
and push-cart holders had even occupied the main road which caused problems for both
the motorists and the pedestrians. The officials of the department concerned took no pains
to remove them, he added.Another buyer, Ishaq Khan complained that the price lists were
not displayed by the vendors, who charged prices of their own liking.Brawls between the
sellers and the purchasers were a routine matter, he added.
Effects of Noise Pollution:
In humans, the effects of noise pollution are:

 High blood pressure

 Hearing loss
 May affect the circadian rhythm (sleep cycles)
 Impair cognitive functions
 Irritability, high stress
In animals, the effects of noise pollution are:

 Noise pollution increases the risk of death by altering prey-predator behaviour

(avoidance or detection)
 May interfere with navigation
 Also affects the reproductive behaviour
 Risk of hearing loss
 Unusual animal behaviour – some studies indicate that certain species of whales
beached themselves after exposure to sonar.



Using high-quality sound insulators such as sound blankets can help to lower the
noise levels escaping from machinery. You can also soundproof your walls and
ceilings to prevent excess noise from reaching the world outside your building. 


If employees are working in a loud environment, wearing earmuffs can reduce their
risk of suffering short and long-term hearing damage. But, you also need to provide
your visiting clients with ear protection when they are on your property. It’s useful to
keep spare earmuffs near your premises’ entrance so people can put ear defenders
on straight away.


A useful noise reduction tip is to inspect your machinery to make sure it is operating
efficiently. If there are worn parts, the equipment could be making more noise than
is necessary. By fine-tuning your machines, you could also find they are cheaper to
run and are more productive.


Planting trees and building fences can reduce the amount of noise heard by people
on the other side of these barriers. In the case of trees, you’re also helping the
environment. In addition, employees may find it relaxing to take breaks outside in a
green space.


There are times when it can be challenging to restrict the sound levels on your
premises. In this situation, you could create a loud noise zone. By moving the noisiest
equipment to one specific area, you are reducing the sound levels in the rest of your
building. It’s important to measure the decibel levels in this zone to ensure they
don’t exceed safety regulation restrictions. 


A straightforward noise prevention strategy is to turn off machines when they are
not in use. Employees may leave equipment turned on while they are on a break as
they will need to go back to work again shortly. But, this can add to the noise levels
in your workplace, so it’s good practice to encourage staff to switch their tools off
whenever possible.


When you reduce noise pollution, you can significantly increase the quality of the
working environment for your employees. Using sound-absorbing materials can
prevent noise from escaping your building, and turning off machines when not in use
can create a quieter space for your staff.

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