Review and State of Art of Internet

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A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

Article  in  Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering · July 2021

DOI: 10.1007/s11831-021-09622-6


43 3,165

5 authors, including:

Asif Ali Laghari Rashid Ali Laghari

Sindh Madressatul Islam University Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics


Abdullah Ayub Khan

Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University Lyari (BBSUL) Karachi


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Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering


A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

Asif Ali Laghari1,5 · Kaishan Wu1,2 · Rashid Ali Laghari3 · Mureed Ali4 · Abdullah Ayub Khan5

Received: 3 December 2020 / Accepted: 7 June 2021

© CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain 2021

The Internet of Things (IoT) is basically like a system for connecting computer devices, mechanical and digital machines,
objects, or individuals provided with the unique system (UIDs) and without transfer to transmit data over an ability human-
to-human or computer-to-human relation. Another thing on the internet is that the items in the IoT are like a connected
manner with humans and computers to which internet protocol addresses can be assigned and which can transfer data over
the network or another man-made object. In this paper, we describe the utilization of IoT in the cloud, fog, IoT technologies
with applications and security. Specifically, we provide IoT architecture for design and development with sensors in 6G.
Finally, we discuss the current research, solutions, and present open issues of future research in IoT.

1 Introduction almost every electrical appliance in our surroundings [3].

IoT is a great technology that influences us, judging from the
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a step towards way we react to the behavior of ourselves in our daily lives
the revolution in the modern-day world and a milestone [4]. From electrical home appliances (like fridge AC) and
achieved in the field of artificial intelligence [1]. The IoT remote-controlled appliances (like TV) to vehicles providing
can be demonstrated by a short and simple example from our the shortest and safest route to us [5]. All can be controlled
daily lives. An example of a Television is a display of IoT by using smartphones including our smartwatch.
[2]. We can change the channel stream by sitting at a point IoT is a large network comprising of devices connected to
without even touching the T.V with the help of a remote. it as given in Fig. 1 [6]. The devices connected gather data
The concept of IoT is the same; we can remotely control and share how they are being operated and perform assigned
tasks [7]. It is all thanks to sensors. They are embedded in
our mobile phones and various other electrical appliances
* Kaishan Wu and signal-based devices that will be connected to the net-
work of IoT.
Asif Ali Laghari An IoT ecosystem involves web-enabled smart devices
that use incorporated systems, such as processors, sensors,
Rashid Ali Laghari and communication hardware, to assemble, send, and act
on the data they obtain [8]. IoT devices reveal the sen-
Mureed Ali sor data they assemble by involving an IoT entry or other
edge device where the data is sent to the cloud for analy-
Abdullah Ayub Khan sis or on-premises analysis. Now And Then these devices
communicate with other connected devices and act on the
College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, information they obtain from each other. Devices do most
Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China of the work without human intervention, although peo-
HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute, Guangzhou, ple can interact with devices, for example, to configure,
China instruct, or access data [9]. The connectivity, networking,
School of Mechatronics, Harbin Institute of Technology, and communication protocols used with these web-enabled
Harbin, China devices are highly dependent on the specific IoT (inter-
QUEST Nawabshah, Nawabshah, Pakistan net of things) applications implemented. IoT is the one
Department of Computer Science, Sindh Madressatul Islam that can also be able to machine learning, which is called
University, Karachi, Pakistan

A. A. Laghari et al.

Fig. 1  IoT network connected

with of devices

artificial intelligence that can help to make data more con- The paper will address the topic of IoT, the state of the
venient processes and much more dynamic [10, 11]. art of IoT, and how IoT is used for fog, in 6G, and cloud
The IoT consists of connected systems, sensors, auto- computing. It surveys IoT architecture and sensors used
mobiles antenna, and much more [12]. Since IoT creates in development and security together with their potential
and analyzes large amounts of data, it is a major engine of applications, such as system tuning and diagnosis. Limita-
big data analytics projects [13]. In particular, it can bring tions of previous work and challenges of future work are
large amounts of data in real-time [14]. Through various also discussed. Further, we identify and discuss a set of open
IoT devices, it is possible to display the performance of all issues yet to be addressed, for accurate implementation and
employees, as well as advance operations at all locations. operating of IoT for cloud, fog, and 6G networks.
The example of IoT data collection to data processing is This paper is based on the IoT survey and review in differ-
given in Fig. 2 [15]. ent areas and is divided into 10 sections. Section two is based
on IoT architecture, the section is based on IoT technologies.

Fig. 2  IoT data collection to

data processing

A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

Similarly, sections four, five, six and seven, are based on the cooperatively to accomplish complicated assignments
IoT utilization in Cloud, fog, and 6G networks respectively. that require a serious extent of insight. Different struc-
Section 8 is based on IoT applications and Sect. 9 is based on tures have been proposed by different specialists; however,
IoT security and privacy. Finally, in section ten, we present there is no single architecture that is standardized by any
the open research questions in this field. organization for IoT, which is concurred for the most part
[16–18]. We discuss different sensors in this paper, which
are used in the design and development of IoT architecture.
2 IoT Architecture

Nowadays, the Internet has gotten omnipresent, has 2.1 Sensors

reached each side of the world, and is impacting human
life in incomprehensible manners. Nonetheless, the excur- All IoT applications need to have at least one sensor to
sion is a long way from being done. We are directly get- gather information from nature [19]. Sensors are basic
ting into a time of much progressively inescapable net- parts of shrewd items. One of the most significant parts
work where a wide variety of machines will be related of the IoT is setting mindfulness, which is absurd without
to the web. We are entering a period of IoT and the term sensor innovation. IoT sensors are for the most part little
has been characterized by various creators from various in size, have minimal effort, and devour less force. They
perspectives. We utilize these capacities to question the are obliged by components, for example, battery limit and
condition of the item and to change its state if conceiv- simplicity of sending. Schmidt and Van Laerhoven give an
able. In like way discourse, the IoT suggests such an exist- outline of different sorts of sensors utilized for the devel-
ence where practically all the devices and apparatuses that opment of intelligent applications [20]. Different types of
we use are associated with a system. We can utilize them sensors are used in IoT applications are given in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3  IoT sensors

A. A. Laghari et al.

2.2 Mobiles Sensors on Chip) with a radio. The functionalities of higher layers

are remembered for the host. BLE is not perfect with great
Above all else, let us take a look at the cell phone, which is Bluetooth. Let us take a look at the contrasts between great
universal and has numerous kinds of sensors installed in it. Bluetooth and LEB.
In explicit, the cell phone is an extremely convenient and The fundamental distinction is that LEB does not boost
easy-to-use device that has a large group of inherent cor- information flowing. Rather, it reinforces the fast exchange
respondence and information preparing highlights. With the of little bundles of information (parcel size is little) with an
expanding prominence of cell phones among individuals, information pace of one Mbps.
scientists are indicating interest in building intelligent IoT There are two sorts of devices in LEB: ace and slave the
arrangements utilizing cell phones due to the installed sen- ace goes about as a focal device that can interface with dif-
sors [21]. Some extra sensors can likewise be utilized relying ferent slaves. Let us consider an IoT situation where a tel-
on the prerequisites. Applications can be based on the cell ephone or PC fills in as the ace and cell phones, for exam-
phone that utilizes sensor information to deliver significant ple, an indoor regulator, wellness tracker, intelligent, or any
outcomes [22]. checking device go An as slaves. In such cases, slaves ought
to be very force productive. Thusly, to spare vitality, slaves
2.3 Neural Sensors are of course in rest mode and wake up intermittently to get
parcels from the ace.
Nowadays, it is far plausible to recognize neural symptoms In exemplary Bluetooth, the association is constant
in the mind, surmise the situation of the cerebrum, and edu- regardless of whether no information Move goes on. Fur-
cate it for better consideration and center interest [23]. It is thermore, it underpins 79 information channels (1 MHz
called neuro remarks the innovation applied for perusing channel transmission capacity) and an information pace of
mind alerts is called Electroencephalography (EEG) or a one million images/s, though, LEB bolsters forty channels
cerebrum PC interface [24]. The neurons inner the thoughts with two MHz channel transfer speed (twofold of exemplary
impart electronically and make an electric field, which can Bluetooth) and 1 million images/s information rate. BLE
be estimated from outside concerning frequencies. Mind boosts low obligation cycle necessities as its parcel size is
waves can be organized into the delta, theta, gamma, beta, little and the time taken to transmit the littlest bundle is
and alpha waves counting on the recurrence. as little as 80 s. The LEB convention stack underpins IP
based correspondence too. An investigation led with the aid
2.4 Actuator of Siekkinen et al. recorded the number of bytes moved in
line with Joule to expose that BLE expends far less vitality
There are certain instances of actuators that are utilized when contrasted with contending conventions, for example,
on the IoT [25, 26]. An actuator is a device, which can Zigbee. The vitality effectiveness of LEB is 2.5 occasions
impact an adjustment in the earth by changing over electri- better than Zigbee [29].
cal vitality hooked on a certain type of valuable vitality.
A few models are cooling or heating components, lights,
speakers, shows, and engines. The actuators, which insti- 3 Technologies for IoT
gate movement, can be arranged into three classes, to be
specific, electrical, pressure-driven, and pneumatic actuators It is a difficult task to outline the technology that forms the
relying upon their activity. Pressure-driven actuators encour- future-based technology that controls the sheer number of
age mechanical movement utilizing liquid or water-powered inventions and discoveries surrounding us. However, we can
force. Pneumatic actuators utilize the weight of packed air, illustrate it by dividing the great stack into four different
and electrical ones utilize electrical vitality. bases that are involved in the making of IoT given below and
also represented in Fig. 4 [30, 31].
2.5 Low Energy Bluetooth
• System hardware
Low Energy Bluetooth (LEB), otherwise called "Intelligent • Software device
Bluetooth," was created by the Bluetooth Particular vested • Communication route
party [27]. It has a moderately short-range and devours • Platform
low vitality when contrasted with contending conventions.
The LEB convention stack is like the stack utilized in great 3.1 System Hardwar
Bluetooth innovation [28]. It has two sections: controller
host. The physical and connection layer is executed in the These form the physical body of the system; they are the
controller. The controller is regularly a SOC (Framework components referred to as “things” in the title of IoT [32].

A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

Fig. 4  IoT infrastructure and devices

They act as the doorway between reality and the digital 3.3 Communication Route
world. They are observed in many forms, like a sensor in
a phone or an automatic driving car [33]. Any physical It is the third base of the IoT system [40]. After complet-
wired device that may become ‘smart’ by adding a chip ing the set-up for the hardware system and device software
or a sensor or a board for controlling it through signals is and making it ready, there comes the communication stage,
called IoT hardware. which is responsible for providing the route for transmis-
These devices are greatly used for gathering data about sion of the newly generated smart hardware devices. The
their respective fields. Many sensors and microprocessors communication system is based on hardware and software
are plotted inside the devices to make it smart but, a small systems but, its importance should not be neglected, as it
problem rises that may be countered later in the future, has importance in the IoT system [41]. First, we have to
i.e. the high amount of cost of purchase, a large amount of decide the route for transmission of data; we have several
money is required for purchasing [34, 35]. Another prob- choices available in the market. These choices may include
lem is the compatibility of the device; many devices are Wi-Fi LAN Bluetooth or satellite controlling. Each of them
not compatible with the newly invented sensors that may is suitable for transmission if they have their respective hard-
be reduced over time [36, 37]. ware and software installed. Every communication chip has
its separate configuration and cloud structure, and not only
will it decide the way of sending but also how the devices
3.2 Software Device are managed and communicate. The importance of commu-
nication in IoT may be explained by an example of a ladder
The second step towards the construction of IoT is the with no steps [42].
software device [38]. The word ‘smart’ may be used as
it works as the brain of the IoT system [39]. The imple- 3.4 Platform
mentation of data and cloud communication falls into this
department. It is responsible for device integration and This is the fourth and final of the IoT system. By making the
system data collection, and analysis of data within the correct choice of hardware and selecting the efficient soft-
cloud performed by the IoT software. It also enables the ware type that makes the data compatible and transforms it
user to interact with the system by converting the data into information and by selecting the proper communication
into application-level capable to be visualized by the user. channel our work is almost complete [43, 44]. The fourth
The data received from devices is in the analog form it is and final step, which is the platform, where all the above
converted into digital streams by DAS (data acquisition gathered and processed data is stored. From here the data is
system) by performing all logical analytical and theoretical presented to the user in a user-friendly form. In this section,
operations. After processing, the data before entering the data is categorized and divided according to its purpose. The
data center, the same process of operations is repeated by platform acts as a cupboard with different shelves for stor-
the IT edge to make it more exact and informative. ing different clothes similarly the platforms also work in the

A. A. Laghari et al.

same way. The data is labeled and stored on different shelves

[45]. Through this, the user could pick the exact informa-
tion. There are many companies in the market providing
platforms depending upon the characteristics and structure
of the platform [46]. The choices may vary on the cost and
requirement. There are many companies offering platforms,
which may be either installed on the device using extra stor-
age device or use cloud storage. An example can be taken as
azure or cybersecurity works.
IoT has many stages that repeat one after another. The first
step is the gathering of data that is done through sensors or
in the above words “device”. The second step is the transfer
of data to the cloud, which is done through many mediums
like Wi-Fi etc. once the data is collected we move on to the
next step, which is the processing of this data through differ-
ent checking software and valuable information is obtained.
The last step is the user interface. The user e.g. gets notified Fig. 5  Cloud IoT scenario
through emails and alarm alerts [47]. In many cases, some-
times the actions are performed without the interference of clients, and assistants and start exercises for progressing
the user. The system at some point is capable of making its responses. For instance, wind turbines might adjust their
own decisions. It can be explained by taking the example of conduct subordinate to current climate data; airplane travel-
an uninvited person or an intruder being sensed in the zone ers whose comparing flights are conceded or dropped might
that may make the alarm or security system go off. Not only be rebooked sometime recently the planes they are on have
making the owner but also instantly calling the police or landed.
contacting the concerned security department. That is why In another unique situation, IoT Cloud can furnish busi-
the IoT system is becoming a 5star module nowadays and ness clients with a much significantly completer and more
looking at the high chart ratings there is no stopping it [48]. incorporated viewpoint on clients, without requiring special-
ized skill or the administrations of an information investiga-
tor [56]. The stage can take in billions of events a day, and
4 Cloud IoT clients can assemble choices that decide events to take after
upon and what moves to create. IoT cloud is data setup and
Google Cloud IoT is a finished arrangement of devices to thing skeptic; surrender connectors allow correspondence
associate, procedure, store, and break down information both with Salesforce fogs or outsider organizations.
at the edge and in the cloud [49]. The stage comprises ver- is a San Francisco-based client relation-
satile, completely oversaw cloud benefits; an incorporated ship with the board (CRM) and social endeavor program-
programming stack for edge/on-premises figuring with AI ming as-an organization (SaaS) supplier [57]. The organiza-
capacities for all your IoT needs [50, 51]. The Cloud IoT tion moved IoT Cloud within the fall of 2015, at its annually
scenario is shown in Fig. 5 [52]. Dreamforce client gathering.
IoT has progressed with the more prominent age of data.
Web of Things Cloud Service makes over the best corre- 4.2 Salesforce Outlines What to Expect from IoT
spondence between cheap sensors within the IoT, which Cloud
suggests altogether more prominent accessibility; billions of
related devices and machines will sometimes recently long SAN FRANCISCO—At Dreamforce 2015, Salesforce pre-
connect human-clients [53]. pared for the approaching Internet of Things (IoT) upheaval
by discharging the IoT Cloud [58]. Based on the advance-
4.1 IoT Cloud (Salesforce IoT Cloud) ment stage known as Thunder, the IoT Cloud will gather
and store information that originates from interconnected
IoT cloud is organized from that is planning devices, yet also make that data promptly accessible to
to store and strategy the IoT data [54]. The IoT Cloud is improve client experience, said Dylan Steele, ranking execu-
controlled by Thunder, which portrays as a tive of item showcasing for the IoT Cloud at Salesforce [59].
"hugely versatile consistent event planning engine [55]." The One of the qualities of the IoT Cloud, Steele said at the
stage is worked to require within the tremendous volumes gathering, is making the information assortment process
of data created by contraptions, sensors, sites, applications, simpler for business clients. Less-specialized clients no

A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

longer need to depend on information experts to capital- about purchasing more prominent or less stockpiling. They
ize on the information. The IoT Cloud includes an occasion can without much-extended scale the capacity as the data
preparing motor that ingests billions of occasions for each made increases and pay for the degree of capacity, they use
day, Steele stated, and the stage permits clients to assemble with cloud computing.
decides on the head of that information to recognize explicit
occasions to follow up on. The IoT Cloud has yield connec- 4.5 Is the Cloud fascinating for IoT?
tors appended to it that can associate with some other Sales-
force cloud or outsider framework an organization picks. So far, we have exclusively been examining the upsides of
Steele likewise talked about the IoT Cloud’s security misusing the cloud for IoT. We should in a matter of seconds.
structures, saying the stage is based on a similar innovation
supporting other Salesforce items and conveys their secu- • Decreased costs, each immediate and foundation
rity measures with it. Steele said the IoT Cloud is informa- • Pay-varying for capacity/registering
tion arrangement and devices skeptic, so it can work with • High framework quantifiability and availability
information originating from different devices and send the • Increased lifetime of controlled sensors/devices
information to any framework, for example, its Sales and • Ability to mix monstrous measures of information
Service Clouds or outsider frameworks. • Anything with an online affiliation will become "shrewd"

4.3 IoT and Cloud Computing for Future Internet In any case, there square measure genuine issues with
cloud utilization:
The inquiry anyway remains by what means will the devices
stay interconnected all through. The appropriate response • Data ownership After you store data during an organiza-
lies in the network gave by the web of things cloud adminis- tion’s cloud administration, does one own {the data the
tration. More noteworthy utilization of the IoT in the cloud information} or will the cloud supplier? This could be
has gone about as an impetus for the turn of events and send- hugely essential for IoT applications including individual
ing of adaptable IoT applications and strategies of achieve- information like consideration or reasonable homes [63].
ment. Cloud/fog computing and IoT have become two firmly • Potential crashes On the off chance that the affiliation is
associated upcoming web revolutions with one giving the hindered or the cloud administration itself crashes, the
other a step to advance [60]. There are various advantages, IoT application will not work [64]. Short inoperability
which the intermingling of IoT and Cloud registering has will not be a huge arrangement sure IoT applications,
determined. as reasonable farming, anyway it might be decimating
for other people. You need not bother with applications
4.4 Providing Infrastructure including wellbeing or security unmitigated for even
numerous seconds, in addition to numerous hours.
IoT within the cloud offers open cloud organizations that • Latency It requires some investment for data to be sent to
can without much extending help the IoT domain, by giving the cloud and orders to return to the devices [65]. Ensure
untouchable get to the establishment. Hence, the joining can IoT applications, these milliseconds will be crucial like
offer assistance IoT data or computational portions working in wellbeing and security a not too bad model is Self-
over IoT devices [61]. sufficient Vehicles. If an accident is looming, you do not
Expanded Scalability IoT devices require an extraordi- have to claim to go-to for the car to address the cloud
nary deal of capacity to share information for important before deciding to turn out of the methods.
purposes. IoT within the cloud, comparable to the StoneFly
Cloud Interface to Microsoft Azure can deliver clients more
conspicuous space, which can increase agreeing to the cli- 5 Fog IoT
ent’s request and helping with settling the capacity needs
of clients. “Fog computing is a dispersed computing organization or
Expanded Performance A lot of data made by IoT devices procedure in which computing resources are located among
needs over-the-top execution to collaborate and interface a data source and a cloud or other files center [66, 67].”
with each other [62]. IoT within the cloud gives accessibil- Cisco introduced the fog computing term. Fog computing
ity, which is imperative to share information between the is the one nearer to deal with the IoT [68]. Fog computing
devices and make noteworthiness from it at a fast pace. also known as a network of fogs or clouds is a decentralized
Pay-More Only as Costs Arises Cloud computing frame- place at the most logical and efficient point between data
works help IoT to offer significance to the more prominent sources and the cloud [69]. Fog computing is a reorganized
measure of information created. Clients have no concern IT structure where records, processing, storage, and tenders

A. A. Laghari et al.

are halfway among the data foundation and the cloud. Alike procedures. This information is translated into an agree-
edge computing, fog computing provides the benefits and ment that the Internet service provider can understand, such
capabilities of the cloud somewhere data is generated and as MQTT or HTTP (S). After the conversion, the data will
processed. Many people use the terms “fog computing” and be updated to be sent to the cloud or IoT gateway. These
“boundary computing” interchangeably, as they imply that endpoints collect complete information for additional (addi-
intelligence and processing are closer to the place where the tional) details or provide data to the cloud for the general
data is generated. This is often done to increase efficiency, public. The advantages and disadvantages of Fog IoT are
although it can also be used to ensure safety and compliance. given in Table 1.
Fog used where data should be analyzed with a fraction
of the second and huge quantity of policies. The strategies 5.1 Applications of Fog
are located at a very environmental distance, and device
equipment is subject to extreme conditions. Fog nodes pro- Real-time health analysis:
vide transitory storage, computing capability to develop
the records before it is sent to the cloud, and gross fast • Patients with continuing sickness can be observed in real-
judgments. The network connectivity is to attach with IoT time.
devices, extra fog nodes, cloud, routers, surrounded servers, • Knock patients.
alterations, and video shadowing cameras, etc. [70]. Deploy- • Analyze the data in real-time.
able somewhere exclusive the network and every fog node • During emergency, warn the corresponding doctors
take its cumulative fog node [71]. directly.
Fog processing is based on three types of data such as
very time-sensitive data, less time-sensitive data, and not Intelligence power proficient system:
time-sensitive data. Fog nodes are always works rendering to
folks kind of records whatever they obtain. An IoT presenta- • Power efficient
tion would be mounted to a piece of fog bulges. The nearby • Intelligences feature power construction reports every
fog node ingests the statistics from the policies. day.
• Propose economic power custom idea.
• Very time-sensitive data Data to be considered inside a
split second. Investigate at the adjacent node itself. Con- Real-time rail monitoring:
ducts the judgment or stroke to the campaigns, conducts,
and supplies the summary to the cloud for upcoming • Fog nodes can be arranged to railway paths.
inquiry [72]. • Real-time checking of the track state.
• Less time-sensitive data Data that becomes investigated • For high-speed trains, referring the data in the cloud
after minutes or seconds. This data is referred to as the aimed at analysis is incompetent.
comprehensive node for inquiry. Later exploration, the • For nodes offer firm data analysis.
combined node leads the resolution or act to the device
over the bordering node. The collective node guides the Pipeline optimization:
summary to the cloud for storage and upcoming analysis.
• Non-time-sensitive data The data which be able to pause • Requires real-time monitoring of heaviness, flow, and
for weeks, days, and hours. Referred to the cloud for compressor.
imminent storage and breakdown and a summary of the • Terabytes of statistics are created.
fog nodes can measure less time-sensitive data. • Sending all these records to the cloud for analysis and
storage is not effective.
A fog computing environment can take many devices and • Network latency is not suitable.
purposes dependent on its presentation. It might contain • Fog stays an explanation.
processing accesses that receive data from data causes or
multiple gathering endpoints, such as routers and switches, Analysis of wind turbines and real-time turbines:
which connect resources to the network.
In the procedure of shifting data through fog computing • Wind direction and speed analysis can increase output.
construction in an IoT environment, the automated controller • Data can be monitored in real-time.
reads signals from IoT devices [73]. The controller (reader)
launches the system program necessary for the automation 5.2 Challenges
of IoT devices. Program the data governor system platform
drives to a customary OPC core attendant or other gateway Power consumption:

A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

Table 1  Advantages and disadvantages of Fog IoT

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Decreases unwanted mishaps: 1. Existing data protection mechanisms, such as encryption, could not
Latency will be condensed throughout result creating secure the data from intruders
Speedy result construction
2. Superior privacy: 2. It does not check whether the user has been authorized or not
Every productiveness can analyze their information locally
Store personal data in their native servers
Send only those data which can be collected to the cloud
3. Business agility: 3. The security of cloud computing is not focused on ways to protect data
Fog application can be easily developed according to tools available from unauthorized access
Can be deployed anywhere we need
Can be programmed according to the consumer’s requirement
4. Support mobility: 4. No one is identified when the attack occurs
Nodes are able to be mobile Identifying the attacking user is difficult
Nodes can be joint and leave the network at any time
5. Deployable in remote places: 5. We cannot determine which file was cracked
Can be deployed in remote places Increased connections mean increased risks
Can be subjected to harsh environmental conditions
Undersea, railway tracks, vehicles, factory floor, etc
6. Better data management: 6. Sometimes the whole concept of vague computing can seem compli-
Can work with low bandwidth cated and confusing
Data can be analyzed locally
Decrease the hazard of latency

• Fog uses additional nodes. • Fog node can be done by mobile.

• Higher power consumption than a centralized cloud. • Nodes can be connected to or disconnected from the net-
work as needed.
ϖ Data security: • Many data processing structures are static.
• In such a structure, adequate scalability and flexibility
• Data producing nodes are circulated. cannot be provided.
• Providing substantiation and agreement systems for all
nodes is not an informal task. Fog is an ideal partner for cloud and IoT [74]. The IoT
resolves the major problems facing the cloud when manag-
ϖ Reliability: ing IoT data [75]. Benefits range from one person to large
companies provides analysis and monitoring in real time.
• It’s hard to maintain the integrity and find millions of
characters easily.
• Node corruption does not affect the website. 6 IoT with 6G

ϖ Fault tolerance: Nowadays, the IoT emerges as technology comes with

the great capability of smart controlling, various physical
• A node failure should be fixed immediately. devices around the world connected to the internet to share
• Individual failure should not affect the entire scenario. and receive data. Dong et al. defined IoT as “more than a
buzzword; a system that provides a new way to interact with
ϖ Real-time analysis: technology and behave of a human being [76]. Connect-
ing physical devices that until being connected and control
• Real-time analysis is a primary need for minimizing smartly” [76]. The technology is embedded with digital
latency. software, sensors, and other computing technologies for
• Dynamic analysis and decision making reduces the haz- exchanging data with distinct devices wirelessly over the
ard and improves results. internet. On the other side, technological advancement and
• It is not easy to track a large number of nodes. evolution in computing hardware and wireless communica-
tion, such as generation 6 (6G) [77, 78] make it possible
ϖ Programming architecture: to control every physical device, for example, as small as

A. A. Laghari et al.

a ubiquitous chip to as huge as the unmanned aerial vehi- [85], automate daily routine tasks easily, for exam-
cle. These technologies fulfill the massive need of the world ple, smart offices. The intelligent device automatically
population for providing fast as well as secure communica- updates the system according to the new standards.
tion with the promising solution of wireless energy transfer
enabling technology, 6G also handles higher frequency and
wider bandwidth [79, 80]. Highlighted features of IoT with 7 IoT Applications
6G are as follows [81]:
IoT applications try to make major shifts in our lifestyles.
• Allow to build a technological business model; With more up to date wireless setups, powerful sensors,
• Automate manufacturing as well as business processes; and improving computing capacities, the IoT could be the
• Collect effortless source of revenue; upcoming next big thing in our modern lives and will con-
• Provide customer-centric services; tinue to make our life easier [86]. With the help, IoT tech
• Network slices capability; giants companies are trying and already are making our lives
• Facilitate a distributed network application for cloud connected. As per Gartner’s research, by 2020 connected
optimization; devices including all the technologies will reach 20.6 billion,
• Automatic life-cycle management for network applica- which is tremendous [87].
tion; These devices will overcome and bridge the gap between
• Provide advance modulation scheme; the physical and digital world to improve the way of living,
• Evolution of 6G, enhance bit rate, high reliability, low society, and corporations. With IoT making up for Smart
latency, high spectral and energy efficiency compares to houses is a much-anticipated element, with organizations
5G [82]; now competing with their smart devices and appliances
• An intelligent network also provides green communica- [88]. Wearable tech is another component shifting rapidly
tion. on the web. With the releases of apple wearable tech and
Samsung gear and similar wearable tech from other com-
6.1 IoT Architecture with 6G panies recently and more devices coming, these devices are
going to keep us connected with the interconnected globe
IoT starts with connecting, technology: [89]. Nevertheless, the hype nowadays for IoT is very big.
It appears that every other day a firm launches its new IoT-
6.1.1 Advantages enabled item.
Following are the top IoT applications as ranked on the
• Strong Communication IoT with 6G encourage Machine- internet by popularity from Google searches or people talk-
to-Machine (M2M) communication, able to connect ing about it on a different forum such as Twitter, Facebook,
physical devices, complete availability of transparency Reddit, etc.
with reducing inefficiencies and high quality [83].
• Powerful Automation and Control All the physi- 7.1 Smart Urban Cities
cal devices are connected and digitally sharing data
resources using wireless infrastructure, a huge amount of Smart cities are another great use of IoT [90]. Automated
powerful control and automation system handle the com- transportation, urban security, smart energy managing sys-
plete scenario. Without human intervention, the machine tems, smart surveillance, water supplying, and environmen-
can communicate with others leading to faster and more tal tracking, are some samples of IoT uses for smart urban
on-the-spot output [84]. cities [91]. It is known for the fact that many Smart cities
• Information Discovery and Monitoring System From a solutions promise to upgrade the lifestyle of individuals liv-
business point of view, having more information help ing in urban communities nowadays. IoT solutions in the
for making better decisions. Monitoring the exact quality field of Smart cities solve traffic jam issues and reduce noise
and quantity of supplies, able to provide more informa- pollution and help make urban areas more secure.
tion that could not be collected previously, monitor and
improve expiration of products in the future. 7.2 Connected Automobile
• Reduce Cost and Time Fundamentally, IoT proves very
useful for people in their daily life, makes electronic Connected Automobile is also coming up [92]. In a few
appliances smart that efficiently communicate with each years, we would see IoT implementations in budget sector
other, saves cost, time, and energy. cars too. In the past, this technology was only focused to
• More Speed and Adopting New Standards IoT enables us make vehicles internally optimized, but nowadays the atten-
to complete complex tasks faster along with efficiently tion to make the in-car experience great with the help of IoT

A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

is growing too [93]. Major brands in both the tech and auto- 7.7 Smart Supply Chain
mobile industry such as Google, Apple, BMW, Mercedes,
and Tesla are trying to bring the next big revolution in the The supply chain is yet another field getting technological
automobile sector. advancement like other fields. IoT helps in this field regard-
ing the tracking and organizing of products or managing the
inventory information [101]. E-commerce companies like
7.3 Wearables
Amazon, Aliexpress, Daraz use the Smart Supply Chain
management in their warehouses to get the work done eas-
Wearables are a very in-demand tech product in recent years
ily and more efficiently.
[94]. It has gained its users from all walks of life like teenag-
ers, middle-aged people, and even older people because of
7.8 Industrial Internet
its simplicity to use and health benefits such as sleep track-
ing, heartbeat sensors, oximeter, pulse calculator to name
The industrial internet has great growth potential, many mar-
a few. Tech giants like Google, Apple, and Samsung have
ket researchers see the Industrial Internet as the IoT concept
invested a heavy amount of money to build such devices
with great possibilities [102]. The main idea behind Indus-
[95]. These devices serve the purpose of health, fitness, and
trial IoT is that machines are more precise than humans in
entertainment. Wearable tech is full of sensors beneath it
communicating with the data, which can be used by compa-
and a screen on top of it. It usually has the software of its
nies to analyze more data in lesser time.
maker, which provides the user with a great user experience.
7.9 Smart Home System
7.4 Smart Retail
Brilliant homes are turning out to be progressively main-
IoT can perform great in this field of Smart Retail [96]. With stream today in light of two reasons. To begin with, the
the help of IoT, retailers can connect with their respective sensor and incitation advancements nearby remote sensor
customers. The smartphone will be a device, which will frameworks have a general sense created. Second, people
be mostly used for this purpose. Customers can also pay nowadays believe advancement to address their interface in
with their phones through mobile banking applications and their fulfillment and security of their homes [103]. An illus-
can track their orders through the service provided by their tration of a smart home system is given in Fig. 6.
retailer [97]. In intensive houses, different sensors are sent, which offer
smart and mechanized types of assistance to the client [104].
They help in mechanizing day-by-day assignments and help
7.5 Digital Health
in keeping up a daily schedule for people who will in gen-
eral be absent-minded. They help in vitality preservation
IoT in healthcare is growing in the last few years and will
by killing lighting and electronic devices consequently. We
continue bigger in the upcoming years and decades [98]. IoT
normally use movement sensors for this reason. Movement
in the healthcare department encourages people to by using
sensors can be moreover utilized for security also.
connected devices and live a healthier life. The concept of
Smart domestic applications are extremely helpful for the
connected digital health has great potential for both the peo-
old and diversely abled [105]. Their wellbeing is checked,
ple and the firms of medicine and pharmaceutical industries,
and family members educated quickly if there should be
yet it has not reached the majority of people.
an occurrence of crises. Floors are furnished with pressure
sensors, which tune the development of a person over the
7.6 Smart Farming intensive home and help in recognizing if an individual has
tumbled down. In brilliant homes, CCTV cameras can be
With the number of people living on the planet and their utilized to record occasions of intrigue. These would then
growth is increasing day by day the demand for food is also be able to be utilized to include extraction to discover what
increased. In such a scenario smart farming is one of the is happening.
fastest and more importantly useful growing fields in IoT
[99]. Not just it helps the farmers or agricultural organiza- 7.10 Smarts Water System
tions to grow more income, but it also helps the consumer to
get the food in much cheaper and greater quality. Farmers are Given the predominant measure of water shortage in many
using IoT equipped devices for controlling the water supply parts of the world, it is critical to deal with our water assets
for plants, getting the information of the soil’s nutrients and proficiently. Subsequently, most urban areas are deciding
moisture [100]. on brilliant arrangements that location a lot of meters on

A. A. Laghari et al.

Fig. 6  Smart Home system

water gracefully lines and tempest channels. A decent refer- climate conditions. Creation utilizing nurseries is one of
ence around there is the paper by Hauber-Davidson, Idris the primary uses of IoT in horticulture. Natural boundaries
[106]. They portray different structures for intelligent water estimated as far as temperature, soil data, and dampness are
meters. These meters can be utilized to gauge the level of estimated progressively and sent to a server for investiga-
water inflow and outpouring and to recognize potential tion. The outcomes are then used to improve crop quality
holes. Deep-water metering frameworks are likewise utilized and yield. Example of smart environment with IoT is given
related to information from climate satellites and waterway in Fig. 8 [107].
water sensors. They can likewise assist us with anticipating Pesticide deposits in crop creation are identified utiliz-
flooding. Figure 7 shows the water conservation for future ing an Acetyl cholinesterase biosensor. This information is
generation. spared and examined for removing helpful data, for example,
the example size, time, area, and measure of deposits. We
7.11 Smart Agriculture and Environment would thus be able to keep up with the nature of the yield.
Besides, a QR code can be utilized to interestingly distin-
Natural boundaries, for example, temperature and moistness guish a container of ranch produce. Buyers can filter the QR
are significant for farming creation. Sensors are utilized by code and check the measure of insecticides in it (through a
ranchers in the field to quantify such boundaries, and this unified database) on-line before purchasing.
information can be utilized for proficient creation [107]. Air contamination is a situation these days since it
One application is a robotized water system indicated by is changing the ecosystem of the earth and debasing air

Fig. 7  Smart management
system with IoT

A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

Fig. 8  Smart environment with

IoT technology

quality. Vehicles motive a ton of air contamination. IoT 8 IoT Security and Privacy
software is proposed by Manna et al. to screen air con-
tamination in the streets [108]. It likewise tracks cars that The most dangerous part of IoT is that consumers are giving
reason an undue degree of contamination. Electrochemi- up their privacy, bit by bit, without realizing it, because they
cal harmful gasoline sensors can likewise be utilized to do not know what data is collected and how it is used [109].
quantify air contamination. Vehicles are outstanding by As a result, consumer privacy can be compromised and have
way of RFID labels. RFID peruses are put on the two no real remedied. Security and privacy illustration of IoT are
roadsides along with the gas sensors. With this methodol- given in Fig. 9 [110].
ogy, it is far conceivable to differentiate and make a move This helps to maintain the integrity of data and avoids
in opposition to dirty automobiles. hackers from examining it. All communication with your
IoT devices must be authentic expending strong pass-
words or time-based authentication signs [111]. Antivirus

Fig. 9  Security and privacy of


A. A. Laghari et al.

software can stipulate a critical layer of protection against 8.4 Ways to Secure Your Data in IoT
outbreaks. Hardware, software, and connectivity must
make sure secure for IoT objects that work more effec- 8.4.1 # 1 Understand the Benefits of Connecting
tively [112]. Without the security in IoT or connect the to the Internet
objects from freezers to made artificial intelligence robots
and also can be hacked by using ethical hacking [113]. It is more important to make out the system first secure
Once hackers are gain control of your system, then you are and then store our data in our system so, it is important to
not able to use your system until you connect them with kind and be aware of this problem than so that the make
some anti-virus tools. Make sure to protect your system of our system convinced that the make and model of the
from hackers that are more powerful than us, and they can car and I will be there at home and then go to the gym and
assume the functionality of the object and steal the user’s protect them from hackers.
digital data.
Nowadays, anything can easily be hacked; so that we must
secure our data and system otherwise we face many issues. 8.4.2 # 2 Use the Secondary Network
Small systems are getting started with powerful IoT offer-
ings. However, the security of their systems is to convince Having a separate connection to act as a buffer will help
here, and devices connected to the Internet. It is important ensure that no shared entity can access your shared files
to get knowledge for how to protect your data is secure from and other types of encrypted data. As with any technol-
hackers is a very important thing adopting advancements. ogy, if there are security holes, hackers will try to promote
openness, if a hacker can do it then you are not able to
open your system keys for small business networks.
8.1 Risk 1: Storage of Personal Data

As with any technology, if there is security hole, hackers 8.4.3 # 3 Keep Changing Your Passwords
will try to promote openness. If a hacker can do it then you
are not able to open your system Internet-connected devices We must change our password from time-to-time other-
that store credit card numbers or other personal information wise hackers can easily be able to get your password, and
can be used as keys for small business networks. Many IoT you face many problems in this way you must change your
devices exclusive data to generate various user-centric func- password from time to time.
tions, and often leak it easily [114]. The nest, post office, and
some codes were filtered out by the weather station near the
thermostat. 8.4.4 # 4 Do not Enable Universal Plug and Play Functions

When we choose IoT devices, it is most important that

8.2 Risk # 2: Lack of Regulations or Rules we make sure that it is a safe environment otherwise, our
system can be hacked easily, and our private data is also
As embedded attacks increase, developers must create a can be leak easily, so it is very important to make our
"problem-oriented approach (contacts are external)" to system safer, and for protecting our data that is it is a big
update IoT security and maintenance. Regular updates are security risk.
needed, and identification and authentication management
issues have made significant progress in reducing the risks
associated with the IoT [115]. 8.5 Privacy Risk

• In IoT, devices are interconnected with different equip-

8.3 Risk # 3: Non‑Existent Commitment to Updates ment and programming, so there are evident odds of
and Security touchy data spilling through unapproved control [117].
• All the devices are transmitting the client’s very own
When we choose IoT devices, we must make sure that it is data, for example, name, address, date of birth, wellbe-
a safe environment for our data and information. We must ing card data, charge card detail, and considerably more
make sure for a safe environment and otherwise, our system without encryption.
can be hacked, and our private data is also can be a leak, so • Although there are security and protection worries with
it is important to make our system safer for protecting our IoT, it adds esteems to our lives by permitting us to deal
data otherwise it is a security risk [116]. with our day by day schedule undertakings remotely

A Review and State of Art of Internet of Things (IoT)

and naturally, and all the more critically, it is a distinct 8.7 IoT‑Disadvantages

advantage for ventures [118].
• Security Creates an ecosystem of constantly connected
devices while interacting with IoT networks. Despite any
8.5.1 Best IoT Security Practices security measures, this system provides little control.
This exposes users to all sorts of attacks [123].
• Coming up next are other IoT security strategies you • Complexity A few people discover the IoT framework
ought to consider executing [119]. complex regarding plan, organization, and upkeep, given
• Plan decent border security with a firewall and an inter- their utilization of a wide scope of innovations and an
ruption counteraction framework. enormous assortment of new empowering advances
• Remember everything for security data and occasion [124].
the board condition. • Flexibility Many people worry about the flexibility of the
• Actualize a crisis reaction program. IoT system to easily integrate. They worry about finding
• Incorporate a decent personality and access the execu- themselves in several conflicting or closed systems.
tive’s program with your IoT program for focal client • Compliance IoT, like any other technology in the realm
control [120]. Consider, for example, utilizing a cloud of business, must comply with regulations. While many
personality approach. consider compliance with standard software to be a war,
• Actualize two-factor validation where handy. its complexity is incredibly challenging.
• Have the executives of your devices utilize special cli- • Marketing and Content Delivery IoT improves this by
ent control. watching more practices and breaking down them in
• Quest for normalization. This is just in its early phases an unexpected way. This prompts more data and detail,
now, yet the market will before long characterize meas- which gives increasingly solid measurements and exam-
ures for the IoT, including security gauges. ples.
• If you host a third-gathering IoT supplier, consider due
ingenuity. It permits associations to more likely examine and react
• Remain educated with key wellsprings of security to client needs or inclinations.
through gatherings, for example, the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST).
9 Open Research Issues

8.6 IoT‑Advantages The main purpose of this paper is to provide a review of IoT

areas and research challenges. In this section, we discuss
• Better Customer Engagement The current investigation challenges and directions for future research work according
is experiencing significant side effects and significant to areas as we discussed earlier in this paper.
errors inaccuracy. Also, as referenced, commitment is
inactive. IoT stabilizes it rapidly and gradually con- • IoT Architecture Still, there is no standardized architec-
nects with the crowd. ture is provided by any researcher or organization [125].
• Improving Technology Similar developments and The different researcher gives their ideas for architec-
information that upgrade the client’s experience also ture by using different types of sensors and technology
improve tool usage, and gradually add to powerful according to their requirement, so there is need research
innovation. IoT opens a universe of important practi- work on IoT architecture to reach prominent architecture
cal and field information [121]. of IoT, which is acceptable for all applications. Multiple
• Less Waste IoT features territories of progress. Current architectures of IoT may cause a problem in the future
examination outfits us with shallow bits of information; due to protocol issues in communication.
anyway, IoT gives veritable information that prompts • Technologies for IoT In this research area still, a problem,
progressively compelling resources to the board. what technology will be converted to IoT because it is
• Improved Data Collection Innovative for collecting feasible to convert agriculture, home, health, and supply
data for passive use has its limitations and designs. IoT chain management. There are few concerns about auto
breaks it down from places and gives it a place where vehicles and health systems due to the failure to sensor
people want to go to analyze our world. It allows an it will cause a lot of damage [126]. System hardware for
accurate picture of everything [122]. a particular field is also an issue because no prescribed
hardware or software is recognized by researchers or
organizations. Communication route is also a problem

A. A. Laghari et al.

because most IoT applications were used from smart- 2017A030312008,  Shenzhen Science and Technology Founda-
phones, and during mobility, the cell is changed, and the tion (No.  ZDSYS20190902092853047), the Project of DEGP
(No.2019KCXTD005), the Guangdong “Pearl River Talent Recruit-
route of communication is also changed this will cause ment Program” under Grant 2019ZT08X603. Kaishun Wu is the cor-
a delay to send an instruction to the IoT system for par- responding author.
ticular action this is a big issue [127].
• Cloud IoT IoT devices generate big data, which will be Declarations 
sent to the cloud for the process this will cause delays for
results and action due to communication delay from the Conflict of interest  Authors did not have any conflict of interest.
cloud to the IoT device [128]. The distance of the cloud
from IoT devices is also causing delays in sending and
receiving data. It is also a big problem that a simple IoT References
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