SITXWHS003.docx 4 May ....................................
SITXWHS003.docx 4 May ....................................
SITXWHS003.docx 4 May ....................................
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to the WHS framework are true or false:
5. Regulations exist on a federal and state level to provide a consistent set of WHS laws
List 2 examples for staff which are protected through an employer’s duty of care outlined in
the WHS laws:
The primary duty of care requires duty holders to ensure health and safety, so far as is
reasonably practicable, by eliminating risks through health and safety. If this is not possible,
risks must be minimized so far as is reasonably practicable.
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to a business’ WHS obligations are true
or false:
1. TH&E businesses must form a WHS committee to deal with WHS laws F
3. TH&E businesses must request involvement of WHS bodies such as Work Cover as
much as possible F
5. Best practices involve command and control rules to implement WHS in the workplace
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS policies and SOPs are true or
1. Severe penalties can be applied to individuals and businesses that breach WHS laws
5. An SOP should be developed for jobs that require a high level of skill T
Checkpoint 2
5. Employees who do not speak English, or who have other difficulties with
communication must find their own way to interpret WHS information. F
6. When creating, sharing and storing documentation, you should try to minimize the use
of printed materials T
2. Refresher training for WHS needs should be conducted every two years F
4. WHS policies must be explained to new workers within a fortnight of starting in the
business. F
5. Risk assessment is necessary and results must be filed in risk assessment register
documents T
6. Lists of plant and equipment must include maintenance and inspection schedules
What important WHS information should a TH&E business provide as part of an induction?
What environmental considerations are required?
The induction documents play an important part of communicating WHS. The overall WHS
policy of the business should be given to the new employees as part of their induction, e.g. in
the staff handbook, along with emergency procedures and contact details.
Other information that must be conveyed to staff include the location of safety equipment such
as fire extinguishers and first aid kits, as well as information about emergency response contacts
such as 000 signage in high risk areas.
When creating, sharing and storing documentation, you should try to minimize the use of
printed materials and maximize electronic transmission and filing of all documents in order to
reduce waste.
Risk Assessment – Local Risk Register; Risk Assessment Forms; Risk Assessment Register
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Implement And Monitor Work Health And 2018
Induction and Training – Induction Acknowledgement Forms; Induction Register; Training Needs
Register; Training Record
Inspection – Workplace Inspection Forms; Workplace Inspection Register; List of Plant and
Equipment; Plant and Equipment Inspection Schedule
List 5 pieces of information which must be included in a Safety Data Sheet (SDS):
1. Product name
2. Correct storage conditions
3. Flammability
4. Potential hazards
5. First Aid measures
Checkpoint 3
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS consultation are true or false:
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS planning are true or false:
2. Competent employees assist in minimizing risks and must follow processes as part of
their responsibilities T
3. Injury prevention planning must be done after a serious accident has occurred
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to methods of consulting with employees
are true or false:
2. Employees must be paid for the time taken to attend to WHS committee tasks T
4. Surveys and feedback are a simple means to gather staff input towards WHS T
1. A daily brief can incorporate WHS reminders and time for staff to make suggestions.
2. You could place a diary, whiteboard or suggestion box in an accessible place to allow the
recording of any ideas, suggestions or problems.
3. You may wish to hold periodic meetings on WHS issues, or to incorporate WHS into the
regularly scheduled meetings and throughout the course of the day.
4. Surveys and feedback questionnaires can be conducted, anonymously if preferable, to
keep Management and other staff up-to-date with any issues.
5. Official meetings may have a standing agenda item and have the outcomes minute.
6. Informal meetings may require notes to be taken, e.g. in a common management diary,
and filed for appropriate action.
What are the requirements for recording and following up on WHS suggestions from staff?
How can this be done?
It is a requirement to record, report and resolve any health and safety issues raised by your
staff. If you cannot resolve the issues yourself, you may need to refer the issue to another
person such as another staff member, higher level manager, WHS representative, WHS
committee or an external consultant. Whether you modify a procedure or tell the staff member
why you won’t be following their recommendation, the important thing is that you
communicate your decisions to them. Communication and feedback must be organized in such
a way as to encourage further involvement in WHS Management and not to discourage
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to WHS training requirements are true or
2. WHS training must be carried out whenever new tasks are given, or work practices are
altered T
3. If a new site or premises is opened, then all staff must undergo site inductions and
detailed safety training specific to the new location T
4. Due to the complexities of WHS legislation businesses must involve consultancy firms
to implement WHS training policies F
5. Training for WHS must occur off-site to ensure that workers are not distracted when
learning new rules F
6. Training records must be kept in the training register of the WHS records of the
business T
What should you do if a staff member has been identified breaching a policy or procedure?
Complete the sentences from the drop-down menus:
If a breach of policy or procedure has been identified, you will need to take appropriate
disciplinary action. Non-compliant personnel must be disciplined in the appropriate manner –
the appropriate processes to follow should be described in your company’s policies and
Actions taken may include official reprimand and recording of breaches in the employee’s file,
rectification training, suspension or expulsion. Be sure to understand the appropriate actions to
take according to the severity of the issue.
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to organizing a command structure are
true or false:
2. Once the emergency services have arrived wardens must hand over all responsibilities
to the fire chief and police F
4. The Chief Warden stands in when the Deputy Chief Warden is absent F
1. Floor plans and maps showing exit points and paths and location of firefighting
equipment assist with emergency responses. T
2. Correct typing techniques can help to avoid Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS).
3. Manual handling and the use of ladders and stock-moving equipment, such as forklifts
is a serious WHS consideration T
5. Ventilation, signage, training and inspection are all important aspects of inert gas
safety. T
Checkpoint 5
1. Find it
2. Assess it
3. Fix it
4. Review it
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to hazard management are true or false:
2. The accident register will show up all hazards that exist in the workplace
3. Hazards should be risk assessed so that low level risks can be ignored F
4. The hierarchy of controls will provide a guide on dealing with hazards in a logical
manner T
List the categories of workplace hazards and provide 3 examples for each type:
Physical hazards – Noise, vibration, lighting, temperature, air quality, working area, poor
Chemical hazards – Fumes and vapors, handling and spillage, incorrect storage
Ergonomic hazards – Work station design, equipment, tools and manual handling
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to hazards are true or false:
1. Protective clothing such as a uniform protects the worker from trips and falls
2. Light has to be sufficient to allow workers to perform their tasks without straining
their eyes T
The TH&E industry uses many chemicals for cleaning and sanitation. List the classifications
categories for chemicals and explain what these may cause:
Corrosion – causes burns to the skin or soft tissue e.g. solvents, acid or bleach
Flammability – causes burning, explosion or injury if absorbed by the body e.g. gas and fuel
Checkpoint 6
List the steps of the hierarchy of controls used for controlling risks and provide an example for
each control:
Introduce personal protective equipment (PPE) – Supply earplugs for noisy operations
List 4 methods which can be used for monitoring health and safety:
1. Direct supervision
2. Informal discussion
3. Formal discussion
4. Reviewing documents or paperwork
Describe how each of the monitoring methods you listed above can be used to monitor health
and safety:
Direct supervision – Keep an eye out for health and safety issues, as well as how your staff
responds to them. If you see a staff member do something that is potentially unsafe, you should
take immediate action to address it.
Informal discussion – By promoting a culture of open communication about WHS at work, your
staff will feel that they can approach you about any WHS issue they encounter.
Formal discussion – Include time at your weekly meeting to discuss WHS. Using open ended
questions can help to promote discussion.
Reviewing documents or paperwork – Check to see that WHS paperwork has been completed
correctly. Even if the paperwork is filled out correctly, recheck hazards mentioned in the
paperwork to ensure that staff have checked things properly, not just ‘ticked boxes’.
2. Point out what they are doing wrong as well as any safety implications T
3. Show them you’re written SOP, policy or procedure and how they should follow them
6. Complete any paperwork, e.g. incident report form, near miss form, updated risk
assessment T
7. Point out the unsafe action to any manager or staff member that might be affected
8. If a staff member continues to not follow safe work practices make a note of it and get
other staff to do their work. F
As a Manager you should take a lead role in assessing and controlling risks and set an example
for your employees. If an accident or incident has been reported then you will need to manage
the response. Any accident or incident, also known as a near-miss, must be investigated as soon
as possible. The purpose of the investigation is to find out the causes of the incident and to
make adjustments so that the incident does not occur again. It should focus on the facts and
possible solutions to the problem.
If at all possible, the scene of the incident or accident should be left untouched to assist in
ascertaining the facts. If there were witnesses to the occurrence, then they should be
interviewed for their version of events, along with the person who reported it. A complete
catalogue of all the steps involved in the investigation should be kept. You must ensure that you
follow the legal requirements for informing the relevant authorities. If the accident is serious
enough it might warrant an official investigation by the government body
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to security are true or false:
2. External security measures include limiting access and electronic security systems
3. Special events may require measures such as crowd control and CCTV T
4. Restricting access to specific areas protects employees and guests. Visitor passes are a
simple measure for verifying visitations to the premises T
5. Key control is particularly important for areas that hold valuable stock T
What are the requirements to ensure and maintain financial security for the following aspects
in a T, H&E operation?
Suppliers - Ensure that the delivery tallies with the order, weights and prices are correct and
forward the invoices to the accounts department.
Float - This is the term used for the money that is in the till before trading begins, to have some
changed available.
Financial transactions - Staff must control correctness of bill, change given and verify credit card
Transfer of money - Safe collection of turnover after main trading periods and handing over to
A financial control - The accounts department keeps the trading records of accounts receivable
and payable, the payroll and performs all banking transactions.
Indicate whether the following statements in regard to security and privacy are true or false:
5. You are within your rights to ask customers to open their luggage if you suspect them
of theft F
Question 1
Under the WHS legislation there are 5 situations when a person conducting a business or
Undertaking (employer) must consult with workers. Name 3 of them.
Identifying hazards and assessing risks arising from the work carried out or to be carried out
Making decisions about ways to eliminate or minimize those risks
Making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for the welfare of workers
Proposing changes that may affect the health or safety of your workers, and
Making decisions about procedures for consulting with workers; resolving health or safety issues;
monitoring health of your workers; monitoring the conditions at the workplace and providing
information and training for your workers.
Question 2
List 4 ways you can provide staff with workplace health and safety information.
Standard Operating Procedures
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) folders
Warning signs
Company policies
Standard WHS procedures
Question 3
An emergency evacuation plan is one example of a WHS procedure which helps to keep people
Safe. List 4 others relevant to your industry.
Evacuation of staff and customers
Handling chemicals and hazardous substances
Hazard identification and reporting
Incident and accident reporting
Risk assessments and reporting
Safe work practices
Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys, people.
Question 4
List 2 methods of monitoring that staff are following WHS procedures.
Direct supervision
Informal discussion
Formal discussion
Reviewing documents or paperwork
Question 5: List 5 types of document that would act as evidence of your company’s compliance
with WHS laws.
Risk assessments
Minutes of safety meetings
Management reports that mention safety issues
Emergency procedures
Incident reporting
Consultation practices
Hazard identification and risk assessment
Question 6
Question 7
List 5 WHS issues or potential hazards you need to monitor in your department/industry on a Daily
Work premises, including the access and egress
Hazardous chemicals
Hazardous manual tasks and ergonomics
Plant (storage or disposal of the plant)
Question 8
List 3 matters you might discuss as part of making consultation arrangements.
Employer’s duty to consult
Purpose of consultation
Consultation options
There is no legal liability on an employee who is part of a WHS Committee or is a WHS
Concept of a workgroup (people who are represented by the Representative or Committee)
Right to request representation from a union to consult in relation to consultation arrangements
The role of Work Cover in administering the Act
The existence of the WHS Consultation code
Question 9
Name 3 methods you can use to provide staff members the opportunity to contribute their
Views on WHS issues.
Question 10
If you cannot resolve a staff member’s WHS issue or control a hazard yourself, name 3 people You
might refer the issue to in order to find a resolution.
Another staff member
Upper level manager
WHS representative
WHS committee
External consultant
Question 11
A staff member has raised WHS issues in the workplace which now have been Resolved. Why is it
important to communicate the result back the staff member who raised it?
Encourage further involvement in WHS Management.
Sends a clear message that the business takes WHS seriously.
Question 13
List 4 different types of WHS training methods.
Health and safety induction programs.
Formal or informal training programs, coaching or mentoring sessions.
Training in safe work practices, hazard identification and control
Risk assessment and management.
Work health and safety policies and procedures training.
Notices on notice boards, fact sheets, signs, and meetings to ensure people are following safe
working procedures.
Question 14
Give 2 examples of when you must provide WHS training to your staff.
Whenever a new task or new equipment is introduced into the workplace.
Whenever staffs acquires a new task.
When staff are assigned WHS roles.
WHS Representatives and Committee members are required to undergo specific training.
Question 15
Give 4 examples of training you might organise with a specialist WHS training provider.
Manual handling
Question 17
Where Safety Data Sheets (SDS) should be kept?
You should collect and keep the Safety Data Sheet information together in an easily accessible
It is recommended that you compile a folder, with the sheets in alphabetical order
Question 18
List 5 pieces of information you can find on an SDS.
Product name
Contact details
Correct storage temperature and conditions
Potential hazards
First Aid measures after accidents
Fire fighting measures
Accidental release measures
Appropriate personal protective equipment
Properties of the chemical.
Question 19
What information can you get from a completed risk assessment document?
They detail the nature and type of the risk, the likelihood and potential severity of the risk.
Question 20
List 4 pieces of information that should be recorded as a training record for a staff member who
Question 21: How can you minimise the environmental impacts of storing documents and files?
When creating, sharing and storing documentation, you should try to minimise the use of printed
materials and maximise electronic transmission and filing of all documents in order to reduce waste.
Question 22
Under the WHS legislation, what is an employer’s duty of care in relation to providing a safe
All employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers
Question 23
If a business chooses to have direct, regular contact between employer and employees instead of
appointing a WHS Committee or appoint WHS Representatives, have they failed to meet the
Requirements of the WHS act? Why/Why not?
No. Businesses may choose to have direct, regular contact between employer and employees, which
is allowed as an Other Agreed Arrangement.
Question 24
If a WHS Committee raises a WHS issue with an employer, and the employer does not consider
The issue in a timely fashion, has the employer failed to meet their legal requirements? Why/Why
Yes. If the WHS Committee forms recommendations, then legally they must be considered by the
employer and acted on in a timely fashion.
Question 25
What is the role of a WHS Committee?
A WHS Committee can bring together Management and employee representatives in order to work