22. This involves the use of punitive and disciplinary 30. The Rule applies on registered vessel on foreign
measures such as solitary confinement to modify or territorial jurisdiction which generally follows the
reform criminal behavior whose conduct and Nationality Principle and not the Domiciliary Principle
deportment is not totally responding to rehabilitation except when the crime committed on board vessels
programs affects the national security of the Country where such
a. Isolation vessel is located.
b. Rehabilitation a. French Rule
c. Reformation b. English Rule
d. Reintegration c. Spanish Rule
23. In order to determine the veracity of the testimony d. Greek Rule
of the witness against him. The accused has the right
49. Pedro was able to have carnal knowledge with his 56. To constitute a band under Art. 296 of the Revised
17 year-old girlfriend by promising the latter with Penal Code, there must be how many armed persons
marriage, What crime was commited? taking part in a robbery?
a. Qualified Seduction A. Three
b. Acts of lasciviousness B. More than three
c. Simple seduction C. Less than three
d. None of the foregoing D. Three or more
50. What is the meaning of quash? 57. After raping the complainant in her house, the
A. Overthrow accused struck a match to smoke a cigarette before
B. Vacate departing from the scene. The brief light from the
C. Annul match allowed him to notice a watch in her wrist. He
D. All of the above demanded that she hand over the watch. When she
refused, he forcibly grabbed it from her. What crime/s
51. A vessel is sailing within the internal waters of the did the accused commit?
Philippines. Suddenly Jerald, an outsider, boarded the A. Qualified rape
vessel and took a part of it. While Jerald is on flee, he B. Rape and theft
fired upon one of the passengers of the said vessel. C. Rape and robbery
What crime is committed by Jerald? D. Robbery with rape
A. Piracy
B. Murder 58. Ernesto , a tricycle driver, plied his usual route
C. Mutiny using a Suzuki motorcycle with a sidecar. One evening,
D. Qualified Piracy Eduardo rode on the sidecar, poked a knife at Ernesto
and instructed him to go near the bridge. Upon
75. The following are the drugs used in the Three Drug 82. Assume that when Macoy stabbed Vincent, the
Rule, which of them stops the heart beat? latter was in a no way to identify Macoy as his assailant.
A. Sodium Thiopentotal But Vincent nevertheless in his dying state had a strong
B. Pancurium Bromide hunch that it was Macoy alone could have possibly
C. Potassium Chloride done the stabbing, hence in his declaration to SPO4
D. All of them Lorenzo, he pointed to Macoy as his aggressor. Vincent
died. What will happen to his declaration to SPO4
76. Which of the following is not an element of Lorenzo?
malicious mischief? A. It will not be admitted as dying declaration
A. The damage was caused inadvertently B. It will not be admitted as dying declaration but will
B. The damage caused does not fall with the provisions be admitted as part of res gestae
of arson C. Vincent will be subjected to rigid examination by the
C. The offender has caused damage to the property of defense counsel
another D. It will be considered as declaration against pedigree
D. The damage was caused deliberately or common reputation
77. Which of the following is true about doubts in 83. The Parol Evidence Rule applies to:
criminal cases? A. judgment on a compromise agreement
A. all doubts should be removed because conviction B. will and testaments
must be beyond shadow of a doubt C. written agreements or contractual documents
B. all doubts should be resolved in favor of the state D. subsequent agreements placed on issue
C. all doubts should be resolved in favor of the
accused 84. Z as husband, dies before he could institute the
D. all doubts should be resolved in favor of the criminal action for adultery against his wife and the
prosecution paramour. The case may:
A. Be prosecuted by the State
78. In Factum Probans: B. Still be prosecuted
A. it is offered as such for the consideration of the C. No longer be prosecuted
tribunal; D. Be prosecuted by the husband’s parents
B. it is conceived of for practical purposes as existent;
C. A only 85. W was arrested in the act of committing a crime on
D. A and B October 1, 2011. After an inquest hearing, an
information was filed against W and his lawyer learned
79. A woman was charged with the murder of a seven of the same on October 5, 2011. W wants to file a
years old girl near village Nala. Here no one has seen motion for preliminary investigation and therefore he
her killed the girl but the following facts came out after has only up to _____ to file the same.
taking evidence such as; 1. That about an hour before A. November 15, 2011
the sunset the accused was seen going with the B. October 20, 2011
deceased in the direction of the scene of occurrence; C. October 10, 2011
2. She returned home alone; and 3. That the cloth she D. October 16, 2011
was wearing was found to be stained with human
blood. These facts best illustrate_______. 86. A and B had a quarrel. A boxed B. A told B, “I will
A. Competent Evidence kill you this week”. A bought a firearm. On Friday, he
B. Direct evidence
23. It is a general statement of intention and typically 32. They are considered as the first to utilize dogs for
with a time horizon of a year or more. What is referred patrolling:
to this statement? A. Chinese
A. objective B. Egyptians
B. vision C. American
C. goal D. English
D. mission
33. Complaints against personnel of the PNP IAS shall
24. The process of making police officers to adjust and be brought to the NAPOLCOM or to the office of the:
be knowledgeable in a new job and/or working A. Ombudsman
environment. B. DILG Secretary
A. Police Screening C. PNP Chief
B. Police Placement D. Inspector General
C. Police Compensation
D. Police Appraisal 34. Dogs are important in police patrol because dogs
are capable recognizing an odor of______ times better
25. Essential in administering personnel matters and than human beings.
designed to aid in assignment, promotion, and A. 10 thousand
disciplinary action of personnel. B. 10 million
A. Miscellaneous Records C. 100 thousand
B. Identification Records D. 1 million
C. Arrest and Booking Records
D. Administrative Records 35. An Act Transferring the PNPA and NPTI from PPSC
to PNP.
26. A principle of efficient management wherein the A. R.A. 11279
objective is to pursue the optimum utilization of the B. R.A. 11200
capabilities of personnel. C. R.A. 5487
A. Stability of personnel tenure D. R.A. 9346
B. Centralization 36. Technical Sergeant in Military rank is equivalent to
C. Stability PNP rank which is:
D. Scalar Chain A. SPO3
27. Waiver of the age requirement may be granted B. SPO2
provided that the applicant shall not be; C. SPO1
A. More than 20 nor over 35 D. PO3
B. More than 21 nor over 35
C. Less than 21 nor below 35 37. It is a type of Operational Plan which includes the
D. Less than 20 nor over 35 framework for the operation of the major functional
unit in the organization such as patrol and
28. The decision of dismissal by the PLEB is final and investigation.
executory but subject to appeal to the RAB. The period A. Standing Plan
38. As a Patrol Officer, when checking suspicious 45. In times of war or other national emergency
persons, places, buildings/ establishments and vehicles declared by the Congress the President may extend
especially during night-time, be prepared to use your such term of office from ______________ depending
service firearm and flashlight should be- on the gravity of the situation.
A. Nearby the body, to have an easy searching of a A. One to six months
possible target. B. Six months to one year
B. Tightly away from the body to avoid making C. Five months to one year
you a possible target. D. One year to two years
C. Close at hand to your firearm to threaten possible
adversary. 46. This are functions that are designed to support the
D. None of these. line functions and assist in the performance of the line
functions examples of the staff functions of the police
39. This patrol tactic is designed to increase the are planning, research, budgeting and legal advice.
number of apprehension of law violator to engage in A. Line functions
certain types of crimes: B. Auxiliary functions
A. Preventive Patrol C. Administrative Functions
B. Proactive Patrol D. Primary functions
C. High -Visibility Patrol
D. Low- Visibility Patrol 47. Under the police reform and reorganization law, a
Field Training Program for all PNP uniformed members
40. Which of the following is classified if a person steals is required for permanency of their appointment
primarily of irresistible urge in an unexpected consisting of 12 months. Basic areas of actual
opportunity? experience and assignment during this period shall be
A. Ordinary pilferer on:
B. Casual pilferer A. Patrol, Investigation and Intelligence
C. Systematic pilferer B. Traffic, Investigation, Patrol
D. Extra-ordinary pilferer C. Traffic, Intelligence, Patrol
D. Patrol, Public Relations, Auxiliary Services
41. “ Mobility and Stealth” is an advantage of
A. Air patrol 48. The act renamed the Insular Constabulary into
B. Bicycle patrol Philippine Constabulary, enacted on October 3, 1901.
C. Motorcycle patrol A. PD 765
D. Mobile patrol B. ACT 175
C. ACT 255
42. You are the station commander or the chief of D. RA 6975
police of a semi-urban town whose area is quite large.
You have a limited number of police personnel. The 49. An act or condition, which results in a situation
mayor told you that he can provide you with funds but conducive to a breach of the protection system, or that,
he desired that the maximum police presence be made could result to loss.
in the whole town. What is the best action that you can A. Natural Hazards
do? B. Security Hazards
A. With the same number of personnel you will C. Human Hazards
increase the number of mobile patrol with two- D. Hazards
way radios.
B. Increase your foot patrol personnel as the town 50. These are wide beam units, used to extend the
council can provide more funds. illumination in long, horizontal strips to protect the
C. Organize a horse patrol as horses is cheaper than approaches to the perimeter barrier; it projected a
motor vehicles narrow 180 degree horizontal and from 15 to 30
D. Saturate the area with foot patrol accompanied with degrees in the vertical plane
trained police dogs a. Fresnel Lights
b. Street Lights
43. 1st Statement: The Regional Appellate Board shall c. Floodlights
decide cases on appeal from the decisions rendered by d. Search lights
the DILG Secretary.2nd Statement: The National 51. A written order issued by a superior officer
Appellate Board shall decide cases on appeal from the assigning the performance of private security/detective
decisions rendered by the Chief, PNP services duties.
A. Both statements are correct a. Mission Order
B. Both statements are incorrect b. Duty Detailed Mission
C. The 1st statement is correct and the 2nd statement c. Duty Detail Order
is incorrect d. All of the above
D. The 1st statement is incorrect and the 2nd
statement is correct 52. Is a visual or audible signaling device, which
initiates conditions of associated circuits.
44. The first Chief of Police of the Manila Police a. Alarm
Department in 1901. b. Barrier
A. Capt. George Curry c. Protective Alarm
12. An artificial light source which contains in its tube 21. The rearward reaction of the firearm in relation to
certain powders capable of illuminating with some the forward movement of the bullet upon firing?
support from small amount of electricity. It is A. Misfire
commonly used in the house or commercial B. recoil
establishment. C. Hangfire
A. Incandescent lamp D. ricochet
B. fluorescence lamp
C. photo flood lamp 22. The stillness or the steadiness of the bullet in flight?
D. flash bulb A. key hole shot
B. ricochet
13. What type of a film has the longest range of C. yaw
sensitivity in the electromagnetic spectrum called? D. gyroscopic action
A. orthochromatic film
B. blue-sensitive film 23. The actual pattern or curve path of the bullet in
C. panchromatic film flight.
27. What type of a firearm propels a projectile with 36. The word Polygraph was derived from what word?
more than one inch diameter? A. Poly and Graph
A. small arms B. Many writings chart
B. machine gun C. Greek
C. artillery D. Latin
D. Cannon
37. The scientific basis of the polygraph test which
28. f 20 gauge is to .615”, 28 gauge is to .550” then states that the polygraph machine is an instrument
for a 12-gauge shotgun has an equivalent diameter of: capable of making records of various human
a. 775” or 10 Gauge functioning simultaneously in a chart paper?
b. 729” A. mechanical leg basic premise
c. 670” or 16 Gauge B. psychological leg basic premise
d. 410” or .410 Gauge C. physiological leg basic premise
D. psycho motor leg basic premise
29. European made firearm are usually referred in
millimeter in determining calibers, when you talk of 38. A Hindu book of science and health which is
9mm you are referring to? considered one of the earliest references on detecting
a. .38 caliber deception.
b. .22 caliber or .559 mm A. Ayur Vida
c. .45 caliber or 1.143 mm B. Dharmasatra of Gautama
d. .30 caliber or 7.63 mm C. Vasistra of Dharmasastra
30. In document examination when referring to D. Legendary red book by Chaps
contemporary documents this refers to______?
A. Document which is more than 5 years before and 39. The Raid polygraph differs from the Keeler’s in the
after. following respect except:
B. Document which are not more than 5 years A. An adjustable and portable chair is employed
before and after wherein metal bellows are inserted in the chair arm
C. Document which are more than 30 years rests.
D. Document which are not more than 20 years B. The chair seat is directly attached to recording
bellows in the machine to form closed pneumatic
31. It refers to the group of muscles which is systems.
responsible for the formation of the upward strokes. C. Three additional recordings are made by this method
A. Flexor D. There is no need of using corrugated rubber
B. Cortex tubing.
C. Lumbrical
D. Extensor 40. He devised a quantitative analysis on a polygraph
chart and the test called Backster Zone Comparison
32. Stroke where the motion of the pen precedes the Technique.
beginning and continues beyond the end of a vanishing A. Cleve Backster
point and are found on free natural writing and as a B. Richard D. Arthur
rule are important indication of genuineness. C. C.D. Lee
A. Hiatus D. Ruckmick “Electro dermal response”
B. Stem, Shank or Staff -downward stroke
C. Flying start and finish 41. The Raid polygraph differs from the Keeler’s in the
D. Buckle knot following respect except:
42. Which of the following is true about Polygraph 51. An irrelevant question added before and after a
machine? relevant question?
A. It is a machine that can diagnose subject A. Padding question
B. It is a lie detector machine B. Relevant Question
C. It is capable of interpreting and drawing conclusion. C. Control or Comparison Question
D. It is a machine that detects physiological D. None of the above
52. A type of questions given to determine information
43. The polygraph machine should be _________ in known or the subject possess regarding the crime or
relation to the credibility and competence of the the criminal or his whereabouts?
examiner? A. evidence connecting question
A. Indirectly proportion B. sacrifice questions “DYAT Question”
B. Substitute to investigation C. Knowledge question
C. Supplementary to investigation D. control or comparison questions
D. Directly proportion
53. The normal amount of semen per ejaculation of a
44. The sum total of the dissimulation which the child normal built person?
acquires from his surrounding once he learns to go out A. 1.5 to 3.5 cc
and socialized with his neighborhood. B. 2.5 to 3.5 cc
A. Personality C. 3.5 to 5.5 cc
B. Environment D. 3.5 to 4.5 cc
C. Heredity
D. Education 54. What is known as the reproduction of an impression
made on soft surface by utilizing casting materials?
45. The best way to conduct a thorough interview is A. dry fusion
for the investigator to: B. metallic aides
A. allow himself sufficient time for adjustment C. moulage
B. permit the interviewee to give narrative statement D. plaster of Paris
C. be guided by a pre-arranged checklist
D. Devote adequate time for an interviewee’s 55. What will be the possible child of a man with Group
evaluation. A and Type M blood with woman of Group B, type N
46. What usually set the tone or condition and creates blood?
the atmosphere during the interrogation? A. AB, N
A. interrogator’s behavior B. B, N
B. questioning style of the interrogator C. O, M
C. the type of crime involved D. AB, MN
D. the subject’s personal history
56. What kind of a solution is used in the restoration of
47. What usually set the tone or condition and creates serial numbers?
the atmosphere during the interrogation? A. saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate
A. interrogator’s behavior B. colloidal magnesium
B. questioning style of the interrogator C. etching solution
C. the type of crime involved D. borax solution
D. the subject’s personal history
57. What is the last stage in the toxicological
48. The stage in the conduct of the polygraph test, examination?
which is designed to prepare or condition the subject A. qualification
for the actual test. (Bonus) B. multiplication
A. interrogator’s behavior C. quantification
B. questioning style of the interrogator D. division
C. the type of crime involved
D. the subject’s personal history 58. Person who is qualified to conduct toxicological
Correct Answer: Pre-Test Interview A. Physician
B. medico-legal
49. It refers to any outside force coming from the C. forensic examiner
environment, which could excite a receptor or any of D. forensic pathologist
his organs.
A. Stimulus
B. Response “Reaction to stimulus”
97. What is the principle which states that when the 4. What is the penalty imposed for possession of
court has once laid down a principle of law as applied Dangerous Drug Paraphernalia?
to a certain state of facts, it will adhere to and apply to
all future cases where the facts are substantially the A. 6 months rehabilitation
same? B. 6 months and 1 day to 4 years and a fine of 50
a. jurisprudence thousand pesos
b. stare decisis C. 4 months and 1 day and a fine of 10 thousand pesos
c. criminalistics D. 6 years and 1 day to 12 years and a fine of 50 to
d. forensic 200 thousand pesos
98. Classification of physical injury wherein the victim 5. The heat energy derived from nuclear energy by the
Boss Watha is incapacitated for work or requires splitting of atoms is known as:
medical attendance for more than thirty (30) days. A. Radiation
a. grave physical injury B. Ignition
b. serious physical injury C. Fusion
c. less serious physical injury D. Fission
d. slight physical injury
6. Several tests could be administered to the victims
99. What is the process of dissolution of tissues by the body in order to ascertain if there is still sign of life.
digestive action of its enzymes and bacteria that result What is that test in which a ligature will be applied
to softening and liquefaction of tissues are usually around the victim's finger?
accompanied by the liberation of foul odor smelling A. Icard's test
gases and change of color of tissues? B. Finger web test
a. putrefaction C. Winslow's test
b. decomposition D. Magnus test
c. mummification
d. maceration 7. Prohibitive signs and restricted signs shall
100. The following are the methods of approximating A. Green background with white and black symbols
the height of an individual except: B. Red background with white symbol and black border
a. The distance between tips of the middle finger of C. White background with black symbol and red
both hands with the arms extended laterally and it will border
approximately equal to the height D. Blue background and white symbol
b. 2x the length of 1 arm + 12 inches from the clavicle
and 1.5 inches from sternum is the height 8. Elements of corpus delicti are? I. Cadaver of the
c. Approximately 8 times the size of the head equals dead victim or evidence of the stolen property II.
the height of the person Additional evidence of a different character the same
d. 5x the length of the pelvic bone is the point III. Proof of occurrence of a certain event IV.
approximate height of the person Person’s criminal responsibility of the acts
27. Which of the following are purpose of written 35. In terms of organizational structure, what is the
reports. I. To Preserve Knowledge II. To Provide similarity of organized crimes from the police or the
Accurate Details III. To Aid the Personnel and Other military?
Agencies IV. To Coordinate the Activities within the A. Autocratic
Organization B. Democratic
A. I,II III C. Bureaucratic
B. I, II and IV D. Patrimonial
C. I, II, III and IV
D. I and II 36. The term “Ecstasy” is used for a group of “designer
drugs” closely related in chemical form to the
28. All of the following statements are false, except: amphetamine family of illicit drugs. What is its scientific
A. R.A. 9165 did not remove the distinction between name?
regulated and prohibited drugs A. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
B. R.A. 9165 defined regulated drugs as dangerous B. Cannabis sativa
drugs C. Papaver somniferum
C. R.A. 9165 differs dangerous drugs from prohibited D. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
D. R.A. 9165 gives a single definition of 37. It is a kind of search method wherein the crime
dangerous drugs scene is subdivided into areas, a building into rooms or
29. In case there are two (2) vehicles which approach floors then each of the fire officer or offices are then
an intersection at approximately the same time, the assigned accordingly?
vehicle_________ should give the right of way. A. Double strip search
A. coming from the right B. Sector search
B. one which arrives first C. Strip search
C. coming from the left D. Concentric search
D. coming from the center
38. Also known as Hacking. Involves gaining access
30. ____________ is the taking of a person into illegally to a computer system or network and in some
custody in order that he may be bound to answer for cases making unauthorized use of this access. Hacking
the commission of an offense. is also the act by which other forms of cyber-crime
a. Apprehend (e.g.,fraud, terrorism) are committed.
b. Restraint A. IP Crimes
c. Arrest B. Email Spoofing
d. Exploitation C. Unauthorized access
D. Salami Attacks
31. Known as the major transshipment point for
international drug traffickers in Europe and known to 39. Refers to any accident occurring on a traffic way
be the “Paradise of Drug Users in the said continent. involving persons using the traffic way or travel or
A. Portugal transportation, but not involving a motor vehicle in
B. Turkey motion.
C. Spain A. Non-motor vehicle traffic accident
D. Germany B. Motor vehicle non-traffic accident
C. Motor vehicle traffic accident
32. A machine or device that performs processes, D. Non- motor vehicle Non-traffic accident
calculations and operations based on instructions
provided by a software or hardware program. It is 40. It is the same level of underboss or the one who
designed to execute applications and provides a variety considered as council or adviser.
of solutions by combining integrated hardware and A. Capo de tuti capi
software components. B. Consigliere
a. computer C. Caporogime
b. computer hardware D. Boss
c. USB flashdrive
d. CD and DVD 41. It is a program which pretends to do one thing
while actually doing something completely different:
33. It is the enclosed space of passage that extends A. Worm
from floor to floor as well as from the base to the top B. Trojan horse
of the building. C. Either of the above
A. Standpipe D. Neither of the above
B. Sprinkler system
C. Vertical shaft 42. Which of the following does not carry a capital
D. Flash point punishment?
47. Most arson cases are proved 56. When an accused directly acknowledges his guilt
by__________________ evidence rather than that before a court of law, it is referred to as?
direct evidence. A. Extrajudicial Confession
A. Testimonial B. Judicial Confession
B. Physical C. Admission
C. Circumstantial D. Confession
D. Documentary
57. What drugs are synthetic that stimulate the central
48. Is any dishonest misrepresentation of fact intended nervous system and are commonly referred to as
to let another to do or refrain from doing something “uppers”?
which causes loss. A. Amphetamines
A. Internet Fraud B. barbiturates
B. Computer Fraud C. Naptha
C. Financial Fraud D. Diazepam
D. Bank fraud
58. What enforcement action consists of taking a
49. He who kills an illegitimate grandfather or an person into custody for purpose of holding or detaining
illegitimate grandson is not guilty of parricide, but of him to answer a charge of violation before a court?
homicide or murder. A. Traffic enforcement
A. The above statement is inadmissible B. Traffic investigation
B. The above statement is partly correct C. Traffic patrol
C. The above statement is true D. Traffic arrest
D. The above statement is erroneous
59. B is less than three days old. He is a child of X by
50. Physical evidence which may identify the criminal his paramour Y. B is killed by X to prevent his discovery
by means of clues or personal properties is known as: by X’s legitimate wife, Z. The crime committed by X is:
A. Real evidence A. homicide
B. Associative Evidence B. infanticide
C. Tracing Evidence C. parricide
D. Circumstantial Evidence D. murder
51. Mr./Ms. Future Police Officer, as a general rule, can 60. It means "The Base', is a global militant Islamist
you arrest a person without a warrant? organization founded by Osama bin Laden and Other
A. Yes, if the person arrested has escaped from prison militants.
B. Yes, by means of in flagrante delicto/caught in the A. Taliban
act B. Al-Qaeda
62. The primary reason a finished sketch is made from 70. The Dangerous Drug Board shall be composed of
a rough sketch is for _____________. how many members?
A. scale and proportion A. twelve
B. accuracy and clarity B. seventeen
C. future use C. ten
D. courtroom presentation D. four
63. A yellow or white line with a dotted white line do 71. What is the state arising from the repeated
not mean EXCEPT administration of a drug on a periodic or on a
A. overtaking is extremely dangerous continuing basis?
B. that you cannot overtake if the solid line is on A. Habituation
your side B. Drug addiction
C. absolutely no overtaking C. Drug dependence
D. overtaking is possible when other lane is clear of D. Physical dependence
oncoming vehicle
72. What is street name for morphine?
64. These are motor vehicles owned by government A. dust
offices and are used for official purposes only B. monkey
A. private C. lahar
B. public utility vehicles D. bata
C. government
D. diplomat 73. Considered to be one of the prime suppliers of
Heroin in Asia is the so called Golden Triangle where
65. Free flowing travel, stop time and acceleration or 80% of illicit drugs of the world originate. This lies on
deceleration are the elements of what we call? the borders of?
A. time of travel a. Thailand-Laos-Burma
B. vehicle travel time b. Thailand-Laos-Myanmar
C. speed c. Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan
D. transportation d. Peru-Colombia-Bolivia
66. It literally mean Islamic Congregation, It is a 74. Also known as Papaver Somniferum and considered
Southeast Asian militant Islamist terrorist organization as the mother drugs of other narcotics substance:
dedicated to the establishment of a Daulah Islamiyah a. Codaine
(regional Islamic caliphate) in Southeast Asia founded b. Heroine
by: c. Opium Poppy
A. Abu Bakar Bashir d. Morphine
B. Abu Sayyaf
C. Buko Haram 75. The form of physical dependence, severe craving
D. Jemaah Islamiah for the drug event to the point of interfering w/ the
person’s ability to function normally:
67. Under the concept of three (3) stage negotiation, a. Tolerance
negotiation must be performed through opening, b. Addiction
bargaining, and ____. c. Habituation
a. Negotiating d. Psychological Dependence
b. Closing
c. Goodbye Joe 76. Marijuana has been one of the most abuse
d. Containing hallucinogens in the Philippines and its control
becomes difficult according to some authorities due to
68. This is a type of hostage-taker which is viewed as the fact that:
a group of psychopaths with a cause, all under the A. It is easy to smoke it secretly
leadership of one of the group. When caught in a B. It is sellable in the market
criminal act, many of them rationalize their behavior by C. It is easy to cultivate
claiming to be revolutionaries who are merely seeking D. It is in demand
social justice. This hostage-taker is known as ___.
a. Criminal Hostage-taker 77. Drugs that is commonly used by athletes having
b. Fanatic Hostage-taker the properties of increasing stamina and/or energy.
c. Psychotic Hostage-taker A. Ecstasy
d. Terrorist Hostage-Taker B. Shabu
D. Anabolic Steroid
82. The term describes the transfer of heat through a 91. There are three tools of the police investigator:
gas or vacuum in a similar way to that of light. Information, interrogation and instrumentation. Of
A. ignition these three, information is deemed the most important
B. convection simply because it answers the question_______.
C. radiation A. “what is malicious”
D. conduction B. “why did it happen”
C. was a weapon used”
83. Most malicious fires are set by individuals secretly, D. “who did it”
it is either set for revenge or self aggrandizing; or set
by psychotic fire setter, or for sexual gratification. 92. What is best applied to a clumsy and nervous
A. group fire setter person, where the investigators choosing propitious
B. arson for profit moments shout out a pertinent question and appears
C .fire starter as though they themselves are in rage?
D. solitary fire setter A. Pretense
B. Bolt
84. The primary course of action in case of a fire. C. Bluff
A. pack up and flee D. Jolt
B. run for your life
C. call an ambulance 93. During a conflagration, the smoke emitted is
D. raise the alarm grayish, what does it indicate?
A. presence of nitrate
85. What are the “right questions” to ask in arson B. indicate humid substance
investigator interviewee in any fire investigation? C. loosely packed substance such as straw and
A. Ask hypothetical questions that would put hay
interviewee at ease D. presence of phosphorus
B. Ask open- ended questions that would make
him relate in his own words what he saw 94. Marijuana often called grass, Indian hemp or weed
C. Check at all times whether questions are easy to is a crude drug made from cannabis sativa, a plant that
comprehend contains a mind-altering ingredient. Which one is NOT
D. Ask close- ended questions, as they are simple, an immediate effect of marijuana?
direct and answerable by yes or no A. acute panic anxiety reaction- external fear of losing
86. Except, How can identification be made on a B. altered sense of time/ distortion
decomposed cadaver and/or charred corpse? C. impaired reflexes coordination and concentration
A. study his bones D. moderate heart beat and pulse rate
B. study his skull
C. study his dentures 95. You are an investigator, investigating a suspected
D. study hair DNA strands rape-slaying case which was allegedly witnessed by a
certain person who volunteered to identify and testify
87. What is that physical evidence which linked the against the perpetrator. What are the factors that you
suspect to the crime scene or offense? should not consider to determine the accuracy of his
A. Associative evidence identification of the suspect?
100. Which of the following is not an element of corpus 9. The theory which states that attachment, connection
delicti? and link to society will determine whether a person
a. Proof of the occurrence of certain event shall commit a crime or not:
b. Person’s criminal responsibility for the acts a. social control
c. Additional evidence of a different character to b) social disorganization
the same point c) social bond
d. Proper chain of custody d) social learning
2. It is the scientific study of human behavior or man’s 11. Based on greek mythology dispute resolution was
external manifestation in relation to criminality. being conducted thru?
a) Epidiomology A. Lottery
b) Criminal Psychiatry B. Combat
c) Criminal psychology C. Mediation
17. The venue for the Binding Resolution Stage? 26. Their degree of success or accomplishment
A. Good Office depends upon the quality and type of education they
B. ADR office receive as well as on the treatment at home and in the
C. Court community, their I.Q range from about 50 to 75.
D. None of these A. Educable
B. Custodial
18. The ability to go on despite obstacles or C. Borderline
oppositions. D. Trainable
a. patience
b. perseverance 27. The parents or guardian of a working child is
c. Endurance obligated by law to set up a trust fund for the child
d. Prudence which shall constitute at least ____ percent of the
earning of the child.
19. It the ability to moderate or to avoid something. A. 20
a. prudence B. 40
b. fortitude C. 30
c. temperance D. 50
d. justice
28. Nami, frustrated on her boyfriend when she saw
20. The authority to make decisions without reference the latter kissing another girl, cries. This is an example
to the specific rules or facts, using instead one’s own of what defense mechanism?
judgment. a. Regression
a. Discretion b. suppression
b. prudence c. Repression
c. Negotiation d. Displacement
d. conviction
29. The science of classifying the physical
21. A child left by himself without provisions for his characteristics.
needs/or without proper supervision falls under what a. free will
special category of a child? b. positivism
a. abandoned child c. atavism
b. abused child d. somatology
36. In case of a child in conflict with the law his age 45. Human actions in relation to events taking place
shall be determine. In the absence of proof what inside the body such as the brain and the nervous
principle shall be observed? system is known as:
a. He is presumed to be minor a. Neurological
b. He should prove his age b. psychological
c. The Birth certificate should be produced pending c. Cognitive
such issuance he should be hold. d. Humanistic
d. The testimony of the child should be enough to
prove his age. 46. Mathematical ability and English communication
skills are examples of what type of human behavior?
37. The crime of human trafficking shall be qualified a. Learned
when: b. inborn
a) the person trafficked is an elderly c. Operant
b) the person trafficked is a woman d. both a and c
c) the person trafficked is a special child
d) the person trafficked is a child 47. In hostage situation, non-verbal communication
which indicates openness and willingness to listen can
be shown by:
a. a posture of folded arms in a dominant position
48. When the disorder is characterized by chronic 57. Andrew, was a second year high school, is afraid of
mental and physical fatigue and by various aches and being enclosed in a small space, room or closed places.
pains, it is considered as: This phobia is refers to____________.
A. Anxiety Disorder A. Claustrophobia
B. Somatoform Disorder B. Hematophobia
C. Dissociative Disorder C. Agoraphobia
D. Amnesia D. Acrophobia
49. It exists when the children are maltreated, raped 58. The people seeks pleasure and avoids pain is refers
or seduced; when children are exploited, over worried to?
or made to beg in the streets or public places, or when
children are in moral danger, or exposed to gambling, A. Classical Theory
prostitution, or other vices. B. Hedonism
A. Physically Neglected Child C. Utilitarianism
B. Emotionally Neglected Child D. None of these
C. Psychologically Neglected Child
D. Sexually Neglected Child 59. Marie submits herself to humiliation, beatings, and
other forms of physical abuse, for sexual excitement.
50. The ideology of nationalism encompass a diverse What type of paraphilia does she possess?
range of forms, political cultural and ethic. A. Masochism
a. true B. Martyr
b. false C. Sadism
c. maybe D. None of these
d. it depends
60. It refers to unnecessary and unreasonable use of
51. A place of residence whose primary function is to force in effecting arrest or abuse in the manner of
give shelter and care to pregnant women and their conducting search and seizure.
infants A. Brutality
A. Maternity home B. Negligence
B. Hospital C. Imprudence
C. Rehabilitation center D. Omission
D. Foster homes
61. What institution is being termed as the “cradle of
52. When the target is free to the commission of crime. human personality”?
A. alone A. House
B. Vulnerable B. Community
C. Freedom C. Home
D. none of the above D. Church
53. Brief summary of a research article, thesis or any 62. It means a child Incapable of committing an
in depth analysis of a particular subject and it is often offense or crime_____.
used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s A. Doli Incapox
purpose? B. Doli Incopax
A. Dedication C. Doli Incapax
B. Introduction D. Doli Inca Pas
C. Abstract
D. Acknowledgement 63. The usual greeting rendered by uniform service
upon meeting and recognizing person entitled to do it.
54. It is a gift of God that should be respected at all The most common form of courtesy in the PNP and
times by everybody including the government. Military?
A. Privilege A. Bow
B. Incentive B. Shake-hands
C. Benefit C. Salute
D. Right D. Greetings
55. A statue enacted by Congress, penal in character, 64. PNP Chief Kakarot did not make his promise to
which is not amendment to the Revised Penal Code prevent crimes within 6 months.
such as Republic Acts, Presidential Decrees and A. Humility
Memorandum Circulars. B. Word of Honor
A. Common Law C. Humble
B. Special Penal Law D. Boastful
C. Revised Penal code
D. Constitution 65. Children who are vulnerable to and at the risk of
committing criminal offenses because of personal,
56. The ability to do whatever one wishes. family and social circumstances are considered-
68. A personality disorder characterized by an inability 77. A student watches TV instead of studying, saying
to form social relationships and can be classified as that additional study wouldn’t do any good anyway.
“loners”. A. Rationalization
A. Paranoid Personality B. Sublimation
B. Schizoid Personality C. Reaction Formation
C. Dependent Personality D. Denial of Reality
D. Borderline Personality
78. What does it mean by “oblivion”?
69. This refers to the inability to maintain achieve an A. Forgiveness
erection B. Remember
a. frigidity C. Obey
b. prostitution D. Forgetfulness
c. exhibitionism
d. impotence 79. Garry, a doctor, who because of frustrations forgets
all of his past and takes an unexpected trip to other
70. It deals primarily with the study of crime causation. country. He then, assumes a new identity. His name
a. Criminology was then changed to John and become fisherman.
b. Criminal Etiology What do you call this Dissociative Disorder?
c. Victimology A. Dissociative Amnesia
d. Criminal Sociology B. Dissociative Dementia
C. Dissociative Fugue
71. Human being learned that it was good for the D. Both A and C
welfare of the group that the privilege to determine
what is right and what is wrong was not left to each 80. Andie was imprisoned for committing a crime of
member of the group. theft. She experienced adversities of having been
A. Natural law imprisoned. Upon her release, she never did it again
B. Divine law because of fear of experiencing again the hardships
C. Moral law inside the prison. What kind of deterrence is this?
D. Physical law A. Specific Deterrence
B. Individual Deterrence
72. The view that crime is a function of a decision- C. General Deterrence
making process in which the would be offender weighs D. Both A and B
the potential costs and benefits of an illegal act.
A. Liberal Feminist Theory 81. Among the following theorists, who claimed that
B. Rational Choice Theory Criminality is the result of emotional immaturity?
C. Relative Deprivation Theory A. Abrahamsen
D. Felicific Calculus B. Healy
C. Emile Durkheim
73. Intoxication when considered under the law is D. Bromberg
A. Alternative Circumstance 82. Dingdong Dantes is a thief who sees himself in the
B. Maladaptive Behavior person of Robin Hood. He imitates the acts of Robin
C. Delinquent act Hood like stealing goods and money then gives it to the
D. Anti-social Behavior poor. This situation is explained by:
A. Differential Imitation Theory
4. These rights are conferred and protected by the 13. Any waiver by a person arrested or detained under
constitution and cannot be modified or taken away by provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, or
the law-making body. under custodial investigation, _______________;
a. Natural rights otherwise the waiver shall be null and void and of no
b. Constitutional rights effect.
c. Statutory rights a. shall be in writing and signed by such person
d. Human rights in the presence of his counsel
b. in the presence of any of any of the parents, elder
5. The following are considered Command Groups of brothers and sisters, his spouse, the municipal mayor,
BJMP, except. the municipal judge, district school supervisor, or priest
a. Chief BJMP or minister of the gospel as chosen by him
b. Operations Division c. shall be allowed visits by or conferences with any
c. Deputy Chief BJMP member of his immediate family, or any medical doctor
d. Chief of Staff or priest or religious minister chosen by him or by any
member of his immediate family or by his counsel, or
6. This refers to assigning or grouping of inmates by any national non-governmental organization duly
according to their sentence, gender, age, nationality, accredited by the Commission on Human rights of by
health, criminal records, etc. any international non-governmental organization duly
a. Commitment accredited by the Office of the President
b. Classification d. is signed, or thumb marked if the person arrested or
c. Rehabilitation detained does not know how to read and write, it shall
d. Reformation be read and adequately explained to him by his counsel
or by the assisting counsel provided by the
7. Stage in human rights wherein the support for the investigating officer in the language or dialect known
ideas become strong, and thus incorporate it into legal to such arrested or detained person, otherwise, such
instruments. investigation report shall be null and void and of no
a. Idealization effect whatsoever.
b. Positivist
c. Realization 14. Prisoner file management systems shall be used to
d. Positivism generate reliable data about trends relating to and
characteristics of the prison population, including
8. It is an independent commission which investigates occupancy rates, in order to create a basis for
on human rights violations and establishes programs of evidence-based decision making.
a. True
60. What is a disposition under which a 69. Who investigates for the Court referral “Order
defendant, after conviction and sentence, is released to Investigate” as prescribed in Presidential Decree
subject to conditions imposed by the Court and under 968?
the supervision of a Probation officer? A. Jail Officer
A. Commutation of sentence B. Parole Officer
B. Parole C. Probation Officer
C. Probation D. Correction Officer
D. Reprieve
70. A document serves as a basis for Court’s
61. Which of the following should be a decision to grant or deny the application for probation.
Probationer not to be done? A. Pre-Sentence Investigation Report
A. Be a law abiding citizen B. Post-Sentence Investigation Report
B. Make a revenge C. Pre-Executive Clemency Investigation Report
C. Work regularly to support family D. Pre-Parole Investigation Report
D. Stay away from bad associates
71. As a General rule the Probation classified as?
62. In Probation, the Court may also require the person A. Penalty
placed under it to do the following except B. Privilege
A. Pursue vocational training program C. Punishment
B. Refrain from finding a means of living D. Right
C. Stop from visiting houses of ill repute
D. Undergo medical, psychological and psychiatric 72. If Mr. Aljur Abrenica violated sec. 29, of PD 968.
treatment Violation of Confidential Nature of Probation Records,
with a penalty of imprisonment ranging from six
63. Which of the following is an implied condition of months and one day to six years and a fine ranging
Probation? from hundred to six thousand pesos shall be imposed
A. Abstain from drinking liquor upon any person who violates Section 17 hereof. Is he
B. Meet family responsibility qualified for Probation?
C. Refrain from committing crime A. Yes
D. Report to the Probation officer B. No
C. Maybe
64. What is the effect of Probation to a sentence D. Partially true
imposed by the Court to a convicted individual?
A. Exempted from criminal liability 73. Which of the following records is considered
B. Justified the wrongful act confidential in nature?
C. Mitigated both criminal and civil liability A. Post-Sentence Investigation Report
D. Suspend the execution of sentence B. Pre-Parole Investigation Report
C. Pre-Executive Clemency Investigation Report
65. A person convicted by final judgment of a D. All of these
criminal offense and sentence to imprisonment of not
more thansix years who is allowed by the Court to 74. Who is responsible to conduct an immediate
remain in the community under the supervision of fact-finding investigation of any alleged violation of
Parole and Probation Officer and subject to conditions probation?
which the Court may imposed. A. Probation Administrator
A. Parole Probation Administrator B. Chief, Parole and Probation Officer
B. Probationer C. Probation and Parole Officer
C. City Probation Officer D. Supervising Probation Officer
D. Regional Probation Officer
75. Where may a convicted offender not disqualified by
66. He conducts PSI, FBCI, GCI and PCI and law apply for probation?
supervises a person placed under probation? A. Court of Appeals
A. Parole and Probation Administrator B. Municipal Trial Court