Activity 3

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The table below is susceptible to insertion, deletion, and anomalies .

dentistID dentistName patientID patientName serviceCode
date time
D-100 Henry Lim P-100-1 Bella Maria Catan 06/10/2021 1:00 DS-100
D-100 Henry Lim P-100-2 Kent Paul Pacita 06/12/2021 3:00 DS-200
D-200 Ana Maria Sy P-200-3 Ralph Mayono 6/14/2021 8:00 S-100
D-200 Ana Maria Sy P-200-3 Ralph Mayono 07/08/2021 9:30 DS-300
D-300 John Kent Reyes P-300-3 Kent Paul Pacita 7/21/2021 10:00 DS-300
D-300 John Kent Reyes P-300-3 Annaliza Cortes 08/10/2021 9:00 DS-100

1. Provide examples of Insertion, Deletion, and Modification anomalies.

Insertion Anomalies

In inserting a new patient particular to make an appointment with the Dentist, we need
to enter the correct detail for the dentist (ex. dentistID). For instance, to insert the
details of new patient in patientID, patientName and an appointment, we must enter
the correct details of the Dentist (dentistID and dentistName) in such way the patient
details are consistent with values for the designated Dentist.

Deletion Anomalies

Example if we want to delete a patient named Ralph Mayono, two records need to be
deleted as in row 3 and 4. This anomaly also obvious when we want to delete the
dentistName, multiple records need to be deleted to maintain the data integrity. When
we delete a dentist record, for instance Ana Maria Sy, the details about his patients also
lost from the database.

Modification anomalies

With redundant data, if we want to change the value of one column of a particular
Dentist, example the dentistName, we must update all the Dentist records that assigned
to the particular patient otherwise the database will become inconsistent. Appointment
schedules also need modification because different Dentist has different schedules.

2. Assume that a patient may have more than one appointment on a given day and
may avail of the different dental services.
Illustrate the process of converting the table from the 1NF to the 2NF and the 3NF.



dentistID apptSchedDate apptSchedTime dentistName patientID patientName serviceCode


dentistID apptSchedDate apptSchedTime dentistName patientID patientName serviceCode



dentistID apptSchedDate apptSchedTime patientID patientName

dentistID apptSchedDate serviceCode

dentistID dentistName

dentistID apptSchedDate apptSchedTime patientID


dentistID apptSchedDate serviceCode

dentistID dentistName

patientID patientName

Re-arranging and giving names to the tables.

dentistID dentistName

Dentist (dentistID, dentistName)


dentistID apptSchedDate serviceCode

Service (dentistID, apptSchedDate, serviceCode)

patientID patientName

Patient (patientID, patientName)

dentistID apptSchedDate apptSchedTime patientID

Appointment (dentistID, apptSchedDate, apptSchedTime, patientID)

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