ThesisBook-Chapter 1
ThesisBook-Chapter 1
ThesisBook-Chapter 1
1 Introduction
In recent years Data privacy is one of the most concerned issues. In this
era of super-fast technology, we are always using Smart phones, Digital Camera,
Laptops and many other digital devices. We are very much dependent on data and
information processing, because the internet has made almost every impossible
think possible nowadays. We are processing thousand of data by just clicking the
screens or pressing some keys. The concept of global village has become so
popular, sharing of data is now very easy, simpler and faster than before. As we are
sharing thousands of data every day, the privacy is becoming the biggest concern
of information and communication technology. Every smart phone is having very
high-quality digital camera due to this easy access to multimedia technology our
day-to-day tasks are now more on image and video based instead of texts. Images
are an integral part of our life. It has become customary to record occasions
through images. We use CT scans and MRI images for diagnosis of abnormal
symptoms. Often, patients seek second opinion and face with the problem of
maintaining privacy as well as secure transmission of their CT or MRI images.
Military and medical images can be confidential and must be kept out of the reach
of unauthorized users [1]. So as its most common and important means of data
nowadays, to protect the privacy of the user’s protection of multimedia data is very
important. In order to protect multimedia data, we have to do “Image Encryption”.
Image encryption is a hiding of information. An original important and
confidential plaintext is converted into cipher text that is apparently random
nonsense. This cipher text can be saved or transmitted over the network. At the
receiver, the cipher text can be transformed back into the original plaintext by
using a decryption algorithm [2].
In the security system of digital information, encryption technology is a very
common technique and method. In this technology we use some fixed method to
encrypt an image or data to ensure the security by replacing it with a non-readable
data which can be again decrypt or restored by a fixed method of decryption. The
history of data inception is so long. As the importance of data security was always
there from the starting of human civilization. If we start from the beginning There
are several possibilities to exactly how encryption first started, but it is known that
it did start in ancient Egypt. One of the beliefs of how encryption started is that the
Egyptian wished to preserve the secrecy of the religious rituals from the casual
observer or another reason is it might have been a political move to promote their
religion. Then again it might have been to give their scripts/documents a formal
appearance, unfortunately we will never know [3]. There is many abidance of data
encryption or be more specific cryptography was found in Geake, spartan and
another ancient human civilization. If we come to modern human civilization in
world wars the cryptography played a very important role. In 1932 Polish
cryptographer “Marian Rejewski” discovered how Enigma (a thing that is
mysterious or difficult to understand) works. In 1939, Poland shared this
information with the French and British intelligence services, allowing
cryptographers like Alan Turing to figure out how to crack the key, which changes
daily. It proved crucial to the Allies' World War II victory. In 1945 Claude E.
Shannon of Bell Labs published an article called "A mathematical theory of
cryptography." It's the starting point of modern cryptography. After that, in the
early 1970s, IBM formed a 'crypto group,' which designed a block cypher to
protect its customers' data. In 1973, the US adopted it as a national standard - the
Data Encryption Standard, or DES. It remained in use until it cracked in 1997 [4].
Many technologies and methods of image encryption developed in the modern day.
There are many advance technologies of image encryption exist now which are
maybe easier process than before and more secure. So, if we want to mention some
image encryption technique to have an introduction with them, they are [1]:
Chaos-Based Encryption.
Arnold Transform.
DNA Sequence Operation.
Rubik Cube Transform.
Fractional Fourier Transform.
Elliptic Curve and Advanced Encryption System.
Wavelet Transform.
Using Artificial Neural Networks.
Using Henon Map.
Using generalized Vigenére-type table in Virtual Planet Domain.