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Bihar CFMS e Billing Training Manual

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Department of Finance

Government of Bihar
Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS)

Training Manual of

Government Industry Solution Unit (ISU)

January, 2019

1. GETTING STARTED .......................................................................................................... 4
2. Introduction.................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Pre-requisite ................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Log-In to eBilling Module ............................................................................................... 6
3. Process in eBiling: ........................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Expenditure Sanction .................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Step 1- Login into application with Expenditure Sanction Maker Login id ..............................................8
3.1.2 Step 2- Click on Expenditure Sanction link in the menu tree on left side ................................................8
3.1.3 Step 3- User Clicks on ‘Initiate Expd. Sanction’ button ............................................................................8
3.1.4 Step 4- Payee/PL Button Description .....................................................................................................10
3.1.5 Step 5- Sanction Rule Button Description ..............................................................................................12
3.1.6 Step 6- Attachment Button Description ................................................................................................12
3.1.7 Step 7- Checklist Button Description .....................................................................................................13
3.1.8 Step 8- Click on the Task List to Forward Created Sanction ..................................................................13
3.1.9 Step 9- Now Login with Checker Login id...............................................................................................14
3.1.10 Step 10- Login with Approver Login id to approve the Expenditure Sanction ..................................14
3.2 Bill Preparation, Verification And Submission to Treasury ............................................ 14
3.2.1 Step 1- Login with eBilling Maker’s id ....................................................................................................14
3.2.2 Step 2- Common Bill details capture .....................................................................................................14
3.2.3 Step 3- Bill Specific (Fully Vouched Contingent Bill) Button ..................................................................16
3.2.4 Step 4- Additional Certificate Button .....................................................................................................17
3.2.5 Step 5- Attachment Button ....................................................................................................................17
3.2.6 Step 6- Checklist button .........................................................................................................................18
3.2.7 Step 7- Payee Button Description ..........................................................................................................18
3.2.8 Step 8- BT Detail Button ........................................................................................................................19
3.2.9 Step 9- Cancel Button ............................................................................................................................20
3.2.10 Step 10- Click on the Task List to Forward Created Sanction ...........................................................20
3.2.11 Step 11- Login with Checker Login id ................................................................................................21
3.2.12 Step 12- Login with Approver Login id to approve the Bill ................................................................21

4. Glossary ....................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 1 : CFMS Application Login Screen..................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 : CFMS Application E-Billing Module Icon ....................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 : Expenditure Sanction home page ................................................................................................. 8
Figure 4 : Screen for Expenditure Sanction Initiation ................................................................................... 9
Figure 5 : Buttons available after first save ................................................................................................ 10
Figure 6 : Payee/PL screen .......................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 7 : LoV screen for selecting Payee ................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8 : Select Payee in the Payee screen ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 9 : Suggesting list for Payee selection .............................................................................................. 11

Figure 10 : Screen for Expenditure Sanction Rule ...................................................................................... 12
Figure 11 : Screen for Expenditure Sanction Attachment .......................................................................... 12
Figure 12 : Screen for Checklist................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 13 : Screen for Tasklist ..................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 14 : Selecting whom to Forward ...................................................................................................... 13
Figure 15 : Screen for Bill Entry – Common Bill .......................................................................................... 14
Figure 16 : Screen for Common Bill Entry – Common Bill after first save .................................................. 16
Figure 17 : Bill Specific (Fully Vouched Contingent Bill) screen .................................................................. 16
Figure 18 : Screen for Additional Certificate ............................................................................................... 17
Figure 19 : Attachment Screen ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 20 : Checklist Screen ........................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 21 : Payee screen in Bills where Expd Sanction is mandatory ......................................................... 18
Figure 22 : Payee screen in Bills where Expd Sanction is not required ...................................................... 19
Figure 23 : LoV screen for selecting Payee ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 24 : BT Detail screen ........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 25 : BT Detail screen (part-2) ........................................................................................................... 20
Figure 26 : Screen for Tasklist ..................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 27 : Selection of user whom to forward the request....................................................................... 21

This Group provides information for accessing the application.
Browser Requirements – The URL is compatible with all versions of Google Chrome

Accessing CFMS Portal: https://cfmstraining.bihar.gov.in/

Note: This is the link for training purpose only. The link for production will be notified by the
responsible authorities in due time.

2. Introduction
 Expenditure Management has the following modules:
o eBilling – this module covers the following functionalities:
 Expenditure Sanction
 Bill preparation including Pay Bill (excluding bill/payment request generated in
Pension module and Deposit Account Module)
 Employee Maintenance
o Treasury
o Pension
 This training manual will cover only eBilling except employee Maintenance and Pay Bill.

 An expenditure sanction is a pre-requisite for the creation of bill except for Pay bill, Pension bill,
Detailed Contingent (DC) bill, and Utilization certificate (UC) bill.

 E-Billing module is designed to capture different types of bills along with applicable schedules,
supporting attachments, checklist, payee list into the system and submit the same to Treasury.

 Creation of Expd Sanctions and Bills will be done by using activities tagged to the user detailed below.
These activities will be unique for an office, privileges of users possessing these activities are as indicated

 Expd Sanction Maker - Create/modify Expenditure sanction Details and Forward the request
to Checker

 Expd Sanction Checker – Verify the request and forward to Approver or send back to Maker
for correction or Initiate the New Request.

 Expd Sanction Approver – Can send back, reject, approve and digitally Sign the Request;
cannot create/modify the request.

 eBilling Maker (Billing Assistant) - Create/modify Bill Details and Forward the request to

 eBilling Checker (Head Clerk) – Verify the request and forward to Approver or send back to
Maker for correction or Initiate the New Request.

 eBilling Approver – Can send back, reject, approve and digitally Sign the Request; cannot
create/modify the request.

2.1 Purpose
The purpose of the e-Billing training manual is to facilitate users in learning
creation/modification/approval of expenditure sanction and online bills in the CFMS application.

2.2 Pre-requisite
The following are the pre-requisite to accessing the eBilling Module: -

o CFMS url should be available with the User wanting to Log-in

o User ID & Password provided through CFMS should be available with the user.
o Expenditure Sanction Activity and/or Bill Preparation including Pay Bill Activity as mentioned in
introduction section of this document.
o Following eBilling related master should have relevant master data.
 Bill Master
 Claim Type Master
 Bill Claim Type Mapping
 Detail Head , Sub-Detail Head - Bill Claim Type Mapping
 Attachment Master
 Bill Claim Type - Attachment Mapping Master
 Book Transfer Master
 Bill Claim-Book Transfer Master
 Checklist Master

2.3 Log-In to eBilling Module

The following are the steps to Log-in to CFMS and access eBiling.
Step 1- Login in application with the User tagged to activity Expd Sanction or Bill Preparation including
Pay Bill as required
 URL of the Application https://cfmstraining.bihar.gov.in (Will be used only for training
 CFMS has two factor authentication as of now - password (Knowledge Factor) and OTP
(Possession Factor) as required, however, in training environment OTP has been enabled
only for setting new password. User needs to provide required authentication factor along
with User ID.
 User will be re-directed to page with the icon of the eBilling Module after login to CFMS
 Clicking on eBilling will re-direct the user to eBilling Application.
 User may be assigned with the different activity mapping for an office. A user should select
the required activity and click on Submit button.

Figure 1 : CFMS Application Login Screen

Figure 2 : CFMS Application E-Billing Module Icon

3. Process in eBiling:
There are two main parts in eBilling
 Expenditure Sanction
 Bill Preparation
o Tasklist
o Bill
o Work & Forest Master Maintenance
o Before CFMS Security Data Capture
o Pay Bill
The Expenditure sanction initiation screen is used to raise request for new expenditure sanction

3.1 Expenditure Sanction

3.1.1 Step 1- Login into application with Expenditure Sanction Maker Login id
 Enter the application Login id and password of Maker.

3.1.2 Step 2- Click on Expenditure Sanction link in the menu tree on left side
e-Billing > Expenditure Sanction

An existing Expenditure sanction can be searched based on Head of Account or Status or
based on the Expenditure Sanction Number.

Enter Head of account manually or using LoV

Figure 3 : Expenditure Sanction home page

For New Sanction Creation:
Click on ‘e-Billing’ > ‘Expenditure Sanction’ link in menu tree.
Select the Head of account from Lov or Enter Manually & Click on ‘Initiate Expd.

3.1.3 Step 3- User Clicks on ‘Initiate Expd. Sanction’ button

After User Clicks on ‘Initiate Expd. Sanction’ button Below screens will appear

Figure 4 : Screen for Expenditure Sanction Initiation

 Below fields are auto-populated for expenditure sanction initiation:

o Office Name : Display only field
o Approver’s Designation : Display only field
o Head of Account : Display only field, populated from search screen
o Status : Display only field, Will be disaplyed only when Expd.Sanction number is generated
o Financial Year : Display Only field, current financial year
o Charged/Voted : Display Only field
o Expenditure Type : Display only field, populates based on Bill claim type
o Expenditure Sanction No. : Display only field, Auto populates once the Expd Sanction is saved
o Expd. Sanction Date : Display only field, current date
o Department : Auto populates based on logged in user’s office
o Expd Sanction Net Payment : Auto-populates based on ‘Expd Sanction Gross Amount’ and ‘Expd
Sanction BT Amount’

 Enter the following fields From LoV :

o Copy from Previous Expd. Sanction : Non-mandatory, Select from LoV. Only last five expenditure
sanction can be searched for the current financial year for the selected Bill type, Claim type and
HoA. On selecting this option, all the fields, namely ‘Expenditure Sanction Gross Amount*’,
‘Expd. Sanction BT Amount*’, ‘Expd. Sanction Net Payment*’, ‘Sanction Subject*’, Reference(s),
‘Preamble*’, ‘Order Text*’, ‘Additional Text’, ‘Copy To*’ along with Payee Details, sanction Rule,
will be auto populated from the selected previous Expenditure Sanction and will be in editable
o Bill Description* : Select from LoV if ‘Copy from Previous Expd. Sanction’ is not used
o Claim Type* : Select from LoV if ‘Copy from Previous Expd. Sanction’ is not used

 Enter the following fields manually:
o Expd Sanction Gross Amount*
o Expd Sanction BT Amount* (if applicable)
o Sanction Subject*
o Reference(s)
o Preamble*
o Order*
o Additional Text
o Copy To* Designation

 Enter all the Mandatory fields & Click on Save. ‘Expenditure Sanction No.’ gets generated in the
above screen. Following buttons appear at the bottom

Figure 5 : Buttons available after first save

 Click on each buttons to provide details respectively as described below:

3.1.4 Step 4- Payee/PL Button Description

 Click on the Payee/PL button. After clicking, following screen comes

Figure 6 : Payee/PL screen

 Click on the LoV of Payee ID or Name or IFSC code or Account number. After click on LoV following
screen comes.

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Figure 7 : LoV screen for selecting Payee

 Select the Payee required & Click on Select button.

 After clicking on select button in above screen , details will be populated as follows:

Figure 8 : Select Payee in the Payee screen

 Enter the Gross Amount & BT Amount. Net Payment will be auto-populated as (Gross Amount-
BT Amount)
 After Click on Save, a message will come as Payee details saved successfully

 User can also manually enter as in below fields. After giving few initials, a suggestive list appears
as follows:

Figure 9 : Suggesting list for Payee selection

 After providing all mandatory fields user click on save button a message will come as Payee
details will be saved successfully.

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3.1.5 Step 5- Sanction Rule Button Description
 ‘Sanction Rules’ button is used to include expenditure sanctions rules under which expenditure
sanction is being initiated.

 Click on Sanction Rule Button & below screen will open.

Figure 10 : Screen for Expenditure Sanction Rule

 Select at least one Sanction Rule & Click on Save Button. A message will come as Rules have
been added successfully.

3.1.6 Step 6- Attachment Button Description

 Click on Attachment Button & below screen will open.

Figure 11 : Screen for Expenditure Sanction Attachment

 Click on Add Row hyperlink to add new row.
 Click on Attachment Type to select the type of attachment to be uploaded
 Click on Chose File to browse and select the file to be uploaded.
 User can enter remarks under Remarks if needed.
 Click on Add row & Select Attachment Type from the LoV & choose the Scanned File (pdf
file) & click on save button.
 After click on Save “Attachment Saved Successfully” message appears on Screen

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3.1.7 Step 7- Checklist Button Description
 Click on Checklist Button & below screen will open. Expand General Checklist by clicking on ‘+’
against it and Bill-Claim Specific Checklist

Figure 12 : Screen for Checklist

 User need to select all the checkboxes (one by one selecting each checkbox or user can click on
‘Select All’ to select all the checklist respectively) as all the checkboxes are mandatory & Click on
Save. “Record Inserted Successfully message appears on Screen.

3.1.8 Step 8- Click on the Task List to Forward Created Sanction

e-billing > Task List

Click on the ‘View/Modify’

Figure 13 : Screen for Tasklist
details to forward the request.
Below screen appeared after clicking the View Details.

Select the Checker to whom the

request need to be forwarded and
then Click on the Forward Button

Figure 14 : Selecting whom to Forward

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3.1.9 Step 9- Now Login with Checker Login id
 Follow the same Steps
o Click on the Task List
o Then click on the view/modify hyperlink under View column
o Checker can modify the details of Expenditure Sanction and Forward the request to
o Checker can also create a new Expenditure sanction using the similar steps as
described for maker and forward it to Approver

3.1.10 Step 10- Login with Approver Login id to approve the Expenditure Sanction
 Followed the same Steps
o Click on the Task List
o Then click on the view/modify hyperlink under View column
o Approver reviews the Expenditure Sanction and makes it approved.

 Once Approver approves and digitally signs the Expenditure Sanction, this expd sanction can be
used to make Fully Vouched Bill.

3.2 Bill Preparation, Verification And Submission to Treasury

3.2.1 Step 1- Login with eBilling Maker’s id
Go to e-Billing > Bill Entry from the menu tree. Following screen will come:

3.2.2 Step 2- Common Bill details capture

Figure 15 : Screen for Bill Entry – Common Bill

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Follow the following Steps to create a new Bill:

1) In order to create a bill for which expenditure sanction is mandatory, select Expd Sanction Based as
Yes and select Expd Sanction No. using LoV. After selecting the desired Expd sanction from LoV,
click on Search button and all the details in the Common Entry screens gets auto-populated.

For Bills where expd sanction is non-mandatory, select Expd Sanction Based as No

2) For bill where Expd Sanction Based is No, click the radio button from the given options as Employee
or Non- Employee. For Fully Vouched Bill, this gets auto-populated as Non-Employee (based on the
selected Expd Sanction)

3) For bill where Expd Sanction Based is No, Select Bill Description and Claim type from the associated
LoV popup window. For Fully Vouched Bill, this gets auto-populated (based on the selected Expd

4) ‘Objected by Treasury’ will represent the number of times the bill is returned from Treasury after
objection. This will be auto populated field, by default its value will be ‘0’ (zero) indicating it’s a fresh

5) Budgeted/non-budgeted (as applicable) will be displayed on the common bill area.

6) For bill where Expd Sanction Based is No, user need to select the Payment Mode from the given
radio buttons as ‘e-Payment’ or ‘100% Book Transfer/Nil’. For Fully Vouched Bill, this get auto-
populated (based on the selected Expd Sanction)

7) Enter Bill No. (non-mandatory field)

8) Bill Date will be system date.

9) For bill where Expd Sanction Based is No, select the Head of Account from the List of Values
available. For Fully Vouched Bill, this get auto-populated (based on the selected Expd Sanction).

Based on the Head of Account, C/V/N will be populated beside the field

10) Department will be auto populated based on the logged in user office.

11) For bill where Expd Sanction Based is No, click on the Sub detail Head LoV & Select Sub detail
Head. For Fully Vouched Bill, this get auto-populated (based on the selected Expd Sanction).

12) Click Save button. A unique bill reference number (Format: YYYYMM99999999, where YYYY is the
Financial year start, MM is Month, and 99999999 are eight digit numbers) is generated called Bill
Reference number. Also a success message appears along with the Bill Reference number as Bill
Saved successfully. Bill Reference No.-20190199999999

 Following screen will come after Bill Save

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Figure 16 : Screen for Common Bill Entry – Common Bill after first save

3.2.3 Step 3- Bill Specific (Fully Vouched Contingent Bill) Button

 Following screen will open when user will click on Bill specific button (Fully Vouched
Contingent). Provide below details under Voucher Details as:
o Sub-Voucher No.: Manual entry field
o Sub-voucher date: Select from calendar
o Description of Charge: Manual entry field
o Gross amount: Manual entry field
o Deducted amount: Manual entry field
o Add Row can be used to add multiple records
 Click on save. Bill Saved successfully message will come

Should Should
match match

Figure 17 : Bill Specific (Fully Vouched Contingent Bill) screen

 Click on Back button to return to the Common enty screen

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3.2.4 Step 4- Additional Certificate Button
 If user wants to add additional certificate/declaration, then user can use this screen
to include the same. This is optional
 Following screen will open when user will click on Additional Certificate button. Click
on Add Row to add a row and provide below details as:
o Additional Certificate details: manual entry
o Add Row can be used to add multiple records
o Delete icon can be used to delete already entered record
 Click on save. Bill Saved successfully message will come

Figure 18 : Screen for Additional Certificate

 Click on Back button to return to the Common enty screen

3.2.5 Step 5- Attachment Button

 Click on Attachment button to open the below screen

Figure 19 : Attachment Screen

 Click on Attachment Type to select the type of attachment to be uploaded.

 Click on Chose File to browse and select the file to be uploaded.

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 User can enter remarks under Remarks if needed.
 User can use Add Row to attach multiple files
 User can click on Delete icon to delete the already browsed file.
 Click on Save. Bill Saved successfully message will come
 Click on Back button to return to the Common entry screen

3.2.6 Step 6- Checklist button

 When user clicks on Checklist button, below screen will open

Click on the ‘+’ Sign to expand

and select all the checkboxes

Figure 20 : Checklist Screen

 Select all the checkboxes
 Click on Save. Bill Saved successfully message will come
 Click on Back button to return to the Common entry screen

3.2.7 Step 7- Payee Button Description

 Click on the Payee/PL button. After clicking, following screen comes

Figure 21 : Payee screen in Bills where Expd Sanction is mandatory

 The payee provided in the selected expenditure sanction will auto-populate as shown above for bill
where expd sanction is mandatory.
User will not be able to make any changes to these auto-populated payees.

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Figure 22 : Payee screen in Bills where Expd Sanction is not required

 For Bills where Expd sanction is not required, user will select the payee in Payee/PL screen of the bill
by either selecting paying using the LoV or manually entering keying the payee detail and then
selecting from the suggestive list.

Figure 23 : LoV screen for selecting Payee

 Select the payee required & Click on Select button.
 After clicking on select button in above screen , details will be populated.
 Enter the Gross & Deduction Amount. Net Payment will be auto-populated as (Gross
Amount-Deduction Amount)
 After Click on Save, a message will come as Payee details saved successfully

 Click on Back button to return to the Common entry screen

3.2.8 Step 8- BT Detail Button

This button will only appear if some Deduction (BT) amount has been entered in the common entry
 Click on the BT Detail button to open the below screen

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Select applicable BT using
the LoV

Figure 24 : BT Detail screen

 Click on the ‘BT Sl. No.’ LoV to select the applicable BT and enter the amount
 When a BT is selected, a BT specific button appears besides Refresh button
 The total of amounts entered against each in ‘BT Sl. No.’ should match with the BT Amount in
the common bill screen. Also, the same amount is shown in this screen as ‘Total BT Amount’
 Once the ‘Total Book- Transfer Amount’ and ‘Total BT Amount’ are equal then user can click on
the BT specific button to enter the BT specific details

Figure 25 : BT Detail screen (part-2)

 Click on the BT specific button to enter the details of the selected BT. Save the BT Specific page
 Click on Back

3.2.9 Step 9- Cancel Button

 If maker wants to cancel the bill that he has created but not forwarded to higher
level, then he can cancel the bill using the Cancel button
 The system will confirm if user want to cancel the bill. When confirmed the bill will
get cancel and user will be notified.

3.2.10 Step 10- Click on the Task List to Forward Created Sanction
e-billing > Task List General Information
provide extra details about
the tasks in the tasklist
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In TaskList refer the Description
field to identify if it is a Bill or
Expd Sanction or anything else Click on the ‘View/Modify’
Figure 26 : Screen for Tasklist
details to forward the request
to next level to edit the details
Below screen appeared after clicking the View Details.
Select the Checker to whom to forward
and then Click on the Forward Button

Figure 27 : Selection of user whom to forward the request

3.2.11 Step 11- Login with Checker Login id

 Follow the same Steps
o Click on the Task List
o Then click on the view/modify hyperlink under View column
o Checker can modify the details of Bill and Forward the request to Approver or can
send it back to Maker for rectification with proper remarks using Send for Revision
o Checker can also create a new bill using the similar steps as described for maker and
forward it to Approver

3.2.12 Step 12- Login with Approver Login id to approve the Bill
 Followed the same Steps
o Click on the Task List
o Then click on the view/modify hyperlink under View column
o Approver reviews the Bill details and approve and digitally signs it if no issues found.
Approver can send it back to Checker for rectification with proper remarks using
Send for Revision

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4. Glossary
Term Description
LoV List of Values will be used to select values from the pop-up window
Save ‘Save’ Button will be used to save the details entered in the form
Forward ‘Forward’ Button will be used to forward the request to next level.
Send Back “Send Back” button will be used to send back the request to lower level for any
clarification/modification. Remarks will be mandatory in this case.
Approve ‘Approve’ button will be used for Approving the request as sent by lower level by the
Reject ‘Reject’ button will be used for rejecting the request as received from lower level by
Approver only.
Cancel ‘Cancel’ button will be used by Maker or Checker only to cancel the request by them
only if the request is initiated by them.
Privilege Rights available with users.
CFMS Comprehensive Financial Management System.
Govt. Government
*Fields Fields marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.
Back Back button will be used to move back to previous screen.
Search Box Search Box will be used to filter the search result.
HoA Head of Account

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