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Issue 1 WELMEC
European co-operation in legal metrology

Guide on Terms and definitions in MID

their relation to terms defined in other
international metrologically relevant

June 2006

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European cooperation in legal metrology

WELMEC is a cooperation between the legal metrology services of the

Member States of the European Union and EFTA. This document is one of a
number of Guides published by WELMEC to provide guidance to
manufacturers of measuring instruments and to notified bodies responsible
for conformity assessment of their products. The Guides are purely advisory
and do not themselves impose any restrictions or additional technical
requirements beyond those contained in relevant EC Directives. Alternative
approaches may be acceptable, but the guidance provided in this document
represents the considered view of WELMEC as to the best practice to be

Published by:

WELMEC Secretariat
Federal Office of Metrology and surveying (BEV)
Arltgasse 35
A-1160 Vienna

Tel: +43 676 8210 3608

Fax: +43 1 49 20 875 8006

Email : welmec@bev.gv.at

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Table of contents

Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................4


Part 1 - Terms (words and expressions) ...................................................................................................5

Part 2 - Symbols and abbreviations ........................................................................................................64

Annex 1 - Referred international publications .......................................................................................69

Annex 2 - Alphabetical index.................................................................................................................70

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According to the terms of reference of WG8, it has been decided to draft an inventory of terms and expressions
with metrological relevance in the English version of the MID* and compare these terms and expressions with
those used in other relevant documents like OIML Recommendations, the VIM, and relevant international and
European standards. In particular the “closest synonyms” will be referred to.

(*) Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March
2004 on measuring instruments, published in the Official Journal of the European
Union, L 135, Volume 47, 30 April 2004
ISSN 1725-2555

A first draft has been presented to and briefly discussed in the meeting of WELMEC WG 8 in Seville on 10th and
11th March 2005.
During this meeting, it has been decided :
- to add a column for comments (especially for cases where some clarification is necessary);
- to keep the document as general as possible;
- to put all symbols together in a separate part of the list;
- that participants send their comments to Mr. Engler by 15 April 2005.
No comments being received, it has been decided during the meeting 6th - 7th June 2005 in Berlin to extend this
deadline until 1st August 2005.
By that date too, no comments have been received.
The draft was accepted by WG8 in Paris November 2005 and Mr Engler was thanked for this work.

- Words/expressions marked in Italic are separately in the column “Term in MID”.
- Mostly, the terms in the list below are in the singular form, with the first letter in uppercase.
- An overview of the documents referred to in the 4th column, is given in Annex I.
- Items marked (*) are listed in both Part 1 and Part 2
- Text in bold face in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd column denotes a definition (or text that can clearly be seen as a
definition) in the MID or its annexes.

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Part 1 - Terms (words and expressions)

where in
Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
‘CE’ marking Directive, “Blue Guide”, 7. 1: Principles of CE marking
Annex A, - The CE marking symbolises the conformity of the product
A1, C, C1, with the applicable Community requirements imposed on the
D, D1, E, manufacturer.
E1, F, F1, G, - The CE marking affixed to products is a declaration by the
H, H1 person responsible that:
* the product conforms to all applicable Community
provisions, and
* the appropriate conformity assessment procedures have been
Accuracy Annex I VIM 3.5: Accuracy of measurement
MI-002 Closeness of the agreement between the result of a
MI-003 measurement and a true value of the measurand
MI-006 VIM 3.5: Accuracy of a measuring instrument
MI-007 Ability of a measuring instrument to give responses close to a
MI-008 true value
Accuracy class Directive VIM 5.19: Accuracy class
MI-004 Class of measuring instruments that meet certain metrological
MI-005 requirements that are intended to keep errors within specified
MI-006 limits

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Active electrical Directive MI-003, Definitions: Draft OIML R 46, 3.1.2: Watt-hour meter
energy meter MI-003 An active electrical energy meter is a An electricity meter intended to measure active electrical
device which measures the active electrical energy. The active energy is normally displayed with the prefix
energy consumed in a circuit. kilo or mega, as kWh or MWh.
Draft OIML R 46, 3.1.1: Electricity meter
An instrument intended to measure electrical energy
continuously buy integrating power with respect to time and
which displays and stores the result.
Ancillary device Annex I OIML R 117, T.1.5 and OIML R 125, 2.1.8: Ancillary device
A device intended to perform a particular function, directly
involved in elaborating, transmitting or displaying measurement
Main ancillary devices are:
• zero setting device,
• repeating indicating device,
• printing device,
• memory device,
• price indicating device,
• totalizing indicating device (R117),
• conversion device (R 117),
• pre-setting device,
• self-service device.
(f) tariff control device (R125);
Note: An ancillary device may or may not be subject to legal
metrology control according to its function in the measuring
system or to national regulations.
OIML R 125, T.9.1: Ancillary device
A device associated with the instrument which is intended to
perform a specific function, e.g. a repeat indication device,
ticket printer, card reader, data input terminal, etc.
Ancillary Directive

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Approve (to -) Annex E ISO/IEC Guide 2, 16.1: Approval
Permission for a product, process or service to be marketed or
used for stated purposes or under stated conditions
Approved design Annex H1
Approved Annex F1,
instrument H1
Approved quality Annex D1,
system E, H
Approved type Annex D VIML, 4.5: Approved type
Annex E definitive model or family of measuring instruments permitted
Annex F for legal use, the decision being confirmed by the issuing of a
type approval certificate
Area Measuring MI-009 MI-009, Definitions
Instrument An area measuring instrument serves for the
determination of the area of irregular
shaped objects, e.g. for leather.
Assess (to -) Annex B, D, See: Assessment of the quality system
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Assessment Directive See: Assessment of the quality system
Several and conformity assessment
Assessment of the Annex A, See: Conformity assessment
conformity A1, B, D1,
E1, F1, G,
Assessment of the Annex d,
quality system D1, E, E1,
H, H1

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Associated MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Associated R 117, T.1.10: Associated measuring instruments
measuring measuring instrument Instruments connected to the calculator, the correction device
instrument An instrument connected to the calculator or the conversion device, for measuring certain quantities
for measuring certain quantities which are which are characteristic of the liquid, with a view to making
characteristic of the liquid, with a view to a correction and/or a conversion.
make a correction and/or conversion
Audit Annex D, ISO 9000, 3.9.1: audit
D1, E, E1, systematic, independent and documented process (3.4.1) for
H, H1 obtaining audit evidence (3.9.4) and evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent top which audit criteria (3.9.3) are fulfilled
Audit report Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Auditing team Annex D, ISO 9000, 3.9.10: audit team
D1, E, E1, one or more auditors (3.9.9) conducting an audit (3.9.1)
H, H1
Authorised Directive Directive, Article 4 (g) Also refer to notes 55 and 56 on page 24 of the ”Blue Guide”
representative Annex A, B, ‘authorised representative ’means a natural (clause 3.2)
C, C1, D, or legal person who is established within the
D1, E, E1, Community and authorised by a
F, F1, G, H, manufacturer, in writing, to act on his
H1 behalf for specified tasks within the
meaning of this Directive
Automatic MI-006 MI-006 Definitions: Automatic OIML R51-1, T.1.3: Automatic catchweighing instrument
catchweigher catchweigher (catchweigher):
An automatic weighing instrument that Automatic weighing instrument that weighs pre-assembled
determines the mass of pre-assembled discrete loads or single loads of loose material
discrete loads (for example prepackages) or
single loads of loose material.

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Automatic MI-006 MI-006 Definitions: Automatic OIML R 51-1, T.1.3.1: Checkweigher: However the expression automatic
checkweigher checkweigher Catchweigher that sub-divides articles (i.e. objects) of different checkweigher has been defined, it is not
An automatic catchweigher that subdivides mass into two or more sub-groups according to the value of the used in the rest of MI-006
articles of different mass into two or more difference between their mass and the nominal set point
subgroups according to the value of the
difference of their mass and a nominal set-
Automatic MI-006 MI-006, Definitions: Automatic OIML R 61-1, T.1.8: Automatic gravimetric filling
gravimetric gravimetric filling instrument instrument
filling instrument An automatic weighing instrument that fills Instrument which fills containers with predetermined and
containers with a predetermined and virtually constant mass of product from bulk by automatic
virtually constant mass of product from weighing, and which comprises essentially automatic feeding
bulk. device(s) associated with weighing
unit(s) and the appropriate control and discharge devices.
Automatic Rail MI-006 See: Rail-weighbridge According to the definition of a rail
Weighbridge weigh bridge, this is already automatic.
The sense of the additional word
“automatic” here, is not clear.
Automatic MI-006 MI-006, Definitions: Automatic weighing OIML R 50-1, T.1.2, OIML R 51-1, T.1.2, OIML R 106-1,
weighing Directive instrument T.1.2, and OIML R 107-1, T.1.2: Automatic weighing
instrument An instrument that determines the mass of a instrument
product without the intervention of an An instrument that weighs without the intervention of an
operator and follows a predetermined operator and follows a predetermined program of automatic
programme of automatic processes processes characteristic of the instrument.
characteristic of the instrument.
OIML R 61-1, T.1.7: Automatic weighing instrument
Instrument which weighs without the intervention of an operator
and/or follows a predetermined program of automatic process
characteristic of the instrument.

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Base conditions MI-002 MI-002, Definitions: Base conditions OIML R 6, T.4.2: Base conditions
The specified conditions to which the Conditions to which the measured volume of gas is converted
measured quantity of fluid is converted. (examples base temperature and base pressure).
MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Base conditions R117, T.1.14: Base conditions
The specified conditions to which the The specified conditions to which the measured volume of
measured quantity of liquid at metering liquid is converted (example: base temperature and base
conditions is converted. pressure).
Beltweigher MI-006 See: continuous totaliser “Beltweigher” is used in MI-006, but
not defined. It is clear that Continuous
totaliser is meant
Brim measure MI-008 MI-008, II, Definitions: Brim measure
A capacity serving measure for which the
internal volume is equal to the nominal
Calculation mode MI-007 See: Normal calculation mode D and
Normal calculation mode S
Calculator MI-004 MI-004, Definitions R 75-1, 3.4.3: Calculator
... calculator as defined in Article 4(b) ... A sub-assembly which receives signals from the flow
sensor and the temperature sensors and calculates and
Article 4 (b) of the Directive reads:
indicates the quantity of heat exchanged.
For the purposes of this Directive:
(b) ‘sub-assembly ’means a hardware
device, mentioned as such in the specific
annexes, that functions independently and
makes up a measuring instrument together
- with other sub-assemblies with which it
is compatible,
- with a measuring instrument with which
it is compatible;

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Calculator R 117, T.1.3: Calculator
A part of a meter that receives the output A part of the meter that receives the output signals from the
signals from the measurement transducer(s) transducer(s) and, possibly, from associated measuring
and possibly, from associated measuring instruments, transforms them and, if appropriate, stores in
instruments and displays the measurement memory the results until they are used. In addition, the
results calculator may be capable of communicating both ways with
peripheral equipment.
Calibration Annex D, VIM, 6.11: Calibration:
D1, E, E1, set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the
H, H1 relationship between values of quantities indicated by a
measuring instrument or measuring system, or values
MI-010 represented by a material measure or a reference material, and
the corresponding values realized by standards
Calibration data Annex D,
D1E, E1, H,
Calibration gas MI-010 ISO 3930 / OIML R 99, 3.30: calibration gas
stable gas mixture of known concentration used for periodic
calibration of the instruments and for various performance tests
Capacity Annex I See: Measuring capacity
MI-008 MI-008, II, Definitions: Capacity
The capacity is the internal volume for brim
measures or internal volume to a filling
mark for line measures.
Capacity serving MI-008 MI-008, II, Definitions: Capacity serving
measure measure
A capacity measure (such as a drinking
glass, jug or thimble measure)designed to
determine a specified volume of a liquid
(other than a pharmaceutical product) which
is sold for immediate consumption.

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Category Annex D, See: Type
(of a measuring D1, E, E1,
instrument) H, H1
Catchweigher See: Automatic catchweigher
CE marking Directive “Blue Guide”, 7.1: The CE marking affixed to products
is a declaration by the person responsible that:
* the product conforms to all applicable Community
* the appropriate conformity assessment procedures have been
CEN Directive Directive (11):
European Committee for standardisation
CENELEC Directive Directive (11):
European Committee for Electrotechnical
Certificate Annex H1 In this Annex: EC design examination
Certificate of Annex F
conformity Annex F1
Certification of the Annex F1
Checkweigher See: Automatic checkweigher
Circuit MI-003

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Class Directive See: Environmental class and Accuracy
Annex I class
Class index MI-003 VIM 5.19, note:
An accuracy class is usually denoted by a number or symbol
adopted by convention and called the class index.
Climatic Annex I Annex I, Definitions: Climatic
environment MI-002 environments
MI-007 Climatic environments are the conditions in
MI-010 which measuring instruments may be used.
To cope with climatic differences between
the Member States, a range of temperature
limits has been defined.
Climatic operating Annex I See: Climatic environment
Commercial MI-002 See: Residential, commercial and light
and/or light MI-003 industrial
industrial use MI-004
Committee Directive See: Measuring instruments committee
and Standing committee
Competent Directive
Competent body Directive Directive (11):

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Competent Directive
Member State
Component Annex I, 8.2 D 11, 3.4: Electronic component
Smallest physical entity that uses electron or hole conduction in
semi-conductors, gases or in a vacuum.
Examples: electronic tubes, transistors, integrated circuits.
Conformity Directive, ISO/IEC Guide 2, 12.1: conformity
Annex I, A, fulfilment by a product, process or service of specified
A1, B, C, requirements
ISO 9000, 3.6.1: conformity
fulfilment of a requirement (3.1.2)
Note 1 This definition is consistent with ISO/IEC Guide 2 but
differs from it phrasing to fit into the ISO 9000 concepts.
Conformity Directive, ISO/IEC Guide 2, 12.2:Conformity assessment
assessment Every any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly
Annex that the relevant requirements are fulfilled
VIML, 2.11: conformity assessment of a measuring
testing and evaluation of measuring instruments to ascertain
whether or not a single instrument, an instrument lot or a
production series of instruments comply with all statutory
requirements applicable to this instrument type

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Conformity Directive “Blue Guide” 5.1
assessment Conformity assessment is subdivided into modules, which
modules comprise a limited number of different procedures applicable to
the widest range of products. The modules relate to the design
phase of products, their production phase or both. The eight
basic modules and their eight possible variants can be combined
with each other in a variety of ways in order to establish
complete conformity assessment procedures. As a general rule,
a product is subject to conformity assessment according to a
module during the design as well as the production phase. Each
New Approach directive describes the range and contents of
possible conformity assessment procedures, which are
considered to give the necessary level of protection. The
directives also set out the criteria governing the conditions
under which the manufacturer can make a choice, if more than
one option is provided for.
Also refer to “Blue Guide”, note 90 on page 31.
Conformity Directive
Conformity Annex B ISO/IEC Guide 2, 14.1:Conformity evaluation
evaluation Annex H1 systematic examination of the extent to which a product,
process or service fulfils specified requirements
Conformity Directive VIML, 2.23: Marking
marking affixing of one or more of the marks as described in ...
[refers to verification mark, rejection mark, sealing mark, and
type approval mark]
Consumer Directive
Annex I
Consumer Directive
Consumption MI-002

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Continuous MI-006 MI-006, Definitions: Continuous totaliser OIML R 50-1, T.1.3: Continuous totalizing automatic In MI-006, the word “Beltweigher” is
totaliser An automatic weighing instrument that weighing instrument (belt weigher) also used
continuously determines the mass of a bulk An automatic weighing instrument for continuously weighing a
product on a conveyor belt, without bulk product on a conveyor belt, without systematic subdivision
systematic subdivision of the product and of the mass and without interrupting the movement of the
without interrupting the movement of the conveyor belt.
conveyor belt.
Conversion MI-002 MI-002, Definitions: Conversion device R 6, T.5: Conversion device
device A device fitted to a gas meter that A device which converts the volume measured at the metering
automatically converts the quantity conditions to a volume at base conditions.
measured at metering conditions into a Note: The type of conversion may be:
quantity at base conditions. a) temperature only;
b) temperature and pressure ;
c) temperature and pressure with correction for deviations from
the ideal gas law.
MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Conversion device OIML R117, T.1.12: Conversion device
A part of the calculator which by taking A device which automatically converts the volume measured at
account of the characteristics of the liquid metering conditions into a volume at base conditions, or into a
(temperature, density, etc.)measured using mass, by taking account of the characteristics of the liquid
associated measuring instruments, or stored (temperature, pressure, density, relative density...) measured
in a memory, automatically converts: using associated measuring instruments, or stored in a memory.
- the volume of the liquid measured at The quotient of the volume at base conditions, or of the mass, to
metering conditions into a volume at the volume at metering conditions is referred to as “conversion
base conditions and/or into mass, or factor”.
- the mass of the liquid measured at
metering conditions into a volume at
metering conditions and/or into a volume
at base conditions
Note: A conversion device includes the
relevant associated measuring instruments

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
Critical change Directive Annex I, definitions OIML D 11, 3.10: Significant fault CCV corresponds to significant fault
value Annex I The critical change value is the value at A fault greater than the value specified in the relevant with the editorial difference that CCV
which the change in the measurement result Recommendation is a limit where SF corresponds to all
is considered undesirable. errors beyond the limit
OIML D 11, 3.9: Fault
The difference between the error of indication and the intrinsic
error of a measuring instrument)
MI-001 MI-001, 7.1.3 R 49-1, 2.2.10 Significant fault In MI-001, 7.1.1 reads: “...the critical
... as defined The critical change value is the smaller of A fault the magnitude of which is greater than one half of the change value as defined in 8.1.4 ...”
in 8.1.4 the two following values: maximum permissible error in the “upper zone” this should be “... 7.1.3 ...”
- the volume corresponding to half of the [adapted from D 11 T.9].
magnitude of the MPE in the upper zone The following are not considered to be significant faults:
on the measured volume; - faults arising from simultaneous and mutually independent
- the volume corresponding to the MPE on causes in the water meter itself or in its checking facilities;
the volume corresponding to one minute and
at flowrate Q3. - transitory faults being momentary variations in the indication
which cannot be interpreted, memorized or transmitted as a
measurement result.
MI-002 MI-002, 3.1.3 R 6, T.16 Significant fault
... as defined The critical change value is the smaller of T.16.1. A fault greater than 0.5 of the maximum permissible
in 3.1.3 the two following values: error on initial verification.
- the quantity corresponding to half of the T.16.2. The following faults are considered not to be significant,
magnitude of the MPE in the upper zone even if they exceed the significant fault :
on the measured volume; (a) faults arising from simultaneous and mutually independent
- the quantity corresponding to the MPE causes in the gas meter itself or in its checking facilities ;
on the quantity corresponding to one (b) transitory faults being momentary variations in the
minute at maximum flowrate. indication, which cannot be interpreted, memorised or
transmitted as a measurement result.

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
MI-003 No definition in MI-003 * In MI-003, the Critical change
value depends on the nature of the
disturbance. This is defined in sub-
clauses 4.2 and 4.3 (not copied in
this overview)
* OIML R 46 is being revised
MI-004 No definition in MI-003 R 75-1, 4.10.3 Significant fault MI-003, 4.3
..... as laid Fault greater than the absolute value of the MPE which is not a The critical change value for a
down in transitory fault. complete heat meter is equal to the
requirement absolute value of the MPE applicable to
4.3 that heat meter (see paragraph 3).
MI-005 MI-005, 3.2 R 117, T.3.12 Significant fault (*)
.... as The critical change value is the greater of A fault the magnitude of which is greater than the larger of
defined in MPE/5 for a particular measured quantity or these two values:
paragraph Emin. - one fifth of the magnitude of the maximum permissible error
3.2 for the volume,
- the minimum specified volume deviation.
The following are not considered to be significant faults:
- faults arising from simultaneous and mutually independent
causes in the measuring instrument itself or in its checking
- transitory faults being momentary variations in the
indication, which cannot be interpreted, memorized or
transmitted as a measurement result,
- faults implying the impossibility of performing any

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
MI-006 No definition in MI-006 R 51-1, T.4.7 Significant fault MI-006, II,.7.2
... are given A fault greater than e. The critical change value due to a
in the A significant fault does not include: disturbance is one verification scale
relevant • faults arising from simultaneous and mutually independent interval.
Chapter of causes in the instrument or in its checking facility, or
this Annex • faults that imply it is impossible to perform a measurement, or
• faults that are so serious they will inevitably be noticed by all
those interested in the measurement, or
• transitory faults that are momentary variations in the
indications that cannot be interpreted, memorized or transmitted
as a measurement result.
R 61-1, T.4.2.6 Significant fault MI-006, III, 3.2
Fault greater than 0.25 of the maximum permissible deviation of The critical change value due to a
each fill for in-service inspection as specified in 2.2.2, for a fill disturbance is a change of the static
equal to the minimum capacity or rated minimum fill weight indication equal to the MPE as
respectively of the filling instrument. specified in paragraph 2.1 calculated
The following are not considered to be significant faults, even for the rated minimum fill, or a change
when they exceed the value defined above: that would give equivalent effect on the
• Faults arising from simultaneous and mutually independent fill in the case of instruments where the
causes in the instrument; fill consists of multiple loads. The
• Faults that imply it is impossible to perform a measurement; calculated critical change value shall be
• Faults that are so serious that they will inevitably be noticed rounded to the next higher scale
by those interested in the measurement; and interval (d).
• Transitory faults that are momentary variations in the
indications or operation that can not be interpreted, memorized
or transmitted as a measurement result.

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
R 107-1, T.4.2.5 Significant fault MI-006, IV, 8.2
A fault greater than d t . The critical change value due to a
The following are not considered to be significant faults: disturbance is one totalisation scale
• faults that result from simultaneous and mutually independent interval for any weight indication and
cause in the instrument or in its checking facility, any stored total.
• faults that imply the impossibility of performing any
• transitory faults that are momentary variations in the
indications which can-not be interpreted, memorized or
transmitted as a measurement result,
• faults that are so serious that they will inevitably be noticed
by those interested in the measurement.
R 50-1, T.5.5 Significant fault MI-006, V, 6.2:
A fault greater than the absolute value of the appropriate The critical change value due to a
maximum permissible error for influence factor tests for a load disturbance shall be 0,7 times the
equal to the minimum totalized load  min ) for the designated appropriate value specified in Table 8,
class of the belt weigher. for a load equal to ∑min ,for the
A significant fault does not include: designated class of the beltweigher;
• faults that result from simultaneous and mutually independent rounded up to the next higher
causes in the belt weigher or in its checking facility, totalisation scale interval (d).
• faults that imply the impossibility of performing any
• transitory faults that are momentary variations in the
indications which can-not be interpreted, memorized or
transmitted as a measurement result,
• faults that are so serious they will inevitably be noticed by
those interested in the measurement.

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Term in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s) Conclusions and comments
R 106-1, T.4.2.5: Significant fault MI-006, VI, 5.2
A fault greater than d. The critical change value due to a
The following are not considered to be significant faults: disturbance is one scale interval.
• faults that result from simultaneous and mutually independent
causes in the instrument or in its checking facility;
• faults that imply the impossibility of performing any
• transitory faults that are momentary variations in the
indications which cannot be interpreted, memorized or
transmitted as a measurement result;
• faults that are so serious that they will inevitably be noticed by
those interested in the measurement.
MI-009 MI-009, 2.3 In MI-009, this reference to “2.3”
... as defined The critical change value is equal to one should be “2”.
in 2.3 scale interval.
MI-010 No definition in MI-010 R99, 3.20: significant fault MI-010, 4
... laid down fault the magnitude of which is greater than the magnitude of For each of the volume fractions
in paragraph the maximum permissible error on initial verification measured by the instrument, the critical
4 ... change value is equal to the MPE for
the parameter concerned.
Cross-over speed MI-007 MI-007, Definitions: Cross-over speed
The speed value found by division of a time
tariff value by a distance tariff value.
Declaration All Annexes See: Declaration of conformity
A - H1 Except for B, 3 and H1, 4.2
Declaration of All Annexes ISO/IEC Guide 2, 15.1.1: Suppliers declaration
conformity A - H1 procedure by which a supplier gives written assurance that a
MI-008 product, process or service conforms to specified requirements

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Declaration of Annex H Annex H, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on full quality whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
assurance obligations laid down in this Annex and
ensures and declares that the measuring
instruments concerned satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Declaration of Annex H1 Annex H1, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on full quality whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
assurance plus obligations laid down in this Annex and
design ensures and declares that the measuring
examination instruments concerned satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Declaration of Annex A Annex A, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on internal whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
production obligations laid down in this Annex and
control ensures and declares that the measuring
instruments concerned satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Declaration of Annex A1 Annex A1, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on internal whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
production obligations laid down in this Annex, and
control plus ensures and declares that the measuring
product testing instruments concerned satisfy the
by a notified appropriate requirements of this Directive

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Declaration of Annex F1 Annex F1, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on product whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
verification obligations laid down in this Annex and
ensures and declares that the measuring
instruments that have been subjected to the
provisions of paragraph 5 are in conformity
with the appropriate requirements of this
Declaration of Annex E1 Annex E1, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on quality whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
assurance of final obligations laid down in this Annex and
product ensures and declares that the measuring
inspection and instruments concerned are in conformity
testing with the appropriate requirements of this
Declaration of Annex D1 Annex D1, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on quality whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
assurance of the obligations laid down in this Annex and
production ensures and declares that the measuring
process instruments concerned satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Declaration of Annex G Annex G, 1
conformity based The conformity assessment procedure
on unit whereby the manufacturer fulfils the
verification obligations laid down in this Annex and
ensures and declares that a measuring
instrument that has been subjected to the
provisions of paragraph 4,is in conformity
with the appropriate requirements of this

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Declaration of Annex C Annex C, 1
conformity to The part of a conformity assessment
type based on procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils
internal the obligations laid down in this Annex and
production ensures and declares that the measuring
control instruments concerned are in conformity
with the type as described in the EC-type
examination certificate and satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Declaration of Annex C1 Annex C1, 1
conformity to The part of a conformity assessment
type based on procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils
internal the obligations laid down in this Annex and
production ensures and declares that the measuring
control plus instruments concerned are in conformity
product testing with the type as described in the EC-type
by a notified examination certificate and satisfy the
body appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Declaration of Annex F Annex F, 1
conformity to The part of a conformity assessment
type based on procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils
product the obligations laid down in this Annex and
verification ensures and declares that the measuring
instruments that have been subjected to the
provisions of paragraph 3 are in conformity
with the type as described in the EC-type
examination certificate and satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.

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Declaration of Annex E Annex E, 1
conformity to The part of a conformity assessment
type based on procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils
quality assurance the obligations laid down in this Annex and
of final product ensures and declares that the measuring
inspection and instruments concerned are in conformity
testing with the type as described in the EC-type
examination certificate and satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Declaration of Annex D Annex D, 1
conformity to The part of a conformity assessment
type based on procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils
quality assurance the obligations laid down in this Annex and
of the production ensures and declares that the measuring
process instruments concerned are in conformity
with the type as described in the EC-type
examination certificate and satisfy the
appropriate requirements of this Directive.
Dedicated power MI-002
Design control Annex H1
Design Annex H1
Design Annex H1
Design Annex H
verification Annex H1
Designated body Directive
Article 12

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Device Directive, D11, 3.2 Electronic device
Annex I, Device employing electronic sub-assemblies and performing
MI-002, a specific function.
MI-003, Electronic devices are usually manufactured as separate units
MI-005, and are capable of being tested independently.
MI-006, Notes:
MI-007, (1) An electronic device may be a complete measuring
MI-010 instrument (for example: counter scale, electricity meter) or a
part of a measuring instrument (for example: printer,
(2) An electronic device can be a module in the sense that
this term is used in OIML Publication B 3 “The OIML
Certificate system for measuring Instruments” [2].
Dimensional MI-009 From: MI-009, Introductory text and
measuring definitions:
instrument Length measuring instrument or area
measuring instrument or multi-dimensional
measuring Instrument
Dipping tape MI-008
Direct sales Annex I
Direct indication MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Direct indication
The indication, either volume or mass,
corresponding to the measure and that the
meter is physically capable of measuring
Note: The direct indication may be
converted into another quantity using a
conversion device

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Direct sales Annex I Annex I, Definitions: Direct sales
MI-005 A trading transaction is direct sales if:
- the measurement result serves as the
basis for the price to pay and;
- at least one of the parties involved in the
transaction related to measurement is a
consumer or any other party requiring a
similar level of protection and;
- all the parties in the transaction accept
the measurement result at that time and
Discontinuous MI-006 MI-006, Definitions: Discontinuous R 107-1, T.1.3 Discontinuous totalizing automatic weighing
totaliser totaliser (totalising hopper weigher) instrument (totalizing hopper
(totalising hopper An automatic weighing instrument that weigher)
weigher) determines the mass of a bulk product by An automatic weighing instrument that weighs a bulk product
dividing it into discrete loads. The mass of by dividing it into discrete loads, determining the mass of each
each discrete load is determined in sequence discrete load in sequence, summing the weighing results and
and summed. Each discrete load is then delivering the discrete loads to bulk.
delivered to bulk.
Discrimination Annex I VIM, 5.12 discrimination (threshold)
largest change in a stimulus that produces no detectable change
in the response of a measuring instrument, the change in the
stimulus taking place slowly and monotonically.
Distance signal MI-007 See: Signal generator

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Disturbance Directive Annex I, Definitions: Disturbance D 11, 3.13.2 Disturbance
Annex I An influence quantity having a value within Influence quantity having a value within the limits specified in
MI-001 the limits specified in the appropriate the relevant Recommendation, but outside the specified rated
MI-002 requirement but outside the specified rated operating conditions of a measuring instrument.
MI-003 operating conditions of the measuring Note: An influence quantity is a disturbance if the rated
MI-004 instrument. An influence quantity is a operating conditions for that influence quantity are not
MI-005 disturbance if for that influence quantity the specified.
MI-006 rated operating conditions are not specified.
Durability Directive OIML D 11, 3.17 Durability
Annex I Ability of a measuring instrument to maintain its performance
MI-001 characteristics over a period of use.
EC design Directive
examination Annex I
certificate Annex H1
EC-type Directive See also: Type examination
examination Annex I
certificate Annex B, C,
C1, D, E, F

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Electromagnetic Annex I D 11, 3.13.2 Disturbance
disturbance MI-001 Influence quantity having a value within the limits specified in
MI-002 the relevant Recommendation, but outside the specified rated
MI-003 operating conditions of a measuring instrument.
MI-004 Note: An influence quantity is a disturbance if the rated
MI-005 operating conditions for that influence quantity are not
MI-006 specified.
Electromagnetic Directive Annex I, 1.3.3 (b)
environment Annex I The following influence quantities shall be
MI-003 considered in relation with
MI-006 electromagnetic environments:
- Voltage interruptions,
- Short voltage reductions,
- Voltage transients on supply lines and/or
signal lines,
- Electrostatic discharges,
- Radio frequency electromagnetic fields,
- Conducted radio frequency
electromagnetic fields on supply lines
and/or signal lines,
- Surges on supply lines and/or signal
And, where appropriate:
- Voltage variation,
- Mains frequency variation,
- Power frequency magnetic fields,
- Any other quantity likely to influence in
a significant way the accuracy of the

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Electronic device Directive OIML D 11, 3.2
Electronic device
Device employing electronic sub-assemblies and performing a
specific function. Electronic devices are usually manufactured
as separate units and are capable of being tested independently.
Environmental Directive
Environmental Directive
Equirements MI-009 Typing error in MID;
should be Requirements
Error Annex I VIM 3.10 Error (of measurement)
MI-002 - Result of a measurement minus a true value of the measurand
Error of indication MI-001 VIM 5.20 Error (of indication) of a measuring instrument
MI-002 indication of a measuring instrument minus a true value of the
corresponding input quantity
Error of Annex I VIM 3.10 Error (of measurement)
measurement MI-003 result of a measurement minus a true value of the measurand
Essential Directive
requirement Annex I
Annex B, H,

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ETSI Directive Directive (11)
European Telecommunications Standards
Evaluate Directive See: Evaluation
Annex I
Annex B, D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Evaluation Directive VIML, 2.5: type (pattern) evaluation The word “evaluation” is used here in 2
Annex I systematic examination and testing of the performance of one or meanings:
Annex B, D, more specimens of an identified type (pattern) of measuring - evaluation of the instrument
D1, E, E1, instruments against documented requirements, the results of - evaluation of the manufacturer by
H, H1 which are contained in the evaluation report, in order to the notified body (audit)
determine whether the type may be approved
“Pattern” is used in legal metrology with the same meaning as
“type”; in the entries below, only “type” is used.
ISO/IEC Guide 2, 14.1: conformity evaluation
systematic examination of the extent to which a product,
process or service fulfils requirements
Evaluation report Annex H1
Examination Directive
Annex I
Annex B, C,
C1, D, D1,
E, E1, F, F1,
G, H, H1
Examination of Annex H1 See: Design examination
the design

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Exhaust gas Directive, MI-010, Definitions: Exhaust gas ISO 3930 / OIML R 99, 1:
analyser MI-010 analyser measuring instruments that serve to determine the volume
An exhaust gas analyser is a measuring fractions of certain components of the exhaust gases emanating
instrument that serves to determine the from motor vehicles
volume fractions of specified components
of the exhaust gas of a motor vehicle engine
with spark ignition at the moisture level of
the sample analysed.
These gas components are carbon monoxide
(CO) ,carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen
(O2)and hydrocarbons (HC).
The content of hydrocarbons has to be
expressed as concentration of n-hexane
(C6H14),measured with near-infrared
absorption techniques.
The volume fractions of the gas components
are expressed as a percentage (% vol) for
CO,CO2 and O2 and in parts per million
(ppm vol).
Moreover, an exhaust gas analyser
calculates the lambda value from the
volume fractions of the components of the
exhaust gas.
External MI-003
Factor K (*) MI-009 MI-009, II, 1
K = ε ·(GA +2,2 N/m2 ), where: ε is the
relative elongation of a cloth specimen 1 m
wide at a tensile force of 10 N, GA is the
weight force per unit area of a cloth
specimen in N/m2 .

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Fare MI-007 MI-007, Definitions: Fare
The total amount of money due for a trip
based on a fixed initial hire fee and/or the
length and/or the duration of the trip. The
fare does not include a supplement charged
for extra services.
Final product Annex D,
inspection D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Flow disturbance MI-002
Flowrate MI-001 R 49-1, 2.3.1: Flowrate, Q
MI-002 Quotient of the actual volume of water passing through
MI-005 the water meter and the time taken for this volume to
pass through the water meter.
Flow rate MI002
Flowrate range MI-001 MI-005, Definitions: Flowrate range R6, T.1: Working range of a gas volume meter
MI-002 The range between the minimum flowrate The range of the flowrates of gas limited by the maximum
MI-005 (Qmin) and maximum flowrate (Qmax). flowrate Qmax and the minimum flowrate Qmin.
Fluid MI-002 General meaning: Gas or liquid
In MI-002: gas
Fuel dispenser MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Fuel dispenser R 117, T.2.1: Fuel dispenser
A measuring system intended for the A measuring system intended for the refuelling of motor
refuelling of motor vehicles, small boats vehicles, small boats and small aircraft.
and small aircraft
Full quality Annex H, EN-ISO 9000, 3.2.11: quality assurance
assurance H1 part of quality management (3.2.8) focussed on providing
confidence that quality requirements (3.1.2) will be fulfilled
Garbage weighers MI-006
Gas calibration MI-010

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Gas meter Directive MI-002, Definitions: Gas meter Draft OIML Gas meters, 2.1.1: Gas meter
MI-002 An instrument designed to measure, An instrument intended to measure, memorize and display the
memorise and display the quantity of fuel quantity of gas passing the measurement transducer at metering
gas (volume or mass)that has passed it. conditions.
Draft OIML Measuring systems for gaseous fuel, T.1.1:
An instrument intended to measure continuously, memorise and
display the volume or mass of gas passing through the flow
measuring device at metering conditions
Group Directive See: Type (in the sense of category)
(of measuring Annex I
Harmonised Directive, Directive, Article 1 (h)
standard Annex D, ‘harmonised standard ’means a technical
D1, E, E1, specification adopted by CEN,CENELEC
H, H1 or ETSI or jointly by two or all of these
organisations, at the request of the
Commission pursuant to Directive
98/34/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down
a procedure for the provision of information
in the field of technical standards and
regulations and of rules on Information
Society services (1) and prepared in
accordance with the General Guidelines
agreed between the Commission and the
European standards organisations
Heat meter Directive MI-004, Definitions, introductory text OIML R 75-1, 1: heat meter
MI-004 A heat meter is an instrument designed to instrument intended for measuring the heat which, in a heat-
measure the heat which, in a heat exchange exchange circuit, is given up by a liquid called the heat-
circuit, is given up by a liquid called the conveying liquid.
heat-conveying liquid.
Heat-meter See: Heat meter

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Inaccurate Annex I
Industrial See:
buildings/use Residential, commercial and light
industrial buildings/use
Other industrial buildings
Influence Factor MI-006 OIML D 11, 3.13.1: Influence factor In MI-006, chapter III, clause 3.1, there
Influence quantity having a value within the rated is reference to 2.1.
operating conditions of a measuring instrument However in 2.1, “Influence Factor”
specified in the relevant Recommendation. does not occur.
Influence Annex I Annex I, Definitions: Influence quantity VIM 2.7 and OIML D 11, 3.13: Influence quantity
quantity MI-003 An influence quantity is a quantity that is Exactly the same definition
MI-006 not the measurand but that affects the result
MI-010 of measurement
In-service control. Annex B
Annex H1
Inspection Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 3.8.2 and ISO/IEC Guide 2, 14.2 Inspection The word “inspection” is used in MID
D1, E, E1, Conformity evaluation by observation and judgement with 2 meanings:
F, F1, G, H, accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging - inspection of the instrument
H1 - inspection of the manufacturer by
VIML, 2.21: inspection of a measuring instrument
MI-010 the notified body (audit)
examination of a measuring instrument to ascertain all or
some of the following:
- verification mark and/or certificate is valid,
- no sealing marks are damaged,
- after verification the instrument suffered no obvious
- its errors do not exceed the maximum permissible in-service
Inspection report Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1

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Inspection visit Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Installation MI-002
Instructions Directive
Annex I
Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1,
Instrument Directive See: Measuring instrument
Annex E
Instrument model Annex D, E, See: Model of the instrument
E1, F1, H
Interface Directive
Annex I
Internal checks Annex A1,
Internal Annex A,
production control A1, C, C1
Interruptible/non MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Interruptible/non R117, T.3.14: Interruptible/non interruptible measuring
interruptible interruptible system
A measuring system is considered as Exactly the same definition
interruptible/non interruptible when the
liquid flow can/cannot be stopped easily
and rapidly
K-factor (*) MI-009 See: Factor K

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Lambda (λ) (*) MI-010 MI-010, Definitions: Lambda ISO 3930 / OIML R 99, 3.29
Lambda is a dimensionless value Exactly the same definition
representative of the burning efficiency of
an engine in terms of air/fuel ratio in the
exhaust gases. It is determined with a
reference standardised formula.
Legal Directive, Directive, Article 4, (c) VIML 2.1: Legal metrological control:
metrological Annex I Legal metrological control means the The whole of legal metrological activities which contribute to
control control of the measurement tasks intended metrological assurance.
for the field of application of a measuring
instrument, for reasons of public interest,
public health, public safety, public order,
protection of the environment, levying of
taxes and duties, protection of the
consumers and fair trading
Legally controlled Directive VIML 4.3: Legally controlled measuring instrument:
measuring Measuring instrument which conforms to prescribed
instrument requirements, in particular legal metrological requirements
Length MI-009 MI-009, Definitions: Length measuring OIML R 66, 1.1:
measuring instrument length measuring instrument
instrument A length measuring instrument serves for instruments (other than length measures) which determine the
the determination of the length of rope-type length of a line, wire, cable, tape, piece of cloth, strip, sheet or
materials (e.g. textiles, bands, cables) any other developable piece.
during feed motion of the product to be
Light industrial See: residential, commercial and light
Line measure MI-008 MI-008, Definitions: Line measure R 98, 2.1: Line measure of length Definition of R 98 not applicable in
A capacity serving measure marked with a A measure representing one or several values of length MID
line to indicate nominal capacity. determined by the shortest distance between the centers of two
scale marks.

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Manufacturer Directive Directive, Article 4, (d) “Blue Guide”, 3.7
Every manufacturer means a natural or legal A producer is either a manufacturer of a finished product or a
Annex person responsible for the conformity of the component part of a finished product, producer of any raw
measuring instrument with this Directive material, or any person who presents himself as a manufacturer
with a view to either placing it on the (for example by affixing a trade-mark).
market under his own name and/or putting it Importers placing products on the Community market from
into use for his own purposes third countries are all considered to be producers according to
the Directive on product liability. If the producer cannot be
identified, each supplier of the product becomes liable, unless
he informs the injured person within a reasonable time of the
identity of the producer, or of the person who supplied him with
the product. When several persons are liable for the same
damage, they are all liable jointly and severally.
Market Directive “Blue Guide”, 8.1
surveillance The purpose of market surveillance is to ensure that the
provisions of applicable directives are complied with across the
Community. Citizens are entitled to an equivalent level of
protection throughout the single market, regardless of the origin
of the product. Further, market surveillance is important for the
interest of economic operators, because it helps to eliminate
unfair competition.
Marking Directive VIML, 2.23: Marking See also:
affixing of one or more of the marks as described in ... CE-marking
[refers to verification mark, rejection mark, sealing mark, and Conformity marking
type approval mark] Supplementary metrology marking
Material Annex I Annex I, Definitions: Material Measure VIM, 4.2: Material measure
Measure MI-008 A material measure is a device intended to Exactly the same definition
reproduce or supply in a permanent manner
during its use one or more known values of
a given quantity.

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Material measure MI-008 MI-008, Definitions: Material measure of R 35, T.1: Material measure of length
of length length A material measure provided with scale marks, the distances
An instrument comprising scale marks between which are indicated in legal units of length.
whose distances are given in legal units of
Max (*) MI-006 See: Maximum capacity
Maximum MI-006 R 51-1, T.3.1.1: Maximum capacity (Max)
capacity (*) Maximum weighing capacity, not taking into account the
additive tare capacity.
R 61-1 T.3.8: Maximum capacity (Max)
Largest discrete load that can be weighed automatically on the
load receptor of the filling instrument.
R106-1, T.3.2.1: Maximum capacity (Max)
The largest load that an instrument is designed to weigh-in-
motion without totalizing.
R107-1, T.3.3.1: Maximum capacity (Max)
The largest discrete load that can be weighed automatically.
Maximum MI-002 MI-002, Definitions: Maximum flowrate
flowrate (Qmax) MI-005 (Qmax)
(*) The highest flowrate at which the gas meter
provides indications that satisfy the
requirements regarding MPE.
Maximum Annex I, See: Maximum permissible error
permissible error MI-all (MPE) value
Maximum Annex I Annex I, 1.1
permissible error MI-all Unless stated otherwise in the instrument-
(MPE) value (*) specific annexes, MPE is expressed as a
bilateral value of the deviation from the true
measurement value.

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Measurand Annex I Annex I, Definitions: Measurand VIM, 2.5: Measurand
The measurand is the particular quantity particular quantity subject to measurement
subject to measurement.
Measurement Directive, VIM 2.1: Measurement
Annexes Set of operations having the object of determining a value of a
Measurement Directive What is the difference between
function Measurement function, Measurement
task, and Measuring function ?
Neither of these expressions have been
Measurement MI-006 See: Measuring range
Measurement task Annex I What is the difference between
Measurement function, Measurement
task, and Measuring function ?
Neither of these expressions have been
Measuring Annex I
Measuring Directive, What is the difference between
function Annex I Measurement function, Measurement
task, and Measuring function ?
Neither of these expressions have been

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Measuring Directive, Any device or system with a VIM 4.1: Measuring instrument
instrument Annex I, A, measurement function that is covered by device intended to be used to make measurements, alone or in
A1, B, C, Articles 1 and 3 conjunction with supplementary device(s)
C1, D, D1,
E, E1, F, F1,
G, H, H1,
Measuring Directive
Measuring range Directive MI-006, II, 1.1: VIM 5.4: Measuring range
Annex I The measuring range in terms of its Set of values of measurands for which the error of a measuring
MI-006 maximum and minimum capacity. instrument is intended to lie within specified limits
Measuring MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Measuring System VIM 4.5: Measuring system
System A system that comprises the meter itself and complete set of measuring instruments and other equipment
all devices required to ensure correct assembled to carry out specified measurements
measurement or intended to facilitate the
R 117, T.1.7: Measuring system
measuring operations
A system which comprises the meter itself and all the ancillary
devices and additional devices.
Mechanical Annex I Annex I, 1.3.2, (b)
environment The following influence quantities shall be
considered in relation with mechanical
- Vibration;
- Mechanical shock
Mechanical strain MI-006
Member State Directive

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Meter MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Meter R 117, T.1.1: Meter for volumes of liquids Meter is the unit of length.
An instrument designed to measure An instrument intended to measure continuously, memorize and Here, “Meter” should be “(Measuring)
continuously, memorise and display the display the volume of liquid passing through the measurement instrument”
quantity at metering conditions of liquid transducer at metering conditions.
flowing through the measurement
transducer in a closed, fully charged conduit
Metering MI-001 R 49-1, 2.2.12: Metering conditions
conditions MI-005 The conditions of the water, of which the volume is to be
measured, at the point of measurement (example:
temperature and pressure of the water).
R 117, T.1.13: Metering conditions
The conditions of the liquid of which the volume is to be
measured, at the point of measurement (example: temperature
and pressure of the measured liquid).
Metrological Directive
characteristics Annex I
Annex B
Metrological Directive
performance Annex B,
Metrological Annex F, F1
Metrologically Annex I
Metrology Directive VIM 2.2 and VIML 1.1: Metrology
Science of measurement
Metrology See: Supplementary metrology marking

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Minimum capacity MI-006 R 51-1, T.3.1.2: Minimum capacity (Min)
Rated value of the load below which the weighing results may
be subject to an excessive relative error.
R 61-1, T.3.7: Minimum capacity (Min)
Smallest discrete load that can be weighed automatically on the
load receptor of the filling instrument.
R 106-1, T.3.2.2: Minimum capacity (Min)
The load below which a weighing-in-motion result before
totalizing may be
subject to an excessive relative error.
R 107-1, T.3.3.2: Minimum capacity (Min)
The smallest discrete load that can be weighed automatically.
Minimum MI-001 MI-001, Definitions: Minimum Flowrate R 49-1, 2.3.5: Minimum flowrate, Q1 (1)
Flowrate (Q1) (*) (Q1) The lowest flowrate at which the water meter is required to
The lowest flowrate at which the water operate within the maximum permissible
meter provides indications that satisfy the error.
requirements concerning the maximum Expressed in m3 /h in this Recommendation.
permissible errors (MPEs.)
Minimum MI-002 MI-002, Definitions: Minimum flowrate
flowrate (Qmin) MI-005 (Qmin)
(*) The lowest flowrate at which the gas meter
provides indications that satisfy the
requirements regarding maximum
permissible error (MPE.)
Minimum MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Minimum measured R 117, T.3.5: Minimum measured quantity of a measuring
measured quantity (MMQ) system
quantity (MMQ) The smallest quantity of liquid for which The smallest volume of liquid for which the measurement is
(*) the measurement is metrologically metrologically acceptable for that system.
acceptable for the measuring system.

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Model Directive also see: Type
Annex A, C, The words “type” and “model” are used
C1, D, in MID with the same meaning
D1,E, E1, F,
F1, H, H1
Module Directive OIML B 3: Module The definition from B 3 is not
Identifiable part of a measuring instrument or of a family of applicable in MID.
measuring instruments that performs a specific function or
functions and that can be separately See: Conformity assessment module
evaluated according to prescribed metrological and
technical performance Requirements in the relevant
Multi- MI-009 MI-009, Definitions: Multi-dimensional OIML R 129, 2.1: Multi-dimensional measuring instrument
dimensional Measuring Instrument A measuring instrument which measures the length (L), width
Measuring A multi-dimensional measuring instrument (W) and height (H) of a rectangular parallelepiped (a
Instrument serves for the determination of the edge rectangular box), and in some cases determines the volume of
length (length, height, width) of the smallest that box. If the object is not of the form of a rectangular box, the
enclosing rectangular parallelepiped of a smallest rectangular box which fully encloses the object is
product. determined.
Normal MI-007 MI-007, Definitions: Normal calculation EN 50148, 2.12: Double system calculation
calculation mode mode D (double application of tariff) Double system calculating calculates the fare using time-
D (double Fare calculation based on simultaneous distance counting
application of application of time tariff and distance tariff
EN 50148, 2.10: Time-distance counting
tariff) over the whole trip.
Time-distance counting is the calculation mode in which two
additional components of the fare increase concurrently, one in
proportion to the hiring and the other in proportion to the
distance travelled.
Normal MI-007 MI-007, Definitions: Normal calculation EN 50148, 2.11: Single system calculation
calculation mode mode S (single application of tariff) Single system calculating calculates the fare using either time-
S (single Fare calculation based on application of the counting or distance-counting.
application of time tariff below the cross-over speed and
tariff) application of the distance tariff above the
cross-over speed.

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Normal Annex I
operational status
Normative Directive Directive, Article 4, (i) ISO/IEC Guide 2, 3.1: normative document
document ‘normative document ’means a document document that provides rules, guidelines or characteristics for
containing technical specifications adopted activities or their results
by the Organisation Internationale de
Métrologie Légale (OIML),subject to the
procedure stipulated in Article 16(1)
Notification Directive
Annex D,
D1, E, H,
Notified body Directive
Annex A1,
B, C1, D,
D1, E, E1,
F, F1, G, H,
Notify (a body) Directive This word is used in 2 meanings:
* Designate
* Put forward
Notifying Directive
Operating MI-010 See: Rated operating conditions

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Operating MI-007 MI-007, Definitions: Operating position
position The different modes in which a taximeter
fulfils the different parts of its functioning.
The operating positions are distinguished by
the following indications:
‘For Hire ’: The operating position in which
the fare calculation is disabled
‘Hired ’: The operating position in which
the fare calculation takes place
on the basis of a possible initial
charge and a tariff for distance
travelled and/or time of the trip
‘Stopped ’: The operating position in which
the fare due for the trip is
indicated and at least the fare
calculation based on time is
Operating pressure MI-002
Operational MI-006
accuracy class(es)
Operational status Annex I See: Normal operational status
Operator control MI-006
Operator Interface MI-006 MI-006, IV, 6
Operator Interface: Operator adjustments
and reset function

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Other industrial Annex I EN-IEC 61000-6-2, 1
buildings The environments encompassed by this standard are industrial,
both indoor and outdoor. Industrial locations are in addition
characterised by the existence of one or more of the following:
- industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) apparatus (as defined
in CISPR 11);
- heavy inductive or capacitive loads are frequently switched;
- currents and associated magnetic fields are high.
Overload MI-001 MI-001, Definitions: Overload Flowrate R 49-1, 2.3.3: Overload flowrate, Q4
Flowrate (Q4) (Q4) The highest flowrate, at which a water meter is required to
The overload flowrate in the highest operate, for a short period of time, within its maximum
flowrate at which the meter operates in a permissible error, whilst maintaining its metrological
satisfactory manner for a short period of performance when it is subsequently operated within its rated
time without deteriorating. operating conditions.
Overload MI-002 MI-002, Definitions: Overload Flowrate
Flowrate (Qr) (Qr)
The overload Flowrate is the highest
flowrate at which the meter operates for a
short period of time without deteriorating.
Partial range MI-006 See: Partial weighing range
Partial weighing MI-006
Performance Directive,
Annex I
Annex B,

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Permanent MI-001 MI-001, Definitions: Permanent Flowrate M 49-1, 2.3.2: Permanent flowrate, Q3
Flowrate (Q3) (Q3) The highest flowrate within the rated operating conditions, at
The highest flowrate at which the water which the water meter is required to operate in a satisfactory
meter operates in a satisfactory manner manner within the maximum permissible error.
under normal conditions of use, i.e. under
steady or intermittent flow conditions.
Place on the Directive, Directive, Article 4, (e) “Blue Guide”, 2.3: Placing on the market
market Annex I, A, ‘placing on the market ’means making is the initial action of making a product available for the first
A1, B, C, available for the first time in the time on the Community market, with a view to distribution or
C1, D, D1, Community an instrument intended for an use in the Community. Making available can be either for
E, E1, F, F1, end user, whether for reward or free of payment or free of charge.
G, H, H1 charge Putting into service takes place at the moment of first use.
Policies Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Polyphase meter MI-003
Power factor MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: PF See also: PF and cos φ
PF = power factor = cos φ = the cosine of
the phase difference φ between I and U.
Power supply Annex I, OIML D 11, 3.21: Mains power
MI-001, Primary external source of electrical power for an instrument,
MI-002, including all sub-assemblies. (Examples: public power (AC or
MI-005, DC), generator, external battery or other DC supply systems).
(not to be confused with power supply device)
Power supply MI-002 OIML D 11, 3.22: Power converter (power supply device)
device MI-005 Sub-assembly converting the voltage from the mains power to a
voltage suitable for other sub-assemblies.
R 117, T.5.9: Power supply device
A device which provides the electronic devices with the
required electrical energy, using one or several sources of a.c. or

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Process Directive EN-ISO 9000, 3.4.1: Process
Annex B, D, set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms
D1, F, F1, inputs into outputs
H, H1
Procedure Directive EN-ISO 9000, 3.4.5: Procedure
All Annexes specified way to carry out an activity or a process
Product Directive EN-ISO 9000, 3.4.2: Product
Annex A1, result of a process
C1, D, D1,
E, E1, F, F1,
H, H1
Product check Annex A1,
Product inspection Annexes VIML, 2.21: Inspection of a measuring instrument Definition from VIML not applicable
D, D1, E, examination of a measuring instrument to ascertain all or some here
E1, H, H1 of the following:
- verification mark and/or certificate is valid,
- no sealing marks are damaged,
- after verification the instrument suffered no obvious
- its errors do not exceed the maximum permissible in-service
NOTE: Inspection of a measuring instrument may be done only
after verification.
Product quality Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1

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Product test Annex A1, See: Test
C1, D, D1,
E, E1, H, H1
Product Annex F, VIML 2.13: verification of a measuring instrument see also: Verification
verification F1 procedure (other than type approval) which includes the
examination and marking and/or issuing of a verification
certificate, that ascertains and confirms that the measuring
instrument complies with the statutory requirements
Put(ting) into use Directive, Directive, Article 4, (f)
Annex I, ‘putting into use ’means the first use of an
MI-001, instrument intended for the end user for the
MI-002, purposes for which it was intended
Quality Directive EN-ISO 9000, 3.1.1: quality
Annex1 degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils
Annex A1, requirements
C1, D, D1,
E, E1, F, F1,
H, H1
Quality assurance Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 3.2.11: quality assurance
D1, E, E1, part of quality management (3.2.8) focussed on providing
H, H1 confidence that quality requirements (3.1.2) will be fulfilled
Quality assurance Annex D,
technique D1, H, H1
Quality control Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 3.2.10: quality control
D1, H, H1 part of the quality management focussed on fulfilling quality
Quality Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 3.2.8: quality management
management D1, E, E1, coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with
H, H1 regard to quality

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Quality Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 3.2.3: quality management system
management D1, E, E1, management system to direct and control an organization with
system H, H1 regard to quality
Quality manual Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 37.4: quality manual
D1, E, E1, document specifying the quality management system of an
H, H1 organization
Quality objective Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 3.2.5: quality objective
D1, E, E1, something sought, or aimed for, related to quality
H, H1
Quality plan Annex D, EN-ISO 9000, 3.7.5: quality plan
D1, E, E1, document specifying which procedures and associated resources
H, H1 shall be applied by whom and when to a specific project,
product, process or contract
Quality Annex D,
programme D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Quality record Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Quality system Directive See: Quality management system
Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Quality system Directive
approval Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Quality system Annex D, See: Quality manual
documentation D1, E, E1,
H, H1

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Rail-weighbridge MI-006 MI-006, Definitions: Rail-weighbridge R 106-1, T.1.3: Rail-weighbridge
An automatic weighing instrument having a A weighing instrument having a load receptor, inclusive of rails
load receptor inclusive of rails for for conveying railway vehicles.
conveying railway vehicles.
Rate(s) of MI-006
Rated Operating Annex I Annex I, Definitions: Rated Operating VIM, 5.5: Rated operating conditions
Conditions Directive Conditions Conditions of use for which specified metrological
MI-001 The rated operating conditions are the characteristics of a measuring instrument are intended to lie
MI-002 values for the measurand and influence within given limits.
MI-003 quantities making up the normal working
OIML D 11, 3.14: Rated operating conditions
MI-004 conditions of an instrument.
Conditions of use giving the range of values of
influence quantities for which specified metrological
characteristics of a measuring instrument are intended
to lie within given limits.
R 49-1, 2.4.4: Rated operating conditions
Conditions of use giving the range of values of the influence
factors, for which the errors (of indication) of the water meter
are required to be within the maximum permissible errors
[adapted from VIM 5.5].
R99, 3.22: rated operating conditions
conditions of use giving the ranges of the influence
quantities for which the metrological characteristics of
an instrument are intended to lie within the specified
maximum permissible errors
NOTE Adapted from VIM: 1993, 5.5.

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Real-timeclock MI-007 MI-007, clause 22 reads:
Timekeeping “The taximeter shall be equipped with
a real-timeclock ..... The requirements
for the real-time clock are:
- The timekeeping shall have an
accuracy of 0,02 %;
- The correction possibility of the
clock shall be not more than 2
minutes per week .........”
It is likely that it is meant that the drift
of the clock (real time) shall not be
more than 2 minutes per week
(0.02% of a week is 2.016 minutes)
Re-assessment Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Reference MI-006 MI-006, III, 1.2: R61-1, T.4.3: Reference value for accuracy class (Ref(x))
accuracy class .... reference accuracy class, Ref(x), Value for accuracy class determined by static testing of the
Ref(x) corresponding to the best possible accuracy weighing unit during influence quantity testing at
for instruments of the type. type approval stage. Ref(x) is equal to the best accuracy class
for which the instrument may be verified for operational use.
Reference value Annex I VIM 1.20, note 1:
MI-003 “Conventional true value” is sometimes called ...... or reference
value. “Reference value”, in this sense, should not be confused
with “reference value” in the sense used in the NOTE to 5.7.
VIM 5.7 note:
The reference conditions generally include reference values or
reference ranges for the influence quantities affecting the
measuring instrument.
Reliability Annex I

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Repeatability Annex I VIM 5.27: Repeatability (of a measuring instrument):
Ability of a measuring instrument to provide closely similar
indications for repeated applications of the same measurand
under the same conditions of measurement
VIM 3.6: Repeatability (of results of measurements):
Closeness of the agreement between the results of successive
measurements of the same measurand carried out under the
same conditions of measurement
Reproducibility Directive Annex I, 2: Reproducibility VIM 3.7: Reproducibility (of the results of measurements):
Annex I The application of the same measurand in a Closeness of the agreement between the results of
Annex B, different location or by a different user, all measurements of the same measurand carried out under changed
H1 other conditions being the same, shall result conditions of measurement.
in the close agreement of successive
measurements. The difference between the
measurement results shall be small when
compared with the MPE.
Residential, Annex I EN-IEC 61000-6-1, 1 MI-003, introductory text:
commercial and/or The environments encompassed by this standard are residential, .... procedures listed in this Annex,
light industrial commercial and light-industrial locations, both indoor and apply to active electrical energy meters
buildings outdoor. The following list, although not comprehensive, gives intended for residential, commercial
an indication of locations which are included: and
Residential, MI-001 – residential properties, for example houses, apartments; light industrial use.
commercial and/or MI-002 – retail outlets, for example shops, supermarkets; But:
light industrial use MI-003 – business premises, for example offices, banks; MI-003, 4.1 prescribes:
MI-004 – areas of public entertainment, for example cinemas, public “The meter shall comply with the

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Residential use MI-002
Scale interval Annex I VIM 4.22: Scale interval
MI-005 Difference between the values corresponding to two successive
MI-006 scale marks
Scale mark MI-008 VIM, 417: scale (of a measuring instrument)
ordered set of marks, together with any associated numbering,
forming part of a displaying device of a measuring instrument
Note: Each mark is called a scale mark.
Seal Directive VIML, 3.9: Sealing mark
Sealing Annex B mark intended to protect the measuring instrument against
any unauthorized modification, readjustment, removal of parts,
Secure Annex I EN 50148, 2.26: Securing
MI-006 Securing includes all measures which will make unauthorised
MI-007 changes to the taximeter improbable and/or detectable because
the knowledge, tools or parts necessary to perform or conceal
such changes are not expected to be available to an unauthorised
Security measures Annex I
Self-service MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Self-service R117, T.2.6: Self-service arrangement
arrangement arrangement An arrangement that allows the customer to use a measuring
An arrangement that allows the customer to system for the purpose of obtaining liquid for his own purchase.
use a measuring system for the purpose of
obtaining liquid for his own use

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Self-service MI-005 MI-005, Definitions: Self-service device R117, T.2.7: Self-service device
device A specific device that is part of a self- A specific device that is part of a self-service arrangement and
service arrangement and which allows one which allows one or more measuring systems to perform in this
of more measuring systems to perform in self-service arrangement.
this self-service arrangement. Note: The self-service device includes all the elements and
constituents that are mandatory so that a measuring system
performs in a self-service arrangement.
Sensitivity Annex I VIM, 5.10: Sensitivity
change in the response of a measuring instrument divided by the
corresponding change in the stimulus
Signal generator MI-007 See: Distance signal generator
Single interval MI-006
Standard Directive ISO/IEC Guide 2, 3.2: Standard
Annex D, document, established by consensus and approved by a
D1, E, E1, recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use,
H, H1 rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results,
aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a
given context
Standing Directive
Static load MI-006, III
Static weighing MI-006, II R 106-1, T.3.1.4: Static weighing
Weighing a wagon while stationary and uncoupled to obtain a
weight for the purposes of testing.
Static weight MI-006, III

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Sub-assembly Directive Directive, Article 4, (b) OIML D 11, 3.3: Electronic sub-assembly:
Annex B, ‘Sub-assembly’ means a hardware device, A part of an electronic device, employing electronic
H1, mentioned as such in the specific annexes, components and having a recognizable function of its own
MI-002, that functions independently and makes up
OIML B 3, 2.4: Module:
MI-004 a measuring instrument together
Identifiable part of a measuring instrument or of a family of
- with other sub-assemblies with which it
measuring instruments that performs a specific function or
is compatible, or
functions and that can be separately evaluated according to
- with a measuring instrument with which
prescribed metrological and technical performance requirements
it is compatible
in the relevant Recommendation.
Supplementary Directive Directive, Article 17, 2: VIML, 2.23: marking Definition in VIML not applicable in
metrology Annex A The supplementary metrology marking affixing of one or more of the marks as described in 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 MID
marking Annex A1, consists of the capital letter ‘M ’and the last and 3.10
C, C1, D, two digits of the year of its affixing, NOTES
D1, E, E1, surrounded by a rectangle. 1 Verification and sealing marks may be combined.
F, F1, G, H, 2 The manufacturer may be authorized to apply other marks.
Surveillance Directive ISO/IEC Guide 2, 14.6: Conformity surveillance The definition from ISO/IEC Guide 2 is
Annex D, conformity evaluation to determine the continuing conformity not applicable in MID
D1, E, E1, to specified requirements See: Market surveillance
H, H1
System Directive, ISO 9000, 3.2.1: System See: Measuring system and
Annexes set of interrelated or interacting elements Quality system
Tank strapping MI-008, I

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Taximeter MI-007 MI-007, Definitions: Taximeter OIML R 21, 1.1
A device that works together with a signal “Taximeters” are measuring instruments which totalize
generator (1) to make a measuring continuously and indicate at any moment of the journey the sum
instrument. payable by the user of a public vehicle as a function of the
This device measures duration, calculates distance travelled and – below a certain speed – of the length of
distance on the basis of a signal delivered time occupied, independently of supplements authorized by the
by the distance signal generator. regulations in force.
Additionally, it calculates and displays the
EN 50148, 2.1: Electronic taximeters
fare to be paid for a trip on the basis of the
Electronic taximeters are instruments normally installed in taxis
calculated distance and/or the measured
which, by means of electronic components, calculate and
duration of the trip.
display the fare to be paid for the use of the taxi, on the basis of
the distance travelled and duration of the hiring.
Temperature MI-002
Test Directive EN-ISO 9000, 3.8.3: test
Annex I determination of one or more characteristics according to a
Annex A1, procedure
B, C1, D,
ISO/IEC Guide 2, 13.1: test
D1, E, E1,
technical operation that consists of the determination of one or
F, F1, G, H,
more characteristics of a given product, process or service
according to a specified procedure
Test data Annex D,
D1, E, E1,
H, H1
Test report Annex D, ISO/IEC Guide 2, 13.3: test report
D1, E, E1, document that presents test results and other information
H, H1 relevant to a test

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Testing Annex I ISO/IEC Guide 2, 13.1.1: testing
Annex A1, action of carrying out one or more tests
B, C1, D,
D1, E, E1,
F, F1, H, H1
Testing laboratory Annex B, ISO/IEC Guide 2, 13.4: testing laboratory
H1 laboratory that performs tests
Totalising hopper See: Discontinuous totaliser
Transfer MI-008 MI-008, III, Definitions: Transfer R 29, 1:
measure measure ..... transfer measures, such as carafes, flasks, jugs, pitchers,
A capacity serving measure from which it is bottles (*) , which are used solely for decanting specific
intended that the liquid is decanted prior to volumes of beverages, .....
Transitional MI-001 MI-001, Definitions: Transitional R 49-1, 2.3.4: Transitional flowrate, Q2
Flowrate (Q2) Flowrate (Q2) Flowrate which occurs between the permanent flow-rate Q3 ,
A transitional Flowrate is the transitional and the minimum flowrate Q1 , that divides the flowrate range
flowrate is the flowrate value occurring into two zones, the upper flowrate zone and the lower flowrate
between the permanent and minimum zone, each characterized by its own maximum permissible error.
flowrates, at which the flowrate range is
divided into two zones, the ‘upper zone
’and the ‘lower zone ’.Each zone has a
characteristic MPE.

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Transitional MI-002 MI-002, Definitions: Transitional R 6, T.9: Transitional flowrate (Qt)
flowrate (Qt) flowrate (Qt) The flowrate at which the maximum permissible error changes
The transitional flowrate is the flowrate in value.
occurring between the maximum and
minimum flowrates at which the flowrate
range is divided into two zones, the ‘upper
zone ’and the ‘lower zone ’. Each zone has
a characteristic MPE.
Type Directive OIML B 3, 2.6: Type of a measuring instrument or module The word “type” has been used in 2
(of a measuring Annex B, C, Definitive model of a measuring instrument or module different meanings:
instrument) C1, D, E, F (including a family of instruments or modules) of which all of * Type in the sense of B3, 2.6, in the
MI-004 the elements affecting its metrological properties are suitably past called “pattern” in OIML, also
MI-005 defined. called “model”.
MI-006 Also see: type.
(MI-008) The words type and model are used
(MI-009) in MID with the same meaning.
* Type in the sense of “category of
instruments” or “kind of
instruments”. In particular in MI-
008 and MI-009.
Also see category.
In this sense, the words type and
category are used in MID with the
same meaning.

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Type Directive Annex B, 1 VIML, 2.5: type (pattern) evaluation See also: EC-type examination
examination Annex B Type examination is the part of a systematic examination and testing of the performance of one or
conformity assessment procedure whereby a more specimens of an identified type (pattern) of measuring In the “Blue Guide”, only the
notified body examines the technical design instruments against documented requirements, the results of expression EC type-examination” is
of a measuring instrument and ensures and which are contained in the evaluation report, in order to used
declares that the technical design meets the determine whether the type may be approved
appropriate requirements of this Directive. NOTE
“Pattern” is used in legal metrology with the same meaning as
“type”; in the entries below, only “type” is used.
OIML B 3, 2.7: Type (pattern) evaluation
Systematic examination and testing of the performance
of one or more specimens of an identified type (pattern) of
measuring instrument against documented requirements, the
results of which are contained in an evaluation report, in order
to determine whether the type may be approved. (VIML 2.5)
Unit verification Annex G See also: Verification
Utility Annex I Annex I, Definitions: Utility
A utility is regarded as a supplier of
electricity, gas, heat or water.
Utility measuring Annex I
Vehicle Annex I

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Verification Annex F, VIML, 2.13: verification of a measuring instrument
F1, G, H, procedure (other than type approval) which includes the
H1 examination and marking and/or issuing of a verification
MI-006 certificate, that ascertains and confirms that the measuring
instrument complies with the statutory requirements
EN-ISO 9000, 3.8.4: verification
confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that
specified requirements have been fulfilled
Verification scale MI-006 R51-1, T.3.3: Verification scale interval (e)
interval Value, expressed in units of mass, used for the classification and
verification of an instrument.
Volume MI-002 See: conversion device
conversion device
Water Meter Directive MI-001, Definitions: Water meter OIML R 49-1, 2.1.1: Water meter
MI-001 An instrument designed to measure, An instrument intended to measure continuously, memorize and
memorise and display the volume at display the volume of water passing
metering conditions of water passing through the measurement transducer at metering conditions.
through the measurement transducer.
Weight Directive, SI, page 118: According to the introduction in MI-
MI-002 The word “weight” denotes a quantity of the same nature as a 006 and the definition of an automatic
MI-004 “force”: the weight of a body is the product of its mass and the weighing instrument in MI-006, the
MI-005 acceleration due to gravity; in particular, the standard weight of mass is determined. But in clause 2.2,
MI-006 a body is the product of its mass and the standard acceleration the weight is determined.
MI-008 due to gravity. Weight and mass are not identical !
Weight labeller MI-006 MI-006, Definitions: Weight labeller However the expression weight labeller
An automatic catchweigher that labels has been defined, it is not used in the
individual articles with the weight value. rest of MI-006
Weight/price MI-006 MI-006, Definitions: Weight/price However the expression weight/price
labeller labeller labeller has been defined, it is not used
An automatic catchweigher that labels in the rest of MI-006
individual articles with the weight value,
and price information.

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Part 2 - Symbols and abbreviations

Conclusions and
Symbol in MID where in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s)
E1 Annex I In MID, the term E1 has
Annex E1 two ambiguous meanings:
MI-008 * In Annex I, 1.3.3:
MI-009 environmental class
* In Annex E1, “Blue
Guide”, MI-008 and MI-
009: conformity
assessment module
E2 Annex I In Annex I, 1.3.3:
MI-003 environmental class
E3 Annex I In Annex I, 1.3.3:
MI-007 environmental class
f MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: f
f = the frequency of the voltage supplied to the meter
fn MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: fn
fn is the specified reference frequency
I MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: I
I = the electrical current flowing through the meter
Imax MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: Imax
Imax = the maximum value of I for which the error lies within
the MPEs
Imin MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: Imin
Imin = the value of I above which the error lies within
maximum permissible errors (MPEs) (polyphase meters with
balanced load)
In MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: In
In = the specified reference current for which the
transformer operated meter has been designed

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Ist MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: Ist
Ist = the lowest declared value of I at which the meter
registers active electrical energy at unity power factor
Itr MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: Itr
Itr = the value of I above which the error lies within the
smallest MPE corresponding to the class index of the meter
K (*)
MI-009 See: Factor K
K-factor (*)
L MI-008 MI-008, I, 2
L is the value of the length rounded up to the next whole
Lm MI-009 MI-009, II, 3
Lm is the minimum measurable length, that is to say the
smallest length specified by the manufacturer for which the
instrument is intended to be used.
Max (*) MI-006 See: Maximum capacity
MMQ (*) MI-005 See: Minimum Measured
MPE (*) Annex I, See: Maximum Permissible
MI-all Error (MPE) value
OIML Directive Directive, article 4, (i)
the Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale
P MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: P
P = the thermal power of the heat exchange
PF MI-003 MI-003, Definitions, PF See also: Power factor
power factor PF = power factor = cos φ = the cosine of the phase
cos φ difference φ between I and U.
Ps MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: Ps R 75-1, 5.4 Limits of thermal power
Ps = the upper limit of P that is permitted for the heat meter The upper limit of the thermal power, Ps, is the highest
to function correctly power at which the heat meter shall function without the
maximum permissible errors being exceeded.

Page 65 of 76
Conclusions and
Symbol in MID where in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s)
q MI-004 MI-004, definitions: q
q is the flow rate of the heat conveying liquid
Q1 MI-001 See: Minimum Flowrate
Q2 MI-001 See: Transitional Flowrate
Q3 MI-001 See: Permanent Flowrate
qi MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: qi R 75-1, 5.3.3
qi = the lowest value of q that is permitted for the heat meter The lower limit of the flow rate, qi , is the lowest flow
to function correctly rate, above which the heat meter shall function without
the maximum permissible errors being exceeded.
Qmax MI-002 See: Maximum flowrate
Qmin MI-002 See: Minimum flowrate
qp MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: qp R75-1, 5.3.2
qp = the highest value of q that is permitted permanently for The permanent flow rate, q p , is the highest flow rate
the heat meter to function correctly at which the heat meter shall function continuously
without the maximum permissible errors being
qs MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: qs R 75-1, 5.3.1
qs = the highest value of q that is permitted for short periods The upper limit of the flow rate, q s , is the highest flow
of time for the heat meter to function correctly rate, at which the heat meter shall function for short
periods (less than 1 h/day and less than 200 h/year)
without the maximum permissible errors being exceeded.
Qt MI-002 See: Transitional flowrate
Ref(x) MI-006 See: Reference accuracy
U MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: U
U = the voltage of the electricity supplied to the meter
Un MI-003 MI-003, Definitions: Un
Un = the specified reference voltage

Page 66 of 76
Conclusions and
Symbol in MID where in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s)
∆θ MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: ∆θ R 75-1, 5.2.1
∆θ = the temperature difference θin - θout with .∆θ ≥ 0 The temperature difference, ∆θ, (expressed in K) is the
absolute value of the difference between the temperatures
of the heat-conveying liquid at the flow and return of the
heat-exchange circuit.
R 75-1, 8
∆θis the temperature difference between the flow and
return of the heat exchange circuit.
∆θmax MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: ∆θmax R 75-1, 5.2.2
∆θmax = the upper limit of ∆θ for the heat meter to function The upper limit of the temperature difference, ∆θmax, is
correctly within the MPEs the highest temperature difference, at which the heat
meter shall function within the upper limit of thermal
power without the maximum permissible errors being
∆θmin MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: ∆θmin R 75-1, 5.2.3
∆θmin = the lower limit of ∆θ for the heat meter to function The lower limit of the temperature difference, ∆θmin, is
correctly within the MPEs the lowest temperature difference, at which the heat
meter shall function without the maximum permissible
errors being exceeded.
θ MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: θ
θ = the temperature of the heat-conveying liquid
θin MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: θin
θin = the value of θ at the inlet of the heat exchange circuit
θmax MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: θmax R76-1 5.1.1
θmax = the upper limit of θ for the heat meter to function The upper limit of the temperature range, θmax, (expressed
correctly within the MPEs in °C) is the highest temperature of the heat-conveying
liquid, at which the heat meter shall function without the
maximum permissible errors being exceeded.

Page 67 of 76
Conclusions and
Symbol in MID where in MID Definition in MID Definition of (comparable) term in other document(s)
θmin MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: θmin R76-1, 5.1.2
θmin = the lower limit of θ for the heat meter to function The lower limit of the temperature range, θmin, (expressed
correctly within the MPEs in °C) is the lowest temperature of the heat-conveying
liquid, at which the heat meter shall function without the
maximum permissible errors being exceeded.
θout MI-004 MI-004, Definitions: θout
θout = the value of θ at the outlet of the heat exchange circuit
λ (*) MI-010 See: Lambda

Page 68 of 76
Annex I - Referred international publications

Abbreviation Year Title

VIM 1993 International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology
VIML 2000 International Vocabulary of Terms in Legal Metrology
OIML B 3 2003 OIML Certificate System for Measuring Instruments (formerly OIML
Publication P1)
OIML D 11 2004 General requirements for electronic measuring instruments
OIML R 4 (*) 1972 Volumetric flasks (one mark) in glass
OIML R 6 1989 General provisions for gas volume meters
OIML R 21 1975 Taximeters
OIML R 31 (*) 1995 Diaphragm gas meters
OIML R 32 (*) 1989 Rotary piston gas meters and turbine gas meters
OIML R 35 1985 Material measures of length for general use
Draft OIML R 46 2005 Draft Revision CD2 Electricity Meters
OIML R 49-1 2000 Water meters intended for the metering of cold potable water
OIML R 50-1 1997 Continuous totalizing automatic weighing instruments (belt weighers).
OIML R 51-1 1996 Automatic catchweighing instruments
OIML R 61-1 2004 Automatic gravimetric filling instruments
OIML R 66 1985 Length measuring instruments
OIML R 75-1 2002 Heat meters
OIML R 99 / 2000 Instruments for measuring vehicle exhaust emissions
ISO 3930
OIML R 106-1 1997 Automatic rail-weighbridges.
OIML R 107-1 1997 Discontinuous totalizing automatic weighing instruments (totalizing hopper
OIML R 117 1995 Measuring systems for liquids other than water
OIML R 129 2000 Multi-dimensional measuring instruments
OIML R 134-1 (*) 2003 Automatic instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion. Total vehicle
OIML R 136-1 (*) 2004 Instruments for measuring the areas of leathers
OIML Draft 2004 OIML CD2 Gas meters
OIML Draft 2005 OIML CD4 Measuring systems for gaseous fuel
EN 50148 1995 Electronic taximeters
EN-IEC 61000-6-1 2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-1: Generic standards –
Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
EN-IEC 61000-6-2 2005 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2: Generic standards –
Immunity for industrial environments
EN-ISO 9000 2000 Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary
ISO/IEC Guide 2 1996 Standardization and related activities - General vocabulary
SI 1998 The International System of Units (BIPM)
“Blue Guide” 2000 Guide to the implementation of directives based on the New Approach and the
ISBN 92-828-7500-8 Global Approach

(*) Taken into account, but not referred to in this document

Page 69 of 76
Annex 2 - Alphabetical index
of terms and expressions used in the MID
as published in the Official Journal L 135, Volume 47, 30 April 2004, Page 1 - 80

accuracy------------------------------ 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15, 48, 51, 53, 54, 58, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73
accuracy class ------------------------------------------------------ 2, 4, 5, 7, 53, 54, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73
active electrical energy meter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 49
ancillary device ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
ancillary equipment------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
approved design---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
approved instrument----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31, 33, 34, 35, 39
approved quality system ----------------------------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40
approved type -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 27, 31, 32
area measuring instrument---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75
assess ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
assessment -----2, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 48, 52, 62
assessment of the conformity -----------------------------------------------------17, 18, 19, 25, 29, 33, 35, 39
assessment of the quality system ----------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
associated measuring instrument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
audit ---------------------------------------------------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 39, 40
audit report -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 40
auditing team ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 39
authorised representative ---------- 3, 6, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41
automatic catchweigher -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61, 63
automatic weighing instrument ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 61

base conditions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45, 47, 56, 57

beltweigher --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
brim measure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73

calculation mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69, 70

calculator--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53, 55, 56
calibration----------------------------------------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40, 80
calibration data ---------------------------------------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40
calibration gas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80
capacity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73, 74
capacity serving measure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
catchweigher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
category ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38, 64
CEN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 3
CENELEC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 3
certificate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20, 31, 33, 34, 35, 39, 40
certificate of conformity -----------------------------------------------------------------------------31, 33, 34, 35
certification of the instrument-----------------------------------------------------------------------31, 33, 34, 35
circuit---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49, 51, 52, 53
class ---------------------------- 12, 13, 46, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 76, 78, 80
class index ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
climatic environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 70, 78
climatic operating environment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
commercial --------------------------------------------------------------------------12, 42, 45, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55
commercial and/or light industrial use ----------------------------------------------------------------- 48, 52, 55

Page 70 of 76
component ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
conformity1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80
conformity assessment1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 42, 44,
45, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80
conformity assessment modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, 5
conformity assessment procedure2, 4, 8, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 42,
44, 45, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80
conformity evaluation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20, 39
consumer--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1, 2, 11, 16
consumer protection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
consumption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44, 48, 52, 55, 73
conversion device-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47, 48, 56, 58
critical change value----------------------------- 7, 11, 43, 46, 51, 54, 55, 59, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 79
cross-over speed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69

declaration ------------------------------------------- 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41
declaration of conformity ----------------------------------- 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 41
declaration of conformity based on internal production control --------------------------------------------- 17
dedicated power source ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
design control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36, 38
design examination ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8, 38, 40, 41
design examination certificate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------8, 40, 41
design verification techniques------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36, 38
device--------------------------------------------3, 8, 11, 14, 45, 47, 48, 49, 56, 58, 59, 60, 66, 67, 69, 70, 80
dimensional measuring instrument --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 75
dipping tape -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
direct indication ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
direct sales ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11, 16, 59
discrimination ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
distance signal generator------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69, 70
disturbance------------------------------------------------------------------11, 12, 43, 46, 51, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68
durability--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5, 43, 47, 54, 59

E1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12, 29, 74, 75

E2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12, 50
E3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12, 13, 70
EC design examination certificate ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5, 15, 39, 40
EC-type examination certificate ------------------------------------------ 5, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31
electromagnetic disturbance------------------------------------- 12, 43, 46, 51, 54, 59, 66, 67, 68, 70, 75, 79
electromagnetic environment --------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 12, 13, 15, 50, 51
electronic device ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
environmental disturbances --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
error ------------------------------------------------------- 12, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 59, 63, 65, 77, 79
error of indication--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43, 47
error of measurement------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12, 50, 77
essential requirement ------------ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19, 20, 36, 38, 40, 47, 54, 56, 61, 71, 72, 73, 75
ETSI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 3
evaluate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10, 24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 39
evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 8, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 39, 40
evaluation report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8, 20, 40
examination-------------------------------------- 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 39, 40
examination of the design ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
exhaust gas analyser ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3, 78, 80
external instrument transformer---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49

Page 71 of 76

f 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 45, 49, 50, 51,
53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 67, 77
factor K ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75
fare---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69, 70, 71
final product inspection ---------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
flow disturbance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
flow rate------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47, 53, 54, 55
flowrate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42, 43, 45, 57, 60
flowrate range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42, 45, 57
fluid------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45
fn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 50
fuel dispenser------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
full quality assurance ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36, 38

garbage weighers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64

gas calibration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80
gas meter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 9, 45, 46, 47
group ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46

harmonised standard----------------------------------------------------------2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38

heat meter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 53, 54, 55
heat-meter------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

I ---------------------- 4, 6, 7, 11, 42, 45, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80
Imax ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 50, 51
Imin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 50
In 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52,
54, 58, 59, 61, 64, 70, 77
inaccurate measurement result ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
influence factor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64, 65, 66, 67, 68
influence quantity--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11, 13
in-service control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20, 39
inspection ------------------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 78
inspection report -------------------------------------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40
inspection visit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 39
installation conditions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
instructions --------------------------------------------------------------------4, 8, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38, 71
instrument2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 49, 53, 54, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 65, 70, 72, 73, 76, 77,
79, 80
instrument model ------------------------------------------------- 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 37, 41
interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69, 70
internal checks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18, 22
internal production control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18, 21, 22
interruptible/non interruptible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57
Ist --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 52
Itr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 50

K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53, 75, 76

K-factor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76

Page 72 of 76

L ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56, 58, 72

lambda------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78, 79, 80
legal metrological control-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 3, 8, 15
legally controlled measuring instrument--------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 10
length measuring instrument ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75
light industrial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12, 42, 45, 49, 53
line measure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
Lm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76

manufacturer1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64,
65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80
market surveillance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
marking ------------------------------------ 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 41
material measure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3, 9, 11, 16, 72, 73
Max --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63, 64, 66
maximum capacity------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
maximum flowrate-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 57
maximum permissible error -------------------------------------------------------------7, 12, 42, 45, 49, 62, 72
measurand ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11, 13, 14, 61, 80
measurement1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 59,
60, 62, 64, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80
measurement function--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 43, 46, 51
measurement range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62, 64, 67
measurement task ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1, 3, 10, 14
measuring capacity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15
measuring function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3, 14, 47, 60
measuring instrument1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 56, 58, 69, 75, 76, 78
measuring range---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5, 15, 61, 78
measuring system -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 9, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
mechanical environment -----------------------------------------------------------------------------12, 61, 70, 78
mechanical strain -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
meter------------------------------------------------------- 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57
metering conditions-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------42, 45, 46, 56
metrological characteristics ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5, 14, 15, 20, 39, 51
metrological performance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------5, 8, 20, 39
metrological requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31, 33
metrologically controlled indications --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
metrology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------4, 6, 8, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 39
metrology marking ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4, 8
minimum capacity ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61, 64, 68
minimum flowrate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42, 43, 45, 57
minimum measured quantity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
MMQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56, 58, 59
model ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 37, 41
MPE12, 13, 14, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74,
76, 77, 79, 80
multi-dimensional measuring instrument ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 75

normal operational status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

normative document----------------------------------------------------------------------------------2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
notification---------------------------------------------------------- 5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 39
notified body4, 8, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

Page 73 of 76
notifying authority -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6

OIML-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 7
operating conditions -------------------------------------------------------------------------11, 45, 49, 53, 70, 78
operating position-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
operating pressure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
operational accuracy class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
operator control interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
other industrial buildings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
overload flowrate ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42, 43, 45

P -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
partial range -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
partial weighing range--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
performance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 2, 6, 12, 51, 62
PF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 51, 52
policies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
polyphase meter---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49, 50, 51, 52
power factor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 50
power supply ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------12, 42, 47, 60, 70, 71
power supply device------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47, 60
procedure -------------------------------------------------------- 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 14, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 39
process ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 4, 20, 23, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34
product ------------18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 61, 62, 67, 73, 75, 76, 77
product check-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18, 22
product quality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
product test --------------------------------------------------------------------------18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 40
product verification------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31, 33
Ps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
put into use --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 3, 4, 8, 14
putting into use----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 3, 4, 9, 10

q --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53, 54
Q1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42, 43
Q2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42, 43
Q3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42, 43
qi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
Qmax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45, 46, 47, 48, 57
Qmin -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45, 46, 48, 57
qp --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53, 54
qs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
Qt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45, 46, 47
quality -------------------------------- 8, 11, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
quality assurance-----------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
quality assurance technique -------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 36, 38
quality control -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 36, 38
quality management -------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 39
quality management system ----------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 39
quality objective -----------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
quality programme---------------------------------------------------------------------------23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38
quality record------------------------------------------------------ 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40
quality system --------------------------------------------- 8, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
quality system approval ------------------------------------------------------------------8, 24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 39
quality system documentation----------------------------------- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40

Page 74 of 76

rate(s) of operation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 62

rated operating conditions ------------------------ 5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 42, 45, 47, 49, 50, 53, 57, 61, 65, 70, 79
real-timeclock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71
re-assessment---------------------------------------------------------------------------------24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 39
Ref(x)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
reference accuracy class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65
reference value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13, 50
reproducibility-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5, 20, 39
residential use --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48, 52, 55

scale interval ------------------------------------------------------ 15, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 75, 77
scale mark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72, 73
sealing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20, 39
secure------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14, 15, 64, 69, 70, 71
self-service arrangement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56, 59
self-service device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
signal generator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
single interval instrument ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
standard ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2, 6, 23, 25, 27, 29, 36, 38, 62, 63, 80
static load ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
static weighing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
static weight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
sub-assembly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3, 20, 40, 47, 55
supplementary metrology marking ------------ 2, 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 41
surveillance --------------------------------------------------------- 8, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 36, 37, 38, 40
system ----------------------------3, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 56, 57, 59, 60, 80

tank strapping tape------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72

taximeter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69, 70, 71
temperature conversion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46, 47
test ------------------------ 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 47, 54, 59, 71
test data ------------------------------------------------------------ 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 40
test report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24, 26, 28, 30, 37, 40
testing -------------------------- 13, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 51, 71, 77
testing laboratory --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19, 39
timekeeping--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
totalising hopper weigher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
transitional flowrate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42, 43, 45
type ----------------------------------------- 5, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 57, 60, 62, 65, 73, 75
type examination--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8, 19, 20

U ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49, 50, 51

Un ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52
unit verification ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
utility ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11, 14, 15, 16
utility measuring instrument----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14, 15, 16

vehicle---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13, 78
verification------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31, 32, 33, 34, 63, 64, 68
verification scale interval -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63, 64, 68

Page 75 of 76
volume conversion device ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3, 45, 46, 47

water meter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3, 9, 42, 43

weight --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 72, 75

λ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78

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