CSSD Functonality

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HIS requirements to support Hospital CSSD

Internal Document

Version 1.1, Date: 5 May 2011


1. Overview
The Central Sterile Services Department's (CSSD) function is to provide sterile instruments, trays and packs to wards and OT's. The CSSD receives reusable equipment, linen from various wards and OT's for sterilization. Items are exchanged depending upon the requirements. The linen is sent for washing to the laundry directly or through CSSD. Washed linen from laundry is sent to CSSD for sterilization. These sterilized items are issued to wards/OT as per the requisition received from their side. The main objectives of the Central Sterile Supply Department are:

To provide sterilized material from a central department where sterilizing practice is conducted under conditions, which are controlled, thereby contributing to a reduction in the incidence of hospital infection. To maintain record of effectiveness of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization process. To monitor and enforce controls necessary to prevent cross infection according to infection control policy. To maintain an inventory of supplies and equipment. To stay updated regarding developments in the field in the interest of efficiency, economy, accuracy and provision of better patient care.

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The CSSD is mainly divided mainly in to three areas: decontamination room, Clean room and dispensing room. Major activities inside the CSSD are y y y y y y y y Cleaning: for instruments, trays, utensils, containers and other reprocessable items Assembly of sets and packs Packaging and Labeling Calibration Disinfection and Sterilization Inspection and validation Sterile Storage Distribution : of processed items to various patient areas

2. Link to other HIS modules

CSSD module is linked to y y y y y y y Operation theatre CATH lab Emergency room Intensive care units Billing Stores Purchase

3. Functionalities
S. No.

Surgical Instrument Management

Functionality description
Single instrument identification Product type, manufacturer, supplier, date purchased and batch no. should be tracked through this number Compatibility with various instrument marking technologies: RFID, barcode Different categories of surgical sets with list of instruments OR sets, ward sets, emergency sets occurrence, corrective action, not available from and to date, time, status- availability Disposed quantity, date & time, reason, operator name tray type and source of instruments available from and to date, time Maximum sterilization cycles

Unique instrument identification code

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Instrument set/tray identification Repair instruments Disposed instruments Loaned instruments Expiry life/End of life

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Packaging and Sterilization

Packing list Sterilizer Identification code Date of cycle Sterilizer code or number Cycle or load number Exposure time, temperature and pressure Name/ID of loading operator Name/ID of person authorizing release Sterilizer ID, Sterilization date, Cycle number

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Sterilization cycle records Batch control label

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Print label Reprocessing with reason

Reprocessing in case of cycle fail

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Inventory management
Stock enquiry Delivery location Receiving location Opening stock Closing stock Physical Stock Count Entry Received Sterilization cycle stage Sterilized Waiting for transportation Dispatched Name, Address Contact details, PAN card details date of inclusion on approved suppliers list Item, date , time, operator name

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Real time Stock Status Stock life

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Supplier details Store indent Stock request Requisition form Auto requisition Store receipt

Determined minimum stock levels and re-order quantities (based upon usage)

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Scheduling Instruments
Location wise scheduling Request work list Issue work list Link instruments sets or items to OR scheduling Requested instrument/tray, date and time, requesting location Receiving location, date , time, operator detail Item ID/Batch No, Location, Collected by

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Product recall
Item recalled Reason Total number of items Actual number recalled Number of patients exposed Action taken over patients

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Quality assurance
Sterilization steps/ processing instructions available Quality indicators Detailed instructions on exactly what items are needed and how to sterilize, process and wrap the tray Chemical, Biological

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Cleaning and quality control schedules for equipments Special instruction to operator Individual employee activity monitoring Calibration

Identified/ each step of CSSD cycle

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Incidence record Problem log

ability to trace back trays/instruments with ease through the theatre or any other clinical area should an incident occur, includes tracing to staff and patient

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Staff traceability
Operator Identification code Duty roster Operator scheduled for manual intervention Operator ID is at every processing stages, skill level, training level

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Unique ID and password Levels of access Audit trail for all transactions Theatre staff, CSSD operator, Supervisors etc user name, date, time, data entry location, details of changes

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Department wise stock date wise Utilization reports for instrument sets, items Reprocessing of Single use devices and reusable items Downtime for equipment Repair orders for instruments Missing or lost items with cost Number of instruments processed Turnaround times Customer complaints Record of sets/trays processed daily, weekly, monthly basis Quality reports Produce reports detailing number of uses of limited use items Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, year to date

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