Alternative NBME Vocabulary

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Derived from DI podcasts, Reddit and dedicated med students

Alternative vocabulary on exams

❖ Virtual Colonoscopy = CT Colonography
❖ Laparoscopy = minimally invasive surgical procedure which is sometimes referred as keyhole surgery as it uses a small incision
❖ Laparotomy = large incision in the abdomen to facilitate a procedure (i.e. exploratory laparotomy)

❖ Psammoma bodies= laminated calcifications
❖ Never event —> Sentinel event
❖ Near miss —> close call
❖ Proteinase-3-ANCA-->cANCA
❖ Myeloperoxidase-ANCA-->pANCA
❖ Convex bilateral soles-->Rocker-bottom feet
❖ Childhood-onset fluency disorder-->Stuttering
❖ Synthetic cathinones-->Bath Salts
❖ Bruton agammaglobulinemia: X-linked agammaglobulinemia
❖ Reflex sympathetic dystrophy = Complex regional pain syndrome also known as

❖ Kawasaki= mucocutaneous LN syndrome or Lymphocytic Myocarditis
➢ Rash on palms/soles OR edema of hands & feet OR desquamation of skin
❖ Defibrillation —> unsynchronized cardioversion
❖ Direct current cardioversion or direct current countershock → synchronized cardioversion
❖ Unstable angina, NSTEMI, STEMI -> acute coronary syndrome

❖ Polysomnography = Sleep study


❖ Exploratory laparotomy —> exploratory celiotomy
❖ Palpable cord -> thrombophlebitis (Migratory thrombophlebitis associated with visceral cancers–Pancreatic)
❖ Colonic dilation due to inflammatory cells → Toxic Megacolon
❖ Congenital Megacolon → Hirschsprung’s Disease
❖ Pseudomembranous colitis → C difficile colitis

Infectious Disease
❖ Tinea capitis—> Trichophyton tonsurans, Microsporum canis, Microsporum audouinii

❖ Intrauterine synechiae--> Asherman Syndrome
❖ Mullerian agenesis: Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
❖ PCOS -> Stein-Leventhal MSA -> Shy-Drager (not sure if this is correct??)
❖ Testicular insensitivity to Testosterone → Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
❖ Submucosal myoma = leiomyoma uteri = uterine fibroids


❖ Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source = Cryptogenic Stroke (formerly named)
❖ Neural tube defects= spinal dysraphism – includes Spina bifida occulta
❖ Simple partial seizure —> focal seizure without loss of awareness
❖ Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy —> Guillain Barré
❖ Werdnig Hoffman disease → Spinal muscle atrophy type -1
❖ Multi system atrophy → Shy Drager Syndrome
➢ Loss of sweating is a characteristic feature. Postural hypotension, with dizziness and weakness on standing or walking. In the
male impotence is an early symptom and sphincter disturbances are also common. The condition is slowly progressive and has a
poor prognosis.
❖ Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy -> Charcot-Marie Tooth disease
❖ Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasias -> Osler Weber Rendu Syndrome
❖ Multi-infarct dementia = Vascular Dementia
❖ Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis = Sturge-Weber Syndrome
❖ Von Recklinghausen's disease = Neurofibromatosis 1

❖ Hysterical amnesia = Dissociative amnesia
❖ Hepatolenticular degeneration = Wilson's Disease
❖ Frontotemporal dementia = Pick Disease

❖ Osteosarcoma – Osteogenic sarcoma
❖ Osgood-Schlatter disease —> traction apophysitis, tibial osteochondritis
❖ Pyogenic arthritis -> septic arthritis
❖ Pain improves when raising arm above head -> cervical radiculopathy
❖ Meralgia Paresthetica > lateral femoral cutaneous nerve compression
❖ Axillary-subclavian venous thrombosis = upper extremity DVT due to repetitive microtrauma (jackhammer operator)

❖ Nephrotic syndrome= lipoid nephrosis fatty casts on UA
❖ HIV-associated nephropathy -> Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
❖ IgA nephropathy- 2-6 days after URI = Synpharyngitic nephropathy
❖ Thiazide diuretics —> Metolazone, Chlorthalidone, -iazide
❖ Struvite stones —> triple phosphate stones, magnesium ammonium phosphate stones
❖ IgA nephropathy —> synpharengenic nephropathy
❖ Wilson disease —> hepatolenticular degeneration

❖ Von Willebrand Factor Disease -> Impaired Hemostasis

All (without organization)

❖ Neural tube defects= spinal dysgraphism – includes Spina bifida occulta

❖ Osteosarcoma – Osteogenic sarcoma
❖ Psammoma bodies= laminated calcifications
❖ Nephrotic syndrome= lipoid nephrosis fatty casts on UA
❖ IgA nephropathy- 2-6 days after URI = Synpharyngitic nephropathy
❖ Kawasaki= mucocutaneous LN syndrome or Lymphocytic Myocarditis
➢ Rash on palms/soles OR edema of hands & feet OR desquamation of skin
❖ Osgood-Schlatter disease —> traction apophysitis, tibial osteochondritis
❖ Tinea capitis—> Trichophyton tonsurans, Microsporum canis, Microsporum audouinii
❖ Thiazide diuretics —> Metolazone, Chlorthalidone, -iazide
❖ Never event —> Sentinel event
❖ Near miss —> close call
❖ Proteinase-3-ANCA-->cANCA
❖ Myeloperoxidase-ANCA-->pANCA
❖ Convex bilateral soles-->Rocker-bottom feet
❖ Childhood-onset fluency disorder-->Stuttering
❖ Synthetic cathinones-->Bath Salts
❖ Intrauterine synechiae--> Asherman Syndrome
❖ Struvite stones —> triple phosphate stones, magnesium ammonium phosphate stones
❖ Exploratory laparotomy —> exploratory celiotomy
❖ Simple partial seizure —> focal seizure without loss of awareness
❖ IgA nephropathy —> synpharengenic nephropathy
❖ Defibrillation —> unsynchronized cardioversion
❖ Wilson disease —> hepatolenticular degeneration
❖ Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy —> Guillain Barré
❖ Mullerian agenesis: Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
❖ Bruton agammaglobulinemia: X-linked agammaglobulinemia
❖ Werdnig Hoffman disease —- Spinal muscle atrophy type -1
❖ Multi system atrophy → Shy Drager Syndrome
❖ PCOS -> Stein-Leventhal MSA -> Shy-Drager
❖ Pyogenic arthritis -> septic arthritis
❖ HIV-associated nephropathy -> Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
❖ Unstable angina, NSTEMI, STEMI -> acute coronary syndrome
❖ Palpable cord -> thrombophlebitis (Migratory thrombophlebitis associated with visceral cancers–Pancreatic)
❖ Pain improves when raising arm above head -> cervical radiculopathy
❖ Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy -> Charcot-Marie Tooth disease
❖ Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasias -> Osler Weber Rendu Syndrome
❖ Meralgia Paresthetica > lateral femoral cutaneous nerve compression
❖ Von Willebrand Factor Disease -> Impaired Hemostasis

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