Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Handler class :-
Its global class mostly used in UI model to read and update the data.
12. Please help to understand what are the required steps involve for Flex and Reuse
mode as per as Data Model configurations are concerns.
How to add the custom entity type in MDG Data Model?
2 Add the custom field with MARA table Generate Data Model Specific
3 Include Custom field in table T130F
Generate Data Model Specific Structure Extensions
4 Structure Extensions
MDG_BS_MAT_S_<table name> MDG_BS_MAT_S_<table_name>_UI
5 SMT mapping
MDG_BS_MAT_MAP_2PP Activate Data Model
6 Activate Data Model
15. How many different approach we can take to extend the Data Model?
There are 2 approached.
i. Extend using entity
ii. Extend using attribute
16. What are the minimum processes are required to maintain Master Data?
Create , Change, Mark for deletion, Block/Unblock etc.
19. Please explain the UI configuration in MDG for Material Master Data.
20. What is the difference between deep copy and enhance UI concept?
Deep copy :- The whole component is copied with user defined prefix.
Enhancement :- standard component we are using along with our enhancement.
21. What kind of UI field property activities you have worked and how you
managed to developed the same? Please explain the complete process.
Where do we have to add the field and then which feeder class is required and
accordingly the logic we have write in specific methods in get data, process event etc.
22. How to add new custom field in UI? How to make that field F4 help available.
To add new field we need to go by enhancement and check where to add this
field, provide feeder class and write logic in specific method for f4 help option.
23. What is the difference between Rule Based workflow and simple workflow?
Rule Bases Workflow is combination of workflow and Business Rule. Its more
effective as its not only where we define workflow but also we maintain certain
type data validation and derivation factors.
Example:-. Rule context, Dynamic agent selection, email notification , parallel
Simple workflow is simple workflow where we have start end and middle
24. What are the different settings of decision tables we have in Rule Based Workflow.
Please explain the purpose of those tables.
Single Value :- Captures end to end scenarios / actions.
User Agent :- Captures foregrounds of the system/ captures
actions taken by user. E.g. Submit, Approve,
Non User Agent :- Captures only background activities. E.g.
Activation, Roll-back, Complete, Email
Condition Alias :-
Its important to define that what is the sequence of business activity
which is maintained by Condition Alias.
25. Please explain what kind of workflow you have developed in your past project.
Single User decision Table :-
27. What are the different Rule BADI and service BADI we have in SAP MDG? Please
Validation :-
Checking the provided input data whether its exists or not in the MDG level is
called Validation.
Derivation :-
Depending on the certain field value ; another field value impacted is called
Validation & Derivation:
1. MDG BRF Plus
a. Service BADI b. Rule BADI (Tx. SE18 - USMD_RULE_SERVICE)
Email Notification Single Entity Validation
Rule Context Preparation Cross Entity Derivation
Parallel Processing
Dynamic Agent Selection
SERVICE BADI :- For the all the 4 types of activities different services to be
called in workflow level and ABAP BADI level.
Service Name :- USMD201C_SSW Maintenance Table View of service name.
Enhancement spot :-
It includes all definitions of 4 BADI’s.
28. What kind of email notification functionality you have worked? Please explain.
Email Notification :- (ZCL_CT_SYS_METHOD_CALLER)
Rule based workflow
To get notification that CR is completed.
Body of the mail.
Subject line email
Whom to send
In implementing class of BADI (here it is ZCL_CT_SYS_METHOD_CALLER)
Create service name for email notification ( Define service name Rule Based
Workflow ) and provide it in filter value combination.
Also provide Process pattern -> Synchronous System Method in non user
agent decision table as mentioned below.
Extended Email Notifications :-
1. SO10
Select notification and send them to either and immediately or according
to the delivery schedule ) has to schedule periodically.
Configure extended notification configuration ( advanced configuration)
30. How many different types of searches are possible to implement in SAP MDG?
Duplicate Check :-
This function validates data that you input, and allows you to control the
creation of duplicate data records. When you input data to create a new change
request, the system compares the data you have entered with data already in the
system. If the data you have entered matches one or more existing records, the
system warns that you are about to create a duplicate.
DataBase Search;-
This search finds data in a database based on user specific search criteria. It can
also be used in application such as duplicate Check.
Applicable for BP/0G/Custom Data Model
Key Remote search :-
From MDG to Non MDG system ( legacy system ) its used as we can’t go for
Huge data search.
Enterprise Search: (Embedded Search):-
35. What kind of Duplicate check you have configured. Please explain.
Duplicate check and search go hand to hand. We want go for duplicate check
without search.
36. What is CVI? Please explain the functionality and explain the step by
step configuration which needs to follow.
If we have to maintain field in BP and Customer or BP and Supplier or Supplier
and ERP customer then we have to use CVI model to synch the fields.Explain the
steps along with details that at the end we need to maintain BADI ->>>
39. What is the use of Schedule indexing in SAP MDG search? How many types it
40. Can you please explain the DRF steps for configuring the Data replication?
All the steps from change pointers except last 4 steps. Step 1-10.
Data Replication Process
1.Change Pointer (ALE-IDOC)
2.DRF (Data Replication Framework) (ALE-IDOC)/SOA services
Data Replication
Client - 800 (Source)
Step1: Create Logical system using Tcode: SALE Source System - client 800 (SEND)
Step2: Assign those Logical systems with respective client Target system - client 810 (RECV)
Tx. SM59
41. Can you please explain the DIF steps for configuring the Data Load?
42. What is called Mass Change/Update? Explain this.
43. Difference between Mass Change/Update and Multi Processing.
44. Difference between DIF and File Upload.
File upload :- Flat file or excel and uploading the data.
45. Difference between Single entity Validation and Cross entity Derivation.
46. Discussion on Key Mapping & Value Mapping?
47. MDG API’s.
There are 3 types of API.
Convenience API, Governance, CR change Request API.
When we create change request by ABAP logic, we use API.
Read , write, Save, Create methods in API.
CR Type :- It contains CR type name, description,Edition type, Data Model name, main
entity type, Single object checkbox, Parallel object checkbox, workflow template, UI
configuration ID, UI application name.
Generic UIBB's (GUIBB's): These UIBB's are provided by the FPM framework
ii. List UIBB
iii. Tabbed UIBB
iv. Composit UIBB
These GUIBB's again implement the common behavior defined by the UI Guidelines.
However, everything that is application-specific is again stored in the component’s
configuration. The configuration contains the layout information for the UI as well as a link to
the feeder class, which is the interface to the back-end functionality.
Establish communication between MDG and tables that holds active data.
Reading of active data from Database table.
Writing of active data from CR to Database Table.
Consistency checks and Data derivation for reuse active area.
Authorization checks and Locking of data in reuse of active area.
Reading change documents from reuse active area.
Handler class :-
Its global class mostly used in BP model to read and update the data.
Difference :- Access Class is usually used in Custom Data Models for the purpose of
CRUD operations as well as search and validation logic as needed.
Handler Class is used in case of BP Data model where you need to write the logic for
custom entities. It is similar to access class and is used for handling data for extended
Handler class is like a enhancement spot of access class. SAP provided the entrance to
register custom handler classes to change standard access class behaviors. Handler
class only worked for BP model.
The existing user interfaces can be easily enhanced in various ways without
the need of a copy or a modification of the pre-defined user interfaces. A copy might
destroy the binding to improvements and/or corrections made by SAP.
Adding and/or removing fields from the pre-defined user interface can be
done by customizing the user interface.
The user interface can be adapted dynamically using context based
Enhancing the user interface with custom UIBBs can be done using the
enhancement functionality of FPM.
If you now start any user interface that is based upon FPM, you’ll notice
stomizing configurator.
60. Why does the context based adaptation (CBA) not change the layout of the overview
page (OVP)?
The layout of an OVP can only be changed by CBAs during the startup of the
application. It is not possible to change the OVP (e.g. the sequence of UIBBs) using
a CBA during UI round-trips. CBAs can only change the layout of single UIBBs for
each round-trip.
61. Why are recent changes applied to the user interface not visible for other users?
The actual UI that is being displayed to a user in the web browser is
determined from various components of the UI configuration:
The general rule is that the personalization is the strongest component. This
is best explained with an example:
The base configuration defines the overview page as a list of UIBBs. Since a
user does not want to scroll, he or she creates a personalization of the page
introducing a stacking of the UIBBs in tab-strips. A UI designer decides to create a
context based adaptation that sets a single UIBB to “hidden and excluded from event
loop”. All users not having a personalization will not see this UIBB anymore. The user
with the personalization set is unaffected by this change. This is because the UIBBs
that are hidden and excluded from event loop still belong to the OVP. They can be
added to the OVP using personalization. Since the user has created a
personalization that shows the UIBB (the personalization was created before the
CBA), the UIBB is still visible. To exclude the UIBB you must either reset
personalization or delete the UIBB in the CBA.
System administrators might use the ABAP Web Dynpro application
WD_ANALYZE_CONFIG_USER to check and/or reset user personalization centrally.
Context Based Adaptations
Base Configuration
62. I want to hide / show a UIBB dynamically via CBA. Why doesn’t it work?
Most likely you tried to control its visibility by adapting the according attribute
within an OVP component configuration, called “Hidden Element”. Or you might have
decided to create a new CBA configuration that in comparison to its base
configuration just adds the UIBB concerned to the page’s list of UIBBs. Both
approaches will not lead to a dynamic visibility of the UIBBs.
1. which options do you use in MDG---w/f with template call to brf+, or brf+ to call w/f
In MDG we only used to w/f template to call brf+
2. Generic w/f template no for brf+
3. Can we extend the approve level in brf+ w/f?
4. What is the static w/f template available in MDG?
5. Can we extend or modify the approval levels in static w/f template?
6. In brf+ what action code value is returned to w/f?
7. Pararell processing in BRF+ (very imp)
8. What are the tables available in brf+ w/f? - Covered
9. What is the condition alias?
It provides step numbers in sequence to complete the process.
10. What are the mandatory field sin single value decision table?
Mandatory fields single value decision table :-
i. CR previous step
i. Condition Alias :- It is nothing but step numbers in sequence to complete
the process.
ii. New CR Step
iii. New CR Status
11. What are the processing pattern for Non-User Agent decision table?
i. Process Pattern :- it includes all several workflow steps together to form
basic operations that are called Process Patterns. E.g synchronous
system method, Activation , complete, call sub-workflow.
ii. Service Name :- Its a bridge which provides connectivity between BADI
and BRF table through which data transfer data from BRF to BADI and
vice versa.
12. Can we add or extend the columns in single value decision table?
YES. We have to explain the process to add column of data object or data element from
BRF+ to workflow.
1)which options do u use in mdg ---w/f with template caall to brf+, or brf+ to call w/f
A)in mdg we only used to w/f template to call brf+
10)what are the madatory field sin single value decsion table?
11)what are the processing pattern sin non user agnet decison table?
14)q's will be aske don idocs setup that is steps invlove din setting up idocs?
15)proeprties of flex mode n reuse mode??