Sensor-Mission Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks: ACM Transactions On Sensor Networks, Vol., No., 20, Pages 1-0??

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Sensor-Mission Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University Department of Computer Science, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

When a sensor network is deployed, it is typically required to support multiple simultaneous missions. Schemes that assign sensing resources to missions thus become necessary. In this article, we formally dene the sensor-mission assignment problem and discuss some of its variants. In its most general form, this problem is NP-hard. We propose algorithms for the dierent variants, some of which include approximation guarantees. We also propose distributed algorithms to assign sensors to missions which we adapt to include energy-awareness to extend network lifetime. Finally, we show comprehensive simulation results comparing these solutions to an upper bound on the optimal solution. Categories and Subject Descriptors: []: General Terms: Wireless Sensor Networks, Resource Allocation, Mission Assignment



In many sensor network applications, it is necessary to support multiple missions that may arrive over time and compete for the same sensing resources. For isotropic sensing devices recording ambient temperature, for example, the information provided by a single sensor can be used to support any and all missions, given that they lie within its sensing range. A directional or anisotropic sensor, such as a camera, however, must be directed to a certain location and hence can in general only support a single mission. Thus choices must be made as to which sensors will be assigned to which missions. Given information about available sensors and missions, the network must have a process to choose the best assignment of sensors to missions. An intelligent sensor network should direct its resources to the most important feasible missions, reallocating resources appropriately as missions arrive or depart, while taking care not to waste resources on unsuccessful missions. If there are multiple sensors and multiple missions, it must choose the best matching of sensors to missions. A given sensor may oer dierent missions varying amounts of information (because of geometry, obstructions, or remaining battery level, for example), or none at all. Missions may vary in both importance (prot) and diculty (demand ), and these properties need not be correlated. An ongoing surveillance mission may be expensive but of minor importance, whereas an urgent mission for information about one particular spot may be low-demand but very important. In many applications, partial satisfaction will be no better than zero satisfaction. If the goal of a given
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. , No. , 20, Pages 10??.

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mission is to reconstruct the 3D shape of an object, for example, then this may be accomplished with images from two cameras, but an image from just one camera will be useless. Indeed, accepting the single image could actually be harmful since the drain on the sensors battery could preclude a future mission that might otherwise have been satisable. In our model we consider two prot functions: (1) we only receive prot from missions whose demands are fully met, and (2) we consider prots from ones that reached a preset threshold. Hence the problem is to choose the best assignment of sensors to missions, in the sense that prots from satised missions are maximized. In some networks, there may simply be a static set of long-term missions, in which case the aspect of time may be eliminated. In other settings, mission arrivals and departures may be infrequent, so that for each block of time, sensor assignment can be solved as a static problem. Even in this static setting, our problem is computationally hard to solve optimally. Thus we use approximation algorithms and heuristics. A centralized approach to sensor assignment will collect all the relevant information at a central location for decision-making and then distribute assignments. Such an approach can be expensive in terms of communication overhead, however. Another approach is to have nodes1 make these assignment decisions locally, in a distributed manner, using mission information that is disseminated into the network. While this should decrease communication costs, a centralized algorithm may be able to guarantee better solution. Since the problem we formulate is (in its most general form) NP-hard even to approximate, we investigate constrained versions for which approximation algorithms exist. First, we bound the number of sensors that may oer contributions to any single mission. This is a reasonable assumption in realistic settings in which sensors have a limited sensing range and the sensors are distributed in such a way as to limit sensing redundancy. Second, we consider a geometric constraint; only sensors within a bounded sensing range from a mission can be assigned to that mission. We also generalize the problem further by allowing a mission to be successful even if its demand is not fully met. We do this by setting a threshold which species the minimum fraction of the demand to be met for a mission to succeed. In this case, the mission will not be awarded the full prot but rather a fraction based on its satisfaction level. Contributions. In this article, we consider the problem of assigning directional sensors to missions in wireless sensor networks. We show NP-hardness and give theoretical results for certain problem variants, including a -approximation greedy algorithm and a shifting-based Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS). We present both centralized and distributed approaches to solving the dynamic problem. In the distributed setting, we give a novel multi-round proposal scheme, which we also adapt to a dynamic setting. We also provide an energy-aware extension to the distributed scheme that extends network lifetime. Our simulations show that in spite of the theoretical diculty of the general problem, ecient schemes can perform quite well. The greedy algorithm frequently
1 In

this article we use the terms sensor and node interchangeably. We use element to refer to either a sensor or a mission.
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Sensor-Mission Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks

performs near-optimally, obviating the need for the more computationally expensive PTAS. Furthermore, distributed schemes are often competitive with the centralized greedy algorithm, especially in networks with high node density. In our static experiments, the dierence in quality between the distributed and centralized solutions is less than 8%, and in some cases the same results are obtained. At the same time, the distributed approach saves as much as 50% of the number of messages. In the dynamic setting, the performance of our adapted distributed scheme closely matches that of the centralized scheme. We also nd that adding energy-awareness to the distributed scheme can increase the network lifetime by up to 70%. The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses some related work in sensor networks and in assignment problems. In Section 3 we state our network model and formally dene the sensor assignment problem and study its computational complexity. In Section 4, we study variants of the problem and propose algorithms to solve them. In Section 5 we propose more practical distributed algorithms for the dynamic problem. In Section 6 we detail the network model used in our simulations and present those results. Finally, Section 7 concludes the article. 2. RELATED WORK

Sensor networks. The general problem of choosing sensors to achieve an objective has received sizable attention lately. Several selection objectives have been considered. In [Perillo and Heinzelman 2003; Shih et al. 2006], for example, the goal is to cover the region using few sensors in order to conserve energy. The techniques used range from dividing the sensors in the network into a number of sets and rotating them, activating one at a time [Perillo and Heinzelman 2003], to using Voronoi diagram properties [Aurenhammer 1991] to ensure that the area of a sensors diagram is as close to its sensing area as possible [Shih et al. 2006]. Another technique used is delayed sensor activation [Lu et al. ], in which sensors are initially inactive and are activated according to their coverage contribution. In that way the schemes greedily turn on the sensors with highest probability of successfully sensing the areas of interest. Our problem is similar if we consider that covering a certain area is a mission. Another related problem is to eciently locate and track targets such as the works in [Zhao et al. 2002] and [Kaplan 2006]. In [Zhao et al. 2002], for example, the most informative sensor for tracking a target is chosen based on the concept of information gain. This information is then passed on to the next active sensor, which is chosen by considering the targets expected path. Target localization using acoustic sensors is considered by [Kaplan 2006]. An initial active set of two sensors is chosen by exhaustive search, and then additional sensors are added to the active set. The goal there is to minimize the mean squared error of the target location as perceived by the active sensors. Our work, however, is motivated by contention between multiple missions with varying prot values, and therefore focuses on mission selection rather than sensor selection. There has also been some work on frameworks for single and multiple mission assignment problems. For example, [Byers and Nasser 2000] denes a framework modeling the assignment problem with notions of utility and cost. The goal is to nd
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a solution that maximizes the utility while staying under a predened budget. In [Mullen et al. ], a market-based method is used in which sensors provide information or goods which can be purchased while observing certain budgets. The goal is to maximize the amount of goods delivered without exceeding the budget. A survey of sensor selection and assignment problems, including simple theoretical models of the problem, can be found in [Rowaihy et al. 2007]. The problem we consider here is dierent from previous work since it considers multiple missions with dierent priorities. These missions contend for the same set of sensors which calls for resolution mechanisms. We also consider adding energy awareness to our algorithms in order to prolong the network lifetime. Energy awareness in sensor networks have also been studied in the literature. For example, the authors of [Heinzelman et al. 2000] propose LEACH which is an energy-ecient communication protocol that uses the concept of clusters. In their scheme they rotate the cluster heads in order to evenly distribute the load among them. This is similar to our energy-aware scheme in which we rotate the sensors assigned to a mission for the same purpose. A survey of energy-ecient scheduling mechanisms in sensor networks can be found in [Wang and Xiao 2006]. Algorithms. Although we use the terminology of sensors and missions for concreteness, the problem we are considering can be viewed as a more general problem of resource allocation. An alternative interpretation regards scheduling jobs on unrelated parallel machines. As in other (maximization) scheduling problems [Sung and Vlach 2005], the goal is a schedule that maximizes prot earned from jobs completed, subject to certain constraints. The twist is that each job species not the set of machines that can perform it, but the set of families of machines that can perform it. (A job may be too dicult to be performed by any single machine.) The feasibility constraint is that no machine can be assigned more than one sub-job. Our problem also relates to other optimization problems, such as the Bin Covering problem, in which the goal is to use a set of items to ll completely as many bins as possible. Sensor-Mission Assignment is a generalization of (weighted) Bin Covering in that an item may take up dierent amounts of space in dierent bins. In this way, an analogy can be seen between Sensor-Mission Assignment and the Bin Covering on the one hand and the Multiple Knapsack and the Generalized Assignment (GAP) [Fleischer et al. 2006] problems on the other. While the problem we study in this article does not involve capacity constraints of GAP, in later work we use a GAP-inspired algorithm to solve a budgeted sensor assignment problem [Johnson et al. 2008]. Combinatorial Auctions. In contrast to conventional auctions, in combinatorial auctions players can bid of sets or combinations of items (which may entail exponentially many bids). Given a xed supply of goods, the goal of the winner determination problem is to maximize revenue earned from the sale of disjoint item combinations. Since this is a dicult problem, much of the research focus has been on AI or algorithm-engineering approaches. (See [de Vries and Vohra 2003] for a survey.) Another way of understanding our problem is as a combinatorial auction in which bidders are the missions, the items are the sensors and the missions, and
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Sensor-Mission Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks



Fig. 1.

Modeling the problem as a bipartite graph

each mission places a bid (equal to its own prot) for any set that can be constructed as follows: the set contains the mission itself and some subset of sensors that together satisfy the missions demand. The language of prots, demands, and edge values, however, allows for a succinct representation of bids. Many weaker and often fractional models of sensor-mission assignment can be reduced to maximum matching or network ow problems, and thus can be solved optimally in polynomial time [Ahuja et al. 1993]. 3. OVERVIEW

In this section we discuss our network model. Then, we formally dene the core problem of sensor-mission assignment. 3.1 Network Model

In our network model, we assume a set of static sensors pre-deployed in a eld. Missions can arrive and depart over time. By a mission, we mean a primitive sensing task that requires information of a certain type, which may be contributed by one or more deployed sensors. Each mission is dened by a specic geographic location. An example of a mission is video monitoring an area of interest. General missions that cover large areas, such as perimeter monitoring, can be divided into multiple missions each having its own location. The deployed sensors are directional in nature and hence each of them can be assigned to a single mission (i.e. directed to one location). The direction of a sensor can be changed when the assignment is changed. A video camera is a good example of such sensors. 3.2 Core Problem Denition

The problem, which we call Semi-Matching with Demand (SMD), is modeled as a weighted bipartite graph whose vertex sets consist of sensors S = {S1 , ..., Sn } and missions {M1 , ..., Mm } (see Figure 1). A sensor Si may be able, depending on its type and location, to provide mission Mj with some data. A positively weighted edge (Si , Mj ) means that Si is applicable to Mj . The weight of the edge (eij ) indicates the utility (or quality of information) that Si could contribute to Mj if this pairing were chosen. The utility may vary depending on the sensors type, location or other properties. Also given is a positive-valued demand dj associated
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a b d c e f


Fig. 2.

Integrality gap instance

with each mission Mj , indicating the total utility the mission requires. To simplify the problem we assume that the utility amounts received by a mission are additive. That is the total utility received by a mission is equal to the sum of the utilities provided by sensors assigned to it. While this may be realistic in some settings such as sensing applications in which high-quality measurements can be obtained by e.g. either taking a single high-quality reading or averaging together several lower-quality readings, in others it is not; for our purpose of comparing the dierent algorithms this assumption is sucient. What we seek is a semi-matching of sensors to missions, so that (ideally) each mission demand is satised. That is, a sensor may be assigned to at most one of the missions to which it is applicable, but a mission can accept utility from multiple sensors. Of course, satisfying all missions may not be feasible; in general, the goal is to maximize a weighted sum of the satised missions. We assume there is a prot pj associated with achieving mission Mj . We then seek to maximize the total satised prot. We start by dening the strict version in which no prot is awarded for a partially satised mission. Later (in Section 4.3), we relax this requirement and consider a version of the problem in which missions can be partially successful if they reached a minimum threshold of utility. Unless there is structure to the weights of the sensor-mission edges, for example if they relate to the geometry of node positions, we can assume without loss of generality that each demand is 1. For each mission Mj with demand dj , simply divide edge value eij by dj to obtain an instance with unit demands. Unless otherwise stated, we will assume this normalization henceforth, though it is sometimes convenient to allow for non-unit demands. With this in mind, we dene the problem formally. Instance:. A weighted bipartite graph G = (S, M, P, E), where S = {S1 , ..., Sn } is a collection of sensors, M = {M1 , ..., Mm } is a collection of missions, P = {p1 , ..., pm } is a collection of positive mission prots, and E is a collection of nonnegative weights for the edges S M . Goal:. Find a semi-matching F E (no two chosen edges share the same sensor ),
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Sensor-Mission Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks

in which F (i.e.,

Mj A (i,j)F

pj is maximized, where A M is the set of missions satised by eij 1 for each Mj A).

The problem can be formulated as an Integer Program (IP). The IP below employs two sets of decision variables: uj indicating whether mission Mj is satised with the received utility, and xij indicating whether sensor Si is assigned to mission Mj . Finding a solution can be seen as a two-step process: decide which missions to satisfy, and then decide how to satisfy them. Each mission Mj has a constraint requiring that the sum of utility received by Mj be at least the value uj , which is 0 or 1. When uj = 0, this constraint is automatically satised. Here is the IP:
Maximize: Such that: P jp u Pn j j i=1 xij eij uj , for each mission Mj , Pm j=1 xij 1, for each sensor Si , and xij {0, 1}, for each variable xij and uj {0, 1}, for each variable uj

Note that if we had not normalized to unit demands, the rst constraint would be: n i=1 xij eij uj dj . The corresponding Linear Program (LP), relaxes variable constraints from {0, 1} to [0, 1]. This allows for fractional prots to be awarded for partially satised missions and for sensors to be fractionally assigned to multiple missions. This fully fractional version can be solved optimally by Linear Programming. Such an optimal fractional solution provides an upper bound on the true optimal solution value. Definition 1. Let IP (I) indicate the optimal solution value for a given integer program and let LP (I) indicate the optimal solution value of the LP relaxation, both on problem instance I. We will say that the formulation has integrality gap (I)| (at least) c for c 1, if c |LP (I)| for some problem instance I. |IP Remark 2. The IP above has unbounded integrality gap, since instances can be constructed in which the optimal solution of the corresponding LP OP TLP = m/2 and the optimal solution of the IP OP TIP = 1, where m is the number of missions. To create such an instance (see Figure 2), connect a separate sensor to each pair of missions, so that each mission has m 1 neighbors, and set all demands to m 1 and all prots to 1. Then setting all edge weights to 1/2 will clearly half-satisfy each mission, but only one can be satised integrally. Definition 3. Let |OP T (I)| indicate the optimal solution value for a given problem instance(I), and let |ALG(I)| indicate a corresponding approximate solution value. We will say that an algorithm is a c-approximation for c 1 if c |OP T (I)| for every problem instance I. We omit I below when it is clear from |ALG(I)| the context. Proposition 4. SMD is NP-hard and at least as hard to approximate as Maximum Independent Set (MIS). Proof. Given an MIS graph G = (V, E), an SMD instance is created with a mission Mv for each v V , with dv = deg(v) and pv = 1, and a sensor Su,v for each edge (u, v) E, which oers utility 1 to missions Mu and Mv . Then
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Algorithm 1 -Approximation Greedy Algorithm for each mission Mj in order of decreasing Pj for each still-available sensor Si in order of decreasing eij assign Si to Mj if Mj is satised then break if Mj is not satised then return any sensors assigned to it the optimal SMD solution yields the optimal maximum independent set (and both share the same solution quality). Since MIS cannot be approximated to factor |V |1 unless NP=ZPP [H astad 1999], neither an optimal nor a nontrivial approximation algorithm for SMD is likely to be forthcoming. Therefore we turn in the next section to easier special cases. 4. PROBLEM VARIANTS AND ALGORITHMS

In this section we discuss a number of problem variants of SMD. First we discuss two special cases which admit approximation algorithmsa degree-bounded version and a geometric variant; then, we study two problem extensions, generalizing to allow a success threshold and generalizing from static to dynamic. 4.1 Degree-bounded Approximation Problem

Because of the diculty of the approximation problem as dened in the previous section, we constrain it in order to render it more tractable. We assume that the problem instance has bounded degree, in the following sense. If a sensor Si makes a non-zero oer to a mission Mj , then say that Si is Mj s neighbor. Then the assumption is that no mission has more than neighbors, for some small constant . We call this problem -SMD. A simple greedy algorithm (see Algorithm 1) considers missions in decreasing order of prot. For each mission, the algorithm assigns it available sensors in decreasing order of oer utility, until the mission is satised. If the mission does not succeed, then all sensors are returned. The running time of this algorithm is O(m log m + mn log n) where m is the number of mission and n is the number of sensors. This algorithm provides an approximation guarantee which we prove below. We note that the algorithm can be given a distributed implementation, proceeding in rounds, as in the distributed greedy algorithm for the Dominating Set problem of [Jia et al. 2002]. In each round, each pending mission determines whether it is still satisable and if so broadcasts its prot value to all other missions within distance 2RS . Each pending, satisable mission is then assigned its chosen sensors i it has the highest-prot among such missions in its 2RS neighborhood. Since this is a faithful implementation of the algorithm, we note that the approximation guarantee given below applies to this case. Definition 5. Let a star consist of a mission and a minimally satisfying set of sensors for it. The sensor set is minimal in the sense that no proper subset would
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completely satisfy the mission in question. (Notice that a given mission may in general be part of many stars.) Say that a mission is tight if it has degree and requires all sensors in order to be satised. Two stars overlap if they share one or more sensors, if they share a mission, or both, including the case that the stars are identical. Proposition 6. Algorithm 1 produces a -approximation for the -SMD problem. Proof. Let OP T be the set of missions satised in some optimal solution (with solution quality |OP T |), and let ALG be the missions satised by Algorithm 1 (with quality |ALG|). We want to show that |OP T | |ALG|, i.e., that pj



To prove Ineq. 1, we account for each term pj on the left-hand side with one of the terms pj on the right-hand side. For each Mj OP T , say that Mj charges to the highest-prot mission Mj ALG whose star overlaps with Mj s star, and write Mj ch(Mj ). (There must be one such Mj with pj pj since Algorithm 1 satises a maximal set of missions, selected in decreasing order of prot.) Then let Mj be an arbitrary mission in ALG. Mj is either tight or not. (Recall Denition 5.) Suppose tight, in which case that mission has only one star. If Mj OP T , then only Mj itself charges to Mj ALG; if Mj OP T , then at most stars in / OP T can charge to Mj (those that share at least one of its sensors). Now suppose Mj is not tight, so that it contains 1 sensors. Then at most stars in OP T can charge to Mj (those that share at least one of its sensors, and possibly one that shares its mission). Thus we have pj pj
Mj ch(Mj )


By summing Ineq. 2 over all missions in ALG, we obtain Ineq. 1. It is easy to construct an example with + 1 missions to show that the bound is tight: let one mission have prot 1 + and require all sensors; let the rest of the missions have prot 1 and require one sensor each. We note that such examples can be given even for the geometric settings that we discuss below. Interestingly, when the number of sensors neighboring a mission is less than or equal to two, then the problem can be solved in polynomial time. Proposition 7. 2-SMD is in P. Proof. We reduce to the (weighted) maximum matching problem (see Figure 3). The node set for the resulting graph will consist of the 2-SMD instances sensors and missions. Whenever a mission Mj will be satised only by both its neighbors Si1 , Si2 , draw an edge (Si1 , Si2 ) with weight equal to the mission prot; whenever a mission Mj will be satised by a single sensor Si , draw an edge (Si , Mj ) with weight equal to the mission prot. Now nd a maximum weighted matching in this (non-bipartite) graph in polynomial time. Each selected edge corresponds to
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Fig. 3.

Converting SMD to graph.

a satised mission. It is clear that no sensor or mission will be used more than once. The optimal solution values of the matching graph and the SMD are by construction the same. Since the graph of a 2-SMD instance is sparse, the maximum weighted matching can be found in time O(m2 log m) [Galil et al. 1986], where m is the number of missions. The time for nding the maximum matching is the dominant component of the running time. We now relate -SMD and -Set Packing. These problems turn out to be equivalent for small enough . In the Set Packing problem, we are given a family of subsets of a universe of elements. Each subset has a positive weight. The goal is to choose a max-weight family of subsets without using any element more than once. -Set Packing is the variant of Set Packing in which each set has at most elements.2 Proposition 8. -SMD reduces to -Set Packing, when = O(log nm). Proof. The idea of the reduction is that each star in our SMD instance will become a set in the Set Packing instance. (Since a given mission may have degree , it can have O(2 ) many stars. Because of the bound on , however, the resulting Set Packing instance will be at most polynomially larger than the initial SMD instance size.) Specically, a star with s < sensors will become an s + 1-element set containing the stars sensors and mission; a star with sensors will become a -element set containing only the stars sensors. Since a mission can have only one tight star of size , the mission need not be included in the resulting star. Choosing a max-weight family of disjoint sets will now be the same as choosing a max-weight set of disjoint stars. An existing local search algorithm from Berman [Berman ] gives a ( +1 + )2 approximation for +1-Claw-Free MIS, which -Set Packing reduces to. ( k is a running-time parameter, specically, a (k1) +1 approximation can be found 2 in time polynomial in O(kn).) Hence there is a +1 approximation for -SMD (for 2 small ). It was recently shown [Hazan et al. 2006] that even for the cardinality
2 The

parameter used is typically k, but we are interested in the case k = .

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version, approximating -Set Packing within a factor better than hard. 4.2 Geometric Problem

is NP-

We now introduce GeomSMD, a variant in which geometrically inspired constraints are imposed. First, each sensor and mission now lie at a particular point in the plane. Second, we assume sensors have a bounded sensing range (RS ), i.e., eij can only be non-zero when the distance between Si and Mj is less than this bound. Without loss of generality, let the sensing range be 1. In this case, every star will lie in a unit disk. We also assume a geometric analog to bounded degree, specically an upper bound on the number of sensors or missions contained in any unit disk. This constraint will be satised automatically if the graph is drawn in a civilized manner [Hunt et al. 1998], i.e., so that any two nodes are separated by some minimum distance > 0. In this case, the problem instance will satisfy the -SMD bounded degree requirement for some constant . The NP-hardness argument below involves the Unit-Disk MIS (UD-MIS) problem [Clark et al. 1990], which is an MIS variant in which the problem instance is the intersection graph for a set of unit disks lying in the plane. Equivalently, UD-MIS can be dened so that given a set of points in the plane, two points are connected by an edge i their distance is strictly less than a global constant. We argue that the NP-hardness proof for UD-MIS also applies to a density-bounded UD-MIS. Proposition 9. GeomSMD is strongly NP-hard. Proof. We reduce from Planar 3SAT to UD-MIS to GeomSMD. Given the Planar 3SAT instance, we rst apply the UD-MIS reduction of [Clark et al. 1990; Marathe et al. 1997], which results in a UD-MIS graph and a number k (there is an independent set of size k i the formula was satisable). It can be veried by consulting the proof of [Clark et al. 1990] that the resulting UD-MIS instance can be drawn with at most O(1) disks per unit square resulting a density-bounded UD-MIS. Now, we convert the UD-MIS decision-problem instance (G, k) into a GeomSMD decision-problem instance (G , k), by replacing each disk with a mission at the disks center, and every maximal intersection of disks with a sensor needed by all of them. Since each mission needs all the sensors lying in its disk in order to be satised, k missions can be satised i k independent disks can be chosen. Since in the UD-MIS construction each unit square contains at most O(1) such intersections, in the resulting GeomSMD instance, each unit square will contain at most O(1) missions and O(1) sensors, and the sensing distance is respected by construction. Thus Planar 3SAT is reduced to GeomSMD. Since GeomSMD is strongly NP-hard, it follows that a Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS) is unlikely for it. A PTAS, however, is possible. To achieve this, we employ the shifting technique originally introduced in [Hochbaum and Maass 1985] which imposes a grid that partitions the region into cells. The portion of the problem instance lying within a given cell has bounded size, which allows the cell to be solved optimally (e.g., by brute force). The portion of the problem instance (in our problem, sensor-mission edges) lying on the
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Algorithm 2 Shifting PTAS (error ) k 2/ ; S = for each (i, j) [0, k)2 lay the mesh with oset (i, j); Sij for each cell Ct within the mesh Sij Sij opt(Ct ) if val(S) < val(Sij ) then S Sij

boundary of a cell will be discarded, but for a large enough cell size, the perimeter of the cell will be small compared to its area. Although it could happen that much of the problem instance lies near to cell boundaries for a given positioning of the grid, many dierent grid positions are considered to avoid this problem. We now give the shifting PTAS3 (see Algorithm 2), which is similar to the UDMIS [Matsui 1998] PTAS (following the presentation in [Erlebach and Fiala 2001]). For now, assume for simplicity that all points are inside a square region I whose size is polynomial in the input size. Then for a desired error bound , we can choose parameter c = 2/ . Now, we lay a square grid on the plane, carving the region into square cells of size c c. Each integer pair (i, j) [0, c)2 corresponds to a possible oset for the coarse-grain grid, i.e., one of the grid positions to be considered. For a given grid position, we eliminate all sensor-mission edges not fully contained within a single cell. Within any cell, there are O(c2 ) sensors and missions; therefore we can nd the optimal assignment restricted to that cell by 2 enumerating all O((c2 )c ) possible assignments. The solution for a given oset pair (i, j) is the union of the solutions for the individual cells. We compute the solution for each possible oset pair. If the points lie in an extremely large region, then the method as stated may not run in polynomial time, since there may be exponentially many cells to check. This can be easily xed. First, notice that there will be at most polynomially many nonempty cells, which can be found by iterating through the point coordinates. For each non-empty cell, we can grow it outward, to obtain a maximally non-empty region. Performing this action on every non-empty cell (i.e., Union-Find) produces a polynomial collection of independent regions. Now simply run the original algorithm on each independent region, rather than on the entire space. Proposition 10. Algorithm 2 is a PTAS. Proof. Consider the optimal star-set OP T with total prot Popt . By the Shifting Lemma [Hochbaum and Maass 1985], there must be some vertical oset j that crosses a subset of OP T with total prot at most Popt /c. Similarly, there must be some horizontal oset i that crosses a subset of OP T with total prot at most Popt /c. Therefore the union of the cell-optimal solutions for this (i, j) will be within factor (1 1/c)2 1 2/c 1 of the optimal.

3 Although

we focus on the plane, it is easy to extend to a xed higher dimension D.

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Threshold Problem

We now generalize the core problem so that prot may be awarded fractionally, once a threshold is reached. Each mission Mj is still associated with a positive demand value dj and a positive prot value pj . The demand may now be interpreted as the total utility the mission desires. Prot for mission Mj indicates the importance of the mission and is awarded based on the percentage of satised demand, but only if this percentage reaches a satisfaction threshold T ; pj is the maximum prot receivable for mission Mj . The goal is again to maximize total prots. We call this problem Threshold SMD. Threshold-1 SMD (i.e., T = 1) is simply the original problem. The problem instance and goal are dened as follows: Instance: A global threshold T [0, 1] and a weighted bipartite graph G = (S, M, P, D, E), where S = {S1 , ..., Sn } is a collection of sensors and M = {M1 , ..., Mm } is a collection of missions; each mission Mj is associated with a prot {pj } and a demand {di }; each edge in S M has an edge-weight eij indicating utility. Goal: Find a semi-matching F S M (no two chosen edges share the same sensor ), in which j pj (uj ) is maximized, where uj is the total utility received by mission Mj divided by demand dj . The prot functions are dened as follows: pj , if uj 1 (3) pj (uj ) = pj uj , if T uj < 1 0, if uj < T Finally, the IP formulation is the same as the original SMD, except for the objective function:
Maximize: P

pj (uj )

Although the objective function is piecewise linear, it is not concave. In fact, it is neither concave nor convex. Intuitively, the prot function for a single mission is specied by the entire curve in Figure 4(b), as the allocated utility to mission Mj (uj ) (represented by the fraction of met demand) ranges from 0 to innity. In fact, the objective function is only dened from 0 to 1, as a result of the range constraints on the uj variables in the linear program. Since this is a maximization problem with a non-concave objective, standard LP and IP techniques do not directly apply. It is important to note, that if our prot function were concave on the region [T, 1], it need not be concave overall. Although we do not consider them in this article, there are many other prot functions that may warrant study. For the range lying between prot percentages of 0 and 1, natural options include: linear, full prot only for fully met demands, linear only after crossing a threshold, smooth convex (dicult to optimize) and smooth concave (easy to optimize). A more general family of prot functions depends on two thresholds (see Figure 4(c)): before threshold T 1, there is no partial credit; after threshold T 2, full credit is received; in between the two thresholds, the prot function could be piecewise convex, linear, or concave, as the application demands, and the prot values at the extremes of this middle range need not equal the corresponding threshold values. Note, however, that strictly speaking, prot
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Prot (fraction)

Prot (fraction)

Prot (fraction)





Allocated Utility (fraction of demand)

Allocated Utility (fraction of demand)

Allocated Utility (fraction of demand)

(a) Strict

(b) Fractional with threshold Fig. 4. Modeling missions prots

(c) Other functions

functions that go to full prot after crossing a threshold can be ignored without loss of generality, since in this case the threshold is simply a lower demand. The threshold-based problem generalizes both all-or-nothing prots (with T =1) and fully fractional prots (with T =0). When T =1, prot pj is received only for fully satisfying mission Mj (see Figure 4(a)). In this case, the program reduces to an Integer Program (IP) with mission variable constraints uj {0, 1}, which is the strict SMD problem. Treating T as part of the problem instance therefore means that this formulation can only be harder than the original strict version (which was shown to be NP-Complete in Section 3). Intuitively, lowering the threshold should make the problem easier. The problem, however, is NP-Complete even with threshold 0. Proposition 11. Threshold-0 SMD is strongly NP-Complete. Proof. We do a reduction from the 3-Partition problem [Garey and Johnson 1979]. Let A = {a1 , ..., a3m } be a multiset of positive integers with aA a = mS, satisfying S < a < S for each a A. The goal in 3-Partition is to partition the 4 2 set A into m triples so that each triple sums to S. The resulting problem instance has m missions M1 , ..., Mm , with demands d1 = ... = dm = S, unit prots, and 3m sensors corresponding to the elements of A. Set all weights for edges (Si , Mj ), to ai . Then the only way to meet all demands is, by construction, to meet them exactly. Thus the 3-Partition instance has an equal-sum m-partition i in the resulting SMD instance all missions can be fully satised. Finally, it is clear that an assignment that satises all missions can be checked in polynomial time. We now discuss how the greedy algorithm given above in Algorithm 1 adapts to the threshold setting (see Algorithm 3). The algorithm will repeatedly satisfy the most currently protable mission, i.e. the mission that can be satised with the greatest prot, using the currently available sensors. If S S is the set of not-yetassigned sensors (initially S = S) and uj = Si S eij , then the prot currently achievable by mission Mj is pj (uj ). (Of course, it may be that not all sensors are needed to achieve this prot; conversely, if the demand threshold is not met, this prot is 0.) The algorithm repeatedly select a mission Mj of maximum current protability, and then satises it with available sensors (which are removed from S ), in order of decreasing contribution value eij , until either Mj is fully satised or
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Algorithm 3 Greedy Algorithm for Threshold-SMD

while true for each available mission Mj P uj Si unused eij j arg maxj pj (uj ) if pj (uj ) = 0 then break uj 0 for each unused Si in decreasing order of eij if uj dj or eij = 0 then break assign Si to Mj uj = uj + eij

all sensors with non-zero oers to Mj have been used. When there are no remaining missions with non-zero current protability, the algorithm completes. The running time of the algorithm as written is O(n(m + log n)) but it is easy to improve this to O(mn log n) by updating the uj values over time rather than computing them from scratch. This greedy algorithm has the same -approximation performance guarantee. Proposition 12. Algorithm 3 produces a -approximation for the problem. Proof. The proof of Theorem 6 goes through essentially unchanged. When T = 1, this algorithm produces the same result as the simpler greedy algorithm of Algorithm 1. We note that this algorithm also can be given a distributed rounds-based implementation, similar to that for Algorithm 1. The only dierence is that the value each mission broadcasts to its distance 2RS neighbors is now its current protability value, rather than its prot value. For geographic settings with limited sensing range, we can also extend the approximation scheme (PTAS) of the previous subsection to the threshold problem (see [Rowaihy et al. 2007]). Although it is theoretically ecient, we found in our experiments that achieving performance competitive with the greedy algorithms requires an unreasonable time, and so we do not include its results in this article. 4.4 Dynamic Problem Model

We now provide an orthogonal generalization of the original problem in terms of time to model more realistic scenarios in which missions arrive and depart over time. The problem statement is the same, except that now each mission is associated with a start time and an end time. A missions demand and maximum prot are constant over time. Awarded prot for a mission is computed at each discrete timestep, based on the satisfaction level at that instant. Total prot for a mission is simply the sum of the instantaneous prots. We do not require that a missions demand be met over its entire lifetime in order to receive prot. Our prot model is in this sense fractional in terms of time. The dynamic version is thus given by essentially the same mathematical program given above except that each variable now has an additional time index. As a generalization of the static problem, previous hardness results apply also
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to the dynamic version. Indeed, a natural strategy for the dynamic problem is to solve the static problem at each timestep. 5. DISTRIBUTED SOLUTIONS

Although centralized algorithms such as the greedy algorithm and the PTAS discussed in the previous section may provide better solutions to the matching problem due to their global view of the eld, they can be expensive in terms of communication cost. Because a centralized algorithm requires global information about all sensors in the network such as their locations, utilities to the dierent missions and other stats, the number of messages required to be sent to the base station can become very large, especially in dense networks. This communication cost becomes even higher for dynamic environments in which missions arrive and depart at different points in time, requiring the base station to continually gather information about sensors in the eld. To avoid this cost, we consider distributed algorithms to solve the problem. In such an approach, a mission leader is selected for each mission. This should be a sensor that is close to the missions location. Finding the leader can be done using a geographic-based routing techniques such as [Bose et al. 2001] or [Karp and Kung 2000]. (In our simulations, we simply choose the closest unused sensor to serve in this role.) The leaders are informed about the missions demands, prots and locations by the base station. Then they run a local protocol to match nearby sensors to their respective missions. We assume that the contribution a sensor can provide to a mission is a function of the geographic distance between them and hence only nearby sensors are considered. In this section we consider a multi-round proposal algorithm that works on static settings, which we then adapt to dynamic cases. We also propose an energy-aware extension to the dynamic algorithm which helps in prolonging the network lifetime. 5.1 Multi-Round Proposal Algorithm (MRPA)

In this algorithm, each mission leader advertises its mission information (demand, prot and location) to the nearby sensors by means of broadcast. If the advertisement message needs to be sent over multiple hops then neighboring sensors rebroadcast the message so their neighbors can hear it. The number of hops over which the advertisement message is sent depends on the relation between the communication range, which is the maximum distance over which two sensors can communicate, and the sensing range. If the sensing range is larger than the communication range then sensors that are further away should be notied. When a nearby sensor hears such an advertisement message for one or more missions, it sends a single proposal to the mission it perceives to be its best match. The ranking of missions is based on the prot of a mission weighted by the fraction of the missions demand that the sensor can satisfy. Using the notation introduced in Section 3, sensor Si ranks mission Mj according to Bij where Bij = eij /dj pj . The leader, on the other hand, selects proposing sensors in a greedy fashion according to their contribution to the mission. If the leader of a mission does not select a proposing sensor, then in the next round the sensor proposes to the next mission on its list. This algorithm consists of a series of proposal-reply rounds. The more rounds, the better the matching may be. However, as the number of rounds
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Algorithm 4 Multi-Round Proposal For leader of mission Mj : for each round k wait for proposing sensors sort proposing sensors in decreasing order of eij while uj < dj assign the next Si (in sorted order) to Mj uj = uj + eij if Mj s satisfaction level < (k) then release all sensors assigned to Mj For sensor Si : for each round k if Si is unassigned then receive advertisement from all nearby missions ignore any mission already considered j arg maxj Bj = (eij /dj ) pj send proposal to Mj else break

increases, the communication cost grows and we may obtain diminishing returns. Hence, there is a trade-o between solution quality and communication cost. Since our aim is to achieve the highest prot from successful missions, we use a mechanism to prevent missions that will never be fully successful from holding up sensors that can help other missions. In each round, mission leaders assess the satisfaction level of their missions. If the level is not greater than an increasing threshold ((k) for round k) then the mission is assumed to be unattainable and all its sensors are released. The threshold is initialized to a xed value (e.g. 10% satisfaction) and incremented each round (e.g. by 10%). After a sucient number of rounds, it will reach T , the preset value of the success threshold, at which time all missions that are not yet successful release their sensors. The rising threshold therefore yields two benets: increasing the chance that the most satised missions will become fully satised and preventing sensors from spending their energy on missions that will not reach the minimum success threshold (for which we receive no prot). Algorithm 4 summarizes the steps taken by mission leaders. We now analyze the both the runtime complexity and message complexity of Algorithm 4. We assume that the number of sensors is n, number of missions is m and number of rounds is k. The running time for sensor Si is O(km) as in each round a sensor may consider up to m missions. The mission leaders complexity is O(n log n) as in each round the mission leader has to sort up to n proposing sensors and select the best ones but over all the rounds each sensor proposes to a mission at most one time. If we assume that advertisement messages are only broadcast to immediate neighbors, then the message complexity of the algorithm including both sides, the sensor and the mission, is O(m + kn) as we have m
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advertisement messages, O(kn) proposals by sensors and O(n) reply messages from mission leaders. 5.2 Dynamic Proposal Algorithm (DPA)

MRPA is designed to work in the cases in which we have prior knowledge about the missions. The multiple rounds allow it to work well even if there are several missions that compete for the same sensing resources. Since it requires complete knowledge about missions it can also work in an environment that does not need fast response to new missions. An example would be a system that batches together a number of missions and runs the matching algorithm periodically, e.g. every few hours. However, in a fully dynamic setting, the network needs to have a fast response to incoming and outgoing missions. By handling missions as they arrive, we expect to encounter less competition for sensing resources, and so we can opt for a lighterweight algorithm that does not need multiple rounds to complete. We call this algorithm the Dynamic Proposal Algorithm or DPA. As in MRPA each mission has a leader which advertises mission information to nearby sensors. A sensor that hears this announcement can be in one of two states: (1) not assigned, in which case it proposes to the mission with its utility or (2) assigned to a mission, in which case the sensor calculates its eective prot for both missions (which is the Bij value found above) and chooses either to stay with the current mission or to propose to the new mission, depending on which value is higher. So, this algorithm allows a mission to preempt an ongoing mission to increase the overall prot of the network. After the mission leader collects the proposals, it tries rst to satisfy the mission demands with sensors in the not assigned state by greedily picking sensors with highest utility. If these sensors are not sucient, it tries to steal sensors from other ongoing missions, i.e., it chooses from sensors in the assigned state. If the collected utility at that time is at least T , then the mission leader sends assignment messages to the respective sensors which start collecting information to support the mission. If a sensor is selected which preempts an existing mission, the procedure below is followed. Let us say that a new mission, Mj with leader Lj , started in an area close to an ongoing mission, Mk with leader Lk . If a sensor Si that is currently assigned to Mk decides that its contribution will generate better prot if it is assigned to Mj , it noties Lk of its intention. Lk then tries to nd one or more sensors to replace Si . If no such sensor(s) are found, the leader will agree on the reassignment as long as its current satisfaction level does not drop below T , which will cause the mission to fail. If the release of Si will bring the allocated utility to lower than T then the reassignment is temporarily denied. If sensor Si is critical to the new mission Mj , i.e. without it the mission will fail, a second test is performed. If the current prot value of Mj with Si assigned to it is greater than that of Mk , the leader of Mk will release its hold on Si and agree on the reassignment even if it will cause its own mission to fail. The reassignment becomes nal once Si is selected by Mj . Only at that time are the replacement sensor(s) activated. Algorithm 5 summarizes sensor Si s response to the reception of an advertisement message. To reduce both the interruption of ongoing missions and the communication overhead, preemption is limited to one level. That is if mission Mj preempted
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Algorithm 5 Dynamic Proposal For leader of mission Mj : send advertisement of mission Mj sort proposing sesnors in decreasing order of eij while uj < dj assign the next Si (in sorted order) to Mj uj = uj + eij For sensor Si : receive advertisement of mission Mj if Si is not active then propose to Mj with oer eij e else if Si is assigned to Mk with eik pk < dij pj then dk j ask current leader Lk for reassignment propose to Mj with oer eij only if current leader agrees, i.e. if Lk can nd replacements or Mk will still reach its threshold without replacements or Si is critical to Mj and Mj obtains greater prot than Mk if selected for mission Mj then notify leader of Mk to assign replacement(s) else continue operation on Mk

mission Mk , Mk will try to satisfy its demand with only available sensors and will not try to steal sensors that are already assigned. When a mission ends, the leader sends out a message to announce that the mission has ended and all assigned sensors are released. Because the system is dynamic, missions that are not fully satised after the rst assignment process will retry to obtain more sensors after some time. However, they only retry if there will be more available sensors. This can happen in the case when a nearby mission terminates and has its sensors released. This information can either be learned from the base station or by overhearing the message announcing the end of a mission. We now analyze the runtime complexity and message complexity of Algorithm 5. If we assume that the number of sensors is n and number of missions is m, then the running time for sensor Si is O(m) as it may consider up to m missions. The reassignment takes constant time for the sensor. The mission leaders complexity, on the other hand, is O(n log n) as the mission leader has to sort up to n proposing sensors and select the best ones. Again, if we assumes that mission advertisement messages are only broadcast to immediate neighbors, then the message complexity of the algorithm including both sides, the sensor and the mission, is O(m + n) as we have m advertisement messages, O(n) proposals by sensors, and O(n) replies from mission leaders. As the algorithm does not need several rounds to complete, we see a saving of factor k in the number of messages sent by the sensors over MRPA.
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Energy-aware Dynamic Proposal Algorithm (EDPA)

A drawback of DPA is that it does not consider the remaining energy in sensors when making assignment decisions. It selects a sensor based only on the utility it provides. However, the energy level of such a sensor may have been depleted over time and using it for sensing will consume its remaining energy leading to its death. This can happen while other sensors around it that provide lower utility may still have full energy. With this observation, we extend DPA to make it energy-aware and call it the Energy-aware Dynamic Proposal Algorithm (EDPA) Algorithm. EDPA uses information about the proposing sensors current remaining energy level to make better assignment decisions which would ultimately lead to a longer lifetime. Instead of using the utility of a sensor to the mission alone to make assignment decision, EDPA uses a function (f ) of utility (U ) and fraction of remaining energy (E). We dene: f (U, E) = U E (4)

where is a design parameter. If is zero, EDPA becomes DPA and hence only the utility is considered. A higher value of gives more preference to sensors with more remaining energy. To consume energy more evenly among sensors, after the initial assignment, possible sensor candidates for a mission send periodic updates to the leader including their current energy levels. The leader then checks if it has consumed energy unevenly among all sensors that can contribute to the mission. At that time, the leader may choose to change the assignments of sensors by reapplying the decision function f . The periodic updates increase the communication overhead, but as will be shown in Section 6, this increase is not very high. As expected, this algorithm works better in a dense network in which there are many sensors that apply to a mission and hence more choices are available to the leader. 6. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION

To evaluate our algorithms we built a simulator in Java and tested them using randomly generated problem instances. We perform two sets of experiments. For both cases we test and compare the performance of the centralized greedy scheme and the distributed schemes. In the rst set we test the static case. That is, we assume that the entire problem instance, including all sensors and all missions, is given simultaneously. In the second set we consider the dynamic problem in which missions arrive over time and depart after spending a certain amount of time being active. For the dynamic case, we also show how EDPA can use information about remaining energy of sensors to make better selection decisions to improve network lifetime. 6.1 Assumptions

Each mission has a demand, an abstract value of the amount of sensing resources it requires, which is exponentially distributed with an average of 2 and a maximum of 6. Also associated with each mission is a prot value, which measures its importance. The prot is also exponentially distributed, but with an average of 1. This
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simulates common scenarios in which many missions demand few sensing resources and a smaller number demand more resources. The same applies to prot. The prot obtained from a successful mission Mj is equal to pj (uj ) as dened in Section 4.3. We consider a mission successful if it receives at least 50% of its demanded utility from allocated sensors (i.e. T = 0.5). Each sensor can only be assigned to a single mission. The utility that sensor Si provides to mission Mj is dened as a function of the distance Dij between them. Many types sensors exhibit some kind of quality deterioration or signal attenuation based on distance. In order to evaluate their utilities to missions, we assume that all sensors know their geographical locations. Formally, the potential utility contribution is:
1 2 1+Dij /c,

eij =

if Dij RS otherwise



where RS = 30m is the global sensing range. This models typical signal attenuation which is an inverse function of the distance squared. Note that this utility function is only used for testing in our experiments and is not a property of our algorithms; it is not meant to model the exact behavior of any sensor. In our experiments we set c = 60. Sensors are deployed in uniformly random locations in a 400m 400m eld (the base station is located in the center of the left edge). Missions also are created in uniformly random locations in the eld. The communication range of sensors is set to 40m. When sensors are deployed we ensure that the network is connected. If a randomly created instance is not connected, it is discarded by the simulator. As an upper-bound we include the prot results for the optimal fractional solution, described in Section 4. This is the optimal solution for the relaxed fractional problem in which sensors may divide their utility between multiple missions and all fractional prots are counted, regardless of whether the success threshold is reached or not. Our algorithms performance may be judged in comparison to this upper bound. We have also nd the optimal sensor assignments for several congurations. Finally, we assume perfect communication channels with no errors or collisions. Hence, each message is sent only once and its delivery is guaranteed. All messages have the same size and hence only the number is considered when studying the communication overhead. For messages that travel over multiple hops, each hop counts as a single message in the total. When a broadcast message (e.g. mission advertisements by mission leaders or base station) is sent, it is received by all onehop neighboring sensors and so we count it as one. All routing decisions are made based on a pre-congured routing table that follows the shortest path to destination. 6.2 Static Scenarios

6.2.1 Setup. In this experiment all missions occur simultaneously, with the same start and end times. We x the number of sensors in the eld to 500 and vary the number of missions from 10 to 100. In the following results we show the average of 10 runs. For the centralized approaches, we show results for the greedy scheme. Based on the eld size and the sensing range and ignoring the boundaries, the expected
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Achieved Profits (fraction of maximum)


Centralized Greedy 1-Round Proposal 3-Round Proposal 6-Round Proposal

0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 10 Optimal Fractional Centralized Greedy 1-Round Proposal 3-Round Proposal 6-Round Proposal 20 30 40 50 60 70 Number of Missions 80 90 100
Number of Messages

5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of Missions

Fig. 5.

Achieved prots

Fig. 6.

Number of messages

number of sensors within sensing range of a mission is = 8.8. Note that the maximum mission degree dened in Section 4.1 will in general be greater than , and so the greedy approximation guarantee will be at most 1/8.8 11% of the optimal. The approximation ratio achieved empirically by the greedy algorithm is in fact much stronger than this worst-case guarantee. In our experiments, it achieves at least 85% of the optimal, based on a comparison to an upper bound on the optimal solution value. Since such a comparison is necessarily conservative, to gain better insight on the algorithms performance we tested it on several smaller problem instances for which we were able to nd the actual optimal sensor assignments. The dierence in the achieved prots between optimal and greedy was between 0 and 1.2%. Note that, as mentioned in Section 4.3, we do not show the results of the shifting PTAS algorithm because we found that its performance gain over the simple greedy algorithm to be insignicant relative to its very high computational cost. For the distributed approach, we show results for MRPA with one round, three rounds and six rounds. These results illustrate the trade-o between solution quality and communication overhead. The growing threshold for a mission to release sensors in MRPA is set to 10% in the rst round and is increased by 10% for each subsequent round until it reaches T , or 50%. Advertisement messages are sent from mission leaders to all sensors within two hops. 6.2.2 Results. The rst set of results (Figure 5) shows the fraction of the maximum mission prots achieved by the dierent schemes compared to the optimal fractional prots. The maximum prot is the sum of all missions prots. Note that when we create missions we do not guarantee that all of them can be satised by available sensors, i.e. some missions might not be satisable even if all available sensors are assigned to them. This can happen if a mission is located on the edge of the eld with few surrounding sensors, for example. Furthermore, even if each mission is individually satisable, in a sparse network there may not be enough nearby sensors to mutually satisfy all missions. The greedy centralized solution performs best followed by the 6-round proposal. However, its advantage lessens as the density of the sensors increases. For a sameACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. , No. , 20.

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350 300 Number of Assigned Sensors 250 200 150 100 50 0 10

Fraction of Satisfied Missions

Centralized Greedy 1-Round Proposal 3-Round Proposal 6-Round Proposal






0.5 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 Number of Missions

Centralized Greedy 1-Round Proposal 3-Round Proposal 6-Round Proposal 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of Missions

Fig. 7.

Number of assigned sensors

Fig. 8.

Fraction of satised missions

sized eld with 1000 sensors deployed (not shown in the Figures), all the curves except the one-round proposal become nearly aligned. This is expected since there are more sensors that can be assigned to the dierent missions. We note that the improvement in MRPA when going from a single round to 3 rounds is very pronounced. However, the improvement gained when jumping to 6 rounds is less apparent and may not justify the necessary communications overhead. Figure 6 shows the communication overhead of the dierent schemes. As expected, the centralized scheme has the highest overhead. With MRPA, as the number of rounds increase more messages are exchanged. The savings in number of exchanged messages becomes more evident if we consider a dynamic system, in which sensor-mission utility values can change over time. In this case, the centralized scheme needs to collect information about current sensor utility values before running a matching process for each new mission that arrives. Distributed schemes, on the other hand, require the exchange of fewer messages since information about utility values only needs to be sent to the leader of the new mission, which is just a few hops away. As the number of sensors and missions increase, the distributed schemes encounter greater overlap in the areas of local matching, which leads to more exchanged messages. This is true because as densities of sensors and missions increase more sensors can contribute to each mission and at the same time each sensor can contribute to more missions. The number of sensors assigned can be used as a proxy for the amount of energy used (shown in Figure 7). The number of sensors used by the centralized scheme is very close to that of the 6-round proposal scheme. For MRPA, few sensors are assigned if one round is used. This is because this setting does not allow sensors that were rejected in this round to re-propose to other missions. With 3 rounds, the mission leaders release sensors that are not useful which allows these sensors to re-propose to other missions and hence the number of assigned sensors becomes higher. With 6 rounds most of the unused sensors are released which brings the number of the assigned sensors down to about that of the centralized scheme. Note that the schemes do not use all the available sensors even when the number of missions is large. This is because some sensors are not within the sensing range
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0.58 Achieved Profits (fraction of maximum) 0.57 0.56 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.5 0.49 0.48 1

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50 Missions 100 Missions


50 Missions 100 Missions

4000 Number of Messages 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





1500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of Rounds Number of Rounds

Fig. 9.

Achieved prots vs rounds

Fig. 10.

Number of messages vs rounds

of any mission and hence remain idle. When we consider the results in this gure we should take into consideration the achieved prots in Figure 5. For example, even though the centralized greedy algorithm assigns close to 250 sensors when 100 missions are present, it achieves less than 60% of the possible prots. Finally, Figure 8 show the fraction of satised missions for the dierent schemes. Note that our goal is not to maximize this number but rather to achieve the highest prot. The centralized scheme is successful in achieving the highest prot values but not always the largest fraction of satised missions. The 6-round proposal achieves higher fraction when the number of missions is large. This happens because the greedy centralized algorithm assigns sensors to missions in order of prot and hence may stop satisfying missions after a certain point because no sensors are longer available. So, even though the fraction of satised missions is less than that of the 6-round proposal, the amount of prots is higher as more protable missions were picked. Because of its lack of global view, the 6-round proposal algorithm is satisfying more missions but with lower prots. Between the three multi-round schemes tested, there is a signicant increase in the fraction of satised missions between one round and three rounds and less improvement between three rounds and six rounds. From the above results, we see that the distributed schemes perform well. The dierence in achieved prot values compared to the centralized scheme we tested is less than 8%. At the same time, it saves as much as 50% of the messages. 6.2.3 Number of rounds. To study the eect of the number of rounds in MRPA, we x the number of sensors to 500 and perform two experiments with 50 and 100 missions. Figure 9 shows the relation between achieved prots and number of rounds. As can be expected, achieved prots initially increase with the number of rounds. However, the additional gains beyond 8 rounds is small since by that time all attainable missions have reached their success threshold. Figure 10 shows the communication overhead which increases linearly with the number of rounds.
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Achieved Prot (fractoion of Maximum)






Optimal Fractional Centralized Distributed

0 0.20.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





Time (seconds)

Fig. 11.
Achieved Prot (fractoion of Maximum)

Trace of network performance ( = 3 missions/hr)





Optimal Fractional Centralized Distributed

50000 60000 70000 80000

Time (seconds)

Fig. 12. 6.3

Trace of network performance ( = 6 missions/hr)

Dynamic Scenarios

6.3.1 Setup. Now we show the performance of our distributed proposal scheme in a dynamic setting in which missions arrive over time. The same aforementioned assumptions apply here. Moreover, we assume that missions arrive according to a Poisson distribution. The mission lifetimes are selected according to an exponential distribution with an average lifetime of one hour and a maximum of four hours. The exponential distribution is heavy-tailed which models realistic scenarios in which there are many short-lived missions and few long-lived ones. Although a centralized scheme is impractical in dynamic scenarios, due to high communication cost, we include its results to measure the performance of the distributed scheme. We assume that the centralized scheme is rerun for each mission arrival and departure. 6.3.2 Results. We compare the performance of DPA to results achieved by the greedy centralized scheme and the optimal fractional solution. Figures 11 and 12 show a trace of the achieved network prots during a period of 12 hours for arrival rate, = 3 missions/hour and 6 missions/hour respectively with a network of 500 sensors. We start the simulation at time zero and start recording the trace after 10 hours. As can be seen from the gures, the performance of DPA, which utilizes local information about missions, is very close to that of the centralized scheme. Figures 13 and 14 show the average performance over a period of 50 hours (averaged over 10 runs) for a network with 500 sensors and 1000 sensors. Figure 13 shows the average achieved prots per unit of time (fraction of maximum) as the mission arrival rate is varied. We see that both the centralized and DPA perform almost equally. Note that, as expected, with a larger number of sensors the network can achieve higher prots. The communication overhead of DPA is shown in Figure 14. The number of
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. , No. , 20.


0.95 Achieved Profits (fraction of maximum) 0.9

ROWAIHY et al.

40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Arrival Rate (missions/hour) 7 8 1 2

0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6

Centralized (1000 nodes) Distributed (1000 nodes) Centralized (500 nodes) Distributed (500 nodes)

Number of Messages


1000 nodes 500 nodes 3 4 5 6 Arrival Rate (missions/hour) 7 8

Fig. 13. Avg. achieved prots (per unit Fig. 14. Number of exchanged messages of time) in period of 50 hours in period of 50 hours

95 90 85 Network Lifetime (hr) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0 1 2 3 1000 nodes 500 nodes 4 5 Total Raw Profits (in millions)





1 1000 nodes 500 nodes 0 1 2 3 4 5


Fig. 15. Network lifetime (in hours) us- Fig. 16. Total raw prots using EDPA ing EDPA messages grows linearly as the number of missions in the network increases. We do not show number of messages for the centralized scheme as this value will be very large compared to DPA. For each mission arrival and departure, the base station needs to collect information from all sensors that can contribute to the arriving mission to get status updates. The average number of messages exchanged per mission is around 40 for 500 sensors and 80 for 1000 sensors. This includes all the messages needed to advertise the mission and make all the assignment decisions including reassignments. 6.3.3 Network Lifetime. Figures 15-17 show the results for EDPA in a network a network of 500 sensors and 1000 sensors (average of 10 runs). The mission arrival rate is set to 6 missions/hour. All sensors start with energy to support 10 hours of continues sensing. We consider only energy consumed for sensing. Sensor reassignment is performed every 20 minutes to balance energy consumption. Choosing a smaller period may yield a more uniform assignment but will have a larger communication overhead.
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Sensor-Mission Assignment in Wireless Sensor Networks


130 Number of Messages per Attempted Mission 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 1 2 3 1000 nodes 500 nodes 4 5

Fig. 17.

Messages per mission using EDPA

We dene the network lifetime as the time until the rst sensor dies. Figure 15 shows the lifetime of the network for dierent values of , a parameter used to control dependence on remaining energy. Recall that when = 0, EDPA becomes DPA. The results show that when EDPA is used, network lifetime increases by 50% and 70%, for networks with 500 sensors and 1000 sensors, respectively. The increase is notable when goes from 0 to 1, i.e when we start taking energy into account. After that point, the increase in lifetime is not very pronounced. The denser the network the more options the assignment scheme has and hence it is able to achieve longer lifetime. Figure 16 shows the total achieved prots (sum of prot in every second during lifetime) for the dierent values of . This can be thought of as the area under the curves for the two schemes shown in Figures 11 and 12. As expected, the prots increase when lifetime increases. But when there are more sensors the prot increase in more prominent due to the longer lifetime and the fact that more sensors allows for more satisfaction for missions. Due to periodic updates, the communication overhead increases when EDPA is used ( > 0). Figure 17 shows the average number of messages per each attempted mission. We see an average increase of around 50% for both network sizes. Although the percentage increase may seem high, the actual number of exchanged messages per mission (around 60 for 500 sensors and 120 for 1000 sensors) is relatively small, especially if we consider that this number includes all the messages exchanged to setup a mission and is amortized over its lifetime. 7. CONCLUSION

In this article, we introduced a sensor-mission matching problem. We analyzed its complexity, dened constrained versions, and presented approximation algorithms for them. We showed that it is strongly NP-hard, even in the special case of zero success threshold. As such, we turned to approximation algorithms and heuristics. We considered a greedy centralized algorithm and several distributed schemes, which we then adapted to the dynamic setting. Our simulation results demonstrate that in spite of the theoretical diculty, under realistic conditions the greedy algorithm performs near-optimally and the distributed schemes perform almost as well.
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In our algorithms and experiments, we make the simplifying assumption that utilities from dierent sensors can be combined additively. Clearly this assumption applies to some but far from all settings. Building on the work presented here, we are currently investigating joint utility functions in which the combined utility of multiple sensors could be either greater than or less than the sum of the individual utilities. The joint utility setting is more complex and will require substantially revised algorithms. The algorithms presented here represent a rst step towards a solution to this more general problem, but we also believe the additive utility setting is interesting in its own right. In the future, we also plan to perform additional experiments, using real-world data from applications in which additivity or similarly assumptions apply.

This research was sponsored by US Army Research laboratory and the UK Ministry of Defence and was accomplished under Agreement Number W911NF-06-3-0001. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the ocial policies, either expressed or implied, of the US Army Research Laboratory, the US Government, the UK Ministry of Defence, or the UK Government. The US and UK Governments are authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation hereon. We would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
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