A Study On Employee Motivation Parvez

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Management is the art of getting things done by others. Getting work done is a difficult task. It is a related to human behavior. The success of any organization depends upon the behavior and interest of the employees. The organizational goals are achieved through the right direction of human behavior in a desired manner before guiding or directing the employees, the reasons for such behaviors should be identified. The management can strategically motivate the employees based on such reasons. Motivation is an Latin word, meaning to move the purpose of motivation is to create conditions in which people are willing to work with zeal, initiative, interest and enthusiasm, with a high personal and group motivation satisfaction, with a sense of responsibility, loyalty and discipline and with pride and confidence in a most cohesive manner so that the goals of an organization are achieved effectively. A fair making plans and having an appropriate structure to achieve the goals, the manager is required to get people to work. Motivation is that desire or feeling within an individual which prompts him to action. Every individual has needs and desires which are called motives and which inspire his or her behavior towards achievement of some objectives. An element which forces an individual to put his energy, efforts, knowledge and skills to perform things in a particular way is called motivation. The managers role is to influence each individuals behaviors and action towards achievement of organizational objectives.

Every human behavior has some of activity physical or mental. The question is what activity an individual wills undertake at any point of time. Some time people know exactly why they do things but mostly they do thing in subconscious. The primary task of manager is to get people to contribute to achieve the goals of an enterprise. In order to guide peoples activities, the manger must know what leads people to do things, what motivates them. Human motives are based on certain need which may be primary or secondary need may vary in their intensity according to situation and time. The management must study these needs, try to understand their intensity, and have the responsibility to satisfy them in order to push them to work. The project work entitled An analytical study on employees motivation affecting their efficiency with special reference to Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna is mainly conducted to identify the factors which will motivate the employees and the organizational functions in Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna. Managements basic job is the effective utilization of human resources for achievements of organizational objectives. The personnel management is concerned with organizing human resources in such a way to get maximum output to the enterprise and to develop the talent of people at work to the fullest satisfaction. Motivation implies that one person, in organization context a manager, includes another, say an employee, to engage in action by ensuring that a channel to satisfy those needs and aspirations becomes available to the person. In addition to this, the strong needs in a direction that is satisfying to the latent needs in employees and harness them in a manner that would be functional for the organization. Employee motivation is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinates or to create the will to work among the subordinates. It should also be remembered that a worker may be immensely capable of doing some work; nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work. A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Hence this studies also focusing on the employee motivation among the employees of

Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna. The data needed for the study has been collected from the employees through questionnaires and through direct interviews. Analysis and interpretation has been done by using the statistical tools and datas are presented through tables and charts. 1.2 RESEARCH PROBLEMThe research problem here in this study is associated with the motivation of employees of Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of motivation; some of these factors include 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The level of pay and benefits, The perceived fairness of promotion system within a company, Quality of the working conditions, Leadership and social relationships, Employee recognition Job security Career development opportunities etc.

Motivated employees are a great asset to any organization. It is because the motivation and Job satisfaction is clearly linked. Hence this study is focusing on the employee motivation in the organization. 1.3 Importance of Motivation Motivation is an important function of personnel management because management of personal means getting the work done by the people to achieve the organizational objective motivation is one of the methods to induce the man on the job to get the work done effectively to have the best results towards the common objectives. Explaining the importance of motivation, E.F.L. Brechment action and in its executive from, it is among chief tasks of general manager. We may safely lay it down that the tone of an organization is a reflection of the motivation from the job. Performance = ability x motivation (willingness)

Administrative action loses its points unless the members of the organization are willing to contribute their efforts for the fulfillment of their assigned tasks. Motivation is necessary for the better performance.

Maximum utilization of factors of production. Willingness to work. Reduce absenteeism Reduce labor turnover A availability of right person Building of good labor relations. Increase in the efficiency and output. Sense of belonging. Basis of co-operation. Help in realizing organizational goals. Improvement upon skill and knowledge. The study is intended to evaluate motivation of employees in the organization. A good motivational program procedure is essential to achieve goal of the organization. If efficient motivational programs of employees are made not only in this particular organization but also any other organization; the organizations can achieve the efficiency also to develop a good organizational culture. Motivation has variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an individuals physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism and turnover. Employee delight has to be managed in more than one way. This helps in retaining and nurturing the true believers who can deliver value to the organization. Proliferating and nurturing the number of true believers is the challenge for future and present HR managers. 1 HRM Review (The ICFI University Press) July 20084

This means innovation and creativity. It also means a change in the gear for HR polices and practices. The faster the organizations nurture their employees, the more successful they will be. The challenge before HR managers today is to delight their employees and nurture their creativity to keep them a bloom. This study helps the researcher to realize the importance of effective employee motivation. This research study examines types and levels of employee motivational programs and also discusses management ideas that can be utilized to innovate employee motivation. It helps to provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for organizations that are both providing and using reward/recognition programs. RationaleAlthough faced with the limitations mentioned a sincere effort was made to minimize these limitations. I have tried my best to accomplish the primary objective as well as the secondary objective of my study. My project remained within the framework of scientific study as I opted sample method for my project. I made use of two scientific tools that are questionnaire and interviews for collecting the data. Field investigation and interviews were done personally. As regards to the study the questionnaire was formulated systematically and in scientific manner so as to cover all aspects of the subject and to obtain accurate data from the respondents. The analysis were made on the data given by the employees whom when contacted were ready to give their response and other valuable information. Thus the interpretation and analysis of the data will fully justify the report prepared and the same can be considered as a genuine one. The effect of motivation of employee on their productivity is very important so to identify all the facts and relationship or association between satisfaction of human needs, their motivation and productivity I carry out the present study. This project work helped me to increase my practical knowledge othe4 management field.

1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe research selects this topic name as A study on the employees motivation affecting theirs efficiency for the survey research work to study the following objectives. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15. 16. 17. To study the effect of motivation on productivity, job satisfaction and work performance of employees. To identify the factors affecting the attitudes as well as the motivation of an employee. To study the behavioral factors affecting motivation. To increase in productivity. To reduce dispute among workers. To maintain employee employer relation. To improve employees performance. To reduce the wastage. To develop the internal ability of individual. To obtain the job satisfaction through motivation. To reduce the tiredness To promote the industrial relations. To study the important factors which are needed to motivate the employees. To study the effect of monetary and non-monetary benefits provided by the Organization on the employees performance. To study the effect of job promotions on employees. To learn the employees satisfaction on the interpersonal relationship exists in the organization. To provide the practical suggestion for the improvement of organizations performance. 1.5 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS-

1. There is definite relationship between motivation and productivity low motivation can never resulting high production for long period. 2. When there is high motivation there is job satisfaction. 3. High motivation results into high performance. 4. There is great contribution of motivation of workers in organizational development. If the motivation of employee is remain high product it will be also high and vice versa if the motivation remains low productivity will be also low. It has been pointed out that these are little evidence in the available literature that employee attitudes bear any relationship to performance on the job. It is difficult to say if motivation and work performance is related, some employees do indeed work harder when they are more satisfied with their pay, with the job itself, with working conditions etc. Contrary to this, there are some persons whose performance starts to decline because the incentive is gone. Employees for whom motivation and performance are more or less unrelated but is true that high satisfaction leader to high performance. Second thing also important that it the worker have a personal interested in that job it leads to high performance. A hypothesis is a preliminary or tentative explanation or postulate by the researcher of what the researcher considers the outcome of an investigation will be. It is an informed/educated guess. It indicates the expectations of the researcher regarding certain variables. It is the most specific way in which an answer to a problem can be stated. Research hypotheses are the specific testable predictions made about the independent and dependent variables in the study. Hypotheses are couched in terms of the particular independent and dependent variables that are going to be used in the study. The research hypothesis of this study is as follows.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between incentives and employees performance. Ho: There is no significant relationship between career development opportunities and the extent of employee motivation Ho: There is no significant relationship between performance appraisal system and the extent of motivation. Ho: There is no significant relationship between interpersonal relationship in the organization and extent of motivation. 1.6 RESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch is a systematic method of finding solutions to problems. It is essentially an investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge. According to Clifford woody, research comprises of defining and redefining problem, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data, reaching conclusions, testing conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated Hypothesis2 1.6.1 Sampling Design. Kothari C R. Research Methodology-Methods & Techniques-2nd revised edition (2007) New Age International Publishers- New Delhi. A sample design is a finite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. Simple random sampling is used for this study. 1.6.2 UniverseThe universe chooses for the research study is the employees of Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna. 1.6.3 Sample SizeNumber of the sampling units selected from the population is called the size of the sample. Sample of 50 respondents were obtained from the population. 1.6.4 Sampling Procedure8

The procedure adopted in the present study is probability sampling, which is also known as chance sampling. Under this sampling design, every item of the frame has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. 1.6.5 Methods of Data CollectionThe datas were collected through Primary and secondary sources. Primary SourcesPrimary data are in the form of raw material to which statistical methods are applied for the purpose of analysis and interpretations. The primary sources are discussion with employees, datas collected through questionnaire. Secondary SourcesSecondary datas are in the form of finished products as they have already been treated statistically in some form or other. The secondary data mainly consists of data and information collected from records, company websites and also discussion with the management of the organization. Secondary data was also collected from journals, magazines and books. 1.6.6 Nature of ResearchDescriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how. Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research cannot be used to create a causal relationship, where one variable affects another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement for internal validity. 1.6.7 QuestionnaireA well defined questionnaire that is used effectively can gather information on both overall performance of the test system as well as information on specific components of the system. A defeated questionnaire was carefully prepared and specially numbered. The questions were arranged in proper order, in accordance with the relevance. 1.6.8 Nature of Questions Asked9

The questionnaire consists of open ended, dichotomous, rating and ranking questions. 1.6.9 Pre-testing A pre-testing of questionnaire was conducted with 10 questionnaires, which were distributed and all of them were collected back as completed questionnaire. On the basis of doubts raised by the respondents the questionnaire was redialed to its present form. 1.6.10 Sample A finite subset of population, selected from it with the objective of investigating its properties called a sample. A sample is a representative part of the population. A sample of 50 respondents in total has been randomly selected. The response to various elements under each questions were totaled for the purpose of various statistical testing. 1.6.11. Variables of the StudyThe direct variable of the study is the employee motivation indirect variables are the incentives, interpersonal relations, career development opportunities and performance appraisal system. 1.6.12. Presentation of Data. The data are presented through charts and tables. 1.6.13. Tools and Techniques for Analysis. Correlation is used to test the hypothesis and draw inferences.


CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Resins Liker has called motivation as the core of management. Motivation is the core of management. Motivation is an effective instrument in the hands of the management in inspiring the work force .It is the major task of every manager to motivate his subordinate or to create the will to work among the subordinates .It should also be remembered that the worker may be immensely capable of doing some work, nothing can be achieved if he is not willing to work .creation of a will to work is motivation in simple but true sense of term. Motivation is an important function which very manager performs for actuating the people to work for accomplishment of objectives of the organization .Issuance of well conceived instructions and orders does not mean that they will be followed .A manager has to make appropriate use of motivation to enthuse the employees to follow them. Effective motivation succeeds not only in having an order accepted but also in gaining a determination to see that it is executed efficiently and effectively. In order to motivate workers to work for the organizational goals, the managers must determine the motives or needs of the workers and provide an environment in which appropriate incentives are available for their satisfaction .If the management is successful in doing so; it will also be successful in increasing the willingness of the workers to work. This will increase efficiency and effectiveness of the organization .There will be better utilization of resources and workers abilities and capacities. 2.1 The concept of motivation The word motivation has been derived from motive which means any idea, need or emotion that prompts a man in to action. Whatever may be the behavior of man, there is some stimulus behind it .Stimulus is dependent upon the motive of the person concerned. Motive can be known by studying his needs and desires.

There is no universal theory that can explain the factors influencing motives which control mans behavior at any particular point of time. In general, the different motives operate at different times among different people and influence their behaviors. The process of motivation studies the motives of individuals which cause different type of behavior. 2.2 Definition of MotivationAccording to Edwin B Flippo, Motivation is the process of attempting to influence others to do their work through the possibility of gain or reward. 2.3 Significance of MotivationMotivation involves getting the members of the group to pull weight effectively, to give their loyalty to the group, to carry out properly the purpose of the organization. The following results may be expected if the employees are properly motivated. 1. The workforce will be better satisfied if the management provides them with opportunities to fulfill their physiological and psychological needs. The workers will cooperate voluntarily with the management and will contribute their maximum towards the goals of the enterprise. 2. Workers will tend to be as efficient as possible by improving upon their skills and knowledge so that they are able to contribute to the progress of the organization. This will also result in increased productivity. 3. 4. The rates of labors turnover and absenteeism among the workers will be low. There will be good human relations in the organization as friction among the workers themselves and between the workers and the management will decrease. 5. The number of complaints and grievances will come down. Accident will also be low.



There will be increase in the quantity and quality of products. Wastage and scrap will be less. Better quality of products will also increase the public image of the business.

2.4 Motivation Process1. Identification of need 2. Tension 3. Course of action 4. Result Positive/Negative 5. Feed back 2.5 Theories of MotivationUnderstanding what motivated employees and how they were motivated was the focus of many researchers following the publication of the Hawthorne study results (Terpstra, 1979). Six major approaches that have led to our understanding of motivation are Mcclellands Achievement Need Theory, Behavior Modification theory; Abraham H Mallows need hierarchy or Deficient theory of motivation. J.S. Adams Equity Theory, Vrooms Expectation Theory, Two factor Theory. 2.5.1 McClellands Achievement Need TheoryAccording to McClellands there are three types of needs; Need for AchievementThis need is the strongest and lasting motivating factor. Particularly in case of persons who satisfy the other needs. They are constantly pre occupied with a desire for improvement and lack for situation in which successful outcomes are directly correlated with their efforts. They set more difficult but achievable goals for themselves because success with easily achievable goals hardly provides a sense of achievement. Need for Power13

It is the desire to control the behavior of the other people and to manipulate the Surroundings. Power motivations positive applications results in domestic leadership style, while it negative application tends autocratic style. Need for affiliationIt is the related to social needs and creates friendship. This results in formation of informal groups or social circle. 2.5.2 Behavioral Modification Theory: According to this theory people behavior is the outcome of favorable and unfavorable past circumstances. This theory is based on learning theory. Skinner conducted his researches among rats and school children. He found that stimulus for desirable behavior could be strengthened by rewarding it at the earliest. In the industrial situation, this relevance of this theory may be found in the installation of financial and non financial incentives. More immediate is the reward and stimulation or it motivates it. Withdrawal of reward incase of low standard work may also produce the desired result. However, researches show that it is generally more effective to reward desired behavior than to punish undesired behavior. 2.5.3 Abraham H Maslow Need Hierarchy or Deficient theory of Motivation. The intellectual basis for most of motivation thinking has been provided by behavioral scientists, A.H Maslow and Frederick Heizberg, whose published works are the Bible of Motivation. Although Maslow himself did not apply his theory to industrial situation, it has wide impact for beyond academic circles. Douglous Mac Gregor has used Maslows theory to interpret specific problems in personnel administration and industrial relations. The crux of Maslows theory is that human needs are arranged in hierarchy composed of five categories. The lowest level needs are physiological and the highest levels are the self actualization needs. Maslow starts with the formation that man is a wanting animal with a hierarchy of needs of which some are lower ins scale and

some are in a higher scale or system of values. As the lower needs are satisfied, higher needs emerge. Higher needs cannot be satisfied unless lower needs are fulfilled. A satisfied need is not a motivator. This resembles the standard economic theory of diminishing returns. The hierarchy of needs at work in the individual is today a routine tool of personnel trade and when these needs are active, they act as powerful conditioners of behavior- as Motivators. Hierarchy of needs; the main needs of men are five. They are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, ego needs and self actualization needs, as shown in order of their importance. Fig (2.1) The above five basic needs are regarded as striving needs which make a person do things. The first model indicates the ranking of different needs. The second is more helpful in indicating how the satisfaction of the higher needs is based on the satisfaction of lower needs. It also shows how the number of person who has experienced the fulfillment of the higher needs gradually tapers off. Physiological or Body Needs: - The individual move up the ladder responding first to the physiological needs for nourishment, clothing and shelter. These physical needs must be equated with pay rate, pay practices and to an extent with physical condition of the job. Safety: - The next in order of needs is safety needs, the need to be free from danger, either from other people or from environment. The individual want to assured, once his bodily needs are satisfied, that they are secure and will continue to be satisfied for foreseeable feature. The safety needs may take the form of job security, security against disease, misfortune, old age etc as also against industrial injury. Such needs are generally met by safety laws, measure of social security, protective labor laws and collective agreements. Self15

Actualization Ego Needs Social Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs Social needs: - Going up the scale of needs the individual feels the desire to work in a cohesive group and develop a sense of belonging and identification with a group. He feels the need to love and be loved and the need to belong and be identified with a group. In a large organization it is not easy to build up social relations, However close relationship can be built up with at least some fellow workers. Every employee wants too feel that he is wanted or accepted and that he is not an alien facing a hostile group. Ego or Esteem Needs: - These needs are reflected in our desire for status and recognition, respect and prestige in the work group or work place such as is conferred by the recognition of ones merit by promotion, by participation in management and by fulfillment of workers urge for self expression. Some of the needs relate to ones esteem e.g.; need for achievement, self confidence, knowledge, competence etc. On the job, this means praise for a job but more important it means a feeling by employee that at all times he has the respect of his supervisor as a person and as a contributor to the organizational goals. Self realization or Actualization needs: - This upper level need is one which when satisfied provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for organization that are both providing and using reward/recognition programs makes the employee give up the dependence on others or on the environment. He becomes growth oriented, self oriented, directed, detached and creative. This need reflects a state defined in terms of the extent to which an individual attains his personnel goal. This is the need which totally lies within oneself and there is no demand from any external situation or person.

2.5.4 J.S Adams Equity TheoryEmployee compares her/his job inputs outcome ratio with that of reference. If the employee perceives inequity, she/he will act to correct the inequity: lower productivity, reduced quality, increased absenteeism, voluntary resignation. 2.5.5 Vrooms Expectation TheoryVrooms theory is based on the belief that employee effort will lead to performance and performance will lead to rewards (Vroom, 1964). Reward may be either positive or negative. The more positive the reward the more likely the employee will be highly motivated. Conversely, the more negative the reward the less likely the employee will be motivated. 2.5.6 Two Factor TheoryDouglas McGregor introduced the theory with the help of two views; X assumptions are conservative in style Assumptions are modern in style. X Theory Individuals inherently dislike work. People must be coerced or controlled to do work to achieve the objectives. People prefer to be directed Y Theory People view work as being as natural as play and rest

People will exercise self direction and control towards achieving objectives they are committed to

People learn to accept and seek responsibility. 2.6 Types of Motivation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure, they think it is important, or

they feel that what they are learning is morally significant. Extrinsic motivation comes into play when a student is compelled to do something or act a certain way because of factors external to him or her (like money or good grades) 2.7 Incentives An incentive is something which stimulates a person towards some goal. It activates human needs and creates the desire to work. Thus, an incentive is a means of motivation. In organizations, increase in incentive leads to better performance and vice versa. 2.7.1 Need for Incentives Man is a wanting animal. He continues to want something or other. He is never fully satisfied. If one need is satisfied, the other need arises. In order to motivate the employees, the management should try to satisfy their needs. For this purpose, both financial and non financial incentives may be used by the management to motivate the workers. Financial incentives or motivators are those which are associated with money. They include wages and salaries, fringe benefits, bonus, retirement benefits etc. Non financial motivators are those which are not associated with monetary rewards. They include intangible incentives like ego-satisfaction, self-actualization and responsibility. INCENTIVES Financial Incentives Non-financial incentives Wages and Salaries. - Competition Bonus - Group recognition Medical reimbursement - Job security Insurance - Praise Housing facility - Knowledge of result Retirement benefits. - Workers participation. Suggestion system. Opportunities for growth

2.8 Motivation is the key to performance improvementThere is an old saying you can take a horse to the water but you cannot force it to drink; it will drink only if it's thirsty - so with people. They will do what they want to do or otherwise motivated to do. Whether it is to excel on the workshop floor or in the 'ivory tower' they must be motivated or driven to it, either by themselves or through external stimulus. Are they born with the self-motivation or drive? Yes and no. If no, they can be motivated, for motivation is a skill which can and must be learnt. This is essential for any business to survive and succeed. Performance is considered to be a function of ability and motivation, thus: Job performance =f (ability)(motivation) Ability in turn depends on education, experience and training and its improvement is a slow and long process. On the other hand motivation can be improved quickly. There are many options and an uninitiated manager may not even know where to start. As a guideline, there are broadly seven strategies for motivation. There are broadly seven strategies for motivation. Positive reinforcement / high expectations Effective discipline and punishment Treating people fairly Satisfying employees needs Setting work related goals Restructuring jobs Base rewards on job performance Essentially, there is a gap between an individuals actual state and some desired state and the manager tries to reduce this gap. Motivation is, in effect, a means to reduce and manipulate this gap.


CHAPTER-3 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE Asbestos is a group of minerals with long, thin fibrous crystals. The word "asbestos" is derived from a Greek adjective meaning inextinguishable. The Greeks termed asbestos the "miracle mineral" because of its soft and pliant properties, as well as its ability to withstand heat. Asbestos became increasingly popular among manufacturers and builders in the late 19th century due to its resistance to heat, electricity and chemical damage, its sound absorption and tensile strength. When asbestos is used for its resistance to fire or heat, the fibres are often mixed with cement or woven into fabric or mats. Asbestos was used in some products for its heat resistance, and in the past was used on electric oven and hotplate wiring for its electrical insulation at elevated temperature, and in buildings for its flame retardant and insulating properties, tensile strength, flexibility, and resistance to chemicals. The main product ASBESTOS CEMENT SHEET is primarily a cement based product were about 10-15% asbestos fibre is needed to reinforce the cement is weather proof, even through it absorbs moisture, the water will not pass through the product. Asbestos cement is used for corrugated sheets, slates, flat sheet for animal pens, cladding molded fitting, water system rain water gutters, down pipes, under ground pipes and sewer pipes, skills, chalkboards. Most of the asbestos consumed globally is chrysalides. Russia, Kazakhstan is major producers of asbestos. The studies across the globe had not found any increased risk of carrier to the workers even at the levels of fibre/cubic centimeter, whereas the Indian chrysalides cement industry works well bellow 0.5 fibre/cubic centimeters.

3.1.1 Historic usage


Asbestos was named by the ancient Greeks who also recognized certain hazards of the material. The Greek geographer Strabo and the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder noted that the material damaged lungs of slaves who wove it into cloth. Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, is said to have had a tablecloth made of asbestos. Wealthy Persians, who bought asbestos imported over the Hindu Kush, amazed guests by cleaning the cloth by simply exposing it to fire. According to Biruni in his book of Gems, any cloths made of asbestos were called shastakeh. Some of the Persians believed the fibre was fur from an animal named samandar that lived in fire and died when exposed to water. Some archeologists believe that ancients made shrouds of asbestos, wherein they burned the bodies of their kings, in order to preserve only their ashes, and prevent their being mixed with those of wood or other combustible materials commonly used in funeral pyres. Others assert that the ancients used asbestos to make perpetual wicks for sepulchral or other lamps. In more recent centuries, asbestos was indeed used for this purpose. Although asbestos causes skin to itch upon contact, ancient literature indicates that it was prescribed for diseases of the skin, and particularly for the itch. It is possible that they used the term asbestos for alumen plumosum, because the two terms have often been confused throughout history. Asbestos became more widespread during the industrial revolution; in the 1860s it was used as insulation in the U.S. and Canada. Development of the first commercial asbestos mine began in 1879 in the Appalachian foothills of Quebec. By the mid 20th century uses included fire retardant coatings, concrete, bricks, pipes and fireplace cement, heat, fire, and acid resistant gaskets, pipe insulation, ceiling insulation, fireproof drywall, flooring, roofing, lawn furniture, and drywall joint compound. Approximately 100,000 people in the United States have died, or will die, from asbestos exposure related to ship building. In the Hampton Roads area, a shipbuilding center, mesothelioma occurrence is seven times the national rate. Thousands of metric tons of asbestos were used in World War II ships to wrap the pipes, line the boilers, and

cover engine and turbine parts. There were approximately 4.3 million shipyard workers in the United States during WWII; for every thousand workers about fourteen died of mesothelioma and an unknown number died from asbestosis. Asbestos fibres were once used in automobile brake pads and shoes. Since the mid-1990s, a majority of brake pads, new or replacement, have been manufactured instead with linings made of ceramic, carbon, metallic and Aramid fibre (Twaron or Kevlarthe same materialused in bullet-proof vests). Kent, the first filtered cigarette on the market, used crocidolite asbestos in its "Micronite" filter from 1952 to 1956. The first documented death related to asbestos was in 1906. In the early 1900s researchers began to notice a large number of early deaths and lung problems in asbestos mining towns. The first diagnosis of asbestosis was made in England in 1924.By the 1930s, England regulated ventilation and made asbestosis an excusable work related disease, about ten years sooner than the U.S. The term Mesothelioma was not used in medical literature until 1931, and was not associated with asbestos until sometime in the 1940s. The United States government and asbestos industry have been criticized for not acting quickly enough to inform the public of dangers, and to reduce public exposure. In the late 1970s court documents proved that asbestos industry officials knew of asbestos dangers and tried to conceal them. In Japan, particularly after World War II, asbestos was used in the manufacture of ammonium sulphate for purposes of rice production, sprayed upon the ceilings, iron skeletons, and walls of railroad cars and buildings (during the 1960s), and used for energy efficiency reasons as well. Production of asbestos in Japan peaked in 1974 and went through ups and downs until about 1990, when production began to drop severely.

3.1.2 Commercially available roofing materials


The weather proofing material is the topmost or outermost layer, exposed to the weather. Many different kinds of materials have been used as weather proofing material:

Thatch is roofing made of plant stalks in overlapping layers. Wheat Straw, widely used in England, France and other parts of Europe. Sea grass, used in coastal areas where there are estuaries such as Scotland. Has a longer life than straw. Claimed to have a life in excess of 60 years.

Shingles, called shakes in North America. Shingles is the generic term for a roofing material that is in many overlapping sections, regardless of the nature of the material. The word is also used specifically to denote shingles made of wood.

Red cedar . Life expectancy, up to 30 years. However, young growth red cedar has a short life expectancy. High cost. Should be allowed to breathe.

Hardwood. Very durable roofing found in Colonial Australian architecture, its use now limited to restorations. Slate. High cost with a life expectancy of up to 200 years. Slate cleaves into thin sheets, making it much lighter than concrete tiles, though heavier than sheet steel and other light roof coverings.

Stone slab. Heavy stone slabs (not to be confused with slate) 1"-2" thick were formerly used as roofing tiles in some regions in England. Stone slabs require a very heavyweight roof structure, but their weight makes them storm proof. An obsolete roofing material.

Ceramic tile. High cost, life of more then 100 years. Imbrex and tegula, style dating back to ancient Greece and Rome. Metal shakes or shingles. Long life. High cost, suitable for roofs of 3/12 pitch or greater. Because of the flexibility of metal, they can be manufactured to lock together, giving durability and reducing assembly time.


Mechanically seamed metal. Long life. High cost, suitable for roofs of low pitch such as 0.5/12 to 3/12 pitch. Concrete, usually reinforced with fibres of some sort. Concrete tiles require a stronger roof structure than slate, as some owners have found to their cost.

Asphalt shingle, made of bitumen embedded in an organic or fibreglass mat, usually covered with colored, man-made ceramic grit. Cheaper than slate or tiles. Various life span expectancies.

Asbestos shingles. Very long lifespan, fireproof and low cost but now rarely used because of health concerns. Membrane. Membrane roofing is in large sheets, generally fused in some way at the joints to form a continuous surface. Thermosetting plastic (e.g. EPDM rubber). Synthetic rubber sheets adhered together with contact adhesive or tape. Primary application is big box store with large open areas and little vertical protrusions.

Thermoplastic (e.g. PVC, TPO, CSPE). Plastic sheets welded together with hot air creating one continuous sheet membrane Can be rewelded with the exception of CSPE. Lends itself well to both big box and small roof application because of its hot air weld ability.

Modified bitumen - heat welded, asphalt adhered or installed with adhesive. Asphalt is mixed with polymers such as APP or SBS, then applied to fibreglass and/or polyester mat, seams sealed by locally melting the asphalt with heat, hot mopping of asphalt, or adhesive. Lends itself well to all applications.

Built-Up Roof - Multiple plies of asphalt saturated organic felt or coated fibreglass felts. Plies of felt are adhered with hot asphalt, coal tar pitch or adhesive.

Sprayed-in-Place Polyurethane Foam (SPUF) - Foam sprayed in-place on the roof, and then coated with a wide variety of coatings, or in some instances, covered with gravel.



PTFE (synthetic Fluor polymer) embedded in fibre glass. Metal roofing. Generally a relatively inexpensive building material, unless copper is used. Galvanized steel frequently manufactured with wavy corrugations to resist lateral flexing and fitted with exposed fasteners. Widely used for low cost and durability. Sheds are normally roofed with this material. Known as Gal iron, it was the most extensively used roofing material of 20th century Australia, now replaced in popularity by steel roofing coated with an alloy of zinc and aluminum, claimed to have up to four times the life of galvanized steel.

Standing-seam metal with concealed fasteners. Mechanically seamed metal with concealed fasteners contains Flat-seam metal with soldered seams. Glass Clear windows have been used since the invention of glass to cover small openings in a building. They provided humans with the ability to both let light into rooms while at the same time keeping inclement weather outside. Glass is generally made from mixtures of sand and silicates, and is very brittle. Modern glass "curtain walls" can be used to cover the entire facade of a building. Glass can also be used to span over a wide roof structure in a "space frame".

sealant in seams for use on very low sloped roofs.

Ceramics, these are such things as tiles, fixtures, etc. Ceramics are mostly used as fixtures or coverings in buildings. Ceramic floors, walls, counter-tops, even ceilings. Many countries use ceramic roofing tiles to cover many buildings. Ceramics used to be just a specialized form of clay-pottery firing in kilns, but it has evolved into more technical areas.

Foam More recently synthetic polystyrene or polyurethane foam has been used on a limited scale. It is light weight, easily shaped and an


excellent insulator. It is usually used as part of a structural insulated panel where the foam is sandwiched between wood or cement. 3.2 COMPANY PROFILE Over the decades, it has blazed a pioneering path in the fibre cement industry and has grown into a formidable player. The corporate office of DPL is situated at Pandhurna. The DPL R & D centers situated at Hyderabad and Faridabad support all its manufacturing units to achieve Excellency in its manufacturing activities. The Manufacturing facilities are at Pandhurna, Faridabad & Daruhera (Haryana), Chennai (TN), Jasidih (Jharkhand), Wada (Maharashtra), Vijayawada, Timmappur (AP),sutariya (UP), Balasore(Orissa) and Thrissur (kerala). The company has four regional offices & over 46 sales depots all over India, all with the purpose of providing convenient services to customers. Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna is a flagship Company of the C.K.Birla group of Companies, incorporated on 17th June 1946. HIL has blazed a pioneering path in the building products industry. HIL has led the cement industry for well over five decades. Today HIL is a multi product, multi locational organization with a formidable network of branches, depots, stockiest and personnel spread all over India. HIL being backed by the organizational and technical expertise of the Birlas, also has a Board of directors comprising experienced personnel from Business, Finance and Industry. The Board is chaired by Mr.C.K.Birla. HILs product range include Fibre Cement roofing sheets in the name of CHARMINAR and MALABAR, Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks and Panels called AEROCON, Calcium Silicate insulation product called HYSIL, Jointing material for Gaskets and Plant and machinery for these products. The Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna is situated 06 km away from the Pandhurna town. The exact place where the company is situated is Mordongari, which is an rural area. This company was incorporated in the year 1996 and commenced

production in 1997 in the name as MALABAR PRODUCTS, which was a joint venture by HIL and KSIDC (MP State Industries Development Corporation. Later in the year 2005 April the company was merged with the HIL completely from the KSIDC. And in the same year the company changed its name to Drytech Pvt. Ltd. About 200 employees are working in Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna as a whole. In that 110 employees are working in plant, 72 are office staffs and 18 are bargaining staffs. The plant is working for 24 hours and there are three shifts per day. The whole plant is completely automated. The Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurnaplant is producing only the AC roofing sheets in the name of CHARMINAR. Charminar AC Roofing Sheets have been the No.1 roofing sheets of choice for more than 50 years now, providing roofing to millions of low cost houses and to industries, commercial businesses and for several public utilities. Charminar sheets are widely known for their superior quality and durability. The raw materials used in the production process are Fibre, fly ash, rag pulp and cement. Among these raw materials Fibre is importing from Brazil and Canada and cement is mainly bought from ACC cements. The Company mainly sells their products through dealers who are selected by the company. The finished products are mainly sold in the south India, especially in Tamil Nadu. The company has a visionary management and motivated team of dynamic workers sharing common vision and working in the union. The company is moving ahead with to innovate and provide excellent production. HIL is providing to have an operational efficiency compactable with global standards. As a socially organization, it has contributed significantly towards eco-friendliness and various social causes. The company has involved in conducting a lot of community welfare program. In this year the company conducted a welfare program named SOUHRUTHAM 2008. 3.2.1 Mission and Vision of Drytech Ltd.


To maintain leadership in Fibre cement products industry and develop complementary products and services to strengthen the core business of building products

Fulfillment of market needs with cost effective solutions for enduring and Enhanced customer satisfaction. Innovative solutions to create world class products and services fostering collective wisdom and commitment of employees to create corporate and group culture and values which they are proud to be part of.

Striving for excellence in all the area of companys operation.

Maintain equitable balance between development and environmental needs of the society.

3.2.3 Quality Policy Provide products and services that adequately and consistently meet specified and identified needs of customers by Continues upgrade of product value and by
Building customer responsive environment In making and deliverance of

the products and services 3.2.4 Research & Development. Research and Development Center of Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna is fully equipped with latest state-of-art technology, equipment and test facilities including Pilot Plants situated in ultra modern spacious building covering an area of about 11000 sft of main Building and about 16000 sft area of Pilot Plant. HIL, R & D center is recognized by Department of Science and Technology Government of India. DPL have been conferred with the DSIR National Award for R & D efforts in industry for the year 2000 in the area of new materials for "AEROCON INSTA PANEL"


Dedicated team of scientists and engineers are constantly working for product up gradation, optimum utilization of raw materials, development of substitute materials, new products and new product applications, saving substantial amount of foreign exchange for the country. The R & D Division has contributed in the following specific areas:

Identification and development of environment friendly building products with emerging market needs. Emphasis on process optimization, cost reduction and development of value added products.

Effective utilization of energy, water and waste material. Absorption of imported technical know-how.

Development of new products i.e., Aerocon Insta - Panels, Access Flooring system, pressed sheets, fire protection boards, Light weight AAC Blocks, non-asbestos jointing material for automobile industry etc.

Quality Policy Provide products and services that adequately and consistently meet specified and identified needs of customers by Continues upgrade of product value and by Building customer responsive environment In making and deliverance of the products and services Philosophy Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna is committed to good Corporate Governance. The Company has been following good principles of business over the years by following all the laws and regulations of the land with an emphasis on accountability, trusteeship, and integrity. It is our responsibility to ensure that the organization is managed in a manner that protects and furthers the interests of our stakeholders. 3.3 DEPARTMENT PROFILE The organization has mainly 5 departments. They are


Manager Industrial Relations Jr. Manager Establishment Sr. Officer HR Security Time Office Assistants


The managing human resource in the organization is an important task. Human resource department is doing the management of human resource in the organization. Drytech Pvt. Ltd. follows a system in HR department that each authority coming under the General Manager (works) has to report directly to General Manager (Works) in the hierarchy. This will helps to speed up the communication flow in the organization. 3.3.2 ORGANISATION CHART OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT Deputy Manager Accounts

Assistant manager

Sr. Accounts Officer

Assistants Sound financial decisions have been one of the critical practices in the success of Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna proper planning and long vision of the financial managers help the company to undergo to smooth sail. All monetary transactions of the company are handled and brought to account by the finance department.


3.3.3 ORGANISATION CHART OF PURCAHSE DEPARTMENT Sr. Purchase Manager Assistant Manager Purchase Purchase Officer Assistants The purchase manager is the only person who is the having the prime authority to make orders for the purchase of raw materials. After referring the stock report of raw materials and finished goods, the purchase manager purchase the rawmaterials in order to ensure the continuous flow of production. 3.3.4 ORGANISATION CHART OF PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Production Manager

Deputy Manager Production

Deputy Manager Maintenance

Jr. Manager

Shift in charge

Jr. Manager Production

The production manager and his team are responsible for realizing the visions of the company within constraints of technical possibility. This involves coordinating the operations of various production activities and maintains a good flow of work without any blockage.


3.3.5 ORGANISATION CHART OF MARKETING DEPARTMENT Marketing Manager Sales Manager Regional Sales Manager Area Sales Manager Sales Officer 3.4. Product Profile 3.4.1 Charminar Aerocon panels Charminar Aerocon Panel is a unique factory developed product that fulfills the following Green Building concept. Raw material contains up to 40% Fly Ash (recycled power plant waste). Excellent Thermal and Sound Insulation. A good fire rating up to 2 hrs. -Depending upon thickness. Factory cured panel -Dry construction at site. Completely re-locatable. Proven suitable for seismic and cyclone prone zones Other Benefits: Fast track construction -Tongue and groove joining system allows faster construction. Light weight -allows easy handling and erection. Excellent water & termite resistance. Can be given any surface finish

Applications: Charminar Roofing Sheets are an ideal building material for roofing and sidecladding in: Industrial/ Power Plant Cladding Control Room Prefabricated site offices Prefabricated Houses, Canteens and Rest Rooms Partitions Police Stations School Buildings Telephone Exchanges ATM Cubicles 3.4.2 Charminar AC roofing Sheets. Charminar AC Roofing Sheets have been the No.1 roofing sheets of choice for more than 50 years now, providing roofing to millions of low cost houses and to industries, commercial businesses and for several public utilities. Charminar sheets are widely known for their superior quality and durability. Special Features Strong & durable Weather-proof Less noise during rains Non-corrosive Charminar Concreted Roofing Sheets are made from Fibre, Portland cement and Binder. Fibre in these sheets acts as reinforcement like steel in RCC. These are owing to their quality, strength & durability. These are manufactured to exceed the requirements of strength specified in the relevant Indian standards.


IS: 459-1992 Specification for Corrugated and Semi-Corrugated Asbestos

Cement Sheets.
IS: 3007 - 1999 Code of practice for laying of Asbestos Cement Sheets,

Part-I, Corrugated Sheets. IS: 1626 (Part3) 1994 - Roofing fittings. Applications Charminar Roofing Sheets are an ideal building material for roofing and sidecladding in: Industrial buildings of all types Food Storage Godowns Warehouses & Cold Storages Poultry farms, dairy farms and other agricultural sheds Garages, Verandahs and Outhouses Houses School buildings Public Utility Sheds Cooling Towers Cinema Halls Stadiums Railway & Bus Stations


CHAPTER-4 INFERENTIAL STATISTICS Ho: There is no significant relationship between incentives and employees performance. Mean Incentives 1.72 Employee performance 1.50 Correlations Mean Incentives Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Sum of Squares and Cross-products Covariance N Pearson Correlation Employee Sig. (2-tailed) performance Sum of Squares and Cross-products Covariance N Incentives 1 . 16.080 .328 50 .655(**) .000 13.000 .265 50 Employees performance 1 .655(**) .000 13.000 .265 50 1 . 24.500 .500 50 Std. Deviation 0.573 0.707 N 50 50

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Inference: Since the Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) the null hypothesis that is There is no significant relationship between incentives and employees performance is rejected and an alternative hypothesis is framed. H1: There is significant relationship between incentives and employees performance.


Ho: There is no significant relationship between career development opportunities and the extent of employee motivation Mean career 3.70 development opportunities extent of 3.36 motivation s Correlations Mean Career Pearson Correlation development Sig. (2-tailed) opportunities Sum of Squares and Cross-products Covariance N Extent of Pearson Correlation motivation Sig. (2-tailed) Sum of Squares and Cross-products Covariance N Std. Deviation 1.035 N 50



career development opportunities 1 . 52.500 1.071 50 .909(**) .000 52.111 1.184 45

extent of motivation 0 .909(**) .000 52.111 1.184 50 1 . 76.311 1.734 45

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Inference: Since the Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) the null hypothesis that is There is no significant relationship between career development opportunities and the extent of employee motivation is rejected and an alternative hypothesis is framed. H1: There is significant relationship between career development opportunities and the extent of employee motivation


Ho: There is no significant relationship between performance appraisal system and the extent of motivation. Mean career 2.40 development opportunities extent of motivation Correlations performance appraisal system Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Performance Sum of Squares appraisal and Cross-products system Covariance N Pearson Correlation Extent of Sig. (2-tailed) Motivation Sum of Squares and Cross-products Covariance N 1 . 64.000 1.306 50 .962(**) .000 73.000 1.490 50 Extent of Motivation 0 .962(**) .000 73.000 1.490 50 1 . 90.000 1.837 50 2.60 Std. Deviation 1.143 N 50



** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Inference: Since the Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) the null hypothesis that is There is no significant relationship between performance appraisal system and the extent of motivation is rejected and an alternative hypothesis is framed. H1: There is significant relationship between performance appraisal system and the extent of motivation.


Ho: There is no significant relationship between interpersonal relationship in the organization and extent of motivation. Mean career 1.86 development opportunities extent of motivation Correlations performance appraisal system Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Performance Sum of Squares appraisal and Cross-products system Covariance N Pearson Correlation Extent of Sig. (2-tailed) Motivation Sum of Squares and Cross-products Covariance N 1 . 22.020 0.449 50 .877(**) .000 32.260 0.658 50 Extent of Motivation 0 .877(**) .000 32.260 0.658 50 1 . 61.380 1.253 50 2.18 Std. Deviation 0.670 N 50



** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Inference: Since the Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) the null hypothesis that is There is no significant relationship between interpersonal relationship in the organization and extent of motivation. is rejected and an alternative hypothesis is framed. H1: There is significant relationship between interpersonal relationships in the organization and extent of motivation.


CHAPTER-5 SUMMARY This document aims at providing employees and management members with the information that can be beneficial both personally and professionally. Every business enterprise has multiple objectives including of adequate profit for payment of a reasonable rate of return to the owners and for investment in business through satisfaction of customers, maintenance of a contended workforce and creation of a public image. The basic job of management of any business is the effective utilization of available human resources, technological, financial and physical resources for the achievement of the business objectives. This project entitled as Employee motivation was done to find out the factors which will motivate the employees. The study undertakes various efforts to analyze all of them in great details. The researcher in this project at the outset gives the clear idea of the entire department existing in the company. From the study, the researcher was able to find some of the important factors which motivate the employees. Factors like financial incentives and non financial inventive, performance appraisal system, good relationship with co-workers, promotional opportunities in the present job, employee participation in decision making are very much effect the level employee motivation. It is also clear from the study that the company is so eager in motivating their employees and their present effort for it so far effective. The human resources can play an important role in the realization of the objectives. Employees work in the organization for the satisfaction of their needs. If the human resources are not properly motivated, the management will not be able to accomplish the desired results. Therefore, human resources should be managed with utmost care to inspire, encourage and impel them to contribute their maximum for the achievement of the business objectives.


5.2 FINDINGS The findings of the study are follows: The Drytech Pvt. Ltd. has a well defined organization structure. There is a harmonious relationship is exist in the organization between

employees and management. The employees are really motivated by the management. The employees are satisfied with the present incentive plan of the company. Most of the workers agreed that the company is eager in recognizing and acknowledging their work. The study reveals that there is a good relationship exists among employees. Majority of the employees agreed that there job security to their present job. The company is providing good safety measures for ensuring the employees safety.
From the study it is clear that most of employees agrees to the fact that

performance appraisal activities and support from the coworkers in helpful to get motivated.
The study reveals that increase in the salary will motivate the employees

`more. The incentives and other benefits will influence the performance of the employees. 5.3 SUGGESTIONS The suggestions for the findings from the study are follows: Most of the employees agree that the performance appraisal activities are

helpful to get motivated, so the company should try to improve performance appraisal system, so that they can improve their performance.

Non financial incentive plans should also be implemented; it can improve

the productivity level of the employees.

Organization should give importance to communication between

employees and gain co-ordination through it. Skills of the employees should be appreciated.
Better carrier development opportunities should be given to the

employees for their improvement.

If the centralized system of management is changed to a decentralized

one, then there would be active and committed participation of staff for the success of the organization. 5.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The limitations of the study are the following
The data was collected through questionnaire. The responds from the

respondents may not be accurate.

The sample taken for the study was only 50 and the results drawn may

not be accurate. Since the organization has strict control, it acts as another barrier for getting data.
Another difficulty was very limited time-span of the project.

Lack of experience of Researcher. 5.5 CONCLUSION The study concludes that, the motivational program procedure in Drytech Pvt. Ltd. Pandhurna is found effective but not highly effective. The study on employee motivation highlighted so many factors which will help to motivate the employees. The study was conducted among 50 employees and collected information through structured questionnaire. The study helped to findings which were related with employee motivational programs which are provided in the organization. The performance appraisal activities really play a major role in motivating the employees of the organization. It is a major factor that makes an

employee feels good in his work and results in his satisfaction too. The organization can still concentrate on specific areas which are evolved from this study in order to make the motivational programs more effective. Only if the employees are properly motivated- they work well and only if they work well the organization is going to benefit out it. Steps should be taken to improve the motivational programs procedure in the future. The suggestions of this report may help in this direction. 5.6 SCOPE FOR FUTURE RESEARCH The present study on employee motivation helps to get clear picture about the factors which motivates the employees. This in turn helps the management to formulate suitable policy to motivate the employees. Hence, the motivational level of the employees may also change. The factors that motivate the employees may change with change in time because the needs of employees too change with change in time. So continuous monitoring and close observation of factors that motivate the employees is necessary to maintain a competent work force. Only with a competent work force an organization can achieve its objective. Moreover, human resource is the most valuable asset to any organization. A further study with in dept analysis to know to what extent these factors motivate the employees is required.


Questionnaire for Management
(Answer the questions wherever needed or tick where applicable) 1. 2. Name of Organization -----------------------------------------------------------Which are the functional departments are available in your organization. ? a) Production Dept. c) Marketing Dept. e) Financial and Account g) Administrative 3. Which type of legal organization? a) Individual Proprietorship c) Partnership (others) e) Private Ltd. co. g) Co-operative 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. b) Partnership-joint Family d) Public Limited Company f) Public Co-operation b) Quality Control Dept. d) Sale and Purchase Dept. f) Storage Dept. h) Personnel Dept.

How many total employees in your organization? How may levels of management in your organization? Being a successful manager which media should you prefer to get the work done form your subordinated (Please specify) Do you feel that high job security improves more productivity? Do you feel that job security helps in maintaining high morale? On which basis you are making promotion of workers? a) Experience of Seniority b) Competency or Merit c) Both Do you think that salary paid to workers is sufficient or satisfactory? Yes/ No Does your organization provide any opportunity in future for advancement in job as well as training which will maintain high morale of employees? Yes/ No Do you provide paid leaves/ paid holidays and other financial packages to the employees for maintaining high morale at the work?

10. 11.




Do you provide following facilities to your employees at the work place? a) Building Conditions c) Lightning Arrangement e) Toilets/Urinals and Lavatory b) Temperature d) Ventilation


Does your organization provide any social security measures to employees to maintain high morale? a) Protection against illness b) Provident fund c) Old age pension and Gratuity d) Health Insurance

15. 16. 17.

Do you feel that High Motivation improve workers productivity, efficiency and their performance? What measures are you adopting to maintain the morale of worker? Please give your opinion to maintain the high motivation of the workers so as to boost the overall labor management relations? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This is to certify that Mr. PARVEJ B. KHAN student of Master of Business Administration from Yashwantrao Chavan Maharastra Open University, Nashik; Study Center Dhanwate National College, Nagpur has visited to our factory and collected necessary information as per his part of syllabus. We wish him better future prospects

For Drytech

Processes Pvt. Ltd



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