Form Caq 2
Form Caq 2
Form Caq 2
et intégration
Declaration, commitments and authorizations
This lorm musi be signed to complele an online appicatton for temporary selecton for studes
de Lima Alves da Silva, Marco Aurelio Application number: 1069767
, the undersigned, declare thal the inlormation I submit in the ontine application for temporary selechion lgr stydies i3 rue,
complete and accurate.
understand thal the Ministre de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de rintégration may
verity or have verified by third parties the accuracy of intormation provided and that if Ireporttothe Ministere, the nvestigator
or auditor any intormation that I know or should have known to be false or misleading with regard to an appicaton for
temporary selection, I am committing an infraction of the law and l am subject to a fine.
commit to receiving education for the program or for the level of studies indicated in this application.
I commit to making the studies my principal activity (tull time studies) (1).
agree to maintain, for the duration of my studies in Québec, health and hospitalization insurance (2) for myself and each famity
member who accompanies me, if any.
authorize the Ministère de l'Immigration, de la Francisation et de l'Intégration to send to theeducational institutionwhere wil
pursue my siudies the following relating to Québec Acceptance Certficate (CAQ) for studies: The CAQ number.
information my
its period of validity and the program or intended level of studies.
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