Fake News Survey Question

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Questionnaire on

A Novel Study to Determine Fake News Quotient: Perception Based Study

among LIS Students
Section 1:
1.Your age:
Below 20 yrs 21-25 yrs 26-30 yrs Above 30 yrs

2. Gender:
Male Female Transegender
3.Are you use any of the following platforms?
Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Youtube Instagram
Google news Messenger

4.Do you use social media as a tool to update yourself about current news and
events on various topics?
Yes No

5.How often do you visit electronic news/media sites?

Daily Weekly Once a week Twice a week Weekly

Section 2:
Below are some statements in point 6 and point 7. Point 6 statements may help
to identity if a news/image/message is fake or not. Show your agreement level
to those points in the scale.
Point 7 statements is useful when you stumbled upon with any kind of fake
news. Show your agreement level to the statements which you are likely to do
when you find any kind of fake news.

6. Questions on Fake news Identification (QFI):

Sl QFI statements Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree
i Image contents seems to be
ii When the image contains cropped
corners or objects
iii The level of filter used in the image
iv Poor quality or low resolution of the
v The image/article immediately
makes you sad or angry
vi When the message/article makes
some derogatory claim without any
source link
vii The message/article is poorly
viii if the article/message makes biased
claims for/against some
individual/political party/religion
ix Exaggerated headline of the article
7. Questions on Fake news Tackling Activities (QFTI)
QFTA Statements Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
i Do a Reverse Google Image search
for an image
ii Check the metadata of the image
iii Search the internet for the claims
made in the image/message/article
iv Search for the same story in some
established news network sites
v Check the credibility of the author
by reading other news/article from
vi Cross check the references of the
vii Check the "about us" page of the
vii Cross check the data in different
reliable fact checking website

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