Suggested Syllabus
Suggested Syllabus
Suggested Syllabus
The following is the suggested syllabus for the four levels taught at Fundacion ASE. There are four courses placed within
levels A1 and A2 of the CEFR. These levels were taken from Estándares Básicos de Competencias
en Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés as a guide to know what students need to know and to do.
Level Competences
Listening Reading Oral Oral Written
Comprehension Comprehension Interaction Expression Expression
Elementar • I recognize • I identify • I respond to • I recite and • I copy and Participates in a short
y1 when someone related words on greetings and sing rhymes, transcribe conversation where
he/she provides his/her
talk to me in topics that are goodbyes. poems and words that I
(A 1.1) name, age and basic
English and I familiar to me. tongue twisters understand information to professors,
react verbally • I answer that I and use friends and acquaintances.
and non-verbally. • I recognize questions about understand. frequently in
words and short how I feel. the classroom. Understands and uses
• I understand phrases in English • I express my familiar words and short
when someone in books, objects, • I use daily feelings and • I write the phrases about routines,
expressions to daily activities and
greet me and say toys, moods. name of places
express my preferences.
goodbye to me. advertisements and elements
and places in my needs in the • I mention that I recognize Understands instructions
• I follow school. classroom. what I like and in an related to class, school,
instructions what I don't
related to class • I relate • I use non- like. illustration. and community activities
and recreational illustrations to verbal language and expresses them in oral
• I describe • I briefly and written form to
activities simple with when I cannot
what I am answer the evidence his/her
proposed by my simple sentences. verbally answer understanding.
teacher. to questions doing. questions
• I recognize and about my "what, who, Describes the basic
• I understand follow simple • I name some when and characteristics of people,
songs, rhymes instructions. things I can do where", if they things, and places found in
and children's • I express basic and I cannot refer to my his/her school, city or
do. community using short
rounds, and I personal needs family, my
phrases and sentences.
demonstrate it related to the friends or my
with gestures and classroom. school. Answers questions related
movements. to “what, who and when”
after reading or listening to
• I demonstrate a short simple text whose
an understanding topic is connected to
familiar events.
of simple
questions about Writes basic personal
myself, my information in pre-
family, and my established forms that
surroundings. request information such
as name, age, date of
birth, gender, nationality,
address, phone, etc.
Level Competences
Listening Reading Oral Oral Written
Comprehension Comprehension Interaction Expression Expression
Level Competences
Listening Reading Oral Oral Written
Comprehension Comprehension Interaction Expression Expression
Evidences comprehension,
fluency and accuracy in the
different skills at a B1.1