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Suggested Syllabus

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The following is the suggested syllabus for the four levels taught at Fundacion ASE. There are four courses placed within
levels A1 and A2 of the CEFR. These levels were taken from Estándares Básicos de Competencias
en Lenguas Extranjeras: Inglés as a guide to know what students need to know and to do.

Understand Talk Write

Level Competences
Listening Reading Oral Oral Written
Comprehension Comprehension Interaction Expression Expression

Elementar • I recognize • I identify • I respond to • I recite and • I copy and Participates in a short
y1 when someone related words on greetings and sing rhymes, transcribe conversation where
he/she provides his/her
talk to me in topics that are goodbyes. poems and words that I
(A 1.1) name, age and basic
English and I familiar to me. tongue twisters understand information to professors,
react verbally • I answer that I and use friends and acquaintances.
and non-verbally. • I recognize questions about understand. frequently in
words and short how I feel. the classroom. Understands and uses
• I understand phrases in English • I express my familiar words and short
when someone in books, objects, • I use daily feelings and • I write the phrases about routines,
expressions to daily activities and
greet me and say toys, moods. name of places
express my preferences.
goodbye to me. advertisements and elements
and places in my needs in the • I mention that I recognize Understands instructions
• I follow school. classroom. what I like and in an related to class, school,
instructions what I don't
related to class • I relate • I use non- like. illustration. and community activities
and recreational illustrations to verbal language and expresses them in oral
• I describe • I briefly and written form to
activities simple with when I cannot
what I am answer the evidence his/her
proposed by my simple sentences. verbally answer understanding.
teacher. to questions doing. questions
• I recognize and about my "what, who, Describes the basic
• I understand follow simple • I name some when and characteristics of people,
songs, rhymes instructions. things I can do where", if they things, and places found in
and children's • I express basic and I cannot refer to my his/her school, city or
do. community using short
rounds, and I personal needs family, my
phrases and sentences.
demonstrate it related to the friends or my
with gestures and classroom. school. Answers questions related
movements. to “what, who and when”
after reading or listening to
• I demonstrate a short simple text whose
an understanding topic is connected to
familiar events.
of simple
questions about Writes basic personal
myself, my information in pre-
family, and my established forms that
surroundings. request information such
as name, age, date of
birth, gender, nationality,
address, phone, etc.

Understands the subject

and general information of
a short simple text using
aids such as images, titles,
and key words.

Understand Talk Write

Level Competences
Listening Reading Oral Oral Written
Comprehension Comprehension Interaction Expression Expression

Elementar • I understand • I predict a • I answer • I describe • I write Participates in short

y2 conversations providing
short and story from the questions what some personal information about
(A 1.2) simple title, about people, members of information in him/herself as well as
descriptions of illustrations and objects and my simple about familiar people,
familiar objects keywords. places in my community formats. places and events using
simple phrases and
and places. surroundings. do. sentences previously
• I follow the • I write
• I identify the sequence of a • I ask that the • I use invitation and
people who simple story. message be gestures and congratulation ------------------------------------
participate in a repeated to body messages by --

conversation. • I use diagrams me when I movements to using simple Describes people,

to organize don’t make me formats. activities, events and
• I follow the information understand it. understand. personal experiences orally
sequence of a from short •I using simple phrases and
sentences previously
short story stories read in • I participate • I describe demonstrate rehearsed with his/her
classmates and teacher.
supported by class. actively in some knowledge of
images. word games characteristics the basic Writes short and simple
• I enjoy and rounds. of myself, structures of texts about familiar
• I understand reading as a other people, English. actions, experiences, and
the general idea leisure activity • I reinforce animals,
plans using a sequence of
images and a pre-
of a story told that helps me with gestures places, and established model for the
by my teacher discover the what I say to the climate. text.
when it is world. make me
supported by understand. • I participate ______________________
movements, in short
gestures and performances. Understands the main idea
voice changes. and details related to
activities, places, and
people in a short
• I recognize
descriptive text through
that there are familiar words and
other people phrases.
like me who
communicate in ---
Recognizes specific
• I understand information in written and
oral texts related to
sequences objects, people, and
related to habits actions when they are
and routines. familiar to the student and
the related information is
presented slowly. The
student may require use of
visual aids such as images
or texts for


Gives and follows

recommendations, and
suggestions about topics
related to his/her
immediate context.


Describes actions related

to a subject in his/her
family or school
environment using simple
sentences and images.

Level Understand Talk Write Competences

Listening Reading Oral Oral Written
Comprehension Comprehension Interaction Expression Expression

• I carefully • I associate a • I answer • I describe • I write about Requests and provides

follow what my drawing with its personal myself or topics of my information about
experiences and plans in a
teacher and written questions such another known interest.
clear and brief manner
Basic 1 classmates say description. as name, age, person in using his/her own
during a game nationality and simple and • I write information or information
(A 2.1) and activity. • I understand address short descriptions about familiar situations.
short supported by sentences and short Likewise, the student uses
• I participate in descriptions of repetitions taking into stories based familiar vocabulary and
games and people, places may ask for assistance
when needed. account his age on a sequence from classmates and/or
activities by and familiar and physical of illustrations.
the teacher.
following simple actions. • I can greet characteristics.
instructions. according to the • I write cards ------------------------------------
• I locate in a time of day. • I use short with short ---
• I identify the short text the sentences to greeting or
names of the places and • I greet politely say what I can invitation. Explains in written form
different familiar situations
characters and moments in according to the or cannot do.
• I describe the and facts in a coherent and
the main events which the actions age and rank of simple manner. The
of a story read by take place. the listener. • I spell words personal traits student can establish
the teacher and that are of people relationships of addition,
supported by • I identify the • I ask and familiar to me. around me. sequence, and cause and
images, videos or actions in a short accept effect as well as simple
any type of visual sequence of apologies in a • I express in a • I link phrases comparisons.

material. simple and short word or and sentences

• I recognize events. courteous way. phrase how I using ------------------------------------
some moods feel. connectors ---
through the tone • I use graphics • I keep a that express Recognizes specific
or volume of the to represent the simple • I say a short sequence and information in short oral
voice in a story most relevant conversation in text addition. and written texts on topics
read by the information in a English with a memorized in a of general interest. The
teacher or in a text. classmate when skit helping • I write short student uses different
I develop a myself with texts that reading strategies such as:
• I use the classroom gestures. describe my previewing (images, titles,
dictionary to help subtitles, etc.), prediction,
• I identify who activity. mood and my the underlining of key
they are talking me understand • I describe the preferences.
words and Spanish
about based on texts. • I ask and weather with cognates, and the
their physical answer about simple • I use properly identification of the
• I identify the physical sentences and grammatical general idea of the text
cultural elements characteristics determine the structures and (skimming)
• I understand such as proper of familiar necessary patterns.
names and places ------------------------------------
personal objects. clothing as ---
information in simple texts. appropriate. • I check the
provided by my • I answer spelling of the Exchanges information
• I read and questions about • I recite a words that I about academic and
classmates and
understand my likes and simple tongue write general interest topics,
authentic and preferences twister or frequently. through simple
simple texts conversations, dialogues,
• I identify rhyme, or sing and roleplays. In these
objects, people about specific • I can politely the chorus of a • I write little
conversations, the student
and actions that events associated get my song. stories I may express opinions in a
are familiar to with cultural teacher’s imagine. simple manner using
me in a short traditions that I attention with a • I talk about
descriptive text know. short sentence. the activities I previously studied models.
read by the usually do.
• I recognize, in a ------------------------------------
teacher. ---
short narrative • I look for
• I identify the text, aspects such opportunities Makes recommendations
sequence of as what, who, to use what I to people in his/her
actions and I when and where. know in community about what to
associate them English. do, when and how, based
• I play unknown on daily situations in his or
with the
word search • I can talk her family life, school or
moments of the local environment.
day when games. about
someone quantities and ------------------------------------
describes his/her count objects ---
daily routine. up to
Makes brief presentations
on academic topics related
• I memorize and to his/her school
follow the environment or
rhythm of community including:
popular songs relevant facts, specific
from English- details, and specific
vocabulary pertinent to
speaking the topic.
countries. I
carefully follow ------------------------------------
what my teacher ---
and classmates
Expresses emotions and
say during a feelings about a situation
or specific topic related to
his/her family or school
and presents supporting
reasons in a clear and
simple manner.


game or activity. Briefly narrates current

facts, daily situations or
personal experiences orally
and in written form. To do
so, the student considers
the sequence of actions
and the clarity of ideas and
receives advice from
classmates and/ or the

Understand Talk Write

Level Competences
Listening Reading Oral Oral Written
Comprehension Comprehension Interaction Expression Expression

• I understand • I understand • I respond in • I describe in • I describe Explains the reasons

behind plans and actions
basic written short simple people, related to his/her
personal, school and
information on instructions to sentences to sentences a places, and
Basic 2 community environment.
topics related to carry out daily, simple person, place objects with The student structures
(A 2.2) my daily personal and questions on or object that short explanations
activities and academic topics that are are familiar to sentences. appropriately, uses
connectors between ideas,
my surrounding. activities. familiar to me. me. checks for spelling, and
• I write short
employs proper
• I understand • I understand • I request • I give simple messages with pronunciation to
questions and literary, explanations oral different communicate ideas.
oral expressions academic and about specific instructions in purposes
that refer to general interest situations in school, family related to ---
me, my family, texts, written in my school, my and close situations,
my friends, and simple family, and my environment objects or Recognizes cause and
effect relationships in
my surrounding. language. close situations. people in my short written texts on
surrounding. immediate academic topics. The
• I understand • I can extract • I make environment. student takes into account
short and general and • I participate comparisons vocabulary, connectors,
simple specific in everyday between • I complete and prior knowledge when
identifying the
messages information communicative characters, basic personal relationships.
related to my from a short situations such places and information in
surrounding and text written in as asking for objects. simple ------------------------------------
my personal simple favors, formats and
interests. language. apologizing • I express in documents. Summarizes information
and thanking. a simple way s/he has read or listened
• I understand • I understand what I like • I write a to on academic and school
and follow relationships • I use non- and dislike short text related topics through a
structured written text.
punctual established by verbal codes about about myself,
instructions words like and like gestures something. my family, my ------------------------------------
when they are (addition), but and intonation. friends, my ---
clear and with (contrast), first, • I narrate or environment Makes short presentations
familiar second ... • I ask simple describe in a or about facts on academic topics of
vocabulary. (temporal questions simple way that are interest using a clear
order), in simple about topics facts and familiar to me. structure and organization.
• I understand sentences. that are activities that
and follow familiar to me. are familiar to • I write short ---
specific • I value reading me. texts in which
instructions as an important • I ask simple I express Expresses his/her opinion
when they are habit for questions • I describe contrast,
on an academic topic
discussed in class by
presented personal and about familiar my routine addition, quoting information
clearly and with academic topics, relying and from cause and presented by his
known enrichment. on gestures other people effect classmates, other people,
and repetition. with simple or that comes from other
vocabulary. between sources.
• I identify the sentences ideas.
• I understand proper meaning • I make ------------------------------------
an oral of words in the proposals to • I use ---
description of a dictionary based my classmates appropriate Exchanges information
situation, on the context. about what to vocabulary to about academic and
person, place or do, where, give general interest topics in a
object. • I apply reading when or how. coherence to conversation. To do so, the
strategies student uses his/her notes
• I identify the related to the • I start, my writings. from a reading or listening
on the topic.
general topic purpose of it. maintain and
and relevant close a simple ------------------------------------
details in • I identify in conversation ---
conversations, simple texts, on a familiar Identifies the type,
radio reports or cultural topic. purpose, and parts of a
oral elements such short written or oral text
presentations. as traditions and shares ideas from the
and text with classmates. To do
so, the student uses the
• I understand celebrations. text structure, titles and
the general idea subtitles, sequence
in a description • I identify the markers, connectors, and
and in a action, the repeated vocabulary. For
narration. characters and example, after reading a
narrative text on
the surrounding
netiquette, the student can
in narrative explain what the text is
texts. about to his/her


Produces medium length

texts making
recommendations or
suggestions related to
situations of academic,
social, or personal interest.
To do so, the student takes
into account relationships
of compare and contrast
and addition, among


Evidences comprehension,
fluency and accuracy in the
different skills at a B1.1


Recognizes general and

specific information in
written and oral opinion
texts and discussions on
familiar topics. For this
purpose, the student asks
questions such as “What is
the text about?” and
“What is the most
important idea the author
is trying to express?”


Explains ideas presented in

an oral or written text
about topics of interest or
that are familiar through
the use of previous
knowledge, inferences or

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