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CS Learning Grid Chemistry Paper 1 Ans
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CS Learning Grid Chemistry Paper 1 Ans
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Draw dot-and-cross diagram to show the postion of electrons in hydrogen chloride (HCI) and name the type of bonding occurring. Covalent bonding 3. Describe the structure ofa metal in terms of bonding and electrons. ‘Metals are made of giant latice structures containing atoms arranged in regular layers. The outer ‘lecirom of each metal stun are delocalized and free to move around the lattice. There ia strong attractive force between the positive nuclt of the metal atoms and the negative electrons (electrostatic attraction). Ths attaction is called metallic bonding, ‘rans Laing Gt or GEE Cy omic Dy PRT age ate ORE Sua, 7194. Atroom temperature nitrogen sagas and graphite soll, '3) Whats the term that describes the temperature at which aliquid becomes a gas? Boling point 'b)_ Explain why nitrogen is a gas at 25°C Nitrogen isa simple covalent molecule with only weak intermolecular forces of attraction between the molecules tis these weak forces that are overcome wien the material melts or bolls, and not alot of energy (heat is needed to break them 1) What element i graphite ma carbon on 44) Draw a simple diagram to show the structure of graphite and label the type(s of atom(s) and Interaction present. carton toms —s! owen bonis focs ete ines ©) Use properties you have labelled on the diagram to explain why graphite is a solid at 25°C. Graphite isa giant covalent structure where each atom is bonded to three others ~ these strong ‘bonds needa lot of energy tobe broken 5. Work out the relative formula mass ofthe following compounds. a) CH= 2+(1x4)=16 'b)_Fex0s= (56 x 2) + (3x 16) = 160 a a a 6, 1.80 of NaCl is dissolved in 350 cm? of water. Calculate the concentration ofthe resulting solution in ¢/dm?. Give your answer to three ‘enificant figures. Concentration = mass + volume = 24 = 5.14 g/dm* 7. Calculate the atom economy ofthe reaction between ethane and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. Give your answer to thee significant figures. Catly +3402 > 202 + 34:0 * x 100% = 62.0% ‘Atom economs % 100% = “wen i or GE Fae Ci otineT cee OD Per) Pas tb Tae ston 7083 im "2 | uy wsoysiy aya 51 woewsyo sarers 28449 43 40 Y>IYM urea Auovesnioumouoy | POPREMAR PR MnBey | pues ipo ee pare , qwawanow jo wunowe [jews npaBor aF0)9‘s9pI0 BuOs pnb -a1qen ay ayejdwod | v sworpenpye wr worve!sts | sasegspnipaseue Aumpuey | S aR SRA | — aaa RT| aE = g * eon oes 3 oe -mpquedio sure order sit sn] ° samlpoespnon'seerspomarurensia| 3 . 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Indicate which ‘components are acting asthe mobile phase and which components are acting as the stationary phase. paver ci, vent eo met
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Include state symbols. CalOHs) + 2HCIfag) > Cachaq) + 24:00), 2. Forthe experiment described above, identify: 4) The independent variable ‘The mass of Ca{OH) added bb) The dependent variable ‘The pH of the solution Three control variables ‘The volume of HCl used; the concentration of HC use the typeof indicator / pH measurer used; the amount of mixing between additions; the temperature “wing io EE Fa Caine See OO POAT3. The student recorded ther results inthe table below: ‘wass of {OH added (g) | pH of solution 0.0 06. os os 10 30 1 as} 20 322. 25 23 a) Plot the resuits onthe graph below and draw line of best it. Mass of €9(0H), added (@) 'b) Estimate how much Ca(OH); would need to be added to reach a pH of 8. See annotations of graph Approx. 1.2-1.3 gof Ca(OH: “eam erig ar SE al ni ne Scnee Om Paper — HERAT GAGS STAB Giton 2019Core Practical Activity 3 - Answers ( &) reparing a pure sample ofa soluble salt 1. Usted below is some equipment used to produce a pure, dry sample ofa metal salt inthe lab. For each item, state what itis used for. ‘Measuring eyinder | To measure out the acid Funnel fiter paper | To fiter off the excess of insoluble reactant ‘Water bath To heat the reaction mixture Evaporating dich | To evaporate the liquid from the saturated salt solution Glass rod To sti the reaction mixture 2. Astudent makes a dry sample of hydrated copper sulfate in the lb from insoluble copper oxide. ‘a) Name the acid required for this reaction. Sulfuric acid 1b) Name the other product of the reaction, water Put the experimental step in the correct order. ‘Stop adding metal once itis in excess | Filter off the unreacted metal oxide [Allow the erstalstodry Heat the solution to evaporate most ofthe liquid ‘Add the metal oxide tothe acid in excess while gently heating | Filter offthe crystals | Leave the solution to cool so crystals form 3. The acid is reacted with an excess ofthe insoluble copper oxide 4) Suggest why thisis done. make sure that ll ofthe acid has reacted b) State one way in which you would know the metal oxide isin excess. It stops reacting and remains asa solid in the bottom ofthe flask )_ Why isthe reaction mixture warmed? To speed up the reaction |4. After filtration, the only substances lft behind are the salt and water. Explain why. ‘The excess insoluble solid can’t pas through the filter paper but the soluble sulfate salt, which is lissolved in the water cn, Tose“ eng 6s Tor GCE Fl iy (Cia raped Paye aSoT 6S Taag Bean, 208“inde sos pouguen) Aan awenae | us pou [ponies i Eevee verry -dn-as sehoszoao ads e Jo wesBeyp 24319401 -sshyonej Bupnp seponpaje aun pouuo) ave STUBS -aponnaye SATSOT ays spuemoy onou suo} aneFON, “ap0si949 SATEIST ay spsemoy nou suo} anaisod ‘arhon9p | 2x Winong possed 5) TALTISTSEITUS vay uonnyos ain yBnouyy arcu 500 Pome annIsOd Ou “SPOT ain pays] pose anteBou ou. -seouayuas aun y9]duH09| Teien o) wavs Bujossp 10 spunedwioo U0! Bunju Aq apew aq ued soWON2AA _opeusawoupaye a1e mor “ananpucs Aye2uDaFo 51 2eK pnb e sj aAWoNDeFe UY ‘gewonpaye ues FeyM e-6L ea tose Sassedoid DyAJONDAIA ~ LEE-ZZ'E srOMsUy suoysenDsoe vonnps ec snpossme deg uo tus ogc) Assume 3 359 58910 Reser “syoquits 9935 apn, “spunodwoo 21401 uayou aso¥a jo sishyo1299>| ‘ayy uy aponsape ypee ve pouo} sianposd oy >Ip=A ‘paonposd s £88 USECTBTY pue pa8vey>sps) ‘9poutzape annedou any -peonpoud | USUOTEe ase su ‘suo! SBF swjenuo> wonnios| ‘24 ssojun‘poonpoud sy se THEIRS pue pa2veupsip axe suo} HO “apounye annod 94 Y SpoRRaS OMTETN, 0 ost | __* [ | “spunoduos © H vosen 2149 af0u9 Jo SuoTnjs snoanbe jo sshosDe|9 aR % H DN uy saposizoy yao 3e pauio) anpoud axa 3IpO4d spommereanneion | opomnere annisod Punedwoo ‘poanposd TSU ava ‘e> su “uaBosphy ueya anpdead 51 2eys fer0w © wos suo} Jeu! SUHEIED WORNIOS -saouayuas ays 32ieo9 ‘asm fyuounses 5] uoque>/suyde1D 41951 dn pesn 19 20 32881 30U S909 ang na29 o3 sshonNDa,9smoje YEU BpOND9}9 UY punoduoo au wos suo! Jo pearsu sepon29p9 ut 1e paBueypsp 2 yey suo} HO ue .oyU! UMC e949 So/nDaIouZ8LEM ay Jo 9405 "aay An weyea WOO ‘9qaufhu sishou29p o stonpoud aun ‘pad}aus {J peoysu mu panpssip 51 punodwo> 21001 Ue | (quod) sesseroid ay AJoy>aIa — LEE-Z7'E SIeMsuy ‘suoNsenaos pages) Ans op 5 saddos aun wos 5 nd} anousos 04 ‘rapanzaps J9dd0> ym vORTIOR xeuns soddoo Buyshjos2999 Jo asodund aun 5 e4M -TORSAPST 5 s1na90 ‘eva uojsess aya pue su0s329}9 US suo! STTECN (SPOUT ayy) apostoaye anvebou our wy “SORES 5 sura30 ey wopreds aya pue su0sz9p9 955 suo1 SATEHDU (OPOUE xp) apowtz9y9 anjsod aya ay “soauaquas ap avajdwop (uo n)| * eB Auana uy Buyaouios ium 03 pa9u 34uom no, sapour9p yi0g ve BuLsN220 ‘ue rey suorenbafey ayy aug “sIshouaIe seo8:epun aptuieug seddo> jo vonns y (KUO AH) vonep0 eed vonanpay BW © 97+. “de hana uy Susypowes ayum 0 paeu 34uom nog “Buysn220 the 3+ He afe)+ of [Zs OL] He] “x09 Asana uy funynowos snd ox paBU 0% ‘oA pesipxo Bulag 218 suo}. Oj "woRnjos snoanbe ue jo sshyon79/2 a4: ul aponpaf@ aanisod Ou te Suyina20 uonenboyey a3 a2jewo9 (Aju 1H) (quo) sasso2oid ayAjoyDaIa - Le'e-2z'E semsuy ‘SuONSeNDsoe vonenps cho sarees 2uyan04 28 pue apons9ie a4 uo pansodap Bag ave suo} n9 ase sew 94 ssunaoo aBueyp sun Ay -sishyouz9[9 ax jo 961no> aun 1900 sBueLD por; | — vee we ere ue sen ‘nedau axa jo sseu og: may smoys aiaes out € z T ° na 2 ‘esaponoaye 19d8o> gum uoranos ayes saddoo Buyshyonzayo voy ‘apowe> aya pue apoue dys ye ansasqo Noh ie eu ‘srOmsuy suoyseND _y moyeq suuio} sapundua jo apse pue papedBap staf aponssys- apour ayn ww ‘slaiq S188 apon299J9dd0> 21nd — 9poyie> ayyCore Practical A PART 4, A solution of copper sulfate was electrolysed using two copper electrodes, During the experiment the anode decreased in mass. Explain why this happened. Copper atoms in the anode get converted to copper ions in solution, which then get deposited onto the cathode 2. student runs an electrolysis experiment at various currents. Ther results are recorded inthe table below. 8) Complete the table. Wassof | Wassof ] Mass] Massof | Massof | Mass Ccurrent(A) | anode at | anode at | change of | cathode at | cathode at | change of start(e)_|_endig) | anode(g) | start(g) | end(g) | cathode (e) or 277 271 (0.08 278 2.02 0.08 02 2.70 2.60 0.10 72.82 2.90 (0.08 03. 259 2.48 015, 291 3.04 0.43 mm 2.42 223 019 3.05 321 036 b) Describe the relationship between the current and the changes in mass. ‘The higher the current, the greater the changes in mass / Proportional relationship ‘)_ Why are the mass changes atthe anode and the cathode not the same? Nota ofthe mass lor from the anode is deposited onto the cathode ~ some ofits impurities which stl tothe bottom ofthe container [renin f 3. Write the half-equations forthe processes occuring at: a) theanode Culs) > cuaq) +26 b) the cathode cum (ag) +26" > Cals) “ema for GE ae Chey mane ere ny oper —‘age TRE Wing aon 20SPART 2~ Electrolysis of copper sulfate solution with inert electrodes 4, Asolution of copper sulfate can be electrolysed using inert electrodes. ‘)- What is meant by the term ‘inert electrode’? An electrode that allows electrolysis to occur but doesnt take pat inthe reaction itself b)_ Suggest a material that could be use forthe inert electrodes. arbon/eraphite 2. Draw and label a simple diagram showing the set-up of an electrolysis cll using inert electrodes. Powersupply Ne 3 °e a sulfate solution) Inert anode — 3. Complete the table by stating the products you predict to find at each electrode during ‘electrolysis, along with any observations and a relevant chemical test, ifany, you could use to ‘confirm your predictions. Copper sulfate ‘Observations ‘own solid on the cathode cathode ae (regative) | —_T___ — Product Copper Observations | _Colourless gas bubbles at anode ‘Anode (positive) Test Relights a glowing splint Product ‘oxygen “essa or EE aC omnedenee Paper — Page SUGTSE Bag vcion TSQuick Quiz 3 Answers 4. Name the product(s) formed in each ofthe following reactions: 18) hydrochloric acd + magnesium ‘magnesium chloride and hydrogen ‘nitric ald + thium hydroxide lehium nitrate and water (sulfuric acid + calcium carbonate ‘alum sulfate, carbon donde and water 4) hydrochloric acd + sodium oxide sodium chloride and water 2. Indicate which ofthe salts listed are soluble in water. Sale Ts iesoluble? “Amamanium bromide v Silver nitrate v Galelum carbonate [ Lead chloride Potassium sulfate Z 3. Label the following pH values as acide alkaline or neutral, and suggest what colour these solutions might be If you added universal indicator to them. PH | Addi/Aikaine/ Neutral Colour 5 aide Yellow/orange 3 “Aitatine | __Blue/purple ° aide fed 7 Neutral Green as | Alkaline Green/blve [i oni 4. Witc acids considered tobe a strong ai. 2} What does it meant callsomething3‘trong ai’? ‘The acid ionses completly when drove in water 'b) One solution of nitric acid has a pH of3, while another has a lof 1. Which solution has 9 reater concentration of H"ions, and by what multiplication factor? H 1 solution is more concentrated {pH unit =H" concentration changes by a factor of 10, so two units = 100x greater “rw ~Leig 6 or GES cel Ces oars ay aperd ‘age SST RED on 205. An electrolysis cells set up using molten sodium chloride asthe electrolyte. 12) Predict the products that are formed at each electrode, Include state symbols. Cathode: Na(s) ‘node: Chi) 1b) The experiment is repeated but with sodium chloride dissolved in water. Will the products at ‘each electrode be the same as before or different? If different, explain why. Cathode: He) ~n aqueous slution, water molecules get broken down into H" and OW ions Sodium is more reactive than hydrogen, 30H" fons get discharged instead of Na" ‘Anode: Ch) “owen ior GE Ea ry Core caie Om Fpari—Page SE OLSEO Tag eaton, 51Ssavousstee neg uo 95 pugs AWAD HGF 352904 TET re sarbop woponpes Buna = -sounyune a 219,809 (40 1H) Boj avesunso9p uoepye Buna 7 7 [wenden (seo sod <2 cnpoutew (sou) |p x Z eau = x x menu unsoutew 4 ado | “ae ane s " ° TGR jo Hoy WoTeRT PT co z “yey aypg ompens sou] amps cn Aanaens jo s9p0 ayusonpop suse | uz ¥ é cure |e 2 coo ean 8 7 5 2 & wunsee0a & é . 3 z (ongoeos eas e'angeos ows x) Aunmeos] z € psopiusjenuain nd ovewp sin asn oisoddo | — em a popursss Bugaes dow ov uoyer su aul-poe| a “is [wanton cmp o ioyeagoeedor indo sou oO, Ge =99 a Toso wentuy ToHFeRD —s cant pwnwanmeargerees Qints no anos eugene wo J ed Fore UeneP HO WO waBaO 0 Fo] ANU UOR>NPSA {as1vs) “wolho jo ued sonjonuruonanpou (P ‘uoqiea yim vojonpas Aq paivese oq ue9 uoqieD Ue\A an201 559) 1819 {asiva)-woqies yum uorionpa Ag powsesxa oq ue> uoqies uel annees 0M SIE (| (ame) “vonbedsjoquyse Bun sB10 Woy powesnxe aq wn SION (4 “Kynnneod mo} © ey yUED a4 PUTO SIE (astva) “Aamazead yy © aney syuswsaye aind se yen axa u Puno, tea (©) -quauayeys 391109243 9) sy yuauadeys Yeo sO4RUN 2p uuoqies pue ua8ouphH Taos RyATBED eu papnipu Ajuouuos swuowya ex2U-UOU omy SWE {s2y2s Ayanoens e130 91109 24 oiep wey spayas gleeuse jo Aunneos 24 ny +BY) Ing + 218~y-— Oo 0 np +0s8W ¢ t0Sno +3W x09 Aion wy yum 03 non sos au Ruy Ag nue uawaresip (vo 4H) xopeu pue wonnpes‘uonseas wows: (quod) sjpyaw Bujsn pun Buywyqo - ZL'p-'y SIOMSUy sucysen>j98hx0 pue (5) wnyuwinyy “aanpoid wing jo soquuss yeis 49 BND “apo wana srshyons9j9 aya wos, pauioy spnposd om a wasn jeaeaaye au aonpoud 0 paunbas 51 AB:0u9 jo 510), 1509 ony why € sey ytum‘spuneduoo ayp BUI 02 papaeu axe saumesoduin Wy AIA “hy werd -ssoooud ansuadxa Ue 5 sshyonp9|9 Aq uoRDeLDS ‘uoque> i seas 410 9n19¢21 0015 H0UH 242 ayaeais iow 9q sshoun9p as seDuEIswnD ‘ul spuneduios wou ser24s 398217 03 UOGHED IM Loranpas yo peoisu pasn sowyrowos st sishjou29/3 zhu pu ‘uoquee Butz paszesne 99 ue> 2u0 Y>IYAN “S9P HO se yuo ay u puny yiog o1€ wnyuuunye ue UOH, wowne/e109 uousaja ve se azmjeu uy punoy seus eau © aWEN, wow paises 2q ueD row e y>uyn 202 ¥ “an, ue jo wornuyap ayy 51 364m top + uzz €2+ our paonpa stu -posipno pe paonpas pasipno 5} uoqe>| ‘tujoq ave sapods ypime auusay9p pu uogue> A uz yo uonDes@ ay} Jo} Mojaq UOLIENbo ay 1 HOT “suo angeou TSAR son oe Sew OU GeepaT penne 51 Bh soso saueHEN -paonpos {GERPHDD 1 wobbo sue souesgns 4 CPARBDY appomhyje vu wo} oLvdtio De: se suonde| F ‘pe1i02 ou Buypip Aq seauaywes ays 22I6W09 (quod) sjpyaw Bulsn pud Buyuy}qO ~ ZL'b-L'Y sIOMsUY Suseseo sspentes pue sw 3u0) ‘hjewwouuo.inv9 SoU ays 880049 / 0s Sulop jo Ded evaWUOHINLE OYA SFO55E OL | evo tue mo Aus Auediuo> 24) 2481 su “sesnoyosem mau os Bujpng 51 Avedwoa v| sadeayp 1 seonposd/jeiow atsem jo sunowe 24 saanpa4/Buluu jo wnowe ayy lop tou s90p/sieuenew mes Bunsesxo uewn AB:0U9 5595250 ‘syeuaieu ‘mer wos yerou mau Bupnposd sano poviojaid ‘9g nuh sjeiou Buyptoas Ay suoseas 20149 oni5| ‘sip 0352 a,se0 oy (ondeas sow a4) sous ays dn J04BNY 4 souns Aynn2e2s 243 uo uoRsod se.0w e s20p ie4n ‘yeu wo wepua mays Asan/sdoss mos8 ox posn aq pjnca yaiym papaeu ae put iouyd 03 pus) Suis jo aewenpesipe ‘wou dense yam vonoeas woweredsia -Z ‘sshoweg T “yeiou sod | ergo 03 pasn aq ua ued spunoduso> soddo> porsesnra aus ot4iauy stem ona auien (ALO 1H) eye pae>spunodwa iodo 190 (se aonpoud pues 3900 “spunodwo2 addoo u yo} 5 ys Bupynsas au pue pouung ave sveld a4, “i004 048 ‘spunodisoo saddoo quosge pue 210 saddoo Bujujeyu0a 05 Uo Uo? 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I a + + + t pero) pone | pameeys £ votses pty | wojny : puuauepiy | Pug 2 + & ‘ages ous avaidwion (Avo 1n)| ueyrys | apis puey- 18 g ota _# io =e t 8 sfsep | ans ——risop —] ats 33 smecte, | amecaun, | simemdun, | sniedun 28 a : 3 g 2 & g a mnowe ayy. st2nposd jo ynoule auy sanpa1 01 aps pu Ha] BYR 02 YORISOS ynbo ou sonous wiaishs ay os p9seD.9U Sey s~InpouG Jo UORENUaDUCD AKL ‘40 aunowe ayy ‘moyaq uonDea4 a4 sremsuy ‘suousenQuick Quiz 4- Answers 1. Complete ths table by comparing the environmental impact ofthelife cycle of plastic bags and. paper bags. Paste bag Paper bag Tor renewable raw materials | Renewable raw materials (paper Raw materials | (poiymers from oll/ natural gs). {rom wood) Energy usedin ‘manufacture Less energy to manufacture More energy to manufacture (more/ess) ‘C0: production Produce less CO: in manufacture | Produce more CO: in manufacture {more/less) “i wfacture | Prod ‘Orin man Biodegradabilty Not biodegradable Biodegradable ‘Can be recycled but recyling an easly be recycle Recycabiity ] requires energy to melt plastic Can easily be recycled ‘A company that manufactures plastic bags publishes an LCA of their product on their website. Should ths information be trusted? Why or why not? CAs are subjective and do not show all aspects ofa product's ie cycle such as cost and product performance. The information could be biased in favour ofthe product so that people are more ely to buy '3, Two cobalt compounds form part of a reversible reaction. The forward reaction is endothermic. {At equilibrium, the solution is purple. ‘Cobalt compound As Hydrochloric _, Cobalt compound B + aed - Water ink blue 2) What is meant by dynamic equilibrium? A state in which the forward and reverse reactions ina reversible reaction are happening atthe same rate 'b) The forward reaction needs a certain amount of energy in order to happen. The reverse reaction gives out energy when It happens. How does the amount of energy involved in the two reactions compare? The amount of energy absorbed in the forward direction / released inthe reverse direction is the same “ewig or GE ae iy one ee Ooi Paar) —‘aap TRE WP Sction 244, (HToniy) Predict what will happen tothe equilibrium position ofthe reaction shown below in tach ofthe following scenarios, and explain your answer using Le Chitelier’s principle. Fg + Big Cag + Do exothermic * endothermic 1) More Bis dissolved in the same amount of solvent ‘The concentration ofa reactant has increased, so the postion of equlrium wil shift to the Fight hand side to counteract the change and increase the concentration of products b) The site ofthe reaction vessel is reduced ‘The pressure has been increased, so the postion of equilibrium wil shift tothe side with fewer «gas molecules (the right-hand side) to counteract the change and reduce the pressure 4) The temperature is reduced The temperature has been decreased so the position of equilibrium will shift to the right-hand side to counteract the change and give out thermal energy to increase the temperature 4) Acatalystis added ‘catalyst has no effect on the position of equilibrium Foner earings Tor SEF ery (anne ans On apse ‘age ak OF ang Eaton 719
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