Joe Dispenza Meditation
Joe Dispenza Meditation
Joe Dispenza Meditation
Praying tongues
1. Tongues increase activity in limbic system, decreases frontal lobe activity
(language centre)
2. Common meditation states have seen increased activity in frontal lobes
3. Tongues doesnt decrease activity in left superior parietal lobe (process sensory
input). In contrast, traditional meditation decreases.
1. We're not meant to just survive but to thrive
2. Rich get richer, even companies consolidate power
3. Instead of binary needle on compass, use torus field shape as needle/compass
4. Quantum in our environment is not separate, but part of env. like whirlpool in
5. Torus pattern circulates, revolves, self-regulating, balanced
6. Life is a torus pattern repeated across various scales. Diff scale but same
torus pattern (life and life more abundantly)
7. Universe is a series of self-organizing systems
8. Torus pattern is apple, orange, tornado, magnetic field around earth/person,
atom, atmosphere of planet, whirlpool in a stream
9. rotating/spinning galaxy is a spiral with centre column that radiates torus
10. fd = spiral, pineal/breath = central column, torus field = energy
11. torus is like breath of the universe, channeling the flow of energy
12. torus has vector equilibrium, a perfectly balanced force field with equal
energy lines radiating out. They stabilize energy at centre like spokes of wheel
13. tetrahedra of 64 pyramids circumscribed by spheres - the matrix of spheres is
the flower of life, found at Osirian temple in Egypt, under lion's paw in forbidden
14. I-ching, Hebrew Kabbalistic tree of life, cross-section of a DNA strain - also
64 hexagrams
15. crop circles often electrostatically charged, some littered with strange
magnetic particles. electromagnetic field
16. alot of crop circles are 2D images of 3D torus field
17. research torus field and vector equilibrium esp in form of 64 tetrahedron
crystal, access energy in clean, safe limitless way. new form of propulsion
18. Nikola Tesla tried radiant energy without combustion. dun need copper wires.
19. If a story doesnt make sense, follow the money
20. Henry Kissinger: who ctrls food supply, ctrls the ppl. who ctrls energy, ctrls
whole continents, who controls $$$, controls the world
21. When ppl already hv all desired material stuff, they crave power
22. Key tool of the enemy: divide and conquer
23. Theres an absolute zero centre point in middle of each torus field
Thrive II
1. Useful imagery for unified field: Imagine a fluid like water pemeates all empty
space. It is the source of gravity, electromagnetic field, mass, charge
2. Focus on new tech that crates a resonance link to unified field to extract
energy from it
3. Interesting device built by Nassim: 2 coils producing double torus shape
magnetic field, spinning the field in coordinated rotation to create this
singularity that hopefully couples to the vacuum.
4. Inside coil is spherical crystal container with plasma in it, forced to rotate
with the electromagnetic field
5. Like a star inside crystal ball. Start the field geometry inside the plasma in
the crystal ball, until it becomes self-sustaining. Then remove coil to unleash the
self-sustaining device to power whatever. Resonance
6. Mimic universe building star/galaxy
7. Energy is everywhere and is always moving, called vibration (frequency = rate of
8. Resonance occurs when frequencies match in intensity
9. Unified is geometric in design, unifies traditionally considered separated
forces, applicable across scales
10. Vacuum is not empty. Stillness is not still.
11. geometry is not abt lines and angles, its abt push and pull. pull of sun =
gravity. push from sun = radiation. lines are our way of visualizing
12. Eye of tornado, a torus field, is stillness
13. Lines connecting these points of stillnesses in various toruses form a vector
equilibrium (named by Buckminster Fuller)
14. Pulsation of energy in vector equilibrium called jitterbug, dance of the
cosmos. Finds equilibrium in symmetry
15. Torus might be able to unify gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces,
16. Nassim Haramein postulates protons are mini black holes. Spin creates strong
force holding them together to offset repulsion from +ve charge. weak force =
nucleus fluctuations that emanate waves into the unified field
17. Planck Spherical Unit - single wave of light. Postulated that its form is
18. Main way to access torus field of energy is thru stillness, the zero point. Not
static, but a state of harmonic resonance
19. Sound waves at diff frequencies shape energy from field into matter. Accoustic
pressure creates predictable patterns
20. send vibrational signature of the deficient minerals or vitamins back into the
body via sound waves from a headset. bring body back into resonant harmony
21. disease stems from insterstitium fluid losing alkalinity
22. unified field is dispersed, decentralized
23. zenneck technology real or not
24. atoms, suns, magnets are open systems. not closed systems. cant apply 1st law
of thermodynamics on it blindly, which apply to open systems.
25. microsonic energy device in Zimbabwe? Generate energy from 'thin air' out of
'radio frequency'? serious? i hv doubts
26. you're not just a drop in the ocean, youre the ocean in a drop