Joe Dispenza Meditation

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Ep1 Introduction to Your Brain

1. Neocortex = seat of conscious mind.

2. Visual cortex process light signals
3. Emotional experiencing it releases chemicals that strengthen that connection to
become a circuit. Knowledge is for the mind, experience is for the body
4. Suggested route by Joe: knowledge > experience > wisdom. mind > body > soul.
think > act > feel. Learning it with your head, applying it with your hands,
knowing it by heart
5. But this runs contrary to Holy Spirit led Spirit > Soul > Body. Reliance on
self-effort instd of Holy Spirit directed activity
6. We believe therefore we speak, act and the feel will become

Ep2 What is Change

1. 60-70k thoughts per day. 90% of which are same as yest. Then same thoughts,
choices, actions/behaviors then same experiences/feelings and same being
2. Heb's law - nerve cells that fire together, wire together. Recursive
strengthening then hardwired into habit loop (trigger-routine-reward)
3. Memories are recreated images/emotions, not accurate. embellished. conditions
body to repeat certain circuits
4. If keep running same behavior/thought loop, same brain, same experience, same
shit diff day. Unable to create a diff future
5. Imagination = map of future, visualizing is creating the future = installing new
circuit (teaching your body how new future feels like)
6. Intent (tasting, experiencing it in your vision to make it real). Write down.
Make it plain on tablets
7. Usual barriers - env (externalities), time (resources) and body (feelings)

Ep3 Demystifying Meditation

1. Meditation - to become familiar with. subconscious program
2. Step 1: Notice and observe previously subconsiocus thoughts
3. Step 2: Dont take those thoughts, return to present moment (Joe), plant God's
word (JP)
4. Step 3: Accumulate these little victories. energy is released via these
victories to create new future. Create new circuits of neural networks. Energy
radiates out. Broadcast the energy by proclaiming God's promises, pray in tongues,
activate angels
5. Disconnect and reduce sensory info overload to brain. Train the brain animal
6. Where you place your attention is where you place your energy. Dont get robbed,
off schedule. Settle body back down. Dont feed monsters
7. The stronger the emotional drag, the more energy it drains
8. Toddlers 1-6 brain waves in v slow state, so highly suggestible moldable to
info. Signals/words enters their subconscious mind unedited. Easy to stick
9. Age 6-9 analytical mind starts developing
10. Conscious mind only 5%. Subconscious programming from young is 95% of mind
11. Rewire or reprogram subconscious mind via meditation, which disables analytical
mind temporarily

Ep4 Survival vs Creation

1. Types of Stress - physical (trauma, accidents fall), chemical (sicknesses,
toxins in food) and emotional (traffic jam, marriage, kids etc)
2. Thought alone can turn on stress response. So worries and cares can be toxic.
3. In contrast, God's words are life to those who find them, health to all our

Ep5 Changing your Brainwaves

1. Types of Brainwaves
Delta 0.2 - 3 Hz (deep, healing sleep): during deepest, usually dreamless stagges
of sleep
Theta 3 - 8 Hz (Dreaming, flow state): Deeply relaxed. Daydreaming or drifting off
to sleep. Creativity and intuition greatly boosted here
Alpha 8 - 12 Hz (Relaxation, reflection): Relaxed. Imaginary state. Idle mind. Yoga
or reading.
Beta 12 - 27 Hz (Concentration, learning): Focused. Doing. Interacting.
Gamma 27 Hz : High performance, peak perception and expanded consciousness

2. Brainwaves emit electromagnetic frequencies detectable by EEG

3. Meditation meant to shift brain from beta to alpha
4. Sometimes ppl pause to think (shifts from beta to alpha). Inner world becomes
more real than outer world
5. Beta to alpha transition bypasses analytical mind, allows us to work on base OS
6. Alpha is hazon vision, more in pics than words
7. Theta state suppresses identity, conscious mind, personality. Consciousness and
awareness moves out of your neocortex
8. High gamma is 50-100 cycles/sec. ectasty, bliss, euphoria
9. Conscious mind spans beta and alpha states in Neocortex. Subconsious mind spans
Alpha, Theta, Delta states in Limbic brain which includes pineal gland
10. In Theta, Delta states, healing happens. Coherence syncing in cadence/rythm.
More energy in brain and heart. Resonance instead of conflicting signals,
confusion, drum beats out of sync.
11. In Theta, disconnected from 3D space and time. Dematerialize, greater awareness
and reception of Holy Spirit. Energy drops down to your heart which is like a
magnetic field. No wonder scripture says guard your heart. All issues of life
12. Relevant scriptures:
(a) Romans 12:2 Disconnect from this world's time and space. Mind will be renewed
and transformed. Will know the will of God. Will lead to spiritual gifts in verses
3-8 and gd behavior in verses 9-21
(b) Proverbs 4:20-23 God's words and sayings are raw ingredients during meditation.
See and hear. Let them drop deep into heart. Life to all our flesh
(c) 2 Cor 3:17-18 Dont meditate with covered face. Meditate = behold Jesus. Commune
with His Spirit. There is liberty and transformation by the Spirit
(d) 1 Peter 5:7 casting all your cares worries anxieties concerns upon Him
(e) Matt 6:25-34 take no worrisome thought, dont say it out
(f) Proverbs 23:7 thoughts can change your being. Esp via communion.
(g) Isaiah 55 God's thoughts are way higher than ours. Meditate on His thoughts,
not our thoughts. God's word will not return to Him void. Harvest.
(h) Isaiah 6:10 heart,ears, eyes again! Linked to the parable of the sower.
Meditation utilizes ears, eyes, heart and mind!
(i) Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the
peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.
(j) Mat 18:1-4 children are the greatest in kingdom of heaven (cos they less
attached to material world, might not even understand it let alone be consumed by
it). Their pineal gland havent shrink, sensitive to spiritual realm. Hence Jesus
wants us to be as little children. This is his definition of humility

Ep6 Reprogramming your Genes

1. Create inner experience with amplitude and energy greater than external stimuli
or past emotional baggage
2. Intent from mind + emotion from body
3. Genes = library of potentials
4. Telomeres degeneration can be accelerated by stress. Biological age and
chronological age can be diff
5. Meditation affect gene expression and telomeres
6. Alternate scientific loose definition of miracle: Energy influencing matter in
an instant. Not time dependent. Quantum phenomena
7. Inner experience of worship that brings tears, with amplitude of energy greater
than emotional condition of body, greater than hardwired programs of the mind - >
transformation. biologically changed
8. Inner present experience more real than past hurt or failures

Ep7 Healing Power of Alignment

1. Placebo effect - the power of suggestability
2. Element 1: conditioning to believe
3. Element 2: expectation, believe and accept. look fwd with gratitude, optimism
4. Element 3: assigning meaning, show u chart and data to help u contextualize
5. communion! thats why Jesus say eat my flesh, drink my blood. John 6:53-58
abiding in Him and Him in you key channel is communion
6. Parkinson/depression patient experiment. Patients experience massive dopamine
release during meditation. But return to old self during regular activities post
meditation. Thats why our old selves were crucified with Christ. Need new identity
7. Made a decision with such firm intention that cause their body to respond to
their new mind. Changed their biology in that second. Immune to the conditions in
their environment in that trance state
8. Firm intention casts aside discouragements from body, environment and time
9. Even if you think positive "im getting better every day" but body and emotional
state feels fear, discouragement, that thought cant get past emotional state. Need
love, joy, peace, gratitude, a greater reality in Jesus
10. 3 John 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in
health, even as thy soul prospereth. Soul prosperity releases positive energy

Ep8 Building Quantum Coherence

1. Subjective mind affects objective world. Our thoughts matter. They literally
impact matter. Mind and matter intimately connected
2. Classic / Newtonian / Macro physics deal with the predictable, material world
3. Quantum / Micro physics or subatomic world deal with the uncertain (grace).
Jesus said in John 18:36 His kingdom is not of this world, is not from this world.
His kingdom involves this world but didnt originate from this world
4. Subatomic world = nucleus surrounded by a cloud of energy. In the cloud,
electrons can exist anywhere, expressed as a probability function. Their movement
is not smooth/continuous like classical physics. Movement is ball rolling down
staircase, gains and lose and gain energy
5. When you look for the electron, the energy collapse into a particle called
collapsed wave function in a quantum event. Called observer effect. Subjective mind
has an effect on the objective world. This is the science behind faith.
6. When stop observing or awareness no longer on it, particle returned to
7. Before observation, electron is a wave (energy) spread out over time and space.
At observation, its a particle (matter), become localised space-time quantum event.
At the point of your faith, your miracle already born
8. Main objective is to sharpen our "skill of observation" (basically increase our
9. Quantum field (spiritual realm) of energy exists beyond time & space. Infinite
field all around us. Omnipotence. Its energy and information non-physical non-
material. Scientists call it unified field. An invisible field of energy that
connects and governs physical spacetime reality.
10. Big bang explosion in quantum field led to order beccause there is a power and
intelligence in unified field. In contrast, explosion in spacetime lead to
disorder. How did God use the energy in the unified field to create order and
11. Our 5 senses not the main way to interact with unified field. Stress, anxiety
and fear release hormones. Heighten our senses to physical reality and material
world. Deeper stuck in spacetime, more distant from unified field (spiritual
realm). In scripture language, we are not in faith. But in fear, stress and
12. Unified field permeates everything. Omnipresent like wifi internet web. Its
about energy, frequency, vibration, information, connection, consciousness,
awareness, faith, thought
13. Reality is both particle and wave, mass and energy, law and grace, God is
omnipresent and omnipotent
14. If you take away all mass, all galaxies leaving only an infinite void...its
massive energy with all possibilities and experiences. No mass doesnt mean theres
nothing there
15. More than 99.99% of atom is empty space. Most of the mass concentrated in
nucleus. This material world that feels so solid is mroe than 99.99% fluff.
Virtual. Not real. Carnally minded = getting too attached to material world,
feeling that its real
16. Our identity cannot be in spacetime - knowing someone, living somewhere, doing
something, owning certain things. This is narrow focus on the known world (flesh).
Broad focus on the unknown world (spirit) instead
17. Slow brain waves down. Relax away from demand consciousness - feeling need to
do something, go somewhere, meet someone, own something. No one, no thing, no
where, no time. Time stands still. Change brain waves, improve brain coherence
18. Tapping power of quantum field (spiritual realm) requires coherent brain /
clear intention (faith) and coherent heart / heartfelt emotion (love, joy and
peace). More energy, less mass.
19. Confession/proclamation of faith are like pebbles that drop into water, over
time create resonant magnetic field (miracle)
20. In quantum field, thought = electrical charge, emotion = magnetic charge.
Broadcasted into the field which contains information.
21. If you believe and not doubt, see your manifestation before it happens. You no
longer experience lack. In Christ, you already have. Not trying to get
22. Give thanks, it enhances magnetic field.

Ep9 Creating with the Field

1. we experience material world via its form, structure, density, height depth
2. we experience time by moving thru space, and thru memory
3. In this spacetime world, everything takes time. We plug in with our 5 senses.
4. Rushing to move faster thru space, takes u away from the generous present
moment. Rat race
5. Disconnect from our body, time, fall into present moment presence of God. Forget
the things to do, the ppl you know and other distractions. Enter alpha then theta
(entering subconscious).
6. When you are in theta, youre conscious in your subconscious mind. Infinite time,
eternal. There is no space
7. Alot of negative emotions make us feel more like matter, less like energy
8. Love, joy, peace, gratitude and all the fruits of the Holy Spirit transcends
time and space. This is 5th dimensional stuff
9. Humility is not really thinking lowly of yourself, its more like losing a sense
of self

Ep10 Pineal Gland & the Quantum Field

1. Pineal gland secretes Serotonin (daytime, promotes beta brain frequency) and
Melatonin (night time, promotes alpha/theta/delta frequency to restore regen body)
2. Located between back of throat and back of neck
3. Pineal gland is very sensitive to light
4. Our eyes and senses are sensitive to visible light spectrum, which is a tiny
sliver of the tiny frequency spectrum
5. Melatonin level highest between 1am and 4am
6. Stress reduces melatonin, so must manage down stress and anxiety
7. Melatonin promotes DNA repair and replication, stops cortisol secretion, promote
carbohydrate metabolism, increases REM sleep, anti-oxidant, alot of benefits in
8. Pineal gland is at centre of brain, following a fibonacci constant spiral /
golden mean. Commonly called third eye, for inner vision
9. Pineal gland is a transducer that has piezoelectric properties
10. Crystals (made of carbon, oxygen and calcium) in pineal gland convert
mechanical stress/energy to electrical charge, create electromagnetic field
11. Human nervous system are like electrical wires that run body machine. Cerebral
spinal fluid enhance electrical conductivity in nervous system
12. Inhale > skull sutures open up (more volume in skull), tail/sacrum bone flexes
back, cerebral fluid drains down
13. Exhale > skull sutures close, tail/sacrum bone flexes fwd, cerebral fluid
pushed up against gravity
14. Each drop of cerebral fluid makes one round around body every 12 hours
15. Take one slow steady breath, and in coordination, contract lower ab (pull belly
button inwards) + upper ab + pc muscle, pushing cerebral fluid up against crystals
in pineal gland (near third ventricle of brain)
16. Eph 4:23 renewed in the spirit of your mind, spirit = breath (pneuma)
17. This delivers energy to brain by making it a electromagnetically charged torus
field. Magnet got effect on matter (ie magnet organize metal shavings along poles)
18. Both humans and eggs +ve charge at head, -ve charge at tail
19. Breath is the main way to deliver energy back to brain. In the process, nervous
system switches on. Might enter gamma brain wave patterns, peak perception and
expanded consciousness
20. When breathe out, cerebral fluid tickles and stimulates the celia on pineal
gland, releasing sacred chemicals

Ep11 Transcendence & the Pineal

1. 4 states of consciousness: awake, asleep, dream, lucid transcendental (more
awake in a dream than the 3D reality we live in)
2. When crystals in pineal gland is activated/stimulated, it oscillates. Can
transduce signals into images like how tv antenna works
3. When eyes closed during meditation, melatonin increases. Pineal gland can pick
up frequencies thats not visible light. Quantum field exists beyond speed of light.
4. Whole pt of meditation is get beyond neocortex into limbic brain (conscious in
subconscious mind)
5. releases oxytocin in brain and heart, shuts down fear in amydgdala
6. Feeling gratitude and thankfulness affects magnetic field, causes melatonin to
be transmuted into dimethyltryptamine (causes profound lucid inner vision) and
vasopressin (upgrade cells in body). God's word life to all our flesh
7. Alot of ppl report seeing fractal patterns eg mandalas
8. 2 coherent waves sum together to form greater amplitude, higher energy waves
9. Theta is a precursor to Gamma, a carrier of gamma brain waves. Mind needs to
relax until shut lights off 4D world.

Ep12 Shifting into Time-Space

1. The brain thinks, the heart knows. But objective is to sustain both brain and
heart coherence. Brain coherence opens door to the heart. Heart transforms the
brain. Recursive relationship.
2. Integrated and whole means waves amplifying together to achieve higher amplitude
and energy
3. Stress reduces energy to brain and heart. incoherence. Fight or flight hormones
activated but no real animal to combat. Stuck in sedentary office. Stress channels
energy to 5 senses. Stuck in earthly limited realm
4. Waves that are out of sync, interfere and diminish energy. Destructive
interference. "careful and troubled about many things. being pulled apart"
5. Deep breaths, relax until brain in alpha theta states. One way Joe suggests is
to sense how the aura or space around person expands indefinitely outwards, until
lose track of time and space. Let brain shift from beta phase to coherent form of
alpha or theta
6. In theta, mind is conscious in subconscious zone, beyond neocortex. Sympathetic
nervous system switched off. Connected to autonomic nervous system. Regen and
repair happens
7. Incoherent heart rhythm impairs performance, drains energy esp under stress,
impairs brain performance. Coherent heart optimizes performance, builds resilience,
enhances brain function.
8. Frustration, anxiety, worry and irritation impairs performance and heart
coherence. Love, joy, peace creates heart coherence and optimizes performance.
Hencce guard your heart with all diligence, for out of are the forces/springs
(potential/kinetic energy conversion language) of life
9. Heart and mind are recursive, connected via vagus nerve

Ep13 Blessing of the Energy Centers

1. We are not matter. We are energy using matter as an expression of life.
2. Body cells are mainly light and information
3. When energy is enhanced in your body there is a release of light

Praying tongues
1. Tongues increase activity in limbic system, decreases frontal lobe activity
(language centre)
2. Common meditation states have seen increased activity in frontal lobes
3. Tongues doesnt decrease activity in left superior parietal lobe (process sensory
input). In contrast, traditional meditation decreases.

1. We're not meant to just survive but to thrive
2. Rich get richer, even companies consolidate power
3. Instead of binary needle on compass, use torus field shape as needle/compass
4. Quantum in our environment is not separate, but part of env. like whirlpool in
5. Torus pattern circulates, revolves, self-regulating, balanced
6. Life is a torus pattern repeated across various scales. Diff scale but same
torus pattern (life and life more abundantly)
7. Universe is a series of self-organizing systems
8. Torus pattern is apple, orange, tornado, magnetic field around earth/person,
atom, atmosphere of planet, whirlpool in a stream
9. rotating/spinning galaxy is a spiral with centre column that radiates torus
10. fd = spiral, pineal/breath = central column, torus field = energy
11. torus is like breath of the universe, channeling the flow of energy
12. torus has vector equilibrium, a perfectly balanced force field with equal
energy lines radiating out. They stabilize energy at centre like spokes of wheel
13. tetrahedra of 64 pyramids circumscribed by spheres - the matrix of spheres is
the flower of life, found at Osirian temple in Egypt, under lion's paw in forbidden
14. I-ching, Hebrew Kabbalistic tree of life, cross-section of a DNA strain - also
64 hexagrams
15. crop circles often electrostatically charged, some littered with strange
magnetic particles. electromagnetic field
16. alot of crop circles are 2D images of 3D torus field
17. research torus field and vector equilibrium esp in form of 64 tetrahedron
crystal, access energy in clean, safe limitless way. new form of propulsion
18. Nikola Tesla tried radiant energy without combustion. dun need copper wires.
19. If a story doesnt make sense, follow the money
20. Henry Kissinger: who ctrls food supply, ctrls the ppl. who ctrls energy, ctrls
whole continents, who controls $$$, controls the world
21. When ppl already hv all desired material stuff, they crave power
22. Key tool of the enemy: divide and conquer
23. Theres an absolute zero centre point in middle of each torus field
Thrive II
1. Useful imagery for unified field: Imagine a fluid like water pemeates all empty
space. It is the source of gravity, electromagnetic field, mass, charge
2. Focus on new tech that crates a resonance link to unified field to extract
energy from it
3. Interesting device built by Nassim: 2 coils producing double torus shape
magnetic field, spinning the field in coordinated rotation to create this
singularity that hopefully couples to the vacuum.
4. Inside coil is spherical crystal container with plasma in it, forced to rotate
with the electromagnetic field
5. Like a star inside crystal ball. Start the field geometry inside the plasma in
the crystal ball, until it becomes self-sustaining. Then remove coil to unleash the
self-sustaining device to power whatever. Resonance
6. Mimic universe building star/galaxy
7. Energy is everywhere and is always moving, called vibration (frequency = rate of
8. Resonance occurs when frequencies match in intensity
9. Unified is geometric in design, unifies traditionally considered separated
forces, applicable across scales
10. Vacuum is not empty. Stillness is not still.
11. geometry is not abt lines and angles, its abt push and pull. pull of sun =
gravity. push from sun = radiation. lines are our way of visualizing
12. Eye of tornado, a torus field, is stillness
13. Lines connecting these points of stillnesses in various toruses form a vector
equilibrium (named by Buckminster Fuller)
14. Pulsation of energy in vector equilibrium called jitterbug, dance of the
cosmos. Finds equilibrium in symmetry
15. Torus might be able to unify gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces,
16. Nassim Haramein postulates protons are mini black holes. Spin creates strong
force holding them together to offset repulsion from +ve charge. weak force =
nucleus fluctuations that emanate waves into the unified field
17. Planck Spherical Unit - single wave of light. Postulated that its form is
18. Main way to access torus field of energy is thru stillness, the zero point. Not
static, but a state of harmonic resonance
19. Sound waves at diff frequencies shape energy from field into matter. Accoustic
pressure creates predictable patterns
20. send vibrational signature of the deficient minerals or vitamins back into the
body via sound waves from a headset. bring body back into resonant harmony
21. disease stems from insterstitium fluid losing alkalinity
22. unified field is dispersed, decentralized
23. zenneck technology real or not
24. atoms, suns, magnets are open systems. not closed systems. cant apply 1st law
of thermodynamics on it blindly, which apply to open systems.
25. microsonic energy device in Zimbabwe? Generate energy from 'thin air' out of
'radio frequency'? serious? i hv doubts
26. you're not just a drop in the ocean, youre the ocean in a drop

Book Becoming Supernatural

1. clear intention (coherent brain) and elevated emotion (coherent heart)
transforms. Faith!
2. heart pump blood, iron, is a electromagnetic field. Coherent heart rhytm
increases energy.
3. magnetic field is energy / frequency carrying info (intent or thought) that can
influence the heart of another person at a different location by moving it into
coherence and balance
4. a person can build or diminish a field of light around them. When more light is
emitted, there’s more energy and life. Less light -> more matter and thus emit less
vital energy
5. body’s cells and various systems communicate via flesh realm (chemical
interactions ) and spiritual realm - a field of coherent energy (light) that
carries a message (info) that causes the environment within and around cell to
instruct other cells and bio systems
6. Joe talks about energy centres in the body. We focus on God's word, whose
entrance gives light, and which is life to all our bodies and health to all our
flesh, regardless of centre
7. On way life to bodies and health to flesh happens is via epigenetic changes -
changing gene expressions
8. 4 stances of meditations — walking, sitting, standing, and lying down
9. You can pour out to Jesus your problems, name, schedules, routines, pain,
emotions. But for change, in faith declaration realm, its immaterial realm beyond
time and space.
10. science behind bondage: reliving a bad memory/experience in mind, create same
emotions and chemicals, clusters of neurons organize into networks over time,
beccome neural pathway
11. The more you repeat a thought, choice, behavior, experience, or emotion, the
more those neurons fire and wire together and the more they will sustain a long-
term relationship
12. We cannot be pure hardwired neurological networks, need room for creativity to
create a better future
13. thought (electrical charge) + emotion (magnetic charge, energy in motion) =
electromagnetic field
14. Frequencies of creative, elevated emotions like love, joy, and gratitude are
much higher than the emotions of stress, such as fear and anger, because they carry
different levels of conscious intent and energy
15. Folks who mentally rehearsed the actions had brains that looked like the
experience had already happened (hence Romans 12 emphasized renewing of your mind)
16. Just mentally rehearsing the activity through thought alone can produce same
brain as if the activity actually happened (hence ephesians 1 eyes of your mind
photizoed, full of photos)
17. Genes might not change but gene expression can change
18. Creative energy is being sucked away from you by various things in the world
that compete for your attention — cell phone, laptop, bank account, house, job,
ppl, medical conditions, pets (martha being carefull and troubled abt many things.
only one thing)
19. Two bonded atoms in a molecule share energy and info. Similarly, two people
sharing same emotions/energy/experience communicating the same thoughts and
information are energtically bonded as well. Takes energy and awareness to
20. Our brain usually in beta wave when awake:
low range hz: relaxed, but still aware of body in space and time
mid range hz: reading, listening, speaking, doing smthing not overly stressed or
completely out of balance
high range hz: stressed when you feel survival emotions eg anger, alarm, agitation,
suffering, grief, anxiety, frustration, or even depression
21. Alpha: relaxed, calm, creative, and even intuitive — when you’re no longer
thinking or analyzing and instead you’re daydreaming or imagining, like a trance
22. Theta: twilight stage when yourmind is still awake but your body is drifting
off to sleep. also achieved during deep states of meditation
23. Delta: deep, restorative sleep. Also achievable by some during meditation.
bodies are deeply asleep, and they are not dreaming, but their brain scans show
that their brains are processing very high amplitudes of energy
24. Gamma: superconscious high-frequency energy state when brain aroused from
internal event (eg during meditation when eyes closed and going within)
25. Atom = nucleus + large field. large field is a vast array of energetic
frequencies that make up an invisible, interconnected field of info. Matter may
appear solid, but is actually >99% energy or info
26. Electrons moving in the vast field not subject to the same laws that govern
matter in our larger universe
27. Electrons exist simultaneously in an infinite number of
possibilities/probabilities. During observation (aka collapsing wave function or
quantum event), invisible field of energy and info collapses into a particle
28. When observer looks away, electron disappears back into energy (wave). The
quantum/spiritual realm is looking for our faith
29. When attention off material world and on Christ in the present moment, brain
works in a coherent holistic manner.
30. Anxious people usually have lots of high-range beta and a lower level of delta
brain-wave frequencies (hence).
31. combine clear intention with heartfelt emotions of (love, joy, peace,
gratitude), resulting in strong electromagnetic field that makes u a vortex
broadcasting energy.
32. a vibrational match between your energy and spiritual realm creates resonance
(goodness and mercy hunts u down all the days of your life)
33. René Peoc’h’s baby chick experiment - intentions of baby chicks influenced
movements of a computerized robot
34. Meditation path:
Sense His presence, soak in it, Pray in tongues, worship
If distracted, relax dont get worked up or frustrated. simply return to present
moment, continuously reinvesting your attention will generate a mighty river
torrent in time
35. convergent focus (rest attention on specific body part). usually matter, 3D.
36. divergent focus (open and broad focus, awareness of light and energy expanding
around your body)
37. 2 overlapping atoms share light and info. Invisible field of energy holds them
together (Christ in Colossians)
38. formed molecule has diff physical properties than when separated - density,
boiling point, atomic weight
39. whether atom > molecule > cell > tissue > organ > system still held by
invisible field of light surrounding it that is energy (omnipotent) and info
40. The healthier the cell, the more coherent the biophotons it emits.
41. stories of heart transplant receipients adopting habits or food cravings of
donors, or even dreams abt donor's lives
42. info in energy field surrounding transplanted organ changed expression of
energy field of receipient, who picks up that info as memory and influences their
mind and body
43. Stress/anxiety draws from energy field around you. then less energy / light
surrounding to instruct homeostasis
44. thinking-feeling loop: thoughts > biochemical reactions in brain > brain
release chemical signals > body feel the thoughts > feelings generate more thoughts
> result in feeling-thinking reinforcing loop (hence scripture asks u to meditate
on gd things)
45. thoughts condition body to become the mind of whatever emotion being
experienced by storing energy in the energy center for that emotion
46. body = magnet. north pole = mind and brain. south pole = base of your spine,
tailbone, loins of your mind
47. stress/anxiety can trap energy in body and cause body to lose magnetism. Become
more matter, less energy (hence praying in tongues edifies - oikodomeo, charge up
like battery)
48. breath can pull mind out of the body and move stored energy up spine to brain,
restoring electromagnetic field surrounding body
49. spinal cord connects brain to sacrum (hence the phrase gird up the loins of
your mind). Spinal cord = brain extension
50. cerebrospinal fluid conduit to enhance electrical charges in nervous system.
51. inhale > sacrum backwards, skull sutures open slightly. exhale > sacrum fwds,
skull sutures close. breathing propagates wave thru cerebrospinal fluid via spine
thru brain, passing through 4 ventricles. 12 hours for 1 round
52. contract pc muscles in perineum, hold it/lock it down > then contract muscles
lower ab, hold it/lock it down > then contract muscles upper ab, hold it/lock it
down > cerebrospinal fluid forced upwards (stir up the gift of God)
53. nose take slow, steady breath. At same time, squeeze and hold muscles of
perineum, then lower abs, then upper abs, all while following breath up spine >
chest > throat > brain > top of head
54. Acceleration of cerebrospinal fluid of charge molecules create inductance field
(electromagnetic energy in circular motion). body becomes like magnet with
electromagnetic torus field - bronze serpent on a pole!
55. Torus is a recurring pattern in nature - apple, black holes. Fractals is one
56. Energy moves up from lower body stuck/storage to brain and when sufficiently
charged, opens thalamic gate + pineal, producing gamma waves - superconsciousness,
high energy from within body, creative, transcendental. This contrasts high-range
beta waves from stress. pineal gland releases elixirs
57. However, meditators may experience high beta on their way to gamma or simply
stay in very high-level beta states. Such state may signal that person paying more
attention to inner world than outer
58. spine has electrical info constantly moving through it, its an energy channel
59. elevated emotions higher&faster frequency than base/negative emotions.
Emotion/thought = energy. Higher emotion/thought = more energy. feel sian or nua =
less energy, more matter sluggish
60. emotions signal your genes ahead of environment. body doesnt discriminate
whether emotion from inner or outer experience. body begins to prepare chemically,
thinking the future is here now for the
future, that future is happening now).
61. we use 1.5% of DNA. Rest called junk DNA but its meant to be
discovered/activated via energy
62. Meditation Building Block 1:
(i) sit up straight on chair, both feet on ground or sit cross-legged, with pillow
supporting butt
(ii) hands on lap. can close eyes
(iii) squeeze PC muscles together, lock and hold for 5secs while breathing
normally. Repeat 2x
(iv) squeeze PC + lower abs, lock and hold for 5secs while breathing normally.
Repeat 2x
(v) squeeze PC + lower abs + upper abs, lock and hold for 5secs. Repeat 2x
63. Meditation Building Block 2:
(i) put fingernail at top of head centre of scalp, rem that point and sensation
then take finger away hand back on lap
(ii) take slow, steady breath thru nose without contracting muscles
(iii) follow breath > pc > lower abs > upper abs > chest > throat > brain > top of
head where finger was
(iv) keep attention exactly on top of head and let energy follow awareness, hold
10secs then relax
(v) take slow, steady breath thru nose imagine pulling energy up straw to top of
head, hold 10secs then relax
64. Meditation Putting Blocks Together: Inhale thru nose and contract muscles at
the same time, pull breath up follow it to top of head, hold 10secs then
65. Heart is at intersection of lower 3 energy centres and higher 3 centres (chakra
nonsense). Its the connection to unified field
66. Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) made up of sympathetic (accelerator) and
parasympathetic (brake)
67. Heart has nerve from both branches of ANS (sym and parasym) - every emotion and
thought affects heart. HRV (heart rate variability) can tell emotion with 75%
68. Heart produces strongest magnetic field in body — 5000times strength of that
produced by brain (hence the biblical emphasis on heart)
69. Heart has nervous system 40k neurons functioning independently from brain.
heart-brain, neurocardiology
70. You are suggestible only to the thoughts equal to your emotional state. Hence
believe it, confess it, feel it. The brain may think, but your heart knows
71. Heart Lock-In Technique:
(i) Close eyes, relax shoulders and body. Bring attention to heart
(ii) Deep and slow breaths
(iii) Sense His goodness, give thanks, broadcast the energy wave
72. Attention manipulation technique:
(i) seize attention with arresting statement/shocking image, bypass analytical
mind, make target more suggestible
(ii) float autosuggestion
(iii) reinforce msg
73. ppl are more suggestible at night as light declines, melatonin increases
74. dont be suspended in lack, fear, anger, opposition, prejudice, pain, sadness,
anxiety, perpetual busyness - being conformed by the world
75. Music has a way of calling up the memory of a specific time and place in our
76. During visualization, lose sense of self. Dont think of self as a body in 3D
space, but as a spirit consciousness. Fill visualization space with 3D structures,
forms, and space.
77. Expand the space with more forms, structures, curves, textures, scents, images,
78. Let the scene come alive in a movie, feel your entire body moving in the scene
79. Full engagement allows real-life sensory experience of future with eyes closed,
in the present moment
80. as you change your energy to align with God's word and promises, same frequency
> bang resonance > promises manifest, the future is now
81. uni-verse = one verse. Its just one of many many?
82. people, objects, places, and time experienced via our 5senses as form,
structure, mass, and density. Even in the natural universe, space appears infinite
83. We experience time by conceptualizing a thought different from current, then
move thru space to actualize that thought. 2 points of consciousness
84. Locality in physics - all things material occupy one position in space and time
85. Spacetime reality is sense based, creating the experience of separation from
every person, thing, place, in every time
86. The more we use our senses to define reality, the more we experience separation
and lack
87. Timespace is quantum spiritual realm — an inverse reality based on unknowns and
endless possibilities, energy, and multidimensional multiverse
88. Spacetime (infinite space, longitudinal) vs Timespace (infinite time, cross-
89. Most people perceive reality through a lens of past experiences and memories
built on spacetime realm. carnal materialists limited and enslaved by matter.
90. If we are matter focused on matter trying to influence matter to get more
matter and love to fill a void then eck, we suffer lack, polarity and separation
91. Anxiety, stress and fear make it worse
92. Spiritual realm (includes quantum field) has unlimited info and energy, unifies
and supercedes everything material. It organizes, connects and governs all the laws
of nature. It is a dimension of infinite time and space
93. Mar 8:35 whoever loses his life (become nobody, no one, no thing, no time, no
where) for my sale and the gospel's will save (sozo) it (ur faith has sozo u). v36
confirms it. "gains the whole world" (material) vs losing his soul (spiritual)
94. move away from external world of people, things, places, schedules, to-do lists
95. turn attention to Hoyl Spirit within - energy, vibration, frequency, and
96. Quantum world or spiritual realm deals with the unpredictable & unseen -
energy, waves, frequency, info, consciousness, light photons and spectra
97. spacetime - change speed > change time
98. timespace - change awareness of frequency/vibration > change dimension (time,
space or both or higher dimension/reality)
99. experience spiritual realm with your awareness/consciousness. be totally
present, no past no future just one long now
100. we all often say want more time to do more things - this is carnal. infinite
#experiences available to you now, limited by your imagination/faith (hence Eph
eyes of your imagination be photizoed)
101. spirit realm is infinite time, space, possibilities, dimensions, realities and
experiences - can be prophetic
102. meditation = some -> none -> all (being filled with the fullness of God)
103. real atom look like doughnut, torus field! not the classical model we learnt
in sch of electrons fixed orbit around nucleus
104. When eyes of imagination photizoed, call forth, let photons/subatomic
particles collapse from wave/energy into particle/matter, manifest locally in space
and time
105. Implications of E = MC^2
(i) Material travelling faster than light leaves 3D realm become energy. Speed of
light is threshold for matter to retain its form
(ii) Time = 4th dimension cos anything traveling slower than light needs time
(iii) 4th dimension time connects 3rd and 5th dimension
(iv) in the realm of light, there is no time no physical separation
(v) quantum entanglement proves that all matter (3D) and time (4D) are
connected/unified someway somehow else cant be instant. No separation between 2 pts
of consciousness in 5th dimension of love, joy, peace, grace, righteousness, faith
106. That which you have been seeking is seeking you. You become it, and it becomes
107. Melatonin can become dimethyltryptamine (DMT) if pineal gland sufficiently
stimulated. DMT powerful hallucinogen, found in ayahuasca, spiritual plant medicine
used by Amazon indigenous people.
108. crop circle in Roundway, UK, on July 23, 2011 looks alot like chemical
structure of melatonin
109. Follow golden ratio, Fibonacci’s constant, along circumference of brain.
Spiral will end at pineal gland
110. Caduceus of Hermes, Moses lifing up the bronze serpent an imagery of pineal
gland activation
111. envision synchronicity of fish school or bird flock flying in unison,
operating from and of one mind, connected by invisible energy field. Neither
autocratic or democratic. Nobody is leading yet everyone is leading because acting
as one.

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