Resume Arun
Resume Arun
Resume Arun
• Professional having vast exposure with reputable contractors, clients & project
management consultancy
• Able to control more than 1200 work forces at site and ensure safety to total
construction site
• Ensuring vendors EHS commitments like EHS Plan, Safety policy and its objects
for the project.
• Conduct employee induction, daily & Weekly Mass Safety tool box meeting to
the entire workers where specific safety issues were raised/discussed
• Conducting effective professional safety training programs for staff and workmen
E.g. Fire Safety Training, Mock Drill, Behaviour Based Safety, Electrical Safety,
Height work, Rigging Safety, Power tools SOP & Hot work safety
• Conducting safety committee meeting with all vendors and their workers
representation to discuss site safety issues & coordinating Occupational Health
& Welfare measures.
• Reporting to management for regular reports like monthly safety report, safety
statistics, near misses & incident reports if any.
• Monitoring the Site activities like Excavation, Erection, Height works, Scaffold
and Heavy lifting operation etc.
• 5S implementations at site
• Conducting Plant and machinery, Girder, Electrical, Site safety inspections &
Workmen Camp as per the monthly activity plan.
• Conducting Internal Safety audit & Safety tour in planned intervals so as to bring
out UA/UC and suggest for compliance.
I hereby solemnly declare that the above particulars, information and details are true and are of my
own to the best of my knowledge and belief.