Uself Reviewer
Uself Reviewer
Uself Reviewer
For Plato, the three elements of the Thus he believed that the soul or mind
soul/self are the reason, physical attains knowledge of the forms, as
appetite, and spirit or passion. opposed to the senses. Needless to say,
we should care about our soul rather than
Reason - is the divine essence that our body.
enables people to think deeply, make wise
choices, and achieve a true understanding As pointed out by Landazuri (2014) only a
of eternal truths. self-controlled man, then, will know
himself and will be capable of looking to He posits that the rational soul is the
see what he actually knows and what he character by moral virtues such as justice
doesn't know. and courage.
By the same token only a self-controlled “ I am doubting, therefore I am
man will be capable of examining others -St. Augustine
to see what a person knows and thinks he
knows(assuming that he does have Augustine viewed the body as the
knowledge) and whether there are things "spouse of the soul, both attached to
that he thinks he knows, but doesn't really. one another by "natural appetite".
And no one else will be capable of doing
this (Charmides, 167a) He believes that the body is united with
the soul, so that man may be entire and
A self-controlled man has introduced an complete.
inner order which allows him to
acknowledge his own limits and to As a religious, the soul is what governs
examine other person's knowledge and defines man. For him, humankind is
created in the image and likeness of
"THE SOUL IS THE ESSENCE OF THE God. Everything created by God is all
SELF" good.
Therefore, the human person, being a
Aristotle suggests that anything with life creation of God is always geared towards
has a soul. the good. Augustine is convinced that
the self is known only through knowing
The soul is the essence of all living God. Accordingly, self knowledge is a
things, thus the soul is the essence of consequence of knowing God.
the self. He introduced the three kinds of
souls: vegetative, sentient, and “Corgito ergo Sum - I THINK,
rational. THEREFORE I AM”
-”Rene Descartes”
Vegetative soul includes the physical
body that can grow. Suggests that the act of thinking about
the self or being self-conscious is
Sentient soul includes sensual desires, proof that there is a self.
feelings, and emotions.
Human self is a thinking entity that
A rational soul is what makes man doubts, understand, analyzes, question
human. It includes the intellect that and reason.
allows man to know and understand
things. There are dimensions of human self:
The self as thinking entity and the Self
Aristotle suggests that the rational nature as Physical Body.
of the self is to lead a good, flourishing,
and fulfilling life. Soul for him, is a non material,
immortal, conscious being, and
independent of physical laws of
For him, what people experience is just a
Physical Body is a material, mortal non bundle of collections of different
thinking entity, fully governed by the perceptions.
physical laws of nature.
If one examines his experiences, he
“THE SELF IS CONSCIOUSNESS” will find distinct entities: impressions
~John Locke and ideas.
Locke believes that the human mind at Impressions are the basic sensations
birth is a tabula rasa or a blank slate. of people’s experiences such as hate,
love, joy, pain, cold, and heat.
For him, conscious awareness and Impressions are vivid perceptions and
memory of previous experiences are the are strong and lively.
keys to understanding the self.
Ideas are thoughts and images from
He believes that the essence of the self impressions so they are less vivid.
is its conscious awareness of itself as
thinking,reasoning, and reflecting For Hume, the idea of personal identity
identity. is a result of imagination.