Republic Polytechnic A348 Water and Wastewater Treatment Worksheet 6: Dirt in Kettle
Republic Polytechnic A348 Water and Wastewater Treatment Worksheet 6: Dirt in Kettle
Republic Polytechnic A348 Water and Wastewater Treatment Worksheet 6: Dirt in Kettle
A348 Water and Wastewater Treatment Activity Owner: Benny Koh and Matthew Wong (Dr)
Module Chair: Chow Wai Ling Approved By: Lee Yeow Peng
Republic Polytechnic
A348 Water and Wastewater Treatment
a. Complete the table below using “Low”, “Moderate” or “High” to indicate the
level of dissolved solids concentration for the different types of water.
Gravimetric analysis - Evaporating the liquid solvent and measuring the mass
of leftover residue
Conductivity - The conductivity of water is directly related to the concentration
of dissolved ions in the water, an approximate TDS concentration can be
determined using a conductivity meter that uses an electric current to
measure in ppm.
TH ≈ [Ca] + [Mg]
b. What is CH? Why is it also known as temporary hardness? [Hint: write down
the relevant equations]
CH stands for carbonate hardness and it is known as temporary hardness
Carbonate hardness is named temporary hardness because Ca and Mg
carbonates precipitates as minerals upon heating
d. Using the link and knowing the values of CH and NCH, how would the value
of TH be calculated?
Total hardness:Carbonate Hardness(CH) + Noncarbonate hardness(NCH)
4. The figure below shows the equilibrium for the inorganic carbon species
depending on pH values.
CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3- ↔ 2H+ + CO32-
b. What happens when this formation dissociates further to the right side of the
equation/graph shown above? [Hint: What will be the carbon species found in
the water when 4.5 < pH < 8.3, and pH > 8.3?]
CO2, H2CO3-
pH > 8.3:
H2CO3-, CO32-
c. What are the common forms of carbon species found in natural water?
5. At water treatment plants, chemical treatments are usually used to remove the
hardness of water. Before examining the chemical treatment processes, the
concentration of the ions is usually expressed as milliequivalents per liter (meq/L)
or mg/L as CaCO3.
Consider a water sample with the following concentration of ions with pH of 7.2.
Table 1
Ions Conc.
Calcium (2+) Ca2+ 40
Magnesium (2+) Mg2+ 10.2
Sodium (+) Na+ 11.5
Potassium (+) K+ 4.2
Bicarbonate (-) HCO3- 106.1
Sulphate (2-) SO42- 67.2
Chloride (-) Cl- 10.8
Carbonate:CO3 2-
Number of equivalence for CaCO3:2
Complete Table 2 below by answering the following questions. [Hint: complete
the calculation by “cut and paste” this table to an Excel spreadsheet]
Table 2
Ions (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Conc. Molecular No. of Equivalent Conc. Conc.
Weight Equivalents Weight
(mg/L) (mg/mmol) (meq/mmol) (mg/meq) (meq/L) (mg/L
Concen CaCO3)
mg/L) * No of
valence meq *
charge/ 50
Calcium (2+) Ca2+ 40 40.1 2 20.05 =(40* 99.8
Magnesium (2+) Mg2+ 10.2 24.3 2 24.3/2 = 10.2/12. 0.83951
12.15 15 = x 50 =
0.83951 41.9755
Sodium (+) Na+ 11.5 23 1 23/1 = 23 11.5/23 0.5 x 50
= 0.5 = 25
Potassium (+) K+ 4.2 39.1 1 39.1/1 = 4.2/39.1 0.10742
39.1 = x 50 =
0.10742 5.371
Bicarbonate (-) HCO3- 106.1 61 1 61/1 = 61 106.1/6 1.73934
1=1.739 x 50 =
34 86.967
Sulphate (2-) SO42- 67.2 96.1 2 96.1 / 2 = 67.2/48. 1.39854
48.05 05 = x 50
1.39854 69.927
Chloride (-) Cl- 10.8 35.5 1 35.5/1 = 10.8/35. 0.30423
35.5 5= x 50 =
0.30423 15.2115
*magnesium cannot react with bicarbonate
a. What is molecular weight?
Molecular weight is the sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule
e. Convert the concentrations of ions from meq/L to mg/L as CaCO 3(2 charge)
[Note: Equivalent weight for CaCO3 = MW ÷ 2 = 100 ÷ 2 = 50 mg/meq]
b. Calculate the carbonate hardness in mg/L as CaCO 3. [Hint: see Q3b. How
much of Ca2+ and Mg2+ would react with the HCO3- when heated?]
d. Calculate the alkalinity (ALK) in mg/L as CaCO 3. [Note: assuming [OH-] = [H+]
since pH = 7.2 (nearly neutral)]
Alkalinity = carbonate + bicarbonate = 0 + 87.97 mg/L = 87.97 mg/L as
e. Comparing your answers in parts (b) and (d), what do you notice?
Carbonate hardness have the same value as Alkalinity, this means that CH =
*When TH is greater than alkalinity
7. The results of a water analysis in Table 2 can be shown in the bar graph below.
The length of each segment in the bar graph represents the ion concentration in
meq/L (or can be in mg/L as CaCO 3). The top row of the bar graph consists of
major cations arranged in the order of calcium, magnesium, sodium and
potassium. Anions in the bottom row are arranged in the sequence of carbonate
(if present), bicarbonate, sulphate and chloride. The sum of the positive
milliequivalents per liter must equal to the sum of the negative values for water in
*Read from the left to the right
*Carbonate is missing from the bar graph
a. Which segments in the bar graphs represent (i) total hardness (TH) and (ii)
alkalinity (ALK)?
i) Top row
TH = Ca + Mg = 2.83
ii) Bottom row
CH → HCO3 = 1.74
Alkalinity = CH = 1.74
b. Hence, compare the values of alkalinity with carbonate hardness (CH). What
can you deduce? [Hint: use the table below to help your analysis]
(mg/L as (mg/L as (mg/L as (mg/L as
CaCO3) CaCO3) CaCO3) CaCO3)
Calculation results
from Table 2 2.83 x 50 = 1.74 x 50 = 1.09 x 50 = 1.74 x 50 =
141.5 87 54.5 87
If ALK __is smaller - CH = ALK NCH = TH-CH -
than?__ TH
a. Determine the relevant hardness and alkalinity in mg/L as CaCO 3. [Hint: use
the equations in Q5f]
b. Similarly, what can you deduce from part (a)? [Hint: use the table below to
help your analysis]
(mg/L as (mg/L as (mg/L as (mg/L as
CaCO3) CaCO3) CaCO3) CaCO3)
Calculation results 135.5 135.5 0 140
from part (a)
If ALK __<___TH - CH = ALK NCH = TH-CH -
If alkalinity is less than total hardness, carbonate hardness = alkalinity and non
carbonate hardness = total hardness - carbonate hardness
9. Summarize your findings for today. How do you explain the phenomenon
observed by Gary as given in problem statement?
The phenomenon observed by Gary was limescale build up. It is a hard chalky
deposit consisting mainly of calcium carbonate and builds up (due to magnesium
and calcium minerals in hard water) inside kettles especially for hot water. It can
reduce the performance of the kettle and also cause increased power
consumption and running costs.
# End of Worksheet #
Cracking is very crucial as it ensures proper combustion because combustion is only complete
when combustible gases are thoroughly mixed with oxygen.