Article 17 JSSM Volume 16 Number 7 October 2021
Article 17 JSSM Volume 16 Number 7 October 2021
Article 17 JSSM Volume 16 Number 7 October 2021
et al., 2018). The key role for the success of the semi-arid regions has been introduced as an
water harvesting system is choosing optimal alternative approach which participated in an
locations to use later in dry seasons. Appropriate increase of water availability. Understanding the
site selection in large areas is a great challenge nature of the catchment regarding hydrological
(Adham et al., 2018). behaviour is the most important step to plan
Delineation of possible sites for water water harvesting strategy (Campisano et al.,
harvesting by using an integrated model 2017)
of different environmental variables and Generally, Iraq is located in arid to semi-
Geographic Information System (GIS) can arid zones, but it has unstable precipitation
provide very precise, accurate and powerful trends (Ibrahim et al., 2019). Until 1970,
procedure for decision makers (Salman et al., Iraq was classified as a country rich in water
2017; Selamat et al., 2019). Optimal sites for resources because of the Tigris and Euphrates
WH and estimating of runoff in large areas are rivers running through it (Adham et al., 2018).
the greatest challenge (Inamdar et al., 2018). Water scarcity in Iraq became a critical issue
The technique of choosing suitable sites through after years of war lack of water policies and
GIS model is based on two different groups of management. Moreover, a high proportion of its
criteria (Socio-economic and Biophysical). GIS water discharges directly into the Gulf (Alwan
can provide very important reliable and accurate et al., 2020). This one of the most promising
information at large spatial scales to estimate techniques for increasing water availability in
and manage water resources (Sagar & Chauhan, Iraq (Saleh et al., 2018).
2017). GIS has proven to be successful and Little attention has been paid on exploring
is considered to be a robust scientific tool to the reliability of implementing water harvesting
deal with large multi-spatial data (Al-Jarjees, strategies in arid and semi-arid areas on large
2020; Parkinson et al., 2018). It’s also an spatial scales (Campisano et al., 2017). No
attractive, effective tool in selecting suitable research has been done on this scale of criteria,
sites for catchment water harvesting (Varade and on socio-economic criteria. The aim of
et al., 2017). Analytical Hierarchy Process this study is to identify potential sites for water
(AHP) is a technique for multi-criteria analysis. harvesting in northern Al-Tharthar watershed,
Currently, many researchers depend on GIS and through using integrated GIS-based model
AHP in using multi-environmental criteria and and AHP method, including a comprehensive
spatial factors to select optimal zones of water multi biophysical, environmental and socio-
collecting (Alkhatib et al., 2019). Combining economics criteria analysis.
GIS and AHP methods in selecting sites have
shown highly accurare results (Wu et al., 2018).
GIS-based multi-environmental criteria and Materials and Methods
AHP approach for assessing and selecting sites Study Area
of water harvesting have become widely used.
Integrated models can successfully choose the Al-Tharthar valley catchment is one of the
best possible sites for collecting water, on the biggest watersheds in the Nineveh governorate
other hand it can cope with challenges of missing the northwest desert of Iraq (H. Al-Ardeeni,
some data (Haile & Suryabhagavan, 2019). 2018). The catchment includes the Tharthar
lake (depression), which is located between the
Water shortage becomes a serious issue Euphrates and Tigris rivers (Rahi & Halihan,
in arid and semi-arid regions (Alwan et al., 2018). The catchment is in arid and semi-arid
2020). In those regions’ rainfall patterns are zones with hot summers and cold winters (H.
unpredictable in both quantity and frequency, Al-Ardeeni, 2018). The geographic location of
thus measuring and managing produced runoff the study area stretches from 35° 17’ 45.4” to
is very important. Water harvesting in arid and 36° 31’ 7.7” N latitude and from 41° 52’ 20.4” to
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Raid Mahmood Faisal and Mohammed Abdaki 220
43° 03’ 7.3” E longitude. The catchment covers winter, while rains in spring and autumn are at
an area of 6135.77 km2 as shown in Figure 1. 36% and 15% respectively. The rainy season
The catchment is mostly dry all year, extends from November to April. The main
however, the rainy season triggers short water resource of the catchment is rainfall
concentrated floods (Adham et al., 2018). (Saleh et al., 2018) which is used for irrigation
The mean monthly temperature varies from (Thair et al., 2017) and various agricultural
33.9ºC in summer to 7.8ºC in winter. The activities, mainly cultivation of barley, wheat
annual average rainfall is less than 350 mm. and ranching livestock (Al-Ozeer et al., 2020;
The majority of rainfall, about 49%, occurs in H. Al-Ardeeni, 2018).
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
# Criteria Source
1 Slope Digital Elevation Models (DEM) with 12.5 m resolution obtain from
2 Elevation Alaska Satellite
3 Stream orders
Iraqi Meteorological Organization & Seismology (coverage 2000 to
4 Annual rainfall 2014). As measured of 6 meteorological stations.
The Digital Soil Map of the World, FAO/UNESCO, Version 3.6,
5 Soil texture classes
January 2006 and (Buringh, 1960)
landsat8, LC08_L1TP_170036_20140321, Earth Explore(USGS),
6 Land cover/land use
Land cover, Soil map and rainfall data were adopted to produce the
7 Runoff depth
runoff depth
Settlement centers and Iraqi ministry of Transportation
Population rural and
agricultural density Directorate of Nineveh Agriculture and Iraqi Central statistical
10 Livestock water demand
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Raid Mahmood Faisal and Mohammed Abdaki 222
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Figure 2: (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A7) of biophysical criteria
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Raid Mahmood Faisal and Mohammed Abdaki 224
surface water pollution (Wu et al., 2018). The Moreover, nearby locations will reduce the
study area has two districts, three sub-districts distance of pumping and diversion systems,
and 67 villages, which is shown in Figure 3 thus it would be preferable for stakeholders as
(B1). The area has a total 55.23 km and 219.95 it is cost effective. Distance from agriculture is
km respectively of main and secondary roads. also an important factor for sustainable water-
harvesting and it generally follows the same
Population and Agricultural Density pattern of distance to population density (Wu
et al., 2018). Figures 3 (B2) and (B3) illustrate
The distance from settlements is a key socio-
economic criteria for selecting optimal water-
harvesting sites. Proposed sites close to
residential areas and agriculture activities are Livestock Water Demand
most likely advantageous (Lloyd & Dennison, The Figure 3 (B4) illustrates the livestock water
2018). Stored water is a vital potential source demand. The water demand refers to the water
for agriculture and population settlement. requirements for many purposes including
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
agriculture, domestic use and livestock (Singh et to pair-wise comparison (Ochir et al., 2018).
al., 2017). The study area is mainly agricultural, Super Decision (SD) software 20.8 is used to
mostly barley and wheat, which consumes about assess weighting accuracy (Faisal & Ahmed,
89% of its water. Sheep rearing is also a major 2018). The consistency ratio of our AHP matrix
user. Water demand is estimated based on daily is 0.0123. The criteria weight of the study is
average needs for livestock and crops (Al- acceptable because consistency ratio is less than
Furaiji et al., 2016). 0.1 (Alkhatib et al., 2019; Faisal & Ahmed,
2018; Ochir et al., 2018; Saaty, 2008; Tupenaite
et al., 2017)
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
AHP is a statistics tool for multi-criteria decision GIS Model Building
analysis. It is used to weigh different parameters
to prioritize choices among criteria (Saaty, The suitability model developed using ArcGIS
2008). AHP allows researchers to assign weights 10.5 creates a water-harvesting map by merging
of criteria against others (Tupenaite et al., compatibility criteria of both vector and raster
2017). It iss utilized to weigh criteria separately databases using a weighted linear combination
according to their importance even though process. The criteria that were prepared to input
they are tangible or intangible (Shanableh et into the model includes re-classification of
al., 2018). The principle of AHP, according to criteria according to the degree of impact and
Ochir et al. (2018), stands on the concept of relative importance in Table 3 to obtain criteria
“Decomposition, comparative judgment and weight. Then, after converting the formulas of
synthesis of priorities”. The weights are given all parameters from the Vector data to the Raster
from 1-9, where 1 refers to equally important, data weights to each category of these variables
while 9 means that the parameter has much as shown in Table 4 were assigned. The model
more importance than others (Saaty, 2008). The aims to extract the Suitability Degree map
AHP method in this study used to weigh and by using the approach of average weighted,
rate input criteria for selecting suitable water- where it’s prepared by multiplying the variable
harvesting locations. The weight of certain weight obtained through AHP by its rank in
study criteria was based on experts’ opinions, Table 4 as in equation 1. The final output was
discussion with local authorities and literature collected to obtain the pixel validity of the map
review as shown in Table 4. The Table 3 in percentage by using the Algebra expression
demonstrates 14*14 of pairwise comparisons. (Raster Calculator). The highest pixel values are
First, set a hierarchy system of variables (Faisal isolated, which represents the highest degree of
& Ahmed, 2018). Second, is to derive weights validity through using the same tool. Figure 4
from a pairwise comparison of the importance expresses model steps.
between each two relevant parameters. Finally,
the consistency ratio is calculated according
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Table 3: AHP matrix and criteria weight
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
AHP Matrix
Consistency Ratio= 0.0123 Stream Criteria
Stream Stream
of Run Land Soil Agriculture Pop Livestock Settlement Weight
of Sixth Slope Rainfall of Fifth Elevation Roads
Seventh off Cover Group Density Density Density Centers
Order Order
Stream of
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 5 5 4 5 6 6 7 16.61%
seventh order
2 Runoff 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 4 4 3 4 5 4 6 12.78%
3 Landcover 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 10.86%
Stream of
4 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 10.38%
sixth order
5 Slope 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 10.06%
6 Soil group 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 5 9.74%
7 Rainfall 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 6.89%
Items: Agriculture
8 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4.24%
Raid Mahmood Faisal and Mohammed Abdaki
9 Pop density 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4.24%
Stream of
10 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3.70%
fifth order
11 Elevation 1/5 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3.58%
12 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1 1 1 1 2 2.83%
13 1/6 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1 2 2.48%
14 Roads 1/7 1/6 1/6 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1.59%
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
D.S = Degree of Suitability, Wi = Criterion weight (AHP outcome), Xi = criteria rank in Table 4.
Table 4: Biophysical and socio-economic criteria, rank, sub-class and AHP weight
Biophysical Criteria
No. Variable Classes Rank AHP
0-1000m 9
1000-2000m 6 16.61%
1 Stream of seventh order
2000-3000m 3
>3000m 1
0-1000m 9
1000-2000m 6 10.38%
2 Stream of sixth order
2000-3000m 3
>3000m 1
0-1000m 9
1000-2000m 6 3.70%
3 Stream of fifth order
2000-3000m 3
>3000m 1
96.2-125 (mm) 1
125-150 (mm) 2
150-175 (mm) 3
175-200 (mm) 4
4 Runoff 200-225 (mm) 5 12.78%
225-250 (mm) 6
250-275 (mm) 7
275-300 (mm) 8
>300 (mm) 9
Urban & settlement Rural 0
Gypsum land 2
Mountain or hills 3
Bare exposed rocks 3
5 Land cover/land use 10.86%
Exposed land 6
Grassland 8
Agriculture land 8
Water or wet land 8
Crops land 9
A 3
6 Soil group B 6 9.74%
C 9
172.4-200 (mm) 2
200-225 (mm) 3
225-250 (mm) 5 6.89%
7 Rainfall
250-275 (mm) 7
275-300 (mm) 8
>300 (mm) 9
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Biophysical Criteria
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Raid Mahmood Faisal and Mohammed Abdaki 230
Results and Discussion the north and middle of the study area are much
Potential Water-Harvesting Sites more suitable for water harvesting compared
to the south. The outcomes show that medium
The map in Figure 5 shows the results of the suitability has the largest percentage at 37.77%
suitability degree for water harvesting and (2315.72 km2) followed by low suitability at
location of potential dams. It was developed 29.10% (1784 km2) and then high suitability
by integrating multi-criteria evaluation by GIS at 24.895% (1525.9 km2). However, very low
based on an AHP statistical method, taking into suitability and very high suitability covers
account 14 layers, in order to yield the final 6.881% (421.80 km2) and 1.339% (82.06 km2)
map of optimal water harvesting suitability. respectively. As illustrated in Figure 6, around
Five comparable classes are used to indicate 63% of the study area is suitable for water
the degree of suitability for potential water- harvesting. In addition, the three dams were
harvesting sites: very high suitability, high located in high suitability areas. Table 5 shows
suitability, medium suitability, low suitability the coordinates for them.
and very low suitability. Figure 5 indicates that
Figure 5: Degree of suitability and potential suitable sites for water harvesting
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Proposed Sites for Dams cross-section profile of the proposed dam sites
Dams are the most common and appropriate in the study area. The TIN and polygon volume
structure for water harvesting (Adham et al., tools are used to calculate volume and height
2018). The Triangulated Irregular Network of dams with contour interval 2m. The storage
(TIN), drainage layer and contour lines functions capacity and profile of the three potential dams
of the ArcScene program are used to get a are shown in Figure 7.
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management Volume 16 Number 7, October 2021: 218-236
Raid Mahmood Faisal and Mohammed Abdaki 232
Figure 7: Proposed dams’ details, elevation, cross section and storage capacity in the study area
The results of the model and AHP analysis selection of harvesting sites. It reflects the
indicate that the study area is suitable for permeability and infiltration of water. However,
building water harvesting structures. From the higher stream order is directly proportional to
central to northern region, a medium degree of the high runoff supply of potential storage sites.
suitability is found. The suggested sites have The three dams are located on 7th order streams,
gentle slopes, which are crucial elements in so they have continuous water flow.
water-harvesting structures as they enhance All proposed sites are very close to intense
collection of runoffs. Ibrahim et al. (2019) agriculture activities, and will serve agricultural
suggested that slopes steeper than 7% are demand for water, including livestock. The sites
unsuitable due to irregular and rough runoff are near, but not too close to main and secondary
flow. They also require more earthworks. The roads, as the distance (0-150m) is restricted (Wu
potential sites are in zones receiving enough et al., 2018). They are also near the villages,
annual rainfall to trigger reasonable amounts so that not many earthworks are needed. These
of runoff. Stream order is a key element in the structures in inhabited croplands are more
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Raid Mahmood Faisal and Mohammed Abdaki 234
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